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November 15, 2011 Vol. XXXVI No. 23

bank on the of power collaboratIon

You can
Left: San Francisco Treasurer Jose Cisneros spoke about the successes hes experienced with innovative collaborations during his keynote speech at the conference.

Panel discussions on teamwork among nonprofit and for-profit housing groups generated great intrigue from a very attentive audience during New York Mortgage Coalitions Power of Collaboration conference. contd on p3


Resources: p 13

Employment p 14


novEmbER 15, 2011 volumE xxxvI, numbER 23

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$50 Application Fee. owner occupancy Required. Additional Restrictions Apply. Funding subject to availability. Terms Subject to Change. Administered by the new York mortgage Coalition in partnership with NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development, Neighborhood Housing Services of NYC, and the following ten counseling agencies: Asian Americans for Equality, Cypress Hills local Development Corporation, neighborhood Housing Services of bedford Stuyvesant, neighborhood Housing Services of East Flatbush, neighborhood Housing Services of Jamaica, neighborhood Housing Services of northern Queens, Neighborhood Housing Services of Staten Island, Northfield Local Development Corporation, NHSNYC NeighborWorks Homeownership Center, and Pratt Area Community Council.

michael R. bloomberg, mayor of the City of new York Mathew M. Wambua, Commissioner of the NYC Dept. of Housing Preservation and Development Shaun Donovan, Secretary of the u.S. Dept. of Housing and urban Development



novEmbER 15, 2011 volumE xxxvI, numbER 23

You can bank on the power of

Above: San Francisco Treasurer Jose Cisneros addresses the audience during his keynote speech at the conference.


Ew YOrk MOrTgAgE COALITION held its conference entitled Power of Collaboration November 7, 2011 at One Chase Manhattan Plaza. Representatives from lenders, government agencies, advocacy groups, and the citys premiere community development organizations listened to successful examples of collaborations. They learned what made them work and where lay more opportunities for future teamwork during the half-day conference that was itself a collaborative event. It was jointly hosted by new York mortgage Coalition (nYmC), neighborhood Housing Services of new York City (nHSnYC), and Center for nYC neighborhoods (CnYCn) with support from Astoria Federal, BNY Mellon, Capital One, JP morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, HSbC, m&T, and Webster bank.

using these collaborative stories of success, the conference was encouraging as it was innovative in its attempt to steer organizational leaders away from singular thinking and towards a new decentralized paradigm to collaborative, much of the need driven by decreases in funding from foundations and governments on the federal, state and city levels.

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Todays large turnout reflects both a collective interest in collaboration as well as our ability to support each other. The most encouraging, and perhaps surprising, finding from our pre-conference survey is that expertise, not funding, ranked first among attendees in what they most sought in a collaboration. Similarly, expertise ranked first as the resource they could most readily provide, said NYMC Executive Director Ken Inadomi. We have plenty of expertise here. Inadomi went on to list the cornerstones of collaboration: a shared goal or mission, trust, communication, clearly differentiated responsibilities, and specific accountability. of course, necessity is the mother of invention and these new innovative collaborations have genealogies that trace back to needs left unfulfilled by government shortcomings. Yet, as San Francisco Treasurer Jose Cisneros later said in his keynote speech at the conference, there are workarounds to these problems that collaborations can achieve without having to go through funding rigmaroles. Speaking from a governmental perspective, Cisneros spoke of bank on San Francisco, an initiative he pioneered in 2006 to combat the problem of predatory payday lending. Payday lenders typically charge exorbitant fees to cash strapped low-wage workers for the privilege to essentially cash their own check or receive an advance on it. Cisneros initiative is credited with having helped over 25,000 previously under-banked people enter the financial mainstream. We used marketing, through a partnership with a for-profit advertising agency, to create the same neon signs that you see at your typical payday lender -- no money down, easy pay, to instead publish ad campaigns that read, this business takes your money, said Treasurer Cisneros. The goal was to educate consumers. most employees bank cheaply. Eighty percent of employees receive direct deposit. Yet, low-wage workers and the very poor dont. Why should it be that most people pay little to nothing to bank and people who are poor pay more? Its not right and government does have a collaborative role in this. Government tells us about fire safety and health safety. There is no reason why government shouldnt be able to form collaborations to warn and tell people about financial safety. After Cisneros shared other examples of private and public sector collaborations from San Francisco, eight conference panelists from the non-profit perspective spoke about successful collaborations and the need for them in two panels, respectively.
Top - Bottom: Columbia Universitys First Director of Environmental Stewardship nilda mesa; Center for Economic Opportunity Executive Director Veronica White; ANHD Executive Director Benjamin Dulchin; and Chief Operating Officer of the urban Investment Group of Goldman Sachs bank uSA Dan nissenbaum

