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Dear, as a doctor I would like to have my own private hospital when I come over to

Japan and I would like to have my hospital in your city

How much do you think it would cost to build a private hospital in your city?

In that case, I would build my own private hospital when I come over to Japan.
also, I would like to buy a new house when I come over to Japan but I want a big
house with a flower garden 3LDK or 4LDK
How much do you think it would cost to buy such a house in your city?

I think that is a very amount, in that case, I would buy a new house when I come
over to Japan. what is your favorite car?

Wow, that really nice and I also like SUV cars

How do you think it would cost to buy an SUV car in Japan?

I think it's a considerable amount of money. In that case, I will buy a new SUV
when I come to Japan. You know that I truly love and trust you with all my heart.
and that is why I can always disclose about myself to you

I have a lot of money in my US bank account, but I don't have access to it in the
war zone here. My account was frozen when I arrived here in Yemen, so the Taliban
will not be able to hack our account and steal our money. So when you leave here,
you'll have access to it, and we'll be able to live the best life we've ever had.

you.why I can disclose anything about myself to you.

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