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Nursing Leadership theory 1

Nursing Leadership philosophy

Penina Pierre

Delaware Technical and community College

NUR 400-601 Nursing Leadership

Date: 4/23/2023

Instructor: Ms. Pini

Nursing Leadership theory 2

Leadership and management in a healthcare professional are the main means

for providing quality of care that satisfies patient needs socially, psychologically,

physically, emotionally and spiritually. A good leader looks for the well beings of patients

and at the same time for the well beings of the workers. Nurse Leaders gains their

authorities from the ability to influence others to get the work done (Finkelman, 2020).

Nurse leaders are focused on making changes that cause the progress of the

organization and the satisfaction of workers and patients. Nurse leaders may not need

a specific position but encourage and influence others to make progress in their works

and to improve the quality of care. Nurse leaders are role models. The theory of Kurt

Lewing that identifies the three stages that must adopted before change can be made

such as “unfreezing (when change is needed, Moving (when change is initiate),

Refreezing (when change is initiated)” (Michell, 2022) in addition to Democratic

leadership, health care organization can overcome the problem encountered in

healthcare facilities.

Leaders are looking for a way to change things that disqualifies the potential

growth of the organization. It is difficult for a health care worker to provide a good quality

of care to patients without a reasonable working condition and communication.

Leadership loses its capability of producing improvement without good communication

among the staff members and the interdisciplinary teams. In my nursing career, I have

been experienced with many kinds of leadership and management. The worst thing that

can cause a lapse in leadership is the lack of communication and failure of being a good
Nursing Leadership theory 3

listener. It is burdensome to unexpectedly meet a change without prior notification.

Changes that have been made in a nursing procedure or policy shouldn’t be a surprise

for the nursing staff. This authoritarian leadership gives a lot of problems in health care

facilities. Because they don’t ask for worker opinion, they make their changes out of the

blue. There are times where leadership is difficult to attain the goals as of the time of

Corvid 19 pandemic outbreaks where nursing shortages mostly affected healthcare

facilities. Nurses were obligated to work short and overtime and burned out. At the order

side it was also the time where leaders reached their maximum efforts to achieve their

goals. It is also challenging to be a leader because there is a lot of resistance to face

from workers that don’t want changes. Choosing Democratic leadership style by

following the Lewing theory of change to develop my leadership model is a must for the

benefit of the patient's health outcome, for the satisfaction of the health care workers

and for the profit and good reputation of the organization. A leader must be prepared to

encounter opposition and resistance when establishing changes. But changes that are

made with the participation of staff opinion will be more likely successful. My leadership

is based on developing strategies to respond to the needs of the organization. such as

patient satisfaction, a better work environment and the growth of the organization. The

Democratic leadership style is well suited in gathering employees together and then

exposing the problem while listening to their opinions without interference. After

identifying the root of the problems, then the plan of resolution will be made. After the

execution of the goal planning, the problem will be resolved, and the normal state of the

organization will be established. A leader should be a role model for the group that he or

she is leading. Using a transformational style will enhance the capacity of employees to
Nursing Leadership theory 4

be more efficient in providing care. I believe in maintaining and respecting the

organization rules and policies. I also believe in staff opinion and involvement in

changes that are for the progress of the organization and the staff satisfaction. The

transformational Leadership theory is very important because it helps develop workers’

ability to competently provide quality of care and improve patient satisfaction about care


Change in health care can be beneficial for patients, staff, and organization; it

can also be detrimental for them depending on the leadership style adopted in this

organization. I experienced a change without prior notice from the management at my

workplace. The decision was made without staff opinion. Since Covid 19 outbreak,

Agency staff has grown significantly. Traveler nurses took over the organization's

employees. Traveler nurses Agency cost the organization near double the cost of its

own employees. As a result, organization funds depleted. In an effort for the

organization to regain economic control, the organization decided to send away the

agency nurses. After most of the traveler’s contracts were canceled, but a few were

renewed, short staffing became enormous. The organization failed to hire new staff to

replace the travelers but decided to make a change to the nurse/patient ratios. The unit

that used to have three nurses has now become assigned to two nurses. As a result,

organization employees were unhappy and quit their jobs. Work efficiency and quality of

care become poor, employees burnt-out by staying late at work or by working overtime.

