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Father's Perfect Little Girl

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M, Multi
Fandom: 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Manga), 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime)
Relationship: Fushiguro Toji/Reader, Gojo Satoru/Reader, Getou Suguru/Reader,
Nanami Kento/Reader, Fushiguro Toji/You, Nanami Kento/You, Gojo
Satoru/You, Getou Suguru/You
Character: Aged Up Fushiguro Megumi, Aged Up Itadori Yuuji, Aged Up Kugisaki
Nobara, Fushiguro Toji, Gojo Satoru, Getou Suguru, Nanami Kento,
Additional Tags: Blasphemy, Smut, Virginity Kink, Vampires, Blood Drinking, Church
Sex, Semi-Public Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Biting, Dubious Consent,
Praise Kink, Degradation, Dirty Talk, Wet & Messy, Threesome - F/M/M,
Public Sex, Choking, Religion Kink, Porn With Plot, Corruption Kink,
Obsessive Behavior, Hypnotism, It Gets Better, Gojo Satoru Has a Big
Dick, Gojo Satoru is a Little Shit, DILF Fushiguro Toji, Daddy Kink,
Orgasm Delay/Denial, Forced Orgasm, some dark elements, Oral Sex,
Vaginal Sex, Dark, Yandere, Daddy Dom Fushiguro Toji, Stalking, Blood
and Injury, Painplay, Light Sadism, Age Difference, Deepthroating, First
Time Blow Jobs, Dacryphilia, Dry Humping, Grinding, Dumbification,
Gunplay, Gun Kink, Size Kink, Pet Names, Verbal Humiliation, Double
Penetration, Sloppy Seconds, Creampie, Anal Sex, brat taming,
Language: English
Series: Part 1 of FPLG Universe
Stats: Published: 2021-04-17 Updated: 2023-03-30 Words: 111,332 Chapters:

Father's Perfect Little Girl

by virjoonity


"I am Father Fushiguro," he spoke again with his deep and measured voice, the grin never
leaving his lips. "I take it you are our newcomers ?"


You had desperately tried to stay away from the church of the town you'd just moved in -
afraid of one of the priest, Father Fushiguro, however, it seemed that he'd always find you.

What you did not expect, however, was for three other men to find themselves interested in
you, as well.

See the end of the work for notes



Father’s Perfect Little Girl


The following themes will be included:

Sex/blasphemy/dubious consent/ BDSM undertones/death (of minor characters)/vampires

This is not a soft story.

You have been warned.


YOU LOOKED outside, it was June 16th and the sun was shining brightly. The landscape was
full of fields filled with beautiful looking flowers and various wheats, the air smelled fresh and you
could see the sea. It was sparkling and fresh and full of hope—just like you were.

You sat straighter in your seat, your mother was softly singing along to whatever was playing in
the radio and your dad was focused on driving, however, you noticed the smallest hints of a small
on his face.

You were moving into a new town on the outskirts of Ushinawareta. Your father had decided it
would be a great idea to see a new scenery, after the tragic death of your grandma and your aunt,
two months ago.

Ushinawareta was a small but nice town, full of nice people, and not too far from Tokyo, your
father had told you.

Your mother had been the most affected, having lost her sister and her mother in one night. The
cause of death had always been ambiguous—if you're honest, you really didn't know what had
happened. It was an extremely touchy subject.

However, the prospect of a new life filled you with excitement. You heart felt warm, just like this
hot summer day. Everything was going well and everything should've been going even better.

Thinking about the past, when you were happy actually, hurts more than looking at your current
Chapter Summary

Something in your gut was telling you to leave, to run, but you ignored it. You were
probably just being sensitive after moving away.

Chapter Notes

I watched Twilight and suddenly i wanna write my favorite dilf as a vampire

See the end of the chapter for more notes

"DARLING, WHERE is my fancy gold-colored tie ?" Your father called from the bathroom, his
head popping out of the doorframe, shaving cream still on his lower face as he buttoned his shirt.

You saw your mom sigh, and then give you a tired smile. Everything felt like usual—except
it wasn't.

You had moved in the day prior. The house you just started calling home was smaller than the
previous one, but nice, still. It was comfortable, reasonably furnished already with a kitchen table
and a few other furnitures (your dad kept grumbling about how it was still not enough considering
the money he spent on it).

You liked it.

Your room consisted of a bed, a nightstand and a cupboard. It was modest, and you enjoyed it this
way. Your favorite part of it was the big window that gave a superb view to the fields and the sea
in the horizon.

"On the nightstand," Your mother replied from where she was standing in the kitchen, cooking
breakfast, which consisted of scrambled eggs and a salad.

"I love you so much."

Your mother only hummed in response, instead opting to turn to you with a soft grin gracing her

Had you ever seen her look this relaxed after the accident ? Your heart warmed for your mother,
who so obviously seemed to enjoy the little gateway this far.

"__, do you like your room ?" She asked carefully, swiftly scooping the eggs and putting them in
three separate plates.

"Yes—it's perfect mother."

You stand up from where you were sitting at the dinner table and automatically joined your mother
in the kitchen. You reached for five forks and knives out of habit—before remembering that you
were now only three, you quickly corrected yourself as a your heart constricted in your chest at the
memory of your greatly missed grandmother and aunt.

"Is the desk big enough ?" Your mother pressed.

You nodded, guessing she was wondering wether the desk would be appropriate for writing or not.
It is true that it is a bit bothersome to write on a small desk. However, that issue does not concern
you anymore. She knew you liked writing and that you would likely pursue it as a career like your
father, who's a rather known and respected writer.

"Everything is perfect mother." You chuckled as an attempt to pacify her, which seemed to work.

"Ooh~ breakfast," your dad chimed as he came in, taking the plates and putting them on the dinner
table, your mother following him with a big bowl filled with salad. "I guess this means I cook
dinner then."

"Indeed," your mother laughs weakly, sitting down, "Good luck for your appointment, though."

Your father was to go to his appointment with a publishing house for them to finance his upcoming
book... he had had a few issues with his previous one.

The publishing house wasn't in Ushinawareta, it was around 2 hours away, so your dad would be
gone for the entire day.

"Thank you," he quickly pecked her cheek and dug in, "What are my favorite girls doing today
though ?"

"Visiting," your mother said, evasive.

"The church." Your finished. It was Sunday, after all.

Your father gave you a smirk filled with pride. He beamed noticing that his daughter took so much
after him. After all, the reason he got this far in life was all because of God's will and you didn't
doubt it.

You glanced at the clock, it was 9:21. You had to hurry a little if you wanted to be on time for

You promptly swallowed down your food, excited.

You swallowed down your saliva, feeling yourself grow a bit nervous.

You were... not so good at meeting new people. However, this was something you wanted to do—
that you had to. The church community was something very important to you.

"... Go in already, __." Your mother chided, unimpressed.

You opened the big and heavy door of the church and gasped. It was beautiful. It was minimal, but
breath-taking. The whole interior was white, with brown cushions on top of grey benches. A lot of
white candles were scattered here and there. There was, obviously, a wood gross with Jesus on it,
hanging on the ceiling, looking all-mighty and immensely powerful. It was simple but neat.

It was the most beautiful church you've ever set your feet in. You had been living in a relatively
small town your entire life, and the church there wasn't nearly as impressive as this one.
The atmosphere, though, was what slightly deterred you. It was eerily silent and the ambience felt
tense, chilly almost. You had never felt this way in a church before, you had always felt safe and
welcomed. The church was a place of love and understanding, right ?

Jesus on his cross looked down at you with cold, soulless eyes and you shivered.

Something in your gut was telling you to leave, to run, but you ignored it. You were probably just
being sensitive after moving away.

Was it the modernity of this place that made it feel so wholly cold impersonal ?


You heard a low, gravely voice behind you say. You let out squeaked, your entire body going

You hadn't even heard them approach.

You immediately whipped your head back to see a big and tall man who looked like he was in his
mid fourties. He was dressed in a black shirt tucked in a pair of black pants and on his feet were
shiny black leather shoes. His jaw was set and his black hair hung low on his face, making him
look even more intimidating. The corners of his mouth were lifted in a chilling smirk which was
probably meant to be welcoming - but there was something so dark and confusing about the way he
was looking at you that it just made the entire interaction unsettling. His eyes were sharp and
bottomless, it was as if he was gazing at you right through your anatomy, as if he could see things
that you didn't know about and understand things that you couldn't. You immediately looked
down. Something about this man scared you, something about this entire place felt entirely off.

If you weren't so disturbed, you would've probably noticed with heat rushing to your face how
attractive he was. Your mother, her, might have noticed.

You peeked at her, she apparently didn't sense anything wrong and placed on her lips a polite smile
before introducing herself. You incredulously gawked at her. You felt like a rebellious teenager all
of a sudden. Was this who you were becoming ? Someone who doesn't want to go church ? You
felt mildly terrified and appalled at the thought—what would your father even think of you?

Church and belief were the things that kept your family together.

You could tell he was wearing what was considered to be priest clothings—but it didn't match
with him. The clothes on him looked nothing short of sinful, you noticed with embarrassment. The
shit was—too tight and left too little to the imagination. It was like staring at someone dressed as a
priest, not an actual priest.

"I am Father Fushiguro," he spoke again with his deep and measured voice, the grin never leaving
his lips. "I take it your are our newcomers ?"

Chapter End Notes

First chapter !! please tell me what you thought of it ! i love reading comments hehe

I'm feeling pretty motivated as of now, so updates will probably be everyday

each update will be around 1k words??
II | I
Chapter Summary

You don't know why looking at him makes you feel so tense. It's not fear that you're
feeling, only mistrust, crawling on you and you can't ignore it, it stays there, at the
corner of your mind, even as you close your eyes to pray, his voice resonating in your

YOUR MOTHER nodded enthusiastically, "I can't believe you already heard about us, we only
arrived yesterday!"

It felt weird, you tried to brush it off, thinking you were just on edge.

"We are a very involved community."

"This is reassuring," she exhaled, "If I am honest, I was worried the church wouldn't be very active,
since this is a pretty small village."

Father Fushiguro didn't seem to mind your mother's misconceptions and chuckled instead, glancing
briefly at you with hooded eyes before continuing, "News travel fast here. People love to talk."

He conversed easily with your mother, he sounded like he had a lot of experience entertaining
meaningless talk with people.

Suddenly, the door opened again and more people were coming in. There was a boy with short
peach-colored hair, wearing a red hoodie and simple jeans, followed by a girl with short brown
hair, who was wearing a plain white dress. They looked like they were about your age.

Relief washed over you when you saw an adult walking closely behind them. He was a tall man
with ashy blond hair, pushed back, with a few strands falling on either sides of his face, his
cheekbones were high and hollowed, his jaw sharp but his eyes looked unfocused and tired. He
walked in an all grey tailored suit with a black shirt buttoned right up to his neck. He seemed to be
missing a couple nights of sleep, judging by the heavy bags under his eyes and his slow place of
walking, however, this did not make him look any less attractive.
The three of them bowed to Father Fushiguro who nodded at them, before giving you and your
mother a look.

The boy and the girl bowed again at your mother, both of their faces expressionless with their eyes
were cast on you, giving you a short, but intense once-over before their gaze shifted to Father
Fushiguro's, whose lips were still curved in a sinful smile. You awkwardly bent over to bow as
well, as a greeting.

"It was pleasure meeting you," Father Fushiguro concluded, smoothing down the wrinkles of his
shirt, "Please, do stay afterwards, I'd like to present you to some of my friends." he finished after
casting you one last lingering look.

"We appreciate your hospitality." Your mother then turned to you, eyes sparkling with satisfaction
and enthusiasm - she then looked surprised when she noticed the lack of excitement in yours.

"Are you okay ?"


You were okay, at least.

Your nerves had calmed down, a little. You still did not trust Father Fushiguro and still felt
uncomfortable, sitting on a bench at the very back, next to your mother with your legs shut tight,
your back straight and your entire body tense. However, seeing that there were a lot of people, and
that nothing bad had happened, yet, you allowed yourself to slightly sink into your seat with a slow
exhale. There was no room left to sit, so a few people had to stand up against the wall. You really
hadn't ever seen this many people in a church before, and it lifted your spirit.

Maybe you were really just being dramatic. You were definitely a bit judgmental, that you admit,
the community seems to be plenty involved, albeit the lack of warmth and personality of the place.
With this many believers at one place, you really couldn’t find anything else to fault. Guilt and
shame swirled in your stomach as you remembered what you first thought of this place. This is
something you were going with to the grave.
Father Fushiguro's preaching was admirable.

His voice was loud and clear as he spoke. He made you want to listen to him. Your heart beat a
little faster, and you didn’t know if it was in excitement or fear.

Everyone was silent. During the entire hour you'd been listening to him you weren't able to shake
off this feeling of dread prickling at your skin.

You didn’t know why looking at him made you feel so tense. It wasn’t really, leg-shaking fear that
you were feeling yet, only some kind mistrust, crawling on you and you couldn’t ignore it, it stayed
there, at the corner of your mind, even as you closed your eyes to pray, his voice resonating in your

You didn’t trust him. Although he hadn’t even given you any reason not to trust him, yet.

You were not making sense, you were aware of it.

He announced that you were going to sing, and you stood up on shaky legs, opening your hymn
book and sliding through numerous pages.

You suddenly froze.

You could feel the shiver racking through your entire frame the second his eyes slid to you.

Fear was curling at your throat, rendering you unable to sing out a single word and you stood there,
motionless, as Father Fushiguro eyed you down, he was not singing, either, having left his place to
another priest much less charismatic than him that you had barely noticed.

He held eye contact with you for long, painful, seconds and it was with a choked whine that you
understood that he must be aware of how he was making you feel. It didn't seem to bother him, in
fact, he seemed to revel in it.
But why ? Until then you thought you just had something against the man, you thought that you
were overreacting—though, you were not sure anymore.

You don't know what you're supposed to feel.

He cocked an eyebrow up and with his index he pointed to your hymn book. You felt your skin
grow hot.

You were not singing. You didn't know why it embarrassed so much, it must have been because
you usually were the one to show others the example. You were the one that sang louder than the
others, for them to copy you when they were not sure how they were supposed to sing. That was
because you knew most—if not all songs from your hymn book, you had learned them when you
were young and had been proudly reciting them ever since.

You looked down, but still felt the weight of his gaze on you. You swallowed down your saliva
with a gulp and parted your lips to prepare yourself to start singing. The words came out strained,
low and pathetic as you felt your stomach swirl and churn in anxiety. What used to feel natural
suddenly felt hard and stressful.

The rest passed in a blur, you were barely paying attention, instead you were focusing on Father
Fushiguro, but not actively listening to him, as he gave everyone his thanks for their attention and
wished them a good Sunday. That's when you relaxed, slightly, it was all over now.

You picked up your bag and stood up once again.

"Lovely, wasn't it ?" Your mother exhaled and reached for her bag as well. "We're safe now,
sweetie." she continued with a strangely omniscient tone and you looked up at her, confused. Her
eyes crinkled as she smiled and gently grabbed your shoulder. "Let's go see Father Fushiguro. I
want to say goodbye." You could see her eyes sparkling.

Your stomach sank.

Chapter Summary

And it was with a shocked gasp that you realized that you hadn't told him your name.

TRIGGER WARNING: mentions of blood, pain and injury.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

YOU FELT some weird sort of accomplishment as you set foot out of the church.

However, your victory was short lived, as your mother ushered you to where Father Fushiguro was
shaking people's hands as they left. He wasn't alone, there was a man, a very tall man, dressed in a
fully black costume, with a navy shirt, and brown leather shoes. On top of his head were shiny,
silver hair, parted at the side. If his eyelashes, as well as his eyebrows weren't of the same color,
you'd think he'd dyed them. His eyes were a light blue, his skin as pale as could be and his body
slender. His eyes were soft and welcoming, but there was an air of confidence around him, which
intimidated you a little bit.

Father Fushiguro spotted you in an instant, his lips curling in a chilling smile.

"This is Gojo Satoru," he introduced you to the man at his side, who cocked an eyebrow at you and
you mother.

"... and they are ?" his voice wasn't as deep as Father Fushiguro's, but smoother and slightly more
suave. He stood a bit straighter as he offered you a bow despite his confusion.

"Newcomers." is all he replied, however, Satoru seemed to understand him perfectly as his eyes
widened in realization. He offered you a blinding smile in return, elated.

"Ah," he laughed lightly, "In this case, very pleased to meet you."
"He is a teacher at this village's highschool," Father Fushiguro looked at you, "Little one, you're
still in highschool, right ?"

You were 18, turning 19 in a few months and you were still in highschool, it was something you
felt a bit complexed about. You had started school around two years later than your peers because
you were very physically weak. You remember your first years were mostly spent in the hospital.
It got better through the years, although, you still couldn't do any hard physical activities without
fainting. This was the reason why you'd always been the oldest in your classes.

You would finally start your last year after the holiday, and you couldn't wait to head off to
college, where age didn't matter as much.

"I-I am." you stuttered.

"Well, he might be your teacher this coming year."

"I also hold a little youth day camp, here, at the church, it's mostly a place for the kids to hang out,
however," he suddenly told you, eyes strained on you and you didn't know how to feel about his
sudden interest on you. "You're invited, naturally,"

You were nearly tempted. But then, the feel of the heavy weight of Father Fushiguro's eyes on you
deterred you.

"With the father ?" Your mother held you by the waist.

Satoru looked at his friend, "Yes, with the father,"

You didn't want to go. You were sweating bullets, the dreadful feeling in the pit of your stomach
returning in full force—you can't go.

"She's going." Your mother tightened her hold on you, securing you closer to her.

You eyes shifted from Satoru, to your mom, who both looked way too satisfied, when they didn't
even ask for your opinion. You understood why she would assume you'd want to go—this is what
you would've wanted, too, under different circumstances.

In your peripheral vision, you saw the same man you'd noticed before with ashy blond hair coming
closer. He walked straight to Father Fushiguro and Satoru in slow steps, before leaning down to
whisper something in their ears.

"It's ready." was the only thing you manage to discern.

Then they all looked at both your mother and you.

"I'm afraid we have to go," Father Fushiguro bowed, "This is my friend, Nanami Kento. He surely
hopes to you two again next Sunday."

"The camp starts on Wednesday, be here at 10." Satoru winked.

"She will be." she assured, squeezing you before looking at you with warm, prideful eyes.

"Goodbye, __." Father Fushiguro grinned. You waved at him, content with being done with him
for the day, before something plagued you.

And it was with a shocked gasp that you realized that you hadn't told him your name.


It was with a shocked gasp that you woke up, your body jerking up, drops of sweat dripping down
your forehead. You gripped your bedsheets as you inhale sharply, your heart threatening to beat out
of your chest.

You stared at your white ceiling for long and painful seconds, your sight glossed over because of
tears gathering in your eyes, nearly spilling over your cheeks. You let out uneven, shuddering
breaths as your mind replayed the event of the frequent, but always as horrifying, dream you just

This kind of nightmare occurred at least once a weak, and always portrayed the same events.

You aren't able to recognize or discern anything of your surroundings. Everything looks like a
vague blur, as if it is coated in some kind of thick, misty dark fog.

Your mother is standing in front of you, her body shaking and her teeth clattering. She's smiling,
except it looks dark and twisted. The corners of her mouth are curled in what looks like grin, but is
in fact a sneer, as she eyes you down. You aren't able to feel anything, except for the thick and
warm liquid covering your chest and the entirety of your arms. It's as if you're simply a spectator
having possessed another's body to witness a scene.

Your mother's shirt is entirely soaked, and it is clutching at her skin as she's staggers to you, her
body quivering some more as she lets out a pitiful laugh.

"Good, good, my child." She looks pathetic and suffering, but her tone is soft and validating, "I
knew you'd do it, you've always been good." She gives you a look absolutely full of pride,
something you've never on her face before and if you didn't feel so disconnected and distanced to
the entire act, you would probably feel happy.

It's when your mother's body suddenly jerks forward and that she coughs up violently what seems
to be blood that you realize that she's coated in it. You only now notice it dripping down her shirt.

The dream starts to feel more real when you realize that you are too coated in it. You shiver in cold
sweat. The blood feels nice and warm on your skin, but you're scared and pathetic. You mother's is
shaking and convulsing, but there is nothing but happiness and satisfaction on her features.

"Now, kill me." She demands and you shake your head. You let out a wet sob as she clutches her
stomach, you see the first evidence of her suffering on her face as she winces.

You refuse to do it. You keep on shaking your head until you're, yourself shaking as well, on your
bed, as your eyes shot open. Relief floods through you as you lean up and take notice of your

This was how it usually went.

It still wasn't any different.

You wished it wouldn't and hurt as much as it did every time. You wish you'd be able to grow
accustomed to it. So much that seeing it wouldn't make the skin of your arms erupt in goosebumps,
or even make you panic and wail with tears streaming down your face.

As usual, you slid down your bed, and carefully opened the door to your parent's bedroom. After
confirming that your mother was still alive and well, you went back inside your covers and closed
your eyes, even if you knew you wouldn't fall back asleep.

Everything felt the same, but wasn't.

Through your insomnia, you felt something staring at you, pressuring you to look but you didn’t.
You kept your eyes closed, you heart battering in your chest as you heard a window open and
close, and that's when you relaxed.

One single tear rolled down your cheek.

Chapter End Notes

thoughts ??
IV | I
Chapter Summary

You felt some twisted sort of fascination in looking at the man in his day to day life,
the vibe he exuded felt entirely different from what you'd expect. You would never
admit it out loud, but you were entirely enthralled by him, with your face hot and your
heart constricting in your chest.

Chapter Notes

this is unedited, I didn't proofread this since I gotta go study for a test now ! I'll edit it
tomorrow, if the writing seems rushed it's because it is

I didn’t plan on updating today since I wanted to focus on studying but your comments
really motivated me ! Thank you.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

THE SUN was shining brightly over your head, following you as you walked without purpose.
You mother had asked you to go buy some tomatoes at the grocery store, and you had complied.
You were now on your way back home, stress-free as you took your time to explore your new
town. Your knew your mother wouldn't start cooking dinner in a good two hours.

You didn't know where you were going, though you were positive you wouldn't get lost.

You passed by a library, and hesitated going in. You were a big reader, you'd read a lot of classics,
and even a bit of supernatural like Dracula. However your father's works were your favorite, you
didn't care if people called you biased.

You decided to leave the library for later, after all you had the entire summer to explore the town.
Your looked at your surroundings in excitement, bouncing slightly in your steps as your grocery
back swung back and forth along with your movements.

You soon found in front of a cozy little cafe, and opted to going in, in hope of finding pastries for
your family. Your father had a sweet tooth and surely that would make him happy. As you
approached the building, you noticed out of the corner of your eyes the familiar bulry shape of a
man that immediately recognized as Father Fushiguro's.
You stopped dead in your tracks. As you shifted your eyes towards him, you half expected his to
already be on you, but he was concentrated on something else.

He was sitting idly on one of the cafe's table, his muscly legs crossed as he read a book. He then
took a languid sip of what seemed to be coffee. You watched his Adam Apple bob with a
fascination that even surprised you.

You wouldn't have been surprised if your entire body had shivered in cold sweat, with distress and
anxiety curling in your stomach at the sight of him, however, nothing happened. There was
churning in your guts, no nothing.

You felt a bit silly. It had been a few days since the... eventful meeting of Father Fushiguro, and
this was the first time you saw him since and your reaction to him, at that moment, was the
complete opposite of what you'd experienced.

What could even be the opposite of fear ? Attraction ? Surely that couldn't be...

You were definitely over sensitive last Sunday, you concluded. You made yourself a mental to not
judge people too harshly when you aren't in the right state of mind.

Now that you took a good look at the man you noticed that he wasn't this scary, his face, maybe
might look a little harsh, and his body a bit imposing.

However, as you observed the way his biceps moved as he flipped a page, what you felt was not
intimidation. You gulped, your throat suddenly felt dry.

You had not had the chance to properly look at him on Sunday. All you had done was try to avoid
his gaze, and now you found yourself thrown off balance, muddled and surprised at the unknown
mix of emotions confusing your mind.

You felt some twisted sort of fascination in looking at the man in his day to day life, the vibe he
exuded felt entirely different from what you'd expect. You would never admit it out loud, but you
were entirely enthralled by him, with your face hot and your heart constricting in your chest.
You kept staring at him, half-thinking that the fear and anxiety that previously plagued your mind
at the sight of the man would come back at full force.

Even outside of his workplace, he stood out.

You blinked, dumbfounded. You saw him for who he was, a tall, buff man with an attractive face
and your face heat up some more

Now, what were you even thinking ?

As an attempt to distract yourself, you squinted your eyes, trying to decipher the name of what
could get him so intensely invested, but in vain. You faintly managed to make out the word 'Dance'
written in a big, white font. The cover of the book was entirely black with a few splashes of red
here and there.

An idea popped into your read. You briefly wondered if what you were doing could be considered
noisy but you decided you didn't care. You didn't know where the sudden interest in the man came

You told yourself it was simple curiosity, a normal amount for someone for loved reading as much
as you did

You didn't know where the sudden interest in the man came from.

You walked away, still slightly disturbed at your own reaction. How could you go from fearing a
man, to this ? You didn't even know what this represented. You couldn't pinpoint it to one emotion

A few minutes later you were in front of the library. You stepped in, and looked around the
multiple rows of books, your eyes quickly scanning their covers. When you were about to give up,
you saw a book with a thick, black cover, looking back at you as if taunting you.

"Dance in the vampire bund."

You read aloud, picking up the book from its shelf. You flipped it and read the summary. It was
apparently about a girl who'd unknowingly moved into a town full of vampires. As she realized in
what kind of mess she'd just been propelled into, it was too late for her, because she had fell in love
with her neighbor vampire.

You lifted your eyebrows, you hadn't pegged Father Fushiguro as one to read this kind of books.
You try not to judge him but you were disappointed. Those kind of stories were clichée and full of
plot holes.

You decided to borrow it.

You felt it would be an easy read.


"You're so easy to read," Adrien says as he pins Emma on the wall. His eyes are a vibrant red as
they rake over her half naked form.

"I-I just showered-" Emma stutters, oblivious to the effect she has on him. He tucks a few strands of
hair behind her ear, his face softer.

"I won't hold back anymore." He finally decides, before kissing her, mingling their lips and his
hands hover over her naked breasts, making her shiver.

You blinked, the temperature in your room suddenly felt hot, despite the fact that it was already
well into the night.

You felt horrified, you couldn't find the words to express it.
If your mother—or even your father heard about this, they would be so disappointed. Nearly as
much as you were.

However, you knew you had to keep your mouth shut because exposing him would also expose the
fact that you read the book and its content - this sinful, horrifying book - and that is, yet another
thing you were going with to the grave.

Your breathes came out in short puffs and your entire body felt sensitive. You swiped your tongue
on your bottom lip.

After all of this, you needed a good night of sleep.

Chapter End Notes

look forward to tomorrow's update ;)

I | II
Chapter Summary

"It's okay angel. You're okay." It doesn't sound like he's trying to comfort you, it's like
he's telling you, with an all-knowing voice that you are okay.

Chapter Notes

I forgot to update yesterday... I’ll probably update again later today to compensate.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

FATHER FUSHIGURO stands in front of you in all his glory. His long hair is pushed back and
he's wearing the same outfit you saw him wear on Sunday, except that now he's got a few buttons
undone, and his shirt is wrinkled up all the way to his elbow, exposing his forearms. As usual, a
charming smirk is placed on his lips as he looks down at you.

"I'm sure you'll pretend otherwise, angel, but I know you want me." He whispers, full of cockiness.
While this kind tone usually annoys you, it doesn't this time, instead it lits a fire in your guts at the
way in which he refers to you.

You vaguely recognize the church, with its white walls and grey benches. It is quiet, all you can
hear is the loud sound of your heart beating madly in your chest.

"I know you a lot more than you think." He says playfully and you take a minute to fully come to
your senses as you fully register the sinful words he's telling you. All the while Father Fushiguro
takes a few steps towards you. He flashes you a smile and you briefly notice long, pointy teeth
poking out. "My baby wants to be ruined." He gives what looks like a pout, but you can see that
he's mocking you from the way his eyes glow and crinkle, absolutely full of amusement. "How
does that sound hmm ?"

Your cheeks flush hot with shame at Father Fushiguro's words yet a feeling akin to need and
desperation begins to spread through you.

"I feel the same as you, sweetheart," He says as an attempt to soothe you, as he stalks slowly
towards you. You feel like a prey being hunted as you step back. Too soon, you think, your back
hits the wall and fearfully, you're forced to admit defeat.
His pace doesn't falter and as he approaches you, you feel your heart beating like a mini-drum in
your chest. Panic and dread fills you, from the very bottom to the very top of your being.

His grin looks nothing short of victorious, as he slips his hand behind your neck, forcing your eyes
to meet his. You immediately notice that his are tinged a deep, captivating red, and just as you're
about to scream for help, he gently shushes you.

"It's okay angel. You're okay." It doesn't sound like he's trying to comfort you, it's like he's telling
you, with an all-knowing voice that you are okay.

And suddenly you feel as if your mind surrounded in soft clouds as you completely relax, your
shoulders slumping as you let out a sight. Father Fushiguro's hands come to grip at your thighs,
pulling you up easily and you rush your hands around his neck with a weak squeak.

You feel the hair on your arms stand up, as goosebumps erupt on your body, not out of fear, but out

"I'm coming to get you, angel, just wait for me." he murmurs huskily, his voice muffled as he
buries his head in the junction between your collarbones and your neck. He lays his head there,
breathing heavily. "Because you're mine." like a starved man, he trails kisses down your neck.
Your body holds so much tension you don't know how to deal with, all you do is moan pitifully at
the way each kisses sparks something akin to a excitement in your body.

What's happening to you ? You can feel the area between your legs getting tighter and slicker and
you panic a little. This is the first time you've ever felt this, are you supposed to feel like this ?

He undoes a few buttons of your shirt. You shiver when you feel his cold hands on your naked
flesh. you can feel the wet, sticky warmth pooling in your underwear. You feel far too exposed.

The attention he gives you does nothing to quell the ache between your legs. You mewl, you can't
even find it in yourself to fight back and, to your horror, you find yourself enjoying being in his
strong arms, being touched by him and being looked at by him. You feel beautiful.

Nowhere is the fear that was previously plaguing your mind.

You hold him like he's your life line as he ravishes you.

"F-father," you moan, and tilt your head to give him more space to kiss on. You feel as if there's a
soft foamy fog surrounding your mind, freeing you of any type of fright and doubt.

"That's it baby," he groans and you lock your legs around his waist, pulling him closer to you.
Despite how out of touch you are with everything happening, you still notice how cold his body is,
and, instead of confusing you or scaring you, it only encourages you further as you grind your hips
on him, in hopes of cooling down the growing heat in yours. "My perfect girl," he coos, exposing
more of your chest to his greedy eyes, "You're doing so well." he encourages as he suckles lightly
on the skin of your cleavage.

All you can do is let yourself drown in this half-drunken state. Like a doll, you're unable to move
and you let him mold you in any positions he sees fits, you're putty in his hands as you willingly let
him slowly bewitch you, eat you up.

You woke up with short gasp as you jolted up. You looked around your room with round eyes. You
fisted your sheets tightly as sweat drips down your forehead. Your entire body was sticky and hot.

Your face heat up further when you remembered the dream you just woke up from.

What was that dream ?

With your cheeks burning hot, you noticed how especially wet the area between your legs felt. A
mix of confusion and embarrassment took over you at the thought of having peed your bed. You
peeled the cover off of your body.

It was... not pee, that you could tell.

Chapter End Notes

Okay so this is the start of the second arc !!!! The first arc was rly short cus it was just
here as an introduction... from now on we’ll see more of the other characters...
Chapter Summary

"Slept well ?" He mused and you swore your heart stopped beating for a split second.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

YOU KNOCKED on the door of the little house right next to the church, where you had assumed
the little 'youth camp' would take place in.

"Ah, __," Satoru said, grinning as he opened the door, "We were waiting for you." He gestured for
you to come in. He looked amazing. He was wearing a blue stripped shirt, tucked in high waisted
black pants that molded his thick thighs and gave him an amazing figure. His hair was messily
scattered on his forehead and his smile turned lopsided when he noticed you staring at him. On his
nose were round, black shades.

You passed by him, bowing your head and he followed you, letting the door shut behind him.

You immediately recognized the two people you saw at church last Sunday. There was the boy
with pink hair who was grinning sheepishly as he waved at you in grand gestures. All the while, his
friend, the girl with light brown hair cut in a square gave you a once over, before looking away.

You suddenly felt entirely too conscious of your long, navy dress that flared out at the waist, that
you had paired with black leather shoes. You had even worn your crucifix, as an attempt to cleanse
yourself from last night's dream.

There were two new faces. A boy with dull, bored dark eyes with hair equally as hair as dark,
messily scattered on his head. He was wearing a black tee with black pants and his hands in his
pockets as he leaned against the wall. He looked disinterested, as if he didn't even want to be there
in the first place, and you felt for him. As your eyes briefly met his, you shivered. His soulless,
bottomless eyes felt entirely too familiar on you.

Are they related ?

At his side was a mature-looking girl with dark, green hair styled in a high ponytail with bangs that
hung low on her forehead as well as curtain bangs that fell on either sides of her face. She wore a
short sleeved black tee along with a long, black pleated skirt.

Satoru contrasted heavily with his somewhat colorful attire, and for once, you didn't feel out of

The girl came towards you confidently, and the boy next to her followed begrudgingly.

"Hello," she greeted, her voice was deep, deeper than you'd expected. "We're happy to have you
here. We love new faces, I'm Maki." She bent to bow and you did the same. The person next to her
stood motionless, "And this is Megumi. Please don't take it personally, he hates everybody. He'll
warm up to you, eventually."

"My body is literally unable to warm up." He jibed, unimpressed. "I don't hate everyone. I just
don't like people, in general." He clarified for what it was worth.

"Hey !" You felt a tap on your shoulder and turned around with a surprised squeak.

The boy with peach hair lifted his hands up in surrender, "Sorry, 'didn't mean to scare you."

You shook your head, smiling, "It's okay ! I guess I'm just a bit on guard." You joked, hoping to
ease him out.

His eyes widened, "Why ? Something happened ?" He questioned suddenly, leaning onto you, his
eyes boring in yours.

"Yuuji," the girl with brown hair came forward, slapping the back of his head, "Don't be like this.
She meant something like 'I'm just nervous.'." She then bowed to you, forcing Yuuji to do the same
as she applied pressure on the back of his neck.

"... Really ?" He asked and you nodded quickly, the entire interaction feeling too weird for you, "...
I'm relived then." he mumbled.
"I'm Nobara, by the way. And this is Yuuji." Nobara prodded at Yuuji.

"There are more of us, but they're currently out of town." Maki quickly took speech before and
uncomfortable silence could set in, as she readjusted her glasses.

More people ? You complained silently.

"Children, the father is here." Satoru warned lightly, before opening the door.

Father Fushiguro strode inside.

Your cheeks were burning and your eyes were digging holes on the ground, you refused to look up,
you wouldn't look up.

You heard him greet each person in the room and you knew your turn would come eventually, but
you still hoped that somehow, the ground would swallow you up, or that you'd suddenly turn

Neither ever happened.

Father Fushiguro stood confidently, his signature cocky smile plastered on his lips. He was
wearing a white tee with black jeans and black leather shoes. His outfit was definitely more relaxed
than the previous one you'd seen him in. The air around him felt different, it used to feel dominant
and all consuming, pushing you on edge and forcing you on your tippy toes. At that moment it only
felt flustering and somewhat exciting as he greeted you in a low and sultry voice.


You winced and when you finally looked at him, you were half-expecting fear to be curling at your
gut once again (he really did an impression on you the first time you saw him). You were surprised,
however, when it was not fright that had your heart stuttering in your chest, but something else
entirely that you were not sure what to name. What you knew, however was that it felt entirely too
familiar as the dream of last night ghosted your mind. You told yourself you'd go to the
confessional as soon as you could.
You gripped your crucifix as you gulped down nervously, "F-father." Your attempt to sound
cheerful was pathetic, but no one pointed it out.

"Slept well ?" He mused and you swore your heart stopped beating for a split second.

How ? He couldn't, he surely couldn't. But he was a priest after all, this must be the kind of thing
that he can see and notice on people. Was this even a thing ?

Father Fushiguro didn't elaborate further and did not even wait for your answer as he started a
conversation with Satoru.

You sighed in relief.

Satoru told something to Father Fushiguro, then turned to you with a tilt of his head to peer at you
from over his shades. Father Fushiguro chuckled with a smirk on his face, one that made your
insides twist, however, not nearly as much as what escaped his mouth after.

"She probably had a really good night of sleep, didn't she ?"

Chapter End Notes

1K goes past too fast...

Chapter Summary

Your first thought was that the man was intimidatingly attractive—in a pretty and
feminine kind of way and at the same time, also in a very manly way as your eyes
traced over his broad shoulders.

Chapter Notes

Thank you again for all the comments <333

See the end of the chapter for more notes

AFTER A morning prayer with Father Fushiguro, he promptly left for his office with a bow, not
before assuring you all to come to him if you need anything.

That left you with Satoru, who clapped his hands to get everyone's attention. "What do you guys
want to do today ?" He smiled, his eyes closing. His entire demeanor seemed more relaxed than
seconds prior.

You noticed that you weren't the only affected by Father Fushiguro.

Yuuji whipped his head to look at you before exclaiming, "We can show __ around !"

Maki hummed, "Yeah, that would be nice, since she's new and all."

"Didn't we say we were going to do the garden ?" Nobara pipped in, crossing her arms.

You had shortly seen a small garden right behind the church while coming there.

"We've got a long day ahead of us," Satoru said, "We'll find time to show her around town. Plus
today what we gotta do is indeed the garden."
You heard Megumi groan.

Gardening ? This was not an activity you thought you'd be doing at a camp, however since it is
religious after all you presumed taking care of the church must be part of the program.

"Also, the fridge is empty, I'll cook for lunch. Who's going to the supermarket ?"


Everyone went to the supermarket, it turned out, well, except for Satoru who stayed, in case
anyone else would come while you all were away. It was a very flimsy excuse, in fact, you saw
him sit down on a big armchair with a loud exhale from the window as soon as you all left.

Shopping list in hand, Maki was making her way along the isles, searching for the right ingredients
with everyone else in tow. Yuuji alone was way behind everybody, his hands in his pockets as he

All of a sudden, you heard a faint buzz next to you followed by a violent clap of hands. You turned
your head at the sound.

"Ugh, I hate mosquitos." Megumi spit in annoyance, eyes narrowing as he tried to reach for the
mosquitos again.

Nobara laughed, soft and light, "Right, they're a lot of mosquitoes here. They bite, a lot."

"Very dangerous stuff," Yuuji nodded, looking at you seriously before smiling boyishly.
"Why are you telling her all this ?" Megumi let out a sigh. "It's not going to change anything."

"She has to know." Maki turned to you, she cocked her hips, "They kill, mostly weak and old

"They're in the neighboring towns as well, if you want to escape from them, you have go very far
away." Yuuji grabbed your hands and you felt your skin grow hot, being not used to skinship,
"Understood ?"

Your eyes were round and you tilted your head to the side in confusion, "Y-yes." You choked out,
bopping your head up and down twice to convince the boy you've understood him.

It wasn't anything that a little anti-mosquito spray couldn't fix anyway.

Right ?


"More on the right," Maki advised, and so Megumi and Yuuji proceeded to roll the cupboard to the
right. Maki jutted her bottom lip forward, thinking, "It still looks out of place."

"Remind us why we're doing this again ?"' the black hairy boy groaned, throwing his head back. It
seemed he was giving up.

"Da—I mean, Satoru, asked us to move around some of the furniture. So the room looks less

"What ? Why ? This never bothered him before," Yuuji muttered.

"The more I think about it, the more it seems like he created this whole camp just to make us do
work he didn't want to." Megumi leaned back on the cupboard, as Yuuji opened the few first
drawers, exploring its content.

"Don't be like this, he's working hard too." Maki chastised nicely, a small smile forming on her

"He's sleeping on one of the kitchen's chair."

Maki ignored him, shrugging with a weak shrug and a defeated smile as she looked at you, you
mirrored her expression.

If you were honest, this wasn't what you had expected out of a summer camp. Though you've never
actually been to one before.

You were all in the same room you'd met them in, in the morning, it was some kind of lounge
room, with a big sofa and a few armchairs here and there, as well as a low wooden table. It looked
like it hadn't been cared for in a long time, not that it was dirty or anything, it was just very
disorganized. Pillows of every color and size were scattered everywhere. And there were an awful
lot of random furnitures at very weird places, making the entire room look entirely awkward

"When are we doing the garden anyway ?" Nobara asked from one of the armchair, sitting


You never did the garden.

You noticed that Satoru wasn't someone that followed plans—even if they were his own. He did
what he wanted to do, whenever.

You slurped on your food, sat in between Yuuji and Satoru, with Maki in front of you and Megumi
and Nobara at her sides. Satoru had ended up making you all beef ramen noodles with an egg on

You stayed silent for most part, only talking when being asked a question. You couldn't help it,
despite their efforts to include you, you felt too out of place. You could tell they were all very close
with the way they seemed to be attuned to the other. You were the only outsider.

"Little one," Satoru addressed, and for some reasons, you knew he was referring to you. You
immediately looked up.

Your first thought was that the man was intimidatingly attractive—in a pretty and feminine kind of
way and at the same time, also in a very manly way as your eyes traced over his broad shoulders.

You made eye contact and furrowed your brows. Were his eyes always a warm, vibrant orange ?
You blink, it must've been the kitchen light.

