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TOPIC: THE LIFE OF PRAYER  It is a shared ‘public work’ (leitourgia) with

Summary ceremonies, rites and formulas established by
 What is Prayer? Prayer is speaking and listening to Scripture and Tradition.
God and desiring to be united with God and to do his  The Church has liturgy in obedience to the will of
will. God; it is also clear that liturgy is fitting for us as
 Why do we pray to God? We pray because it is right social and physical beings. The most importanat
to adore God, to thank him and repent before him. liturgies are those of the sacraments and the Divine
We also pray because he hear our prayers and to Office. Liturgy follows fixed times and seasons.
know God personally is our greatest happiness.  Liturgy is celebrated through set times and seasons.
 The principal activities of prayer are adoration,  Advent is four-weeks preperation for the coming of
thanksgiving, repentance and intercession/petition. Jesus Christ. Christmas then is the final coming at the
 The asking of proper gifts or graces from God, such end of time.
as material, moral and spiritual goods and proetection  Lent is fourty-day length of prayer. (Fasting and
or rescue from evils. Almsgiving)
 Petition is for oneself;  Holy week and Easter are when we celebrate his
 Intercession is for others. redemptive death and Resurrection.
 Prayer is not just in mind because Gods act when
we pray and and frequntly causes milaculous TOPIC: THE LORD’S PRAYER
changes in ourselve and in the world. Also mental Summary
conversation with God should be joined with physical  The ‘Lord’s Prayer’, also called the Our Father, is the
one like words and gestures. prayer Jesus taugh his disciples when they asked him
 Does prayer seek mental void? No because prayer to teach them to pray.
is not a mental exercise to empty ouw minds, like Zen  The Lord’s prayer is made up of an opening
Buddhism. Prayer always has God and the things of invocation, petitions regarding God and petitions for
God as it is. the good things we need.
 Is prayer a ritual technique? No, prayer is never a  We pray ‘Our Father’ because we have become
ritual techniques like magic, seeking power or other children of God in Baptism. Praying ‘who art in
benefits. Because christian prayer leads us to the heaven’ helps to raise our minds to heavenly things.
knowledge and love of God.
What are the Petitions?
HOW DO WE PRAY?  Petitions regarding God
Summary  Hallowed be thy name
 The four main forms of prayer are:  To pray for the wider propagation and
 Vocal Prayer (mental activity that should be growth of the personal knowledge and love
accompanied by physical one. Example Our of God.
Father, Hail Mary ect.)  Thy kingdom come
 Meditative Prayer (Mental conversation with  We pray ‘thy kingdom come’, so that God’s
God ofter facilitated through Sacred, and Holy present reign on earth might increase and
Writings) his everlasting kingdom be established by
 Liturgical Prayer (The official and public prayer Christ’s coming in glory.
of the church, ch as Mass and Divine Office.  They will be done on earth, as it is in heaven
Liturgy also involves the Church as a whole.)  We pray ‘Thy will be done on earth, as it is
 Contemplative Prayer (A simple and loving in heaven’ because God is love and his will
apprehension or God or divine things brought is for our good.
about by the Holy Spirit and the growth of his  This petition teaches us that our freely
gifts in our souls.) offered prayers help to accomplish what
 Dificulties in prayer and their remedies: No Time, God wills for us. Uttering this petition also
Boredom, Distraction, Dryness, No Answer. conforms our wills to his.
 A regular time for prayer each day is a great help.
Other aids to pryaer include a Bible , Christian prayer  Petitions for the good thigs we need
books and devotional objects, such as holy pictures,  Give us this day our daily bread
a rosary and a crucifix.  We pray give us this day our daily bread” to
 We should also rely on the help of the Holy Spirit to petition God for our natural needs.
pray and to ask the intersection of Mary and the  Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive
saints. those who trespass against us
 We pray ‘forgive us our trespasses’ to
TOPIC: LITURGY AND SACRAMENTS petition God to forgive the dept of sin we
Summary owe him.
 The sacred liturgy is the true worship of God, enacted  Lead us not into temptation
by Jesus Christ and his body, the Church, through  We pray ‘lead us not into temptation’ to ask
the power of the Holy Spirit. God to remove temptations or to give us the
strength to resist them successfully.  Signs of the covenant
Temptations encourage us to sin by  The Church uses covenant signs in liturgical
presenting evil under the guise of good. activity, highlighting the Old Covenant's acts of
 Deliver us from evil grace and sacrifice, foreshadowing the New
 We pray ‘deliver us from evil’ to petition God Covenant's sacraments.
to set us free from all evil and especially
from ‘the evil one’, the devil.  Signs taken up by Christ
 Amen  During his discourse, Jesus frequently uses
 We pray ‘amen’ to complete the Lord’s creation signs to explain the mysteries of the
Prayer. It means ‘truly’ or ‘let it be so’. kingdom of God. Passover is a symbolic event
 Amen also espresses the expectation that that uses physical and symbolic gestures to
God will grant what we have asked. emphasize the Old Covenant's actions and
Summary signs, making Jesus the meaning of these
 In the Lord’s Prayer, we pray the petitions to God for events.
the wider propagation and growth of the personal
knowledge and love of God and the coming of his  Sacramental signs
kingdom.  The Holy Spirit sanctifies the Church through
