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Activities of Save the children:

Save the Children works to resolve the ongoing struggles children face every day poverty, hunger, illiteracy and disease and replaces them with hope for the future. It works to change the life of the children in united states and around the world. The major activities performed by save the children are:


Emergency Response

Health and Nutrition

HIV/AIDS Livelihoods and Food Security

Child Protection

Activities around the world:

Building Public Support for Children: Save the Children has established itself as a leader in influencing polices and increasing resources toward the improvement of global child survival and resolution of the child hunger crisis. Advocacy based on State of the Worlds Mothers Report, which focused on health workers in the developing world, helped to win new commitments from the U.S. Congress for President Barack Obamas Global Health Initiative. With the report and the push for the Global Health Initiative, which includes child health and nutrition programs, Save the Children has successfully channeled U.S government resources and policies to fight the problems of inadequate health care, nutrition, education and protection on behalf of children around the world See Where the Good Goes Campaign: Launched in June, See Where the Good Goes mobilizes citizen action in the U.S. to support local health care workers and community clinics worldwide in helping save more children from preventable or treatable illnesses. Haiti Earthquake Disaster: Since the devastating earthquake that struck Haiti in 2010, Save the Children has coordinated with Haitian authorities, the international community, local and international organizations and communities to reach an estimated 682,000 children and adults with lifesaving and lifesustaining assistance.

Programs for Children in the United States: Save the Children provides high-quality early childhood development, literacy, and physical activity and nutrition programs to more than 21,000 children in underserved, rural communities in 14 states. Additionally, our disaster preparedness programs are helping at-risk communities across the country lay the groundwork for future emergencies. Save the Childrens U.S.

Programs recently released a new report that revealed that 38 states and the District of Columbia have not enacted basic safeguards to protect children in school or child care during disasters. This year, Save the Children pushed for states to adopt four minimum standards to protect kids in disasters, as well as for federal passage of the Child Safety, Care and Education Continuity Act of 2010 (H.R. 5240/S. 2898). We also launched k2kUSA, an online campaign for kids to be advocates for each other and ensure every child a fair chance in life. Save the Childrens U.S. Programs was featured on American Idols Idol Gives Back telethon, which raised more than $45 million for our plan to help children living in rural poverty in the U.S. Rewrite the Future Campaign: Since 2006, Rewrite the Future has reached more than 12 million children in conflict-affected countries with access to improved education. Overall, the program has succeeded in enrolling one million children in school, the equivalent of opening two schools every day. Preventing HIV/AIDS: In Africa, Save the Children has instituted rigorous standards in the communities it supports for the care of orphans and vulnerable children. Save the Children now reaches 37 million children in 14 countries with these and other services. Save the Childrens collaboration with the government in Bangladesh provided messages and youth-friendly health services to 700,000 young people to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS.

School Health and Nutrition: This organizations School Health and Nutrition activities have helped more than 2 million children in 20 countries become healthier and better prepared to learn. Children who are undernourished or sick miss classes and fall behind in learning. Child Hunger Crisis: By mid 2010, Save the Children had already surpassed its total 2009 child hunger program revenue, serving some of the hardest-hit countries, including Haiti, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Malawi.

Activities in Bangladesh
Save the Children/US has been working in Bangladesh since 1972 to implement integrated community development programs. There programming focuses on Health, Population and Nutrition (HPN), Education, Field Operations and Disaster Management. Save the Children US has worked through direct implementation and partnerships in many parts of the country, including Dhaka, Chittagong, Barisal, Khulna, Rajshahi and Sylhet divisions. Through the various programs the Bangladesh Field Office ensure benefits to 20 million Bangladeshis with a special focus to poor and disadvantage population. Bangladesh Field Office (BFO) concentrates in core programs Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, School Health Nutrition, Neonatal Health and Adolescent Reproductive and Sexual Health.

Education Programs
The Education sector includes two core programs:


Early Childhood Development

Primary Education

The goal of the education sector is to ensure the rights of children by enabling their parents, as well as community members to meet their basic learning needs including knowledge, skills and attitudes for better living in their own environment.

The Early Childhood Development program includes Home Based Early Learning Opportunity Centers (HBELO) and Home Based Preschools (HBPS) in Nasirnagar. In these home based centers, children are involved in indoor-outdoor play, rhymes, songs and storytelling sessions. Parents and caregivers are offered ECD related training to increase their knowledge and confidence on child rearing.

The Primary Education program includes both in and out of school children in the range of 6-15 years for more accessibility to and availability of primary education opportunities. The out of school children in the same age range along with some adolescents are involved in the child-centred program Child-to-Child (CtC). The CtC program uses the 6-step approach to build their own capacity to identify problems and issues, plan intervention, implement and evaluate them. Lokokendra have been established to organise social awareness campaign. These are basically community learning and resource centers where children come to read books and learn developmental skills.