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Deborah boatright, northeast District Director for neighborWorks America, Dan Nissenbaum, Chief Operating Officer of the Urban Investment Group, a division of Goldman Sachs Bank USA, Christie Peale, Interim Executive Director of CNYCN and Veronica White, Executive Director of Center for Economic Opportunity spoke in the first panel of their various experiences with successful collaborations. Salvatore DAvola, Executive Director of Restored Homes Housing Development Fund Corporation, Benjamin Dulchin, Executive Director of ANHD, Bernell Grier, Executive Director of NHSNYC, Nilda Mesa, Columbia universitys Director of Environmental Stewardship, followed as the second panel speaking about the need for more collaborations to foster neighborhood stabilization. White broke news when she announced that the White House was on the verge of announcing new changes to the poverty measurements, since it was first created more than 60 years ago. on a city level these are changes that we [nYC Center for Economic opportunity] adopted three years ago. It took them [the federal government] some time but theyre using a new measure that was created from collaboration, said White. These new guidelines account for what families spend on housing. The old guidelines didnt do that. We were able to come up with these new measures using data from national Institutes of Health (nIH) and the network created by members of the Center of Economic Opportunity. Dulchin remarked that collaborations tend to sway alongside politics and suggested that collaborators be mindful of the political components that may strengthen or dissolve collaborative efforts. Throughout the conference certain descriptors of successful collaborations reemerged. As a first rule of thumb it was suggested that parties dont assume to be experts in everything if theyre seeking a successful collaboration. To begin the process, it was pointed out that, common points of concern, including fears, territories, and overlapping missions, should be placed on the table. Constant convening and communicating will melt these issues into forged commonalities that become the baseline for goals and objectives of the collaboration going forward. Todays meeting will be a failure unless we build on the conversation by kick-starting innovative collaborations that fully leverage the collective resources of our nonprofits, said Inadomi. The Mortgage Coalition has accumulated a collaboration pot of over $15,000 in seed capital to be awarded to nonprofits launching or newly engaged in innovative collaborative efforts. NYMC will email a post-conference survey to all attendees soliciting ideas on how to best distribute this seed money.

Top - Bottom: CNYCN Executive Director Chrisite Peale; NHS NYC CEO Bernell Grier; Restored Homes Executive Director Salvatore DAvola; neighborWorks America northeast District Director Deborah boatright



novEmbER 15, 2011 volumE xxxvI, numbER 23

Creating aordable homeownership

Every year the New York Mortgage Coalition helps thousands of renters prepare for homeownership.
The New York Mortgage Coalition (NYMC) is a unique collaboration of financial institutions and community housing agencies dedicated to helping low to moderate-income families become first-time homebuyers in the Greater New York area. Through financial workshops and one-to-one homeownership counseling, NYMCs eight community groups educate qualified borrowers into becoming responsible home buyers. Participating lenders provide competitive, fixed-rate loans which may include closing cost and down payment subsidies on a need basis. For more information on joining the New York Mortgage Coalition please contact:
Ken Inadomi, Director 212.742.0762
NYMCs Financial Institutions: NYMCs Community Housing Agencies:

Amalgamated Bank, Astoria Federal Savings Bank, Bank of America, Capital One Bank, Citibank, EverBank, HSBC, JPMorgan Chase, M & T Bank.

