Great CityGC Castle Ward

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Writing, Design, and Development

Lou Agresta, Rone Barton, Tim Hitchcock, John E. Ling, Greg Oppedisano, Brendan Victorson

Lou Agresta, Rone Barton, Tim Hitchcock, Nicolas Logue

Mario Barbati

Art Director

3d modeling: Guido Barbati,
Texture map artist: Mario Barbati


Cover Artist
Eric Lofgren

Interior Artist
Hugh Vogt

Special Thanks
Martha Agresta, Mario Barbati, Carlos Brown, Liz Courts, Anna Fava, Carli Hitchcock, Søren Kierkegaard, Susan Ling,
Megan Ling, Daniel Ling, Nicolas Logue, Elizabeth Newgarden, The Craig Shackleton and his damn utilikilt, the rest of
the Werecabbages.

For more information on the werecabbages check out

A bout a year ago, Mario started dropping

suggestions for a book that would tie together
several of map locations, all of which centered on a
we send our personal gratitude. In particular, we’d
like to thank Liz Courts— webmistress of Cabbage
Land— who provided the messageboards we
product called The Great City. covered with hundreds of Great City posts, and
I was excited about taking on the project. I’d always who tirelessly read and critiqued our posts and
loved the old Flying Buffalo City Books and Judge’s manuscripts.
Guild’s City of the Invincible Overlord because they
were extremely detailed and you could pick them up Finally, thanks to Mario Barbati who in addition to
and plug them in anywhere. While I wanted to create releasing consistently great products, has generously
something of that caliber, I also wanted to ensure the allowed me and fellow cabbages to contribute to
Great City brought its own new and unique elements them.
to the table.
And so without further ado, we bid you welcome to
Thankfully, I have the good sense to surround the Great City. We sincerely hope you enjoy it!
myself with very talented writers, each with powerful
and distinct voice. The Great City consists of six Tim Hitchcock
wards. Each claimed their own chunk of the city
and moved in. Brendan took the Army Ward, Greg
took the Dock Ward, Lou took the Residential Ward,
John took the Trades Ward, Rone took the Temple
Ward, and I took the Castle Ward. We set to work,
developing the city, creating conflicts and battling
each other with ideas, pitting our NPCs against
the machinations of the NPCs of other writers,
organically role-playing ideas out even as we put
them to paper. It was a blast.

I’d be remiss if I failed to explain the significant

contribution Werecabbages played in creating this
product. So, to all our fellow Lycanthropic Brassicas,
Chapter 4: Castle Ward

Castle Ward
The Castles, Emperor’s Hand, Goatland

T he Great City rests at the ocean’s edge, where

the mountains spill down into the earth. There
the first tribes raised their stones and made holy that
Azindralean Revolt from the previous generation.
Following the riots, the displaced aristocracy driven
from the outer wards resettled along the eastern foot
place where the moonlight crept between the tall of Lord’s Hill, in what was then a small mercenary
peaks. But when the men from beyond the western district separated from the Temple Ward by the Way
seas arrived, they climbed higher into the hills above of Champions. They dubbed the new nobles district
the sacred groves and upon them erected a towering East Hill. Of the original buildings in East Hill, only
fortress of dull uncaring rock, whose spires reached the Mercenaries Guild and the Festhall remain. They
ominously into the night skies and blocked the tore down the rest of the buildings, making way for
moonlight, darkening the grove, and laying like silent the botanical masterpiece now known as Pantheon
omens of the ages to come. Gardens, while the stone and masonry barracks sold
to private citizens and who converted them into
To this day, Castle Ward remains a staggering effigy large residential homes. Houses circle around a wide
to the Empirical Age, when the Blood Triperium first cobbled plaza known as Old Guard Way, which the
laid siege to Old Azindralea, conquering its simple conquerors paved to prevent the commoners from
people and churning their meager settlement into grazing their goats there. All the houses along Old
a towering modern metropolis. Atop Lord’s Hill, Guard Way face inwards towards the plaza. Early in
the mammoth Castle Atregan shadows the entire the morning, eager peasant vendors sidle up to the
valley, its menacing stone visage drilling fear and stone curbs, their carts brimming with fresh breads,
awe into the common citizens living below. Even milk, cheeses, fruit, soups, coffee, and eggs hoping
more inspiring are the tales of what lies beneath the to hawk them to waking aristocrats.
castle, wrapped in miles of dungeons and twisted
catacombs commissioned by the Kortezian Blood The west end of the ward consists of upscale
Emperors for purposes no sane individual would businesses, such as inns and shops that cater
dare wish to know. to the Kortezian aristocracy, situated around the
Grand Square of Heroes or along the Royal Mile.
The remainder of Castle Ward clings about the foot A few older shops remain as well. These specialize
of Lord’s Hill. While the architecture is definitively in martial weaponry and armors, throwbacks from
Kortezian, only a fraction remains from the Empirical when mercenaries populated the ward. West, a row
Age. Most of the original structures suffered from of alders planted along the base of the hill blocks
vandalism and arson during the peasant riots of the passage to the Army Ward, while to the south the
Way of Lords marks the beginning of the Trades

All citizens are free to enter Castle Ward, though In order for citizens to enter government

Chapter 4: Castle Ward

they toss vagrants and other undesirables out facilities in Castle Ward, they are required
pretty quickly. The Atregans and other royal families to possess invitation passes, marked and
attempt to create the appearance that they’re sealed documents declaring their identity
tolerant and copasetic folk, even though they’re not and purpose. Passes must be presented to
particularly. The law here is unclear, allowing the guards upon entering and exiting government
Lordsgaurd to grab whomever the feel is suspicious buildings, or upon request anywhere on the
and hold them for questioning, regardless of legal premises. Typically, invitation passes are
formalities such as merchant papers or diplomatic only granted to dignitaries, soldiers, and
passes. The Lordsguard looks after their own as others who serve civic positions. Most expire
well as their employers, and frequently lie about the annually, to limit forgeries. Punishment
brutality of their actions, especially against lower for sale or possession of a forged pass is
class citizenry. Therefore, while peasants remain free considered high treason and punishable by
to walk into East Hill and scrawl protestant graffiti death.
upon castle walls, if apprehended, they’d be forced to Visitors without an invitation pass must
crawl home with broken legs. formally sign in and out of buildings, at
which time they are given a temporary pass
Of course, entering a private residence or embossed on a wax seal containing their
government building provokes a different reaction. In name, business and the date, which they must
such places, visitors must possess formal invitation wear and display at all times.
passes or are requested to check-in.

