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Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi


1.“And this is a class photo. I’m sitting on the Q) I wonder why the author doesn’t want to
far left so you don’t see me” (p.3). be seen in her class photo. Is she self-
conscious about her appearance?
2. “In 1979 a revolution took place, it was R) This event seems to be very crucial
later called “The Islamic Revolution”. Then because “The Islamic Revolution” had a
came 1980: the year it became obligatory to major impact on the people of Iran. It also
wear the veil at school” (p. 3). caused a cultural upheaval in favor of Shia
Islam. In other worlds, the revolution opposed
the Western culture that Iran was previously
moving toward. Today, wearing the veil was
still relevant.
3. “All bilingual schools must be closed Q) How can bilingual schools be symbols of
down. They are the symbols of capitalism. Of capitalism and decadence?
4. “I really didn’t know what to think about E) The author’s family seemed to be very
the veil. Deep down I was very religious but modern for the culture in Iran. This plays an
as a family we were very modern and avant- important role in the development of the
garde” (p. 6). author’s perspective even when she feels
5. “Rule number six: everybody must have a E) The author believed that her duty is to be
car. Rule number seven: all maids should eat God’s prophet. Additionally, she even writes
at the table. Rule number eight: no old person her own set of rules in a book. In other words,
should have to suffer” (p. 7). she likes to influence and manipulate the
culture surrounding her in the name of a
6. “To demonstrate on the street! I am sick of P) The author will sneakily join the
doing it in the garden. For a revolution to demonstration on the street even when her
succeed, the entire population must support it” parents are against that idea. She is very
(p. 17). determined to support this revolution and
demonstrates a strong stance on it.
7. “That night I stayed a very long time in the E) After hearing that her grandfather was a
bath. I wanted to know what it felt like to be prince, the author wants to experience what
in a cell filled with water. My hands were her grandfather did before his death. This
wrinkled when I came out, like grandpa’s” (p. includes his tormented years behind bars.
8. “People came out carrying the body of a E) People in Iran regard the victims of the
young man killed by the army. He was military who served the revolution as heroes.
honored like a martyr. A crowd gathered to The actions from the crowd show their
take him to the Behesht Zahra Cemetery” (p. detestation for the government.
9. “The reason for my shame and for the R) The differences in social classes are
revolution is the same: the difference between evidently present during these times. Many
social classes”(p. 33). wealthy individuals, who lived comfortably in
that society, feel a sense of shame while
standing with the revolts.
10. “You must understand that their love was Q) How can the father of the author believe in
impossible. because in this country you must the separation of social classes while
stay within your own social class” (p. 37). supporting the revolution which wants to
destroy that.
11. “When I finally understood the reasons for CL) My prediction that she will sneakily go
the revolution I made my decision. So the out and demonstrate is correct. The author
next day we shouted from morning till night” went out to demonstrate with her maid against
(p. 38). her parents’ will.
12. “Children tear out all the photos of the R) The school closed and reopened again with
Shah from your books” (p. 44). changes that manipulate the minds of
children. This political tactic brainwash the
youth of a country with its present agenda.
13. “My father says Ramin’s father was in the E) This shows how rumors can spread like
Savak. He killed a million people”. “So my wildfire and greatly affect people. What the
idea was to put nails between our fingers like author’s friends are doing is benign compared
American brass knuckles and to attack to what can happen. Additionally, Ramin did
Ramin” (p. 44-45). nothing evil; it is his father who killed people.
14. “Don’t you know that when they keep E) The author has a very blunt and bold
saying someone is on a trip it really means he personality because she doesn’t think twice
is dead. At least that was the case with my before saying anything.
grandpa” (p. 48).
15. “They whipped me with thick electric Q) How can one treat a fellow human being
cables so much that this looks like anything with such cruelty simply because of political
but a foot” (p. 51). crimes?

16. “I didn’t know what justice was. Now that C) As a Christian, I also like to set my worries
the revolution was finally over once and for aside and talk with God. The passage reminds
all, I abandoned the dialectic materialism of me of a time when most of my friends moved
my comic strips. The only place I felt safe was away, and I pray more often than ever. I feel
in the arms of my friend” (p. 53). safe in the arms of my godly friend.
17. “Ok, here goes: I was 18 years old when P) The author will brag about her uncle’s
my uncle Fereydon and his friends proclaimed bravery and experiences to her friends later
the independence of the Iranian province of on.
Azerbaijan” (p.55).
18. “Russians aren’t like us. It’s hearts they Q) What makes uncle Anoosh think that
don’t have. They don’t know how to love” (p. Russians can’t love? Did he have a terrible
59). conflict with his wife?
19. “There are lots of heroes in my family. CL) My prediction that the author will brag
My grandpa was in prison, my uncle Anoosh about her uncle is correct.
too: for nine years! He was even in the
U.S.S.R.” (p. 61).
20. “I think I really like this boy. Actually I C) This passage reminds me of when I had to
liked him very, very much. It was the end of say goodbye to my friend when he moved
the world” (p. 63)! back to Florida. He was quite nice, and I want
to get to know him better.
21. “The educational system and what is R) The youth of Iran are greatly afflicted by
written in school, books, at all levels, are this decision of the Minister of Education.
decadent. Everything needs to be revised to This reflects how detrimental political
ensure that our children are not led astray conflicts can be to the younger generation and
from the true path of Islam. That’s why we’re the national education system. Additionally,
closing all the universities for a while. Better this shows how the government can brainwash
to have no students at all than to educate a generation through schools and learning
future imperialists” (p. 73). materials.
22. “Two fundamentalist bastards…The R) Islamic fundamentalism affects the culture
bastards…They insulted me. They said that and civility in Iran. Women’s rights are
women like me should be pushed up against a affected during these times. They are coerced
wall and fucked. And then thrown in the to wear the veil against their own will, or else,
garbage… And that if I don’t want that to they could get raped and mollested.
happen, I should wear the veil…” (p. 74).
23. “War always takes you by surprise” (p. R) Wars can happen imminently and affects
81). innocent citizens in a brutal way. Many in
Iran at this time fled away from their country.
This demonstrates how war can result in loss
of lives.
24. “Suddenly, I heard the Iranian national Q) I wonder how does the loss of a national
anthem coming from the TV, our Star- anthem affect an individual who is a patriot?
spangled Banner. It had been forbidden and Does it feel like losing the country as a
replaced by the new government’s islamic whole?
hymn. It had been more than a year since
we’d heard it…We were overwhelmed” (p.
25. “If stores were closed for a single dau, E) This quote shows the mother’s dogma and
you’d probably eat each other! And you call personality, She is fair and just while thinking
yourselves civilized people! If everyone took about other people’s needs. She wants other
only what they needed there would be enough people to understand that selfishness is not
to go around” (p. 87). affordable in this economy.