You could feel someone's eyes on you, nearly digging a hole into you with how heavy and intense
their glare was, however, you ignored it, mostly out of fear of confrontation.

"You're making a mess of yourself," he said, his voice laced with taunt and amusement. Before you
could ask him what he meant by that, he lifted his hand, reaching for the corner of your lips, before
swiping his thumb there in one swift motion.

You hurriedly reached for your napkin, dabbing it on your lips and felt your face heat up as you
saw a small dab of the sauce on it.

Satoru then chuckled, "Messy girl." He licked his finger, then leaned over, placing his hand on
your knee as he whispered, "Be careful with it, hmm ?"

Your hand that was holding your chopsticks shook slightly as you thanked him, embarrassment
still very much felt as he drew little circles on your knee over your dress.
Your faces were ridiculously close, so much that you could feel his breath ghosting on your lips.
You thought he might kiss you but he simply gave your leg another squeeze before moving away,
his attention stolen by Maki who had asked him a question.

You stood there, unmoving, mouth slightly ajar. Did you think he was about to—? Were you about
to let him ? You hardly recognized yourself these days.

Your train of thoughts was cut off abruptly as you heard someone standing up suddenly, before
slamming their first on the table, "First the fucking camp, then the lounge room, now this ?"
Nobara, spit, you could feel the anger radiating off of her being, her eyes sending daggers your
way, but also to Satoru, "Who are we doing this all for ? Who are you trying to impress ? I'm not
falling for it." She finished, before leaving the kitchen after casting you one last hateful look.

What had happened ? You felt guilty, and you didn't even know what you had done.

"I told you she'd react like this." Maki watched her go, a worried look on her face.

"I'll go after her." Satoru stood up next to you, and you were about to do the same when Yuuji
gently pulled at your sleeve, preventing you from moving.

"I found fireworks," he said suddenly, you could hear a hint of desperation in his voice, "In the
cupboard, they're probably from the last cultural festival, but I wanna light them up tonight, here.
Come with us."

You hesitated, and he must've sensed it, "Please ? We'll miss your company. Nobara will get over
it, I promise. It's nothing against you." He pleaded

She didn't really sound like she had nothing against you, you thought but didn't point out.

You couldn't really say no when he asked you like that anyway.

You nodded and Yuuji looked absolutely elated.

Chapter End Notes



Also Nobara isn’t a bitch in this she’s got a good reason to be pissed, bear with me

Also ALSO I’m thinking of adding Naoya, but diluted, less misogynistic version of
him. He won’t be part of the main cast, he’ll probably just show his head once then
DIP oof
Chapter Summary

"You guys are looking at her like you want to eat her up." You suddenly heard
Megumi sigh out from behind you three. Yuuji let out a sheepish laugh as he untangled
your hands.

Chapter Notes

... yes I didn’t update yesterday

See the end of the chapter for more notes

"MOTHER," YOU said, trying to sound as confident as possible as you straightened your
posture, "Can-could I-hum, maybe go out, tonight ?" You voice wavered a little bit.

You were 18, a voice inside your head was telling you that of course you could go out if you
wanted. Legally, you were an adult, meaning you were responsible for your own decisions.

The thing was, you'd never asked to go out before. You were always at home before the sun set.
You didn't know what you were supposed to do, ask them if you were allowed to go out or simply
inform them that you were going out.

Your mother looked up at you from where she was sitting on the dinner table, a newspaper in hand,
with one eyebrow raised, she looked confused for a few seconds before her face morphed in a
knowing smile, "Naturally you can, you're an adult."

You beamed.

You heard a loud crash coming from the kitchen, before your father stomped into the dinning
room, a pan in hand.

"You don't even know where she's going !" Your father exclaimed, alarmed, he smoothed down the
wrinkles on his apron, "That's a no from me."
"Darling, she's 18."

"Still too young."

"I'm simply going to church," you defended, "We're going to light up fireworks." You didn't know
why you were trying to hard to convince them when you did not even really want to go, you
realized, "But if father doesn't want me to go, I'll gladly stay." You quickly added.

"Darling," your mother gave your father an exhausted look, "Let her go, we both know she's a very
careful girl."

"Why fireworks ? It's not the cultural festival..." he took a deep breath, "...if you're not here by 10,
I'm coming to get you myself." He grumbled, making his way back in the kitchen.

Your mother then looked up at you, "Now, go get ready."

Get ready ? You frowned in confusion as you eyed your outfit.


Getting ready ? You still didn't know what that meant. You hadn't even thought that you were
supposed to change your outfit... and you really liked your long black dress, it covered a lot of skin,
and made you feel protected in some way.

Nevertheless, you opened your wardrobe, inspecting the few gowns you had. You opted for a
white, flowy dress with a Peter Pan collar. The gown stopped right after your knees (still too short
for you), and had a black bow on the back that accentuated your waist.
You looked... cute, cute but overdressed. You didn't have to try that hard, what if they thought you
were pretentious ? With that in mind, you proceeded to undo your bow, trying to take it off when
your mother marched into the room.

"Oh my," she let out, whistling, "Don't take it off, you look adorable in it." She picked up your bow
and tied it even tighter around your waist, before dusting off the skirt of your dress with a satisfied

"Now, you can go. Have fun."


You actually did have fun.

Nobara wasn't there, you assumed it had something to do with you. However, you wouldn't let it
ruin your night since you did nothing wrong, so you had no reason to feel bad for her.

It was a bit late already, the sun was nowhere to be seen, instead you were looking at the moon,
shining gloomily above you. It was warm, warm enough that you didn't need to put a jacket on.

You looked at the sparkles blossoming in your hands, you could feel it's warmth hitting your palm
as you watched it grow, forming a beautiful flower of light, then die down. This wasn't the first
time you had lit up those kind of fireworks and everytime, you found yourself thrilled by the beauty
of their sight.

"__, step back!" Yuuji urged you in a fit of giggles as he grabbed your hands to pull you back.
Maki then bent down to light up a little stack of fireworks, then ran up to you, pulling you closer as
well as she hugged you. You shivered at their touch.

"Those are explosive, we should be careful."

The sound of their laughter filled the space as you joined them, your heart bursting in your ribcage.
You never thought going out with people could be this fun.

You watched as splashes of green and red shot up in the sky, and suddenly, it was raining rainbows
as yellow and orange sparks fell down, illuminating the entire area.

For a few seconds, you were worried the neighboring trees would be set on fire, but thankfully
none of that happened.

As the sparkles died down, you glanced at the place on the ground where Yuuji had stock piled the
fireworks. You were surprised by the variety there was. Which one would you light up now ? You
thought giddily.

You looked up at Yuuji, an excited smile on your lips.

"You smell so good," his eyes seemed to be glowing in the night, it made him look surreal.

"You look so good too." Maki added, tightening her hold around you, "You're so cute, all dolled-up
for us."

You felt your face heat up as you immediately looked down, suddenly embarrassed and

"You guys are looking at her like you want to eat her up." You suddenly heard Megumi sigh out
from behind you three. Yuuji let out a sheepish laugh as he untangled your hands.

"Sorry..." he mumbled.

"No... it's okay," you shook your head, "Do you want me to go pick up some coats, inside ? You
guys are really cold."

Megumi let out a snort, "A coat ?" He gave Maki a look that meant 'look at what she's saying now'.
Maki went to the boy and the coldness of her body left you to be replaced by the warmth of the air
around you... and you wondered to yourself how they weren't shaking and shivering with how icy
their skin felt.

"I-I mean, their skin felt very cold..." you stammered, your cheeks were painted in a thick layer of

"Ever thought that maybe, your skin is just really hot."

What ? You tried to read more into his words, however you came up with nothing. Ever since you
came in this town, not much made sense anymore.

"Megumi." Maki scolded him, then turned to you, "I'd love a coat, thank you."

You nodded energetically, your embarrassment gone, "Sure, I'll go."

When you were out of earshot Megumi rolled his eyes and crossed his hands, "For how long do we
have to entertain her ?" He tilted his head in your direction.

Maki's eyes flashed to him, red and menacing, the air around her seemed to have changed
drastically "Don't act like Nobara, now."

Megumi shivered.

Chapter End Notes

I felt like this was boring but... needed see u tomorrow

V | II
Chapter Summary

Liquid fear was running through your veins, something felt very very wrong. The
situation felt much too familiar, and you wondered if your dream hadn't been some
sort of warning. A warning to stay away from such a depraved father that read
shocking books in broad daylight for everyone to see.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

YOU RAN, your steps loud in the stillness of the night. Your head was swimming in giddiness at
the thought of Yuuji and Maki—who you now considered your friends—, but also in confusion as
you thought about Megumi and Nobara.

You suddenly tripped on a stone and fell forward, your knees hitting the ground. You groaned in
pain, as you gently caressed on your knees, in hopes of soothing the pain. You knees felt sticky and
hot in a way that told you you were bleeding, quite a bit.

You let out a sigh, and stood up on shaky legs, when you heard a voice,

"Little lamb," you looked up to find Father Fushiguro in front of you, and your body froze, before
it suddenly felt like it was lit on fire. There was was still enough distance between you and him for
you not to feel to threatened, although you could still feel his presence, demanding and pressuring
you to cower before him, and like the hunted prey you were, you shrunk under his gaze. You didn’t
know how you hadn’t noticed him earlier, he seemed to always catch you off guard. "Did you get
lost ?" he asked, making of you and a part of you felt indignant. It was impossible to get lost, you
were still in the vicinity of the church, you could even still faintly see the building. The little house
right to it, too. You also heard Yuuji laughed, in the distance.

You had desperately tried to find something smart and witty to retort, but you had never been
especially spontaneous, "I-uh, no, just, coats."

He didn't point out how inarticulate you were, instead, his eyes shift to your knees and you saw,
despite the darkness, his nose flare and his eyes shine with something indescribable. "I see, coats."
He nodded, "how about your knees, do they hurt ?"
They did, only a faint pain, but still. He shifted to come in your direction and you immediately
tensed, body erupting in cold sweat. Somehow the entire situation felt very wrong, it felt too similar
to your dream, and too real this time. You unknowingly tried to grasp your crucifix in reassurance,
only to notice that you'd left it at home.

Father Fushiguro stopped moving, "I'll take care of them for you, Pretty, come here." He opted for
coaxing you into his arms and you drank up his words. You feet moved with a mind of their own,
the sound of their steps still so loud in the night. You couldn't hear Yuuji giggling in the distance

"Your mother dressed you up like a forbidden fruit." He whispered, however you heard him
clearly, "Bows and frills ? Fits a pretty thing like you."

Your body betrayed you and reacted in a way so unfitting of your own image of yourself that you
took a step back. Heart hammering in your chest, you peeked up at him with a look that was meant
to be menacing. "No." You said through gritted teeth.

"No to what, lamb ?" His deep voice resonated, making your shiver.

Liquid fear was running through your veins, something felt very very wrong. The situation felt
much too familiar, and you wondered if your dream hadn't been some sort of warning. A warning
to stay away from such a depraved father that read shocking books in broad daylight for everyone
to see.

"T-to everything."

Father Fushiguro clicked his tongue, "Still scared, aren't you, little one ?" He shook his head, but
you could clearly see his pearly white teeth glistening as he grinned, amused. In fact, his entire
body seemed to be glowing. "It's because you're not letting go, sweetheart," he explained nicely, in
a tone that a parent would take to teach simple concept to their child, it was demeaning and
condescending. "If you let go, I promise you'll wake up on your bed, in your little bedroom, like

You couldn’t believe it, but it all made sense, in a way, "W-what ?" You stuttered, "Y-you were
the one..." your vision was glossy with tears, you took a step back. You thought about the time
you'd woken up gasping and shaking after having a nightmare, and you felt someone's eyes on you,
heavy and frightening. This was the same of kind terror and fright you were feeling, you couldn't
be mistaken.
"No no no," he cooed, chuckling, "Princess, don't you see I'm trying to be nice here."

You heard his words resonate inside your head, and you closed your eyes, trying to shut him out.

"You simply cannot walk around my territory smelling so deliciously." His voice felt closer and
louder than before, you open your eyes.

You gasped, craning your neck as you meet his red eyes. You had wondered a few times why it
was that he always looked so surreal, so different and you now realized that it was because he was
something else entirely, a creature made of darkness that lived and moved in the shadow and that
fed itself from other's fear. He was dangerous, and for the first time you clearly realized that.

Your hands shook, "W-why ?" You stammered, you couldn't stop the tears from sliding down your
cheeks as you felt overcome with defeat. Deep down, you knew there was nothing to be done, it
was too late, you were stuck and alone in the lion's den.

"Because, you're my special girl." He hummed, before bringing an icy finger to your cheek,
swiping away your tears, "Now, baby, close your eyes for me, and everything will be okay."

How could you trust him ? Your entire body was shivering in fear at his simple touch, you looked
at him with big, confused eyes and he smiled, it was chilling.

"You want the fear to go away don't you ?" He quipped in a gravely voice, and you did, you
wanted the fear to go away so badly. "Then close your eyes for me, pretty, it'll go away, everything
will go away."

You fluttered your eyes close, unconvinced.

"Let go." He ordered and you did, suddenly, he was carrying you in his arms, bridal-style. While
you knew you should've reacted you didn't. In fact, you barely registered what was happening,
barely remembered who he was and who you were, happily sinking into nothingness, your mind
blissfully shut.

Chapter End Notes

Chapter Summary

If he was the depraved father, then what did that make you ? The depraved little girl,

Chapter Notes

-dubious consent lolz
-toji goes kinda feral oop ig

See the end of the chapter for more notes

IF HE was the depraved father, then what did that make you ? The depraved little girl, surely.

As he carried you, in his arms all you could think about was how good he smelled, you were not
able to name what exactly his scent reminded you off, but it was something akin to smoke, it was a
heavy, smokey scent that enveloped your senses.

What was his name already ? Dad ? Father ? You were not sure, it was as if your brain was filled
with cotton, feeling as you were slowly floating away with the man as your only anchor. You
curled your arms around his neck, burrowing your head in it as he walked into the church. It was
deadly silent and calm in a way that would usually make your insides twist with only his steps
echoing in the room. Candles lit one by one as he reached the high marble table that was at the
back, right after the multiple rows of benches.

He gently put your body down and sat you up like a marionnette, and you were still only eye-level
to him.

You briefly thought you could release yourself from this floaty state if you tried hard enough,
however you did not even attempt to do so. Why would you ? You felt good, weightless and
thoughtless. Why would you want to leave ? You couldn't tell where your body started and where it
ended, however you could feel a slow, hot pulse in your core, begging for attention.

When you noticed his body pulling away, you tightened your hold on him, refusing to let go. He
effortlessly untangled your hands with a small laugh, and you felt its rumble vibrating in his broad
chest. He grabbed a Bible that had apparently been left on the table and put it on the floor. He then
went to take what looked like a first-aid box. He lifted your knee with one hand, making your dress
slide up and expose a bit of your thighs. His breath hitched and his eyes shook but they wouldn't
leave your bloody legs, "So sweet," he groaned lowly, seemingly in pain.

He then seemed to ponder for a moment, "Well, I did say I'd take care of them for you..." He
whispered, mostly to himself before deciding, "Father Fushiguro is going to take care of you,

Father Fushiguro ? Was that his name ? Regardless of your confusion, you whined when you felt
him swipe a cotton pad over your injury, disinfecting the wound. It didn't even sting. He then
placed a band-aid over your knee, and proceeded to repeat the process for your second leg.

He put the first aid box down and cupped your cheeks, forcing your glazed eyes to meet his intense
ones. He leaned closer, his cold breath hitting your lips. "My perfect, perfect girl." He said against
your lips, contemplating you with a look full of adoration. The heat in your body grew once more
with the depth of his voiced curling around your insides and you mewled.

He dipped his thumb inside your mouth.

"F-father—" you babbled, you mouth full, and Father Fushiguro shushed you gently, moving his
hand to rest on your chin and he slid his finger deeper, reaching your throat. You gagged, spit
dribbling down your chin.

The light from the candles, cascading on his face made him look nothing short of ethereal and
inhuman, casting a gloomy and ghostly glow over his features. The corners of his lips lifted, ever
so slightly, slowly, as he smiled, but it never reached his eyes. He locked his other hand around
your throat, feeling your throat bop as you swallowed down a whimper. "Perfect," he growled.

You whimpered at his words. The wetness was pooling in your core growing and spreading
through to your underwear, and through your dress.

Something was missing, you didn't know what, this was your first time being so physically close to
anyone like this, and from where you were, you could clearly see his crimson red eyes, mixing a
drop of green. He was handsome, devilishly handsome, as handsome as sin. Your mind was
clouded with pure need and want as you drank him in. You lower region had never felt so empty.
You suddenly choked on his thumb, your body jerking forward, his grip on your throat tightened
and he began applying even more pressure to your windpipe and you couldn't breathe, tears began
pooling in your eyes and panic set in the pit of your stomach once again, "F-f-father," you begged,
sniffling loudly, moving your hands to rest them on his forearms.

"Ssshh," he pacified you, releasing your neck and sliding his hands to your waist and you inhaled
sharply in relief, tears falling down your cheeks. You were crying and you were scared but the heat
in your cure wouldn't go away.

"Is everything okay ? You feel a little bit hot." He grinned, his eyebrows lifting in mock pity. You
wanted to tell him about the ache between your legs but you didn't, it felt far too embarrassing for
you to even find the words. Instead you looked down and bit your lips. His fingers twitched at your

His hand moved to rest on your lower belly, his fingers spreading as he said, "It hurts, doesn't it
baby ?" his tone took a provocative turn, his eyes blown out with hunger.

How did he know ?

You blinked, twice before nodding your heart furiously. It hurt, it hurt so much and you wanted the
pain gone so bad. Your eyes welled up with tears once more as you pressed your legs together,
trying to alleviate some of the pressure.

"Ssshh," he said, shutting your mind out of the pain once again as you basked in nothing but
unmindful headiness. "Father's gonna make it all better, okay ?" He licked your lips before kissing
you, molding your mouths together. You gasped as he licked away your tears, before coming to
your lips once more.

You felt his hand creeping down to your thigh, quickly spreading them and lifting your dress
before putting his palm, flat against your underwear. You moaned and rested your head on his
shoulder, your body shaking and twitching. Embarrassment and heat was prickling at your body
like a second skin. You'd never felt that desperate before.

You whimpered against his lips when you felt his fingers press down on your clit through your
underwear, touching you under your dress.

"You're making this so easy, sweetheart." His voice was dark and mocking. He hooked a finger to
your panties, pulling them to the side. You moaned at the feeling of the air hitting your cunt. "This
wet already ?" He wondered you felt your cheeks warm, you tried burrowing your head further into
his shoulder as an attempt to hide your embarrassment. Even if you had no clear idea of what was

With his cold hand on your burning core, you let out a shaky breath, this was exactly what you
needed, it was exactly where all your suffering was located, you tried to press his fingers deeper in
you, grinding against his arm but he didn't budge. You let out a frustrated whine, "P-please I-I need

"Mmh," he cocked an eyebrow, "You'll take what you're given like a good girl, okay ?" He
warned, his voice hushed and husky and you only closed your eyes, enjoying the sound. He
pinched your clit at your lack of response and you yelped, "I don't want to punish you, baby, I hate
it when you don't listen to me." He sounded mildly annoyed and you somehow sensed it, as you

"Y-yes father." You choked out.

"Atta girl." He undid the bow on your back, using the material to tie your hands behind his neck,
locking you in his embrace. Followed by a complaining whimper from you, he brought his hands
back to your pussy, slowly circling at your clit and you jolted, pleasure shooting through you.

You were completely and utterly bewildered at the pleasure consuming you, you could only look
up at him with confusion written all over your features, your eyes round. "F-fa—" you tried but he
silenced you by placing a kiss on your lips, slowly deepening it as you melted. You were so wound
up, the knot in your lower belly tightening. His tongue then ghosted over mouth and you gladly
welcomed it, suddenly overtook by the urge to have him closer than he was, to pull him closer and
to touch him, everywhere. However quickly realized you couldn't with how restrained your hands
were and groaned. You clumsily kissed him back, equally, if not more desperate. You didn't know
what you were doing, you didn't know what was happening but it all felt too good you didn't want
it to stop.

He growled into the kiss, his other hand sliding up to grip at one of your breast, the gesture wasn't
soft nor kind, it was possessive and rough.

"My baby is so eager," he licked into your mouth as he slid a finger in your welcoming cunt,
"Taking it like a good girl." He slid the sleeve of your dress off, exposing your shoulder, he then
proceeded to nip kisses on every parcel of skin available to him. You clenched around his finger,
desperately trying to take it deeper, harder, it wasn't even close to enough and all you could do was
sob softly. The wet sound of his finger stretching you open were loud, clear and absolutely lewd.
He curled his finger inside your cunt in come hither motions as his thumb rubbed lazy circles on
your clit.

You didn't know what to do with your pussy being smothered with attention like that, you were
simply overcame with newfound feelings of pleasure that you did not know how to deal with. He
moved his hand to grip at your ass through your dress, kneading at the flesh and pulling you closer
to him as he slid a second finger in your sopping lips, the rough pads of his fingertips caressing the
most sensitive part of your body.

"I know what you've been thinking," He said, his tone sickly-sweet and it only flustered you even
more. "Thinking about a father like this, my dirty little girl." He clicked his tongue, he then looked
at you as if he didn't even excepted you to understand him, too far gone in your own pleasure, you
were nearly drooling on his shoulders. "How does it feel to do this in the place you usually pray,
sweetheart ?" he said, his voice measured and peculiar calm given the way he was slowly rubbing
at your insides.

It was slowly becoming unbearable

He suddenly hit a spot that had you seeing stars, you jerked your body up, begging, "Father, fa-
father pl-please—" you rambled as he lowered his head to your neck, licking and kissing and you
vaguely felt two pointy objects graze at your skin, but paid it no mind, as you were near frantic
with your impending high.

He mindlessly nicked on the skin of your neck and you suddenly felt two steering needles sink into
your skin. It took you a second to realize that he bit you, then a few more to feel that he was
sucking, gulping and swallowing. You felt your body tremble and emptying itself as he drank from
you greedily, you heard his Adam apple bop with each gulp he took. You stilled and waited for the
pain to come, however, it never happened, instead pleasure blossomed right from your neck and
your pussy as he curled his fingers against your walls.

"S-so good," you slurred, out of your mind as the world seemed to shake around you. "Wh-whats
happening, oh—God," the words were torn from your throat as you felt like you were exploding,
more tears stream down your face.

He withdrew his mouth from your neck, lapping the blood that dripped. "Not exactly God," he
hummed with a deep and chilling chuckle. The entire scene looked straight out of a horror movie,
but you weren't scared. He eyes were absolutely feral, you could see shiny pointed teeth poking out
of his mouth, red and wet with your blood, nearly the same color as his eyes.

He sped up the movement of his hand, "Is my baby going to make a mess in her panties for her
father ?" He licked his lips, which were also wet and sticky.

The tension in your body reached its climax as you tipped your head backward, a needy and high
moan leaving your lips as you rutted and shook in his arms, waves of intense pleasure were rocking
through you.

Your voice was broken and desperate, your moans high-pitched rough. You gave him one last
whimper before you slumped, your entire body going boneless in his arms and your vision spotting.

Then everything went black.

Chapter End Notes


Chapter Summary

You had very little recollection about the night before, which scared you considering
the mess facing you in the mirror. You did echo back to going back to the church, to
having fun with Maki and Yuuji and to hurting your knees, after that, it was a complete
blackout. It was like a black fog was constantly looming over memories, rendering you
impossible to recall anything.

Chapter Notes

Missed me ?

See the end of the chapter for more notes

YOU WOKE up with a groan.

Your head felt like it might explode as you blinked slowly, your vision focusing on your wooden
ceiling. Your entire body felt heavy and sore as you sat up, stretching your limbs. Not without
struggling, you dragged your body to the bathroom.

You looked like a mess.

Your eyes were bloodshot and you had noticeable eyebags despite having just woken up, and they
were also slightly puffy, like you'd been crying for a long, long time. Most importantly, there a
patch on the side of your neck, the part of your body that hurt the most, you realized.

You were absolutely confused. You didn't dare to peel off the big bandaid, out of fear of what you
might see and out of fear of the possible pain you’d feel if you removed it. You decided to let it

You didn't remember getting hurt at all—well, maybe only your knees—and you immediately
moved your sight to your legs, to notice that both of your knees were indeed still injured, with
bandages on both of them.
This gave you some relief, because, maybe your memory wasn't completely unreliable.

You had very little recollection about the night before, which scared you considering the mess
facing you in the mirror. You did echo back to going back to the church, to having fun with Maki
and Yuuji and to hurting your knees, after that, it was a complete blackout. It was like a black fog
was constantly looming over memories, rendering you impossible to recall anything.

You suddenly noticed how uncharacteristically silent your house was. It was probably still early in
the morning, but usually, by now, your father would've already taken over the bathroom you were
currently standing in, and would be trying out different ties in the mirror while brushing his teeth,
with you and your mother urging him to finally come out.

Your breath hitched. You hurried out of the bathroom and headed for the living room, to find it
empty, you then hastened your step to the kitchen and heaved a sigh of relief at the sight of your
mother. She looked like she had been waiting for you as she crossed her arms and smiled.

"Good morning.”

"M-mother," you tried, sounding a bit desperate, you throaty suddenly getting dry. You didn't
know what to say. It was the first time you had been let outside late alone and you came back like
this. What if your parents never let you leave the house again ? You knew how worried and
possessive your father was of you.

"Calm down darling," she laughed lightly, giddily, she then filled a glass of water and handed it out
to you, "Drink, slowly." She moved back in the kitchen, grabbing two plates, one of which was
filled with bacon with a smudge of scrambled eggs on the side, while the other had a lot less
beacon with a lot more eggs.

You drank, hesitantly, anxious as you followed her, taking a seat next to her. She slid the biggest
plate to you.

A happy and delicate grin was gracing her lips and you wondered what could've made her so
happy. "Have you got any questions, darling ?" She promptly inquired and you nodded your head

"H-how did I ? I don't remember any-anything-" you couldn't seem to form one sentence right, your
thoughts and questions jumbling in your head.
"You don't remember mmh ?" She paused, "You fainted, darling. You've always been of weak
constitution, I guess you were simply tired, emotions do take a toll on you. Lost some blood too,
because of your knees."

Oh. Everything made sense now, as always, you were being dramatic... what was happening to you
? You usually weren't this sensitive... it all started when you moved her. "I see, thank you, mother."
Weirdly enough, the pain in your neck was barely noticeable next to your mother, so insignificant
that you forgot to ask her about that.

"It's okay, you just have to eat a lot of meat, you lost a lot of blood." She comfortingly rubbed your
shoulders, "I'll take care of you, your mother used to be a nurse, after all."

A lot of blood ? This would make sense considering how you looked but over a knee scratch ? You
doubted one could loose so much because of that, however you decided not to question your
mother. She used to be a nurse, after all.

You heard someone entering the kitchen and looked up. It was your father, he looked... out of it.
His eyes were unfocused, it was like he was still half-asleep. You were expecting a few remarks
about last night... however he said nothing, only sat down in front of your mother without even a

"F-father, are you alright ? You're not usually like this-"

"Indeed, he isn't." Your mother cut you off and replied for him as he dug in his eggs and bacon,
"He was very worried, seeing you like this after such a long time, it shocked him. I had to give him
melatonin or he wouldn't stop pacing around."

Your father suddenly stopped moving, "I was ?" he asked, his eyebrows drawing up in confusion.
Your mother moved to peck his cheek and your father learned into her kiss, "Yes you were,

"O-Okay, I was." He accepted easily.

You started eating as well, to drown your mild guilt. You felt bad for making your father worry for
you like this. Your father was a strong man, he did not usually get so... shaken up like this. You
hated your body for being so weak.
You briefly thought about your camp, about Yuuji and Maki who we’re probably waiting for you...
“I probably should stay at home today, right ? To rest.”

“I told Father Fushiguro you wouldn’t be there today.” You shivered at the mention of his name.
“I'm afraid that wouldn't be very wise to go, you stay here and rest."


You stayed and rested, your mind still felt a bit cloudy as you woke up probably from your third
nap of the day. As you opened your eyes, you saw a plate of jerked meat at your bedside. You
guessed your mother probably put it there.

You stood up and walked towards your desk and sat down. You picked up a pencil and your
notebook and started writing.

Black hair and eyes as red as blood. A body as hard as steel. And a voice as deep as it is low.

That was all you could remember from yesterday, and you were not sure whether those were
memories, or simply fragrant of your imagination... it wouldn't be the first that you dreamed of a
certain father with dark hair and mysterious eyes...

Your face heat up. You decided that today was definitely not a good day to write anything.

As you were about to stand back up to, you heard a stone knocking at your window, confused, you
turned around.

Your eyes met with the last person you thought you'd ever see in front of your house, of your room.

Nobara. She seemed worried as she looked left and right then finally settled her attention on you.
You couldn't hear what she wanted to tell you but you could tell it was urgent. With quick steps,
you got to your window and proceeded to open it, offering Nobara a hand as she climbed inside.

"You have to leave." She said.

Chapter End Notes

Updates will probably be less regular now (when we're they even ????) cus I have
more work to do... I’ll still try my best !!!

Also thank you for all your comments ! They really fuel me.

I’d love to know what you think of our characters so far...

Chapter Summary

To say that you were confused was an understatement. At that moment, you felt lost.
Not knowing how to deal with it, you simply put it in the back of your mind, trying to
rationalize, to tell yourself that Nobara didn't like you—for some unknown reasons—
and that she probably just wanted to annoy you.

Chapter Notes

Thank you for 10K !!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

"What ?"

NOBARA LET out a loud exhale, "Didn't you notice ?", she came forward to roughly grab you by
your shoulders, "You're in danger."

Your face frowned in confusion, "Nobara, are you okay ?" You didn't really understand what she
was telling you, but what alarmed you the most was how panicked and worried she looked, you
instantly wanted to help her. "If there's danger, we can go to the police—"

"No !" She exclaimed, her eyes suddenly going a more warm, orange color instead of her usual
chocolate brown before calming down, however you didn't notice that. "Everything but the police.
Are you doing this on purpose ? Don't you know—" she paused to watch you clearly, before her
face morphed into one of realization, "Oh. You don't know."

"Know what ?"

"Seriously ? You literally got bitten."

Bitten ? When ? By what ?

To say that you were confused was an understatement. At that moment, you felt lost. Not knowing
how to deal with it, you simply put it in the back of your mind, trying to rationalize, to tell yourself
that Nobara didn't like you—for some unknown reasons—and that she probably just wanted to
annoy you.

Yes, that was logical enough, that was something you could understand, that you could digest.

Nobara seemed to have sensed the change in your demeanor and sighed. “Never mind then, I'm just
wasting my time here." She pressed her thumb and index on her temple, slowly massaging it. "Just
—lock your window and be careful, okay ?" She let go of your shoulders and you nodded, not
entirely sure of how you should react. She was being weirdly ominous, like she knew something
you didn't, and it wasn't the first time you'd gotten this feeling. Her way of talking reminded you of
Megumi and his confusing comments...

How did she even know where you lived, to begin with ?

"How did you know that my room is here," you asked, trying to find the proper words carefully,
you didn't want to frustrate her further...

"I knew the girl that used to live here with her family, before you moved in. I'm not stalking you if
that's what you're wondering. I just heard a new family would move in, so I guessed it would be

"No. I—just—"

"Save it." She rolled her eyes, "I just came here to warn you." She walked back to the your
window, jumping out with such ease that it made you feel envious. You wouldn't be able to do this
kind of thing—jump inside someone's window—because apparently even strong emotions and
knee scratches were dangerous for you. You felt lame, lame and weak. You wished your body was
as strong and as flexible as Nobara's. "And the police is useless, take your dad and leave when you
realize." Her words were heavy and laced with meaning, but you couldn't to decipher it, and once
again you felt clueless.

And then, she was gone, running in the horizon, leaving you alone with your mind swimming in
confusing and contradicting thoughts.

At dinner, your father was back to normal, he even kissed your cheek as he sat down in front of you
and next to your mother, a satisfied smile on his face.

"What's gotten you in such a good mood, darling ?" you mother inquired, her face mirroring the
happy expression on his. He leaned over to her, pouting his lips in an exaggerated manner and
pecked her nose.

"I've heard news of the publishing company I told you about. They called me ten minutes ago." He
started eating, his knife digging in his food, which consisted of a steak and a vegetal soup.

You noticed with a repressed groan that you were going to eat red meat, again. Your mother had
been feeding you meat for the entire day, saying it would help you get back your lost blood.

"They said they were on board with my new concept."

Your mother looked absolutely elated, "Really ! I can't believe it finally !" She turned to you, "Isn't
that amazing ? He won't have to write those boring books about vampires anymore."

You laughed a little, "I didn't think they were boring, I like them a lot."

Your father looked at you with warm eyes, "I like them, too, wrote them for you." He always said
that he wrote those multiple books about vampires for you, before you were even born. Although
he had never told you the reason, you had just assumed that it was because he'd think that you'd
have similar tastes, being his daughter, and that you'd enjoy supernatural fantasy books as much as
him. He wasn't entirely wrong—they weren't really your cup of tea, but you'd indulge in one once
in a while. The last one you read was—

Dance in the Vampire Bund. The book Father Fushiguro was reading. Your face suddenly felt like
it was burning as you choked on your soup.

"Are you okay ? Be careful." Your mother chastised lightly, tapping your back.

"Don't forget the contents of my books," your father talked over your mother his tone suddenly
taking a serious turn and you frowned. "Vampires can't touch silver, their one and only physical
weakness is their heart and they cannot go anywhere uninvited."
You chuckled, "Yes father, I'll be ready if I ever encounter a vampire." You joke, however it didn't
make him laugh.

"We never known..." he mumbled.

"Have you heard ? An elderly woman died yesterday, because of those deadly mosquitos. Be
careful." Your mother quipped, her tone was strangely chirpy considering the words coming out of
her mouth.

Your father immediately tensed.

"I understand." Was all he said before returning to his meat and stayed silent for the rest of the
meal, his jaw set. He only reacted when your mother brought the topic of your youth camp.

"Must she go there ?" He whipped his head in her direction.

"Well, it wouldn't be right if she suddenly didn't go. How will we face Father Fushiguro on Sunday
otherwise ?"

"Must we go to church every Sunday ?"

You dropped your spoon, and froze, your eyes widening. Your father never was one to miss church
unless he had something important to do (like his meeting with his new editor). More often than
not, your mother was the one who didn't want to go. You noticed that ever since you came here,
she seemed much more involved in your church life than before, and that made you happy, you
didn't especially think there was anything behind it, maybe she was simply using faith to distract
herself from the grievance of her dead mother and sister.

"This is a very bad joke, even coming from you." Your mother said.

Your father looked conflicted.


You felt very conflicted, and also mildly worried. There were two punctures on the side of your
neck, two holes, surrounded by dark purple bruises that looked like they were in the process of
healing. You gasped silently. The hole were deep and too big for a mosquito to have done it, you
thought However, you didn't entertain that thought for long because what else could it be ? Once
again, the feeling that you were missing something important was creeping at the back of your
mind but you ignored it.

You ran your fingertips over the wound, frowning and wincing at the sting, though that didn't stop
you. You carried on, hoping to remember something, anything that would help.

It was an ugly sight. Your mind immediately wandered to the mosquitos again—the deadly ones,
the ones that killed an old lady today. Could they have bitten you too ? A tinge of worry stabbed
your heart, you might have been young, but you were also frail and weak, surely you wouldn't die
too ? Your parents didn't mention anything about the ugly wound on your throat, and they must
have noticed the bandages on your neck, it would nearly be impossible not to. Your mother must
have also been the one to take care of the wound. Did they not say anything, in fear of making you
worry ? Was that why your father didn't want you to go to camp anymore, in fear of getting bitten
again ?

You felt like there was important puzzle piece missing.

You put the bandage back on, and went back to your room, still feeling conflicted. You didn't
notice the window that was already open as you came in and simply tucked yourself to bed, still
feeling tired even though all you had done that day was sleep.

Feeling anxious and restless, you did the only thing that could bring of peace to your panicked
mind, you prayed, you prayed for your own safety, for the safety of your family and for the safety
of the people around you.

Later into the night, two red eyes bored into your skull, watching you stir and groan through the
midst of a now very familiar nightmare.

Chapter End Notes

Chapter End Notes

Seeing u guys think that you were gonna run away with Nobara was fun LOL
Chapter Summary

Unable to resist any longer, you dragged your feet to the boiling stove, opened it and
let the steam hit your face, making your vision blurry. You inhaled loudly, trying to
take in as much of the delicious smell as you could.

Chapter Notes

I didn’t forget about Getou btw !!! He should appear in 3-4 chapters.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“WHAT ARE you reading ?" A smooth voice asked from your window. You looked up, your
eyes meeting Nobara's. She was sitting on your windowsill, tilting her head to the side.

You smiled, this was the second time you'd seen Nobara since—well the accident at church. You
hadn't gone back to camp, at all, your father being too worried and weirdly sensitive about you
stepping foot inside the church again. You spent your time mostly writing, nothing concrete, just a
few ideas here and there. You also read a lot of your father's old works.

" 'Father's Good Little Girl' , I'm rereading one of my father's book." You had said, "Come in, it's
not comfortable here." You gestured for her to come closer and she did, walking to sit next to you
on your bed.

Nobara hummed, "What is it about ?"

"A girl being trained to kill vampires by her father." You simply replied, not giving too much
details in fear of spoiling the book.

Nobara whistled, leaning back and softly falling on your bed with a dull sound. You were more
comfortable around her, and it seemed like she was too. You even thought that, maybe, you could
call her your friend now.

She was dressed in all black, and you realized that you had never seen her ever wear colors.
"... this sounds very interesting," she lifted an eyebrow and you beamed.

"Yes ! It's amazing !"

"Supernatural stuff uh ?" She chuckled, "Then, how does one become a vampire ?"

You thought for a short moment, "By being bitten ?"

Nobara laughed some more before her eyes trailed over the bandage on your neck. "Does it still
hurt ?"

"A little bit." You put down your book, wincing, "That honestly wasn't what I expected when you
said that you had deadly mosquitos... I didn't except it to hurt this much ! Seriously ? Why is no
one alarmed ? Even my mother looked like she had been expecting it, my father is always the only
one surprised."

She snorted and patted your shoulder, "It's hard out there."

You nodded, suddenly silent. You looked at Nobara, at her her short and healthy hair, her smooth
and soft-looking skin. She was epitome of health to you. You couldn't imagine her ever looking
sick, unlike yourself. "How is everyone ?" You asked absently. You did miss Yuuji and Maki.

Nobara tensed next to you, "They're fine, worried about you though," she trailed off, "Especially
the Father..."

Your heart did a jump in your chest at the mention of the father... the very attractive father...

You felt your cheeks heat up and promptly brought your hands to your face, "I—uh," you stopped
and told yourself to

Think about the scandalous book he was reading ! How could you even feel like this ?
"Satoru mentioned you too, now that I think about it..."

Your face heated up again.

You suddenly heard a loud crash coming from outside your room and flinched.

"I'll go see what happened," was all you told her before you stood up, embarrassment still very
much felt.

"Uhm-" she hesitated, "I have to go. It was nice—seeing you. You look better than last time."

You gave her a honest, warm, smile, "It was nice talking to you too." You thought that maybe you
two could be close, now that she put whatever made her dislike you, aside.

You walked towards the source of the noise. As soon as you opened your door you were hit by the
smell of something delicious. It was an irresistible scent, something never heard of before, teasing
your senses and enticing you to follow it.

When you arrived in the kitchen you saw your mother on the kitchen floor, her finger bleeding

"Is everything alright, mother ?" You crouched down in front of her, fighting the urge to go and
take a peek and what smelled so goddamn good in this kitchen.

Your mother looked panicked, the last time you saw her this taken aback, this concerned was when
she learned about the death of her mother and sister , "Y-you—" she took a deep breath, "Do you
not feel anything ?" She searched your face, "Oh G-God—" she stood up on unsteady legs, "I'm
going to the bathroom—don't follow me—"

You only realized that you had never seen her do so much as bleed before. Your mother had
always been this unbreakable character in your life. Strong and independent, she didn't need anyone
to give her what she wanted. This was the first time you even ever saw her injured.

"Mother ?" You asked, your eyes switched to her bloody finger before she hid it from your view,
putting it behind her other palm.

"S-sorry, sweetheart. I just—got a bit scared, that's all." She mumbled and rushed out of the
kitchen, leaving you alone.

Unable to resist any longer, you dragged your feet to the boiling stove, opened it and let the steam
hit your face, making your vision blurry. You inhaled loudly, trying to take in as much of the
delicious smell as you could.

However it didn't smell like anything.

You blinked a few times in confusion when you realized there was nothing cooking in the pot, only
water boiling. You looked around, and noticed noodles on the counter. You guessed that your
mother was about to cook them.

There was nothing else.

You were utterly disturbed and confused. It was like the smell had vanished into thin air the
second your mother left the kitchen.

Before going back to your room, you naturally checked on your mother to make sure that she was
alright. Fortunately, her finger wasn't bleeding anymore and she seemed to have taken care of it.
When you arrived in your bedroom, Nobara wasn't there anymore so you lied down with a sigh,
thinking for a long time, before finally succumbing to boredom and taking the book from behind
your pillow.

Dance in the Vampire Bund.

That dreaded book. Dread was a funny feeling. A mixture of fear and excitement, but also of
curiosity in your case, swirling in your mind. You decided you would take it back to the library,
after church of course and a trip to the confessional.

