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Motivation of students is necessary for both their personal growth and academic success in this
expeditious educational environment with this new generation. “Irregular students”, is a term that
refers to those who, for a variety of reasons, did not pursue their traditional education pace, which
includes their obligations that could be from work, family, health, and more. They are the kids who
have frequent involvement with difficulties that may deter them from learning, obviously affecting
their academic status. The Lyceum of Alabang provides a broad student body, which includes
numbers of students who may need extra support to succeed in their academic ventures.

Social support is one of the essential parts or elements that has been noted as an important tool in
establishing the student’s motivation. It is a web of official and informal resources that people
depend on to meet their informational, spiritual, or even psychological requirements. It might be
from their friends, peers, family, or even their professors. This social support can have a great
impact on how motivated a person or student is.

This study aims to explore the relationship between the motivation and support of out-of-the
ordinary students at the Lyceum of Alabang. Conducting this activity is essential due to the fact that
it can contribute information on how educational institutions can better meet the exceptional
needs of irregular students, boosting their motivation and general academic path. In addition to
this, by exploring this relationship, the study aims to add to the immense body of knowledge on
motivation and support in schooling.

In order for us to succeed in this research, we will use different methods, including quantitative and
qualitative research, to acquire a thorough awareness of the experiences and points of view of the
irregular students at Lyceum of Alabang. We can create an extensive picture of the dynamics at
work by looking into their sources of support, how they perceive and pursue the help they receive,
and how the support they are receiving affects their motivation.

As it can be a guide or a blueprint for the creation of focused media and ways to support irregular
students in their academic journey, this research has significant implications for administrators,
policymakers, and educators. We want to encourage these students’ drive by providing them with
the tools they need and the support they need, which will boost their chances of succeeding in
their academics and personal development.

The pertinent literature, research design, anticipated results, and consequences or opportunities of
this study will be covered in detail in the ensuing sections. Through this experiment and
investigation, we are aiming to shed light on the complex interaction between motivation and
social support among the students with irregular status at the Lyceum of Alabang, delivering
valuable data for both educational and research institutions.

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