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Podcast: The Wolf and the Crane

Hello, everyone. How are you doing today? I hope you are good. Welcome back to
the QUALITY ENGLISH COURSE. Today, I want to tell you a story about a wolf and a
crane. This story teaches us a very important lesson,
The wolf was an evil animal. He only cared about himself and his own needs. He
did not care about anyone else. He had no friends because he was always mean
and disrespectful to other animals.
One day, the wolf made a big mistake. He was eating a big meal, and he was so
hungry. He ate too fast, and bone got stuck in his throat. He felt a sharp pain, and
he could not eat anything. He tried to get rid of the bone, but he could not. He
was in trouble, and he needed help.
He started to ask the other animals. He asked a monkey, a bear, and even a rabbit,
but no one agreed to help him. They were all afraid of him because they knew he
was an evil animal. They did not trust him. They said, "The wolf is dangerous. If we
help him, he might hurt us."
The wolf was hopeless. He did not know what to do. He was in pain, and he was
scared. Then, he saw a crane. The crane was a very tall bird. She had a long neck
and a long beak.
The wolf decided to ask the crane for help. He said to her, "Please help me. I have
a bone in my throat. It hurts a lot. If you take it out, I will give you a lot of money. I
The crane was afraid of the wolf, and she did not want to help him. But she
thought about the money and got greedy. She thought, "Maybe I can get
something from the wolf."
She agreed to help the wolf. She said, "Okay, I will help you. But you have to keep
your promise. You have to give me a lot of money. Don't forget your promise."
The wolf said, "Yes, yes, of course. I have a lot of money, and I will help you." He
opened his mouth and let the crane put her head inside. The crane was very
careful. She put the bone out of the wolf's mouse. The wolf felt a huge relief. He
could breathe normally again, and he could eat again. He was very happy.

©Miran Quality English Course

The crane was also happy. She had done an excellent job, and she had helped the
wolf. She took her head out of the wolf's mouth, and she asked for her reward.
She said, "Thank you for letting me help you. Now, please give me the money you
promised me."
The wolf laughed and said, "Are you kidding me? What kind of money do you
want? You put your head into a wolf's mouth and took it out safely. Isn't that
enough? You should be happy that I did not bite your head off. Now, go away and
do not bother me again."
The crane was very angry and sad. She learned that the wolf was an evil and
ungrateful animal. He had no respect for her. He had lied to her, and he broke his
promise. He did not thank her, and he did not give him anything.
The crane wished she had never helped the wolf. She wished she had not listened
to him. She wished she had not been greedy. She learned that the wolf was not a
friend but an enemy.
The moral of the story is: Expect no reward for serving the wicked. The wicked do
not appreciate your help, and they do not repay your kindness. They only care
about themselves. They will lie to you, and they will cheat you. They will hurt you,
and they will harm you. They will not respect you, and they will not thank you.
They will not give you anything, and they will not help you.
So, my friends, do not serve the wicked. Do not be greedy, and do not be foolish.
Be wise and be careful. Choose your friends wisely and treat them well. Be kind
and be honest. Be grateful and be generous. Give what you can and help when
you can. Expect nothing in return and be happy with what you have.
Thank you for listening to my speech. I hope you enjoyed it, and I hope you
learned something from it. Have a nice day. Goodbye.

©Miran Quality English Course

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