The law permits noble residents to act against off street hoodlums, and their lavish spending when
trespassers with lethal force, a legal loophole they take to the town flush with recovered treasures.
that immoral aristocrats sometimes manipulate,
‘accidentally’ killing staff, beggars, or any other Within the past few years, a heinous and disturbing
opposition as convenient. The authorities rarely activity, known as devil coupling, has cropped up
investigate such crimes, thus the locals give among a select group of radical Triperium loyalists
notoriously cruel lords wide berth. As would be who call themselves Ghurophites. Originally,
expected, Castle Atregan, The Court Under the devil coupling was one of the many elicit services
Mountain and several other areas restrict public Jadru Neeler provided for the pleasure of his
access entirely and visitors must be escorted by the jaded clientele; however these individuals take the
Lord’s Guard at all times. coupling one step farther, and have begun breeding
with powerful outsiders in order to create a race of
Special Interests superhumans. Their progeny now run with fiendish
blood and mature at a heightened rate. Many reach
Castle Ward is largely a haven for both Kortezian
adulthood in a matter of months, and soon these
nobility and aristocracy who support the Triperium
revolutionaries will spawn an entire army with which
occupation. As many judiciary and legal forums take
to rest control of the Triperium from the Atregans.
place in the Court Under the Mountain, the ward also
draws would-be politicians, consultants, and anyone
else desiring to try their hand manipulating the Power Groups
political structure. Constant power struggles create a
demand for spies, and espionage is pervasive. The Atregan Family
The Atregans are a powerful family of Kortezian
Castle Ward once possessed a dominant royalty hailing from The Empirical Province of
mercenary district for a reason. It lies in close Terrolaz. The Atregan’s have lorded over the Great
proximity to both the extensive dungeons beneath City at various periods across the past thousands
the mountains and to the surrounding highlands of years, first colonizing it during the Empirical Age,
filled with giants, trolls, and other monstrous abandoning it during their own civil war, and then
dangers. Adventurers come by the dozens, book attempting to re-conquer it in recent times. Currently,
long-term rooms at various inns, even rent the Atregans control great power in the western world
apartments in East Hill, and use the Ward as a base due to the head of the family, Lord Othorion Atregan
camp. While some locals frown upon the moral XIII, emperor of the Blood Triperium, who the people
ambiguity and often crude and vulgar behavior of have nicknamed Ironsoul for his merciless, heavy-
adventurers, most appreciate their talent for driving handed leadership and absolute tyranny.
CASTLE WARD (The Castles, Emperor’s Hand, Goatland) 0 120 240


2 2

1 10





2 2


YA 6
tradesfolk. Not of the noble caste, they seek entry
CASTLE Ward Map Key into elitism by blackmail, bullying, and other
despicable means. Even they realize that they’ve
1 The Castle become sellouts to the common citizenry from

Chapter 4: Castle Ward

2 Guardpost Tower which they stem – and from whom they now wish so
3 Sighting Tower desperately to distance themselves. Of course, many
4 The Red Dragon Tavern nobles realize the value of their work and pay them
5 The Yawning Well, Inn handsomely for their underhandedness.
6 Weaponsmith Shop
The Dandymen
7 Armorsmith Shop
8 Exotic Weapons Shop The Dandymen consist of a covert group of young
9 Martial Law, Festhall aristocrats in their late teens to early twenties, who
desire more thrills than their pampered upbringings
10 Mercenaries’ Guildhall
provide. They rob, thug, and vandalize for sport;
11 Grand Square of Heroes
plotting dubious capers and heists, beating up local
law enforcers, and terrorizing shopkeepers. Some
even work for the League of Magistrates, juiced that
their own fathers have unwittingly hired them to
execute their nefarious tasks.
His heir, Lord Erasmus Atregan VI, lords over the
Great City. Lord Erasmus is a sour and incompetent
man, whose weak chin and thin boyish beard
have inspired the towns people to nickname him Lord Erasmus Atregan
“the goat.” Though not yet a true ruler, Erasmus “The Goat”
nonetheless insists the people address him as
such. Erasmus is a weak ruler; however, his father
maintains close watch on his son’s leadership and
possesses many agents willing and able to interject
on his behalf at a moments notice.

Court Under the Mountain

The Court Under the Mountain arose during the
pre-Empirical era as a simple electoral–based judicial
system and a more civilized alternative to the violent
blood-trials held in the Square of Heroes. In keeping
with tradition, The Court Under the Mountain is a
public forum, held in an open-air courtyard, just east
of The Square of Heroes. While all citizens are free to
comment, panel judiciaries consider only statements
delivered by an official court barrister. Barristers
represent groups of citizens within the communities
and act as liaisons between the common folk and
Blood Senators whose needs most often serve their
Atregan liege lord first. Barristers occasionally take
advice from the crowd, provided it favors them;
however, they typically act in accordance with their
constituents before presenting them to Blood
Senator Tharix.

