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MPM 03

Rev 04 / 15 June 2020

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1. Purpose
To define the Company’s structure, responsibility, authority and interrelation of all personnel who
manage, perform and verify works relating to quality, safety and environment protection.
To document the Top Management commitment to the development and implementation of the
Company’s Management System and the realisation of the stated objectives.

2. Scope & Application

This chapter covers the organization, responsibilities and authorities of the shore staff of the
Company, including the travelling superintendents, and the various policies that defines the
Company’s commitment to meeting the objectives.

3. Contents
3.1 Reporting to Flag states
3.2 The Company’s Organisation Chart
3.3 Company Management
3.4 Managing Director (MD)
3.5 General Manager (GM)
3.6 Technical Manager (TM)
3.7 Technical Superintendent (TS)
3.8 QA Manager (QAM)
3.9 Marine Superintendent (MS)
3.10 Crew Manager (CM)
3.11 Admin Manager (AM)
3.12 Purchasing Manager (PM)
3.13 Provision of Resources
3.14 The Quality Assurance Committee (QAC)
3.15 Monitoring Vessels Operations
3.16 Communications
3.17 Certification, Verification and Control
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The Company had taken the responsibility of the requirement to inform the Administration of the flag
state of the vessel if the manager of the vessel is other than the registered owner of the vessel.

The Technical Superintendent in charge of the vessel is responsible for ensuring that a declaration to
the vessel’s flag state, whether in the form required or not, is duly signed by the registered owner and
submitted to the vessel’s flag state authorized entity.

Any changes to the vessel’s name or particulars must be reported to the vessel’s flag state
administration and the declaration may be changed if necessary.

A copy of the declaration shall be filed in the relevant file in QA/Safety Department.
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Board of Directors
DPA Job Functions
as required
under ISM &
ISPS Code &
CSO having direct
access to Top

Accounts Dept Purchasing Dept Technical Dept QA & Safety Dept Crewing Dept Admin Dept

Managed Vessels
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The entire business activity of the company is governed through a management committee, which
oversees and co-ordinates activities of all the other departments to achieve a quality service to the

1. Management Committee
The Management Committee comprises of the following:
 Managing Director - Chairman
 General Manger - Member
 QA Manager - Member
 Technical Manager - Member
 Admin Manager - Member
 Account Manager - Member

2. Operations Division
This department controls the day-to-day operations of the vessels. The General Manager is in charge
of this department assisted by the manager of each department under it.
The Operations Division consists of the following departments:
 Technical Department – in charge of the technical operations of all the vessels under
management. It is headed by the Technical Manager who is assisted by the Superintendent
and Inspectors in monitoring all vessels.
 QA/Safety Department – in charge of the maintenance and continual improvement of the
Company’s Management System and monitoring of safety and pollution prevention activities
of the vessels. It is headed by the QA Manager.
 Crewing Department – in charge of the selections of seafarers and co-ordination of crewing
matters with crewing agencies. It is headed by the Crew Manager.
 Purchasing Department – in charge of sourcing for and arranging of supplies of spares, stores
& various services to the vessels as well as monitoring the quality and activities of various
suppliers. It is headed by the Purchasing Manager.

3. Quality Assurance Committee (QAC)

This committee is in-charge of quality control of the company’s management system and contingency
planning as well as emergency response. The organization, functions, mandates and responsibilities
of the QAC is described in 3.14 of this manual.


1. Responsibilities

 The Managing Director is the Chief Executive Officer of the Company and is responsible for
the following:
 overall performance of the Company and its associates,
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 reporting to the customers on the company's performance,

 implementation, monitoring and control of budgets,
 communication with customers and decisions on business strategy,
 business development and implementation,
 implementation of SAFETY, QUALITY & ENVIRONMENTAL POLICIES of the Company at the
office and on board vessels,
 Monitoring the Company’s Management System performance against the safety & quality
objectives and environmental objectives & targets,
 negotiating all contracts,
 delegation of authorities and responsibilities to the GM, QA Manager, Financial Controller,
Admin Manager and other staff in the Company,
 providing adequate resources to the appointed Designated Person Ashore and Quality
Environment Management Representative for carrying out their duties,
 final approval of selected new office staff,

 Overall authority in the organization.


1. Responsibilities

 Directly responsible and accountable to the MD / Management.