Tomorrow was Sunday, after all.

Chapter End Notes

Chapter End Notes

Any theories ;) ???

X | II
Chapter Summary

And then all of a sudden; you let yourself fall down on the floor with loud thud, your
stomach dropping. The dreamy and hazy feeling that was taking over you suddenly
disappearing the moment you truly realized the extent of what had just experienced.

Chapter Notes

English isn't my mother's so plz have mercy

I should've probably said so at the start of this fic ? So, yknow, to get your
expectations set low (;

See the end of the chapter for more notes

-dubious consent

THE FIRST thing you did when you woke up was pray. You'd prayed at least twice a day since
your mosquito accident, it helped put your mind at peace. You were entrusting all your worries to
god, faithfully believing that he was going to help you.

You then got ready, ate breakfast and then headed to church, with your entire family this time. It
reminded you of how you used to go together before the accident that took the life of your
grandmother and aunt happened.

If you were honest with yourself, you'd admit that you were a bit nervous about wether or not your
life in this new town would be the same as the one in the village you previously lived in, unlike
your father promised. It was probably the reason why you felt so relieved when your father
announced after breakfast that you'd go to church, in a natural way as if it was absurd of you to
even doubt otherwise.

You entered the church and sat down, you had arrived a little bit later than last time, meaning that
they were significantly a lot more people inside already. It seemed like you were over whatever
type of nerves had you breaking out in cold sweats in this very spot the week prior. You didn't feel
any type of fright—only excitement. Now that you remember it, it was probably the only time you
truly felt happy before it happened. You had your father, your mother and faith alongside you,
somehow, you felt protected.

"I am happy that you all came." your heard a familiar baritone voice say, " Please, have a good
time." he sounded sincere enough. You all looked to watch Father Fushiguro come your way, clad
in black pants and a black shit, as usual.

Your father stood up to greet him, "Good morning, father."

Father Fushiguro bowed, "Ah, Mr.___, hello."

You wondered briefly where your father and Father Fushiguro could've met without you knowing.

"Thank you for taking care of my daughter when she fell unconscious," he continued with a
strained voice, like even pronouncing the words hurt him.

"Don't mention it. I did what everybody else would've done."

Right, your father did mention that he would come to take you at 10pm if you weren't back home
before that, you guessed he must've found you, passed out with Father Fushiguro... you carefully
peeked up at him to see his green eyes already on you.

Father Fushiguro then gave you a smile that didn't chill you down to your very core, but instead, lit
you up in ways you didn't think were possible.

Was he this attractive before ?

You felt grateful for him, and also a bit embarrassed to have burdened him with taking care of
you... you also assumed he must've been the one to bandage your knees. Your cheeks felt warm and
you didn't fight it, instead basked in the fuzzy and giddy feeling taking over you when you looked
at him.

What an admirable Father he was.

At that time, the dreaded book that you had buried at the very back of the bag clutched to your
sides was long forgotten.

The rest of the mass was spent in the same daydream-like daze. You looked, or more like gawked
at Father Fushiguro, really taking him in. His voice was rough and low but his words soft and
warm, you didn't know how you could've ever been scared of him.

Time passed by quickly, and before you realized it, it was over. Father Fushiguro was bidding his
goodbyes to everyone after singing a final song. Your father hurried to put his coat back on next to
you, urging you and your mother to do the same and you wondered why he was in such a hurry.

You decided to ignore him.

Suddenly, you thought back about Dance in The Vampire Bund and all of a sudden you felt
extremely silly. You were persuaded that you must've mistook the book he was reading at the cafe
for something else because there was no way Father Fushiguro, the good Father Fushiguro, the
perfect Father Fushiguro was like this. It simply wouldn't make sense, and as always you had to go
and misunderstand everything about him.

You had to go to the confessional to get everything out of your chest.


You went to the confessional after managing to convince your father you'd be fine here if they left
you alone. It had been a little while since you've last set foot in the familiar wooden compartiment.
You sat down on a small wooden chair, and kept eyes locked on your lap. You didn't dare look at
the separator, most likely knowing that a priest was already on the other side.

You felt much too embarrassed by the thoughts and doubts that had been plaguing your mind,
however you knew that it was something you had to do for yourself, so you took a deep breathe
before saying:

"G-good morning. May the lord forgive me for I have sinned."

"Little lamb." A voice greeted you, "Somehow you've found yourself in the lion's den, yet again."
His voice and his way of speaking sparked something inside you, a familiarity. Suddenly, blurry
memories fragmented your mind. A cold body heating up your body with a simple touch, an icy
voice saying warm and gentle words.

Were those your memories ? They felt entirely foreign but familiar at the same time. The girl you
saw couldn't be you, you weren't like that. And the man... the man you saw couldn't be him. You
felt your cheeks heat up as you fidgeted with your fingers on your lap. Father Fushiguro would
never be like that, with you. You bitterly thought. It's wasn't like you wanted him to be like that,

"I-I'm here to confess." You said, unsure.

"And I'm here to listen."

You couldn't recognize the owner of the voice even if you tried and relief washed over you... it
wasn't him.

"I have—I have sinned, father."

The man hummed, and you heard him shuffle in his seat, "I see. You've been bad."

"I've—I've been bad."

"Why is that, lamb ?"

"I-" you gulped, "I-uh, doubted of the morals of an honest devotee to God. I've also had... peculiar
"How peculiar ?"

"Very, father. They were of s-sexual nature." You forced yourself to say the words out loud. Here,
you had said now you would be forgiven and everything would be okay.

"What happened ? In those dreams."

"W-what ?" You squeaked. Now you had to explain them ? Was it really necessary ?

"I think it's important that you tell me what happened in those dreams, Angel."

But you couldn't possibly do that.

"Who was it in that dream of yours, princess ?" he continued, "Was it me that got your panties
sticky baby ?"

You froze. Was that—father Fushiguro ? But you didn't even recognize his voice—

"I think it is me." He marveled, satisfied while you were still digesting the fact that you had been
confessing to him out of all priests. You heard him move from the other side and suddenly he was
gone. Nervousness creeped at you, most likely guessing that he was coming for you.

"F-father-!" you exclaimed when you saw him enter your booth, carefully closing the door behind
him. He then put his hand on your mouth, muffling your words. He bent down to be eye-level with

What was happening ?

"Little dove. Your father missed you." He purred.

Your heart bloomed in your chest. You scolded yourself for feeling like this and instead looked up
at him in alarm, half annoyed, half scared.
He suddenly grabbed the crucifix hanging from your neck, tearing it off your neck and you gasped.

"W-why ?" You dared to utter the word. The way he was looking at down told you he wasn't in the
mood to discuss anything and that you had no saying in what was about to go. It felt like a
complete shift in his demeanor and you noticed yourself cower under his gaze. Your felt your
vision getting filled up with tears.

His eyes immediately softened, removing his hand from your mouth before he gently caressed your
cheek, "Baby." He said, his voice gentle in a way that made your heart waver, you let out a sob, "I
didn't mean to scare you, I'm sorry." He grazed the crucifix at your throat and moved up to your
chin, pulling it up to force you to look at him, you gulped, "I got a bit too excited." He whispered,
seemingly to himself as he dragged the object between your breasts, "You're okay, my beautiful,
you're okay." You wanted to believe him, but you couldn't, not with another sob threatening to spill
past your lips.

And suddenly you were being lifted up. He walked to your seat with you in arms and placed you
on his lap with your back facing him. You felt his cold breath tickling your neck making you
shiver as he locked one arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him.

You stopped crying, suddenly unable to think. You blinked in confusion. Where were you ? What
was happening ? Those were the questions you should have been asking yourself, but you didn't,
they felt entirely out of place at the time. Why would it matter what was happening ? You feel
good, that was what was important.

It's happening again. A voice inside your head told you, warned you, but you shut it down.

Father Fushiguro placed the crucifix right on your nipple, the sharpness of it teasing your bud
slowly over your clothes, "You want your father to take care of you ?" And you nodded, eagerly,
mindlessly grinding yourself on his thick thigh. He sucked a mark on your neck and you
shuddered, moaning. He moved the crucifix to your stomach, then from your belly to your cunt and
you immediately whined as you felt the object applying pressure on your clit. "Keep quiet baby,"
he warned lowly. He bit on your earlobe, "My little girl already completed soaked through her

As he positioned you higher on his thigh, you felt your back come in contact with something and
you immediately realized what it was... what else could be there after all. He was rock hard and
you felt a twinge of pride knowing you made him like this.
You yelped as he lifted you on his cock, positioning your cunt right onto it as he tucked your
underwear to the side. You felt yourself dripping and watched with newfound curiosity the way his
dick twitched when you ground onto it. Was it supposed to be that big ? You thought.

He rubbed the crucifix on your pussy, wetting it with your fluids and you whimpered in shame at
the sinfulness of the act. Deep down it excited you and you reveled in the way he was touching
you and making you feel in such a sacred place.

He brought the object to your lips, forcing it inside your mouth and you took it in happily, swirling
your tongue around it, tasting your own fluids.

A wandering finger slid easily to your entrance and pressed inside, filling you. You couldn't help
but press your hips onto it, trying to take it in deeper, faster but Father Fushiguro stopped you,

"I told you already didn't I ? You take what father gives you with a smile and say thank you." He
teased you by pressing another finger at your sopping lips and you whined. "Come on baby, say it
'thank you father for touching my pussy'."

You nodded blindly, shutting your eyes close, trying to focus on the pleasure, "T-thank y-you,"
you started as he slipped the crucifix out of your mouth, throwing it on the floor, "father f-for
touching my pussy."

"Yes darling, your father will give you everything, you just have to ask." He rubbed your clit with
his other hand and you whimpered unashamedly. "You're going to have to be less loud baby," he
licked a stripe of your sweat off of your neck and growled, "Can't have anyone know you're getting
your cute little pussy touched, can we ?" Just as he said that you heard the door of your booth being
opened and you swore your heart stopped in your chest.

"That wouldn't be practical, indeed." You suddenly heard another voice say, less hoarse, but still
deep. "I could smell her from outside, father."

You saw Satoru enter slowly and closing the door before him, a sinful and smug grin drawing on
his features. "Well, what do we have here."

"S-sir-" You tried before letting out a breathy sigh as Father Fushiguro pushed a second finger
inside of you, arching your back. Even under the intimidating and intense gaze of Satoru, you
resumed the slight grind of your hips against the fingers inside you as Father Fushiguro pumped
his digit in and out in an antagonizingly slow pace, stroking your walls longingly steady.

"Weren't you with your brothers ?" Father Fushiguro asked and Satoru clicked his tongue making
the other man laugh, it was loud and boisterous, "He won't like that you outpaced them."

"They'll survive," Satoru grumbled, busying himself with unbuttoning your shirt. He kissed your
jaw, his teeth grazing at your neck as you felt Father Fushiguro trail kisses on your exposed

It was so wet, so hot, so messy and oh-so dirty. You ground helplessly towards the fingers still
sliding in and out of you at a cruel slow pace, fast enough to keep you moaning and writhing
between the two men but not enough to make you come.

There were teeth at your neck, bitting lightly and licking, lips at your jaw, peppering kisses,
tongues trailing their way on your skin and groans and praises flooding your ears. You were
helpless in their arms and desperately aiming for your release.

You realized, albeit late that Father Fushiguro's unoccupied hand had moved from your clit to your
chest, slowly unbuttoning more of your shirt. He exposed your bra and with what seemed to be
practiced ease and undid your clip, exposing your naked breasts.

Your moan was immediately swallowed by Satoru who kissed you, sliding his tongue in your
mouth, exploring every corner of it in a messy and rough exchange. Unsure of yourself, you tried to
follow his movements but did a pathetic attempt at it, which caused him to chuckle as he bit your
lip, hard, his fangs piercing into your skin.

You yelped, your fight of flight mode suddenly activating itself and it took Father Fushiguro to
mumble sweet praises and soft words into your ears for you to slump back onto him once again,
your mind once more, delightfully calm. Satoru wasn't taking enough blood for you to be even
feeling it (which you realized with a disappointed whimper), if you had been honest perhaps you
would've admitted to acting a little dramatic, but you couldn't help it, the entire situation still felt so
foreign to you.

Satoru drew back his mouth, licking his lips as he looked down at you. His eyes were a chilling
crimson, "She's so sweet, how is that possible ?"
"That's human blood to you." Father Fushiguro grunted, rolling his hips against your sopping cunt
and curling his fingers against your walls. You let out a high-pitched moan, desperate. They talked
about you like you weren’t even there and you couldn't find it in yourself to care.

"She isn't exactly human." Satoru corrected, giving your bottom lip a final lick as he slowly, as to
not startle you, locked his hand in yours to direct it to the bulge in between his legs. It felt
imposing, and, as if sensing your thoughts, he smirked slowly at you.

"For now, she still is." The rough pads of his thumb and index started slowly rubbing on your
nipple, feeling it harden under their ministrations.

Satoru then undid his belt buckle under your curious gaze. He gripped his cock by the base to pull
it free of its confines and you gasped, your cheeks warming up. It was long and thick and pink at
the tip. You unconsciously gulped, the heat in between your legs only getting hotter.

"Baby open those pretty lips for me." Satoru rumbled lowly. You did not react, just laid limp on
Father Fushiguro's lap, your sight fixed on his cock. " 'Can't do anything by yourself uh," he sighed
in a slow condescending tone as he forced your mouth open by pulling your chin down and you felt
yourself panic, suddenly overcame with the need to make him approve of you.

"Don't torture my girl too much." Father Fushiguro hummed with no real bite, you could even hear
the smile in his voice, he sounded like he was enjoying this thoroughly. Father Fushiguro then
removed his fingers from inside you and lifted both of your legs with one arm, before sliding your
bow sticky underwear down your legs, leaving a wet trail in its wake. He put your underwear in his
pocket. Suddenly feeling overly exposed, you tried weakly to fight out of his grasp, but it was no
use. He had caught you. His hand moved to your pussy, spreading it with two fingers.

"So wet." Satoru mumbled as he brought a finger to your cunt, shallowly pushing it inside, not deep
enough to bring you any real relief.

You whined, wanting nothing than for his cold fingers to slip past your entrance and enter your
folds, bringing a refreshing coldness to your burning body. "S-sir-" you begged, all restrain lost.

"Your mouth, pretty." Satoru ordered.

You opened your mouth wide, your eyes shut, waiting for his next move, you then felt the blunt
head of his cocked nudge your tongue and you licked it, mostly out of curiosity and you were
surprised by the saltiness of it.

"No baby, you have to suck on it, just like a lollipop."

Like a lollipop ? That sounded easy enough. You could do that.

However, when it was when he tried to bury more of his cock inside your mouth, reaching your
throat that you realized it would probably be harder than it seemed. You coughed, jerking your
body forward but it didn't deter him. He carried on, until he was inside you to the hilt. Father
Fushiguro then slipped his fingers back inside you, catching you by surprise.

You moaned and whined, clenching around the skilled fingers inside of you as you felt your climax

Pleasure was blooming behind your eyelids and you whined, rolling your hips on Father
Fushiguro's hand. You choked on Satoru's cock, almost dry-heaving but you barely cared as your
high blossomed and you were nearly there—

But it seemed like you couldn't truly get there, something felt missing, something like a pair of
fangs deep into your skin.

"What do you need baby ?" Satoru coaxed you, his eyebrow lifting in what seemed to be pity, "I'll
give to you exactly how you want it, you just have to tell me."

You choked around his cock, spit dribbling down your chin as you tried to form a coherent
sentence by opening your mouth wider. Satoru took this opportunity to thrust deeper in your throat
and you coughed around his dick, crying. He brought his hand behind your head to hold you closer
to his cock. A feeling akin to desperation began to spread through you, you could feel your release
so close but still unattainable.

Satoru used your mouth as a sleeve for his cock, burying it there for a few seconds, relishing in the
way your throat would tighten around him and the way you'd sob and cough, painfully trying to
breathe. He looked animalistic, his lip curved in a sadistic smile and his eyebrows furrowing in
mock sympathy at your desperate attempt to please him.

"Baby, come on," he urged you and praised you when you proceeded to choke on his cock once
again, "That's it, that's my good girl. Choke on Sir's cock." He accentuated his words with a slow
grind of his hips on your face. " 'Wanna plug every single one of your holes."

You whined breathily, arching your back, your still innocent mind going over a few scenarios in
which he'd fill every single one of your orifices.

"Mmh, my little girl likes the idea," Father Fushiguro rumbled, peppering kisses on your jaw, the
pads of his fingertips pulling forward inside your cunt.

"Of course she does," Satoru hummed, as he caressed your cheek lovingly, a violent contrast to the
way he was roughly fucking your mouth, making you gag and spit. "Such a warm throat." He
pulled your head back, giving you chance to take three hushed breath before he quickly pushed
himself back in, making you gag and and choke. He watched with a twisted grin the way spit
bubbled on the side of your mouth and dribbled all the way to your white shirt, staining it. "My
dumb whore." he looked down at you before he kissed you, messily, openly, hungrily, feeding in
the little moans you'd give when he'd bite down on your bottom lip teasingly.

Despite everything, you still felt like something was missing, you didn't know exactly what. You
were only yearning for more pleasure, more pain, something more intense.

"What a vampire slut," Satoru suddenly spit, taking you by surprise, "Cant cum without getting
eaten like a meal uh ?" He sighed, like he was entirely disappointed in you, like he thought you
knew better. You stomach sank and all you wanted at that time was for him to call you his good
girl again and bask you in praises that made your stomach feel fuzzy.

Satoru then took his cock out of your mouth and you gasped out for breath. Even when his dick left
you, your mouth was still hanged open, slack and absolutely sensitive. His jaw was set, and his
eyes were telling you that he wasn't done with you yet. You felt Father Fushiguro kiss you down
your neck, sometimes sucking lightly on the skin as he added another finger inside you, dragging it
across your insides with ease and you moaned, the pressure in your lower stomach tightening, it
was too much—but at the same time nearly not enough.

What tipped you over the edge was Satoru bringing his mouth down to your breasts, licking at your
nipples with his cold tongue before digging his fangs deep.

"Concentrate of the feeling of this angel," Father Fushiguro nipped at your shoulders, "Because
you'll remember this, and if you don't, we'll do it again." he promised, "Maybe you'll wake up
again with your little panties sticky again mmh ? Thinking about me." He groaned, inhaling you,
smelling you, "I watched you, baby, whining and writhing in your sleep."
You felt your entire body tensing before going completely lax as you cunt clenched around Father
Fushiguro's fingers as your release came over you. Satoru was drinking from you like a starved
man, his throat bobbing with even mouthful of you he took. He brought his other hand to your clit,
making you shiver and shake in overstimulation. Too weak to fight back or even react, you just let
him try to drain you as you drowned in the pleasure of it.

"Don't take too much." Father Fushiguro warned sharply, his words chilling you to your very core.

Right before his lips left your chest, you felt yourself tense up again, your back arching as a silent
groan left your lips, with your eyes closed, white hot pleasure erupting from your pussy and your

" 'Hurts." you whined, crying pathetically as Satoru brought his left hand to your cheek, wiping
away your tears and his other hand on his cock, furiously pumping it as he watched your face,
admiration written on his features

"Shh, am sorry baby, 'took too much," he bent down to lick at your tit and turned to the man behind
you, "Seriously, she's so sweet." He looked down at your glistening cunt, " 'Making me wonder
what else is sweet."

You let out a breathy moan as his implication, only eager to let him have more of you, despite your
tiredness and soreness.

Father Fushiguro nodded curtly, "Naturally. That's my special little girl." He said before jerking his
hips up, grinding his cock on your pussy after he slipped his fingers out of your cunt.

You mewled. You were his special little girl.

Father Fushiguro chuckled at your reaction, the depth of his voice making you shiver, "Yeah ? You
like that ? Being a perfect little girl for me ? I could hold your legs nice and spread while Satoru
here fucks your cute little pussy. I'd kiss you and praise you for being good for us and then we'd
take turns in filling you up, so full of our cum. How many cocks do you think can fit in your greedy
cunt, mmh ?"

You didn't understand half of the words he was telling you, all of them sounding foreign to your
clueless mind but they still affected you the same, the knot in your lower belly tightening once

"A perfect whore." Satoru groaned, swiping his tongue over your cheeks, tasting your tears as he
jerked himself off with sounds that could only be described as growls leaving his lips. He looked
feral, completely gone as he used his own generous precum and your saliva to make the slide easier
as he moved your hand, your fingers looking small next to his aching cock.

"Littlest, say 'ah'," he grabbed your chin gently, tilting your head as you looked up at him with
tearful, adorable wide eyes that made him coo. "Open up wider for me, baby, I know you can do

You opened your mouth as big as you could with your jaw still sore, that seemed to spur him on as
he quickened the pace of his fist, his eyes never leaving you as he finally came, painting your face
in sticky white. There was cum everywhere on your head, in your mouth, on your cheeks, you
looked absolutely filthy.

Confused as to what this was, you looked up at him and he merely smiled at you, tucking himself
back in his pants before patting your cheeks.

He clicked his tongue three times, "This is your teacher's precious cum, angel. You shouldn't waste
any of it." He gently tapped your cheek again, scolding you. You swallowed, listening to his advice
and winced, it was so salty, but still you felt pride blossom in your chest. You were being so good
for them. Their perfect little girl.

Father Fushiguro continued grinding against you, thrusting his hips up, as his fingers continued to
toy with your abused and over-sensitive cunt with his fingers. You were a shaking and trembling
mess, with tears streaming down your face and your moans and whines low and husky from how
Satoru had fucked your mouth.

"Your confession is nearing its end. Make the cross baby." Father Fushiguro ordered, grunting.

You face was burning hot but you obeyed nonetheless, and it was with shaky fingers that you did
the cross, saying the sentence that went with it with a highly unstable voice, "I-I apologize for a-all
my sins," you sniffled, "Please allow me to a-atone for them. Lead me on the r-right track. Amen."

A particularly hard thrust had you coming undone before him, forcing one last orgasm out of you.
In your frenzy, you pulled Satoru closer to you, sobbing and babbling incoherent sentences as your
release washed over you in powerful shocks racking through your entire frame. You sobbed some
more, the pleasure so intense it became almost painful.

"All better ?" It took you a second to understand but Father Fushiguro was talking to you. You
nodded slowly.

You felt your vision spotting black, but fought it, desperately trying to stay conscious.

"You did so good baby, we're proud of you." He confessed as he dressed you back with gentle
hands and loving words. Satoru softly kissed your forehead before bending down to pick your
rosary, placing it in your hands.

"Our girl." Satoru caressed your cheek, his eyes crinkling in the most sincere smile you had ever
seen him with. "Now you're going to go back home like usual, yeah ?"

Father Fushiguro nodded, standing up, not letting go of you just yet, as he carried you in his arms
like a baby. You nuzzled your face in his collarbones, trying to take in as much of him as possible.
"We'll see each other soon enough. Do not fret little lamb." He put you down, your legs shaky.

"Now go."


You went, feeling light and giddy. You walked slowly to your little house with no panties, eager to
meet your parents and tell how much fun you had. Surely, they'd be happy for you right ?

In the back of your mind, you heard a voice telling you that something was going very, very badly
but you shut it quickly.

You hadn't felt this peaceful nor this happy before and you surely hadn't experienced an euphoria
this intense, so how could this possibly be bad ? Father Fushiguro has been nothing but kind and
considerate to you ever since you arrived, and all you had done was avoid him and judge him. You
were the one that should have been ashamed.

As you pondered over your happy thoughts, you stepped inside your house, giggling to yourself.

"Mother, I'm here." You smelled food and your stomach made a noise. That was funny, you hadn't
even realized you were hungry. You laughed to yourself at your own silliness.

"Ah, darling," she greeted and you saw her face popping out of the kitchen door. Her features
frowned slightly in confusion as she took in the sight of you.

"Sweetheart, are you okay ?" She asked slowly, carefully and your mind clouded with confusion.
You hadn't felt this good in your entire life, what was wrong with her ? The voice inside your head
telling you that something was going very very badly got louder, until it was a constant thumping
in your head that made it hurt.

You stayed still and silent in the hallways for what felt like years but was actually seconds, trying
to piece the information together.

Your mother gripped your shoulders, "You look really sick." There was something off with her
tone, while worry and concern should've been laced in her voice, the same way you saw it on her
features, it wasn't, instead you recognized a spark of excitement, and maybe even satisfaction in it.

And then all of a sudden; you let yourself fall down on the floor with loud thud, your stomach
dropping. The dreamy and hazy feeling that was taking over you suddenly disappearing the
moment you truly realized the extent of what you had just experienced.

What had just happened ?

Chapter End Notes

How was it ?

Hope you enjoyed this 5k words of filth with a bit of plot. Now I'm off to passing my
exams !! So probably no more updates in a while. Wish me luck.
Chapter Summary

You've now discovered something that turned your world upside down. How can you
possibly convince yourself that everything will ever be the same ? You're tired of
running away.

Chapter Notes

During my long ass break I reread most of my chapters and they're so many typos I'm
sorry... also my writing is so inconsistent


The only reason I updated today is also because of your comments <3 at first I only
wanted to update on Wednesday (for my birthday hehe) but I caved in.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

YOU LOOKED outside, it was June 16th and the sun was shining brightly. The landscape was
full of fields filled with beautiful looking flowers and wheat, the air smelled fresh and you could
see the sea. It was sparkling and fresh and full of hope—just like you were.

You don't know why this memory is flashing through you, but you don't fight it. A smile draws
itself on your lips, the first one in three days.

You sat straighter in your seat, your mother was softly singing along to whatever was playing in
the radio and your dad was focused on driving, however, you noticed the smallest hints of a small
on his face.

You were moving into a new town on the outskirts of Ushinawareta. Your father had decided it
would be a great idea to see a new scenery, after the tragic death of your grandma and your aunt,
two months ago.

Ushinawareta was a small but nice town, full of nice people, and not too far from Tokyo, your
father had told you.
Your mother had been the most affected, having lost her sister and her mother in one night. Their
cause of death had always been ambiguous—and if you're honest, you really didn't know what had
happened. It was an extremely touchy subject.

However, the prospect of a new life filled you with excitement. You heart felt warm, just like the
hot summer day. Everything was going well and everything should've been going even better.

Thinking about the past, when you were happy, actually hurts more than looking at your current

Now, you're nothing more than a broken shell of yourself. Empty and broken.

You cry and cry, the tears falling down on their owns, your sobs racking through your body.

What exactly are you crying for ?

You're not sure, a multitude of thoughts and emotions are swimming in your mind, drowning you,
and you don't know what exactly it is that you are feeling right now. Maybe a mix grief, sadness
and betrayal.

You only moved here one week ago. How could everything go so bad in 8 days ?

Maybe it's simply a dream, another one of your horrifying nightmares. Soon enough you'll wake
up, and you'll be back in your previous home, and you'll be okay.

You've now discovered something that turned your world upside down. How can you possibly
convince yourself that everything will ever be the same ? You're tired of running away.

But what are you supposed to do ? Fight them head-on ? Frankly, it sounds like a suicide mission.
You can't even do basic physical activity without fainting... how could you do anything against a
bunch of bloodthirsty vampires.

However, you've been thinking about it over the last two days, and the best idea you've come up
with is to ask for help. But you're not stupid. You know they aren't simply going to believe a little
girl. You're thinking about bringing an irrefutable proof to the police and ask them for help.

Even better yet, make them witness it for themselves.

The only problem is that you don't know how to do it.

You'll have to think about it some more.

You absently touch the bite marks on your chest and your neck. The supposedly mosquito bites.
You wonder how many people they've killed—and why it is that they haven't killed you yet.

So many elderly people have been dying in this town.

Perhaps they have not yet realized you're no longer under—whatever it was that made you
disregard the world around you to focus simply on them. You're lucid, you're aware. Maybe they're
underestimating you, thinking you're too weak to do anything. Or maybe they aren't
underestimating you, and you really are this feeble.

You're trying so hard to convince yourself otherwise.

You don't know what to think. You've been thinking for far too long and you just want your mind
to shut up.

You thoughts drift to Nobara. Nobara knew. She didn't do anything to help you. She did tell you to
take your father and run when you realize. Why didn't she tell you ? Is she also in danger like you ?
How much of it is she aware of ? Was she aware of all the despicable things they made you do ?
Why didn't she stop any of it ? Maybe she couldn't.

You never think once that she could be a vampire... not Nobara. Not even Yuuji and Maki. They're
your friends, and they've been nothing but nice to you (well, Nobara cast aside). You suddenly feel
guilty. What about them ? Are they safe ? You haven't thought about anyone's safety but yours. It
didn't strike you that you might not be their only victim.

Is everyone in this forsaken town a vampire ? The baker, the lady that work at the library, the cafe
barista... is everyone an enemy ? You frustratedly think. Though you knew it doesn't make sense,
there has to be humans to feed from. Old people. The mosquitos kill old elderly people. The
vampires kill. They could stop your heart from beating, forever, if they wanted to.

It would make everything more plausible. Killing young, athletic people would bring too much
attention. Furthermore, if the government heard of a deadly mosquito invasion in a remote village
that killed people regardless of age, they would react. Focusing on weak people seems safe, you
realize with a shiver. You'd think that anything would kill them anyway.

That's why they picked you. Because you're weak.

After all this talk about you being their special girl.

You stare at your window, lifeless, half-hoping for Nobara to come and explain because you're
tired of always being kept in the dark, you deserve to know what's happening. You're half-hoping
that she'd tell you how to escape far, far away from here with your family. So you wait, for hours
and hours, until the shining sun comes down and the sky is painted a dark blue with shining stars,
replacing the brightness of the day and and plaguing your thoughts with a painful realization.

Nobara probably won't come anymore.

You only have yourself left.

As fast as you got new friends, you feel like you lost them just as quickly.

So what happens now ?

What are you going to do ?

Only one thing is crystal clear in your mind.

You have to leave.


You leave your room, your body feels heavy as your drag yourself to the living room. Your parents
are already there.

You eat dinner with your family for the first time in a few days and you expected them to bombard
you with questions and worrying looks but nothing of the sorts happens. It is actually pretty...

The atmosphere feels tense, and you think it's your fault. Did you do something bad again ? Or do
they know what happened ? Are they ashamed of you ? Your mind is going in every direction


She stops eating to look at you, "Darling ?" she says in light tone, dabbing her mouth with her

"I'm sorry. For locking myself up in my room with no explanation—I-" your throat is burning up
and you can feel the tears welling up in your eyes. You turn to your father, "I'm sorry." your voice
cracks, your tone raw with vulnerability. You can't tell them why. You hope they don't ask.
Although knowing your father that's very unlikely—

Your father gives you a sad broken look. "I'm sorry I can't help you." He sighs, feeling absolutely
crushed. "If you have any questions, please remember. I wrote all my books for you."

The books.

Nothing else is said.


Those damn books. How come you didn't link the two together earlier. The answers were right in
front of your nose.

Vampires are vile but gracious creatures. They stay in the dark and lurk, stalking their prey,
observing it. They wait for the right moment to strike. They don't come out until you're defenseless
and desperate. Hunting brings them satisfaction but ruining their prey, not only physically but
mentally gives them pleasure. You mustn't let yourself get swayed by their tempting words.

That's the most important rule when it comes to hunting vampires.

For the last two days you've holed yourself up in your room, for another reason this time. You
spent your time reading the entirety of your father's works and taking notes

Your father must know, meaning your mother probably knows too. You're not alone.

However, instead of reassuring you, it only confuses you more. How much do they know ? Do
they know about the horrendous things Father Fushiguro has done to you ?

Everytime you were with the father you felt as if nothing mattered except for him, and as much as
you hate to think about it—you enjoyed it, even if your morals prevent you from admitting it. You
wish your mind would shut up so you'd have a minute of peace. It feels so contracting for your
body to yearn for his touch on your skin but for your mind to hate you for it.

You feel gross and dirty for liking it. Have you always been like that ? It makes you wonder if you
even know yourself at all.
You decide to stop dwelling on it.

You look outside your window, and notice that it is already dark. You get up to go carefully close
it. Even though nights in Ushinawareta during the summer are absolutely suffocating, you won't let
your window open anymore, for your own safety.

You wish you could go back to your old house. You were never worried about this kind of stuff
happening there. You were safe.

But then again that didn't stop your aunt and grandmother from being killed in cold blood—for no
apparent reasons.

There were the nicest and the sweetest. You can't imagine anyone wanting them dead.

Your eyelids feel heavy but you don't want to sleep because you know that as soon as you close
your eyes all you'll see in your dreams are visions of Father Fushiguro and Satoru touching you,
kissing you and biting you, and you know that you'll wake up with your underwear embarrassingly
soaked and that you'll hate yourself for it all over again.

To distract yourself, you think about a few things that you noted during your reading sessions. One
thing is that vampires can't digest normal food, they'll end up puking out anything they eat. They
can stay in the sunlight, though not for long. Their cause of apparition is unknown. Only silver can
give them fatal damage. They've got others supernatural abilities such as super strength and
foresight. All of this tells you that you, as well as your family aren't vampires. You eat with them
everyday. Other things your father mentioned are vampires clans and families, they were present in
quite a lot of his books but you're not sure what to make of it. It is hard to discern fiction from

You could just ask him. A voice in your head tells you.

But you can't—asking him would mean telling him everything and you haven't even come to terms
with it yet so how could you possibly tell anyone ? Your own father no less.

But somewhere, deep down, you know that there's not other way around it. You need help and you
think your father can give it to you...
You don't know why they haven't warned you earlier, you don't know why this is happening to you
and you need answers.

You're going to talk to your father.

You stand up, and open your door, heading for your father's study. When you arrive you notice that
he isn't sitting on his large desk, writing about his upcoming book but instead he's standing up,
leaning against one of his multiple shelves filled with books of all sorts, arms crossed. There's a
somber expression on his face.

"I was waiting for you."

Chapter End Notes

LONG A/N INCOMING (please read)

But can you blame me it's been so long !

First of all, how are you ? I'm happy that you're here :)

How were your exams (if you had some)? Mine actually went pretty good ahah. The
only thing keeping me sane in between exams were reading your encouraging
comments !

in past tenses. x’) Everything up until now was kind of like a giant flashback LOL now
shit is going down !! put your seatbelt on !

Also one of you dmed me and asked me if they could post my fanfic on tik tok and it's
honestly super sweet <3 of course you can :)) thank you

I've always wanted to do a FAQ ^^' not now though I want to introduce all the
characters first. Someone tell Getou to get here fast. Would you guys even be down ?

This update is slightly longer than what I intended. I'm not sure if long updates are
annoying to read or not, so keep me updated ????

Have a nice day/night ! Stay safe.

Chapter Summary

This is your last chance.

You need help because you're too weak on your own.

"I-I need help." You stutter out, glancing around to check if you see any familiar faces.
You grip your bag tighter.

Chapter Notes

I have not proofread this even once. I think I'm becoming lazy.

Longer updates are more enjoyable for me to write so longer updates from now on.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

YOUR STEPS are quick and hurried. You know you're not acting rationally, and it surprises you
coming from yourself but you've got not other choices. You're desperate.

It's still early in the morning, and you left your house without notice. You don't exactly feel bad
about it—as of now, you're acting impulsively, mostly fueled by your anger and frustration. You
clutch tightly on the bag on your shoulder, briefly mentally checking if you've taken everything
you need. You let out an unsteady breath as you pick up your pace, the sooner you get there, the
better, you think.

The conversation with your dad—didn't exactly go as you thought it would. It left you even more
confused and with a newfound feeling of betrayal nestled in your chest. Tears are still prickling
your eyes.

You force yourself to think about something else and instead focus on what's around you. The
village is still silent and calm this early in the day, all you can hear are your quick breaths, ushered
steps and the soft rustling of the trees in the light morning breeze.

You feel your phone buzzing in your bag but you don't bother to look at who's calling you—it is
obviously your father, but you're too upset and you feel too disappointed to pick up. You grip on
the rosary on your chest to pry the tears threatening to spill from your eyes away.
You're already out of breath and all you've done is speed-walking. You finally find the place you
were searching for. A few days ago, while you were exploring Ushinawareta you passed by the
police station. You didn't think you'd need to ever purposely go there.

Right in front of the building, you see a man in a blue uniform. He's leaning on the wall, cigarette
in hand. He is tall. You can't see him well from where you are but you clearly see that he's got long
black hair attached in a low ponytail at the back of his head. His uniform molds his shoulders as
well as his arms a little too well and although his pants aren't as tight-fitting, they still give you a
nice idea of how sculpted his thighs must be. He looks strong, ridged with muscle, as much as
Satoru. You had not expected you would find a young and healthy-looking man like him, you
thought there would only be a middle-aged men—with rather big bellies—that would probably
snicker at the sight of a little girl complaining about vampires out of everything. However with
him, you feel like you've got a chance. Maybe

You hesitate to bother him, he looks like he is on his break. However, the situation is too critical
for you to be wasting any time. You can do it, you tell yourself, you've got everything you need.

His dark eyes are already on you. You tense up, but he gives you a delicate smile that has your
shoulders slumping back.

You notice the gun on his black belt before your eyes slide on his face. Oh—what a handsome
face. A sharp nose, a sculpted jawline. His eyes are captivating and sharp. You immediately look
down—you're not good with dealing with attractive people.

The stranger places a polite grin on his lips, his eyes crinkling, "Miss," naturally, his voice has to
be ridiculously low as well, "Is there anything I can help you with ?"

You suddenly remember why exactly you're here.

He takes a tentative step towards you. The gun lodged on the belt on his hips, swinging as he
walks. He's massive, not as massive as Father Fushiguro, but big enough so that you feel small and
insignificant when he finally stops in front of you.

This is your last chance.

You need help because you're too weak on your own.

"I-I need help." You stutter out, glancing around to check if you see any familiar faces. You grip
your bag tighter.


"I-I need help. Father."

The room is dimly lit and you have to squint your eyes slightly to read your father's face. He looks
solemn and calm, cooly leaning on one of his multiple bookshelves. There is a big window behind
his desk, which is closed, much to your relief. It's dark outside and the fields are barely visible so
you wouldn't be able to discern anybody in the vicinity. The glowing full moon catches your
attention for a split second before your father starts talking.

"I knew you'd come."

You're mildly dumbfounded.

"There are vampires—!" You hiss, alarmed but relieved that you can finally talk to someone about
it. You hope you're not mistaken - he must know, it can't be a coincidence. What about your
mother ? You think she knows too... the way she reacted when you first got bitten was too peculiar.
You except your father to deny it and look at you like you're crazy but his facial expression doesn't

Your father's eyes look empty as he slowly nods at you. "I know. I've known."


Anger bubbles in your chest. Does he know about the horrible things that have been happening to
you ? At this point, he must know you got bitten. Why does he look so collected ?

"Why didn't you tell me ? Why did we move here ?" Your voice cracks, you let a few years slip in
shock, looking down. It's his fault. "T-they did h-horrible things to me ! I—" your voice gradually
grows higher, unsteadier. You want to see some kind of reaction from him, you want emotions to
show on his face.

It's then silent for some time, your hear your father round his desk to open a drawer.

"Darling." You lift your head back up to him, his facial expression didn't change one bit. He's now
holding a knife. A beautiful knife with roses and horns graved on the handle, you've never seen it
before. It looks too big and too precious to even use. "Come here." he tells you and hesitantly, you
move towards him.

He catches your palm, lifting it up, "I'm so sorry," He starts in a pained but resigned tone, "but... I
can't interfere."

You're even more confused. Interfere with what ?

He places the knife on your sweaty palm and you grab it. The metal feels cold.

"It's a silver knife." You state. The silver looks like it's shining under the moonlight.

"Yes." He nods, the action is charged with unsaid words. You know why he's giving it to you. You
know what you're supposed to do with it.

He still tells you:

"Protect yourself with it. Stab at the heart."

The air is stolen from your lungs. You're openly talking about killing vampires like that ? You
half-expected him to beat around the bush for a bit longer.
You suddenly realize something.

"I-I—father we have to leave !"

"We can't."

The words don't register immediately—your face falls. "There are too many-we can't fight them."
You're full on panicking now. You can practically hear your heartbeat thumping in your ears from
how anxious you are.

"We can't leave."

It's like you're talking to a wall. He's so closed off and you're getting desperate. It's as if he's telling
you to die. Because this is what is going to happen—you'll die of you don't leave.

You feel alone. Is there truly no one able to help you in this forsaken town ? Are you simply going
to die at the hands of vampires ? You're mildly tempted to give up, to protect yourself from being
disappointed again.

But I can't do that.

You've prayed more than you could count, waited for Nobara and talked to your father. What else
could you do ?

You could kill them. A voice tells you. You could get rid of them.

But you're weak.

Soon, it continues, soon you'll be strong enough.

You shut it, you're not going anywhere.

You make a move to leave and your father doesn't stop you. It's his fault. He's useless. You're
starting to look at him differently, you don't know to what extent but it's as if something broke
inside you.

"I'm on your side. I've always been." He murmurs. You hear him clearly but you refuse to react to
his words. They don't mean anything if he won't act on them.

"Please stay safe." He begs.

You shut the door close.

You don't need him.

You head towards your room, a new plan bourgeoning inside your head as you stare at the knife.
The beautiful sliver knife.


The beautiful silver knife feels heavy in your bag, and you briefly wonder if you're allowed to step
inside a police station with a weapon. What if they search you ? However nothing happens as you
walk alongside the officer you met outside.

"Oh—hey !" An older man, less tall, much rounder than the one at your side exclaims as you enter
the police station. He suddenly sits up straighter behind the counter, you guess he must've been
dozing off.