26. “Our country has always known war and C) I remembered that an elderly once said to
martyrs. So, like my father said: “When a big me, “The best fights are the ones you can
wave comes, lower your head and let it pass” avoid.” It is beneficial for an individual to
(p. 94)! know a way out of conflict.
27. “They gave this to my son at school. They R) This reflects how political agenda
told the boys that if they went to war and were perpetrates into the minds of youth through
lucky enough to die, this key would get them the education system. A mind is malleable
to heaven” (p. 99). when they’re young.
28. “It’s awful. Every day I see buses full of R) The young boys, particularly from poorer
kids arriving. They come from the poor areas, areas, are targeted by the government to join
you can tell…First they convince them that the military. These leaders are willing to do
the afterlife is even better than Disneyland, immoral things including recruiting underage
then they put them in a trance with all their soldiers.
songs…” (p. 101).
29. “The key to paradise was for poor people. E) The contrast between the lower class and
Thousands of young kids, promised a better upper class is vivid. Everything from their
life, exploded on the minefields with their mindset, thinking, and motivation is
keys around their necks…Meanwhile, I got to incredibly different. The poor tend to join the
go to my first party. Not only did my mom let army in hope of reaching paradise while the
me go, she also knitted me a sweater full of rich want to pursue their careers.
holes and made me a necklace with chains and
nails. Punk rock was in” (p. 102).
30. “We had everything. Well everything that P) I predict that her family is going to get
was forbidden. Even alcohol, gallons of it” (p. caught doing things that are prohibited by the
106). law.
31. “A few bills were all he needed to forget CL) My prediction is inaccurate; her family
the whole thing” (p. 110). escapes the grip of a soldier.
32. “If I wanted to be friends with 14-year- C) This passage reminds me of a time when I
olds, I had to do it. I had already broken the was peer pressure into skipping a class. While
rules once by going to the demonstration in I did not do that, it was tough to refuse the
79’. This was the second time” (p. 111). proposal. I understand how the author feels
obliged to follow the older kids.
33. “This time I covered for you, but it’s the
last time! Now is the time for learning. You E) This passage shows the dogma and
have your whole life to have fun! What are characteristics of the author’s mother. She
you going to be when you grow up?? In this wants to discipline her daughter and prepare
country you have to know everything better her for the dangers in Iran. Overall, I think
than anyone else if you’re going to survive” that she’s a great mother who wants the best
(p. 113). for her child.
34. ‘They declared: “We refuse this imposed
peace! We shall conquer Karbala!”. The walls R) The internal warfare severely impacts Iran
were suddenly covered with belligerent and its people. This statement shows how
slogans. The one that struck me most by its rampant political propaganda is. The gory
gory imagery was: “To die a Martyr is to imagery means to encourage the youth in Iran
inject blood into the veins of society.”’(p. to join the army and die in battle. They
114-115). portray death in warfare as a glorious act of
35. “With this first cigarette, I kissed heroism.
childhood goodbye. Now I was a grown-up” E) This demonstrates the author's rebellious
(p. 117). characteristics and her desire to grow up.
36. “July 1982. We were at my aunt’s place.
The internal war had become a bigger issue R) Internal warfare is causing the loss of
than the war against Iraq. Anyone showing the innocent Iranians. This also reflects the
slightest resistance to the regime was oppressive regime and their brutish laws.
persecuted” (p. 118).
37. “They were guardians of the revolution,
the women’s branch. This group had been R) Women are especially oppressed in Iran
added in 1982, to arrest women who were during these times. Girls are not allowed to
improperly veiled. (like me, for example)” (p. express themselves through clothings, shoes,
132). or badges that resemble western culture. In
this day and age, the concept of extreme dress
38. “I didn’t want to look up. I looked at my codes is outdated and regarded as oppressive.
trembling legs. I couldn’t go forward, like in a E) Based on the tone of this passage, the
nightmare” (p. 140). author is filled with fear and worries for her
39. “No scream in the world could have family.
relieved my suffering and my anger” (p. 142). P) The author’s terror is silent, yet loud. This
will lead her to become fearless of
consequences and doing things that are
40. “After the death of Neda Baba-Levy, my forbidden.
life took a new turn. In 1984, I was fourteen CL) She becomes numb to the repercussions
and a rebel. Nothing scared me anymore” (p. of her actions. Additionally, the death of her
143). Jewish friend fuels her with anger and
41. “What I had feared was true. Maybe determination.
they’d come to visit, but we’d never live C) I have to say farewell to my mother when I
together again” (p. 152). fly to New Mexico. It was quite upsetting to
part from a parent. It must be troublesome for
the author and her parents to say goodbye,
especially, when she flies to another nation.

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