 Overall responsibility of the functioning and performance of the Operations Division
 Assist in the preparation of the expense budgets of the vessels for the year
 Assist to ensure that the expense budgets for the vessels are continuously monitored and that
necessary steps are taken to maintain the same, and if necessary, amend them with the
concurrence of the Board of Directors.
 Assist in the planning all the capital expenditures, like ship equipment purchases, dry-docking
and repairs, special survey expenses, major retrofitting works for complying with regulations
and purchase of capital equipment, etc.
 Prevent vessels off-hires due to technical failures, non-compliance with rules and regulations
or due to the statutory certificates not being valid.
 Issue relevant circulars to the Operations Staff and to the vessels if there are any changes in
the company's policy, as well as regular issuance of technical circulars and safety circulars to
the vessels.
 To liaise with insurance brokers on all P & I and H & M cases as well as be kept updated on
any premium changes and war risk exclusions.
 To keep abreast of any new regulations issued by IMO, SOLAS or IACS to assist to ensure
vessels comply well before due date.
 Carry out inspections of the vessels on behalf of the customers for acquisition purposes.
 In consultation with the Technical Superintendent in charge of the vessel, finalises the
appointments and/or promotion to the following ranks :
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- Masters & Chief Engineers

- Chief Officers & Second Engineers
 Any other functions as directed by the MD / Management

2. Authority
 Delegation of authority and responsibility to the Department Managers.
 Schedule the visits of the Technical Superintendents and Inspectors to their designated
vessels to ensure constant observation and monitoring.
 Scrutiny and approval of bills for repairs, maintenance, spares and agency disbursements,
which have been approved and passed for payments by the Technical Superintendents.
 Approval of purchases as directed by the MD / Management.
 Approval of leave applications of department managers under the Operations Division.


1. Responsibilities
 Accountable to the GM and assume the duties of the GM in his absence.
 Responsible for the functioning and performance of the Technical Department.
 Preparation of the operation budgets of all vessels for the year.
 Ensure that the vessels under management are operated safely, economically, pollution-free
and free from off-hire due to technical failures or non-compliance with rules and regulations
or port state detentions.
 Ensure that the various policies and procedures of the ISM Ships Management System are
implemented on the vessels.
 Ensure that all rules, regulations, codes, guidelines & other legal requirements are complied
with by the vessels, as applicable.
 Review the PLANNED MAINTENANCE PROGRAMME at least every three months and report on
the progress during operations meeting including plans of revision of the programme, if
 Ensure that all the statutory surveys of the vessels are planned and carried out on the
scheduled dates.
 Review appraisal reports of all the officers and crew and discuss with Crew Manager on
seafarers reemployment status.
 To monitor all P&I and H&M cases in conjunction with Technical Superintendents, Crew and
Accounts Department.
 To liaise with insurance brokers on all P & I and H & M cases as well as be kept updated on
any premium changes and war risk exclusions.
 Planning and monitoring of Technical Superintendents / Inspectors’ visit to the vessels to
assess conditions and maintenance routines on board.
 Planning the deployment of Inspectors on board.
 Carry out inspections of vessels on behalf of the clients for acquisition purpose.
 Give recommendations to the appointments or promotions of Masters, Chief Engineers and
Chief Officers.
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 Any other functions as directed by the General Manager and Managing Director.

2. Authority
 In consultation with the GM, assign who will be the Technical Superintendent in charge of a
new vessel.
 Plan and coordinate the deployment of Technical Superintendents / Inspectors to their
designated vessels to ensure constant observation.
 Scrutiny and approval of bills for repairs, maintenance, spares and agency disbursements,
which has been approved and passed for payments by the Technical Superintendents.
 Identify the technical training required of office personnel and recommend to the MD and GM.