"Hey." the stranger next to you respectfully greets him. If he notices the drool on the corner of his
mouth, he doesn't say anything about it.
You just notice how at ease you feel next to him. He simply oozes charm and trust with his affable
demeanor, it's hard not to relax next to him—and you're not the only one affected, "Okay. I leave
her to you." The older man nods, feigning interest. He usually has a protocol to follow for when
someone comes in with a complaint—but he trusts his colleague, of course, the best policeman in

The officer guides you to his office with an arm on your lower back, and you follow him idly.

His office looks neat and organized, and maybe a bit impersonal, there are no pictures of loved
ones, you notice, meaning that there's a great chance that he is single. This is a simple astute
observation, you tell yourself, it's not supposed to make you feel giddy.

"Little one," he starts, taking a seat at his desk. You totter to your feet, unsure "What's the matter
?" he gestures for you to seat in front of him and you comply.

"I have a big problem." You're surprised when your voice doesn't waver. You start fiddling with
your fingers. "The—uhm, mosquitos."

"Yes." He nods, and his eyes trail to the bandage on your neck, "Got bitten ?" His tone is light, like
he's had this conversation multiple times before.

"Yes !" You sit up straighter, "But... the mosquitos that kill, they're not mosquitos..."

"Oh ?" His eyes crinkle, voice airy. If you weren't so stressed you'd think he isn't particularly

You suddenly think of something:


How do you know he isn't a vampire ?

Suddenly alarms are blaring off in your heads. You know how easily vampires can charm people,
you also know how easy it is for them to trick you into trusting them using their... weird
brainwashing. And the officer in front of you sure is charming and ridiculously attractive, he
doesn't scare you yet but you're still leery.

You open your bag and take out cookies. They're not homemade, you simply found them in your
chicken. You hope he doesn't refuse them.

"Hum, please, do take a cookie, they're my favorite..." you look up and eye him carefully, nearly

The officer lifts an eyebrow and his eyes move from the treat you're now holding to him, to you.
"They look tasty." He nicely notes, his attractive smile back on his lips, "But they're your favorite,
I wouldn't want to—"

"It's okay !" You exclaim. You hope you don't sound too suspicious, too desperate. "I-I like
sharing, plus it's very early... you couldn't have possibly eaten breakfast yet."

He checks the time on his watch. 5:45 in the morning. You've got a point.

"Well, thank you." He takes the cookie from your clammy hands and proceeds to eat it in one
single bite.

He doesn't look like he's particularly enjoying it, but you don't care. You let out a relived exhale.
He can eat. He's human.

"You were telling me about the mosquitoes." He says, elbows resting on the surface of his desk,
and his face resting on his palms, hiding the grin growing on his lips.

He thinks you look cute, all prim and proper in your white shirt, as well as your black skirt that
stops mid-calf. He likes prissy and neat girls like you.

"They are not deadly mosquitos—they're vampires." You swallow down the lump in your throat, "I
know you don't believe me but—I can bring you proof."

"You can ?" there's something in the way he says it that tells you he doesn't really care.
You go on, "I have a plan."

His eyes widen, you're sure he's looking down on you, but really, all he feels is amusement. "I'm all
ears." There's a hint of curiosity in his words

"I have a camera, as well as a silver knife in my bag," you begin, "Wounds given with silver
weapons are deadly to them... but I really only have it as precaution." you inhale shakily, "My plan
is to go to them—and, uh, get bitten I-I guess." You look down, your face burning hot. It's stupid.
You're stupid. "I-just, I need you to come with me, and hide, and possible film it so that we have a
proof and we can ask for help."

He looks at you with interest and inches forward, slowly whistling. You feel even more

He must notice it, "I didn't mean to embarrass you..." he licks his lips, his chin resting on his
folded hands. "Please forgive me, I simply don't get this kind of requests often." There's something
intense in his gaze, something nearly dark that makes you out of kilter.

There's a red stain on his uniform, around his forearm. Your mind immediately thinks it's blood.
But you could truly be wrong, with how anxious you've been in the last few days—your mind goes
in all directions, usually the worst ones.

"May I ask who the vampires are ?" He inquires, his tone as polite as before. It's like he's trying to
coax you into telling him, it works. You think he has the right to know. You've never seen him in
church, so you're not even sure if he knows your aggressor.

"Father Fushiguro, sir, he bit me, as well as Satoru Gojo." Should you mention Nobara ? You
decide not to, you don't even know if she's a victim or a monster.

His eyes gleam.

You feel slightly uncomfortable. This is going too smoothly, you think.

"Well that's perfect. The father is coming here as we speak."

You felt it coming.

Chapter End Notes

Omg !! Who is this mysterious sexy policeman oh my god :000000 is he a vampire

omg :00

This chapter was actually fun to write ^^ the last one was absolutely boring to write so
I guess that's why I took so long to update uh
Chapter Summary

You're such a meek little thing.

Neat and demure, just how he likes them.

Chapter Notes

Ok this is only 2.3k words and I feel kinda bad for not updating as often as I used to so
I'll try to update again tomorrow

Obviously, this chapter is also unedited.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

"EVERYONE, WHAT is faith to you?" The question left the pastor's lips and he was met with
heavy silence. You could practically hear the gears turning in the people's head. His green eyes
shifted to you for half a second.

Faith is such a personal and difficult thing.

Faith is what keeps your family glued together. You've got no misconception that your father and
your mother love each other. You know that he got her pregnant by accident and their morals had
forced them to marry. Your mother stopped working as a nurse to take care of you when you were
born unexpectedly weak. They don't love each other the way couples do, maybe when they were
younger they did, you haven't dared to ask yet. You've ruined their lives, one would say. But you
refuse to think that, you didn't ask to be born—you were simply a consequence of their actions. But
still, it's hard to believe that sometimes.

They probably think that you don't know, but you're not a child anymore, there are things that
people cannot hide.

Why is it that they only kiss in front of me ? Why is it that they fall asleep on their own side of the
bed, backs facing each other ? Why is it that they only act lovingly in front of me ?

You don't know when you realized it, but at one point, their smiles looked too forced, their words
to each other too sweet to be real.

Is all of this God's will ?

What does faith represent to you ? You're not sure. It's the belief that everything happens for a
reason, and that there's a lesson for you to learn.

You can't help but wonder what exactly it is that the supreme lord is trying to teach as you stay sat
tensely on your chair with a very amused officer in front of you.

The voice at the back of your mind is telling you that something is very wrong, but this time
instead of ignoring it you accept it, something about the man in front of you doesn't feel right. How
come no one in the police is alarmed by the death of so many senior citizens ? Either they're
vampires themselves or they've been brainwashed just like you were... you were so naive to think
that it could be this easy.

It's not as if you hadn't thought about the warning Nobara gave you concerning the police
beforehand, but you were desperate, so you simply decided to ignore it.

It clearly wasn't your smartest decision.

Now you are awaiting the arrival of Father Fushiguro with dread filling your stomach.

"He was supposed to come here for a personal affair between the two of us," the officer says,
"We're quite close. I'd say. Long time friends." He goes on, leaning towards you, curiosity written
all over his features, "I'm quite surprised that someone came here with a complaint towards him.
It's a first."

What a polite way of saying he doesn't believe you. You just had to find one of Father Fushiguro's
friends. That's just your luck. You let out a sigh, the colors draining from your face.

The sense of security that he gave you has already worn off, now all you feel is the unwavering
twisting of your guts. You look down.
"I guess I'll leave—"

"Now, now. Don't make that face. I'm a police officer. I'll naturally look into your little problem
and put aside my personal feelings."

This doesn't really seem to make you feel any better but he thinks deception looks good on you.

He leans over his desk to caress your cheek. You shiver. His hand is cold.

"Do you want my help ?" The instant your eyes meet his you're gone. You must be dissociating,
because it feels like you're watching it happen like you're somewhere else, somewhere far, far
away from your body. You're being brainwashed again. With how aware you still are, you can
clearly recognize the signs. B-but he's human ! The cookies—

"Show me that you really want it." He whispers, suggestive, while cupping your cheeks, "That you
really want my help." You try to fight the sweet temptation of having your mind shut again,
blissfully sinking nothingness, with nothing but pleasure in the horizon. Half of you misses it.

Perhaps the vampire notices your reluctance because he stands up, cornering his desk to reach you
with slow steps. "I promise I'll help you if you show me sincerity." He tries to convince you with a
saccharine tone. He lowers himself so that his face is right in front of you. He smells good. You
see his shoulder and arm muscles flexing as he places his arms on the chair handles on either sides
of you. You face warms.

You feel once again like a prey... a feeble and docile rabbit frozen on the spot... you always
thought your unwillingness to fight back came from the brainwashing but you're not brainwashed
right now, so what reason could you give yourself to not fight back ?

You push him away with all your strength and yet you know he only moved because he let you.
He's too strong to be manhandled by a simple teenage girl, but regardless of that you still try to
send him daggers through your eyes—like he didn't just allow you to regain a bit of personal space.
You're on high alert, ready to scamper and run away at any moment.

"I—like to leave space for—the Holy Spirit." Your voice out hastily with an awkward chuckle.

His playful smile widens, eyes glinting. "Right. That's my bad." He represses a snort. "I wouldn't
want to take his place."

He briefly looks at the watch on his wrist.

"He'll be there any minutes now." He muses as he moves backwards to lean on his desk.

You obviously know who he's talking about to.

"... you won't let me leave."


"Why ?"

He seems to pounder for a short while, "Because you're important." He concludes.

You let out a humorless chuckle. "Because I'm your meal." You spit—you didn't exactly mean to
sound so harsh.

You watch with horror as his canines grow longer as he grins, "That, too." He easily admits.

You feel defeated. He's enjoying this thoroughly.

"I'm a man of my words," he starts, tone careful, "If you do show me that you genuinely want my
help. I'll give it to you."

He looks at you, eyes seemingly changing into a more orange color. He bends down to caress your
cheek—and then you finally sink into his bottomless eyes. You like the soft feel of his... what do
you call it already ? Brainwashing ? Whatever it is, you enjoy it—it feels different from Father
Fushiguro's, it's softer, calmer. You can still think—a little bit. You can also feel your body—and
his now that he has moved even closer to you.
You're loosing yourself again. And you like it. The feeling of fear that was swallowing you whole
is gone, the sadness that was weighing you is too, gone.

There's only calm. A fake but lingering sense of peace enveloping you.

He's so close you think he's going to kiss you. He doesn't. Instead, he carries you up in his arms
and places you on his desk. It seems like he's waiting for something. You suddenly remember

"I need your help-!" You gasp out softly. You're not exactly sure what 'genuinely showing that you
need his help' entails—but you're willing to try anything.

You're such a meek little thing.

Neat and demure, just how he likes them.

"That so ?" He purrs, sliding his hands low on your back, pressing you against his hard body.
"How bad do you want my help, pet ?" He grabs on your legs, moving it up, making your skirt
slide down slightly. Your cheeks warm up with embarrassment at that. Surely he wouldn't do
anything too scandalous while at work—right ?

Work didn't seem to stop Father Fushiguro nor Satoru before though.

But weirdly, you can't bring yourself to panic.

Oh right. You're hazed. You let out a giggle. You forgot how weird being hazed feels like. Kind of
like you're sedated, pacified. Like your emotions are filtered out to only keep the good.

The officer chuckles, "You're laughing ?" he trails slow kisses down your leg, his sharp teeth only
grazing slightly. He imprints his fingers on the skin to gain your attention and gives you crooked
grin when he gets it.

His eyes are red, dark and captivating. He's looking at you like he wants to devour you. He suckles
on the flesh of your thigh, and you wonder if he's going to bite you but all that appears when his
mouth leaves your skin is a hickey.

He moves back up and you have to crane your neck to keep eye-contact. "You're going to have to
work for my help if you want it. Little human." He murmurs in your ear. He slowly rocks his hips
against you and you feel something hard and heavy on your thigh. You whine when he leans down
to suck a bruise on your neck as well, right next to your bite marks. Your skin is burning with want
and need, so much that you're starting to feel feverish. You've missed being touched, being desired.

"Please," you beg, "Help me. I-I need your help." You mean it. You don't know if you're referring
to the slow pulse between your legs or the other vampires.

This is not enough. He kind of wants to see you cry, he thinks. He kind of wants to see you put up a

His eyes narrow as he holds eye-contact with your unfocused eyes, "This is why I don't like
hazing." He sighs, to himself, "Makes girls like you too dumb, too stupid."

His worlds barely scrape your mind.

"You'd do anything for my help, right ?" He asks, "You'd let me fuck you ?" He says right into
your ear and you feel like your body is burning at incomparable speed. "You'd let me do you over
my desk, wouldn't you, little human ? You'd let me bury my cock in your wet little hole and your
cute mewls would be filling the room. My adorable little pet." It doesn't sound like a question
anymore. Although you don't exactly remember why exactly you need his help, you'd do anything.
You're so pliant. You're combusting, and if he keeps up there will be nothing left of you.

He harshly grabs your face, pulling it up, his eyes are gleaming red, and there's a smirk threatening
to form on his lips, "I could educate you so well," he seems to be thinking aloud, "Like a proper
little pet."

There's a little pause, in which he seems to be contemplating you.

"Human." He ponders for another moment, "I said I'd help if you showed me sincerity right ?" You
nod fiercely, finding the way you're body is slotting against his to be perfect. "Well, you don't seem
desperate enough." He pouts, it looks mocking. "What are we going to do if you don't show me
that ou really want my help ?"
You panic a little bit, racking your brain to find ways to show him that you truly, really, genuinely
need his help. He grinds his hips one more time against you and you look down—only to realize
that what you thought was his cock pressing on you leg is actually a gun.

You let out a choked cry, suddenly you feel very much conscious of yourself and your body and
the calmness in your mind is gone to be replaced by panic as liquid fear runs through your veins
and pools in your eyes.

You try to jerk your body away from his, but there's nowhere else to go—really.

"Little human, you're trembling." It's obvious he's reveling in it. He loves pretty girls like you, with
good morals and a perfect attitude. It makes him want to break them. "Is my cute little pet scared
?" He takes the gun from his belt, moving it down your leg, sliding it under your skirt to press it
directly on your core. You whine, pleasure blooming behind your eyelids at being touched where
you so desperately need it, but still very much scared.

He grinds the object between your legs, "What if I pulled the trigger ?" He wonders and laughs
lightly when you suddenly tense up, "I won't. Don't panic like that." He thrusts it a bit harder and
you moan, grinding back on it.

You want more, you need more but you're too proud to ask for it. You've got no excuses now.
You're not brainwashed yet your panties feel uncomfortably sticky and you can't bring yourself to
stop the slow roll of your hips against his gun. Your eyes are burning with tears. You're so

And you don't even know his name.

"The name's Suguru. Geto Suguru." He tells you.

How did he know what you were thinking about? However, you don't have much time to dwell on
this thought.

"The Father is here. How about we put on a show for him ?" Suguru suggests.

You look to the side to see Father Fushiguro leaning on the door frame with crossed arms, eye
blown out and crimson. He seems entirely unimpressed, like he'd been expecting this.
He looks lethal and dangerous, with his bloody eyes, like death is clinging to his skin. However,
when his eyes meet yours, his entire demeanor changes, and if you didn't know better, you'd say
you could see endearment in his eyes. His mouth curls slightly at the corner. He's amused. "Little
bunny," he tuts, "It's almost as if you like danger."

Chapter End Notes

Also this scene (the gun thingy) was inspired by demetsuna's "metro" on ao3 ^^
They're amazing.

A possible FAQ is incoming so prepare some questions ☹️ if no one asks anything I

might actually sulk a little. I've always wanted to do a FAQ.
Chapter Summary

"You don't want to do it ?" Again that demeaning tone. Your skin burns. "Doesn't
really look like it to me, see baby ? You're so close to doing it. Good girl."

Chapter Notes

I fell asleep writing yesterday so I couldn't keep my promise. But here is 3.2K

See the end of the chapter for more notes

FATHER FUSHIGURO walked towards you with purpose. You were sweating bullets, with
Suguru at your side, grining devilishly as he placed the gun on his desk. You noticed how the
object was slightly shiny with your—well—wetness and your cheeks warmed up further.

Suguru crossed his arm, leaving you to lean on his desk next to you, he seemed to be leaving space
for the man. "Father. Here you are."

Father Fushiguro nodded, "Officer." He stopped right in front of you, taking you in. You saw his
eyes go from your legs, then slide further up between your legs then stop at your face before
lingering at your neck.

You shivered. He slowly approached you further, carefully, like he was trying to not scare you and
you couldn't believe how is the time he wanted to act considerate.

"My little girl." He greeted you as he gently caressed your cheeks, his voice was low and raspy but
his tone felt soft, friendly even.

Your heart bloomed in your chest, you nearly wanted to lean into his touch. Why do you feel like
this ? Could it actually be that you missed him ?

"How have you been, my beautiful ? Mmh ?" His voice is barely above a whisper. You don't
understand why he's acting like this—so intimate with you. You also don't understand why it
doesn't make you feel grossed out.
"Now, don't get so scared around me," Fushiguro chuckles humorlessly, "I don't bite."

You look outraged.

Father Fushiguro has the nerve to look sheepish. Him and Suguru both let out an honest laugh. The
latter slides his hands around your waist and his eyes glides to your neck, "It seems the bite marks
are healing properly uh ?" He hums, lightly poking at the wound and you whine, giving him a
sharp glare. He lifts his hand up in surrender, smiling playfully. "I wonder when I'll get to mark
you like that." He slides closer, speaking softly in your ear, "When will you let suck you dry ?"
You can hear a pout in his voice, undoubtedly mocking.

"No. I—won't." You don't sound confident in what you're saying at all. They both know it. You
know that they know it.

You used to feel like a weak lamb, thoughtlessly stuck in the lion's den. You're now in between
said lion and a wolf, trying your hardness not to cower in front of them. You want to prove yourself
that you're no longer a lamb, even if a small part of you is craving to be held again. A tiny part of
you wants to feel precious, wants to be touched. Never in your life had anyone expressed such
desire for you, and it's normal that you can't help but feel flattered by it, it's normal that you keep
dreaming about hands all over your body and lips sucking and biting at your neck while whispering
atrocities. All of this is entirely normal, you try to rationalize.

"This is very unorthodox." You blurt out. "I can't."

Getou snorts, "Quite mouthy without the haze uh ?"

"Love that side of her," Father Fushiguro murmurs, his other hand resting on your exposed thigh.

"You didn't seem that opposed to it earlier though..." Suguru starts, tone absolutely teasing and
malicious, "When you were grinding on my gun like a proper pet, baby. Didn't really seem you
were going to stop me if I took a taste." He grabs the gun on the table to show it off. With how
sticky the object looked—you had no doubt your underwear was ruined.

You had nearly forgotten how hot and bothered he had left you—and his words seem to have
rekindled the burning desire in your guts.
"Your heart is beating so loud, darling." Father Fushiguro's fingers are flirting with the button of
your blouse, not undoing them but instead tracing your chest his idle hands. He's in no hurry.

Suguru uses his handgun to tilt your head up by pressing it under your chin, forcing you to keep
eye contact, you arch your back and whimper as Father Fushiguro slips a hand under your shirt,
bringing a much needed cooling sensation to your body. He then undoes the buttons, one by one at
a cruelly slow pace.

The sensation are much more different now—brainwashing makes everything feel like a dream, an
illusion. What's happening right now feels very much real, the murmurs in your ears, the hands on
your body. It's overwhelming you, making your vision cloud with tears.

Suguru slides the thick barrel alongside your jaw, and you tense, painfully aware of how much
damage his weapon could inflict you if he wasn't careful. He forced your jaw to go lax by
aggressively cupping your cheek with his other hand, he then dipped the handgun inside your
mouth. You thought he'd be content with just letting it sit on your tongue but he seemed to have
something else in mind as he continued to push the weapon, completely filling your mouth.

"How has your body been feeling ?" Your hear the father ask you as the calloused pads of his
fingertips graze against the flesh of your chest, so close to the mark Satoru left. You think he might
be taunting you since he has left your body feeling sore and weak for days because of his bites.
You don't recognize the honest concern in his tone, too busy trying to adapt the forced object in
your mouth, trying not to drool, not to choke.

You're trying so hard. The man notices with an almost demeaning chuckle.

"Yeah. Any changes noted ?" Suguru prompts. "Ah. That's right." His grin is maniac, "Little pet
can't talk." His tone only makes the heat inside of you hotter, you feel so small, so insignificant.

It's a physical ache, you need them. You tip your head back, eyes wet with shame.

Suguru's eyes are intense and heavy on your exposed body. You think he must decide that he likes
what he sees as he leans down at your eye-level and swipes his tongue on his lips, "Never knew
humans could look this sweet..." he muses.

Use your common sense... run !

Both men were so big, overpowering you so easily. If only you could get your bag and take your
silver knife.

As if sensing your thoughts, Father Fushiguro suddenly reached for your bag, and opened it.

"Aaah... I see you have a knife." He hums then whistles lowly, feeling the weapon in his hand,
"Silver on top of that. You came prepared."

You look at Father Fushiguro with round eyes, feeling horrified and suddenly hopeless. He can
touch silver ? You thought vampires were allergic to silver.

Dread filled your stomach, you are sure he is going to get angry at you and that he'd hurt. Will you
even come back home in one piece tonight ?

Suguru chuckles next to him, inspecting your neck with a strange intensity, maybe envy.

"My baby is so smart. Is that the plan you came up with to stop me ?" You expected the father to
be upset... since you tried to expose the nature of his kind but he only sounds... weirdly amused.
"I'm so so proud of you sweetheart." He cups your cheeks, tilting his head to the side. He kisses
your forehead and your heart flutters in your chest.

You're so adorably confused, they're praising you left and right when you wanted to kill them. It
makes Father Fushiguro place another kiss on your forehead and the action is so sweet, so chaste
compared everything he's been doing. It gives you whiplashes.

"A good choice on top of that. Silver really is the only thing that can hurt us," Suguru sing-songs,
you suddenly see his eyes gleam then switch from a dark and deep red to a lighter, amber color. He
removed the gun from your mouth. "Her daddy raised her well. It's a shame you're too weak to take
after him. I bet he would've loved to hunt us alongside you." He says, absently as he slides the gun
alongside your face, trailing your spit.

You freeze, absolutely scared to move in case he suddenly decides to shoot a bullet through your
skull. What does he know about your own father ? It seems that you're always kept in the dark, and
frankly you're sick of it... if you knew what everybody else—except for you—seems to know you
probably would be able to make better decisions. If you ever come out alive, you're going to
demand an explanation from your parents. Do they not even care about you ? How come they're
letting this happen ?

Your heart is breaking, and the last of your resolve with it. What can you do ? What did you even
think you could do ? Your eyes feel prickly and before you know it tears are silently streaming
down your face. You're looking down at the floor, with empty and desperate eyes.

"Angel, look at me." Father Fushiguro grabs your chin and lifts it up. You're met with beautiful
green eyes and you wonder briefly what his real eye color could be. Green fits him well, you think.
"I am not going to hurt you." Then the green is gone and replaced with a soothing orange.

His voice is clear and loud but you don't trust him, how could you ?

You suddenly start sobbing and it seems to take Suguru by surprise as he places his hand on your
back, rubbing it. He's even placed the gun back on his desk. It's supposed to be comforting but you
only tense up further at the physical contact.

"Y-you're going to eat me." You sniffle, with your eyes full of tears you can barely discern them
anymore but it doesn't matter. You know they are there and that's enough to send goosebumps
down your body.

Suguru nor Father Fushiguro deny your claim, considering that one of them has already eaten (or
drank if you're precise) a bit of you, twice.

You only cry harder.

It looks like Suguru truly doesn't know what to do with a crying girl in his arms. He's taken aback.
He forgot how sensitive humans can be. He's half-tempted to simply haze you—wouldn't that be
the most logical solution ? However Father Fushiguro doesn't seem to think that it's the case. He
bends down to be at your eyes level. "We're never going to kill you baby." He's trying to pacify
you. You don't look convinced so he continues. "If we wanted you dead you'd already be dead." He
says matter-of-factly.

It clearly doesn't work. More tears stream down your face.

"She's crying even more now" Suguru pipes in, unhelpful.

Father Fushiguro glares at him, "Well I'd like to see you try." He focuses back on you and gently
wipes the tears away from your face, "Angel. No one will kill you. Never on my watch." His tone
takes a gentler and more honest turn, "We'll protect you. Because you're our special little girl.
You're ours." He forces your eyes to stay on him and you slowly melt into the warm amber.

You're ours.

You stop crying because you're bewildered. You're not sure what to feel, but you know your heart
is not supposed to be beating that hard in your chest, and that your stomach shouldn't flutter when
he cups your cheeks and looks at you with the most tender smile you've ever seen him have. He
looks almost... humane.

"If it's too much, pet, we can make it stop." Suguru tries, as he massages your neck slowly. "I know
it can be hard. We can shut it out."

Is that really a good idea though ?

Didn't you say that you were tired of running away ? Wouldn't this just be jumping back into your
old habit of ignoring your problems ?

But still, the temptation feels too good.

You feel the telltale signs of the brainwashing. It might be Father Fushiguro because you're loosing
yourself much too quickly—but you don't stop it. You let it happen, and suddenly everything is
alright. You're alright, your heart is back in one piece.

Father Fushiguro caresses your cheek before he leans down to press your lips against his in a
exchange. Every kisses you've shared with the man have always been feral and animalistic and this
one isn't. It's slow and nearly sweet.

After a few seconds, it ends. Suguru takes a look at your glossy eyes and sighs. "This must've been
very emotionally draining. You should go back home."

You swear you're not disappointed.

Your body slowly feels like it belongs to you again as the magic wears off. You're confused,
"You're letting me go—like that ?"

Granted, you've lost the will to fight them but this doesn't mean you can't run away.

Father Fushiguro and Suguru simply smirk, "It's okay." the latter reassures. "It's because we know
you'll come back."

You won't.

Father Fushiguro merely lets out a chuckle, the corner of his mouth pulling up, "If you want to
leave, baby, you can. But I know you'll come back." He lifts an eyebrow at your confusion, "You
want to know why ? Because you're a slut, my slut and i know you more than you know yourself,
little lamb."

You gulp, refusing to believe a word of it. "Y-you're horrible-" you stutter out, your vision
prickling. How could he go from sweet to this in a second ? In the end he's just a vile vampire,
there's nothing humane about him.

"And you want me." His tone is playful and light, as if he didn't take you seriously, as if all of this
was merely an entertainment for him and this made your blood boil.

“No. I-I simply wasn't in my right mind." You press, "When—you did those things to me."

Father Fushiguro cocks his head to the side, then moves to sit on the chair in front of you, "You
mean you were hazed ?" He explains.

So there was a word for it ?

"Yes I was." You say pointedly, your story starts to feel more and more convincing to yourself as
you utter it out loud to the men. "Hazed. I was hazed. You brainwashed me."

"Ah," Father Fushiguro laughs. It's mocking and you suddenly feel dumb and weak, "It seems
we've got to break you out of it now," he gives Suguru a look.

Suguru nods exitedly, "We don't want this to become an habit."


You have no idea what they're talking about.

"__, sweetheart, would you take Suguru's gun for me ?" Father Fushiguro orders you, and as
always, his voice is laced with something that makes your head feel hazy and foamy. You can't

"Here, my gun, doll," Suguru hands it to you, but you don't want to take it. You still do it, your
hand moving before you can clearly think it through.

"Now, you're going to shoot a bullet right through my heart. Okay baby ?" He tone is so
demeaning, like he's talking to a child. "Weren't you trying to kill me earlier ? This shouldn't be
much different."

But it is. You've never wanted to kill per se—at least not yourself. You're not cut for killing.

"D-don't wa-wanna do it—it—" talking is hard. So many clashing thoughts and feelings clashing
in you. You want to please him, shouldn't you do what he's telling you ? But you're scared, you
don't like guns, the weapon feels so heavy in your hands—and you think it's too late because your
fingers are enclosing on the trigger—

"You don't want to do it ?" Again that demeaning tone. Your skin burns. "Doesn't really look like it
to me, see baby ? You're so close to doing it. Good girl."

You're grinding your teeth to prevent you from whimpering.

You cry and scream and you force your body to fall on the floor with a sudden jerk—then you
suddenly regain control of your body and your senses.

What even—?

Before you could angrily spit at him he interrupts you with loud and chilling laugh.

"Ah. You broke it. The haze."

Suguru lends you a hand to help you stand up but you ignore it and attempt to stand up on shaky
legs by yourself—which results on you wobbling and falling back on him.

You don't know what emotion makes your body burn the most—shame or anger ?

"Hazing is not brainwashing." Suguru starts, "It helps you relax—I guess it also makes it easier for
our deepest desires and needs to manifest." He places you back on the desk. The gun stays on the
floor. "Well, Father knew all of this would be hard to wrap yourself around." Suguru explains, "We
were just making it easier for you, angel." His expression becomes dark, "Well, then your mother
broke the haze."

What did your mother have to do with all of this ?

Breaking the haze wasn't hard—nor was it easy but it was doable - you don't know how this never
happened before. How come you never tried to break it before ? Were you really this weak-
minded, this desperate, this depraved ?

You wish your mind would shut up. You don't want to think about anything.

"You want me to haze you, baby ?" Suguru asks nicely.

You nod defeatedly, you feel something die inside of you, that little spark that wanted to fight for
what they did to you.
You feel yourself being wrapped around an imaginary blankets that prevents your shame and
embarrassment from coming through. And you bask in it, swim in it, drown in the feeling. You
slump, your eyelids suddenly feeling heavy.

"At this rate she'll be an addict." Getou notes and Father Fushiguro seems conflicted.

You’re not even listening, you’re too lost.

He lets out a sigh, "She might already be addicted to being bitten." He looks at you and you smile
at him with unfocused eyes, "Adding hazing to the list won't change much."

"That's not a good thing." Getou merely states but he doesn't look much alarmed, it's nearly as if he
couldn't care less.

"I know." His eyes get darker.

"But you like that she's becoming dependent of you ?"

You're so pliant like that. So sweet so nice.

"Father, frankly you're crazy." Suguru lets a breathy laugh.

Father Fushiguro rolls his eyes, "I'm not the one that fucked her on a gun. You're worse than your

Suguru has the audacity to even look offended. "Come on." He lifts an eyebrow, "No one is worse
than Satoru. I'm hurt." He pouts, "And I actually waited until she came to me. Satoru is always too

Father Fushiguro seems to agree with him but still side eyes him, "Sometimesa, I cant believe
Nanami is the youngest. He's more mature than the both of you combined." He then gives you a
gentle look, “Now, sleep."
You obey.

Chapter End Notes


idk just comment questions you have about the characters.

Father Fushiguro

Geto Suguru

Satoru Gojo

Kento Nanami (we barely saw him LOL)




Reader's mother

Reader's father

The others... (Yuuji, Maki, Megumi... etc)

Chapter Summary

Blood. Isn't blood what vampires want ? Father Fushiguro as well as Satoru both said
that your blood was sweet—does it mean that it's good ? That they want more ?

YOU OPEN your eyes. Your head hurts, and you have to make a conscious effort to focus your
sight on what lies above you - you quickly recognized it to be your mother's face, scrunched up in
worry. You're in your bedroom, she's sitting on your bed.

"Darling." She says when you try to sit yourself up. She helps you and slides an arm around your
waist, lightly hugging you. "Did you sleep well ?"

You repress the swarm of feelings pinching your heart. You're angry and disappointed in your
parents. You won't let yourself get swayed by emotions although you did miss them. It feels like
it's been forever since you've last seen them both

"... we have to talk." Your voice is groggy from all the sleep. Hazing is a great substitute for
melatonin, you realize.

Your mother looks like she'd been expecting this. "Sure, darling, we can talk." She suddenly scoots
to the side and you notice your father sitting on a chair, at the very back. Your eyes narrow.

With a twisted sense of satisfaction, you notice that he looks pretty unwell. He probably hasn't
slept very well these past few days judging by the heavy bags under his eyes. His hair is messy and
there's a light stubble on his face.

"You both know." You state.

But how much do they know ? You don't ask. You don't want to know. Embarrassment warms your
cheeks. They surely know enough. You're secretly hoping they don't know about what transpired in
the confessional.

You promised yourself you wouldn't let yourself be hurt by your parents anymore, but their
reaction isn't something that you prepared yourself for. You were ready for guilt, culpability. Hell,
you were even expecting them to try to deny to it.

Indifference isn't something you were expecting. Your heart constricts so hard in your chest it
hurts. You gulp down your saliva, forcibly preventing yourself from crying. You don't want them
to see you so affected. They don't deserve it.

The silence is defeating, but tells you more than you need to know.

Your mother gracefully smiles, the corners of her mouth lifting up, "We know."

"We have to leave this town." You hope you don't sound too desperate although you are—because
you want to be mean, you want them to know how deeply hurt you are.


"No. If you don't leave with me, I'll leave alone." Legally, you can do it. You're 18, an adult.
However the thought feels foreign, you've never felt like an adult, never felt independent.

Your mother's facial features harden, her smiles is gone. She stares at you for what feels like hours,
before tilting her head to the side, "You won't leave. You can't." Her tone is strangely ominous and
it sets you off.

"I'm an adult. I can." You've never done so much as argue with your mother or your father before.
There was no reason to, you've always done as they told. You've always been your parent's perfect
little girl, but frankly you're tired of it.

Your vision of your parents is distorted and your trust in them shattered. The father who you use to
hold in high regard is now nothing but a weak, fragile man in your eyes, always looking out into
the space as if he couldn't fucking focus on what was happening in front of him. Your mother is a
control freak, who thinks she can still boss you around now that you are a full fledged adult.

"What about the other villagers ? Are you going to leave them alone in their demise ?" She
wonders with an airiness that ticks you off. You shake off the hand she placed on your waist.
It's not as if she cares about what happened to me—why should I care about strangers ? But still,
that slight feeling of guilt you've been trying to repress is steadily growing. You're going to run
away and leave the rest of this poor village to die.

"I can't do anything about it." You hiss, voice wavering and unclear, "I tried. I tried my best. On
my own."

You had no idea how painful being angry at someone who doesn't care - or worse, doesn't seem to
think they're in the wrong - is. Your heart constricts painfully in your chest for what feels like the
hundredth time, there's so much you want to say but the words are caging in your throat, unable to
come out.

Perhaps this is what your mother had been waiting for, because she gently presses her hand on your
shoulder, her eyes softening, "But you can help." She says, tone mysterious and all-knowing, "If
you want to. That is."

Your father doesn't do so much as utter a word.

You scoff, "There's nothing I can do. I can't get rid of them. I can't kill them."

"Now, who said anything about killing them ?" Your eyes shift to your father, your mother follows
suit. She looks back at you. "I'm talking about giving them what they want."

Your blood runs cold.

Blood. Isn't blood what vampires want ? Father Fushiguro as well as Satoru both said that your
blood was sweet—does it mean that it's good ? That they want more ?

You swallow. You can't believe you're considering it. You entertain the idea in your head - they
said they wouldn't kill you, they said you were theirs.

Could it truly be that bad ? From what you've seen, being drank from isn't a completely distasteful
experience, you dare admit.
You're midly appalled by your own thoughts.

"If I go with the vampires, will the other villagers be left alone ?" You ask. That would be the only
reasonable option, your life is nothing compared to everybody else's.

Your mother thinks for a little while, "If I tell you that you're right, will you stay ?"

"What ?"

"With Father Fushiguro. Will you stay with him ?"

"I want the truth."

Your mother then lets out a sound akin to a snort, your eyes widen in shock, "Well then don't be so
ridiculous." She shakes her head, "How could you feed an entire pack of vampires ? It's nearly as if
you want them to drain you dry."

An entire pack ? There's more of them !? Of course there is, a voice in your head tells you. Of
course. It's never so easy.

You can't even save a village.

"T-then I don't see how I can be of any help !" You're offended, the tone she used to speak to you
made you feel small and dumb. It striked a nerve.

"You can lessen the damage." She corrects. You wait for her to explain more, she looks briefly at
your father, he's still as dazed-looking. "We've made a sort of deal," she continues, "They want
you. They will not kill you. I dare say that they're quite enamored by you, so I doubt they will treat
you badly either. In exchange, they kill less people."

You have a gnawing feeling that she's not telling you everything.

"Does the church know of it ?"

"The church knows enough, but doesn't want to be too involved in this. Which is where you come
along." She's right, you'd be doing a noble task. You'd be acting as a sacrificial lamb for a bigger
cause. "It's an honor to be with father Fushiguro."

"I don't want this." You grit your teeth, your eyes filling with tears. You force yourself not to cry.

"You have a choice." She shrugs, "You can leave to go wherever you want. Without us. However
no one, not even me, will be able to protect you if it is the case."

Protect you from what ? Other vampires ?

She's probably implying that she's been protecting you from vampires for a long time now. You
think all of this happening, might not be an unfortunate accident after all. Perhaps even your
grandmother and aunt's deaths. Perhaps it's all linked to the vampires.

"... there are more of them." You state. In what kind of world have you been living in ? "Why me ?"
You ask the question that's been burning your lips. You always hear that you're special but what
even makes you special ?

She dismisses your question with a wave of her hand, "It's too soon for that." She changes the
subject, "As I said, we'll respect your choice. You can stay or leave. When you decide, there will be
no turning back." She warns you.

"... you want me with the vampires." It's not a question. Your mother doesn't deny it. You never
really had a choice to begin with. If you leave, there will probably be other vampires around to kill
you. Either way, you're doomed. You have to choose the lesser evil. "If I go with them, you have
to tell me everything you know."

"I'm afraid I cannot."

"Then answer my questions. You owe me answers."

You have a point.

"I'll allow you three questions. However there's only so much that I know. And even less that I can

"You both knew this would happen when we moved here." By this you mean the chaotic mess
you've been put in, "Are grandmother's and aunt's deaths related to this ?"

"Not directly, but it's linked." You think see hurt in her features before she quickly schools them.

"What happened to father ?" You inquire, "It seems like he's had a rough night." A rough night is
putting it nicely—he looks absolutely wrecked. Your prim and proper father is unrecognizable.
"Why does he look so dazed ?"

"... sedatives." The words rolled out of her tongue too hesitantly. It's odd considering that your
mother is a confident woman who's never hesitant. She always seems to know everything. "He's
been a bit too hyper."

She's lying.

Your eyes slide to your father. His eyes glide over you, looking at you but not seeing you.
Something finally clicks in your head.

He's hazed.

Your brain runs too fast for you to even catch your own thoughts. Your father is being hazed. By
who ? You're aware that hazing can last even when the vampire who did it isn't in proximity.
Strong will, as you've experienced with Suguru, can break it.

You think back about what Father Fushiguro and Suguru told you.

"Your mother broke the haze."

How did she break the haze ? This is a complete mystery to you. Furthermore, if she's able to break
the haze why isn't she breaking your father's ?

Because she wants him to stay like this.

Maybe they're not on the same page about you being sold off to the vampires. You don't know.
You're not sure of anything.

One of the vampires mentioned something about your father hunting vampires back at the police
station. It all makes sense. The big silver knife, the books.

"Can I talk with father ? Alone." The question comes out before you can really think it through.

Your mother looks at you suspiciously. You do your best not to let anything show.

"This will count as your third question."

You simply nod and your mother stands up gracefully to leave the room. You follow her to close

"Father." You exhale loudly as you turn to your father.

"My daughter." He says with a jovial grin, eyes empty, "How are you ?"

You place your hands on his shoulders, shaking him off, "You have to wake up—we must talk !"

He stares at you, for a long, long time, before his grin slips off and he looks at you with a somber
expression, "Oh, how I've missed you these past few days." He continues rambling on, but his
happy tone doesn't match his face. "Where were you ? Your mother thinks you're simply having a
teenage crisis." He laughs, and you see him taking a small paper note out of his pocket.

You're absolutely confused, and he just sense it since he tilts his head to the side, probably
referring to your mother at the other side of the door, "Please, reassure her that it's not the case."
His tone doesn't change. He sounds blissfully ignorant of what's been transpiring around him. You
realize it's a facade.

You unfold the paper note he's given you.

She's listening. Accept to go with the vampires. I promised I'll protect you.

You give him back the piece of paper, and he hides it back in his pocket.

Hope blooms in your chest before it withers just as fast. "Father," your voice is weak, "I'm alright. I
simply do not need to be looked after all the time."

He gets the message, his expression folds in concern, "My daughter, you're still young, and
clueless. It's my duty as your parent to look after you."


Your mother suddenly barges in. Her smile crisped. "Dinner is ready. Let's eat." She waits for the
both of you. She's not going to leave you two alone again, you're sure.

Your father looks as unaware as he was before she left. What a good actor he is. He smiles, "My
darling. What would I do without you ?"

"Not much." She simply says then looks at you, "You don't have much time. You should make up
your mind, fast. They're waiting."

You shiver.

Ok ok

Let me get a few things straight.

In this story, reader is a victim, clearly, a real victim.

Also she's clearly being groomed lol she's 18, yes it's legal but she's still super young. And the
vampires are old. That's weird.

This is a fanfiction. If this happened irl, ngl I would be pretty disturbed. Everything here written
here is not real, nor am I really trying to make it realistic.

I haven't had any complaints or anything. I just wanted to address it.

Depending on your morals, you will either consider the ending a happy one, or a disappointing one.

I love this story and honestly I'm just pouring all my fantasies in this book LOL there's no holding

Also the reader won't be a super strong bad bitch... at least not now... and not in the way you
except it. I'm asking you guys to have compassion for her, she's going through a lot ahah

That's all ^^

Now onto the Q&A

I just mixed the questions I got on WP and ao3

I feel like this is useless of me to say but I’ll still say it: no characters including you will remember
this interview. For the sake of the story.



