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Ch 6 sec 2 assessment

1. What are executive orders and executive privileges?

An executive order made by the president to help officers and
agencies manage the operations within the federal government
2. What might happen if a president were unable to commit
military forces without first getting the approval of Congress?
The president must report to congress within 48 hours to explain
the reasons.
3. What is the meaning of the terms reprieve, pardon, and
Reprieve – cancel or postpone the punishment of (someone,
especially someone condemned to death)
Pardon – the action of forgiving or being forgiven for an error or
Commute – reduce (a judicial sentence, especially a sentence of
death) to one less severe
4. What is the role of the media as a source of a president’s
informal powers?
He can get on national TV anytime he wants to inform us over
issues around the world.
5. What are some formal and informal checks on the president’s
Presidential actions are subject to judicial review and Presidential
power is also blocked by Congress.
6. What is meant by the term Imperial presidency?
When the president exceeds his role in takes to more power than
the Constitution says.

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