1. Responsibilities
 Accountable to the Technical Manager (TM)
 Ensure that the vessels under his supervision have on board all the required valid statutory,
class and other trading certificates.
 Ensure that the vessels under his supervision are manned according to Safe Manning
Certificate and that all crew have valid documents required by STCW and flag state.
 In co-ordination with the Master and the Chief Engineer, to prepare a PLANNED
MAINTENANCE PROGRAMME for submission to the GM at the beginning of the year for the
 Carefully scrutinise all SPARES AND STORES REQUISITIONS from the vessel before approval
for quotations and ordering.
 Ensure that the vessel submits technical and other reports in a timely manner.
 Review the vessel's performance in terms of speed, fuel and lub oil consumption and take
corrective actions in time.
 Study the fuel oil and lub oil analysis reports and advise the ship of the action to be taken.
 To review the budget v/s actual performance of the ships under his care and take corrective
measures by way of controlling expenditure, and if the situation demands, submit a proposal
for the revision of the budget and approach the management with the appropriate data.
 To prepare and submit a quarterly report for customers on the vessels under his care and
should cover at least the following:
1. Vessel’s Routing
2. Vessel's Condition
3. Survey and Certificates Status
4. Crew and Personnel Matters
5. Off-hires, if any
6. Accounts (Budget vs Actual)
7. Class Status Report
8. Photos
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 Review the crew changes in coordination with the Crew Manager regarding when and where
they are to be done and obtain the management consent for any dismissals or promotions
especially for senior officers.
 Coordinate with Crew Manager for the selection of the officers and crew to be posted on his
 Settling all the insurance claims for which all the necessary data should be collected by him
and submitted to the insurance brokers so that the claims can be settled as soon as possible
 Preparation of dry-docking specifications, making a comparative chart of quotations received
from various yards and obtaining the Management or Owner's approval.
 Visit the vessels at appropriate intervals as decided by the management and inspect them as
per the procedures laid down. The vessel inspection reports must be submitted within one
week after return.
 Coordinate with the Class and Flag State authorities, regarding surveys, issuance of
extensions to surveys, certificates, recommendations, etc.
 Assist the QA & Safety Department to carry out internal quality, safety and environmental
audits on board the vessels as and when required.
 In coordination with the QA & Safety Department, ensure that the corrective actions
suggested by the QAC are implemented on board.
 Verification of the implementation of the new regulations by the ships under his charge.
 Carry out any additional work assigned by the Technical Manager (TM).

2. Authority
 Decide when and where the surveys will be carried out
 Decide on the supplier of spares for any given requisition in coordination with Purchasing
 Recommend the promotions or repatriations of crewmembers on his assigned-vessel
 Sanction spares and stores for the vessels under his care
 Approval of bills for spares, stores and repairs
 Approval of the DRYDOCKING bills after due clearance from the GM
 Approval of orders for emergency stores and provisions for the vessels
 Assist in preparation of ship’s budgets

3.8 QA Manager (QAM)

1. Responsibilities

 He is accountable to the General Manager.

 In full charge of the Quality, Safety and Environmental Protection functions within the
Company and on board the vessels.
 Implementation, maintenance and continual improvement of the Company’s Management
 Implementation and monitoring of contingency planning and training ashore and on board
the vessels.
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 Coordinate and administer the functions of the QAC.

 Prepare internal and external audit programmes of the management system ashore and on
board at the beginning of each year and monitor and update the progress of the
 He shall monitor the safety and environment protection activities on board all the company's
vessels by the following:
- Receive, acknowledge and follow-up on SAFIR reports (QMR11) and confirm that
follow-up actions have been taken,
- Store the SAFIR Report and maintain statistics on the same,
- Analyse the trends in the SAFIR reports once every 3 months, produce a report to
the QAC and suggest corrective actions to be taken
 He is in charge of updating and maintaining the office reference library

2. Authority
 Amend, delete or introduce procedures in the Company’s Management System as
recommended by the QAC and approved by the Managing Director.
 Schedule QAC meetings, discuss Internal and External Audit findings, Management and
Master Review reports, non-conformities in Safety and Pollution Prevention
Practices/Trainings/Drills, Accidents reports and Quality Management Reports.
 Propose amendments, revisions to the Management System to prevent recurrence of
detected nonconformities to the systems and/or procedures.
 To prepare the plans and instructions for the key shipboard operations and assigning them to
the qualified personnel.
 Collect reports of suggestions/complaints from customers, suppliers, vessels, etc. and
formulates continuous improvement programmes to the Management System.


1. Responsibilities
 He is accountable to the QA Manager.
 To implement and enforce the company's policies and procedures relating to safety and
pollution prevention activities.
 To Implement, maintain and continual improve the Company’s Management system.
 To Implement and monitor the activities of contingency planning and training ashore and on
board the vessels.
 Attend internal audit as per programme of the management system ashore and on board.
Prepare the audit report, and follow up the findings.
 Attend office and vessels’ (if possible) external audit, and follow up the findings.
 To educate and improve the skills of officers and crew with regard to the safety and
environment protection functions.
 Provide guidance and support. Assist vessels to proceed Flag Sate inspection, PSC inspection,
and 3rd parties (RIGHTSHIP, Charterers, etc)’s inspection, and follow up the findings.
 Provide guidance, and supervise the vessels comply with SOLAS, MARPOL, STCW, MLC, and
special local requirement.
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 Assist Ship, Ship owner and Charterers regarding commercial matters.