Is he like the alpha vampire in the town? And how could he touched the silver knife??

Father Fushiguro is sat comfortably resting his head on his palm. He starts fidgeting with a silver
knife with his other hand, he looks at you, "I can touch silver. Just like you could touch fire, if you
wanted to." He smirks lazily as he lets the silver knife fall down with a thud on the floor, "That
doesn't mean that I'm immune to it." He lifts his hand, and you notice burn marks all over his skin
where it touched the metal. You can't believe he didn't do so much as flinch.


For Father Fushiguro, Does he actually love and care about the reader or he just the obsessive
possessive type where he has to have you first and likes the thought of owning you?

Father Fushiguro lifts an eyebrow, "Naturally I care about you." He scoffs, "Otherwise I wouldn't
have done so much... You're so clueless." He tilts his head to the side, "As for owning you... you've
been mine since the day you were born. I already had you."


Is he like the founder of them vampires along with Gojo, Nanami & Geto?

The four vampires snort.

“Don’t be ridiculous.” Nanami says, unable to hide the smile forming on his lips. “We’re simply
outlaws. Outlaw vampires.”


Does he have some kind of pet kink or..?

Suguru sits himself comfortably in his seat. "Is this the kind of question everyone gets ?" He snorts,
"Do I have a pet kink ?" He thinks aloud, "No. For me, humans are beneath us, at the same level as
animals. Calling a human what it is has nothing to do with a kink. You're my pet that's all." He
reasons, "For as long as you're human."



When y/n can see Nanami san.. is he gonna be good man or bad man. Or.. Both of it.

Nanami smiles but it doesn't meet his eyes, "I'm a good boy."


Omg I wanna see Nanami so bad

"Soon darling, soon." His smile grows. "It's not because you don't see me that I'm not here."

Lídia Albano

Nanami... where are you????

"Close enough."

Also Nanami, just where are you and he barely in the scene lol.

"I've been rather busy. I'm always busy cleaning behind father's mess." He lets out a loud exhale.



"I didn't know you wanted to see me so badly." He pauses, "... maybe you should check under your
bed at night."


First of all, my English is bad (I am using a translator so I apologize if something cannot be


second, I love your writing very much even though the translator sometimes fails it is incredibly
enjoyable, I am sure it transmits to me everything you want to express

Third point, I started reading this fic because Nanami was on tag I was a little disappointed to see
that he is a tertiary character, (even so I stayed for the story and how heady it became for me) so
my question goes more or less out there, Kento will be relevant at some point?

I wish you a nice week ~

I will be looking forward to another chapter, you are incredible.

PS: since I started reading this fic, things about toji appear everywhere, it is as if his essence
stayed with me, he is no longer a nobody in my eyes after reading this story

Thank you so much <3 and reading with a translator must be a mess ahah I appreciate your support
very much. I'm happy you decided to stay even though we didn't see much of Nanami x') and I'm
super happy that Toji isn't a nobody to you anyway because... listen... the effect this man has on
me. It's unreal.
It kind of feels like I've been scamming you since we've barely seen Nanami :0 but *wink* he'll be
there in the next chapter *wink*

(I answered this question before writing the chapter—so you've already seen Nanami now ahah)

EDIT: no you haven’t I meant the next chapter


Nanami is very important. I don't want to spoil too much but I think he'll be the one to give you
(reader) a sense of stability and security—since Father Fushiguro is crazy & Satoru as well as
Suguru just do whatever they want.

Your relationship will probably evolve the fastest (doesn't mean the relationship with the other
characters will be nonexistent, not at all). At least that's what I have in mind for now. Might
change, not sure.

I will do my very best not to disappoint you !



Can i give you a hug author-san. This story make enjoy uwu. Love it


Thank you ! I really appreciate it <3



Thank you <33 I'm still a bit insecure about my writing because English isn't my mother's tongue :/

I've been writing fan fictions for quite some time ! And I think every single one of them is bad.
Now I quite like this one, but maybe in the future when I'll go over it again I'll be like "eww, my
writing used to be so bad" it always happens Ahah.


Are we near the end of the story? :o or will there be more? At this point, the peotagonist shouldn't
trust anyone in that village idk about Nobara, she did warn the peotagonist about the village,
the people and such. I have trust issues man

We are not near the end of the story. Not at all. There's still so much to happen ^^ were maybe at
the third of it ??? Don't take my word for it I'm horrible at planning.



Nobaras old friend that used to live in Y/Ns house... were they human?

Nobara looks away, "Well yes, she was human."


I wanna know if she’s gonna help y/n or no

She looks at you sadly. “There’s only so much I can do...”

Is she alright? Like, will we be meeting her again in the future? :(

Nobara grins, "I'm okay ! I've been scolded by Maki a lot these days though. I think she's just
hungry." Her grin deflates, "Honestly. I hope we don't see each other again. I kinda miss you, but
you should stay away."



From the beggining I've been suspicious of her. I have my doubts about her. Things like did she
plan all of this? Does she know what we are, or do we even know who we are? And lastly why can't
they help us? Mom is sus af lol

Your mother smiles, "My, my. Suspicious of me ? I only have the best in mind for you, sweetheart.
Mother knows best." She laughs lightly, "Could you be going through some kind of teenage crisis
?" She then looks at you straight in the eyes, you shiver, "Believe me or not, what I'm doing right
now is to help you. I'm afraid I can't say more."


She's sus, at first I thought that the parents had some kind of agreement with the vampires but now
I ain't sure, is she also a vampire? But taken from how she tried to keep some distance away from
y/n when she accidentally cut her finger, it made me think our girlie's the half turned one

"You sure have a very creative mind." Your mother looks thoroughly amused.


Reader's mother have a lot of question first

Did she make a deal with toji group????

Is she the first prey of them?

How did she break the haze?

"I'm not a prey." She corrects you softly, "You'll learn in the future that your mother can do a lot of


oooh i wonder if her parents are hunters and came to this town to investigate the deaths that are
caused by "mosquitoes" only for them to be in the situation that they are in now, and im also still
thinking about how yuji and nobara are involved on this but i have no clue

"Hunting can be fun." She nods to herself, "But I am afraid we're too old for this, aren't we darling

Your father nods, looking dazed.


who actually is her dad and what does he know about vampires? what does the mum know, and is
she involved with them? why are her parents on bad terms does it have to do with any vampire stuff
or is to do with the daughter? Lastly, is their family members deaths anything vampire related?

Sorry for the dump but i'm quite curious to know/find out. thankyou for the great chapters and
have a great day/night. :))

Your mother lets out a chuckle, "We are very much involved with the vampires. So are you,
perhaps more than most humans." She side glances at her husband, "As for why we're on bad
terms... I guess we simply have different views on certain things. It can't be helped." She shrugs.
"My mother's and my sister's deaths were my fault." Hurt flashes in her eyes, "I am the only one to
blame for it. I should've made up my mind faster, I should've acted faster..." it doesn't sound like
she's talking to you anymore, her words having quieted down to a mumble.


Will Sukuna be in this story? I just realize that now. Sukuna still kind of an asshole but helps mc?
Uhm... yes

As always, love this chapter <333

Sukuna laughs, "I will be there. But trust me, you don't want to see me."


as vampires do they have parents and is megumi canonically related to toji in this? <3

Megumi sighs loudly, "Yes. Father Fushiguro is my blood father." He massages his temple.
"Naturally vampires have parents. This world setting is a bit different from the usual vampire
world settings, I think. The author will elaborate on that in future chapters. It's not that
complicated. There's also a hierarchy as well as vampire 'families'—but really, they're just clans."
He sighs once more, "You're so clueless."
Chapter Summary

Your problem, you'll realize in the future, is that you're so easily swayed, so easily
tricked and manipulated. Of course he knows about you. He knows so much about

IT'S BEEN three days. And you've holed up in your room under the excuse of 'needing time to
make a decision' when in reality, you already knew what you would do, you've known since you
talked with your mother, and maybe, even before that.

You're not sure of anything. You want to avoid thinking, but there's nothing else to do. You're
alone with your own thoughts.

The bites on your neck are practically healed now.

You think you need to speak with your father one more time, and possibly, with one of the
vampires. They're more questions you need answered, and you feel like you deserve to know.
However you're not sure if going to the blood-suckers—even if under the excuse of asking
innocent questions—meant that you were ever coming back. And well, you're not quite ready to
leave yet. You don't think you ever truly will be, but your feelings clearly don't matter in this.

Luckily the chance of talking to a vampire without you physically going to them comes to you
unexpectedly. In the form of a doorbell ringing, and a tall man in a grey suit, round spectacles and
slicked-back blonde sandy hair entering your home. Upon hearing the doorbell you'd quietly
creeped out of your room and peered behind a wall as the stranger was welcomed by your mother.
He gifted her a box of sweets, whatever, probably mochis—a simple curtesy when you're invited in
one's home—and took off his coat—to expose a much too tight fitting blue shirt with the first few
buttons undone, exposing a generous part of his collarbones.

He takes off his glasses to reveal, tired but menacing eyes—that briefly slide to you making your
heart jolt in your chest. He makes no move to come to you, nor does he show that he's even noticed
you but you're sure your eyes met for the briefest moments.

So you stay hidden, until he is led in the living room and offered a much needed cup of coffee by
your mother. You've met the man before, at church. You're not sure of his nature but from now on
you'll assume that anyone who's associated with Father Fushiguro is a vampire.
You have to talk to this man alone—but not too alone—as it could be dangerous for you. You need
to be somewhere where you could scream for help and someone would actually come through.

For now you simply decide to wait for an opportunity to show itself. To occupy yourself, you
listen to their discussion. They talk about mundane things, the weather, the news. Your mother
asks him how work is and he replies in his smooth and deep voice that it's been treating him well.
His manner of speaking is slow and articulate. You don't hear your father's voice, you guess he isn't

Maybe you could go talk to him, you guess he's alone and your mom is busy entertaining a guest.

It's then that the stranger asks your mother where the toilets are, and she gently tells him.

You watch him leave the living room, and it's only when you're sure that your mother won't see
you nor hear you that you show yourself.

The stranger hardly looks surprised to see you and a slow and lazy grin forms on his previously
straight lips. Unlike the other vampires you've encountered, his isn't arrogant or cocky.

"It's not good to spy on people." He chastises, and your heart somersaults from the surprise. You
thought you were stealthy.

"I was simply waiting for an opportunity." You try to save face, shrugging. "I want to talk to you."
You're mildly satisfied that you did not stammer and managed to sound twice as confident as you
feel. You want the shy and weak little girl to be gone and be replaced by a strong adult women.
Fake it until you make it. It's your new motto.

"And you are ?" He questions with no animosity, but you still feel your assurance crumbles like a
house made of cards. He doesn't know you. You thought he certainly did considering the sordid
things you've done with his friends. "I haven't had the honor of being properly introduced to you
yet." He bows quickly.

Your problem, you'll realize in the future, is that you're so easily swayed, so easily tricked and
manipulated. Of course he knows about you. He knows so much about you.
"We met at church... about a month ago." You tell him your name.

Right. A month ago, 30 days, 720 hours, it has already been that long since you moved here. Most
of the month was spent avoiding the world in your room, though.

"I've heard about you. Good and bad things." there's always that politeness coated with his words.
It makes him sound sarcastic or downright mean. You don't think he means it that way, but it still
kind of stings. You're not particularly curious as to what he must know about you. Instead you take
a step back, weirdly conscious of how little space there is between the two of you.

"You're a vampire."

He blinks twice, incredulous, "I am Kento Nanami." He corrects, "And a vampire as well." He says
the latter part with a airiness to it, like it is a minor detail that can be disregarded.

Adrenaline pumps into your veins. You should've taken your silver knife. Or maybe if he tries
anything you can still scream for help. Maybe your mother would help. Or your father. You hope.

He lets out a low sigh. "Don't be so tense. I won't hurt you."

"I'm not tense." You lie through your teeth. Apparently this new version of yourself you're trying to
make is also a bad liar.

"Your heartbeat is going very fast..." he says with a note of concern. His eyebrows furrows. "You
know that repeated stress can be harmful for your health..."

You decide to ignore the fact that he can hear your heartbeat. You can't believe your ears. "Well, if
you're that worried about my health you should probably leave, along with your vampire friends."

"That's..." he trails off, looking sheepish, "That's not really an option."

"Why ? Are the villager's blood that good ?"

"No." He says quickly, with an appalled frown. "We didn't come here for the villagers."

"So you came here for me ?" You boldly ask. It helps that although he is very big and tall, he
doesn't ooze intimidation like Father Fushiguro. You're sure that under the Father's gaze, you
would've already crumpled in fear.

He steps closer and you immediately step backwards. "Yes we did." He sounds defensive, his eyes

"I don't know any of you ! Why would I even come with you ?"

He merely stares at you, the grin off his face. He simply looks annoyed. "There's so much that you
don't know."

"Because no one is telling me anything !"

"Your situation is more dire than you think. You're currently putting your family in danger,
yourself as well. Coming with us will be the only way of protecting them."

You scoff. Everything is their fault and yet they're trying to make it sound as if you've got anything
to do with it ! "Protecting them for you, you mean."

He chuckles humorlessly, sliding his hand through his hair in what you think might be frustration
—and wow, his hand is big. "No. Little girl." Another dry chuckle, "Not from us."

"Why are you trying to convince me to come to you ?"

He tilts his head to the side, "I'm not trying to convince you." his answer is quick and clear,
"Because we both know that you'll come whatever I tell you." his tone is factual, "I just thought
that answering a few questions would be considerate."

"How hypocritical, now you care about being considerate ?"

"Believe us or not. We've been nothing but considerate from the very start. Considering your
situation, you shouldn't even have been given a choice to begin with."

"There's no real choice to make here. My mom sold me to you blood-sucking leeches !"

"Blood-sucking leeches. Now that's a new one." He snorts, "And you always have a choice. You
can either make a bad choice, or an idiotic choice. It's your call."

You stay silent. He looks at you intensely, like he's trying to read, to figure you out.

You look at him suspiciously, "Are you going to haze me ?"

He lifts an eyebrow and you try not to dwell on how attractive the action is. "Do you want to be
hazed ?"

"No." You don't sound convincing. "I don't. But your kind doesn't seem to care much for consent,
do they ?" You spit, as you recall your previous encounters with vampires. "They don't seem to
care about what I want when they make me do h-horrendous things."

And—the stuttering is back. You think disappointedly, you still hope you got your message across
and managed to sound disdainful enough.

"Ah." He grins wolfishly, like what you're saying is funny as he makes a move to close the space
between you. "I thought we had already made it clear." He shakes his head, amused. " I thought
you knew by now that if you act like a slut when you're hazed—is because you are a slut."

"I-I'm not a slut."

"Ah really ?" He steps even closer and you feel forced to look down at your feet to not feel the
embarrassing heat of his all-knowing gaze. "Would a girl who's not a slut borrow dirty books and
take them to church with her ?" He purrs in your ear and the temperature in your body skyrockets,
"Would a good girl be having a wet dream about a priest, no less ?" You force your eyes closed as
a familiar heat begins to simmer in your guts. He loves how easy it is to rile you up. "You make
the prettiest slut." His thumb caresses your lip. "With perfect dick-sucking lips, always looking like
you're dying to suck some quality cock." He cups your cheeks, "And only the dirtiest slut would
get wet by being talked to like that. Don't you think sweetheart ?"
Your face is positively burning. You can't exactly deny the wetness that has started pooling in your

"Cat got your tongue ?" He lifts your chin up and you meet his amber colored eyes. You watch
suddenly, and furiously switch to a deep crimson red as they widen is mortification. "... you...
should go to the bathroom." He suddenly says ominously.

"W-what ?" Your bladder feels positively empty.

He has to audacity to flush, and it is a sight to behold. His demeanor completely changes from a
confident one to an embarrassed one as he moves away from you. He looks to the side and
swallows, you see his Adam apple bop. "Because you've started your period."


You have started your period.

Unfortunately, you're not one of those vagina owner that have been blessed with painless
menstruations—yours are usually spent on your bed, wailing in pain waiting for the painkillers to
kick in.

What's even more unfortunate, is that you're not allowed the luxury to do that today, as you're sat
right in front of your mother, with your father at her side, eating dinner.

As usual, not much is said, that is, until your mother suddenly lets her fork fall down her plate with
a loud thud, making you look up at her.

"We don't have much time left." She says, panicking, "I don't know why you're so intent on stalling
when the choice is obvious !"
"I need time to make up my mind," you protest weakly.

"Darling—" your father starts before he's cut off.

She exhales loudly. "I should apologize for what I'm putting you through. But I'm not sorry. One
day you'll know, you'll understand." She stares at you desperately. "I only want what's best for you,
whatever your father told you the other day, forget it. Even he knows that you're not safe with us
anymore !"

She doesn't seem to know that your father told you to join the vampires, you think with a sarcastic
laugh, she seems to think he's told you to run away.

Your father is not hazed anymore, he hasn't been for the last two days—or he's simply stopped
acting as if he was hazed. You don't know, you two haven't talked since he told you to go with the

"Stop it." Your father tells your mother, he resumes eating, his jaw tensed, his facial expression
strained, "Darling," he turns to you with sadness in his eyes "This our last dinner together. Let's
enjoy it."

"I've taken upon myself to notify Mr.Kento that you've made the right choice." She makes an effort
to sound more calm. "After you've had your little talk with him. I trust that you know what I'm
referring to ?"

You swallow the lump in your throat. Of course she knew about it, she seems to know about

"You'll be going with the vampires." She says her final words.

You only nod, not trusting yourself to speak without bursting into sobs.

The next morning when you open your eyes. You're not in your little bedroom anymore.
I | IV
Chapter Summary

What the fuck is happening to you.

Chapter Notes

I am horrible at planing. This was supposed to be ~4k words and I wanted to update
three days ago. Instead I have this 8.8k words monster with me now. Even though I
don't like posting huge chapter like these, I don't want to split it cus it's a pain read
it slowly at your own leasure ! New settings and important details were put in place.

I've only reread this once or twice. Except a few typos because it's so long ^^

-so much dirty talk
-periods & vampires LOL (self-explanatory)
-mild gore

See the end of the chapter for more notes

YOU DON'T know what you were expecting when you woke up, but it wasn't to be in an entirely
different bedroom. One that you've never seen before. One that's bigger than any bedroom you've
even had, with bed that's pretty comfortable with soft silk covers.

It looks like a princess's room. Very pink, very girly with its baby pink pillows, gigantic bed and
multiple plushies.

It's nothing like anything you've ever owned—or ever seen before and, you like it. It's girly, but it
doesn't look too childish. It's cute. It's soft.

You're not at home, that much is obvious. It doesn't take much to deduce that you must be at the

Your father did tell you that this would be your last dinner together but you didn't except the
transition to be so - abrupt. You excepted an emotional goodbye with your parents before being
taken away from them but they ripped that away from you. They had taken you while you were
Admittedly, you are calmer than you thought you'd be. You've known that this would happen. And
by looking at your surroundings, you think you'll be treated way better than you expected.

You think you might actually survive this.


You hear a familiar voice say, one that you haven't heard in so long and yearned to hear again.
You whip your head around to face Nobara. She's dressed in—all black, obviously—with a pair of
jeans and a simple hoodie.

"H-hi." You do your best to force yourself out of your bed, but your ankle accidentally catches on
the covers and you end up tumbling down onto the floor.

Nobara hurries to you with an audible sigh that sounds more amused than annoyed. She crouches
down to you and helps you up with ease. You notice that her hands are gloved.

"You don't change do you ?" She muses softly, a friendly smile on her face. "Always acting before

You heart bursts in your chest. Deep down, you worried that something might've happened to her
—or worse, that she went back to hating you. You're happy to see that's not the case. "I—just. I am
so happy to see you. So relieved."

Her face sombers but the smile is still there. "I'm glad to see you as well." She chokes out the
words. "Not particularly relieved, though."

Your eyes widen, quickly catching on. "You wanted me gone ?"

Incredulity is written all over her face. "Of course I wanted you to leave." Even as you're up you
don't let go of her. "I wouldn't wish this upon anyone, you know."
A shiver goes through you. The good kind. Having friends feels so good. You didn't think the
loneliness you felt swallowing you whole could be satiated with mere words.

"You're a vampire aren't you ?" You ask but it doesn't sound a question, at least not to her.

She moves away and you see her opening her mouth but not saying anything. She's hesitating. She
looks away briefly before heaving out a loud exhale. "Yeah. Yeah I am." She says the words with
an innocent surprise to it, like they're new, like she hasn't been saying it a lot, as if she's tasting
them on her tongue.

"Okay." Again, you feel weirdly calm about it—though a bit betrayed as well.

She blinks, observing you, "Maybe I was wrong. You've changed." She takes a tentative step
towards you, "Are you still human ?" She takes your forearm, she looks confused. "You sure smell
human." She then takes your pulse for good measure, her eyes quickly switch from a deep brown to
a softer, orange color. And before you know it—they're back to their original color.

"I think I'm still human." You chuckle but it doesn't sound genuine.

Are you still human ? You're staring to panic a bit. They bit you, multiple times—Is it going to
affect you in any way (well, except for those nasty bruises, and the mental damage) ? Surely
something ought to have happened by now right ? You haven't noted any changes. You don't
actually know how one becomes a vampire—it's one of the many things your father missed
specifying in those damned books of his.

Annoyance crawls at your throat. Why is your father never helpful when you need him ? You sigh,
internally stopping yourself, thinking like this is not you. You're not a mean person. Although
you're still angry at your family, you don't know when you'll see them again, and you don't want to
spend your time hating them when you should be missing them instead.

As always your thoughts are so contradicting that you don't really know what to make of them—
but you're a new person now, and that new adult woman that you aspire to be knows how she feels,
what she thinks. You decide you miss your parents because this is what a good daughter would
do—would feel, you've been ripped away from them, it's a normal reaction.

"Oh. You're panicking." She states.

Right. They can hear your fucking heartbeat.

"It's okay." She intertwines your fingers. "You smell very much human, like so human there's no

"Okay." You say rather quickly. "I know now. Thank you. I'm alright."

She doesn't look convinced. "I'm sorry."

"What ? For what ?"

"For... deceiving you, I guess." She does her best to look nonchalant.

"Why were you mean to me when we had just met ?" The question tumbles out of your lips.

She groans, "Because you were a like a fish circled by sharks, and you knew nothing of it. It made
me angry." Your eyebrows rise. "I wasn't against you. I was against this little game they were
trying to play. I hated how they were toying with you." She continues, "I just couldn't be nice to
you, it would be like I was playing along with them. I'm sorry."

You digest the information, and Nobara stays silent.

"It's oka—" you stop yourself because it's not okay, really not. There's so many things you could
ask her. Why didn't you tell me everything in the beginning if you disagreed with them so much ?
Why did you leave me by myself instead of helping me when I had actually realized ? I thought we
were friends ! Instead you opt for something else, an approach that is less frigid but still completely
genuine, "I forgive you, and I agree with you—I mean obviously I'm going to agree, but I-" you
gulp down your saliva. Being honest to yourself, and to others is harder than it seems. "I feel like
there still things that I don't know, and that you're keeping from me."

"I cannot tell you." She sounds pained by it.

You're not surprised. You figured as much.

"It's for your own good—I promise you. Right now, this is a really unstable situation. We can't risk
you going crazy."

"Is this some kind of misplaced savior complex ? I want to know."

She ignores you, "I can't tell you that—but I can tell you what's going to happen to you now." She
nods to herself. "You're going to live here, with us. You're on the first floor, only you, Maki and I
reside there. I figured you'd feel safer that way. I'll show you around later."

Your stomach suddenly growls, rather loudly. You give her a sheepish look.

"Right. Breakfast. You eat and stuff. Maki went to the grocery store. Most of the food we bought
the last time we went—which was with you by the way. Remember ? The youth camp ? Well all of
that food spoiled, cus yeah, we can't digest it." She leads you out of the room.

The corridors are lit by multiple candles. You watch as Nobara takes two and gives you one. The
walls are high and the entire place feels ancient—like an old manor. It feels huge. You wonder
how far away you are from home.

"But you can eat. I've seen Suguru eat."

"Yeah. Though we have to make ourselves vomit afterwards, or we just get very bad cramps until
we eventually end up throwing up anyway. Horrible stuff. Wouldn't wish it on my worse enemy."
You go down the stairs, still in awe. "Yuuji loves eating though, even if we can't really taste
anything anymore. At this point I'm starting to think he just likes pain." Her voice resonates loudly,
the echo in this place is incredible.

You both walk some more until you find yourself in a kitchen. It is as big and glorious as the other
rooms in this place. Nobara lights a few of the candles scattered here and there. It's gives the place
horror movie settings. A manor populated by vampires in the middle of nowhere. You can't believe
it's your reality now.

"It's the day so the others are probably sleeping." She hums as she open a cupboard and steps aside.
"So, choose whatever. There's plenty of stuff."
Indeed. Maki bought so much. From various cereals to different breads—they're also pancake

Nobara chuckles at the face you're making, "I think it's because we can't eat anymore but we
always assume that you must be so excited to eat. I think it's why she took so much. It's silly,

You decide to take some sliced bread with jam.

"What do you drink ? Tea, hot chocolate, milk, orange juice, pineapple juice, apple jui—"

"I'll just take some orange juice. Please."

Just how much did they spend ?!

She nods, going to the fridge.

"Hello !" You hear a voice say. You turn around to watch Yuuji strolling in the kitchen, followed
closely by Megumi.

"Oh my god. I've never seen this much food in my entire life." He exclaims cheerfully as he walks
past Nobara and opens the fridge. If the cupboards were any indication, you think the fridge might
be absolutely packed. And it's not even a small fridge by any means.

"It's normal. You're not alive, you're dead." Megumi deadpans, trailing behind him. His face
scrunches up in disgust at the sight of food.

Nobara grins as he takes a bottle of orange juice. "___'s here. She just woke up."

3 pairs of eyes instantly switch to you and you feel your cheeks heating up. You hastily pick up
some bread and a jar of strawberry jam.

"Oh—hey." Yuuji grins, as he makes a move towards you. You tense up, not necessarily because
you're scared but because you're not used to contact—especially not with a boy.

You watch the boy suddenly stop in his tracks, his eyes darken briefly. "Is she on her... ?" He trails
off and you notice his cheeks reddening slightly.

Oh fucking hell.

You briefly forgot you were on your period. You're in a house full of vampires.

Is this the end of your life ?

Megumi softly hits him in the head, and Yuuji groans. Nobara takes your hand and leads you out of
the kitchen, into a dining room.

"Don't be scared." She whispers. "As long as you stay on the first or ground floors. You're safe...
for now."

Megumi and Yuuji follow you into the room, and you notice how their steps don't make any
noises, it's nearly as if they're gliding on the floor.

The dining room is huge with a big dark-wooden table with 10 chairs around it. There's also a big
chandelier above it that Megumi lights up with a click of his fingers.

They all go to sit down and you follow after them, still very much intimidated. You sit next to
Nobara, right in front of Yuuji who's next to Megumi.

When you finally understand that they're obviously not going to eat, and that waiting for them to
start is downright dumb, you dig in.

A silence stretches, so you ask, "Where are we ?"

"We're near the top of a mountain. Close enough to Ushinawareta." Megumi answers.
"How far away ?"

Nobara scrunches up her nose as she thinks, "Around 2-3 hours by car ? I'm not sure. We kind of
just... run there and it usually takes 40 minutes."

You think it's going to get hard to get used to how different they are from you. And also to their
stares... they keep... staring at you as you eat. It sends a chill down your spine.

Yuuji seems to notice how uncomfortable you are as he looks down, "Sorry ! It's just that it's kinda
fascinating. Like you can just eat, and not vomit. Woaw."

Megumi snorts and shakes his head, "You were human not too long around, yet you act like you're
centuries old."

Yuuji ignores Megumi, his eyes move to your plate. "Can I have a slice ?"

Nobara groans. "Really ? What the heck Yuuji. That's very self-destructive, just so you know."

"Okay, whatever. You sounded like Maki right now, just so you know." Yuuji mocks.

"Speaking of me ?" A voice pipes in. You turn around to face Maki, dressed in black like the rest
of them.

"Maki ? You're up ? You usually sleep until it's dark." Yuuji exclaims.

"I heard we were welcoming a new person here today. Of course I'd come." She gives you a grin,
"Though I have to go soon... soon as in right now."

"You're going to check the borders ?"

"Toge's already there though ? I think Fushiguro joined him as well." Yuuji frowns.

You shiver at the mention of his name but you're glad to hear that he's not here.

"I still want to go. Everything is going as Geto and Kento planned. Which is why I worry. It's
going too smoothly. I want to check something."

You as well, want to check something.

You're feeling a bit adventurous—a strange emotion for you considering that you've always liked
playing it safe and playing by the rule.

After breakfast, you were guided back into your bedroom with Nobara who told that you should
stay here, without any further enlightenments.

You've been told to stay on the ground floor and the first floor. This is going to be the second time
you won't listen to one of Nobara's warnings. This time fully aware of what it could entail.

A unknown feeling swarms in the pit of your stomach. Anticipation ? Anxiety ? You can't possibly
know, their effects on you are the same, it makes you feel restless.

You're not dumb, and you've decided long ago to stop lying to yourself and instead look at the truth
that's in front of you—and even—search for it, like now, for instance.

You've been sent to a more fantasy-like version of a slaughter house.

And you're not going to act like a scared little lamb. You're not going to wait until one of them
finally deems you ripe enough for the plucking and drains you dry.
If you're going down, you want to choose when.

Your decision is immediate. It's right now.


It didn't actually happen right then.

Your period suddenly decided that it was right then that she would fuck you up, and you being the
simple mortal you are, you let her, gripping at your bedsheets for support. Through your frenzy,
you noticed a box of painkillers on your nightstand. You immediately swallowed two of them, and
spend 15 more minutes in agony before it slowly ebbed away.

It was only then that you found the force to open the door and went into the corridors, picking up a
candle along the way. There is no electricity in this damn house. It's as if you've been sent back to
medieval times (although the inside decorations of this place are more Victorian).

All the windows are closed and are covered by thick velvet curtains.

Your steps resonate a bit too loudly for your liking but it's too late to back down now, you've made
your choice.

You soon find stairs that lead you up to the second floor. Nobara didn't tell you what exactly is on
the other floors of this gigantic house. You're about to find out.

Everything is made similarly to the ground floor, you notice. There's another kitchen, a smaller
dinning room. You don't enter any of this spaces, though, you decide to stay in the dimly lit
You quickly decide that you're tired of having to squint your eyes to see, you walk to a window,
slide its curtain to the side and spread it open.

The air feels fresh as it hits you and you inhale loudly. The sun is barely up, it's still very early in
the morning.

You look at the landscape. Trees, everywhere. You don't see any fields, or anything to reassure
yourself that this place is populated by anything other than supernatural beings. You're so high up
on the mountain. This place feels so lonely. Like a fortress.

"Ah. Look who's here. A lost little bunny."

Your stomach drops as you turn around. It's Satoru. You haven't seen him since... the confessional.

His eyes are still as piercing as before, his body still as big. He didn't change. His smile grows
when you don't respond. He steps closer to you.

He's not alone. And that feeling that teeters between anticipation and anxiety is back in the form of
butterflies in the pit of your stomach. There's Suguru with him, he's got his hair up in a man bun
and his lips is a lazy grin. He's standing a bit behind Satoru, with his hands buried in the pockets of
his black slacks.

"I'm not lost." You don't like how weak you sound. "I was searching for Nobara."

"It's dangerous to walk around like that, didn't Nobara tell you that ?" Suguru prompts, his eyes
narrowing as he chuckles, his fangs showing.

They slowly stalk towards you, like predators.

"You know I could smell you from downstairs. We all could." Satoru reaches you first, caging you
between him and the wall.

"Mmh." Suguru nods, "Couldn't stop thinking about you. My mind kept going over the fact that
you were here in our house, with blood dripping down your cute little pussy." He stops to stand
next to him, the both of them looming over you.

"While our youngests might not drink human blood. We very much do." Satoru leans down to
speak in your ear, sending shivers down your entire frame. "You know what that means for you
princess ?" He inquires with his eyes glinting with mirth. You notice how the blue in them morphs
into a dark orange as he takes in more of you.

"That means that you're in danger, pet." Suguru finishes for him. "But you seem to like danger.
Always going where you're not supposed to, where you've been advised not to." Suguru tuts,
shaking his head, "We've got some training to do... kitten."

Danger is written all over them. Into their skin, into the way they look down at you with cruel grins
gracing their lips. There's so much darkness in them.

You look down at your pyjamas to avoid their eyes. It's too much. They feel so much different
from Nanami, much darker, a lot meaner as well and you find yourself nearly missing the man. "I-I
need clothes." You blabber out. You don't have anything with you. Not even your rosary. Not even
your silver knife.

Suguru blinks. "You don't need them. We don't mind you naked."

You gasp, "What ?—I do mind. I want clothes... I can't stay in pajamas all the time."

Satoru seems to pounder for a short while, calculating. "Okay. You're lucky I'm an extremely
considerate man. Come with me."

And then you finally feel like you can breathe again as he moves slightly away from you. He slides
your hand in his as he proceeds to literally drag you down the corridors. His legs are much longer
than yours, which make his steps bigger as well.

Suguru watches you struggle with strange curiosity but doesn't help you. The asshole. You don't
usually feel small, but it is now something that you feel every time you're next to one of them.
They're just so big, they'd look big in front of your father, they'd look big in front of anyone.

Satoru is a bit leaner than Suguru. You notice when you look at them side by side. Suguru has the
broadest shoulders you've ever seen.
Satoru finally notices you struggling and stops, "Oh, I forgot humans were like this." He suddenly
carries you in his arms, effortlessly. "So weak, so small. What a cute princess."

He then opens the door to a room with multiple sofas and a table in the middle.

He puts you on one of the sofas, so gently, like you're fragile, and you guess that in his eyes you
must be. In a lot of people's eyes you are.

He leaves and immediately comes back with clothes. His clothes. You know it because they smell
like him. Like apples and cinnamon. You thought he'd give you some of Nobara's or Maki's, not

"We'll be back in two minutes wether you're dressed or not." Suguru informs you and then they
both leave.

You take off your clothes in a hurry and when you're in nothing but your underwear, you finally
examine what Satoru brought you. A white shirt with black shorts. Sweet.

You put on the shirt, and it's too big for you, obviously, it stops right below your butt. You're
swimming in it, and it often falls off one of your shoulder, the sleeves are also too long. You can't
even wear the shorts because they keep sliding down your hips, and it's at that moment that Satoru
and Suguru barge back in, true to their words.

Suguru makes a strangled noise in his throat. "I cant believe you all got a taste but not me ? That's
not exactly fair."

"I didn't either." A new voice says. So deep and so smooth. It's Nanami. He appears between
Suguru and Satoru and walks straight to an armchair. The one that's the furthest away from you.

The way they look at you makes your insides curl. The way their low hooded eyes rake over your
form leave you feeling restless and all of a sudden much more self-conscious. Even Nanami—God
—especially Nanami. But the way he does has a calmness to it - a politeness ? You're not sure.
You don't see hunger in his eyes... more like appreciation. Your cheeks are burning.
You're still standing up with the shorts pooling at your feet, so you pick them up and go to Satoru,
handing it to him. "It's—it's too big."

"Oh," he grins coyly, "I didn't know." The way the words roll out of his tongue tell you that he did
know. He did it on purpose.

"It's a shame." Suguru says, not even bothering to meet your eyes at his stay on your body.

"Well, let's take a seat." Satoru closes the door behind him with a click.

You swallow. This is what you wanted isn't it ? To choose when you were going to get bitten, this
is as much of free will as you can take. You don't want wait alone and scared in your room until
one of them finally decides to come and eat the leftovers.

Satoru guides you to the couch and pulls you on his lap, your back flush against his chest. He feels
so cold and refreshing you can't stop the goosebumps from forming all over your skin.

"Now princess." He purrs in your ear. "Do you know why you're here ?"

You nod shyly, "Hum... as-as some sort of sacrificial lamb... ?"

Suguru turns your body a bit so that you're nearly facing him.

"Mmh smart girl," Suguru growls, he seems absent, he's still not looking at you, his eyes freely
roam over your body in such an indecent way.

"Not exactly as a sacrificial lamb." Nanami corrects, shifting slightly in his seat. "We won't kill
you. Not literally."

You don't know what that means.

"But we'll strip you off of your humanity, angel. Sooner than later." Suguru says with a barely
concealed excitation. His leans over you to press wet kisses to your neck, it's not unpleasant.
"I don't want this."

It's easier if they don't know you want it. If they don't know how delicious the thrill of it all feels,
how it makes your skin burn. You feel like they won't let you live it down if they do. You wish to
save as much as dignity as you can, and yes, even if you've stopped telling yourself lies, that
doesn't mean you can't lie to others.

"Little liar." Satoru snakes his hand around your neck, "I'll forgive you because you're so pretty."

"My kind of girl." Suguru groans. Satoru's shirt slides down one of your shoulder and Suguru
drinks in your exposed skin as he trails his kisses lower.

"N-no," you hope you sound convincing enough.

Oh what a person you've become—you now lie without batting an eye. You decide you don't care,
this is the only way you can keep your sanity—by changing. Furthermore, you highly doubt lying
will be the worst sinning you'll do in this house.

Nanami simply closes his eyes with a low sigh and he leans down on his seat, seemingly wanting
to play no part in what's taking place next to him.

"S-stop." You mewl, you put your hands on Suguru's shoulders weakly attempting to push him
away. He doesn't stop—it even seems to rile him up further.

Suguru's fingers are dancing over your waist. You blink. "I-I don't understand this." You mean the
game they're playing with you. All you know is that you're loosing, badly.

"We know." Satoru answers as he comes to press a kiss at your cheek. Your heart flutters. You feel
so small in his arms, so pliant.

"... I'm supposed to be your walking blood bag ? Something convenient ?" You ask.
"So that's the lie your mother told you to convince you ?" Satoru hums, "Creative, I'll admit that."

Your eyes widen. What—?

"I'm sure she didn't really need much convincing." Suguru pipes in. "She seemed so eager the last
time I saw her."

You're so confused. You want your mind to shut up—you want peace.

Hazing. You need hazing.

But you spent so much energy into trying to build this new version of yourself, this version of
yourself that is self-sufficient, that is strong. Somehow this moment feels significant. Will all your
efforts be in vain ?

"It's cute that you believed that." Suguru says, trailing his fingers around your waist, "Really cute.
In fact, if I were any more of an asshole I'd use it to my advantage to trick you."

You blink. Frustrated and confused. The conversation feels important but it's so hard to keep focus
with their hands all over you. "Why didn't you ?"

"We don't need do. There's hazing for a reason." Satoru whispers, his teeth grazing at your neck,
"Now how about we release the inner slut that's inside our little princess ?"

Your body tenses up. He's talking about hazing. Again that weird feeling that blurs between
anticipation and... no—there's only anticipation this time.

Suguru barks out a laugh. "Wouldn't that be fantastic ? We'd drink you right from the source." His
other hand is on the side of your thigh, moving up under your shirt. He reaches your underwear and
simply lets his hand rest there. "You'd let us lick your cute little pussy, wouldn't you ?"

"Even now." Satoru chuckles darkly, "You're not hazed, yet you came to us didn't you ?"
You shouldn't let yourself be carried away so easily. You still have so many questions that need

"But our little kitten wants to be forced." Suguru hums, his fingers digging in your skin. "You don't
need the hazing, but you want it. And then you'll scream and talk about how much we forced you,
how we manipulated you, when you're so wet, even now."

"What a dirty little slut." Satoru laughs, in mild disbelief. He puts his hand on your underwear right
over your cunt.

"Enough." Nanami finally says. His eyes are a deep crimson red. They match Suguru's. "Stop
playing with your food. Drink or leave her be."

Suguru whistles, "Sensitive aren't you ? Don't you know we like sharing ?"

"Father gave us instructions."

Satoru rolls his eyes, "That's because father's afraid we'll accidentally plow our cocks into her
virgin little pussy."

"You would."

"I want to." He corrects. "I won't. Not now at least. I have self control."

Your skin burns. You're sweating. You want them to touch you— more. You want them to ease the
ache that's located between your legs.

"How can I not when she's so eager ?" Satoru proceeds to move the hand that's between your legs,
pressing so deliciously on your clit, he does so while looking right into Nanami's eyes.

The only telltale that Nanami might even be remotely affected by what's happening in front of him
is his strained face. He doesn't move from where he's sitting, looking so powerful and so neat.
Fuck. He looks so good in his grey suit. It molds his body perfectly. You think you might be
"Come on little brother." Satoru grabs your cheeks, getting drool all over his fingers as he slips
your panties to the side with his other hand, exposing your pussy to everyone in the room. You're
wet and you're bleeding, they knew it, they could smell and now they can see it. "Our princess got
so wet from a little teasing. It would be cruel to simply leave her like that, wouldn't it ?" He teases
you, his finger circling along your slit and you whine.

You definitely won't survive this.

"Move your fucking hands Satoru." Suguru warns, growling. "I'm going to drain her right from this
fucking cunt." He gets to his knees on the floor, creeping towards you. He spreads yours legs—
wide. You could die from the embarrassment. They could've at least hazed you—

"Now baby. Do tell me." Satoru starts, satisfaction and cockiness laced with his every words, "Are
you hazed right now ?"

You shut your eyes closed. It feels painful to admit it to yourself. You're not about to say it out

Satoru puts his hand around your waist, locking you with him. "Princess, when I ask a question. I
except an answer."