League of Magistrates
While most citizens of the Great City stand against
the Atregan occupation, many of the new bourgeois
seek to win Atregan favor and perhaps gain nobility.
These scheming brown-nose magistrates seek
to progress up the length of Erasmus’s anus and
into his good graces by buying properties, driving
out opposition with high rents, and by creating
monopolies ruinous to smaller independent
Prejudice In Castle Ward
Chapter 4: Castle Ward

Underlying prejudice plays a prominent role when determining NPC attitudes in Castle Ward. The table
below demonstrates typical NPC reactions as per race. There are plenty of exceptions and the GM is
encouraged to use these relations to create general mood, rather than punitive effects towards players.
NPC Attitude Based on Race
Non-Atregan Pro-Triperium
Atregens Kortezians Azindraleans Azindraleans Azzywogs Gurs
Atregens Friendly Indifferent Indifferent Indifferent Unfriendly Unfriendly
Kortezians Helpful Helpful Friendly Indifferent Unfriendly Unfriendly
Azindraleans Helpful Helpful Helpful Unfriendly Unfriendly Unfriendly
Azindraleans Unfriendly Unfriendly Hostile Helpful Indifferent Indifferent
Azzywogs Indifferent Indifferent Indifferent Indifferent Helpful Indifferent
Gurs Indifferent Indifferent Indifferent Indifferent Indifferent Friendly

The members keep their identities secret, even The majority of Castle Ward’s wealthy elite
from their colleagues, and wear elaborate disguises maintain ties to the most powerful Clans of
and masks. Ironically, the leader of the Dandymen the Blood Triperium, the families that own vast
is Emilette Renfoult, the daughter of prominent properties in their homelands. They immigrated to
nobleman, Casmir Renfoult*. She uses the alias Emil the colonies as part of Othorian’s New Resourcing
the Laughing Thorn. Plan, through which their families offered to fund
*for more information on Casmir, see Notable the reconstruction of colonies overseas in exchange
NPCs below. for large tracts of farm land and forests, shipping
rights, and the Blood Triperium’s military and naval
Ghurophites protection.
This small group of Kortezian nobles seeks to
create a master race of humans by breeding with A few of the non-nobility, including successful
powerful fiendish outsiders. They keep on good adventures and other less savory characters such as
terms with Jadru Needler and often reserve the crime bosses, evangelical priests, or the occasional
House of Penance for private parties. well-cultured assassin, also own or rent in Castle
Ward. Still, regardless of their wealth, the bourgeois
nobility tends to write such folk off as second-class
Citizens & Activities
citizenry, whose fast-money fails to amend their lack
The Castle Ward is largely comprised of Kortezian of class and culture.
nobility, mostly of mixed-clan descent. Less than a
third of the population are new immigrants, though The remaining citizens either work as live-in
the majority are only first or second-generation servants or provide high-end services to the nobility.
colonists. As would be expected, there’s a slightly During the day, the ward fills with an array of
higher percentage of Terrolazians, particularly from peddlers, tailors, wheelwrights, and others of simple
clan Atregan. The remaining human population professions, though they vacate at dusk as few of
consists of native Azindraleans and those of mixed them can afford to live in the Ward.
Azindralean and Kortezian heritage (sometimes
called Azzywogs, though the term is considered
somewhat derogatory).
Notable Npcs

Other humanoids are less frequent and include Tax Warden Poulias Atregan
long-term transients, such as adventures and An azzywog from the Trades Ward, Poulias lucked
foreign dignitaries from humanoid kingdoms. out when his mother remarried a distant cousin of
Finally, one might occasionally encounter one who Erasmus, on his mother’s side. Once gifted with the
is of “suspicious” blood; however, such individuals clan name, Poulias quickly left home and rented a
usually live in the outer wards and only appear in the flat in East Hill before his new father-in-law changed
passing. One exception is the family of dwarves that his mind about the relationship. Though weak-
runs the Crier’s Belfry, though they dislike light and chinned and somewhat weaselish, this young man
therefore, rarely leave their spire. was always good with numbers; so he took a job at
personal attendants and hidden snipers, lurking in
Determining Who’s Who nearby alleys and on rooftops.
The Great City is the sum of its residents, Tharix enjoys a certain amount of respect from

Chapter 4: Castle Ward

so knowing who’s who often proves a crucial the common citizenry, uncharacteristic of most
factor to survival. Powerful and prominent Kortezian nobility; perhaps because he was born
society figures, such as Kortezian nobility, and raised in Residential Ward. His mother, Cerixia
Tax Wardens, street gang bosses, generals or immigrated to the Great City. She was forced to leave
even local restaurateurs are easily recognized, the home country by her embarrassed parents, after
while those of lesser prestige are much harder she became pregnant out of wedlock to a man whose
to identify. Players can identify prominent name she refused to divulge. Though his curly black
figures with a Knowledge (local) or Knowledge hair, thick eyebrows, and skewering ice-blue eyes
(nobility and royalty) skill check (DC 30 minus hinted of Atregan blood, he took his mother’s clan
the individual’s CR.) Alternately, players name and she raised him as such.
can use Gather Information to determine
identities, though its still requires the Despite his ignoble and humble beginnings, few
standard 1d4+1 hours. individuals realize that Tharix may be the most
powerful individual in the Great City. Cerixia’s
Conversely, for individuals maintaining an lover was none other than Othorion XIII. Shortly
alias or actively practicing covert methods of after her parents sent her to live in the Azindralea,
remaining out of the public eye, calculate the Othorion traveled to the Great City on the pretense
difficulty using DC 10 + the individual’s CR. of reestablishing Kortezian control of the colony. The
two lovers secretly continued their affair in private
over the next decade, until political issues forced
the tax-wardens office and occasionally supplements the emperor to return to Terrolaz. Shortly thereafter,
his meager income by counting cards in the Dock assassins representing an unknown political
District at night. One night, his boss accompanied affiliation abducted and executed Cerixia. Othorian
him to an illegal high stakes game, promptly suspected his wife’s hand in the murder, but never
giving away his secret during their second hand of raised any public accusations, fearing to reveal the
Monk’s Cudgel. Thugs ejected the two men from secret of his bastard son.
the gambling hall and beat them until they spat bile.
Pitifully, they crawled back to Castle Ward; however, Only days after his mother’s death, a Kortezian
the old warden’s beating proved too severe, and later attendant arrived to care for young Tharix, along with
that evening he died from internal hemorrhaging. a generous stipend, both of which were provided
After recovering, Poulias took up the job of Tax by an unknown benefactor. He received a formal
Warden. education and upon graduation, immediately
became heavily involved in politics. Over the years,
True to form, the young man retains his uncanny the young man has received many visits from his
ability to manipulate numbers along with his mysterious benefactor and his aides, and following
complete lack of martial prowess. Therefore, he their counsel has made him very successful. Finally,
hired dozens of lurking thugs to act as his collection his benefactor revealed himself as both Tharix’s
agents and personal bodyguards. A handful of father and the emperor of the Blood Triperium, along
retainers always accompany him, whether their with his plan to one day name his illegitimate son
appearance is obvious or not. Regardless, Poulias soul heir and seat him upon the throne. In this, he
never fails to find new ways to make money, both would serve vengeance to his queen for orchestrating
legitimate and under the table. the murder of Cerixia, the only woman he ever loved.