 Provide guidance/advice to ships regarding voyage planning, safe navigation, cargo operation,
and safe management onboard.
 Provide support to TS and ship in case of accident - Breakdown, Stoppage, Damage, and Off-
 Coordinate with P&I, H&M underwriter and all parties concerned regarding P&I cases, and
follow up.
 Conduct safety inspection onboard.
 The assigned jobs by QA Manager.

2. Authority
 Assign the non-conformities during internal audit for office and vessels.
 Receive/assess/acknowledge/follow up/review the Master Review reports, non-conformities
in Safety and Pollution Prevention Practices/Trainings/Drills, Accidents reports and Quality
Management Reports.
 Assist QA Manager for the amendment of Company’s Management System.
 Review the performance of the officers and the crew and report to the Technical
Superintendent in charge and the QA Manager.


1. Responsibility

 Accountable to the General Manager

 Planning of seafarers needs and recruiting candidates
 Verifying competency of seafarers employed in accordance with STCW Code and Flag State
 Plan and send eligible seafarers for selected training courses
 Evaluate the effectiveness of training programmes
 Review contract for customers, crewing agents and seafarers
 Wage & salary management of seafarers
 Evaluation of appraisal reports and performance of all seafarers
 Handling of seafarers grievances, counselling and union relations
 Seafarers travel, ticketing and accommodation coordination
 Handling of seafarers’ P&I insurance claims
 Crew welfare
 Preparation and presentation of crewing budget for each vessel
 Verification of seafarers pre-employment and travel documents

2. Authority
 Negotiation and execution of crew contracts with various unions
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 Hiring of seafarers with approval from General Manager in consultation with the Technical
Manager (TM)
 Approval of seafarers-related expenses


1. Responsibilities
 Accountable to the General Manager
 Day-to-day office administration including timely supply of office requirements
 Maintenance of files and secretarial support for Operations Division
 Maintenance of annual/medical leave records for all office personnel
 Coordination and arrangement of office staff travels and visa
 Efficient functioning of all office equipment
 Processing of incoming and outgoing mails and correspondence
 Office Staff recruitment and training
 Establish office procedures and conditions of employment
 Ensure that all purchases for office use are kept within budget
 Liaise with contractors
 Update/control the environmental aspects of office operations.
 Assist expatriates in all employment, legal and administrative procedures
 Ensure that company’s procedures for identification, indexing, filing, storage, maintenance
and retention periods of management documents and records including disposal of obsolete
ones are being followed.
 Any other functions as directed by the Managing Director and General Manager

2. Authorities
 Delegation of duties to Admin Executives/Assistants
 Approval of medical bills
 Recommendation of upgrading courses for office staff to the General Manager


1. Responsibilities
 He is accountable to the General Manager
 On receipt of approved requisitions from the vessels, to send out enquiries for quotations,
compile costs on receiving the same and put forward the comparative quotations to the
Technical Superintendents for:
- choice of suppliers
- amendments to the quantities
- confirmation of orders
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 Put forward approved requisitions to the GM for his approval, before placing the order.
 Regularly update on the status of:
- Requisitions & requisitions under KIV
- Requisitions ordered and their readiness
- Delivery & despatch status
- Any problems being encountered
 Confirm orders with the suppliers and arrange delivery to the vessel by the cheapest means of
 Advise the Master and the Agents regarding the despatch and give the despatch details,
 Follow-up with supplies received by vessels,
 Keep records of all purchases and maintain the purchasing files.
 Provide monthly "Purchase Expenses" to the Technical Superintendents in charge.
 Report any deviations to the Technical Manager.
 Ensure that the Technical Superintendent’s and the Technical Manager's order confirmations
are received as soon as possible
 Provide status to the GM and Technical Superintendents on Requisitions order status, delivery
status and total cost of spares ordered once a month.
 If the spares do not conform to specifications, to follow up with suppliers the following:
- Return of spares
- Replacement of spares
- Issuance of Credit Notes
- Verification of orders and supplies

2. Authority
 Order spares and stores as directed by the Technical Superintendents and Technical Managers
 Issuance of P. O.
 Update the Approved Vendors List


The Company is responsible for ensuring that adequate resources and shore-based support are
provided to enable the Designated Person Ashore and Quality Environment Management
Representative, the office staffs and the shipboard personnel to carry out their functions.

The Company has also determined and provided the resources:

1. essential to the implementation and control of the Company’s Management System, and
2. needed to enhance Customer satisfaction by meeting customer requirements

Resources include:

1. Human resources and their technical skills,

2. Financial resources,
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3. Technology,
4. Infrastructure and hardware
The human resource qualifications and skills required for office staff and for seafarers can be found in
MPM 6.