 In the Lord’s Prayer, we also pray for the good things sacramental symbols, fulfilling the Old Covenant,
we need: divine sestenance; forgiveness; help in presenting Christ's salvation, and foreshadowing
temptation; deliverance from evil. These petitions heaven's splendor.
also help t remind us of our depedency on God.
Words & Actions
WHEN, WHERE AND HOW TO CELEBRATE THE  The Holy Spirit is a vital component in the
LITURGY? sacramental celebration, facilitating dialogue between
Who Celebrates? God's children and their Father in Christ.
 Liturgy is an “action” of the whole Christ. Those who  Liturgy of the Word
even now celebrate it without signs are already in the  Sacramental celebrations are an integral part of
heavenly liturgy, where celebration is wholly fostering faith by emphasizing the Word of God,
communion and feast. which is a book that encapsulates the divine
The Celebrants of the heavenly liturgy  The book of the Word (A lectionary or a
 The Book of Revelation depicts the Lord God, Christ book of the Gospels)
crucified and risen, and the Holy Spirit flowing from  Veneration (Procession, incense, candles)
the throne, symbolizing the true sanctuary.  The place of its proclamation (Lectern or
“Recapitulated in Christ”  Liturgical words and actions are interconnected,
 The heavenly powers, creation, Old and New serving as indicators, instructions, and achieving their
Covenant servants, new People of God, martys, intended purpose.
Mother of God, Bride of the Lamb, and a vast
multitude from all nations participate in God's praise Singing & Music
and fulfillment.  The universal Church's sacred music is an integral
part of its liturgy, serving as a powerful symbol of the
The Celebration of the Sacramental LIiurgy Church's commitment to sacred music.
 Liturgical services are collective celebrations of the  Three Principal Criteria:
Church, involving the whole community, organized  Beauty expressive of prayer
under bishops' authority, with effects on individual  Unanimous participation of the assembly at
members depending on their roles and participation. the designated moments
 The Church encourages active participation in  Solemn character of the celebration
liturgucal celebrations among its members, with  Sacred Scripture and Catholic doctrine are crucial in
certain servants serving as icons of Christ the Priest, expressing the cultural richness of words in Catholic
promoting the benefit of all Church members. worship, ensuring harmony and fruitful expression in
 Liturgical celebrations are a vital part of holy orders, religious expression.
incorporating liturgical traditions and the common
priesthood's work, ensuring a harmonious and unified Holy Images
liturgical experience.  Words and sacred images convey the Gospel
message, highlighting Christ's incarnation and the
HOW is the liturgy Celebrated? holy Mother of God, enhancing the liturgical
Signs & Symbols celebrations' connection to Christ.
 A sacramental celebration is made up of signs and
symbols. Divine teaching of redemption is deeply WHEN is the Liturgy Celebrated?
rooted in human culture, as demonstrated by Old  The Church celebrates the saving work of its divine
Covenant events and Christ's person and activity. Spouse, the Savior God, through a sacred
commemoration called Passover. This event,  ORDINARY TIME is the season in which we
observed weekly, commemorates the Lord's celebrate the life and teaching of Jesus Christ and
resurrection and unfolds the mystery of Christ. The what it means to be his disciple.
liturgy, marked with the prayer "Today!", reflects the  The name of this season is derived from the word
newness of the mystery of Christ and the eternal light ordinal, meaning “to count.”
of the Savior God.
The first falls between Christmas and Lent.
The Lord’s Day  Part 1 of Ordinary Time begins the day after the
 The Church commemorates the Paschal mystery on Baptism of the Lord and continues to Tuesday before
the seventh day, honoring Christ's Resurrection, a Ash Wednesday.
day that marks the Lord's creation and the beginning
of the week. The second occurs between the seasons of Easter
and Advent.
The Lord’s day, the day of Resurrection, the day of  Part 2 of Ordinary Time begins the day after
Christians, is our day. Pentecost and continues to the Saturday before the
 On the Lord's day, Sunday is the pre-eminent day for 1st Sunday of Advent. Green, seen everywhere in
liturgical assembly, honoring the Passion, plants and trees, smbolizes life and hope and is the
Resurrection, and glory of Lord Jesus, raising the color used during Ordinary Time.
light of justice and healing.  LENT begins on Ash Wednesday.
 Holy Thursday, Leatare Sunday, Ash Wednesday,
The Liturgical Year and Fourth Sunday of Lent are significant days in the
 The easter Triduum marks the beginning of the new Christian calendar, promoting penance, renewal, and
age of the Resurrection, transforming the liturgical anticipation for Easter.
year and bringing the kingdom of God into our time.  TRIDUUM is the Church’s greatest celebration.
Eastern Churches celebrate Easter as the Great Triduum lasts three days (from Holy Thursday
Sacrament, despite differing dates due to different evening until Easter Sunday evening, SATURDAY)
calculations.  Red (the color of blood) is used on days when we
celebrate the passion of JEsus on Passion Sunday
The Sanctoral in the Liturgical Year and Good Friday.
 The Holy Church celebrates the annual cycle of  Easter, marked by joy and victory, and Pentecost
mysteries of Christ, honoring the Blessed Mary with Sunday, symbolizes the Holy Spirit, a crucial aspect
special love and promoting her as an example of of the Easter season, highlighting the new life in
Christ's saving work. Jesus Christ.

