Bee Boot Lesson Reflection

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This lesson was aimed to introduce my students to basic coding and programing

concepts. The lesson began with a brief introduction to the Bee-Bots explaining their functions

and key vocabulary terms. Demonstrations helped clarify the operations and potential of these

robots for the students.

During the group activities, it was observed that the students were initially challenged

by the task of sequencing commands correctly. However, as the lesson progressed, there was

noticeable improvement. The hands-on experience allowed students to experiment with trial

and error, which is a critical part of learning to code. By having the students work in small

groups, it fostered communication and problem solving as students had to discuss which steps

were needed to complete the tasks. After completing the Bee Bot’s activity, the students were

tasked to sequence the events from the story that was read aloud.

The key takeaway from this lesson was the students’ ability to connect the programing

task with logical thinking. The lesson also highlighted the importance of being able to sequence

events in a story. For future lessons, considering the enthusiasm and interest displayed by the

students, I plan on incorporating more complex challenges. Additionally, allowing students to

design their own maps could also add more to the lesson to make it more engaging.

Overall, the lesson was successful in achieving the objectives. It sparked curiosity and

interest in technology with my students, laying a foundation for more advanced computational

thinking and problem-solving skills.

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