1. The QAC Organisation




2. Responsibility
The Quality Assurance Committee is responsible for the following:
 Carry out Management Review as per procedures and provide recommendations for
improvement of the Company’s Management System,
 Formulate and amend, as necessary, the safety and environmental policies and objectives of
the Company,
 Monitor the implementation of the Company’s Management System in the office and on board
vessels by reviewing office and vessels activities during regular meetings,
 Review the various processes and instructions of the Company’s Management System,
particularly after an incident,
 Evaluate, analyze and make recommendations for corrective actions for reports of accidents,
near-misses and nonconformities,
 Review the effectiveness of the implemented corrective and preventive actions,
 Review all nonconformities and observations noted during the Audits, internal or external, and
initiate the corrective actions by changes in the documented system, or by introducing new
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procedures, or by ensuring that documented procedures are in practice and the records are
 Maintain records of its activities. The QA/Safety Department is responsible for maintaining
the QAC records.

3. Authority
The QAC has the authority to:
 Recommend changes to the documented system of the Company’s Management System.
 Request for resources needed for the maintenance of the Company’s Management System.
 Introduce new procedure or process for the continual improvement of the Company’s
Management System.

4. Functions Of QAC Members

a. General Manager
 He is the Chairman of the QAC.
 He directs the activities of the QAC and provides directions of discussions.
 He approves the recommendations of the QAC relating to the activities of the Company’s
Management System.

b. QA Manager (Coordinator)
 Assistant to the General Manager. He takes over the chairmanship of the QAC in the absence
of the chairman.
 In-charge of enforcing and implementing policies and procedures in connection with safety,
quality, environment protection and operations control.
 He plans and coordinates the activities of the QAC in consultation with the chairman.
 He shall initiate review of reports of accidents, near-misses and nonconformities and the
Management System’s procedures or processes after an incident.
 He represents the QAC in acknowledging reports from the vessels related to safety and
environment protection.
 He is in charge of maintaining the QAC records and files.

c. Technical / Crew / Admin Manager

 Provide assistance of their expertise in their field as required.
 Assist in the monitoring activities of the QAC, as directed by the chairman.
 Submit reports to the chairman of any activities carried out.

5. QAC Meeting
The QAC shall meet at least one time in a year to discuss the Company’s Management System
activities for the last months or for the last year if carrying out the management review.
As a minimum, the following shall be the agenda in every QAC meeting:
 Update of planned actions from last QAC meeting
 Company’s safety, quality & environmental policy update
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 Company’s safety & quality objectives update

 Review of the Company’s Management System various procedures
 SAFIR (QMR 11) from vessels
 Master’s review reports from vessels, if any
 Internal audit programme update including nonconformities, corrective actions &
observations, if any
 Vessel’s off-hires & Insurance claims
 Office & Shipboard training programme status
 Review of customer’s service requirements
 Recommendations for improvements
The QA Manager is responsible for initiating & coordinating of the QAC meeting, maintenance and
upkeep of the QAC activities records.


The Company has established procedures for monitoring the condition and performance of the vessels
as describe below.

The Technical Superintendent in charge is responsible for monitoring vessels performance.

The Technical Manager is responsible for coordinating all activities of Technical Superintendents
relating to vessel’s monitoring.

The procedures are reviewed by the QAC at least once a year for continuing suitability and

Procedures for monitoring & maintaining vessel's operation and performance are summarised as

1. Scheduled and Unscheduled Reports From The Vessel

Scheduled Reports

a. Daily Position Report in port or at sea

b. Arrival/Departure Report

c. Voyage Performance Report

d. Weekly Maintenance Report

e. Monthly Technical Report

f. Quarterly Technical Report

g. Planned Maintenance Report

h. Quality Management Reports

Refer to the Ship Operations Manual for details of these reports.

Unscheduled Reports
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The Master is encouraged to communicate with the Company whenever situation warrants or when in

The Master is required to report any deficiency, which may affect the vessel's operational capability,
safety or environmental protection ability.

These reports can be communicated by phone, e-mail, telex or fax. If urgent attention is required,
phone communications is preferred and it should be followed up by written reports.

Unscheduled reports from the vessels are discussed when and where joint decisions are needed. Any
major incidents/casualty will be referred to the QAC for review and implementation of procedures to
prevent reoccurrence.

