Factors of EFL Listening

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Factors of EFL (English as Foreign Language ) Listening

Boyle (1984) in his journal has elaborated the factors that affecting listening
comprehension into two characteristics. They are explained as follows:

1. Speaker Characteristic
Comprehending spoken language is a complex process in which the listener constructs the
meaning of the information provided by the speaker. Constructing meaning of the speaker's
message depends partly on speaker's factors which are external to the listener. Boyle (1984)
pointed out the speakers characteristic into 4 items, they are;
a. Language ability of the speaker.
Language ability of the speakers whether they are a native speaker or non-native speaker also
give impact to the learner's comprehension. The learners who learn English as a foreign
language prefer to listen to the non-native speaker who is nearly the same with their tongue.
b. Speaker production; pronunciation, accent, variation, voice, etc.
As far as the spoken feature is concerned, a perception of sounds can be made difficult to
various characteristics such in accent, pronunciation etc, of the spoken features of the
language, particularly of the speech characteristics of the nativespeakers.
c. Speed of delivery
The other aspect which gives much impact to the listening comprehension is the speed of
delivery. It is quite hard for the low level to get the point if the speaker speaks too fast.
d. Prestige and personality of the speaker.
If the speaker fails to address the above important points that are keys for comprehension of
the listener, it can be difficult for the listeners to understand what the speaker is saying.

2. Listener Characteristic
Listener characteristic is considered as a crucial impact on an individual's listening
comprehension. Some researchers have conducted the study about this in order to identify the
listener factors that influence the listening comprehension ability of the students. The listener
ability in several cognitive aspects can help them in understanding the text. For example, the
listener who has a greater working memory capacity can comprehend more about what they
hear in the listening audio. Boyle, (1945) classified the listener factors into two, they are
general and specific which are explained as follows:
a. General
These are the general factors regarding the listener's aspect;
1) Experience/ Practice in listening to the target language; use of media (cinema,
TV, radio, etc)
The opportunity of the listener inexperience or practice the listening activity wheter in
cinema, TV, radio etc, give an influence in their listening comprehension achievement.
2)General intelligence
The intelligence of the speakers is also affecting the comprehension of the listener especially
in identifying the topic or the main point of the text.
3) General background knowledge of the world
The general background knowledge is the knowledge that has been existed in the listener
memory and it helps them to connect what they hear and what they have known.
b. Specific
1) Physical and educational
a) Age/ sex
b) Home background, size of family
c) Educational background and type of school
d) Physical health and alertness
2) Intellectual
a) Knowledge of the target language in its various aspects; phonology, lexis,
syntax, and cohesion.
b) Power of analysis and selection; the ability to distinguishing between main
and supporting points.
c) Knowledge of the specific topic or subject
d) Memory short term and long term.
From the explanations above, we can conclude that the aspects of the factors which affect the
listening comprehension might come from the listener, speaker, and many other aspects that
related to the listening activity. All those aspects give contribution for the learners' listening
comprehension in English. The process of listening comprehension is highly complex. The
knowledge and skills necessary for listening comprehension to be utilized simultaneously.

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