Blood Senator Tharix Magorthus It was explained then that his half-brother
The Blood Senator of Castle Ward is a striking Erasmus was weak-mind, spoiled, self absorbed
young noble form the Magorthus Clan, named and incompetent. Othorion would orchestrate the
Tharix. Standing just shy of six feet, he possesses upcoming public forums so that Tharix received a
a warrior’s build and stance, uncommon among nomination and appointment to the role of Blood
politicians. Still, he carries himself in a reserved Senator for Castle Ward. There, with both an ear and
and cautious manner, diligently listens to the cases a tongue in reach of Erasmus, he could manipulate
and complaints of various constituents, and spends him as a puppet.
a lot of his time at the public forums held at the
Court Under the Mountain. While he keeps himself At present, its impossible for anyone to tell just
approachable, he rarely travels unguarded by both how much control Tharix has over his half-brother.
He meets with him infrequently and then only
formally as the designated ward representative. never sleeps. Unfortunately, their accounts seem
Conversely, his ruse seems to be working perfectly, as unreliable as those few who have dared to receive his
other factions bear him no suspicion and keep their consultations seem stricken with madness.
Chapter 4: Castle Ward

focus on the incompetent Erasmus.

Jadru Neeler
Dar Lirsson The name Jadru Neeler is often whispered
A soft-spoken gentleman in his late forties, Dar throughout the streets of Castle Ward. The enigmatic
Lirsson has served on the Lordsguard for over owner of the House of Penance is a prominent
three decades. Dar pledged himself to the military social figure, perhaps more influential upon the
academy along with the rest of his peers from the Kortezian nobility than any would dare believe.
Residential Ward after a series of long droughts The burlesque show ringmaster parades about his
robbed his family of their farmlands. Few within club in gaudy finery often posing as some sort of
the Lordsguard would doubt Dar’s loyalties to diabolic magician. He makes frequent appearances
the Atregan family, though at heart Dar remains within the House of Penance, mingling with high-
dedicated to his people. What no one knows is society clients. Jadru is a charming and clever
that Dar’s real surname is Brownback, the son of conversationalist, whose ruthless sexual innuendos
revolutionary activist Lir Brownback of Horse’s Alley spark rumors that his charm infects the wives of
who helped organize several arson attacks during dozens of noblemen. Still, most discover it difficult
the peasant uprisings that followed the Backwater to get Jadru into a conversation and harder to keep
Rebellion. After the Lordsguard caught his father, his attentions. Securing a private audience with him
they tortured him before hanging him along with is nearly impossible to any but his closest friends
several of Dar’s relatives in the Heroes Square. For and advisors.
twelve full days, they left the bodies for the people
to watch as crows picked their eyes clean. Dar uses Most perceive Jadru’s persona as an act and
his position to gather inside information, which think he’s nothing more than a narcissist playboy
he supplies to dozens of anti-Atregan activists and surrounded by sycophants eager to partake in his
eagerly hopes for the right opportunity to start a debaucheries. In truth, Jadru created this public
Tymithius Belano
Tymithius is second cousin to Erasmus, a half-
blooded Belano and member of the Atregan clan by
marriage. His loyalties lie first to himself, then the
Belano Clan and finally the Blood Triperium. Lord
Erasmus suspects that his cousin ‘s only duty is
to observe his rule and gather information to send
back to his father. He hasn’t guessed that Tymithius
lusts for his cousin’s position, and seeks to wrest
it from him once he proves how incompetent
Erasmus truly is.

Umi, the aged, blind stable keep is rumored to be
the oldest man in Castle Ward. Each day at dawn,
wrapped in a thick wool blanket, he walks alone up
the Kings Causeway to the stables. There he tends
the horses, leading them into the paddocks where
they run and graze. During the day, he retrieves
them one by one for grooming. Then at sunset, he
stables them, wraps himself back in his blanket,
and heads back down to town. He’s a quiet man
mostly, speaking only to the small pink-cheeked
children eager to know about the horses. Still, those
in shadowed places claim that Umi knows things
others have forgotten and believe his pale cataracts
perceive an ancient ghost from before the coming
of the Kortezians. Those who know of his powers
claim to consult with him after dark, for the old man
image to disguise his true nature. He does in fact a second thought, she knelt down and cut the
possess fiendish blood and uses his depraved, but noble’s purse from his belt, then happily sauntered
seemingly harmless club to manipulate the ruling home. Emillette it seemed, discovered a cure for her
class to his needs. boredom. She had found her niche.