Suguru's grip on your upper thigh is so strong that you know it'll leave a mark. You yelp when you
feel his sharp canine on the soft flesh of your leg, so close to your cunt. "Answer him, pet," he
says, his tone threatening. You're as scared as you're turned on. His mouth moves to your pussy
and swipes his tongue there, his teeth purposely grazing you. He groans lowly. You feel it on your

"I-I'm not hazed." You involuntary flex your hips on Suguru while he gives your pussy another
tentative lick. You briefly feel Satoru's hard cock against your ass. You're molten.

"You're not." Satoru agrees, one of his hand moving to your—well it's actually his—shirt, he
undoes the first few buttons, "And yet you are still so easy and desperate baby. I'm starting to see a

You whimper. The shame coating your entire being, but it only makes you burn hotter, makes you
ache for them more.
"I told you she's so much better when she's not hazed." Suguru talks fast, as if he's in a frenzy. His
eyes are bloodshot and his pupils are black and bottomless. And then it's as if he let go of the little
self-control he has as he dives into your pussy, licking and slurping loudly. The relief is immediate.
Finally, your body screams. You don't dare to look down at him—the scene must be so lewd, so
dirty, you wouldn't be able to handle it.

Satoru chuckles, and his chest vibrates against your back. "Princess, pardon him. This idiot hasn't
fed himself since you last saw him."

He does seem a bit different than before, more desperate, more hasty. His skin also looks paler,
now that you're aware. He was all about control before. It nearly feels as if the roles are reversed.
Satoru feels much calmer and poised than the last time.

"And I won't fucking eat again if it's not from her." Suguru growls.

"___." Nanami immediately gets your attention. He hasn't moved, his body is still in the same
position with his legs and arms crossed. The only difference is that the first buttons of his shirt are
now undone. "Listen carefully." You don't even have the time to give him an answer, "We didn't
tell you because we didn't want you to worry more than you already do, but it seems futile now.
You're not here as a sacrificial lamb. You're here to be protected." He looks at you straight in the
eyes, he seems serious and you feel guilty and so dirty to find your eyes desperately wandering on
his broad chest, wondering if he could undo just two more buttons to give your eyes something to
feast on. It's then that Suguru decides to circle your clit with his tongue, before lightly sucking on
it. You let out a moan, Nanami continues speaking, "You might also need protection from us...
since some of us," he gives a pointed look to the two other men, "Act like fucking teenagers with
no self-restraint."

You didn't think Nanami would be the type to curse, and frankly it turns you on.

"I wanna dig a hole in your body," Suguru suddenly says, there's no doubt that he didn't even listen
to the jab Nanami sent him. "I wonder what it would be like to jerk off with it." The way he eats
you out is so messy, he refuses to let any drop of blood go to waste, and even he brings his index to
your entrance and slowly pushes it in, he watches out for any blood dripping out. You can't deny
that it feels good, and you know that your release is so close. "A hole in your hand, maybe ?" He
sounds absent-minded but you don't think he's joking. He might truly be considering it—though
you can't bring yourself to care as his index slides against your walls, grazing a sensitive bundle of
nerves that has you mewling and grinding on his face, trying to get him to add more pressure to
that particular place.
Nanami massages his temples, he uncrosses his legs. "If we ever go too far, just say 'strawberry'
and we'll stop. It's your safe word." you nod, but you're not listening because all your attention has
shifted to his lap, where you can now see his very prominent dick bulging in his slacks. Oh fuck.
He's so big. Of course he is, they all are.

Suguru adds another finger inside of you, adding pressure to that particular place that has you
tensing on Satoru's lap, while he licks and sucks at your clit. Satoru doesn't do much, merely
watches as he plays with your hardened nipples over the fabric of your shirt.

You know what you need to get pushed over the edge, but you're too far gone and too desperate to
even be able to articulate it properly. "I—w-want-" tears are threatening to spill. You huff out in
frustration. Your orgasm is right here you just need—"Bite me - p-please I need it—"

Satoru laughs, it's downright mean and mocking. "I told you." He says to the others, he sounds a
bit breathless, like he can't believe it. "Our pretty little whore can't cum without being bitten."

You hear Nanami and Suguru both groan.

"It's a shame she realized it so quickly. I would've loved to see her writhe and whine cutely as she
desperately tries to reach a high she can't give herself." Suguru murmurs as his teeth graze at your

They're so cruel, and yet the fire in your lower abdomen only burns hotter at their words.

Satoru hums in agreement. He grabs your neck gently and you feel his nose on your skin. "Let's
give our vampire slut what she needs." And then he's biting you, his canines forcing themselves
into your skin.

Suguru quickly follows suit as the pace of his fingers quickens inside of you and he digs his teeth
into your thigh, the closest to your pussy.

Your eyes are open—you swear they are but you can't see. Not with the pleasure nearly blinding
you. Your mind is a mindless wreck. It feel as if you're falling and the anticipation is endless until
you feel as if a dam just broke and pleasure finally blooms through your cunt, spreading to your
entire body. Not being hazed makes everything feel so much more intense, so much more real, you
think you might be going delirious as you very nearly drown with pleasure.
You're proud of yourself for going through it unhazed. Hazing is something that's easy to get used
to, you know it. And when you realize that hazing can be a solution to everything it's hard to
convince yourself of another option. You used to be like this, back in the police station with Father
Fushiguro and Suguru. You currently feel so immensely proud of yourself. You're changing, bit by

The intensity of your orgasm has you still shaking on Satoru's lap, even as it starts to slowly ebb
away. Satoru and Suguru both stop biting you at the same time and the latter then slips his fingers
out of your pussy. He licks them clean, all while looking at you. He seems calmed down, his eyes
are still a deep crimson, but they're not black and bottomless like before.

"Thank you for the meal." You absently hear Suguru standing up. He sits right next to you and
shifts your body so that you're both on his and Satoru's lap. They both keep a hand resting on your
thigh, and Satoru keeps his other firmly on your waist, rubbing comforting circles at your sides.
Suguru softly caresses your cheek and presses a kiss to your temple. "You've been very good, pet."
He nuzzles his face on your neck.

"So so perfect princess." Satoru rests his chin on your shoulder. "What would you like as a reward

Is that how it's going to be ? You let them stick their fangs into your skin and you get rewards ?

"I want clothes." The smart thing to do would've probably been to ask the so many questions that
are burning your lips, but you know better by now. They won't really answer them, they'll just find
a way to leave you even more confused.

"Leave it to us." Satoru kisses your exposed shoulder.

"What do you think of a collar ?" Suguru wonders.

You frown and start to wriggle in their embrace. "No. I'm not a dog."

"Of course not." He agrees. "Dogs are messy and smell bad. You're my little kitten. My cute pet."
He pauses, "Do you like dresses ? What do you prefer between skirts and pants ?"

"She'd look really good in cute little skirts." Satoru says. Suguru hums in agreement.
Oh they're taking this seriously.

Your breathing is slow and ragged. This entire situation, if feels nearly... domestic.

"Are you guys finished ? If so let her go. She needs rest." Nanami pipes in, he sounds a bit restless,
still strained. His jaw is so tense. His cock looks so hard. You realize that he hasn't bit you, and
you think... you hope he wants to.

"Stop acting like a decent guy and come eat." Suguru scolds him. Nanami ignore him though, and
turns his sight to you instead. He stands up to walk in your direction and then he's standing in front
of you.

"Can I ?" He leans down, his red hooded eyes still on you, his mouth hovering your neck.

He's asking for permission. It's the bare minimum and yet it makes your heart flutter. There's
something so attractive about how asks you, like if he knows you'll say yes, but simply wants you
to be comfortable. You barely manage to choke out a yes before you feel his mouth on the skin of
your neck. Goosebumps are erupting all over you, there's nothing you can do to stop the thrill.

He bites you slowly, a complete contrasts to the other men. You can feel distinctly feel his fangs
slide into the skin of your neck. You can feel him take a few mouthfuls, still as dreadfully slow,
before he pulls away. His eyes are a warm orange as he pats your head.

"Thank you sweetheart." He rasps, giving you a panty-dropping smile before walking back to his

"You must have some questions." Suguru kisses your temple again, "I'm feeling charitable. I'll
answer a few."

You stay silent for a few seconds, "Am I going to become a vampire ?"

"Do you know how one becomes a vampire ?"

"... by being bitten ?"

Satoru lets out a sound akin to a snort. "Is this what you learned from your father's books ?"

You huff, "Then how is it ?"

Satoru doesn't let that go however as he starts laughing. "Are you worried you'll become one of us

"Yes." You say as if it's obvious. "I don't want to become a monster like you."

"You clueless little fool. If we're monsters then you must be a demon, or something of the kind."

"I'm human."

"Right." He nods as if to pacify your nerves and it angers you even more. "You are, you're human."
He sounds demeaning. You try to wriggle out of his arms once again but he doesn't let you go.

"Humans are monsters too, in their own way." Nanami argues. You look at him, he's been so silent
you didn't really think he'd take part in the discussion. "Slavery. Wars. The list is endless." He
shrugs, "Truly, what makes us so horrible ? We simply treat you like you treat animals. How come
it's only accepted when you do it."

"Because you used to be alive," you do your best to defend your point, even as the seeds of doubt
are being planted in your mind. "It's inhumane."

"Well it's a good thing we're not humans anymore. We don't care what's humane or not." Satoru
reminds you by grazing his sharp canines on your collarbones. You shiver.

"We do what we have to do to survive. Is that truly a crime ?" Nanami reasons.

"I... I—" you stutter. In retrospect, it was really unfair of them to try to argue with you in your
current state. You can barely manage to stay conscious with the mind blowing orgasm they gave
you and the blood they took from you. Maybe you were being a bit mean earlier —you start

Suguru chuckles, "So cute, so gullible." Again, that demeaning tone.

"Really princess, you shouldn't let yourself get swayed so easily." Satoru laughs and it prickles
your skin with annoyance and shame.

"We are monsters." Nanami finally says. "You should be worried about not becoming one of us."

"Don't worry. We won't make you a vampire. And you won't get changed by getting bitten. That's
not how it works." Satoru explains. He removes his hand from where they were roaming on your
body. "I'll have to leave soon." He informs everyone.

Suguru lifts an eyebrow, "So you are going to the party."

Nanami frowns. "What party ? You mean the one in the underworld ?"

"Yeah." Satoru grins.

Nanami closes his eyes. "Considering the situation we're in, it's not the wisest decision."

"It's a neutral territory, it's as safe as it can get." Satoru looks at you with those blue eyes of his.
"You want to come ?"

Nanami grunts, his eyes still shut. "You can't be serious. That party will be swarming with
vampires amongst other things. And she's not to be left unguarded."

"She'll be with me."

"My point exactly."

Satoru shrugs, "It's a shame isn't it baby ?" He pouts, "I cant take you to the party with me, not
when you look like such a pretty party favor."

"Mmh, and smells perfectly ripe for the plucking." Suguru adds, his eyes a light amber.

"They wouldn't be able to resist you."

You don't know what they're talking about. Your entire body is starting to ache, and it's not the
good kind of pain.

Suguru gives you a look. "You're tired." He states. "You should go sleep."

"I-I'm not-" You want argue that you're not too tired. You've still got some more snooping around
you want to do, you want to explore this mysterious place fully.

"Sleep." Suguru orders you and you fall limp on their laps, your face resting on his chest.

"I think I should be applauded." Satoru says when your small snores start filling the room.

"For what ?" Nanami sighs.

"For my restraint." He explains matter-of-faculty. "She walks in our house smelling so sweet and
father tells me to behave ?"

You shiver in your sleep.

"Is she cold ?" Nanami asks, he's not really expecting an answer, he instead gives life to the
fireplace with a snap of his fingers.

However you can't stop shivering. They don't know that it's not because you're cold, but because of
the nightmare you're currently having. The usual one.
You aren't able to recognize or discern anything of your surroundings. Everything looks like a
vague blur, as if it is coated in some kind of thick, misty dark fog.

Your mother is standing in front of you, her body shaking and her teeth clattering. She's smiling,
except it looks dark and twisted. Your mother's shirt is entirely soaked, and it is clutching at her
skin as she's staggers to you, her body quivering some more as she lets out a pitiful laugh.

"Good, good, my child." She looks pathetic and suffering, but her tone is soft and validating, "I
knew you'd do it, you've always been good." She gives you a look absolutely full of pride,
something you've never on her face before.

It's when your mother's body suddenly jerks forward and that she coughs up what seems to be
blood violently that you realize that she's coated in it. You only now notice it dripping down her

The dream starts to feel more real when you realize that you are too. You shiver in cold sweat. The
blood feels nice and warm on your skin, but you're scared and pathetic. You mother's is shaking
and convulsing, but there is nothing but happiness and satisfaction on her features.

"Now, kill me." She demands and you shake your head. You let out a wet sob as she clutches her
stomach, you see the first evidence of her suffering on her face as she winces.

You wake up with a small cry in your bedroom.

Your mouth is dry. So dry. You need water. You stand up and stagger towards the door. Your
mind is foggy, you can barely see but you find your way to the kitchen. Someone's there already.
They're sipping on what seems to be red wine. You blink a few times. His hair is messy and dark.
It's Megumi.

"I-I didn't know you were here." You breathe out. You suddenly feel dizzy and try to find balance
on the wall.

"It's alright." He says, tone as neutral as his face. He's never been particularly nice to you. You
wonder if it's for the same reasons as Nobara. You don't think so.

To your surprise he moves to the fridge and takes out a water bottle. "You wanted this right ?"
You nod and walk towards to him. He hands you the bottle.

"You don't have to get a glass. No one drinks water here."

You nod once again, feeling strangely intimidated by him. He seems so indifferent. You wonder if
he knows what went up on the second floor. You hope not. You start drinking. He continues
drinking his wine. You think it might actually be blood. It would make more sense.

"Can I ask a question ?" You inquire timidly.

He lifts an eyebrow before nodding. He's nearly finished with his glass, you think he's going to

"I'm not going to run away. Why is no one telling me what's happening ?"

Megumi seems to ponder for a short moment. "Because they're scared of you going berserk on
everybody once you realize." He snorts, there's a ghost of a smile on his lips, "You're much
stronger than you think."

"I'm not... I'm not strong enough." Your shoulders slump. "I can't think of any scenarios in which
I'd ever overpower any of you."

"You could do some damage if you really tried. Physical, I mean." He pauses. "Although, it's really
not hard to hurt them emotionally when it's about you, you know." He shrugs and turns to give you
a quizzical look. "You're their little pet, aren't you ? Following orders, letting them dress you up.
Always so sweet and eager."

The built-up of emotions and feelings you've tried to keep in check suddenly all come back up. "I
hate you." You spit. You don't really mean it. You're just ashamed.

"Okay." He lifts an eyebrow, unimpressed. "Get in line. I already hate myself." And then he leaves
the kitchen.
You feel bad, but you'll apologize later. Right now you feel a raging headache coming through.
Not without struggling, you drag your body back to your room.

You easily fall into slumber. It's always like this after they feed from you. You get so tired.

That time, you get another nightmare featuring your mother. Except that one is different from the
one you usually have.

"My darling, my baby." You first hear her voice, a slow murmur in your ear. You wake up, startled.
You jolt up to meet her eyes. Her faces looks serene. She's beautiful, you always thought she was.
You only realize now that you're in your bedroom, the one you own in your parent's house.
Everything feels so familiar.

A sob rocks through your entire body. An overwhelming wave of emotions threatens to drown you.
Sadness, regret, guilt, even grief. That what you're feeling.

You try to decrypt the scene. Why are you wailing so loudly ? It finally clicks. You're crying for
something, someone. You're mourning. Who ? Why ? You're still confused. You're watching
yourself fall apart from afar and there's nothing you can do about it.

Your mother does her best to calm you down, but it hardly does anything. You think you don't
realize that she's still here, all you can think about is that person you're so desperately missing.
You're ready to let yourself wallow in your sadness.

Why is your mother always so put together when you're a mess ?

Through your teary eyes, you look at your hands, they're so wet, it's normal from how much you're
crying. Your vision focuses a bit more and it's only then that you notice the blood, it's dried but it's
still there—on your body as well, on your shirt, on your skirt. You're shaking, unstoppable.

It's then that your mother gives you a knife. Your silver knife. Reluctantly, you take it, gripping it so
hard your fingernails imprint on the skin of your palms. There's what looks like dried blood on the
metal as well.

And then you wake up.

You're panting. You keep telling yourself that it's over, and that they're only dreams but you can't
shake off feeling that they might be more than that. It felt so lucid, so clear, it always feels like that.

You don't know if you're relieved that instead of getting your usual nightmare you got yourself a
new one. Granted, the new one is less scary but it is also more depressing. You truly hope this is
the first and last you'll see of it. You think back on your usual nightmare, which grossly consists of
seeing your mother bleeding furiously, asking you to kill her.

Yeah. Both are pretty bad.

What the fuck is happening to you.

Chapter End Notes

I hope it wasn’t too boring ://

I’m really looking forward to reading your comments ^^

Chapter Summary

You're in the palm of his hand, right where he wants you.

Right where you belong.

Chapter Notes

I wrote this when I was sick & didn't have time to edit it. Except mediocre writing &
typos. But at least I'm back. Here is 5K

See the end of the chapter for more notes

YOU HAVEN'T seen Suguru, Satoru or even Nanami since... well that fateful encounter. You
didn't wander around the manor, now painfully aware that as long as you're on your period, you
can't really move around incognito. Your period is over now. You can't be any more grateful.

You're being spoiled. Although you haven't seen Suguru, Satoru, Nanami, or even Father
Fushiguro for at least a week they all make sure thats you're not missing anything. As soon as you
mention wanting something to Nobara or anyone else, even jokingly, you find it in your room the
next day. Books, paper to write, a freaking desk and more.

Not to mention your freshly packed wardrobe. True to their words, the morning after they fed from
you, your wardrobe was filled with skirts, dresses and shirts. No pants, at all. There's some pink, a
bit of white, and a lot of black. It goes from very feminine with frills and lace to a bit tougher with
combat boots, and bomber jackets. On your nightstand, there was also a box filled with jewelries
such as earrings, necklaces and bracelets of all sorts, all of them made of gold and most of them
adorning expensive-looking jewels. You're painfully aware of your situation—you were thrown
into this messy life involving vampires without your consent, but even considering all of this,
you're starting to feel a bit burdened by all of their gifts.

It's nothing you're used to. You're grateful that they're taking care of you—albeit a bit too well,
however, you don't see yourself going up to any of them and thank them for it (isn't it kind of their
fault that you're in this situation to begin with ?) It also kind of makes you feel like a slut. Getting
sucked dry in exchange of a lavish and luxurious life in a manor. You wince.

They didn't have to spend so much money for you. They really didn't. Now you're getting mixed
feelings. You should hate them, you really should, but you don't. You won't go as far as saying that
you like them or that you appreciate them. Those emotions seem too strong to explain how you feel
about your current situation. You're resigned, you've accepted your fate. Although one thing you
can't wrap your finger around is why you're here. Apparently you're being protected now. From
who ? Your first guess would be vampires.

You go to your desk and take out a sheet of paper.

Ushinawareta—>vampire town

Me—>sacrificial lamb (?)


—>say that they're protecting me

—>also said that my parents could be in danger too (from other vampires ??)

Why would vampires try so hard to find me ?

Why am I special ?

Is it related to my blood ? —>they said it was sweet.

You exhale loudly.

Today, you decided on a mid-length black pleated skirt with a cropped shirt of the same color. You
thought to add a dark blue mini cravat as well, even if it's barely visible due to the lack of contrast
of your clothes. On your legs are long black socks that stop around mid-thigh and on your feet
black combat boots.

With all this black, you think they might be rubbing off on you. You're slightly frightened to think
that you don't mind.

You're not allowed out, ever. You have to ask permission to open the windows. You're in a gilded

You've also been more curious about vampires in general. How long can they go without blood ?
The answer would be around one week before they start to truly feel the hunger. Do they have
blood ? No, they have venom. All kind of questions that Nobara and Yuuji gladly answered.

You're starting to wonder about how it would feel like to bite into her suple skin. The vampires
always make it look so good, so enjoyable everytime they bite into you. You start to daydream
about sinking your teeth into Nobara's bare arm, feeling the cold venom slide down your throat.
You don't notice you've been staring at her arm for some time until she lets out a cough. You jerk.

Your throat suddenly feels dry. "I—uh," you swallow down painfully, "Your arm, it—uh, it just
looks super strong."

Nobara laughs loudly from where she is on the couch. You're all currently in the living room that's
on the ground floor, Nobara, Yuuji, Megumi and you. You don't know why Megumi is always with
you when he doesn't really seem to even enjoy himself. There are plenty of things to do here, video
games, board games, there's even a TV (and you thought there was no electricity in this damn
place, turns out they just really like candles).

You focus your sigh back on the chessboard in front of you. Yuuji and Megumi are currently
playing with you and Nobara watching the game intently. Yuuji is losing, he doesn't seem to notice
it though.

"There's electricity here right ?" You ask although you already know the answer.

"Yeah." Megumi hums.

"Then why all those candles ?"

"It's just easier." Nobara grins, "Do you not like them ? We can see in the dark, it's for you, really."

"How is it easier ?"

"Most of us can control fire," Megumi explains, "We simply have to snap our fingers and voilà the
candles are lit."

"They also don't like technology." Nobara snorts. "It's all deliberate. They're all so old."

"Father Fushiguro is very bad with technology." Yuuji guffaws.

"I think they all just don't like it. They had no TV before we came along." Nobara makes a shocked
face as she turns to you. "Can you believe it ? No TV ? They read the daily newspaper to gain
information. What are we ? In the 1900s ?"

"We don't see a need for technology, that's all." Megumi grumbles, rolling his eyes at all of you.

You're wondering how old they all are—physically they seem to be your age.

"Okay grandpa." Yuuji teases.

"Checkmate Yuuji." Megumi retaliates by taking his king.

Yuuji groans in frustration but seems to recover quickly, "What do we do now ? Let's watch a

"We're not watching Barbie again." Megumi is quick to warn.

"Barbie and the 12 Dancing Princesses was my childhood." Nobara pouts.

Your eyes widen. "I loved that one too !"

She smiles and takes your hand in her gloved one. "We truly have amazing taste."

"How about The Great Gatsby ?" Megumi proposes. "It's not too old right ?"
"The one with young Decaprio in it ?"


"Okay. Let's put it." Yuuji decides.

As Nobara searches for The Great Gatsby in their dvd collection you find your eyes trailing over
her arm all the way to her hand again. The room consists of one couch, two armchairs, a TV, a
table and multiple bookshelves filled with movies and videogames of all sorts.

"Nobara ? Why do you always wear gloves ?"

"Uh." She freezes, "Don't be freaked out okay ? But touching your bare skin makes me hungry. It's
just protection."

You nod. Yuuji, Megumi and Maki don't wear gloves but they don't touch you at all. You feel
surprisingly calm about this new piece of information.

"Although we don't drink human blood, it's hard to fight the urge sometimes and animal blood
doesn't quite quell the thirst."

"So is it kind of like drinking salty water when you're thirsty ?" You ask.

"No." Yuuji shakes his head. "Not to this extent. I've never drank human blood, so I don't really
know, honestly. But animal blood can feed us, it just doesn't feel satisfying. It's like something is

"Oh." You nod. You didn't know they could do that. Why don't all of them go vegetarian then ?
For the same reasons every humans on earth aren't, you guess.

You're glad they're at least answering some your questions. You still don't really know what you're
doing here but at least you know more stuff about your roommates now. Stuff like the fact that
they can stand in the sun or the light but it ends up hurting their skin. Kind of like an extreme
sunburn but that they don't really care since they heal abnormally fast.

You then stay silent for the duration of the movie. When the credit starts rolling, you hear the door
being slammed open.

"Hey." A grave but feminine voice says. You haven't seen her since you arrived.

"Maki." Megumi greets her.

She's not alone, next to her is a short boy you've never seen before. His facial expression is blank.
He's got light blonde hair that fall on his forehead and threatens to nearly cover his eyes, which are
a dark blue—wait no—they're violet. This man's got purple freaking eyes.

"How are the borders ?" Nobara asks, standing up to go give her a light hug, she does the same to
the stranger boy.

"We've been there for some time and we didn't notice any movements. We're fine, for now. Some
of us will have to go back to make sure."

"Fushiguro is coming soon ?" Yuuji asks.

Maki simply nods then finally turns to you. "She doesn't know, right." She says, ominous.


She walks to you, "That's Toge." She gestures to the boy next to her. "We've got two more people
that you haven't met yet staying at the borders. Before your ask—yes we've got a limited space we
can live in. Ushinawareta is part of our space. This place as well. Vampires who don't belong in our
family aren't allowed on our land unless they ask us beforehand and we agree. If they do trespass,
we fight. That's basically it."

This feels like the Middle-Ages. "So some of you have to stay at the borders to make sure no one
trespasses ?"
"Most vampire families do. We do, sometimes, when we feel threatened. Like now."

"But we're not in danger." Nobara adds, probably only to reassure you.

"Not in immediate danger." Megumi corrects.

Realization dawns upon you. "It's my fault isn't it ? It's because you took me in that were in

Nanami said they were protecting you. It doesn't help that they look slightly uncomfortable.

"We're not well appreciated in the vampire community," Toge says. His voice is soft, befitting his
looks. "It would've happened eventually."

"Yeah." Megumi shrugs. "They were itching to find a reason to try and wipe us out. They have one
now, I guess."

"Anyway." Maki claps her hand, changing the subject. "We have a dinner tonight. At 10pm. Be

"With everyone ?" Yuuji looks excited.

"Yeah, well, everyone minus my sister and the brute. They're still out, remember ?" She's at the
door now, ready to leave the room with Toge in tow. Nobara follows after her. She seems to have
missed her.

Nobara gives you a last glance.

"And __ ?"

You blink at her, tilting your head questioningly.

"Dress well. Don't think we haven't noticed you wearing the same skirt for days in a row." She
winks at you and then she's gone.

Your cheeks warm. Everything else they took is way too short. And they're no pants. Not. A.
Single. One. You're not used to showing skin. You don't like it.


You don't like what's happening to you. Father Fushiguro and the others are in the manor, they're
back—you're how sure how you know it but you do. You can feel it. You can feel them, their
presence, roaming in the halls. This is precisely what's bothering you. At first you thought that your
senses were just messing with you.

You remember reading about this in one of your father's books. It said that the first signs of turning
into a vampire are heightened senses.

They said they weren't going to turn you. If what you're feeling aren't vampire symptoms you
simply don't know what they are.

Or perhaps did all of those bites on your body create some sort of link between you and them ?

You're not sure how you're so convinced it's them and how all of this is even possible but you still
feel anger and something akin to injustice and frustration bubble in your chest.

You're in the corridors, using all your senses to try and find at least one of those goddamned
vampires—because you've scarified too much for them; your family and your sanity. You
absolutely refuse to let them take your humanity as well.
You stop in front of a huge door and suddenly realize the absurdity of your thoughts. What are you
even going to do ? You're weak.

A wry smile makes its way onto your lips. Regardless, you decide to knock.


You open the door and it creaks loudly under its own weight. You step in and you're immediately
in awe at the sight that greets you. It's a library, and it's huge. The books look even older than you
are, all of them, and you can't help but wonder about where they all came from.

There's seemingly no one, but you're no fool. Vampires are stealthy creatures, and you feel at least
one of them in this very room. Your senses are on high alert.

Your chest is buzzing with excitement as you pass by the multiple bookshelves and inhale the
comforting smell of paper. You've never seen this room before, it's not very surprising, you're
currently on the third floor and you've never been there before.

A book catches your attention—Dracula you carefully read. The cover is old, that much you can
tell, and very dusty. It's got a yellow cover with its name written in big red letter and under it the
name of its author; Bram Stoker. Is it an original ? You only noticed it because your father has
always wanted to own an original copy of this novel. For how long has this been gathering dust in
this library ? You can't believe you've been living in the same place as such an expensive item—

Are those my father's books?

You could recognize the covers in the dark. You're briefly bewildered to find those here before the
initial feeling of surprise is replaced by sadness. You wonder how your parents are doing at the
moment. Do they miss you ? Are they safe ? You're often plagued with thoughts of them but
always try to push them back to a lonely corner of your mind. However uneasiness isn't an easy
feeling to shake off. You wish you could talk to them, you didn't expect your anger towards them
to thin out so fast, and now all you're left with is an emptiness in your chest.

Hazing would be really great right now.

"Little bunny," a dark, gravely voice says and your body seems to recognize it even before you do
as goosebumps erupt all over your arms and your heart nearly threatens to burst out of your chest.

He's sitting on a love seat with his legs spread at the very back of the library, where a fire is lit and
is filling the long, uncomfortable silence. There's a small table next to him with a few books on it.
He rests his arm at the back of them, and in his hand is a glass of what appears to be wine but
you're not dumb, it's way more likely that it is blood. His hair is messy and the first few buttons of
his black shirt are undone exposing a generous amount of his chest and what appears to be ink on
his skin.

You didn't even know he had a tattoo, and now you're wondering if he'd show it to you. His eyes
are dark and hooded but still very much green, a piercing green, a green to seems to be able to read
you like a book.

"You don't have anything to say to me, even after so long ?" Father Fushiguro mock-pouts before
taking a languid sip of his drink.

"No, not really." You say quickly before sliding your eyes back to the book you're so carefully
holding in your hands. "I-is that an original?"

His eyes briefly move to your book of interest, with an obvious disinterest, "Most likely. You'll
have to ask the others, although this is my library, they have a tendency to not respect boundaries."

You could say the same for him, but you decide not to.

"You look healthier." He notes, his eyes weirdly calculating. "Anything weird happened ?"

You think you might have a different standard to what's weird. Being here in itself is peculiar.
Their existence is more than weird.

"Uh. I don't really know."

He hums. His eyes go from your lips, to the bite marks on your neck. They're no longer green but a
light orange.
"I have been thinking about biting a lot though." You admit. You look away when you cheeks start
to feel too hot. "You always make it look so pleasing. I'm starting to wonder what it'd feel like."

His lips slowly stretch in a knowing grin, his sharp canines on full display. "It is very pleasing."

You nod. The room is starting to feel a bit too hot, you wish he would stop looking at you like that.
He taps on the spot next to him on the love seat.

You blink, he can't possibly think you'll sit next to him—

"Come on angel," he goads you, voice like saccharine, "I promise I just want to talk."

You relent, partly because you also want to ask him something. You sit as far as you physically can
on the seat that is rendered impossibly small by the father's imposing frame. However it's no use as
he immediately grabs you by the hips to place you directly on his waist.

"Y-you said you just wanted to—"

"Hush, little dove," he brings a finger to his lips, his other hand stays firmly on your hips. "You
can't be making so much noise, the others are still asleep. Plus it's more comfortable this way isn't
it ?"

You sigh. You don't know where to put your hands so you let them awkwardly hover his chest. He
chuckles, the sound rumbles. "I might even let you see that tattoo you've been ogling so much." He
muses as he places your hands on his broad shoulders.

"I wasn't ogling." You weakly argue.

"Alright." He easily complies, "Whatever floats your boat."

You take a few seconds to truly take him in. He looks... tired. You suddenly notice how you don't
feel as anxious and nervous as you usually do around him. You're not given the opportunity to
dwell on it much more as his eyes suddenly slide over to yours and they don't leave.
You look away, the proximity and the eye-contact proven to be too much for you.

"You were going to sleep right ?" You ask, slowly moving your hand to push away a stubborn
strand of his hair that fell on his forehead.

He leans in your touch. "Probably."

You think it might be around 11am, it's actually kind of late in vampire terms.

"I have a theory," you start, watching his reaction closely, "About why I'm here."

"Interesting." His voice is monotonous.

You ignore him, "You're protecting me aren't you ?"

He hums, his hand sliding into yours as he interlocks your fingers.

"So what my mother told me was a lie. She said that I've been sent here as a sacrificial lamb."

He doesn't react, and you pout in frustration.

"My guess is that you're protecting me from other vampires. I'm convinced of that, actually."

He brings your hand to his lips and kisses it. "Good enough." He praises. "It was honestly a bit
upsetting how clueless you were, thinking we were the big bad guys."

"And you aren't ?"

His smirk becomes dark, "Not in your story." He picks up his glass of blood that he had put on the
floor and takes a languid sip. His eyes slowly close. When he opens them, they're bloody red,
matching with the drink in his hand.

"They're other things I don't know though..."

"I don't think it would be my place to tell you about them, though."

You sigh. You knew you would get nothing out of it but you still tried.

"Maybe your parents." He suddenly says in a pensive tone, but there's a glimmer of excitement in
his eyes. He's very clearly toying with you. He closes his eyes again.

"You took me away from them."

"You agreed to come, though."

"It was like choosing between bad and worse, I didn't have much of a choice."

He opens one eye to peer at you. "You do seem awfully sad about being here." He exaggerates.

You huff frustratedly, "I knew you wouldn't understand or wouldn't care to understand."

There's a silence, he's ignoring what you've just said. "We've never really talked like this before."
He notes, mostly to himself. It doesn't really sound like a complaint.

"You mean that we've never talked without you hazing my brain out." You correct, but there's no
real bite, not anymore.

"You bring up hazing often don't you ?" He muses as he brings one of his cold fingers to your
cheeks, slowly caressing it. The gesture feels so intimate you try to pull away, but he firmly keeps
you in place. You huff again, finally giving up. "One would think that you miss being hazed, with
how much you're talking about it." His thumb traces circles on your cheek and you feel yourself
getting hotter.
"I-I don't."

"Alright." He nods, "You know you can ask, right ?"

You suddenly feel the need to change the subject, "I've been—I learned a lot about vampires these
past few days."

He hums, waiting for you to go on.

"But they've never told me your age. How old are you exactly ?"

"921 years old."

You gasp, your eyes widening. "Wow. Were you born in Japan ? During the Heian period ? In
which class were you—"

He groans, his chest vibrates. "What do I get in return for telling you ?"

You whine, throwing your head back. "Seriously? I can't even know that !?"

His mouth quirks up, "I didn't say I wouldn't tell you, I simply asked what you'd give me in return."

"My own past ?"

"I already know about it."

"Of course you do." You roll your eyes.

"Watch your attitude, princess." He says, tone admonishing. You suddenly remember why you
were always scared of him in the past as his crimson eyes narrow and his grip on your waist
tightens. Your breath hitches. He's dangerous. He smells like danger. He's probably got so much
blood on his hands.

"Sorry..." you cast your eyes down.

A silence stretches, in which your hear him sigh softly. He places his glass of blood back on the

"I was a slave." His voice is emotionless, he says like he's talking about mundane stuff, like the
weather. "So I guess I was in the lowest class there is."


He chuckles at you and you like how low it sounds. "You don't have to feel bad for me princess. It
was centuries ago. I'd say I'm pretty well off now." His thumb is tracing your jaw, gently. You see
his face approach yours. He presses his lips against yours, it's slow, it's soft, it's nearly loving. He
moves away, and looks at you, thoughtful, "Maybe I'll tell you more one day. I'll see."

He presses your body flush against his, your noses are nearly touching. His moves his hand to your
cheek, slightly pushing your head to the side, barring your neck to him. You feel his arousal press
on your ass and your body immediately heats up. What even got him so worked up ? "W-what are
you—'' he licks at your neck, his tongue barely scraping the old bite marks but it's enough to force
a whine out of your lips as you nearly dig your fingers into his shoulders.

"They're sensitive aren't they ?" He muses and to show his point, his noses at one of them and a
powerful shiver rocks through your entire frame. He doesn't stop, and soon you're whimpering on
his lap, a now familiar fire pooling in your stomach. His cold fingers slide under your shirt, tracing
your body until they reach your bra. "What did you think of our gifts ?" You think back to the
clothes, the gifts, the jewellery, the food and you suddenly feel very sheepish.

"I didn't need this much but," you force out, your face feeling warm under his ministrations. "It was
very nice of you."

It was nothing to him, simply a few gifts but he feels you softening against him and thinks he can
utilise that. "Don't you want to make it up to me ?" You can feel him grinning against your neck.
With expert hands, he unclips your bra and you immediately feel his cold fingers on your nipples.
You can't help but awkwardly roll your hips against his stomach, trying desperately to get some
sort of relief.

You bite your lip, thinking. You don't like feeling like you owe to people—or feeling like a burden,
and you're currently experiencing both. You rest your head on his shoulder. He's so firm and so big
and he smells so good. You eyes drift to his neck and stay there for a little while. "Do you want to
bite me ?" You propose softly.

"How generous of you." He rasps. You don't have the time to analyse if he's being sarcastic as he
pierces your skin with his sharp canines.

You moan loudly, grinding against his hard abdomen. The hand that is under your shirt continues
to massage the sensitive bud and the hand that is on your cheeks lowers to the other side of your
neck, gently caressing the older bite marks as he creates a new one. You cry out, the pleasure only
intensifying, and squirm in his lap—not knowing wether you're trying to run away from the
pleasure or chase it. And too soon it ends, leaving you with jagged breaths and a feeling of longing
that settle deep between your legs.

He laps at the blood that dribbles, before leaning back to admire his work. "How are you feeling ?"
He asks and you hear him as clear as day but your mind is is struggling to process his question.
"My perfect girl." The words go straight to your core and you roll your hips a bit harder. It's like
your brain has been dipped in cotton candy. Were you always this calm, this relaxed ? The
peacefulness of your own mind takes you by surprise.

You feel his hand slide underneath your skirt and you preen, impatiently.

The rough pads of his fingertips stop at your underwear, and he delicately slides it off your legs
before pocketing it. He presses kisses on your neck, on your jaw, all of this to distract you from the
fact that he isn't touching you where you truly need it. After a few minutes, you come back to your
senses, your body feeling a bit tired.

You blink. "Did you haze me ?" A feeling akin to betrayal prickles your skin.

He merely hums, peppering more kisses on your neck, purposely avoiding the bite marks.

"Why ? I—"you feel something wet trickles down your thigh before realising something. "You
took my underwear !"

His grin is neither guilty nor sheepish as he says "I was hoping you wouldn't notice that."

You make a move to leave his lap, but he doesn't let you. "Let me go."


"I didn't need to be hazed." Your tone is reproachful.

"I know."

"All of this to take my underwear, seriously ?"

He shrugs. "I'm not giving it back."

You're speechless for a few seconds "You're crazy." You murmur. "Can I ask you a favour ?"

He already knows what you're going to say but still humours you. "Yes."

"Don't haze me anymore."

He doesn't ask why because he knows why. He knows everything. He doesn't answer you.

"I think..." you start, unsure, "I think I'm special. Is it my blood ? Is that why other vampires are
trying to get to me ?"

He stays silent.
"What if I didn't want your protection anymore and went to them ?" You know you're playing with
fire—you're technically threatening him. You're not sure if he's even going to be affected,
considering he most likely only sees you as an easy-to-access meal. He doesn't even look like the
type to do anyone a favor. So why did he agree to protect you ? What does he gain from this ?

His eyes go pitch black, bottomless, and you're frightened, but you stand your ground. "I want to
know what everyone is hiding me. I need to know." The air around you suddenly feels heavier, and
you're worried you might loose the ability to breathe.

His hand is suddenly on your neck. "You think you have a choice in this matter darling ?" His
laugh his mirthless, "You're mine. You won't leave." His hand on your neck is shaking, like he's
fighting with himself not to start applying pressure there. "If you even do so much as try to leave,
or continue to entertain that thought in your cute little head, then I'll become the bad guy in your
story as well."

He stares at you for a long time, his gaze heavy and unrelenting before he a slow grin spreads out
on his lips. "Actually no," his hold on your neck tightens, just a little bit as a reminder that your life
is in his hands. "You can leave."

You didn't know you started trembling, "W-what ?"

"But I'll kill anyone who even does so much as look at you. I'll kill anyone who talks to you. And
I'll kill anyone who breathes next to you." He cups your cheeks and it hurts, you whine. Your heart
is beating so fast in your chest, and you're not even sure if it's entirely because you're scared.

"Do you still want to leave ?" He breathes out in your ear.

You think you might be crying. You shake your head.

His smile is now genuine, softer but there's a hint of sadness in there, "Good choice, my smart
girl." He presses a soft kiss to your forehead. "Do you want me to haze you baby ?"

You nod, before shutting your eyes down and drifting into a dreamless slumber.

You're in the palm of his hand, right where he wants you.

Right where you belong.

Chapter End Notes

To answer a few questions!!

YES. She wears pads. I just don't mention them cus I felt like it would kinda ruin the
mood in the middle of the smut oop.

Also sorry for not updating in so LONG. Right after I said I wanted to pick up the pace
a little bit (oops). I don't really have any excuses other that my health was kinda
fucking up with me so I couldn't write as much as I wanted to :/

I appreciated some of you commenting asking me if everything was ok x') since I was
kind of mia. I'm better now ! And I really want to finish this fanfic LOL.
Chapter Notes


See the end of the chapter for more notes

WHEN YOU regain consciousness, you're in your room. You start whining as soon as you're
conscious enough to feel the painful bartering in your head and immediately bring your hands to
your forehead in an attempt to soothe the pain. Obviously, it has no effect.

You check the time on the clock, it's around 3pm. It's too early to be up.

You wonder what could be causing those headaches. Is it the hazing ? Or the biting ? You don't
know, you can't think properly like this. Your throat feels dry but don't have the courage to stand
up to go get yourself some water in the bathroom. Each movement, as subtly as they might be, feels
as if your head in being smashed in two. So you stay like this, for God knows how long until you
fall asleep—or faint from the exhaustion (you think it's most likely to be the latter).

Only one feeling subsides. Thirst.


