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Volleyball is a sport that is played between two teams, of six members each, on a playing field
divided by a central net over which a ball must be passed that is hit with the hands or arms,
The objective of the game is to get the ball to fall on the ground on the opposite side or off the
field, in order to score or get a chance to play. However, the rival team will implement various
defense and attack tactics to prevent the ball from falling from its side. The volleyball game
begins with a ball kick from a team to the opposite side of the field. Each team can make up to
three touches of the ball to return it to the opponent, likewise, as the game unfolds and points
are scored, the players must rotate their positions according to the rules. This is a sport that has
variants, among the most outstanding are beach volleyball and sitting volleyball, and it is very
popular among fans and athletes. History of volleyball

Volleyball originated in 1895 in the city of Holyoke, Massachusetts (United States), when
William George Morgan created this sports game that he initially named mintonette.

Morgan served as a sports coach at Holyoke's Christian Youth Association (YMCA), when he
created volleyball as a lower-intensity sports alternative than basketball, created by James
Naismith in 1891.

Morgan had developed and put into practice various physical training techniques for adult men,
however, he saw the need to vary his activities and devise a training and competition game that
could be practiced by both young people and older people.
Hence, he used his knowledge and experiences to design a sports game, as well as its main
rules, that could be played both on a closed court and outdoors.

At the beginning of 1986, Morgan made the first presentation of his new game at a conference
at the YMCA in Springfield, in which all the Physical Education teachers of these associations

He got great receptivity from his colleagues, including his colleague Alfred T. Halstead
proposed to change the name to volley ball, since it is an aerial ball game. The proposal was
accepted, and since 1952 it began to be written as a single word, volleyball.
Later, volleyball spread quickly in various countries, due to the various international YMCA
associations that exist. In 1947, the International Volleyball Federation (IFVB) was founded, a
body where the regulations and other activities around this sport are established.
The main characteristics of volleyball are:

It is a sports game in which two teams with six members each face each other.
The purpose of the game is to pass the ball over the central net to the other side of the court.
The main element of this sport is a light and easy-to-handle ball for both men and women.
The game takes place in four sets. Each set is won by a score of 25 points and there must be an
advantage of two points of difference with the opposing team, for example 25-23.
In case of a tie, a fifth set is played that will be won by the team that gets the first 15 points, as
long as it has two points of difference, for example 15-13.
The sets do not have a certain duration, this will depend on how the plays are developed and the
Volleyball can be played in enclosed or open spaces.
All players must be identified with a uniform consisting of a shirt identified with the player's
number, shorts and sports shoes.
There are variants of volleyball such as beach volleyball or sitting volleyball.

The rules and other activities related to this sport, national and international, are established by
the International Volleyball Federation.

It is called a serve to the first play that is made from the baseline of the court in which the player
throws the ball into the air and hits it hard towards the opposite field and directed to the weak
points of the opposing team. The puncher can make a direct score with this play.

This throw can be made standing or with a jump hitting the ball from the air or after you have
bounced on the ground. When this movement is made, all players must be placed in their
positions according to the order of rotation.

Blocking is a defensive play through which it is about preventing the ball thrown by the
opposing team from entering the playing area. It consists of a jump, next to the net, with the
arms extended upwards in order to stop or return the ball to prevent it from passing to your side
of the field. Up to three front players can participate in the block simultaneously.
The reception is a movement to intercept or control the ball kick or attack of the opposing team.
Therefore, it is a defense play. The reception is a very precise movement in which the forearms
are usually used to hit the ball and neutralize its movement in order to make a good attack play.
This movement is done with the elbows extended, the arms rotated to the outside, the hands
together and the thumbs together.
The attack is that movement after which an accurate blow of the ball is made into the least
protected area of the opposing team. It is characterized by being a vertical jump after which the
player hits the ball hard after making a deceptive or unexpected move to the opposing team.


The shot is a strong jump movement with which the ball is hit violently to the opposite side of
the field in order to achieve a score. It is an attack play that is made after a short run, jump and
strong ball blow on the net so that the opposing players cannot stop it.

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