Chapter 4: Castle Ward

Casmir Renfoult Emillette is currently the covert leader of the
Casmir is only a second-generation aristocrat, his Dandymen (see organizations above).
mother having married a prominent art dealer born
from a mixed line of pre-empirical Kortezians, who Nagrossa Jotendottir
opted to remain in the Great City during the Civil Stalking the Castle Ward grounds, the towering
War. His family has long standing ties to both the half-giantess Nagrossa relentlessly searches for
Kortezians and the Azindralean people. Upon his excuses to enforce the law: her sole means of venting
father’s desires and finances, he studied formally years of pent anger directly attributable to a crappy
as a barrister. Soon after, family ties coupled with childhood. Although a member of the Lordsguard,
his quick wit and natural charm made him an her allegiance lies with the Castle Ward Blood
instant success in court. Over the years, Casmir Senator, Tharix Magorthus, a man she credits with
has become an important representative both for saving her from a life of shoveling dung in the city
mixed citizens and Azindraleans supportive of the sewers. Unlike many of her kind, Nagrossa is smart
foreign occupation. His major platforms include as a whip, clean and meticulous. She possesses the
social reforms and guaranteed rights for all citizens, uncanny ability to see through fraudulent statements
as well as creating profitable business opportunities and has no patience for liars. Strong as a brace of
for his constituents, most of whom are in housing oxen, she pummels thugs with her hammer-sized
and development. His constituents have also fists, which she wraps in studded leather cestuses.
made Casmir rich and both a socially and politically She also carries a wide assortment of manacles and
influential member of Castle Ward. chains for those criminals she intends to drag before
the royal court.
Emillette Renfoult
Something was always wrong with Emillette. The Keyed Locations
reticent child spent most of her time lost in thought,
her pale moon-shaped forehead buckled in pensive 1. Castle Atregan
wrinkles as she studied the people and places around
Of all the sites of the Great City, perhaps the most
her. Before her father sent her to the academy for
impressive is Castle Atregan. Perched atop Lord’s
formal education, he’d bring his daughter to court
Hill like some hunched stone leviathan, its burnished
with him. There she memorized the faces of all the
spires gleam as they pierce the gloomy clouds
people, giving them odd nicknames and pretending
that roll down from the surrounding peaks. For
they were all secretly monsters, hidden beneath
centuries, the cold gray granite walls have housed
those mortal skins.
and protected the Atregan family’s descendants,
even long after their first occupation ended. Aside
By the time she reached puberty, her strangeness
from the Temple of the Moon, which predates the
seemed to have subsided as predicted by her doting
First Colony, Castle Atregan is probably the oldest
father. At least publicly. She wore fancy clothes and
structure in the Great City. Serving first as a bastion
attended formal events filled with eager suitors. She
of the original settlement, it has grown over the
curtsied when appropriate. Emillette always learned
centuries, the result of the toils of countless slaves
games quickly and transforming into a socialite
and servants who struggled to meet the edicts of
seemed simple enough to her. Still, flattering her
dozens of self-absorbed rulers who vainly demanded
father’s clients and feigning submissiveness before
modifications so spectacular that the would stand as
pompous young nobles bored her quickly.
timeless effigies to reflect their own greatness. But,
further rumor persist that many of these lords died
One night, she slipped out of a party early, pursued
too soon, claimed by madness and assassins, and
eagerly by a young gentleman whom she found
their restless spirits haunt the castle, angrily waiting
rather annoying. On their way through the darkened
to walk once more in mortal flesh.
streets, a thug robbed the couple at knifepoint, and
taking the opportunity to rid herself of the pesky
2. The Guardposts
suitor, she conked him on the back of the head with a
rock while he trembled in fear before the street thug. Climbing up the hill towards the impenetrable,
Her actions stunned the thug for a moment, then ironbound gates of Castle Atregan winds a wide,
seeing the bleeding man, he ran off into the night cobbled road called the Lord’s Causeway. After
leaving Emillette standing alone in the alley. Without suffering through thousands of freezing winters
and centuries of traffic by tradesmen, nobles,
Chapter 4: Castle Ward

block their escape. Atop, rotating turrets equipped

Castle Atregan with fitted ballista and spyglass sights swivel about,
Ground Floor Map Key eternally scanning the surrounding properties.

1 Gate In addition to those along Lord’s Causeway, two

2-3 Guardpost older guardposts mark the far end of the keep
4 Inner Courtyard grounds, on the hillside opposite the castle’s main
5 Courtyard
entrance. These, however, are less up to date.
6-7 Public Archives
Following years of neglect, the chipped stone of
8-9 Magistrates
their squared corners crumbles and cracks beneath
10-11 Empty room
12-19 Tower the piercing roots of creeping vines and rasping
20 Empty room mountain winds. Recently, the Atregan have taken
21 Armory efforts to restore the towers. Although architects
22-27 Barrack and builders fear their collapse, they clamber with
28 Gate workers who have shored and braced the structures
29-30 Guardpost with wood and steel, barely ensuring their stability.
31 Refectory While the towers remain largely unoccupied, the
32 Kitchen construction site houses numerous encampments of
33 Stables guards stationed to keep order among the workers,
34-36 Privy seek out potential breeches in security, and provide
37 Storage warnings and initial defenses against attacks from
38 Privy the mountain lands.
39 Storage
3. Sighting Towers
Castle Ward possesses two sighting towers,
pilgrims and petitioners, the last of the original strategically situated up Castle Hill on either side of
cobbles wore to dust, leaving in its wake a mottled the Castle, allowing Lord Atregan’s men to keep an
collage of replacement flagstones of varying age and eye on the flanking districts below.
craftsmanship. At varied stops along the causeway,
circular bunkers of thick stone, two stories tall, arch 4. The Red Dragon Inn
over the cobbles, forcing travelers to travel where
This is older Inn frequented mostly by retired
troops can inspect their cargo. A counterweighted
guardsmen and other Kortezians of the working
pulley system allows soldiers to trap intruders
class who immigrated to the colonies for a better
between arches by lowering barred iron gates to
life. It attracts little attention save that Umi, the
Chapter 4: Castle Ward
6. Weaponsmith Shop
Castle Atregan One of three shops owned and operated by Langos
First Floor Map Key Marwuckle and Sons, a family of arms manufacturers
and dealers from the southlands. The weaponsmith
1-2 Guardpost
shop specializes in high-end swords, axes, and
3 Meeting hall
4 Audience hall bladed pole arms; manufactures masterwork blades;
5 Balcony and even does repair work. They refuse to peddle
6-7 Parlour or trade in lower quality items and simple weapons
8-15 Tower such as clubs or even morning stars, which they
16-18 Elite Guards Barrack consider the crude tools of common butchers and
19 Meeting room talentless thugs.