The Technical Superintendent in charge shall ensure that the Master complies with these reporting

2. Records Maintained By The Technical Superintendent

Besides the above stated reports from the vessels, each of the Technical Superintendent’s maintain
records for the vessels assigned, in order to facilitate the monitoring of the vessel's condition and
performance. The typical records kept are:

a. Main Engine and Auxiliary Engine Performance Record

On receipt of these reports from vessel, they are compiled and analysed against the sea/shop trial
records to verify that the main engine or the auxiliary engine is performing at their optimum
efficiency. If any deviations from the normal parameters are found, the Technical Superintendent in
charge will advise the Master to take the appropriate corrective measures.

b. Vessel Survey Status & Trading Certificates

Each of the Technical Superintendents maintains a current record of the vessel's survey and
certificates status. This record is updated every Quarter.

Copies of all Classification, Statutory and Trading Certificates are kept and maintained by the
respective Technical Superintendent in charge of the vessel. These measures ensure that the vessel's
certificates are valid at all times.

c. Charter Party

The Technical Superintendents have an access to the Charter Party of all the vessels. The speeds and
consumptions are formulated on a chart to compare against the actual performance of the vessels.
This chart is updated quarterly to ensure that the vessels perform according to the Charter Party
requirements. Any deviations from the Charter Party requirements will be highlighted during the
regular operations meeting and appropriate actions will be taken as required.

d. Monthly Operating Expenses Report

The Technical Superintendent is given a copy of the vessel's monthly operating expenses report. He
shall exercise due care and diligence to ensure that the expenditure of each vessel is kept within the
budget without sacrificing standards of maintenance and the safety of the vessel.

e. Insurance Report

Any incident, which may result in a possible claim from the underwriter that occurs during the month,
is to be recorded in the Insurance Report Form. This report helps to ascertain the vessel's insurance
claim status. The report is to be submitted to the General Manager every six months.

f. Vessel Inspection report

The Technical Superintendents are required to maintain a copy of his vessel’s inspection reports for
future references and to ensure continuous monitoring.
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g. Drydocking Records

The Technical Superintendents are also required to maintain records of his vessel’s drydocking for
various references requirements.

h. Common Filing System

A common filing system is maintained for all the vessels in the office. Onboard all the vessels, the
Shipboard Management is responsible for maintaining the Company’s Shipboard Filing System. This is
to ensure that all the records are properly maintained and are easily traceable.

3. Vessels Inspection

The vessels to be visited by office assigned person at least twice a year, he should conduct physical
inspection of vessel’s condition, crew performance and records maintained by the vessel are according
to Company’s Management System requirements.

The person who conducts the vessel inspection is required to prepare a report (QMR 24) on the
condition of the vessel during each visit and submit to the Technical Manager, General Manager and
Managing Director for comments and evaluation. The contents of the report shall be discussed in the
operation meeting.

Deficiencies noted during the inspection are recorded in the Vessel Inspection Report – Deficiencies to
Rectify (Form QMR 24L).

A copy of this report is given to the Master and Chief Engineer for their reference in carrying out
repairs or any work to rectify the deficiencies listed.

The Technical Superintendents shall monitor the progress made by the vessel in rectifying those
deficiencies through the weekly maintenance reports and the monthly Fleet Reports.

The Technical Superintendent shall then update his copy of the Vessel Inspection Report accordingly.
At his next visit to the vessel, he shall personally verify that the deficiencies have been satisfactorily

The guidelines for vessel inspections by Technical Superintendents are described in forms QMR 24 in
the Quality Document File Manual.

4. Monitoring Vessel Crew Complements

The Company ensures that qualified officers and crew adequately man the vessels at all times. This is
achieved by checking the vessel’s Crew list (G01) and Crew data (G01-1) submitted each month
or after crew change against the minimum manning certificate of the vessel and close monitoring of
routine crew change.

For routine crew change, plans are initiated and coordinated by the Crew Manager in co-operation
with the Technical Superintendent in charge of the vessel well in advance. Thus, there is sufficient
time to recruit, select, approve and finally effect the crew change at a convenient port.

When a crew change is required under circumstances like urgent repatriation on compassionate
grounds, injury or illness, disciplinary grounds and/or incompetence, the Technical Superintendent in
charge will coordinate with the Crew Manager who shall liaise with the manning agency to tap from
existing pool of seafarers on stand-by, failing which, the manning agency is to recruit new candidates
subject to their qualifying the Company’s selection and recruiting criteria as described in MPM 6.

5. Active Participation In The Vessel’s Maintenance Programme

A planned maintenance system, whether computerised or manual or both, is practised on all the
Company's vessels.
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The Technical Superintendent is in full charge of monitoring the maintenance programme of the
vessel assigned to him. He shall work closely with the Master and the Chief Engineer to implement the
maintenance programme.