Liturgical Year and Seasons

What is Liturgical Calendar?
 The Church celebrates Jesus Christ's life through the
liturgical year, a sequence of seasons and feasts,
highlighting the Mother Church's teachings and the
mystery of his return.

Why do we use the Liturgical Calendar?

 The Church uses the liturgical calendar to celebrate
the entire mystery of Jesus Christ, including his birth,
ascension, and return, providing a comprehensive
understanding of his life.

What are the seasons of the Liturgical Year?

 The liturgical calendar leads us through the seasons
of the liturgical year.
 The first season of the liturgical year is ADVENT.

1ST Sunday of ADVENT begins after the Solemnity of

Christ the King.
 On Christmas Day, the color purple symbolizes
preparation for Christ, while on Gaudete Sunday, the  A - dvent
color rose expresses joy and anticipation for the  C - hristmas
joyous season of Christmas.  O - rdinary Time Part 1
 WHITE, the color of joy and vistory, ais used for the  L - ent
season of Christmas.  P - aschal Triduum
 E - aster
 O - rdinary Time Part 2
 The church celebrates Jesus Christ's life every  JOHN 3:16 tells us that “God so loved the world that
liturgical season, reminding us that all time is sacred he sent his only Son…”
and a gift from God, fostering joy and presence.  The Son is called the sacrament of God.
 NOTE: All Sundays are Holy Days of Obligation,  Catholics view Jesus' passion, death, and
even if they are not included in this list. resurrection as the pinnacle saving event, predicting
the sacraments and the actions and words of Jesus.
The Liturgy of the Hours  Through his DYING and RISING, Jesus destroyed
 The Sunday assembly, a part of the Church's divine the power of sin, death and evil, and opened for us
office, celebrates the Liturgy of the Hours, a public the gates of heaven.
prayer of the Church. This event integrates the prayer  God provides us with a constant opportunity to
of the psalms into the Church's age, symbolizing the experience His touch through our participation in the
time of day and the liturgical seson. sacraments, allowing us to nourish, heal, and sing
praises to Him.
Where is the Liturgy Celebrated?
 The worship of the New Covenant is not tied to any The Spirit Sanctifies Us
one place, but rather to the whole earth, which is  When speaking about the role of the Holy Spirit in the
sacred and entrusted to the children of men. liturgy, two Greek words re often used:
Christians construct buildings for divine worship, such  Anamnesis
as churches, which symbolize the dwelling of God  And Epiclesis
with men reconciled and united in Christ. These  Anamnesis is a Greek word for remembering.
churches are houses of prayer where the Eucharist is  The HOly Spirit is sometimes called the “memory of
celebrated and reserved, and where the presence of the Church.” He helps her especially in the Liturgy of
the Son of God our Savior is worshipped. The altar of the Word to remember God’s marvelous deeds on
the New Covenant is the Lord's Cross, and the altar our behalf.
is also the table of the Lord, inviting the people of  Epiclesis is a Greek word for “calling down upon.”
God. The tabernacle is situated in a most worthy  During the epiclesis of the Mass (prior to the
place with the greatest honor, and the dignity, consecration), the priest asks the Father to send
placing, and security of the Eucharist tavernacle his Spirit upon the gifts of bread and wine to
should foster adoration before the Lord is truly “make them holy so that they may become the
present in the Blessed Sacramen. The sacred chrism body and blood of Christ.”
(myron) is traditionally reserved and venerated in a  As we enter into the prayer of the Mass, the Holy
secure place in the sanctuary, and the chair of the Spirit is at work is us, sanctifying us and making us a
bishop or priest should express his office of presiding little bit more like Jesus.
over the assembly and directing prayer. The church
has an eschatological significance, as it represents Introduction to the Sacraments
the journey from the world wounded by sin to the  God provides us with a constant opportunity to
world of the Father's house. The church symbolizes experience His touch through our participation in the
the journey from sin-wounded world to Father's sacraments, allowing us to nourish, heal, and sing
house, welcoming all God's children and ensuring a praises to Him.
clean and welcoming environment.