Asian Americans For Equality, Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation, Harlem Congregations for Community Improvement, Housing Partnership Development Corp., Housing Action Council, Long Island Housing Partnership, Neighbors Helping Neighbors, and Pratt Area Community Council.

Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden filed suit against the shadow mortgage registry known as mERS that is at the center of the housing crisis. The complaint, filed on October 27 in the Delaware Chancery Court, charges that MERSCORP and its subsidiary mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. have repeatedly violated the states Deceptive Trade Practices Act. The system had a significant role in the recent robo-signing debacles that botched the accuracy of millions of mortgages involved in errorneous foreclosure preoceedings. MERS is effectively a front organization that has created a systemically important mortgage registry but fails to properly oversee that registry or enforce its own rules on its members that participate in the registry, said Attorney General biden. Rather than maintaining an adequate staff to provide mERS services, mERS has a staff of 50 people and operates through a network of over 20,000 deputized non-employee corporate officers who cause MERS to act without any meaningful oversight from anyone who works at mERS. This has resulted in MERS recording so-called robosigned documents with country recorders of deeds and failing to follow its own rules regarding proper institution of foreclosure proceedings. merscorp denies any wrong doing. In a statement regarding the suit the company says, our business model is straightforward and transparent. mERSCorp, Inc., and its subsidiary, mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. (mERS) comply with laws as well as county and state recording statutes and mortgage regulations.There is no merit to the Delaware attorney generals allegation of deceptive practices, and we refute claims that use of the mERS System caused confusion to borrowers or any other participants in the mortgage finance system. The company also claims that homeowners have free access to their loan servicer information on the mERS System at all times, and mERS website also provides them with access to mortgage counseling and foreclosure prevention organizations. The Delaware attorney generals office asserts that MERS engaged and continues to engage in deceptive trade practices that sow confusion among homeowners, investors, and other stakeholders in the mortgage finance system, seriously damaging the integrity of the land records that are central to Delawares real property system, and leading to improper foreclosure practices. According to the AG office, MERS, through its private mortgage registry, knowingly obscures important information from borrowers and the information that mERS does provide to borrowers is frequently inaccurate. The opacity of MERS mortgage registration database makes it difficult for consumers to know of or challenge inaccuracies in the mERS System and hampers the ability of borrowers to seek out the owner of their loan to pursue loan modifications or other loss mitigation relief.

mers under fire



novEmbER 15, 2011 volumE xxxvI, numbER 23

Delaware Attorney General beau biden and several other state attorneys general, including new York AG Eric Schneiderman are aggressively looking into mERS activities.

MErS Leadership

bill beckmann President and CEO

Dan mclaughlin EVP

MErS contd on 8

Juanita Russell VP, Treasurer and Acting Chief Financial Office

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novEmbER 15, 2011 volumE xxxvI, numbER 23

Since at least the 1600s, real property rights have been a cornerstone of our society, said AG Biden. MERS has raised serious questions about who owns what in America. A man or womans home is not just his or her largest investment, its their castle. Rules matter. A homeowner has the obligation to pay the mortgage on time, and lenders must follow the rules if they are seeking to take away someones house through foreclosure. The honor system wont work. mERS, which is incorporated in Delaware and based in northern virginia, was formed in 1995 to facilitate the growing mortgage finance market. Large banks, such as Bank of America and Wells Fargo, the quasigovernmental institutions Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and other participants in the mortgage-lending industry created MERS to bypass the county Recorders of Deeds offices throughout America. To date MERS is credited with having over 70 million mortgage loans in the system. New York has also expanded its investigation. The state issued a subpoena for MERSs records relating to the banks using its services to bring foreclosure proceedings all across America.

AnHD members accomplish big things in housing. Help us tell these stories.

Share your ideas with The reader

Since our first issue more than 30 plus years ago, The ANHD Inc Reader has featured compelling stories of successes and challenges facing nYCs affordable housing movement. Help us to continue giving our movement a voice. Suggest a story idea, submit an article, or initiate a feature on your organization. Send your email to

Residents call for NY Com munity Ban

a nh d inc.

