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Year 9 – Fitness CAT

Design your own 2-week fitness program

Your goal is to create a program that incorporates each of the health-related fitness components. The program you create
should be able to be completed at home with minimal equipment. If you have access to fitness equipment at home you can
include this, otherwise you might also like to use modified equipment (milk bottles filled with water, bags of rice, etc).

1. Exercise Library
 You will create an exercise library including a variety of exercises (15-20 in total) to train each of the health-
related fitness components:
 Muscular Strength (include upper and lower body)
 Muscular Endurance (include upper and lower body and core)
 Aerobic Power
 Flexibility
 Use the PPT template provided, then copy and paste the slides as images into your assessment (Word format)
 Each slide should include:
 The fitness component being trained.
 The area of the body being trained (upper/lower/core/whole body).
 The number or sets/reps that you would complete to train the relevant fitness component.
 A photo of you performing it.
 A dot point description of how to complete the exercise with correct technique.

2. Fitness Program
 Using your exercise library, organise your chosen exercises into
a one-week program, which you will repeat twice.
 Create a program that is aligned to the physical activity
pyramid (focusing on Level 2 and Level 3). At minimum, aim for
each fitness component being trained twice in the week.
 Your program should be specific. For each exercise, include
your goals (sets/reps/time/weight/distance).
 Include one or two rest/light activity days per week.
 You can include other activities that you would usually do, but
include a brief description of the activities completed that
relate to a specific fitness component. (eg. Basketball training
– 30 minute continuous game play – Aerobic Power)

3. Reflection
 Complete your program for two weeks and write a 300-word reflection.
 Analyse the strengths and weaknesses of your program.
 Discuss future improvements that could be made.
 Identify one body system that was trained whilst completing your training program. Referring to the identified
body system, explain any improvements or adaptations that may have occurred as a result of your training


Please submit your fitness program as one word document. You will need to copy the slides from your PPT and paste them
into your word document.
1.3.7 Tracks and records progress 1.4.7 Suggests alternative training 1.5.7 Analyses the relationship Outstanding
during completion of program, methods that could also cause between muscle groups involved
demonstrating the ability to make adaptions as a result of training. in each exercise, discussing
changes where necessary to meet adaptations linking to fitness
goals. component.
1.2.6 Includes specific muscles that 1.2.6 Includes variations of 1.4.6 Discusses how the training 1.5.6 Analyses the strengths and Excellent
are targeted with each exercise. exercises that target multiple program allowed adaptations to weaknesses of the training
muscle groups. occur for the identified body program with suggestions of
system. future improvements to enhance
the training program.
1.1.5 Includes exercises that identify 1.2.5 Includes modifications to 1.3.5 Creates and implements a 1.4.5 Describes improvements to 1.5.5 Evaluates the strengths and Very Good
the correct fitness component and increase/decrease intensity of the fitness program that aligns to the the selected body system as a weaknesses of the training
area of the body in relation to the exercise. physical activity pyramid. result of the training program. program with detailed
listed weight, reps and sets of the justification.
chosen exercise. Adequate numbers
are included, and all are correct.
1.1.4 Includes exercises that identify 1.2.4 Includes image of self- 1.3.4 Creates and a fitness plan 1.4.4 Identifies improvements to 1.5.4 Describes strengths and Good
the fitness component and area of completing exercise with detailed that aligns to the physical activity the selected body system with weaknesses of fitness program.
the body in relation to the listed key steps. pyramid. justification.
weight, reps and sets of the chosen
exercise. Adequate numbers are
included, with some errors.
1.1.3 Creates an exercise library 1.2.3 Includes image of self- 1.3.3 Creates a fitness plan using 1.4.3 Identifies one body system 1.5.3 Identifies strengths and Satisfactory
including multiple components. completing exercise and lists key ICT and state a possible adaptation as weaknesses of fitness program.
steps. a result of the training program.
1.2.2 Provides generic images of 1.3.2 Lists exercises to complete 1.4.2 Identifies one body system. Below Standard
exercises being performed. linking to F.I.T.T.
1.1.1 Lists exercises in training 1.2.1 No image included. 1.3.1 Lists exercises to complete 1.4.1 Body systems not 1.5.1 Attempts reflection. Unsatisfactory
program. over a week. mentioned
Insufficient Evidence Insufficient Evidence Insufficient Evidence Insufficient Evidence Insufficient Evidence Did Not Complete
(FITNESS COMPONENTS) SYSTEMS) Reflecting on successful
COMPONENTS) Using ICT to design, implement
Justifying the selection of physical Justifying the selection of physical movement solutions and
Selection of physical activities and monitor a personal fitness
activities included in a activities included in a proposing how they can be
included in a personalised plan linked plan which includes a timeframe,
personalised plan linked to the personalised plan linked to the transferred to new movement
to the components of health-related goals and a variety of specific
components of health-related components of health-related challenges
fitness. activities
fitness. fitness.
Link to Design, implement and evaluate personalised plans for improving or maintaining their Transfer understanding from previous movement experiences to create solutions to
Curriculum own and others’ physical activity and fitness levels (VCHPEM155) movement challenges (VCHPEM159)

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