The Liturgical - Work of the Trinity

 In the liturgy, God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
are the primary characters. Our role is to be ACTIVE
participants in what God does for us in the liturgy.
 In his book Fr. Mcbride’s College cathechism, the
author summarizes the work of the Trinity in the
liturgy in this way:
 The Father, the source and goal of the liturgy,
blesses us.
 The Son, at the heart of the liturgy, redeems us.
 The Spirit, the souldof the liturgy, sanctifies us.


 From the beginning of creation until the end of time,  Sacraments are efficacious signs of grace, instituted
God blesse us, i.e., he offers us a share in his life and by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which
goodness. divine life is dispensed to us.”
 In the liturgy, God blesses us and we celebrate his
blessings and respond with thanks, singing: “Praise “Efficacious signs” of Grace
God from whome all blessings flow.”  Sacraments signifies Christ's work through special
signs, demonstrating his efficacy in baptizing and
The Son Redeems Us
communicating grace through actions of Christ and  Defect af form,
the Church, instituted by Christ.  Defect of matter,
 Lack of the properly ordrained minister,
 Or the lack of intent.
“Entrusted to the Church”
 The Church makes the sacraments, just as the SACRAMENTALS
scriptures are entrusted to it, overseeing their  The Mother Church instituted sacramentals, sacred
celebration and making the Church. signs, to prepare us for life's challenges and sanctify
all aspects of life, resembling Christ's sacraments.
Source of Divine Life  Example of sacramentals:
 When sacraments are validly celebrated God always  A person, meals, objects and places.
shows up offering is a share in his divine life.  Sacraments are a means of worship, wherein we can
Sacraments bear fruit in divine life, requiring faith to experience God's divine life and worhsip in his spirit
be received with the required dispositions, even in and truth.
weaker times when faith may be lacking.
Jesus Christ: The Primordial Sacrament
Purpose of the Sacraments  He is the Sacrament of God’s love to men and man’s
 The catechism (1123) states the threesold purpose of response to God.
the sacraments:  He is the origin and the primary agent of all the
 To sanctify the recipent; Sacraments.
 To buil up the Church, the Body or Christ; and  He is the fullest expression of all the Sacraments.
 Togive worship to the Father.  He is the central and decisive event in the whole
history of salvation.
THREE GROUPINGS  He is the realization of God’s plan of love, His
Sacraments of Initiation purpose of grace, in spite of sin, to call men to perfect
 Baptism, communion with Him.
 Confirmation  He become the sensibel, visible and public form of
 Eucharist God’s self-communication of love and grace.
 Until all three saraments are received, one is not a  He is the sole source of grace and salvation.
full member of the Church.  He is therefore the source, primary agent and goal of
all sacramental activities.
 Reconciliation Christ As Primordial Sacrament Means That…
 Anointing of the Sick  The Sacraments arise from the Saving Ministry of
SACRAMENTS OF THE CHRISTIAN SERVICE  The Sacraments are continued in, by and for the
 Holy Orders Church.
 Matrimony  The Sacraments form us in likeness to Christ in the
Paschal Mystery.
 Matter The Two Movements of the Sacraments
 What is perceptible to the sense it is either a
physical substance or a perceptible action.
 Form
 Refers to the words that are spoken in prayer of
the sacraments.
 Both matter and the form of the sacraments some
from Christ and the apostles; because of this divine
origin, the Church teaches that if either matter or form
is lacking there is no tru sacrament.


 To say a sacrament is valid is to say that is has truly The Church: Christ;s Fundamental Sacrament
and really been brought about. Besides matter and The Church is the:
form, a valid sacrament needs two additional  Fundamental
elements:  Foundation
 A validly ordrained minister  Basic and
 Intent to do what the Church does when  Universal
administering a sacrament. Sacrament of Jesus.
 When a sacrament is invalid, there is no real  The Church is the Universal Sacrament of Salvation
sacrament. by her relationship to the Unique and Sole Source of
Invalidity can be brought about in severa ways: Salvation, Jesus Christ.
 The Church is inspired and moved by the Holy Spirit
to do her part towards the full realization of the Plan
of God Who Has established Christ as the Source of

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