April 12, 2011 Volume XXXVI Number

Milk Ru

k to end

Last Thursda y, tenants Bronx held of 735 Bryant a press conferen Ave ce to demand in the action. The goal was and physical to bring attention to the neglect that for years. has plagued disinvestment their building Residents were joined Ruben Diaz by Bronx Borough Presiden Quinn, as and City Council Speaker t well as neighbor Christine buildings s from surround as ing Community they collectively called Bank to put on New York an end to the serial Unfortunately, neglect. York Commun this is not an isolated ity Bank, Above 735 Bryant which holds incident for New Ruben (l-r) Bronx Borough as well as the Diaz, 735 Bryant President 33 other buildings mortgage on Association President Avenue City Council Gennet Tenant (including Speaker Quinn Riley and press conference. during the Inset:
contd on p3

Residents NYCBs portfolio of nearby buildings express thoughts under


novEmbER 15, 2011 volumE xxxvI, numbER 23

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novEmbER 15, 2011 volumE xxxvI, numbER 23

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novEmbER 15, 2011 volumE xxxvI, numbER 23

AmeriCorps State and National grant Competition The Corporation for national and Community Service, in the 2012 competition, expects to invest a significant amount of available funding to programs working in the six Focus Areas of Disaster Services, Economic opportunity, Education, Environmental Stewardship, Healthy Futures, and veterans and military Families. Deadline: Jan 18, 2012; Funding Amount: not stated funding/nofa_detail.asp?tbl_nofa_id=91 Homeless Housing and Assistance Program rFP The Homeless Housing and Assistance Program, under NYS Office of Temporary & Disability Assistance, authorizes a program of State funded grants or loans to acquire, construct or rehabilitate housing to expand the supply of housing for low income persons who are, or would otherwise be, homeless. Deadline: This RFP is an open-ended RFP Assets for Independence Demonstration Program The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) is requesting applications for grants to administer projects for the national Assets for Independence (AFI) demonstration of the use and impact of Individual Development Accounts (IDAs) and related services. Funding Amount: Estimated Total Funding: $15,000,000 Expected Number of Awards: 50 Award Ceiling: $1,000,000 Per Project Period Deadline: 1/25/2012 Neighborhood Stabilization Program Department of Housing and urban Development is offering funding for NSP TA to provide state government, local government and nonprofit recipients of federal NSP funding with the assessment tools and technical and capacity building assistance needed to fully understand their local market conditions, to increase their capacity to successfully carry out federal assistance programs while leveraging other public and private resources, and to achieve positive and measurable outcomes. Estimated Total Program Funding: Deadline: nov 21, 2011 $20,000,000 do?&mode=vIEW&oppId=128853 Tenant resource Network Program (TrN) Department of Housing and urban Development is allocating funding for a TRn designed to facilitate preservation of projects with Section 8 Project Based Rental Assistance at-risk of loss. TRN considers projects at-risk upon occurrence of one of the following events: an FHA insured or Direct mortgage maturity date within 24 months of the publication of the NOFA; an owner election to Opt-Out filed no more than 12 months prior to publication of the noFA; a notice of prepayment filed no more than 12 months prior to publication of the noFA; or the receipt of two consecutive below 60 REAC scores (not yet under abatement), with the most recent score issued no more than 12 months prior to the publication of the noFA. Expected Number of Awards: 20 Estimated Total Program Funding: $10,000,000 Award Ceiling: $720,000; Award Floor: $200,000 Deadline: Dec 06, 2011 do?&mode=vIEW&oppId=128513 307 rutledge St. Land Sale nYCEDC seeks proposals for the sale and development of a vacant 8,600 SF parcel of land located at 307 Rutledge Street (Block 2221 Lot 42) in brooklyn. The Site is currently owned by the new York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development and is currently leased to a local nonprofit for surface parking on a month-to-month basis. The Site is located within a C8-2 zoning district, which allows for a wide variety of commercial and industrial uses, with a maximum FAR of 2.0. An optional informational session will be held on november 16, 2011, at 10:00 am at nYCEDC. Those who wish to attend the session should RSVP by e-mail to on or before november 11, 2011. Deadline: December 19, 2011 vendorsearch/asp/Postings.asp?req_id=20111028010