You're thirsty. So thirsty it feels as if you might die if you don't immediately get a liquid down your
throat. You don't recognize your surroundings. You're in a room, it's dark. You've probably never
been there before. There's this ridiculously sweet smell hanging in the air of the room, but you
can't quite locate it, it's like it's everywhere—it makes your senses go awry and your thirst all the
more intense.

You notice a bottle of wine on a table. You immediately take it and force it open with a strength you
didn't even know you had. Just as you're about to let the liquid slide down your scorching throat,
you hear;
"That won't work baby." Father Fushiguro coos from where he is sitting on a couch. There's a man
next to him, he's not moving.

But you're so thirsty—or hungry or both, you don't know.

You start drinking it anyway, and you barely notice how it doesn't even taste like wine, but instead
has a coppery taste. In any case, it doesn't even work, you finished the bottle and you're still as
thirsty, if not more. You cough loudly.

That's when you notice that the delicious scent that's pungent in the room comes from the man next
to Father Fushiguro. You freeze, your entire body on edge.

"I have exactly what my baby needs. Come here." He beckons you with a crooked finger. You eyes
zero on the lifeless body next to him. You think he might be dead, judging by the hollowness of his
eyes and the big wound on his chest. He's bleeding. So much. You can't see well but it has to be
blood. Your brain immediately panics seeing all of that wasted blood seeping on the material of his
shirt. You're fighting with yourself to not immediately jump on the man and lap, suck and swallow
all of that delicious smelling blood.

Oh god. You think you might be drooling.

You're trembling, and you swallow your saliva, a last desperate attempt to soothe the dryness of
your throat, and quell the unrelenting hunger in your stomach. The world seems to be spinning
around you, and even with your blurry vision, you can clearly see Father Fushiguro grinning.

"It's so hard to resist isn't it darling ?" He coos a few strands of his hair falling on his face, making
his grin look all the more twisted. "You don't have to baby. You can let go."

But you refuse to. How could you ? You bite your lip and immediately wince as your teeth sink into
the skin of your lower lip. You frown and inspect the wound with your hands, your fingers
accidentally grazing your canines and they feel... sharp ?! Since when do you have sharp canines
that can tear into the sink at the slightest pressure ? You're struggling to breathe, the information
processing in your brain.

You can't be. Betrayal and confusion swims in your mind. You shouldn't have trusted them.
"You deserve it Angel. You've been so good to me lately, come and have a treat."

You can't. You tell yourself. You have to fight harder. But your body feels so hot, and your throat so
dry, so empty, it feels as if you might just die.

"Let go, Angel." He says and it's as if a dam broke inside your brain as you nearly lunge forward
on the unconscious man, immediately beginning to lick and slurp at all the blood you can get and
the sensation inside your throat is nearly euphoric. You can't stop the moans from tumbling out of
your mouth.

"That's my girl." He rumbles, his hand rubbing soothing circles on your back.

Your thirst is only accentuated at the taste of cold blood on your tongue, you can't stop. You barely
register what's happening. You're ravenous, you can't stop biting licking and slurping, the blood
going everywhere, staining your clothes and dripping down your chin as you feast like a starved
beast. Your body sways, and if it wasn't for the Father's hand on you, you don't doubt that you
would've fell over. You continue lapping at the man until you notice that you won't get anything out
of him there. You decide to plunge your teeth deep into his now dried wound but not much comes
out, and it's with a frustrated groan that you decide to move up a little bit and rip the skin off his

"Atta girl," he encourages, "You're so perfect. Look at you."

You didn't think blood could taste so good. It's sweet and thick in your mouth. You can't seem to get
enough, even when the stream dies down and you have the tear a few more chunks of his skin to
get so much as a drop.

"You're finished, princess. There's no more." He says in your ear. But you refuse to believe him.
There has to be more. He tuts at you, holding your waist up, forcing you to let the dead man fall
from your grasp with a thud. The man looks a lot thinner than before. Your skin is still burning, but
your throat is soothed. You let him take you into his arms and place you on his thighs so that
you're straddling them. You feel feverish as you start rolling his hips on his hard bulge and he lets
you, placing sweet kisses on your neck, licking the side on your mouth where blood is still

Soon however, it's not enough. You pout. He kisses you roughly, and you pant in his mouth. "I-I
want..." you babble, your mind in a frenzy.
"You want Father's big cock ?" He muses, looking at you with an amused glint in his crimson eyes.
You nod, feeling a bit bashful. He grips both of your thigh, his fingers digging into the skin. You
stare at his exposed collarbone, immediately nuzzling your face there, smelling, kissing. Your graze
your teeth on the skin of his neck, but he stops you from continuing.

"No babygirl. You can't bite me." He chastises. You whine in complaint and he chuckles. "You have
to deserve it first. How about you take out my cock and bury it in that greedy cunt of yours. Alright

You're still trembling in his lap, the aftershocks of your hunger still thrumming through you.

"Y-yes father."

He peppers your collarbones with kisses and you close your eyes, loosing yourself in the feeling.


You eyes shot open.

You stay silent for a little while, gathering bits and pieces from your memory. It's always like this,
when the effects subside you always struggle to recall what occurred while you were hazed.

It's 7pm, you read on the alarm that's sitting on your nightstand.

Dinner is going to be soon, and if you want to be ready in time you have to start getting ready soon.
You already want to fall back asleep, not necessarily because you're tired - but because you don't
want to face all of them.

You stand up, and go to the bathroom.

You step inside the bathtubs and turn on the shower. You hardly feel the water on the skin.
You eyes are shut close.

Your head doesn't hurt as much as before and you're glad for that. You just woke up, and you're
already thinking about hazing. You huff.

Summer should end in about three weeks. What about school ? With everything happening,
wanting to attend classes kind of feels... silly. It should be the least of your concern, and yet, you
still wish you could go.

When you finish showering, you step out of the bathtub and go back to stand in front of the mirror
and to start brushing your teeth.

In the end you couldn't even ask Father Fushiguro the question. What is happening to you ? What
do those changes mean ?

You trail your fingers on your face. Your cheekbones look more pronounced now. You stare at
yourself on the glass. You haven't noticed it until now but you've lost weight, not a lot, but enough
to be noticeable. They fed a lot from you, it's surprising you haven't felt any major health backlash
from all of it. Could it be that your health has improved ? It's not likely, you've given up such hopes
a long time ago.

You wonder when all of this will end. You wonder if it will end at all.

You think back to your dream and you involuntary shiver. All of this is getting too entirely
disturbing. The blood, the biting—you can't be a vampire.

You blink—you think you see your eyes quickly swift to a soft red, and before you can truly take
notice of it the vision is gone.

That's it. You're going insane. You shake your head, distracting yourself from such complicated
thoughts as you step out of the bathroom.

You open up your wardrobe. Are you supposed to dress casual ? It's a dinner, and from what you
know, they don't often eat together. You think you should dress formally.
You decide on a short black dress with a white collar and a bow at the front. The dress seems nice
enough, with delicate white lace at the end of the sleeves, and pleats that start at round your waist
and stop a bit after your ass. It goes with a big ribbon-like belt that accentuates your waist. The
dress being way too short for comfort, you add a white laced skirt underneath it, which also gave it
more volume, and paired it with simple black tights. On your feet are ballerina shoes with a purple
jewel on top of a white bow. You accessories your outfit with a black choker with another purple
stone dangling from it, on your ears are earring with the same violet jewel hanging from it.

When you look at the time, you notice that it is 8:30pm.

To which dinning room are you supposed ? What even is dinner going to consist of ? They can't
eat food.

As if on cue, you hear a soft knock on the door.

You warily tell the person on the other side of the door to come in.

It's Maki. You admit that you weren't expecting her, you thought Nobara would be the one
escorting you.

"Hey." She gives you a gentle smile. She's dressed magnificently with black slacks and a white silk
shirt. She also has a dark blue turban belt that accentuate her slim waist. "You're pretty."

You face warms. "Thank you, so are you, honestly."

"Now, let's go eat."

Chapter End Notes

I'll update again in a few days

Btw we're at like 53k words, I think the whole thing is going to be at around 100K,
so we're at the middle of the story rn lol
Chapter Summary

Suddenly another thought arises; why would he eat blood soup when you're right there
? You keep telling yourself that it's not disappointment gathering in your lower
abdomen, but at this point you know you're lying. The look on your face must give
away your feeling as he lets out a low chuckle.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

YOU AND Maki are the last to arrive at the dinner table. As soon as you step in, you immediately
feel everybody's eyes on you. Father Fushiguro is sitting at one end, his elbow resting on the arm
rest and his chin in his palm as he calmly sips on what seems to be water. On his sides are Nanami
and Megumi, who are both sitting upright, looking all prim and proper—though Megumi looks a
bit bored. Satoru is sitting next to Nanami, and there's an empty seat next to him, and then there's
Suguru. On the other side there's Yuuji, another empty seat and then Nobara. Maki goes to sit
between the youngests, leaving you as your only option to be next to the two most insufferable
vampires you've ever met.

You also notice that the seat at the other end of the table is empty—but you doubt you'd be
allowed to sit there, since those seats are usually taken my the hosts.

The table was made with forks of two sizes—a big one and a small one, a knife and two spoons.
You're not foreign to this kind of table cutlery since you don't usually eat using chopsticks in your
own home anyway. Though is it unexpected.

The room is lit with multiple candles, most of them on the gigantic chandelier that hangs on the
ceiling, and the rest of them on the table. The same looming feeling dread that seems to follow you
around the manor is amplified in the presence of the dark beings. Seeing so many vampires packed
in the same room gives you some kind of... thrill ? You're not sure how to evaluate the rapid
beating of your heart.

"Finally, we'd been waiting for you." Father Fushiguro says as you take a seat. He looks really
good. His hair is pushed back. He's wearing a black shirt again, except this time it's not cotton but
silk. He's even wearing jewelry; a single silver chain hangs around his neck, around his wrist is an
expensive looking watch, and he's got a few thick silver rings around most of his fingers. You
refuse to acknowledge the heat that's beginning to pool at your core as you look at him.
"Do you want some ?" Suguru asks from next to you, referring to the decanter he's holding that's
filled with some transparent liquid that you assume to be water.

You nod, your throat does feel awfully dry suddenly. You try to blink away the memories of your
recent nightmare suddenly plaguing your mind. Feeling thirsty is normal human feeling, nothing

"This is your first meal with us, we hope you enjoy it." Satoru says, grinning. He's got on a dark
blue shirt that's rolled back to expose his forearms. You only notice now how big his hands are,
with prominent veins that go all the way to his elbow, "My eyes are up here, princess."

You huff, looking away, face burning. That's when two men come from what you assume is the
service door and start placing plates in front of everyone. They're both human—you're sure of it,
though you can't explain how.

Their expressions are blank, preventing you from reading anything into them. You wonder if they
know who they're serving, you wonder if they're also victims, like you.

Your heart pangs in your chest. You try to make eye contact but fail at their impeccable

They finally serve you, and your heart cages in throat. It's some sort of crimson soup. The liquid
looks thick and rich and so delicious. Half of you is mortified, thinking that this velvet soup might
very well contain human blood—but part of your resolve is crumbling down as the sweet smell
coming from it fills your nostrils.

You look at everyone else's plates and it's the same red liquid, albeit theirs is a looks a bit less

You swallow, panic rushing through your veins. "Is-is that human blood ?" You dare ask, your
voice coming out strangled. When you look up you notice that everyone's eyes are on you,
probably enjoying the display of your panic.

Satoru turns slightly in his seat to face you. "What exactly makes you think that ?" He asks
innocently, on his lips is a very amused smirk, that only widens when you glare at him.
"The soup is dark red." You deadpan.

"Well it's not human blood. At least not in yours." He simply replies with a shrug before digging
in. You're horrified, though you shouldn't be considering everything you've been through already.
You should be past that.

Suddenly another thought arises; why would he eat blood soup when you're right there ? You keep
telling yourself that it's not disappointment gathering in your lower abdomen, but at this point you
know you're lying. The look on your face must give away your feeling as he lets out a low chuckle.

"The soup is delicious, brother." He refers to Nanami, before saying in a much more subdued
voice, as he looks at you straight in the eyes, "But you know you're my favorite thing to eat,

You look away, Yuuji, Nobara, Maki and Toge are all muttering amongst themselves, you wouldn't
dare to butt in. Nanami and Megumi are talking as well but you can't catch what they're saying.
Father Fushiguro is silent, it seems like he's observing everyone.

"Why don't you have a taste ?" Suguru muses at your sides, catching you off guard and efficiently
gaining all your attention. "It's really good. Nanami spent quite some time planning this three
course dinner." There's a hint of pride in his tone, as his eyes quickly swift to the man in question.

Nanami, though he wasn't looking in your direction seems to have heard him as he lifted his glass
in his direction in thanks.

"There's more ?" You say, the words tumbling out of your lips against your better judgment. You
already want to go back to bed.

"Of course. That's simply the starter." His eyes trails over your frame. "Now eat, we're waiting for
you so we can get to the main course. I'm particularly found of what we're having today." His
smile didn't reassure you one bit.

"It would be a shame to let this get to waste." Satoru comments when he finishes his own plate.

"And incredibly impolite as well." Suguru adds, his tone as mocking as usual.
Nanami's sigh is loud. "Are you guys through with bothering her ?" He fixes them both an
incredulous look, dabbing his lips with his napkin as he set his spoon on his plate."Let her eat at
least." His eyes switch to you. "I promise you there's not even a trace of human blood in there, you
can eat in peace."

"Oh—thank you."

"Don't mention it."

You observe the soup. It now doesn't really take much for you to convince yourself to taste it as its
delicious smell had been teasing your senses for quite a while now. You weren't disappointed, it is
succulent. It's a tomato soup, and it's the most flavorful one you've ever had. One you've tasted it,
you can't quite seem to stop yourself and before you know it, it's finished. There was an element in
it that you couldn't place—that you couldn't quite figure out, something addictive that made you
feel even hungrier.

Would it be impolite to ask for the recipe ? Maybe.

"It-it's—" you turn to Nanami, your eyes wide. He is already looking at you, seems like he had
been staring at you, "It's amazing. I can't believe you made this." You're tempted to ask for more,
but you don't, remembering your manners.

The corner of his mouth lifts slightly, "Thank you, I appreciate it. Though I didn't make it, our
cook did, I simply helped with making the recipe for it."

"We—You have a cook ?" You've never seen anyone besides the vampires in your time here.

The two boys from earlier come back to pick up your empty plates.

"We do." Father Fushiguro answers. "And waiters as well, as you can see."

Nanami says, "You're not likely to see them again though."

"Why ?" You ask.

"Because from now on, we'll change staff often, for security reasons," Father Fushiguro starts,
"Our staff used to consists of vampires only, but I fired them."

You wonder if you can prod some more, you're not sure how much they'll let you know. "Why ?"

"Because I couldn't have other vampires walking around the house when we now have a delicious
little girl in it, just waiting to get eaten, could I ?" You think his green eyes darken slightly, "You
might think I'm keen on sharing what's mine," his eyes move to Nanami, then to Satoru and
Suguru, "But I'm really not. I know how hard it is to stay away from you. Especially since you're
so sweet and so pliant when hazed. So I'd rather not take the risk, or I'd end having to kill my staff
each time instead of simply changing it."

You shiver. You haven't seen him kill, but you don't doubt that he's capable of it... they probably
all are and all have... you're forced to remember how dangerous the people you're with are, and
how defenses you are in front of them. It's crushing. "O-oh." You stutter out, simply at a loss of
words. Your heart is beating so fast, so you don't doubt all of them can hear it.

No one really reacts to his confession. It seems that in the presence of the Father, Satoru, Suguru
and Nanami the others seem more subdued than usual.

Suddenly feeling thirsty, you gulp down your glass of water—only to realize that it's not water. The
liquid burns your throat as it slides down, before pooling at your stomach. You immediately cough,
rather violently.

Suguru softly pats your back, "Sorry," he says while laughing, in the least apologetic way possible,
"I really am. I thought I'd served you water." You now notice that there are two decanters on the
table, one filled with vodka, and the other with water, hopefully.

This was your first ever taste of alcohol, and it is awful, you can't imagine how some people
develop addictions over this. "I-I'm only 18, I can't drink yet." In two years you legally will be
allowed to, as Japan law dictates, though even then, you're sure you won't want to.

"How scandalous. We can't possibly have underage people drinking around here. It's illegal."
Suguru agrees with you but you've got the gnawing feeling that he's mocking you. Regardless, he
takes the other decanter and fills himself a glass first then tastes it, making sure that it's indeed
water. Nodding, he then fills yours.

The waiters leave briefly and are back with more plates.

You thank him when you take a sip and confirm that it's water.

"Dad." Nobara calls and your eyes widen like saucers. You choke on your water. Dad ? You look
at her questioningly, and she does a great job of ignoring you.

Satoru looks at her, "Yes ?"

Your brain short circuits a little. They don't even look alike. As you turn to observe the other's
reaction you notice that most of them are completely unfazed—except Father Fushiguro, he's got
an annoying smirk plastered on his face.

"Toge mentioned going to the underworld." She inhales shakily, "I don't think now would be a
good—" she stops to thank the waiter who places her next course, "It wouldn't be a good idea. Not

Satoru only grins crookedly, though you can discern worry in his features. "No plans have been
made yet."

The waiter places your meal—finally. You nearly groan as the hunger is still very much present.
You're surprised to see that the main course solely consists of a sausage—it is long and takes up
the entirety of the plate. The sausage that you immediately recognize as black pudding is crimson,
and a sauce of an even darker red has been poured on top of it. It smells heavenly—but you stop
yourself from digging in first. It wouldn't be polite.

"Alright." Nanami says, tone clipped. "We haven't made any proper introductions yet, so I believe
now is the time." He looks at you, "I am Nanami Kento. Officially, I am a 27 years old and a
medical examiner."

A medical examiner ? Meaning he has access to the bodies of the freshly deceased ?
"What kind of introduction was that ? You ought to at least give your true age, or your true
profession." Satoru rolls his eyes. "As you already know, I am Satoru Gojo, I'm to be your teacher
this next school year." He winks at you then points to the other man at your side, "Geto Suguru. I
believe you met him at the police station." He points to Nobara and Yuuji, "Those two are my

You must've misheard him—

"Honestly this is a bore. Can't we get to the interesting stuff already?" Suguru cuts in. "We can't
have our future sister have bad memories of her first family dinner."

"F-future sister—?" You thought not much could shock you with the vampires anymore, and as
always, you're or even wrong.

Nanami exhales, loudly. "She looks mortified. Bravo to you Suguru." He takes a sip of water—or
maybe vodka. "We've got some explaining to do."

"You do know we're a vampire family right ?" Satoru asks and you nod slowly—you guessed that
they must have some sort of link. But a family ? None of them look remotely related to the other.

"More like a clan but call it what you want." Megumi pipes in with an eye roll. He looks at you,
"Vampire 'families' work a bit differently than human families, in some aspects. To turn humans,
vampires must feed them their venom—which is basically their blood, if you didn't know." He
pauses to slide an eye over the room, "This makes the newborn vampire their offspring, and the
vampire that turned them is expected to act as a parental figure to guide and teach their child how
to live with their new identity." He points to the Father, "He's my biological dad, and also the one
that turned me. He turned Nanami and Suguru as well. So that makes us three brothers."

Now that you think about it, you remember Nanami referring to the man as 'father' but you thought
it was because of his profession.

"Though some—such as me—are already born vampires." Satoru grins wickedly. "Toge and I are
the only ones here. Both of our parents are vampires. I am also Nobara and Yuuji's dad—as in, I
turned them."

"A terrible dad, if I may add." Nanami says anyway and you recognize a hint of humor in his tone.
"I respectfully disagree. Considering how powerful my venom is, I think they turned out pretty
well. It's a feat they even survived the change."

"Yeah... the change can be a bit... traumatizing to the body." Megumi winces and Yuuji and Nobara
do the same, probably recalling unpleasant memories. "Nanami is also Maki's and Mai's father
though you don't know Mai yet. Toge is adopted."

"You mean was stolen." Toge retorts.

Father Fushiguro doesn't seem to care. "He's a new addition, right before you." He says.

A new addition ? What a roundabout way of saying they abducted him.

"Here I thought I was special, but you guys go and kidnap other people as well." You murmur.

"We heard you." He lifts an eyebrow, seemingly unimpressed, "He wasn't kidnapped—he made
the choice to join us, much like you, actually."

"I am only doing this for Lucifer." Toge corrects in a flat, disinterested tone.

The catholic in you frowns at the name. "Lucifer ?"

"It's an alias." Suguru reassures you in between generous bites of his food while yours still lays
untouched, "Lucifer is one of the main patrons of the Underworld. And before you start panicking
—no, I'm not referring to the actual Hell. The Underworld is... an hotel in which creatures of the
night, like us, meet and partake in numerous illicit activities."

"He's exaggerating." Nanami starts cutting up his sausage, "We mostly conduct business there. It's
a neutral territory so it's not affected by family wars or other conflicts." He gestures to your food,
"You can start eating, by the way. Anyway, Lucifer owed us a favor and we asked for him to give
us Toge. His son."

"Why ?"
"Manpower. He was born a vampire, he's naturally stronger than most." He shrugs and starts

You stare at your food. You're not a fan of black pudding, but it smells simply too good. You take
a bite—and the taste is an impactful as the starter—if not a bit more. That sweet taste you
recognized in the soup is even more present. You don't remember black pudding tasting like that—
but you're not complaining. It's delicious. You must simply know the recipe. You accidentally let
out a moan—that's just how good it is.

"Ah. She likes it." Satoru licks his lips.

Nanami nods swiftly, his eyes a shade darker, "I'm glad it suits your taste."

"What's inside ? It's absolutely delicious. I've never had anything quite like that before." You
notice once again that the color of your course is of a slightly darker red than theirs.

"Various things." His jaw sets. "So as you probably already know, we all form a vampire family—
or a clan if you prefer. Father's the strongest, as well as the oldest so he's the leader. We're the
Fushiguro clan."

You nod, digesting all the information. You eyes slide over to Father Fushiguro—and you
immediately look away. You nearly forgot about what happened in the library. You wished you'd

You continue on eating.

"Well princess ? What's happened ?" Satoru coos, his voice just above a whisper. You suddenly
feel a hand on your knee.

"You don't look alright, little pet. What's got your panties in a wad ?" Suguru says in that teasing
voice of his and then you feel another hand on your other knee.

You carry on eating, refusing to do so much as cast a glance in their direction. You're already
feeling... sensitive enough at it is today.
Chapter End Notes

The ending was rather abrupt but yeah oops. I don't know when I'll update next,
hopefully in a short amount of time but school is fucking me up right now so I don't
really have time to write.

Thank you for all the comments <33 they give me life
V | IV
Chapter Summary

"You little whore. Did you enjoy teasing every cocks at dinner with your antics ?" He
drawls, leaning down to be at your eye level.

Chapter Notes

I recommend re-reading the previous chapter to remember what's happening rn ! Also

hey lol it's been a month heres 5k
Here is a sketch of the reader's outfit:

See the end of the chapter for more notes

"WELL PRINCESS ? What's happened ?" Satoru coos, his voice just above a whisper. You
suddenly feel a hand on your knee.

"You don't look alright, little pet. What's got your panties in a wad ?" Suguru says in that teasing
voice of his and then you feel another hand on your leg. But you carry on eating, refusing to do so
much as cast a glance in their direction. You're already feeling... sensitive enough at it is today.

"Has father already fucked you ?" Satoru asks lightly, seemingly innocently as he takes a bite of
his food. His eyes aren't even on you.

You understand, with delay, that he's talking to you, "N-no—he hasn't—" you stutter out, taken
aback. You swallow down your saliva. Why would he even ask you that—?

"Ah," Satoru says, absently, his eyes carefully reading your face. What he sees on it must be very
amusing, as a smirk stretches across his lips, "But you want him to, don't you ?" He purrs, leaning
closer to you.

You couldn't stop the shiver even if you wanted to. You think of Father Fushiguro—should you
even be calling him father still ? You think of his imposing frame between the apex of your thighs,
rocking in and out—
Your face suddenly feels very hot. You're not completely clueless. You've read the explicit book
Father Fushiguro was reading a month ago when you saw him in a cafe (in small, tiny bits this past
week). You more or less know intercourse that involves what lies between both of your legs with
back and forth movements.

Satoru draws circles on your knee with his fingers. "Thinking dirty thoughts aren't you ?" His voice
is in your ear, and you shiver again as your body warms up.

You want to deny it and say that you weren't but your words die in your throat when you look into
his eyes. They're red crimson. They shift above you as his devilish smile widens. "Suguru, you can
read her thoughts, can't you ?" He muses slowly, making sure you catch onto each of his words,
"What is our little princess currently thinking about, mmh ?"

Mind reading ? That's very unrealistic, even for vampires.

Suguru lets out a low chuckle, his cold hand on your knee sliding up to your mid-thigh and
stopping where your gown starts, all while leaving goosebumps in its wake. He gives Satoru a long
look, wordlessly communicating with him.

You peer at Suguru. He's dressed—unsurprisingly—in all black. He's got on a black yukata with
intricate light silver patterns resembling rose thorns all over it. His obi is matte black, contrasting
slightly with the rest of the fabric. He let his hair out tonight and they hang low around his face, a
few strands falling on his forehead as he tilts his head to the side, a grin forming on his lips. He's

"Handsome. I'm flattered, thank you."

That takes you by surprise, but you recover quickly. You refuse to believe vampire can read minds.
That would be so unfair.

"That doesn't prove anything. You obviously knew that you are handsome." You argue.

His eyes narrow playfully, "Do I ?" He says all the while you are very much aware of their hands
on your legs—and the worst is that you don't know why you aren't pushing them away. You know
you would have before.
Could it be that you actually missed them ? The very thought scares you.

Your eyes lower to his collarbones that are exposed. To his broad shoulders, to his neck—you
imagine biting right there and giving him as much pleasure as he gave you when he sank his teeth
in your thighs, eating you like a starved man.

Your breath hitches, you chastise yourself for thinking like that and focus back on his face. His
sharp jawline and even sharper eyes that you notice change color drastically, matching Satoru's.

Surely he cannot—

"You're a dirty, dirty girl, kitten." He shakes his head, but his hand reaches the top of your thigh,
"If you ask nicely, I'll give you another bite, right next to the last one I gave you. You'd like that,
wouldn't you ?" his thumb grazes your panties, "Or maybe it's me you wish to bite—in that case I
would gladly sacrifice myself for your cause." The airiness in his voice tells you he's joking,

"You just have to ask, you know that right princess ?" Satoru rumbles in your ear, and you look
down at your lap, where their hands are. You can't stand to look at them right now. Not when your
entire body feels so—

"Sensitive aren't you ?" Suguru coos, his eyebrows drawn up in an expression mimicking worry.
"We've been neglecting you, haven't we ? Leaving you alone for so long."

He can really read your thoughts. Your skin feels like it's burning, not only from the shame. You
wonder who else has similar abilities ? Satoru apparently cannot, but he's skilled enough in reading
your facial expressions. If Nobara... or even Yuuji knew what you were thinking when you were
with them—you wouldn't survive it.

"But we'll make it up to you princess."

"Just be a good girl for us and finish the food, alright ?"

However you're not listening. Instead you're wondering if Father Fushiguro can do as much as
Suguru. You glance at him—pleading with your eyes to enlighten you, however he's not looking at
you, he's talking to Nanami. You know he's noticed you—or probably noticed what the men at
your sides have been doing judging by the deep color of his eyes and it sends a wave of heat
throughout your entire body. You're so hungry—or maybe thirsty, you don't know. You gulp down
another glass of water—still desperately trying to make eyes contact with the man. Suguru, as well
as Satoru chuckle at your sides, but your ignore both of them.

His eyes finally meet yours.

Father Fushiguro only gives you an ominous smile, his sharp teeth in full display, "You should eat,
little dove. You're ravenous." He simply says and then turns away from you, resuming his
conversation with Nanami whose eyes linger on you for a beat too long. You think you see a slight
smirk dancing on his lips as he takes a sip of his drink.

You are ravenous—thought you don't know exactly for what—or who. Your silent question hasn't
been answered yet but you guess he won't give you his attention again anytime soon.

You take a bite out of your food, the flavors swirling in a mix of bliss in your mouth.

"That's it, good girl." Satoru praises. The hand on your lap moves up to your throat, and he feels it
bop as you swallow.

"You're nearly finished." Suguru's voice tickles your ears. You can't believe how sensitive your
body feels.

You also can't take how patronizing they are.

"I can eat on my own—" you stop when you feel Suguru's thumb slide under your underwear. You
whip your head in his direction, your eyes sending daggers at him.

It doesn't even stop him. You feel every single movement of his cold fingers against the warm,
sticky skin of your cunt.

"Our little pet has been aroused ever since she stepped into the room." He tells Satoru, his sinful
smile unwavering. "Ever since she looked at us."
"Ah. So that's what it was ?" He grins. "I nearly couldn't tell what smelled best: our meal or her."

Suguru lets out a hearty laugh, his clever fingers dancing around your core but never truly touching
you where you want it. His hooded eyes move to you. "If you think the others haven't noticed,
baby, you're heavily mistaken." He says, a pleased glint in his eyes.

You swallow down a whine. You refuse to look up.

"Princess, do you think you can wait until we've finished dinner ?" You feel Satoru's cold breath
on your neck and you get goosebumps as he tightens his hold around your throat. "Or are you too
desperate ?" He continues, tone entirely insincere.

"You know we can make it better kitten."

You feel as though you're at breaking point.

"We'd do anything for you."

You want Suguru's hand between your legs, deeper. In a place you haven't dared touch when they
left. Just when you're about to cave in and beg for any sort of relief—

"Princess." Your hear the name that has now became so familiar to you, except it doesn't come
from Satoru. It's Nanami. Your insides clench, and you're all too aware of the wetness between
your legs.

You look up to meet Nanami's eyes. You swallow down a complaining whine. You feel so
desperate, so wanton. You keep telling yourself that you didn't miss them but there's no
misunderstanding the heat between your legs, the hitching of your breath or the longing in your
heart. A part of you that you're trying to suppress is yearning for them.

"Are you ready for dessert ?" He says, his gaze darting to your nearly finished plate. You only now
realize that they've all finished eating and have been waiting for you—again.
"O-oh." You breath cages in your throat as you notice that his eyes are crimson.

"You don't have to finish if you're full sweetheart." Father Fushiguro coos, and you notice an
amused smile tugging at his lips when he takes a sip of vodka.

"It's too big for her." Satoru comments earning a small laugh from Suguru. You squirm in your
seat, all too aware of their wandering hands on your burning body.

You can't believe they're doing all of this in front of everyone. Megumi looks unfazed by what's
happening, Maki and Toge as well. You can't read anything on their poker faces. However Yuuji
and Nobara are avoiding your gaze.

What if they think you're a slut ?

You really don't want them to.

You don't even have to answer Nanami's question because the waiters are back, and they take your
unfinished plate before you can think of complaining.

"I think we should go to the underworld." Suguru says and the table falls eerily silent. No one even
questions his hand on your neck.

The underworld ? Do they mean the club mentioned earlier ?

"It's dangerous." Megumi reasons, his eyes narrowed.

"No, not really. It's a neutral territory." Satoru interjects .

"To go there we would have to leave our territory before entering the neutral zone. The Zenin
family is already on our ass. You can be sure they won't miss an opportunity like this." Nanami

Suguru lifts an eyebrow, his deft fingers finding your clit, you squirm in your seat. "There has been
no movement detected in any clans. None whatsoever. They clearly want us to put our guard down.
They're preparing something big—do you really want us to stay hidden like cowards and wait for
them to come pick us up ?"

Maki and Toge look uninterested in the debate, they simply take slow sips of their drinks. You
couldn't even focus in their conversation if you tried, not with the man at your sides touching you
like that.

Satoru nods, "We have to show them that we're not scared."

"You'll be putting her in danger !" Nanami groans.

"We're strong enough. And we'll be discreet. I went to the underworld last week and came back
unscathed." Satoru explains. "We have to show others we're not weak."

"Everyone knows we aren't weak. What you really want is to drag her around as some sort of war
trophy in front others." Megumi summarizes, he turns to his father with an eyebrow raised, waiting
for what he has to say about it.

Satoru's hold on your neck tightens almost possessively. You fail to hold back a whimper when his
fingers graze bite marks, the fire in between your legs only intensifying. No one bats an eye. You
don't know if you're relieved or even more embarrassed.

"There's something I have to talk about with Asmodeus anyway. We'll be going to the underworld.
Not all of us, of course." He concludes.

Nanami and Megumi sigh defeatedly, but don't really look surprised.

Suguru's fingers shallowly press in your entrance, while his thumb resumes the torturously slow
massage of your clit. It's hard not to toss and turn and writhe in your seat. You want to complain
but you know that as soon as you open your moan, you'll become a moaning mess.

"Mai and will join us there then." Nanami starts, already planning. "We should all go in different
cars. I think I should stay here and guard our territory, along with Nobara and Yuuji."
The two in question sigh in reassurance, it seems like they don't want to go to the Underworld.

"Kitten," Suguru whispers, leaning closer to you, "You must be so wound up."

"Have you tried touching yourself while we were gone, princess ?" Satoru questions, so slowly you
must be the only one who's heard him. You're not breathing anymore but all you can think about is
the way his hand so deliciously brushes over the marks.

You shake your head, your vision blurring.

"Are you coming or not Megumi ?" His father asks leisurely, leaning in his comfortable seat.

Megumi nods quickly. "You'll need me I presume ?"

"Of course, son. Nanami and I will discuss of the details later."

"So you didn't slip your hand inside your hot little cunt, try so desperately to cum before realizing
you can't do it unless one of us pierce their fangs in your supple skin ?" Satoru wonders. "Truly ?"

Suguru makes a disappointed noise, his fingers sliding deeper. "What a shame."

Your head sways as your eyes slowly roll back.

"Don't faint of me right now, __." Satoru tuts and then loosens his grip on your neck, allowing air
to finally flood in your lungs.

The two waiters suddenly come back in the room and place in front of you a plate of... jelly ? It
seems to be it. It's jiggly and it's also crimson, of course.

You thought black was their family color, maybe they're switching it up to dark red now. You
barely have time to ponder on that thought that Suguru's fingers graze teasingly a particularly
sensitive spot inside of you and you jolt in your seat.
With enough oxygen in your brain, you decide that you've had enough of this relentless teasing,
you grab Suguru's hand and move it out of you, shivering as it leaves a wet trail in its wake. You
also remove Satoru's hand from your neck.

Suguru licks each of his fingers, one by one, maintaining eye contact with you as he does so. He
leans closer to you but you flinch back. "Delicious, kitten, as usual."

You look away, not before mumbling, "But there's a missing taste, isn't that right ?"

He lifts an eyebrow, probably having already read your thought but still humoring you, "And what
could it be, pet ?"

"The aftertaste of copper."

Maki suddenly speaks up, "I think we should have a clan meeting, with everyone. So they're up to
date with our plan."

Father Fushiguro nods, "Of course."

"This mansion can't possibly welcome so many people." Megumi says.

"We'll find a way."

"How many people are there in the Fushiguro clan ?" You exhale, bewildered.

Maki's mouth quirks up slightly, "We're hundreds, a lot more than most vampire families. Besides
the people present here and Mai and Aoi, you probably won't interact with anyone else. Although
we have no official hierarchy, it's common knowledge that we are the strongest, as well as the
closest to the leader, so the others obey us, and in return they get our protection from other clans."

"Oh." You inhale shakily. That many ? "How many are in Ushinawareta?"
"A lot of us." Father Fushiguro shrugs. "We mostly control the town. It's probably one of the safest
places for members of our family."

You think to every single interaction you've had with villagers there. Who else was a vampire ?

"We control the police, the church, and Nanami here is our undertaker, he magically makes certain
bodies disappear." Satoru's smile widens.

"No villagers are aware of our existence. None of them even know of the mosquito story you heard
—it was just something made up on the spot—to be honest. I guess your mother wanted to see
wether you'll figure it out or not." Father Fushiguro snorts.

"Yeah." Nanami chuckles, "The population in this village mostly consists of senior citizens, and
they die pretty easily in the summer. We hardly have any killing to do here."

"Doesn't mean that we don't do it. Though."

You swallow down your saliva. "What do clans even do... like as a job ?"

"We're a sort of mafia, sweetheart." The father explains nicely, a dark glint in his dark eyes.

"Right now at least. In the past few centuries, we've been a bit of everything." Megumi shrugs.

Oh God. Your situation is worse than you thought. Way, way worse. You take in a deep breath,
somehow you knew they had to dabble in illegal stuff considering the very nature of their kind and
all the money they seem to have, you just didn't assume that they were more than knee deep in it.
"Before you said something about a vampire hierarchy—how does it work ?"

"In other clans, like in the Zenin clan for example, have at the very bottom humans and slaves,
then they have regular members. On top of them are members venom-related to the leader and at
the very top, the leader. The Zenin clan has been here since the beginning of times, it is one of the
one of the most powerful and influential family."

"We used to be part of the Zenin clan." Megumi says, "Me and my father. He was born as a slave in
the clan, me and my mother as well, but she died from the labour. She was human. At first we
didn't even know about the existence of vampires, not until my father was turned by the leader."

You blink, "Why ?"

Megumi sighs, "I guess he thought he was a strong human, so he would make a strong vampire.
The change is very drastic for the body and the mind, hardly anyone survives. The chances of
survival are even lower if the vampire who gives you their venom is strong. Luckily he survived."

You're learning a lot tonight—you're feeling kind of overwhelmed.

"He became his right hand man of the sort. He also went up in the hierarchy since he then became
the son of the boss. He turned me a bit after I hit 19 years old. Then we betrayed the clan and fled."

The Father cackles, "You're forgetting the part where we killed the Zenin clan leader before we
fled. Which is one of the reasons the Fushiguro clan isn't well appreciated in that particular
vampire family."

"We also don't follow their stupid rules. Like having slaves and all, we don't bully the weak—too
much—either, we just live however we want, and that pisses them off." Suguru explains.

Satoru nods, "Especially since a lot of our members are old slaves that ran away from them, or
other vampires who also hated the way their clan works."

"And now that we've taken you, and violated one of their most crucial rule, they're determined to
wipe us out for good." Suguru snickers, a dark glint in his eyes.

Your eyes widen. So you're still in danger, even with them ?!

"Don't worry sweetheart," Father Fushiguro says in his deep, smooth voice, "No one will hurt you.
I'll be six feet deep before you die." His gaze on you is insistent.

His words send a pleasant thrill through your frame. Your cheeks feel hot, a bubbly feeling spreads
through your stomach. You still don't know where you stand exactly in all of this mess. Why is
your existence so important?

A preacher. A clan leader. A mafia boss. Your breath hitches in your throat. Ever since you set
your eyes on him you knew he was dangerous.

You're surprised to notice that this dinner is actually kind of normal and very informative. You
half-expected them to tell you that you were the meal they going to eat as soon as you stepped in.

Just when you finally start to relax in your seat and pick up your spoon to start your dessert you
feel Satoru's hand, this time, creep underneath your gown.

You give him your most ardent glare. "Stop it." You hiss.

He lips curl sinfully, sharp teeth poking out, "Do you really want me to princess ?" He makes a
noise of contemplation as his fingers slide under your underwear. You try to swat and push his
hand away but it's like he's made of steel, he won't budge. "Should I really stop, even when you're
this drenched, baby ?"

"And everyone here knows how wet you are, kitten." Suguru adds in a whisper next to you as his
brother's cold hand touches your heated core.

The embarrassment comes to you as violent waves. Does everyone really know—Even Nanami ?

Suguru chuckles, "Pet, even Nanami knows." He caresses your check, "I'll tell you a secret. His
cock is hard in his slacks right now, because of you, kitten. You made him like that."

You whimper desperately and Satoru's index rubs slow circles on your clit.

"He can't help but desperately want to fuck your virgin little hole, and I understand." Suguru takes
your unused hand and directs it to his bulge. You flinch and a pleasing shiver rocks through your
frame. Satoru's hand lowers to your cunt, before directly plunging two fingers in.

Suguru bites your ear, "You little slut. You like that they're others in the room don't you ?
Otherwise you wouldn't be so fucking wet. You love it when I tell you how much you affect them."
He says breathlessly with a demeaning chuckle.

"Our little attention whore." Satoru rasps next to you, his hand speeding up.

You unconsciously tighten your hand around Suguru's cock and he groans lowly. "Do you think
that Yuuji and Nobara don't know as well ?" He says it like he can't believe you're truly hoping for
exactly that. "I know what they're thinking right now kitten—I know exactly what they think of
you, but what do you think of them, baby ?" He suggests, while his brother forces a third finger
inside you, and it's so tight, even with how wet you are you still feel the burn.

Right now you're trying not to think about them. You wish they would stop talking about your very
platonic friends like that while they're touching you obscenely. The roll of Satoru's fingers against
that particular spot inside you as his thumb rubs your clit feels so impossibly delicious though, and
it becomes all too easy to imagine everyone looking at you, praising you while you let yourself
become putty in those men's hands.

"You've got them all hot and bothered as well, princess." Suguru reassures as Satoru keeps on
abusing that sensitive bundle of nerves.

Your desert stays untouched and you feel bad. It's some sort of crimson jelly, like for the other
meals, yours is only slightly darker than the others'. It looks good, and more importantly, it smells
good, as good as the previous courses, and nearly as good as the men at your sides.

"They can't stop thinking about you." purrs Suguru sweetly.

Every words they whisper in your hear send pleasurable waves straight to the apex of your thighs.
They're like gasoline to the fire growing in your core.

"Who can blame them though ? Your smell is nothing short of irresistible right now." Suguru says.

