Question Pedagogy 2

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Question Pedagogy 2:

The pedagogy of the response is a form of robotic reproduction, of prompt response

where the teacher's role is simply an imitation, a reproduction without analysis, without
own positioning, without reasoning of eventual problems where the main focus is
memorizing. Its positioning is less effective because it does not distinguish the error of
the past, with the success of the present and, mainly, it does not look for the solution of
the errors.

In conclusion, in the pedagogy of the question when it is asked, it is corrected,

amended, errors are solved having corrective effectiveness in the “Already” in

We will present a text referring to the place and role of the question in the educational-
religious process where the pedagogy of the question presents a more effective method
in relation to the pedagogy of the answer.

When it comes to question pedagogy, it is presented in an inquisitive way where the

culmination is the question asked through stimulus. The teacher works as an inducing
agent of questioning for the solution. It seeks answers with student interaction as a form
of mutual positioning for effectiveness. We see in this way that the permutation of ideas
helps with more tenacity and willingness to resolve the mishaps of educational-religious

The pedagogy of the response is a form of robotic reproduction, of prompt response

where the teacher's role is simply an imitation, a reproduction without analysis, without
own positioning, without reasoning of eventual problems where the main focus is
memorizing. Its positioning is less effective because it does not distinguish the error of
the past, with the success of the present and, mainly, it does not look for the solution of
the errors.

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