Patients’ complaints multiplied, staff unhappy and This authoritarian Leadership makes

things worse than if staff opinion was heard before the decision was made. As a

transformational leader I will influence the employees by becoming a role model and
Nursing Leadership theory 5

encourage them to do the same to produce work performance that is beyond

expectation. With employee engagement at work, leadership goals will be met, and a

better outcome would be for the satisfaction of the patients, employees, and

organization. In a situation like this, a transformational leader, it would be better to meet

all staff members to discuss the way to make the change so everyone can be ready to

cooperate and to allow the change to happen. Being a right leader that engages in a

right leadership style will influence employees to become faithfully engaged in

performing tasks to attain the leadership goals. (Nguyen & Nguyen, 2022).

The most important thing to keep the leadership goals effective is the

assessment and the evaluation of work done by each employee. To make change that

is for the patient's well-being, staff must provide holistic care to the patients. Care can

be provided with performance based on the staff motivation and collaboration with the

leader’s influence on attaining goals. It is an effort of everyone in the health care team

that contributes to the realization of the plan of change to transform how bedside care

has been performed. The plan is to create a good environment where patients can feel

safe, confident, trust and staff can be competent and improve the quality of care. As a

transformational leader, searching for things that improve the quality of care is a priority.

The plan focuses on patient centered care and it is in collaboration with all the team

members to make it happen. The plan of change must be presented to the administrator

to verify the important value of care improvement that enhances the potential growth of

the organization.

To engage in maintaining a work environment that is suitable for the patient and

the care delivering system, many preparations and structures must be set up to facilitate
Nursing Leadership theory 6

the implementation of goals. Education must be provided to the staff on how to get

things done. Inservice education plays an important role in bringing up to date staff

members on the new technology. Teamwork must remain an important tool in effort to

provide effective care for the patients which also diminishes patients' complaints.

Schedule frequent staff meetings to present the progress or the plan of correction that

may be needed. Nursing plays an important role in the lives of patients and therefore

requires the knowledge and the ability to provide accurate care for the benefit of the

patient’s well-being in a whole including social, cultural, psychological, cultural aspect.

“Advocacy, by definition, means public support for or recommendations for a particular cause

or policy. Advocacy may mean taking steps to create change.” (Eaton, 2021)

The nurse leaders as patient advocates always view the organization as a place where

patients can be treated regardless of their cultures, nationality, gender differences, and

social pertaining. Nurse leaders as patient advocates search for the patient's

satisfaction and wellbeing. The nurse advocates for the patient’s good quality of care,

and care that is based on the holistic where patients can be seen as an individual that

needs a quality of care that enhances the goal planning for the patient’s better health

outcome. The nurse advocate always foresees the needs of those that are unable to

make their needs known due to either cognitive impairment, physical disability, mentally

ill and patients with dementia. The nurse leader works in collaboration with an

interdisciplinary team to provide a quality of care that can make a difference in the

patient's quality of life. Nurse leaders as advocates for patients are looking for patient

safety in every aspect of care delivery. Nurse leaders advocate respect and reinforce
Nursing Leadership theory 7

respect regarding patients' will and preferences. The nurse should care for patients with

mercy, kindness, and charity. Patients’ nurse relationships develop when a nurse uses

kindness and charity to address patient needs. It also enhances therapeutic

communication, helping nurses know more about the patient and thus providing

appropriate care to the patient. A focus on providing care specific to information gained

through a relationship with the patient shows how the nurse values the patient's unique

attributes and worth as an individual. Nurses are obligated to respect patients

‘autonomy. Patients have the right to participate in their plan of care and to make

decisions while capable of doing so for their end of lives decision. Doing so shows

dignity for the patient by valuing their personhood and individual opinions.

As a nurse, my perspective goal in the nursing career is to influence others under

my leadership style which is transformational leadership to change how care has been

delivered. To be a role model where respect, dignity and confidentiality can be found at

the patient's bedside. A nurse leader where staff can follow the path for the

development of their devotion and motivation to perform the high quality of care in order

to accomplish patients’ satisfaction, health care team confidence and the organization

progress. A nurse leader that will advocate to keep the nursing profession quality stand

high. A nurse leader that will stand for the change in policy for the wellbeing of the

patients and for the nursing team good quality work environment.
Nursing Leadership theory 8


Anita, F. (2020). Leadership and management for Nurses: core competencies for

quality of care. (4th ed.) Pearson.

Nguyen, H. T., Nguyen V. Q. (2022). Transformational, Transactional, Laissez-faire Leadership

Styles and Employee Engagement: Evidence From Vietnam’s Public Sector.SAGE.DOI:

10.1177/2158244022109460610 journal

Michell, G. (April, 20213) Selecting the best theory to implement planned

change. (vol. 20)

Eaton, D. (2021). Nursing advocacy beyond the bedside. Health

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