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 Schedule Courses Library Assignments  Zubairi, Mariam

Courses  SPORK Pre-Algebra Grades: 5-6 Time: 5 x 50 Spork (6Co.6Fe.Pre Alg P0) 
Lesson 65: Geometric Solids and Their Nets

Homework 65
4) What solid does the net form?

Kit Content

Problem Set



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5) Elephants eat pounds of hay per week. How many pounds of hay
do they eat in days?

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6) A grocery store sells one-pound bags of apples for and two-

pounds bags of apples for . Which bag would you buy to get the best

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7) A worker in an assembly line can produce parts in hours. How many

parts can the worker produce in hours if his produc!on rate doubles?

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8) James paid for of steak and Laura paid for of steak.

Who bought the steak for a be"er unit price?

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9) A bamboo plant grows inches in hours. How many inches can the
plant grow in hours? Use both the rate and the propor!on method to
solve the problem.

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