This plan is subject to review every time the Technical Superintendent visits the vessel.

Maintenance procedures and guidelines are described in MPM-10.

6. Technical Support
In situations where the vessel’s personnel require technical support from the office, it is done in the
following manner:
 The vessel send to the Technical Superintendent in charge the requirements for technical
 The Technical Superintendent through his own knowledge or experience will provide the
vessel with his advice or recommendations,
 If the Technical Superintendent in charge cannot provide the answers, he will confer with the
Technical Manager or General Manager or Managing Director if they can provide the answers,
 Failing that, the Technical Superintendent in charge will pass the vessel’s message, with
clarifying remarks if necessary, to the manufacturer or maker of the machinery, equipment or
tools that is in question,
 If the manufacturer cannot provide the answer, the Technical Superintendent in charge shall
then consult with the Class, if applicable.
Each Technical Superintendent shall be assigned with a maximum of five vessels so that he can be
well acquainted with all the operational characteristics of the vessels and provide support and
guidance to the vessel's staff.

7. Handling Condition of Class

When a condition of class is given after an incident or surveys, the Master should inform the Technical
Superintendent in charge immediately and corrective actions should be recommended, if possible.
A SAFIR Report should be sent after the Condition of Class is investigated & evaluated.
The Technical Superintendent in charge should inform the Technical Manager & General Manager and
corrective actions must be formulated to correct the condition of class without delay as this will be a
concern to a potential charterer or buyer of the ship.
The condition of class shall be discussed & recorded in a daily operations meeting in the office until it
is corrected.

8. Budget & Ship Operating Cost

It is Company policy to plan & propose realistic budget for the ship owner’s approval for the operation
of ships on the coming year well before the previous year ends. When required by ship owners, ship
operating costs up to 5 years in advance can be submitted.
The budget proposals are based on the ship’s previous performance, ship existing condition, upcoming
regulations and upcoming major maintenance & certification schedule.
The approved budget becomes the guidelines for the Company and the Technical Superintendent in
charge to control the expenses of the ship.
As a means of monitoring, a monthly report is generated by the Accounts Department showing the
actual operating expenses of the ship as against the budget. This report is sent to the ship for the
ship’s management information & guidance. The shipboard management is reminded to control if the
expenses in certain item are showing it will exceed the budget.
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The shipboard management is always reminded that control of expenses should not in any way
compromise the safety of the crew, the ship, the cargo and protection of environment activities.
A quarterly report on the ship actual operation expenses is submitted to the ship owners together with
ship condition report for information.


1. Lines of Communication

Managing Director


Admin Dept

QA/Safety Technical Crew Purchasing Accounts

Dept Dept Dept Dept Dept


2. Ships-to-Shore Communications
The master is to make sure the superintendent in charge is reported immediately without delay at any of
following situations;
 Emergency/Contingency cases
 Stoppage/detention/off-hire
 Accident/incident
 Any critical, as well as doubtful situations whereby master has no confidence.

All communications from Ships to Office should preferably be made by the Master. All officers and
ratings should send all communications to the office through the Master.
In communicating to the office, the Master should contact or address his communications in the
following priority:
1st - - Technical Superintendent in-charge of his vessel as he is more familiar with the vessel’s
characteristics, etc.
2nd – - Technical Manager for technical matters
- Crew Manager for crew matters
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- QA Manager for QA matters

- Purchasing Manager for purchasing matters
3rd – - General Manager if above are not available.
For communications relating to safety and pollution prevention, including reports of
nonconformity, accidents, injury and near misses, the Master may contact directly the
Designated Person Ashore (DPA).
The Masters shall, as far as possible, communicate with the office personnel pertaining to all ship
matters in writing, i.e. by telex, fax or mail or e-mail. Communication over the phone is acceptable
provided important topics are addressed through writing.
All emergency communications should be as per procedures as documented in the Contingency
Manual. If assistance is required the Designated Person Ashore should be the one to be contacted
immediately as he has a direct access to the Managing Director when it comes to safety and pollution
Procedures for routine communications and reporting are documented in the Ship Operations

3. Shore-to-Ships Communication
All routine communications from Office-to-Ships should be addressed to the Master.
The means of communications shall, as far as possible, be in writing through e-mails, faxes, and
In emergencies, when assistance is required, the person who received the initial call, either the
Technical Superintendent in charge or the Designated Person Ashore, etc., shall immediately arrange
to convene the Office Contingency Committee in order to have a coordinated response.