7. Armorsmith Shop
blind stable keeper, rents a basement room from Another of the Marwuckle shops, this one deals
the owner. Umi is rumored to have lived there exclusively in the manufacture and repair of high-end
so long that the sale of the property carries the metal armors; specifically, complex suits of mail.
contingency of his continual lease. They also do custom finish work both on armor
and shields; including embossing, engraving, color
5. The Yawning Well Inn lacquering, and emblazoning. They have a variety
Known for fine food and finer women, the of crests on file, both new and ancient, and for a
Yawning Well Inn draws late night crowds of the modest fee, can easily confirm the age, manufacturer
Castle District’s wealthiest and most eloquent and in some cases, the owner of recovered armors.
young bachelors. Crashers come from all parts of Still, they remain honest enough to report stolen
the city, attempting entrance by pretending they goods, and it would take an incredible offer to
too possess the wealth and status to mingle in sway them into reworking stolen items or creating
the elite crowds. But woe befalls those revealed as forgeries, especially since it would jeopardize the
charlatans, and more than a handful of inn-crashers reputation of their family business.
have seen their last party end with a bejeweled knife
across the throat. 8. Exotic Weapons Shop
The Marwuckle’s third and final shop deals only in
The Yawning Well Inn was recently purchased by the trade and sale of rare and exotic weapons. These
an unknown buyer and surreptitiously serves as the the family imports from about the world, seeking
headquarters of the Dandymen, both authentic and historic pieces. As expected,
their stock varies, often rapidly and radically, as they
do not manufacture exotic pieces. Neither do they Sarhaed
perform restorations or repairs on exotic weapons,
Chapter 4: Castle Ward

here, and redirect customers seeking such work to Aside from the crime of high treason, which
the Weaponsmith Shop. carries the death penalty, the punishment
for many crimes can be resolved by paying a
9. Martial Law Festhall penalty fine called a sarhaed.
Anyone convicted of a crime can request to
In the northern section of East Ward stands The
pay a sarhaed to avoid criminal sentencing.
Martial Law Fest Hall, a massive, timber-roofed
The plaintiff first reserves the right to
pavilion once used by the mercenaries guild to host
accept or deny sarhaed, however judiciary
great feasts celebrating the victories of major wars
officials presiding over a case can over turn
and battles. Recently restored, it appears much as it
the decision, as can any member of the royal
did hundreds of years ago. Locals currently use it to
throw large galas for holidays and other important
Sarhaed is paid to the plaintiff as well as
events. Most of the rooms in the two-level Festhall
covering any barrister fees. In cases where the
are open or three-quarter walled, along with a few
individual has violated City law, the plaintiff is
private fully enclosed chambers.
Lord Atregan.
Once sarhaed is enacted, the plaintiff sets
10. Mercenary’s Guild
the cost of the sarhaed. The cost for damaged
Once the formal meetinghouse of the Old or stolen items is usually the cost of the item
Azindralean mercenary district, this two-story manse plus 10%, while injury or death is the cost of
now serves the few remaining mercenaries as the healing plus 10%. Other more personal
boarding house and tavern. For a fee, one can join crimes such as rape, incest, slander and
the local mercenary guild for up to a year, though adultery can carry even greater penalties.
the public is free to rent rooms by the night (when As such, cost can vary greatly and it is not
available) or carouse downstairs at the tavern. unheard of for particularly vengeful plaintiffs
The guild is a popular hangout for adventurers, to set the sarhaed well above the standard
bounty hunters, and other soldiers of fortune, and plus 10% rate. Payments are usually made in
an excellent place to find hirelings or purchase gold, goods, or livestock, however some offer
information. to pay with indentured servitude.

11. Grand Square of Heroes Once per year, Kortesian city officials holds
More so than those squares whose lawns fed a Criminal’s Lottery as an act of good will to
goats or provided forums for public oratory, the their oppressed citizens. On this day, assorted
Grand Square of Heroes possesses perhaps one of criminals are brought before the crowd who
the richest histories of any square in the city. In the vote by applause to approve or disprove their
old days, it served as a primitive and violent court. sarhaeds. Any criminal whose sarhaed is
Plaintiff and accused would stand within the circle approved must pay it in full by sunset, or his
and argue their cases before large crowds who would right to pay sarhaed is revoked.
then determine the guilt and responsibility of the
guilty. Some paid in sarhaed (the honor value of a
crime). Everything, including death had a commonly it became impossible to hold a fair trail that didn’t
agreed upon value, however when the crowd or result in bloodshed. To remedy this, the people
plaintiff felt that the sarhaed was not enough, they elected a small panel of judiciaries that became
could command a violent trial-by-combat or “blood- known as the Court Under the Mountain.
trial”. Winners were vindicated of all wrong doing,
while the losers lay dead in the dust waiting for the Combat trials still took place, however individuals
dung collectors to hang their bodies in the square for choosing such a resolution were forced to first draw
the crows to feast. up contracts for the fight with elaborate guidelines,
on which barristers and court judiciaries often
Initially, only individuals directly involved could deliberated for days in the nearby courtyard. The
fight in bloodtrials, and their sheer dramatic brutality ancient tradition is now illegal, at least in principle.
made them a strong deterrent to most crimes. In Still, loopholes in the law allow those born of noble
later years, mercenary gladiators often accepted large blood to invoke a blood trial to resolve serious
sums to stand in petitioners steads. This worked matters, provided both parties consent to the duel.
well for the rich and powerful, who would often make By writ, serious matters are those where following a
legal accusations simply to have fights and place bets fair and just court resolution, the loser may still be
on the winner. As trial-by-combat grew in popularity, inclined to take vengeful actions. These include rape,
murder, spousal betrayal, and similar acts which tend narrow streets, chewing porch banisters and shitting
to provoke long-term feuds. everywhere. While he feigns distress, Agrus hates the
pompous Kortezians and knows exactly what he’s
Following the Backwater Rebellion, many of ruling doing. If need be, he rounds up his herd in seconds

