Hello! I Am Adrian I Am From A Big Country A Thecountry

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Hello! I am Adrian. I am from a big country.

A (the)country
is Brazil. I have a story. The story is about languages. I
learned English and Spanish. But first, let me talk(tell ) you
about my life in Brazil.
I was born in Brazil. I have a family in Brazil, and we
are friendly. We speak Portuguese at house(home) We also
talk in Italian because my father is from Italy. I learned
Portuguese and Italian at home with (from)my family. I did
not go to school to learn them. I learned them
naturally .In Brazil, I went to school. The school was outstanding.
I started learning English at school. I get (got)good marks in
school. But speaking English was hard for me. I was
scared to speak. The school made us memorize many
sings(things) and we had many tests. I did not want(like) this. It
was not fun. I had a problem. I did not know how to
use (he ,she,it) in English. I knew the rule, but
I would forget it. I was not happy. So, I left the school.However, I still wanted to learn English. I
used the
internet. I found websites about learnings. (Languages )I found a
teacher. The teacher said we learn languages by
reading and listening. I liked this (his)idea. I found podcasts
and videos in English. I understood why I had
problems before. The school teach(taught ) me English in a
wrong way. They made me study grammar too much.I did not need grammar to speak. I learned
and Italian without grammar. I learned them from my
family. I learned them naturally. I could talk to anyone
basically(easily). I wanted to know why English should be
I am not saying grammar is terrible. Studying
grammar is good, but not at the start. I learned
grammar after I could speak. Grammar helped me
write better. It helped me communicate better. But
grammar did not help me at first. I learned English The some(same) way Learned Portuguese
and Italian I listen a lot after(then) I read a lot I enjoyed it I did not worry about mistakes I just
wanted to understand I learn English like a child now I can speak English I can bondage(change)
Portuguese to english and Italian to English I speak naturally I learn English in tow years I also
learned Spanish in six months
I use the same method I listen and read a lot Now I am happy I can speak for (four)languages I
want to learn more I hope my story can help more people learn better Learning language is fun
it's simple you just need to read and listen then practice that is all

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