ConjureMan Secret To Money Conjure 1

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ConjureMan Ali's Spiritual Blog

Monday, January 23, 2012

My Secret to Money Conjure

Every rootworker has their own secrets that they've picked up about the different work that
they do. They often have developed a certain technique or learned a trick from an elder that
gives their work that extra oomph.

For money magic, I find that adding an element of protection really takes things to the next
level. Money is a fluid concept and also very susceptible to being jinxed. In fact, when I
come across people who have been the victim of a curse or even the Evil Eye, I find that
their finances are the first thing to go.

So for me, I learned long ago to add an element of protection to all the money work that I
do. Not only does this save your money from being jinxed, but more importantly it ensures
that the money that you do draw in stays with you. No point in doing money drawing spells if
it all goes down a bottomless hole.

I was taught by a root doctor in Georgia to use Devil's Shoe Strings in all money work to tie
down the Devil and make sure he isn't causing mischief with your money. Similarly, I find
that adding Alkanet or Alfalfa will have a similar quality of protecting your money and making
sure that you keep what you draw in.

For an effective money drawing spell you'll need: 7/30/18, 11A50 AM

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Sugar Jar
Alfalfa (you can substitute either Alkanet or Devil's Shoe String)
Five Finger Grass
Blue Flag
$20 bill.
Some type of money oil.

Write your petition right on the bill, asking for money to come to you, money enough to
cover your expenses and help you live comfortably, and for the money to stay with you.
Cover and cross this petition with your name by turning it clockwise 1/4th of a turn and
writing your name three times over it. Five spot the bill with your oil and place the Magnet
and herbs in the center of the bill.

Fold the bill by turning it clockwise and folding towards you until you have a little packet.
Place this packet into a jar of Sugar and breathe Psalm 23 into the jar before you shut it

You can then place this jar on a prosperity altar, light candles on it, shake it up and pray
over it. You'll find that not only will it sweeten and draw money to you, but it will protect your
money from jinxes, mishaps, and other things that may cause money to normally slip out of
your hands.

ConjureMan Ali at 10:42 PM



Jerry Fulford January 24, 2012 at 4:10 AM

THank you for posting this :) In case I missed it, what is the blue flag for? Thank you, Jerry

De heer Balthazar January 24, 2012 at 7:55 AM

Great tip Ali! This might even be a fruitful magical strategy to deploy for other aims such as love 7/30/18, 11A50 AM

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or success. Thanks for sharing.

marybee January 24, 2012 at 8:00 AM

This is a great work, CM Ali; thanks. I tell people to do a cleansing of themselves if they think their
money is crossed; better safe than sorry :)

ConjureMan Ali January 24, 2012 at 9:53 AM

@marybee, cleansing is always good. Its the standard before anywork that I do.

@Balthazar, thank you! You are definitely on the money. ;-)

@Jerry Fulford, blue flag is a root:


curious joe January 24, 2012 at 2:13 PM

Nice work! Sugar jar-- could we use honey or molasses instead? Or this work is traditionally done
with sugar? Thanks

ConjureMan Ali January 25, 2012 at 8:32 AM

@curious joe, honey works just as well for this. I was taught to use sugar for the work this spell is
adapted from, but I've used honey in money work to great effect.

Shadow January 30, 2012 at 3:47 AM

How kind of You to share, thanks. And very cunning idea.

Many Blessings
Reply 7/30/18, 11A50 AM

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snake doctor charm February 1, 2012 at 6:39 PM
Great post! To prevent the contents of the bill from coming out, is it a good idea to seal the bill
with something like beeswax?

Isis February 2, 2012 at 10:42 AM

Writing this one in my little book of spells. Thanks! So you not ever spend this
$20? I'll definitely use sugar. I don't think I could put $20 in honey without cringing. :)

Old Style Conjure February 12, 2012 at 6:51 AM

Wow, we must have run into the same worker this is almost the exact work I teach. Momma Starr

ConjureMan Ali February 12, 2012 at 1:27 PM

That's great Momma Starr! I've unfortunately never had the chance to take your money conjure
courses, but I definitely look forward to it as I am sure it is filled with wisdom.

Working with Devil's Shoe String in this manner was taught to me by a root doctor from Georgia
and I've taken it to heart ever since then. Alkanet and Alfalfa was my own addition to money

By the way the, the workers named Uncle Ronny, though his full name was Ronald Willis from
Savannah, Georgia. I met him through my Momma back in 1995. It would be one of those
miracles of spirit if we both knew him.

ConjureMan Ali February 12, 2012 at 2:15 PM

snakedoctorcharm, you can use beeswax to holl it all in together, or you can use thread to make
a little packet.

Isis, the money remains in the honey jar or sugar jar to perpetually draw money to you.
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Old Style Conjure February 13, 2012 at 7:18 AM
@Ali, do you know where Mr. Willis is now? I'd love to interveiw him on my CCBH at blogtalk. Do
you know how to get in contact with him and do you think he would do the show? Momma Starr

ConjureMan Ali February 13, 2012 at 11:40 AM

Hello Starr, you can contact me privately and we'll continue from there.

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About Me
ConjureMan Ali
California, United States
ConjureMan Ali, also known to some as Dr. Raven, is a traditional conjurer and magus--a practitioner of old
world sorceries and new world magicks. He works within the grimoire tradition along with its Middle Eastern
counterparts and is a professional rootworker. A graduate of catherine yronwode's Hoodoo and Rootwork
Correspondence Course, he's a spiritual practitioner who reads and performs rootwork on behalf of clients
and is an accredited and reputable member of the Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers. A
Tata in the tradition of Quimbanda, his approach to the occult and magick is scholarly and practical with an 7/30/18, 11A50 AM

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emphasis on classical occult education combined with real-world practice. He is a diviner, an astrologer, a
geomancer, cartomancer, and a dreamer. If you are interested in learning more about him or the services
he offers go to
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