Chapter 4: Castle Ward

aristocracy that lived in the gardens surrounding The and splits before any the Lordsguard gets a chance
Square of Heroes relocated to East Hill and other to whack some patriotism into his thick skull.
neighborhoods closer to the Castle. Hordes of angry Mood: Usually indifferent, but varies depending on
protesters burnt many of the large homes along its how much ass he needs to kiss in order to save his
perimeter, pushing the borders of Castle Ward north hide.
of the Way of Lords, which became the new dividing
line between the Trade and Castle Wards. Kolrigaard Voor
(LN human male Exp 8)
The Square of Heroes remains in active use; A puffy faced Kortezian with a large frock and
however, its overall role in the community has long surcoat rudely races by, oblivious to others
changed. Its arena-like structure, a sunken center walking the street. He is late for a meeting with a
surrounded by a perimeter of weathered marble town barrister concerning several property deeds,
bleachers, makes it an ideal place for public whose authenticity seems suspect. He bumps into a
announcements concerning laws, trial results, and city guard who tries to detain him for his suspicious
to audience public meetings before various city behavior, at which point he protests wildly and tries
representatives, particularly barristers from the to break free, loudly offering a substantial reward to
outer wards whose requests often run contrary to anyone who helps him reach court on time.
Triperium interests. Most loathe this task as it places Mood: Indifferent to Unfriendly.
the orator in perfect range for the hurled rotten
vegetables of protesting hecklers. The rest of the Madame Fen Turil
time, citizens from other wards use the Square for
(N human female Exp 3)
their own purposes. Merchants hold public auctions,
Though well-dressed and of seemingly excellent
Generals hold military ceremonies such as those
poise, this aged women appears to draw faint looks
honoring soldiers, and bards and other performers
of distain from other women and a few whispered
have used it for theatrical and musical performances.
comments, as she parades down the street. Asking
about the woman earns a shuddered response before
The Royal Mile
the individual identifies her as Madame Fen Turil,
From the Square, the Royal Mile leads to Lord’s a former prostitute who runs an expensive escort
Causeway and up to the Castle Gates. Although a service.
short walk, it still evokes lingering fear from those Mood: Friendly
days when the first Lords hung the bodies of traitors
on high stakes above the road, and the alleys were Sadira Dumoign
strewn with the bones and skulls of the unfaithful.
(CN half-elf female Ari 4)
Now bright flowers line the walkways and colorful
A cute, almost impish young woman with ice
banners hang in place of gristly scarecrows. Still,
green eyes catches a player’s gaze as she turns the
mixed into the soil, the clever eye will spot the glint
corner. Suddenly, she trips on the curb spilling the
of tiny shards of soft, ancient, amber bone.
personal contents of her small handbag onto the
street. Sadira is friendly and even a little flirtatious,
Wandering Npcs especially when out of the gaze of her over-protective
father. Unbeknownst to even Sadira, her father is
Ruddy Wendus a notorious crime boss, whose extreme paranoia
(NG halfling male Exp 1) causes him to investigate anyone remotely interested
A poor, but eagerly industrious baker from the in his daughter.
Residential Ward, Ruddy diligently wrestles his rickety Mood: friendly, even a little helpful and flirtatious.
pushcart filled with butter torts and scones up to the
Castle Ward cobbles every morning at dawn. Adventure Opportunities
Mood: Friendly
The Hitman
Agrus Millner
A prominent noble from the Belano clan hires
(CG human male Com 1) adventurers to gather evidence on a rival noble
An irascible, red-cheeked boy with hair like spiky whom he believes is selling information about
straw hurls sharp, politically tinged insults at his his clan to the Magorthus clan in order to cover
small, but scattered herd of goats. The animals gambling debts. PCs track the man to the Festhall
have seemingly broken away and dart about the
where they find him dead in a backroom, his throat vacate the district after dark, leaving the streets a
slit. Now the Belano noble needs the players to figure maze of empty shadow into which his clients can
out who killed the spy before he becomes the next easily disappear.
Chapter 4: Castle Ward

victim on the mysterious assassin’s hit list.

Each night, Jadru hosts well-attended burlesque
The Umbral Blade shows featuring a wide array of talents from
After catching wind of an old tale concerning his across the lands. His exotic shows feature naked
great, great grand uncle, Imanuel- Knight of the fire-eaters, deformed freaks, and all manner of
Seven Shadows, Lord Erasmus hires adventurers to eroticism untapped by more established brothels.
retrieve a family artifact from his “basement.” The Jadru’s festivities go largely untaxed, ever since
treasure he seeks is Imanuel’s sword, a magnificent he offered tax warden Poulias Atregan partial
greatsword rumored to be forged of pure shadow, ownership of his business. While the strange mix
called the Umbral Blade. Unfortunately, robbers of guests and entertainers occasionally erupts into
pilfered the crypt in which his great, great grand excitement, true adventure lies beneath the House
uncle lay long ago, and the players must do some of Penance.
serious dungeon delving under the mountain in
order to retrieve the blade -- if it even exists. To store milk and cheeses, the old dairy farm
commissioned a vast network of concrete-lined
The Lordsguard’s Vengeance cold cellars. The cold-cellars form a twisted maze
of small storage rooms connected to central
After his fellow brutes mistakenly slay his beloved,
circulating narrow passageways, all of which have
a powerful ex-Lordsguard goes AWOL. Holing up in
uncomfortably low ceilings. In its darkest recesses,
a nearby building, he takes hostages and threatens
Jadru has erected dozens of altars all consecrated
to slay them unless presented with the heads of the
by human sacrifice. Lesser devils frequent these
Lordsguards responsible.
corridors, easily slipping in and out of the Great
City by blending in with the rest of Jadru’s
As a Matter of Convenience
depraved guests.
A noble’s young son turns up dead several days
after failing to return from a night of carousing Ultimately, no one suspects that Jadru’s burlesque
with friends. Unbeknownst to all, the young man shows carefully incorporate a number twisted and
belonged to the Dandymen and suffered a fatal stab diabolic rituals, tributes to the arch-devil whom
wound from a shopkeeper during a recent attempted he serves with such dedication. Neither could any
robbery. His fellow Dandymen dumped his body suspect the amount of influence Jadru possesses
behind a seedy tavern to throw off the investigation over the Ghurophites, a group of corrupt nobles
by local authorities. They position the body so it who foolishly believe breeding with demons will
appears the young man was beaten to death after allow them rest control away from Atregans. In
being jumped in a bar fight. Strangely, no one in playing the role of liaison between noble and
the bar remembers seeing the young man, and no demon, Jadru made each noble sign blood oaths
evidence of a drunken brawl exists. and now possesses writs for all their souls. Should a
Ghurophite coup occur, it will matter not who takes
Adventure Locations the throne, for Jadru has taken the role of supreme
While the most obvious adventure location puppet-master and possesses the means to pull the
are Castle Atregan and the Dungeon Under the usurpers strings.
Mountain, there exist a few other locations in the
district suitable for exploration. The Crier’s Belfry
Due west of the Square of Heroes stands a tall
The House of Penance stone spire that rises above the sloping rooftops of
A sorely weathered wooden cow’s head swings the nearby shops and residences. Once per hour, the
from the porch gables above the entrance to the great iron bell chimes dolefully as a crier the calls
House of Penance. Once an old dairy farm, this large out the time to anyone in earshot. The spire sits on
building on the edge of Bold Way appears to be the a large circular mosaic of cobbled granite pavers,
well-frequented residence of Jadru Neeler. One of the and the building itself acts as a sundial, displacing
few Azindraleans living in Castle Ward, and certainly telltale shadows across its surface. High above, on
the least liked, the stream of guests that pours in and the tower’s northern face, the hands of the great iron
out of his stead after sunset does little to assuage clock position and reposition every fifteen minutes. A
the suspicions of his neighbors that he runs some mysterious staff of dwarfish misanthropes diligently
sort of licentious speakeasy. Fortunately, for Jadru, tends the clock and spooks the Ward’s small
most of his neighbors are merely shopkeepers who children.