Chhaya CDC is seeking an Intake Specialist


novEmbER 15, 2011 volumE xxxvI, numbER 23

Looking for a Director of Building Services

A nonprofit agency located in NYC is seeking a Director of building Services. Responsibilities include supervising maintenance department including building and apartment repairs and preventative maintenance on all building systems; Identifying and monitoring all outside contracted work. Director is also responsible for inventory controls, correction of violations and staff annual performance reviews. Qualifications: High School diploma required; 3-5 years experience working in as Supervisory position in residential building maintenance. Experience in maintenance repair and superintendent level skills. Experience in heating, plumbing and electrical required. background in construction, helpful. Good written & strong verbal communication skills required. Ability to work flexible schedule and be available for on call emergencies. bilingual, Spanish preferred. Salary: Commensurate with Experience. Email resume and cover letter in word format with position in subject line to

Chhaya seeks an energetic intake specialist to be part of its dynamic program team. The intake specialist will be one of the critical front-line staff, helping South Asian and other immigrant clients in navigating and selecting the appropriate housing counseling program at Chhaya. Candidate will receive necessary trainings. Responsibilities include conducting triage, and scheduling appointments with appropriate staff; conducting one-on-one intake counseling sessions with tenants, prospective homebuyers, at-risk homeowners and other clients; presenting workshops and information sessions and assisting with the preparation of monthly as well as other counseling reports. Candidates need to be multilingual in English, bangla, Hindi, nepali, Punjabi or Urdu and have excellent customer service and computer skills. This is a full time position, 40 hours per week. Anticipated start date is the third week of november 2011. Salary will be commensurate with experience plus excellent benefits including, medical and dental benefits, 403b option, TransitChek and generous vacation and holidays. To apply send a resume, a thoughtful cover letter and list of references to Homeownership Program manager mamta Gurung, at

Looking for a Director of Property Management

A nonprofit agency located in NYC is seeking a passionate individual with understanding of social and economic problems related to housing needs for low income individuals to become the Director of Property management. This individual will have with at least 5 years experience in the daily operations and supervision of a property management department. The individual will be responsible for ensuring coordination between city agencies, construction management, maintenance and Accounting Departments. The qualified individual will have experience in capital planning and familiarity with negotiating commercial leases. The key individual will have knowledge of and experience working with Section 8 and other existing housing voucher programs. This person must be well versed in HuD regulations, guidelines and procedures. The successful candidate for this position must possess strong interpersonal, customer service and supervisor skills. Low Income Housing Tax Credit Certification required. bilingual, Spanish preferred

Email resume and cover letter in word format with position in subject line to

Looking for an Activities Coordinator

PACC seeks to hire an Activities Coordinator to work with the residents at Gibb mansion. Responsibilities include initiating and organizing recreational activities for the residents of Gibb mansion. These activities should be a mix of creative activities, in house events and trips to outside locations; Additonally, the Activities Coordinator will work with the social service staff to improve attendance at already existing events and move toward staffing some of those regular events; Research and publicize free and low cost activities in the neighborhood and throughout nYC that mansion residents can participate in; obtain and coordinate donations of materials and supplies from free and low cost vendors.

