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Supervised by: Proof. Dr. Saleh Mubarak


REG NO: 194505
REG NO: 194026
The health care was passed in many stages of evolution over the years
and different civilizations, and has established many mistakes, as well as
many successes, which affected the humanitarian history with
experiences and expertise It is very impact in the compass of civilization
.towards progress and dazzling
Human sciences have also been divided into multiple sections, and the
sciences and developed depending on human and circumstances, and
medical science is one of these sciences that have been mentioned since
the creation of human beings. All States recognize the right of every
human being to enjoy the highest level that can be reached by physical
and mental health, so each State must take a number of measures to
ensure full practice for this right, and its heads of circumstances It is to
secure medical and care services for all cases of disease. Many States are
enriching a large part of their budget for this area to provide appropriate
medical service and to find qualified administrative competencies to
ensure the most of the available potentials, which are to build centers
Care and hospitals and increases them to devise and destinations as well
as the human powers. And do not hide the suffering of the Yemeni
people in the field of health care on one, where many obstacles to this
.area are developed in Yemen, which are considered wars and conflicts

 Project definition:
The medical name suddenly has not suddenly as a new normal, but it is
an extension of the provisions since human dawn, such as the centers
and medical complexes that have evolved and progressed until they
reached its current concept, Here that the medical city has passed
several stages to reach what is now there is no consumer definition of
medical term, and through the study of qualification and cluster terms
Medical city can be defined as an integrated medical complex that offers
.a range of medical services in one place
These services include diagnosis, treatment, scientific research,
education and other services that achieve the medical targets of the
.state, And lead to the development of the level of health services

 Causes of project selection:

There are several reasons for the selection of the medical city project
can be clarified:
1-The urgent need: Yemen is currently facing great health challenges as
a result of continuous conflict and difficult humanitarian situations and
has established a medical city in Aden that can meet the urgent need for
health and provide medical services to analysts.
2- Infrastructure Development: Health offers opportunities to develop
health infrastructure in Aden and strengthen medical capabilities in the
city by building health centers with the latest medical technologies and
3- Strengthening Medical Tourism: It can become facing medical tourism
where people from different countries for high quality treatment and
health care will help enhance the local economy and increase
employment opportunities in the medical and tourist section.
4- Strengthening medical scientific role: By establishing medical
institutes and research training centers for local medical cadres and
increasing experience and knowledge in health care.

 The importance of medical city:

Medical cities are one of the most important health assets in any country
and play a vital role in providing high quality health care and promoting
medical and economic development.
1-Providing specialized health care: Such as: surgery, internal diseases,
dental medicine, children's medicine and others These facilities are
equipped with the latest medical techniques to ensure the prescription
of patients.
2- Medical Covenants: Medical cities provide jobs for doctors, nurses
and other health professionals, where such facilities require the
operation of many eligible and specialized medical cadres and enhances
the exchange of knowledge among medical personnel.
3- Strengthening medical tourism: Where patients comes from other
governorates or countries to obtain health care and care in these
facilities, which supports health tourism and contributes to the
strengthening of the local economy.
4- Reduce health costs: where medical cities play a role in reducing
health costs for patients instead of traveling outside the country to
obtain specialized treatment and enhance the facilitated access to the
health care of the community.
5- Strengthening the ability to deal with health emergency: to deal with
emergency situations and health disasters and provide care for injuries
and affected.

 General and special objectives:

1-Building an integrated health sector and providing health care for
2-Facilitate access to citizens instead of going abroad.

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