Health Programs:
The overall goal of the Health, Population and Nutition programming is to bring about sustainable improvements in the health status of individuals, families and communities, with special attention given to women and children, particularly the disadvantaged.

The goal of the School Health and Nutrition program targets school going children is to improve their health and nutrition status. The key activities include provision of health services including de-worming, Vitamin A and iron supplementation and first aid kits are provided to school-going children. Health Education on sanitation, hygienic behavior, nutrition and reproductive health issues are provided to school children. To create a safe and healthy learning environment and a supportive learning atmosphere, arsenic free water and proper latrines are provided. School Management Committee and Parent Teachers Associations are mobilized to maintain the general health and hygiene of the students. The Adolescent Reproductive and Sexual Health program, also known as KAISHAR (Knowledge and Attitude Improvement of Sexual Health for Adolescents' Responsibility) targets adolescents of 10-19 years to improve their reproductive and sexual health. The key activities under the KAISHAR program are peer education, development of tool box, life skill training in school, training for service providers, provision of ARSH health services and establishment of information outlets and workshops for gatekeepers.

Our Nutrition and Child Development Program (NCDP) addresses nutrition problems for children below three years. The NCDP uses the positive deviance approach under which a mother practicing good nutrition and hygienic behavior is used as a model for other mothers to follow.

SC/US is working in partnership with Government on Expanded Program of Immunization (EPI) and National Immunization Day (NID) to improve the routine immunization coverage. This program focuses on children who are not vaccinated and in hard to reach areas. In addition, the adolescents of our KAISHAR program will utilize the Tetanus Toxoid (TT) and reproductive health services through the Government facilities.

The Saving Newborn Lives (SNL) initiative in Bangladesh funded by Gates Foundation is working to strengthen and expand Essential Newborn Care (ENC) in the country since 2000. The initial focus is on provision of ENC for all newborns. BFO is implementing cost-effective, sustainable essential newborn care package at community and household level through partnership with the government and several leading NGOs (CARE, BRAC, BPHC and ICDDRB).

HIV/AIDS Programs
The BFO has been working on HIV/AIDS since 1995 and implements a preventive strategy in the rural areas, which promotes safer sex behavior to reduce vulnerability of adolescents as the primary target with an additional focus on HIV/AIDS/STD awareness across all programs. SCUSA has also building capacity of its own staff members on HIV/AIDS related issues in Bangladesh.

Field Operations and Disaster Management

The Disaster Management Program Section focuses on children and women to ensure that specific child and gender issues are highlighted and given due attention during emergencies. Save the Children US is leading the Save the Children Alliance to ensure support in all kinds of emergencies and disaster in Bangladesh. Save the Children US emphasizes rapid response to emergencies in order to save childrens lives and protect their well-being. The Bangladesh Field Office (BFO) made significant progress in improving the quality and innovation in its programs in the recent years. There have been new initiatives to provide the office a strong base with a new look -- more impressive to the external audience, searching for new strategic opportunities and ensuring quality program activities. This organization also have an excellent collaborative partnership with MOHFW, MOE, MOA and are a member of various Networks of Bangladesh.

Ways To Give:
Save the Children responds quickly and effectively to children in need during natural disasters and conflict and helps to resolve the ongoing struggles children face every day replacing poverty, hunger, illiteracy and disease with hope for the future. One can help the organization by providing a wide range of programs around the world whenever and wherever they can make a difference for children in need. individual donations go to services and support such as: Emergency assistance, including food, medical care and safe places to play in times of crisis Appropriate foods and nutrition to build strong, healthy bodies and minds Safe drinking water to eliminate or reduce water-borne diseases

Medical intervention, access to health care and family education in health and hygiene Schools, safe playgrounds and extracurricular learning activities Access to income and employment, markets, goods and services for childrens families Through many options to donate practically and effectively, one can be an agent of change in the lives of children surviving in the poorest places across the globe.

Save the Children is the leading independent organization creating lasting change in the lives of children in need in the United States and around the world. When disaster strikes around the world, Save the Children is there to save lives with food, medical care and education and remains to help communities rebuild through long-term recovery programs. Save the Children serves impoverished, marginalized and vulnerable children and families in more than 120 nations. Their programs reach both children and those working to save and improve their lives, including parents, caregivers, community members and members of its partner organizations. it helps to save childrens lives, protect them from exploitation and assist them in accessing education and health care. Through disaster risk reduction, emergency preparedness, rapid humanitarian relief and long-term recovery programs, Save the Children also assists millions of girls and boys at risk of or affected by natural disasters, conflicts and ethnic violence. Over the years, Save the Children US in Bangladesh has positioned itself as a national player through its development programs to participate in national strategic responses to emerging threats, such as arsenic and HIV/AIDS. Save the Children US believes both collaboration and partnerships are necessary for achieving scale and impact and has focused attention on contributing to national, regional, and local level.

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