EMPLOYMENT contd on 16


EMPLOYMENT contd from 15 Looking for a Human resources Manager


novEmbER 15, 2011 volumE xxxvI, numbER 23

Looking for a Part Time registered Nurse PACC seeks to hire a Registered Nurse (RN) who will be responsible for the delivery of nursing care to tenants, the development of interdisciplinary care plans, and who will assess their nutritional needs, dietary restrictions and current health. The nurse will ensure the provision and coordination of client education regarding prevention, transmission, and risk reduction/risk elimination strategies for people living with chronic conditions or with compromised immune systems. Additionally, the Rn will function as part of a team of social service professionals and provide medical care for 50 residents; maintain client medical records and files in accordance with state and agency policies Looking for a Substance Abuse Specialist

The Human Resources Administrator will play an integral role in the day-to-day functions of the agency, working collaboratively with program and fiscal staff and be directly responsible for the smooth running of three office locations. He/she will implement human resource policies that reflect the values and culture of PACC and will include recruiting, employee orientation and relations, benefits, training and staff support. The Human Resources manager will report to the Chief Administrative Officer. Responsibilities include.

Looking for a Human resources Manager PACC is now seeking an energetic and organized individual to assume the position of Kitchen Assistant at 900 Fulton Street, home to our Property management and Economic Development departments. Responsibilities include, welcoming visitors/clients, answering phones, screening calls; Directing and referring clients to appropriate staff members and outside sources; General clerical duties including computer data entry, filing, organizing office records, and operating office equipment.

PACCs Department of Social Services is seeking a Substance Abuse Specialist, both with CASAC and CASAC-T certifications, to join our team at Gibb mansion. This position will provide harm reduction and education to residents. The Substance Abuse Specialist ensures the quality of care for participants who have a history of substance abuse. Principal responsibilities Looking for an Office Manager include developing, facilitating and maintaining a substance abuse program; Providing individual PACC is now seeking an energetic and organized and group substance abuse counseling, 12-step individual to assume the position of Office groups, peer support groups, relapse prevention manager/Receptionist at 900 Fulton Street, home programs, harm reduction, educational training to our Property Management and Economic and seminars Development departments. Responsibilities include, welcoming visitors/clients, answering, screening calls; Directing and referring specialist clients to appropriate staff members and outside sources; General clerical duties including computer data entry, filing, organizing office records, and operating office equipment EMPLOYMENT contd on 17


EMPLOYMENT contd from 16 Looking for a Human resources Director


novEmbER 15, 2011 volumE xxxvI, numbER 23

Looking for an Assistant Director

Jericho Project is looking to hire an Assistant Director who will oversee all property management functions at West Tremont, and also conduct direct program services. Responsibilities for the full-time, Bronx-based position includes developing marketing programs; supervising tenant selection process and participating in tenant interviews, developing and overseeing compliance with leases and house rules, conducting community meetings, supervising maintenance programs, and completing reports to government and other funders. Interested applicants must submit a cover letter and resume to: Human Resources Department Jericho Project Job Code: KingsbridgeAD 245 W. 29th Street, Suite 902 new York, nY 10001 Fax: 646.624.2301 Email:

West Harlem Group Assistance, Inc. is seeking a Director of Human Resources. RESPONSIBLITIES: Ensures that West Harlem Group Assistance and its affiliates are in full compliance with all federal, state and local laws and regulations. Oversees human resources policies, personnel files and records and ensures compliance with established personnel policies. Responsible for overseeing the grievance process, dispute resolution, termination of employees, conducting exit interviews and responding to verification of employment and reference requests. Responsible for the supervision and coordination of job postings, recruitment, orientation, staff training and development and the hiring process of staff and volunteers. Administers all benefits programs. Reports to the Executive Director and works closely with all directors and managers of WHGA and its affiliates Qualifications: Qualifications: Candidate must have a 4 year bachelors Degree in Human Resource Management or related field, and specific training or certification in Human Resource Management. SHRM Certification preferred. 5-7 years of work experience in human resource management and knowledge of notfor-profit sector required. Ability to interact with all levels of employees and work courteously and confidentially. Strong verbal and written communication skills, union negotiation and dispute resolution skills. Computer literate in Microsoft Office Suite. Bilingual in English/ Spanish a plus Salary: Commensurate with Experience. Mail or fax resume and cover letter to June P. Andrews, Deputy Director, West Harlem Group Assistance, Inc., 1652 Amsterdam Avenue, new York, nY 10031. Fax: (212) 862-3281.

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