A hideous dwarf named Thrumble Atterstone runs and emergency escape passages for the royal family.
Crier’s Belfry and lives there with his equally hideous Strangely, the catacombs and structures beneath
wife and brood of children. His family has owned and vary drastically in age, especially once the Dungeon
operated the tower for centuries, and, aside from his begins to spread. New passages tap into the upper

Chapter 4: Castle Ward

personal appearance, he’s done neither the town nor chambers from below, though many of these are
its citizens any harm. simply links connecting the upper chambers to the
miles of ancient catacombs and caves that existed
In truth, neither Atterstone nor any of his family long before the Kortezians arrived.
members are pureblooded dwarves. When his
ancestors first migrated from the dwarvenholds of Dark passages merge into newer dungeon-like
the southlands, they were unprepared for the harsh structures built by subterranean races, cultists, and
mountain winters and circumstance forced them to other eccentrics. These catacombs burrow deep
interbreed with surrounding humanoids to assure into the mountain’s belly emptying into to large
their survival. They kept this secret for several years, cavernous worlds within the mountain filled with
though eventually news of their inbreeding traveled ruins of lost cities once belonging to dwarves, deep
back to the dwarvenholds. Soon after, they were elves, and other primordial subterranean races who
estranged from their pure dwarven kin. Unable to carved their realms with advanced alien architecture.
return, Atterstone’s ancestors continued to live
upon the mountain, where they grew woefully inbred When Othorion XIII returned family power to
and fostered a general loathing for all purebred Castle Atregan, he and his men cleared some of the
races. Still, Thrumble’s brood puts on a good show, Dungeons upper levels – in particular the family
allowing them to keep their tower in a strategic crypts – before sealing off the lower chambers and
location for such a time when their kinfolk will posting dozens of guards to watch for incursions
ride down from the mountains, rise up from their coming from below.
earthen catacombs, and extinguish the Great City.
As would be expected, the tower’s cellar connects Despite his best efforts, supernatural influence
to the city sewer system, and the Atterstone’s have still creeps from the lower chambers into the castle.
chalkmarked several passages all of which lead to the Dark spirits of unknown entities- perhaps long dead
Dungeon Under the Mountain or to other catacombs Kortezians or even the souls of ancient Azindraleans-
that run deeper still into the surrounding hills. now haunt Erasmus and others within the Castle.
Occasionally, Thrumble or one of his many offspring Some of the forces attempt to manipulate the lord;
travel the passages to deliver crucial information to others work around him on their own agendas.
the humanoid tribes living in the hills, or they use Regardless, Erasmus remains very much in denial
them to sneak captured humanoids out from the or avoidance of what he considers “Old Country
Great City. Superstition”; whereas the native Castle staff know
Recently, Thrumble’s stupid son Gribbler has
taken it upon himself to arrange business meetings
between humanoids and dealers of illicit goods for
profit. This foolish ploy places centuries of family
secrecy at risk. If the authorities pinch Gribbler,
Thrumble disavows any knowledge of his son’s
actions, immediately disowning him. However, if
he were to discover his son’s betrayal on his own,
he’d likely pitch the boy from the belfry himself and
publicly mourn the horrid and unspeakable accident.

The Dungeon Under The Mountain

Perhaps the most notorious location in all the
Great City is the massive dungeon that rests beneath
Castle Atregan. No firm records mark dates for the
Dungeon’s initial construction, though architects
and historians have dated artifacts and features of
its upper levels to the same period as the castle’s

Initially, much of the upper layers served as

crypts, but soon parts of the dungeon earned use
as interrogation rooms, secret meeting chambers,
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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Rules Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook,
Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
The Great City Campaign Setting © by Øone Roleplaying Games
B ased on their acclaimed Blueprints Series, Øone Games
introduces an ambitious and detailed look at the locations
behind the maps.

This sourcebook portrays a struggling mercantile colony ruled

by the incompetent son of a brutal emperor. A city whose earliest
citizens proudly trace their history back for thousands of years, but
now struggle against social and political oppression; a city where a
brooding underbelly of resistance fighters, and crime syndicates, and
a proud but disillusioned military all wait for their lord to fail. It is
a city where night cloaks the deviant works of social outcasts, mad
alchemists, and corpse robbers.

The Great City is rife with excitement, intrigue and adventure;

dare your characters make it their home?

3.5 Rules

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