4. Language of Communication
The language to be used in the Company’s Management System is English for written and spoken
communications. On board when the vessel’s crew members are composed of one major nationality,
then the crew members can communicate in their national language for easy and clear
communications among themselves. However, when communicating with the office and other
external parties the language to be used is only English Language. Parts of the Company’s
Management System may be translated to the language of the majority of seafarers employed by the

5. External Communication
The Managing Director, General Manager and Designated Person Ashore shall communicate with
external interested parties. Questions, queries and complaints with regards to significant
environmental issues shall be evaluated, respond to and recorded in a case to case basis.
The following responsibilities are guidelines only and may be changed by the Managing Director at
any time:
a. Company Spokesperson In Emergency
The Managing Director is the Company’s designated spokesperson during emergencies of major
proportions where a statement to the mass media is necessary.
In the absence of the Managing Director, the Managing Director may appoint any member of the
office staff available but he or she should be provided with all available information of the incident.
b. Customers & Ship owners
The Managing Director shall communicate directly to the customers or ship owners.
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The Managing Director may appoint a member of the management team to act on his behalf if he
cannot do the communication himself.
c. Port State & Flag State Representative
Anyone of the Managing Director, General Manager, QA Manager or Technical Superintendent in
charge of the vessel can communicate directly to the representative of flag states or port authorities
in dealing with application or interpretations of existing rules and regulations.
The Crew Manager can communicate directly if the subject pertains to seafarers.
d. Charterers And Sub-Charterers
The Technical Superintendent in charge shall communicate directly to charterers and sub-charterers
on matters pertaining to vessel operations and performance of charter party requirements. The GM
may intervene on the Technical Superintendent’s behalf.
e. Classification Societies
Anyone of the Managing Director, General Manager, QA Manager or Technical Superintendent in
charge of the vessel can communicate directly to the classification societies in dealing with
interpretations and implementation of existing international and class rules and regulations.
The QA Manager shall communicate directly to the class in matters pertaining to requirements of the
Company’s Management System and for applications of Safety Management Certificate
implementation, intermediate or renewal audits.
f. Underwriters
Anyone of the appropriate member of the management team and department heads can
communicate directly with relevant underwriters for any insurance matters.
In general, however, the Technical Superintendent in charge of the vessel has the priority to
communicate directly on insurance matters pertaining to his assigned vessel.
g. Suppliers & Contractors
The Purchasing Manager and purchasing personnel shall communicate directly to suppliers,
contractors, etc. for requirements of various products or services to the vessels.
h. Office Supplies & Maintenance
The Admin Manager shall communicate directly to contractors, suppliers, repairmen, etc. for matters
pertaining to the office activities.


1. Document of Compliance
The Company having undergone and passed the implementation audit by a certification body, shall be
issued a certificate called Document of Compliance (DOC) by the certification body.
The DOC shall contain the types of vessels that the Company’s Management System has covered.

2. Issuance of DOC
The DOC shall be issued by the certification body, generally the Classification Society selected by the
top management of the Company.
The top management shall ensure that the certification body is recognized by the Administration or
Government of the flag states of the vessels under management.
The DOC shall be issued to the company as an evidence of compliance to the requirements of ISM
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3. Shipboard Copy of DOC

Every vessel under management shall have a copy of the DOC and the Master should produce it for
verification by port state authorities if required.
The Master is responsible for ensuring that he has a copy of the valid DOC of the Company and that
the type of his vessel is covered by the DOC

4. Safety Management Certificate

As evidence that the vessel operates in accordance with the requirements of the approved Company’s
Management System as required by ISM Code, the vessel is issued a Safety Management Certificate
(SMC) after passing the implementation audit by the certification body.
The Master is responsible for ensuring that he has the original and valid SMC on board at all times.
A copy of the SMC shall be maintained in the office files by the QA Manager and the Technical
Superintendent in charge.
The QA Manager is responsible for monitoring that a timely certification audit is carried out on the

5. Flag State Verification

The flag states of the vessel shall periodically verify the proper implementation by the vessel’s
management of the Company’s Management System by carrying out an intermediate audit.
The flag states generally authorize the Classification Society of the vessel to carry out the verification.

6. Certification to ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 Standards

The certification body selected by the Company shall carry out the implementation audit of the office
usually after the site visit & document review. An implementation audit should also be carried out on
board for at least one of each type of ships to be included in the certification. Only then can the
Management System Certificate be issued to the Company. No certificate will be issued to the ships.
For verification there will be an annual office audit and surveillance audit of at least one for each type
of ships listed in the Management System Certificate.

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