"My little princess," Satoru hums, fingers still working on your undoing. "Do you know how much
I missed you—missed this ?" He noses your hair, taking in your scent, "Remember that day at the
confessional when you were begging and crying because you couldn't cum without being drank
from ?" He says lightly, while taking a bite of his dessert with his free hand.

Oh my God. Yes you do remember—how his hands and the father's were roaming on your body—
how cold they felt in comparison to your burning skin. It feels like the temperature went up,

You want to grind yourself on Satoru's hand but you don't want to alert others to what's going on.
They're already well aware. You suddenly remember. So why aren't they saying anything ?

Suguru and Satoru's faces are composed and neutral as they both eat their last course with their
remaining hand. Satoru never stops massaging your core, but the pace is too slow for your
satisfaction. You're glad in a way because you know that if he goes a bit faster, you'll be coming
undone in front of everybody.

Your ears prickle. You take your spoon with a shaky hand and finally muster the courage to eat.
Your lips are still shut tight and it's hard not to moan when you finally open them to take a
spoonful of jelly—and impossible not to when the taste finally hits your tastebuds.

The air around you feels electric, heavy, charged.

"Mmh that's cute, but can the kitten purr ?" Suguru says at the involuntary sound you let out. He
presses on the bite marks on your neck.

"Well, let's find out." Satoru's pace quickens and you can hear the wet sounds it makes and silently
pray that no one else can. "You've got such a cute little pussy princess, I can't wait to stuff it full of
my cock."

Suguru's teeth grazes your collarbones. "I've got place for another dessert, you ?"

"Always." Satoru groans, "But have at it first."

You panic slightly and shame swallows you. You're close, so close. "I-I don't want to come.
Please." Not in front of everyone else. You whisper.

"Aww. What is it kitten ? Is it only now that you're getting embarrassed ? But everyone already
knows how much of a needy little thing you are though. Grinding on my brother's fingers like a
little slut." Suguru cradles your cheek. "Too bad kitty." Suguru goes on as Satoru hastens the pace
of his hand. "You don't get to call the shots here." He then kisses your temple. "You've got such a
warm, small body." Another kiss, "Such a pretty little cunt. I can't wait to bury my cock deep inside
you baby." His fangs plunge in the skin of your neck and you still from the shock.

Your body feels so tense so impossibly tight for a few seconds and then you let finally loose and
you're free falling. You squeeze your eyes shut and bite your lip hard to prevent yourself from
making any sound. You can't seem to stop shaking as your orgasm runs its course and Satoru
doesn't stops the movement of his hand until Suguru's fangs leave your skin. It might be one of the
most powerful one they gave you.

Your vision blurs at the edges. You blink a few times. The high is ebbing away, you're now
burning up with shame. You could cry. You glare at Suguru, finally looking up.

"Sorry kitty." His smug grin tells you he's not the least bit sorry.

The father places his spoon down and wipes his lips with his napkin. Everyone else finished eating.
Except for you, of course. "I hope you all enjoyed dinner. You can now excuse yourselves out."
His words are final.

Everyone scurries out of the room, even the waiters.

Satoru, Suguru and Nanami clearly didn't get the memo to leave as they stay in their seat as the
other vacant theirs. When you're about to leave yourself Father Fushiguro lets out a humorless
chuckle as he gulps down the remaining of his glass before standing up to get to you.

"You little whore. Did you enjoy teasing every cocks at dinner with your antics ?" He drawls,
leaning down to be at your eye level.

Chapter End Notes

I promise I'll update again before next Wednesday but no promise after that cus school
is STILL fucking me sideways <3

Also how do you like the story so far

as usual I haven't proofread this at all. Would anyone be interested in being a beta
reader ?
Chapter Summary

You're so pliant. You'd let him do whatever he wants.

Chapter Notes

Will proofread this tomorrow

-HUGE size kink
-corruption kink
-pseudo-incest???? Suguru & Nanami are vampire 'brothers' and Father Fushiguro is
their 'father' if it bothers you don't read

Also I've decided to dial it back a little tiny bit on the second hand embarrassment

See the end of the chapter for more notes

SATORU, SUGURU AND Nanami clearly didn't get the memo to leave as they stay in their seat
while the others vacant theirs. Father Fushiguro lets out a humorless chuckle as he watches you try
to leave as well, before he gulps down the remainder in his glass as he stands up to get to you.

"You little whore. Did you enjoy teasing every cocks at dinner with your antics ?" He drawls, eyes
a gleaming red, leaning down to be at your eye level.

You feel the height difference between the two of you a bit too much. You take a step back.

He shakes his head while giving you another humorless chuckle, before he proceeds to scoop you
in his left arm, while he uses his other to violently smash down everything that's on the table.
Broken glass and shattered ceramics lay at the vampires' feet but none of them bat an eye. Father
Fushiguro places you on the table, exposing you like the most expensive and the most delicious
meal there is.

You might just be it.

He cups your cheek,"Those two men put you through a lot, hmm ?" You see a faint smirk dancing
on his lips as his eyes shift to Suguru and Satoru.

Satoru rolls his eyes, "Nothing too bad."

Toji's fingers creep under your dress, lifting it up for the world to see your exposed underwear—
which looks thoroughly drenched.

"Mr. Fushiguro. I—" you start only to be cut off.

"Mr. Fushiguro?" He cocks an eyebrow, "Are you confused as to how you should refer to me now,
since I am not actually a man of god ?" He guesses while he starts unbuttoning your dress with
practiced ease.

You huff. "Yes."

"Father still works. Daddy will do just fine as well." He purrs as he slides down the top of your
dress from your shoulders all the way to your waist. You let him do as he pleases.

Warmth rushes to your cheeks as his words. "But you're not my father." You splutter, horrified.

He only hums lightly, his fingers giving feathered touches over your frame, over your chest still
covered by your white lacy bra. "I can be your daddy then." Goosebumps cover your body.

"It's the same thing."

"No," he disagrees, "Not in my opinion. Your father is the incapable and annoying man whose
only major feat was conceiving you. Your daddy, on the other hand, is the one who protects you
and rewards you when you're good." He breathes right in your ear and you feign indifference.
"Now little girl, are you going to be good for your daddy ?"

"Mr. Fushiguro—" you start in a complaining tone but he tuts and you relent. "Okay. Daddy." You
say with not-so-hidden hint of mockery in your voice.
"Good enough." He settles, a slow smile stretching across his lips, seemingly satisfied, "The others
told me you've been very good when we were away. Is there anything that you want baby ?"

Your attention is immediately drawn to the bulge in his pants... it's huge. "L-like a reward ?"

He massages your nape, slowly, with two fingers. "Exactly like a reward."

They've already given you so much, there's nothing else you could wish for—or maybe not—you
wish you could see your parents again. But it's just wishful thinking. You know that much.

Toji chuckles before pressing a soft kiss to your cheek, "You know I'm proud of you, right ?"
Another peck, "So many drastic changes and yet you're still holding on." His hands slide to your
hips, pressing you onto his body and you feel his length poking your stomach. "You're going to let
us take care of you, alright love ?" He tilts his head to the side.

You nod, slowly, "O-okay." You think you might me the worse catholic ever—but God feels so
distant from you right now—you don't remember the last time you properly prayed. Guilt is
twisting in your stomach but you barely register it. You want him—want them, so much it makes
your blood boil with an insatiable need, an hunger that keeps you up at night, tossing and turning in
your bed.

His smile is cocky, like he knew you'd say that and then he molds your lips together and you gasp,
fisting his shirt in an attempt to gain balance.

After a few seconds, your lips part, a string of saliva still connecting them. He gives you a
loopsided grin, and you feel your heart beating like a mini-drum inside your chest. "We've missed
you baby." He brings your hand to his lips and kisses each finger, "Tonight is going to be all about
you. Just relax."

You're feeling a bit dazed, not in a hazy way though—no doubt it's simply the effect these men
have on you.

"Boys." Toji calls for the others in a low tone as he steps away. He goes back to his seat at the end
of the table.

"Hey kitty." Suguru smirks, reaching you first, "Dinner was fun, wasn't it ?" He tilts your head up.
"Let's have some more fun now, alright princess ?" Satoru proposes as comes to place himself
between your legs. He proceeds to completely takes off your dress, leaving you in your white bra
and white panties. Suguru leans down to kiss to your lips, slowly sliding his tongue inside your
mouth. Your body feels like it's boiling, simmering. You fail to understand how you're not feeling
cold with how exposed you are and how icy their skin feels.

"Are we seriously about to do it in the fucking dinning room ? For her first time ? I imagined
something a bit more romantic." Nanami says, still relatively far from you, a frown on his face.

"Doesn't matter," Suguru groans, "I can't wait."

"Virginity is a social construct anyway." Satoru's hands roam over your body. Everywhere he
touches you feel electric, it's sending shivers down your frame.

"Satoru, you always say the smartest shit when you want things to go your way." Suguru says, but
he hardly seems to mind as he parts your legs and you yelp.

Satoru licks and kisses the skin of your belly and Suguru continues to kiss you, muffling your weak
whimpers and whines. Nanami's eyes are hooded and low as he watches his older brothers kiss
your lips and lick at your skin.

"So sensitive. So cute." Satoru coos, sliding his hand inside your sticky panties , "We barely teased
you over your slutty pair of underwear at dinner, baby, and you're so wet."

Suguru chuckles, separating your lips from his.

"N-not slutty." You argue.

"They're not ?"

"Nobara asked me to dress nice—" your voice wavers when Suguru suckles at your neck.
"Ah." Suguru grins as if he understands, "But did that involve lacy, see-through, matching
underwear, baby ?"

"Aww. Was it all of us, princess ?" Satoru smirks.

"__." Nanami says as he places a protective hand on your thigh. You didn't even know he was that
close. His other hand plays with the strap of your bra. "Can I ?"

You nod.

Nanami takes off your bra, and lowers himself to your chest. He takes the liberty of kissing and
peppering kisses on your chest, all the way down to your nipple and he then gently nips at it, his
tongue flicking slowly as he suckles. You can feel Satoru's lips as they trail kisses to your jaw. You
slide your hands in Nanami's hair, pulling at it slightly when his fangs graze your nipple.

He looks up at you, silently asking if you're okay. And you're more than okay. Arousal clouds your
head and thoughts and memories of the men at your sides swirl in your mind. You can't help but
tug his hair again as he continues to pleasure you. Satoru accidentally licks an old bite mark and
you mewl.

Nanami moves back up and tilts your face up before his mouth meets yours and it's magical. His
lips are chapped but the kiss still feels soft and delicate as he gently nips at your bottom lip. You
feel him groan as you part to catch your breaths.

"So sweet." He whispers, poking out his tongue to swipe it across your lips.


"Yes, darling ?" He replies sweetly, voice hoarse, "Still with me ?"

You nod.

He gives you a smile as he caresses your thighs.

You're so pliant. You'd let him do whatever he wants.

"You know we all thought seriously about what clothes to buy you." Satoru suddenly muses, a
self-satisfied smile on his lips as he takes in your state, dilated pupils and wet lips. "Kento chose
those panties."

"They're a nice color aren't they ?" Father Fushiguro says, from where he is sitting, "It's a shame
we can't appreciate its color properly from how wet it is." He takes a sip of what might be vodka.
But he's drinking it too calmly for it to be vodka.

"I'd say this underwear served its purpose." Satoru grins and punctuates his statement with a roll of
his hips. You can feel the hard length of his cock pressing onto your panty-clad clit and you moan,
eyes widening. "So now, would you let me clean your sweet little cunt with my tongue ?"

"Of course she would." Suguru answers easily, for you, "But now is our dear brother's turn."

Nanami looks tensed, like he's trying hard to control himself as he focuses on the wet patch on your
delicate white panties.

"Since he chose them, it's only right he gets to keep them, right ?" Suguru says, gently patting his
younger brother on the shoulder before hooking a finger on your underwear and sliding it down
your legs. He then he bunches it inside Nanami's trouser pockets.

Your slut is glistening with arousal. Satoru moves away gesturing for Nanami to come take his

Nanami loosens his tie before placing himself between your thighs. His sight isn't on you but on
what lies between your legs. Nanami dips his head down to give your pussy a long lick, the taste
lingering in his tongue. You intentionally squeeze your thighs around his head but he easily parts
them back. He's licking you, drinking you solely for his pleasure, and the soft little moans you let
out are a very appreciated bonus. He leans back up with shiny lips. He then spreads your folds with
two of his fingers and watches a drop of your essence leak from your cunt.

"Tell me you want me to stop, darling." Nanami says, voice low and rough at the edges as he
places his hand on your pussy, thumbing your clit and watching you squirm. His cock twitches in
his pants.
You stay silent because you don't want him to stop—far from that.

Nanami's index circles your entrance, teasing you before slowly pressing into you. And you jolt
because his finger is so thick.

Satoru groans as he watch your cunt immediately suck the finger in, already greedy for more. All
the blood rushes straight to his groin and he can barely think straight as he watches your sweet
pussy squeeze his brother's finger.

"You still haven't told me to stop." Nanami remarks.

"But she won't." Suguru purrs, giving you a patronizing smile as he caress your cheeks.

"Because she loves it, being the fucking center of the attention." Satoru adds, mockingly.

But Nanami's focus stays on you, carefully reading every switch of your mood. His lips then
stretch in a delectable smile "Baby, since you're so wet I can already add another one right ?" He
coos as he pushes in a second finger, all too easily, still but you feel the stretch.

You face burns harder. You are breathless, your voice keeps coming out high and hushed. You are
trying so hard to stay silent and pathetically failing at it.

"Angel." Nanami whispers, before falling silent with his thumb caressing your lips. "I think I
finally found it."

"W-what ?" A dulcet moan still manages to come out from the nook of your throat.

"A petname that fits you, angel. I've found it." He smirks, "You're soft, nice and so sweet. My little
Angel." He tastes the words on his lips.

You melt.
"How does it feel, Angel ?" He whispers, right in your hear as his digits massage a sensitive spot
inside your cunt. You squeeze around his fingers as a soft gasp forces it's way out of your lips.

"F-feels good." You slur, shivering.

He laughs softly and kisses your shoulder. "Good, darling. That's all we want. We want you to feel
as good as possible." He goes on.

You hum, locking your arms around his neck for support and he kisses you again, except this time
he slides his tongue inside your mouth and it's messy and slow. His unoccupied hand is around
your waist, securing you tightly close to him. "Do you think I can fit a third in there, Angel ?" He
asks against your lips.

"I-I don't know."

"Lets try alright baby ?"

You nod, bashfully. He kisses your cheek and you feel another finger poke at your entrance. He
softly forces it inside your tight cunt and you gasp hotly. He slows his pace in fear of hurting you.

"How is it baby ?"

If he keeps calling you baby like that, with his voice as sweet as honey you think you won't last. It
makes you feel all kind of fuzzy and small and soft.

"It hurts-" you whine.

"It's a tight fit uh ?" He pouts, using his second hand to circle your clit. "But you're doing so good.
Our perfect girl."

The sounds your cunt are making are wet and lewd and can be clearly heard in the room as Nanami
continues toying with your cunt.
"You still didn't tell me to stop." Nanami notes.

"Of course she didn't. Look how wet her cunt is." Suguru tuts.

With two hands Suguru widens your legs for his greedy eyes.

"Me and Suguru are feeling a bit neglected here, princess." Satoru pouts.

Nanami’s fingers curl inside of you, his fingertips pressing on a spot that makes you twitch in
satisfaction and you can barely speak—let alone form coherent thoughts. "Y-yes," you slur.

"You like helping people don't you ?" Suguru starts, a fake pained expression on his face, "I know
you did a lot of volunteering in the community of the church you were in before." He gently holds
your hand, "Then why don't you help me ?" He helps you move the hand he places on his bulge
and your breath hitches, "It hurts, kitten."

"R-really ?"

"Of course. I've been rock hard since you stepped into the dining room, looking so adorable
wearing the gown that I chose and the choker matching it—no actually since I came back inside
our house and smelled your scent in it." He sighs, "It's your fault, really."

Satoru laughs lowly. "Using the blue balls trick, really ?"

Suguru shrugs, "She loves helping, such a good little kitten." The praise still manages to sound
condescending coming from his lips.

You look at Nanami, silently pleading for help but it only makes it worse for you. His eyes look
back down at you with a somewhat dark expression like he wants to devour you completely, body
and soul.

"Darling." He says, his tone too soft compared to the way in which he's ravishing your body with
his hooded eyes. "Is everything alright?"
You look down, shy. "Yes."

"You'd tell me if it weren't alright, yeah ?" He says breathily, still grazing that spot that has you
squirming, chasing a high that feel so far.

You nod.

Your hand is on Suguru's bare dick now, and it's hard and throbbing and wet. You've never held
one before, you're not sure what you're supposed to do with it.

"You're gonna have to hold it tighter Kitty." He tells you, voice scolding.

You do as he says, you tighten your hold on his cock.

"Don't forget about me as well princess." Satoru places your other hand on his cock. His bulge
feels insistent through your thin layers of his clothing.

Suguru thrusts into your hand, groaning. His cock is red at the tip and there's so much precum
leaking. You palm Satoru over the fabrics of his clothes. You're not really sure of what you're
doing but they seem to like it.

Your two hands are now occupied—so you now have no way of keeping you upper body up. You
lie your head on the table.

You briefly look at Fath—Daddy, who is smirking at you with lazy, hooded eyes, a little glint of
amusement shining in them. He stares at you like a starving man as if you were a full meal sitting
in front of him. Which is kind of ironic considering you've all just eaten.

Your shameless desire for his touch is completely throwing you off.

Sin shouldn't feel this good, you think.

Satoru unzips his pants and pulls out his turgid cock which slaps against his shirt and stains it with
his copious precum. He warps his fingers around his hard dick and gets himself off.

The pace of Nanami's hand quickens and you're shaking. You're at the cusp of euphoria.

At some point Nanami bit you—it was so sudden, so abrupt it immediately sent you into sensitivity
overload. A sudden wave of pleasure skittered down your frame and you were coming. Nanami
removed his canines from your skin right as your orgasm started dying down.

And then Satoru splattered a white gooey mess all over your abdomen while Suguru came on your
delicate hand.

A gush of liquid comes rushing out of your pussy as Nanami slides his fingers out. Your cunt feels
so empty.

You didn't notice it before but there's a brief expanse of sculpted stomach that pokes out from
between the buttons of Nanami's shirt, followed by a short line of hair just before his belt buckle,
which ultimately lead your eyes to his engorged bulge.

Nanami's tongue darts out to drag across his lips, reading your face intensely. "What's it Angel ?"

You feel your embarrassment creeping up your neck.

"Pretty little angel wants to see my cock ?" Nanami croons. "Cute." He gently makes you sit back
up and ignores the copious amount of cum on your hand. He unbuckles his pants and his cock
immediately stands straight in front of your face.

Nanami cups your cheeks with both of his hands, a slow, gentle smile on his lips, "I'm going to let
you suck my cock, alright, darling ?"

You nod, opening your mouth wide, trying to get his cock in right away. He chuckles lowly, "It's
not going anywhere, baby, you can take your time." He continues teasing you as he watches your
lips go after his dick for him to only slap it across your face.
"Darling." He admonishes sweetly, "You know what to say when you want something, right ?"

It only takes you a second to figure out what he means, "Pl-please sir." You want him so bad it
hurts. "I want... I want your..."

He lifts an eyebrow, moving your chin up. "You want my cock ? Is that what you're trying to say ?"

You nod. Nanami caresses your cheek tenderly, "Then say it. Use your big girl words." He looks so
good with his shirt and his cravat, so kept-together while you're naked and desperately trying to get
his length inside your mouth. He rubs the tip on your lips

"Can I have your cock... please ?"

"Of course you can love." He holds your head closer to his dick. You start by licking a stripe at the
head, tasting the salty precum. You don't know if it's because it's Nanami but it tastes good. You
love his cock—love his scent, everything. He caresses your cheek softly. "No time for teasing,
darling. I need my cock inside your warm little mouth. Now."

You obey and wrap your lips around him. He grunts when you lick and suck at the tip of his cock a
few times. He guides you up and down his length by the hold he's got on your head. You gag a few
times. He goes a bit slower. His eyes flutter shut and he accidentally bucks his hips, making you
choke around his cock. Curses spill from his lips like water and very soon there's a salty liquid
dribbling from the head of cock that you gladly swallow down.

You stare up a him with big, teary eyes while you simultaneously swallow down his cock—or what
you can of it. But it's alright because Nanami truly gets off to your facial expressions, to the face
you're making that's absolutely begging for his praise. You choke and garble slightly in your haste
to take him and please him. Your jaw begins to ache.

He caresses your cheeks, "How does it taste, darling ?" A self-indulgent smile is plastered on his
lips, widening as you try to answer him with his dick in your mouth.

You babble incoherently, spit dribbling down your chin as you pathetic attempt to speak.

"Aww, so cute." He means it and not in a condescending way, you're absolutely adorable. "You're
doing so good, baby. You're making me feel so good."
You preen, your face immediately brightening and Nanami chuckles.

"Such a cockslut." Suguru coos but you barely hear it, too focused on the task at hand.

The head of his cock is pressed against the back of your throat. Pleasure sears through every nerves
of his body but he still decides to give your jaw a break and you immediately gasp for air, eyes
watering with tears as you look up at him. There's so much saliva on your chin and your lips. His
cock is then back inside your mouth

He thrusts shallowly inside your mouth—he's trying so hard not to violently fuck your throat and
only the devil knows how much he wants to. There's so much restraining himself he's got to do
with you because you've got little to not experience with all of this and your body is still very

You look up at him again while simultaneously swallowing down his cock, barely able to stuff his
whole cock down your throat. His jaw is set.

"You’re going to love what I'm about to give you, angel." Your bob your throat a few more times
before he floods your mouth with his cum. It's creamy and salty and there's so much it cascades
from your lips to your chin. You do your best to drink everything because you want to be good. He
pats your head approvingly. "Doing so good Angel."

You swallow all the cum you can before his saliva-coated cock leaves your mouth, a thin string of
saliva still connecting his dick to your lips.

You look like a mess but they love you like that.

"Open up again, kitty, I've got some warm milk for you." Suguru scoops the remainders of his
sticky cum that had landed on your stomach with his fingers and forces it down your throat. He
coos when you greedily suck on his digits, swallowing his release. "What a good little kitten." He
purrs. "So are you okay with the idea of a collar now ?" He asks as he circles his hands around
your neck and you roll your eyes. "You're not visualizing it right, come on. It'll be gold with kitten
incrusted in it. Oh!—and with a little bell hanging from it."

"We'll talk about it later. Now is Father's turn." Satoru soothes his brother before he dresses
himself back up and aside from the flush on his cheeks, you wouldn't be able to tell what just

Nanami and Suguru also dress themselves back up. They give you one last kiss each before the
three men leave the room.

You don't have the time to be confused because Toji is already walking towards you. You tense

"There's no need to be scared, little girl." He gives you a grin that you're sure is meant to be
reassuring, "Daddy's gonna make you feel good."

Chapter End Notes

!Important note!

The pseudo-incest tag will be present throughout the entire remainder of this fic !!!
Since most of the people in the Fushiguro clan are venom related.

Being blood related and venom related are two completely different things though !
Members of the clan who are blood related (like Megumi & Toji) won't have ANY
sexual interactions at all cus that's like... eww, incest. I'm only saying this cus I got a
comment complaining about them being 'brothers' and complaining that the reader
might be hinted at becoming their 'sister' in the future. I don't like spoiling my own
story but for the sake of warning people properly: it's going to happen.

If it bothers you, I completely understand and I'm asking you to stop reading this.
Chapter Summary

He kisses your shoulders, your neck, your cheeks, softly, gently, whispering words of
praise and then you're out like a light. The physical toll on your body was decidedly
too much.

Chapter Notes

It hasn't been a month !!!! Great news right ?

See the end of the chapter for more notes


-HUGE size kink

-gigantic daddy kink

-virginity kink

-corruption kink

-so much breeding kink


-unrealistic depiction of intercourse guys (especially for her first time)

CHAPTER — four

part seven

YOUR NAILS dig into the skin of Toji's arms as kisses you, rendering you breathless. He slots his
thigh between your legs, not caring about the wetness that coats his pants.

"Baby." He calls for you. You let out a soft gasp when he lowers his head to kiss your neck.

"Yes." You mumble, voice soft.

"You know what we're about to do, yeah ?" His voice is too calm compared to the way he's looking
at you.

You twiddle your thumbs and contemplate, "I-I think."

"Daddy's going to take care of his little girl." His hand is on your waist. Everywhere his icy fingers
touch your naked skin sets your body on fire.

You feel a dull throb between your legs, a dull ache that makes you lock your legs between his
waist, bringing him closer to you. "Daddy." You whine breathily.

He groans at the tone in which you're calling him so. "What is it, love ?"

"It-it hurts." You complain.

He chuckles lightly and kisses your forehead, "And you want daddy to make it better ?" He asks,
"Maybe I could kiss it better, too." His words go straight to your core and you swallow back a

His tongue flits out to lick across his lips, and he rubs his thigh against your cunt. You squirm

Everything about it is just so wrong, and completely perverted, and you're more than ashamed at
the way you seem to like it.

Calling this man 'Daddy' should disgust you, but what you're feeling right now is the farthest thing
from disgusted. You want him, so bad it aches.

"I can relieve the pain, baby. You just have to ask for it. Say "Daddy please fuck me."" his lower
lip juts out in a pout as he teases you cruelly. His voice reaches into your core and swirls around
your mind, clouding your thoughts completely until they're filled with nothing but the feel of his
touch and the heat of his breath on your neck. He pebbles your nipple with his fingers while
maintaining eye contact with you.
"Daddy, please fuck me." You beg, your voice barely above a whisper.

"Anything my baby asks for." He purrs as he takes his cock out of his slacks. Out of curiosity, you
reach out to touch it.

His cock is gargantuan. That's it. So swollen and hard, you can't even hold in one hand with how
thick it is, you have to use both. There's generous precum pooling at the tip. It twitches in your

"Good girl," your daddy praises in your ear. He holds his turgid cock with one hand and presses it
to your pussy lips, smearing the precum. You have the sudden urge to flee. Premarital sex. The
biggest no-no there is. You're about to do it. You haven't thought about church or God in a few
days—for a few reasons that you refuse to even start going about. However the guilt is still there
rolling around in your stomach. You'll be ruined if you do it—more than you already are. Your
father will be so disappointed.

"Get it nice and wet for me so I can fuck that sweet little pussy of yours baby. You're going to
fucking take it."

But you whine, looking away. He gently cradles your face to make you look up at him. His eyes
are gentle... nearly tender.

"Do you want to do it ?" He asks you, breaking out of character. "I wish I could destroy all those
false beliefs and misogynistic shackles the church placed in your mind but I can't."

You melt in his touch. "I just—I'll be dirty if I do it." You whisper, like it's a secret.

"You won't be dirty, love. Even if you were, then you'd just be my dirty little girl."

"You're—you're a bad man." Dirty, is what you want to say.

"Your bad man." Dirty is what he means.

Since when did he become so soft ? Is this the same man that stole your panties in his study ?
"I'm sorry about what I did earlier." He says softly, tracing your thoughts. "You have every right to
be upset."

"I'm not—" you begin but he lifts an eyebrow at you. "Okay... I am upset."

"What can I do to make it better ?" He rubs at your cheeks.

"Promise not to haze me without my permission again."

"I promise I won't do it again."

You blink, well that was easy. "Well then it's okay." Perhaps not completely but you're too aroused
to even want to think about it again.

"Oh little dove." He grips both your thigh for leverage and you feel the tip of his dick pressed on
your sticky slit. "You're so small baby, how are you gonna take it ?" he coos.

You stare at his cock with worry.

Toji chuckles and kisses your forehead.

"What is it ? Afraid I'm gonna tear you in two ?" He quips with an evident smirk.

He might.

He doesn't say that the idea turns him on as much as it might horrifies you.

You pout and he kisses your lips.

"You're cute." You feel his grin against your mouth, "I should probably warn you," He murmurs as
he grinds against your sopping cunt. "It might hurt a little bit sweetheart."

One hand is lifting your thigh and the other is on your hips, keeping your body against his. He
pushes in—slowly—but you still feel the burn as his tip forces open your tight virgin cunt.

You cry out, tapping his shoulders in urgency. "Da-daddy ! It hurts !"

He kisses your shoulder, his jaw looks tense and his eyes are clouded with lush. "Ssshh,
sweetheart. Daddy is a bit busy right now." He says but nonetheless stops his movements, giving
you time to breathe.

Your breaths are ragged, his cock is too big, too thick but your cunt won't stop clenching, "Just go

He doesn't tell you that he already was going slow and resumes his tedious task.

He feels every ridges of your cunt around him, squeezing him. When you involuntary clench
around him again he slightly thrusts his hips in, forcing you open.

You gasp, crying, nails scratching at his back. "H-hurts ! It hurts !"

"I'll make it all better sweetheart." He promises in your ear and then he bites your neck. Like
Pavlov's dogs, your body immediately reacts and he isn't halfway inside of you that you're already
creaming his cock, your tight cunt trembling as you squirm and shake under him.

You fall down on the table, your vision briefly spotting and Toji uses this moment to fit more of
his dick inside your pussy. You still feel the pain but it feels decidedly better than before, and you
watch with lewd interest as your cunt fills up and your stomach swells to accommodate his large

He groans. He's frustrated. He's never been with someone as delicate as you before—or perhaps he
has, he's not sure, all memories of previous sexual encounters are flown out of his mind at the feel
of your velvety walls wrapped around his cock. His tip is right at your cervix.
"How does your first cock feel little girl ?" He says, his voice deliciously low and deep. You
clench around him and whine and he lets out a breathy laugh. "You like that—when I call you little

You think you feel him get harder inside you and you cry out in frustration. "Daddy—too much—
too much—" but the telltale coil in your stomach tightens. It feels so good. Your words are slurred,
your vision skewed. You're scratching at his back now, so overwhelmed by the feeling of his cock
dragging across your gummy walls, grazing your sensitive spot, bruising your cervix.

When he's all in he bends down to kiss you. "Can you feel it sweetheart ?" His cock twitches at the
deepest depth of your virgin cunt. "That's your cervix, baby, this where all my cum will go."

You meekly nod.

His voice is mocking as he plays with your nipples, nodding his head slowly. "It's a snug fit, yeah

All you see is the bump on your stomach, that moves according his thrusts. "You're doing so good.
A perfect little girl for daddy, that's what you are, right ?"

You moan out a small 'yes'.

He starts hammering into you, his thick cock head drilling your cervix—and it hurts, it hurts so
good. He knows you like it and purposely grinds his cock against it, just to hear you mewl, just to
see you shake. "You're letting daddy use your virgin little cunt for his needs, little girl. You're
doing so good."

You let out a sob, feeling so weak under him, so small. You can feel his dick through your lower

If he didn't have any self-control he'd be plowing into your tight little cunt with greater force,
fucking you until you bled, indulging himself completely in gummy walls while he'd drain you dry
from the neck. He knows he'd come as soon as he'd see the life draining from your eyes. But all of
this is simply fantasy, truth to be told, he doesn't want you dead at all. He meant what he said at
dinner, he'd have to be dead for anyone to even think that they can touch you, or even worse, harm
He lowers his gaze to where your pussy is sucking him in for all he's worth and growls lowly. He
smells it before he sees it—the blood. There are little drops of crimson dripping from your cunt,
pooling at the table.

He growls and grabs one of your swaying tits as he picks up the pace a little. Perhaps he should
give you a break, but he can't bring himself to pull away from your little cunt, not when you're
sucking him in so lewdly, your cute pussy drooling around him.

His gargantuan cock keeps applying pressure on that sensitive bundle of nerves, and it's constant
and it sends you into a frenzy. Nonetheless your lock your thighs around his waist, pulling him
closer. "I'm going to come right up your ripe little cervix sweetheart." He tells you right in your ear.

His cock is absolutely crushing your cunny, battering a particular bundle of nerves.

"So fucking tight." He rubs at your clit with his thumb and caresses the bulge in your lower
stomach with his other hand. He resumes his thrusts.

"Are you going to come on Daddy's cock ? Get it nice and wet sweetheart ?" He purrs as he kisses
your neck.

He's literally plowing into you at every single thrust, your body barely able to follow his pace. The
pressure building inside you is unwinding at much too fast pace for you.

"That's it little girl. Come on Daddy's cock, squeeze me so tight." His world provoke your
unraveling. A stream of clear liquid barely manages to leak out of your cunt. Your breaths are
shuddered and your vision blurs, but he doesn't stop.

"I knew my little girl could do it without being bitten. All you needed was a cock inside your little
cunt, yeah ?" He coos. You're whimpering and trembling at his words.

"Sweetheart, Daddy's going to come." His voice is thick, raw and husky, "You know what's going
to happen when Daddy pumps his little girl full of cum, yeah ?"

Oh fuck. You get so impossibly tight around him.

He physically can't get you pregnant. For the undead creating 'life' can be a bit tricky. However he
doesn't feel guilty for not telling you only for the way your eyes widen and you cunt squeezes
around him as you gasp.

You like the idea. Not the children part, but being bred.

He thick cock head slams into you cervix one last time before he shoots his come there, filling you
to the brim. His come is so thick and sticky,

He kisses your shoulders, your neck, your cheeks, softly, gently, whispering words of praise and
then you're out like a light. The physical toll on your body was decidedly too much.

Chapter End Notes

Me: *thinks there isn't too much secondhand embarrassment in this story*

Me: rereads a few chapters

Me: turns off my laptop.

Also the thirst for Nanami in the last chapter... ??? HES LITERALLY DOING THE

And I'm not going to lie this fic was supposed to be WAYYY darker than it is now.
Like I'm talking heavy on the dubcon/noncon but idk I kinda want a cute ending for
them now

I'm pretty that's the only scene in which consent was explicitly given. I thought I
should since it's her first time . Even tho I'm a sucker for dub con oops.

ALSO I MADE A TUMBLR ACCOUNT !!! One of you guys already found me hehe.
It's @/virjoonity. Send asks. Plz.
Chapter Summary

The sides of his mouth curl in a deceptive smile.

YOUR SURROUNDINGS are nothing but a blur as you run. Adrenaline pumps through your
veins when you notice the silhouette in front of you growing bigger. Wind violently rushes past
your face but you keep going. You're so close, the silhouette—who is most likely a man, older than
you, is only within arm's reach now.

You simply have to—

"Wake up !"

You open your eyes and lean up, to meet Nobara's brown and intense eyes. She's not in her
sleepwear, she's not in the same outfit she went to dinner in either, she's simply wearing a simple
black dress that cinch her waist nicely and falls all the way to her knees.

You blink, tired and confused. You're in your bedroom, in your pyjamas, you realize. When did
you get there ? The ache between your legs is a blatant reminder you of what transpired mere hours
ago. "Is everything okay ?" You ask, voice groggy, slightly upset.

She bites her lip and looks to the sides before leaning down to whisper, "Follow me."

"Now ?!" You whisper-yell, "But why ?"

She awkwardly caresses her neck, in what you assume to be a self-soothing manner.

You're so hungry. Your throat is so dry.

"___?" She questions when she notices your eyes focusing on her throat.
You swallow your saliva as an attempt to moisten your own. "I—yes ?"

"I've got something to show you. You won't regret it, follow me." She whispers and gives out her
hand for you to take.

Hesitantly, you accept and hold her hand as you slip out of your bed.

"It's about 6am, we gotta hurry." She goes on, in the same quiet tone.

The note of urgency in her voice represses the complaints threatening to spill from your lips.

"And you've slept enough already. It's been an entire day."

"That long ?" You ask through a yawn as you walk through the corridors, careful to not make any
noise. You truly doubt it changes anything though, in the short time you've been here you've
witnessed multiple times how developed their senses are. Yours somewhat are too, if you focus
long enough, you can tell where approximately each of them is.

You're surprised when she leads you back into the dinning room. Your cheeks heat up with
embarrassment as you are once again reminded of what you've done. Nothing on her face tells you
she knows about it. She opens the service door the waiter used to access the room and leads you to
the kitchen. From there she gets to another, bigger door, that is most likely used for deliveries.

She doesn't open it just yet. "I'll leave you now." She turns to face you, there's a small, uncertain
smile on her lips, worry wrinkles her forehead.

You blink. "What ? Here ?!"

She rolls her eyes playfully, brief amusement shining in her eyes, "Yeah. I don't want topry."

Then the door creaks open, so impossibly slowly. You discern a figure on the other side, so still it
might be a statue. When the creaks cease, you look up slowly to meet the man's eyes and violent
mortification freezes your body.

It's your father.

He's dressed as a cook, in all white. He looks like he hasn't slept in a little while, too.

Your blood runs cold, you truly hope your face doesn't look at horrified as you are. You plaster a
weak, wavered smile on your lips but can't really bring yourself to take a step in his direction.

Nobara squeezes your shoulder, she can probably hear how... surprised you are right now. You
hope she's the only one. You wonder if it's alright for you to even be out here right now... with your

Your father does the first step, "___!" He calls for you, relieved. He takes a second, third and
fourth step, too then reaches you. You have to make the conscious decision not to reel back. He's
right about to enter the kitchen but stops so abruptly, like there's some unsaid rule he shouldn't
enter their home.

As silent as a ghost, Nobara slips out of the room.

You inhale shakily, "Fath—" you start before two heavy arms prison your body, taking you by

He's never done that before. It feels so out of character. Dumbfounded, all you can do is gawk at
the man in front of you. You freeze, your stomach drops. Suddenly you're not glad you've had sex.
Suddenly you wish you could go back.

"I'm sorry I've left you alone." He breathes in your hair.

Guilt pumps in your veins. You're impure, now. Dirty.

You're so uncomfortable in his embrace you have to fight yourself not to push him away. It's
oppressing. Do all hugs feel like this ?
"But I know you've been good." He continues, in a self-assured tone as he sets your body free but
shackles your mind all the same. You're suddenly grateful it's the night, for that he can barely
distinguish the awkward smile on your face, and the way it doesn't really meets your eyes. His
hands on your shoulders forces your attention back to him.

"You want to go back home don't you ?" It doesn't really feel like a question. You should want to
go back home, and in a way, you do. You want to go back to life before. It was so much easier. His
grip on your shoulders feels suffocating and it's caging you as he speaks. "I'll come and get you. I
promise, you've just got to hold on a little longer. I know you can do that." He says this so easily,
so honestly, like he perfectly understands what you've been through and it nearly makes you cry
but there's no way he does understand—and if he does then he's just a horrible man.

Words are stuck in your throat. You can only nod.

He searches for something in his pockets.

Your eyes go to his exposed neck, you feel nothing but more guilt. Hopefully he can't decipher the
cause. Perhaps something should click in your brain that you're more scared of your father finding
out you're no longer a virgin than God.

"How did you get here ?" You find the voice to ask.

"It was a bit tricky. I had to come at a time when they're already humans in the house so they
wouldn't notice my scent, but I did it. I got a bit of help."

"From... Nobara ?" You guess. You truly don't get her. You don't understand how she thinks.
Didn't she basically betray Toji now ? On which side is she ? "Is she going to be okay ?"

He shrugs, "I'm sure he's already noticed I'm here anyway. Or he's going to, very soon." He
narrows his eyes, "Which is why I don't have time much time left."

"Father." You murmur, playing with the em of your pyjama top, you're not sure if you should be
admitting this to him. You're pretty sure he's a vampire hunter, but you hope he'll be able to help
you. "I've been feeling weird."
His eye twitches but he keeps on smiling, "We all do sweetheart, we all do." He finally takes out a
small black box with a little red bow tie. Your birthday is in 3 months. Saying you're confused
would be an understatement.

You sigh, "I mean that weird things have been happening. I—my senses it's like they're sharper and
I don't feel as sick as I usually do. Do you think—" you squeak out, voice laced with desperation.

"No !" He cuts you off, shaking your shoulders forcefully. "You're my daughter. You're not a
vampire." He expresses it like the very thought disgusts him to no end.


"Cut it out !" He exclaims, anger and frustration written all over his features. "You're not one of
those disgusting and vile creatures." He spits, his voice shaky. "You-you're different. You're
perfect." He finishes softly with a deranged look on his face. He smiles. "You and me are going to
be perfect."

He scares you a little. You step back.

He catches it and the twisted look is gone from his face, instead a warm smile stretches across his
lips. "My daughter, I am so proud of you for going through all of this."

He's proud ? Why does he says it like what's been happening to you is not that big a deal ? He's
always been so cryptic, so unclear - does he truly understand how much you've suffered ? How
hard you've tried ? Nevertheless you feel so shaken up you could cry. You've always wanted to
hear those words.

"This isn't going to be permanent. I promise you. I'll die if I must but you're not going to stay their
prisoner for long." He exhales. "I never wanted you to go there but... but seeing how you're nearly
ready... maybe it was for the best." He mutters slower, lower.

You feel your gut twisting.

He places the small box in your hands, "My perfect little girl. Open it."
You open the box and it's some kind of... cookie ? Biscuit ? It looks pretty normal. You're just
really confused by the packaging.

"Uh... thank you, father. Is that a cookie ?"

He nods quickly, his gaze is... intense, to say the least, "Eat it."

"Now ?"


"Is there something weird in it, because I—"

He scoffs, disbelief overtaking his features, "You're my daughter. Since when do you disobey me ?
It a cookie, eat it. Now."

You feel your face heat up with embarrassment. You take a first bite and it taste like a regular
cookie - but then it becomes salty and its consistency is a bit weird, it's gooey? The entire pastry
kind of feels like a mind fuck, to be honest. Nonetheless you go on under the careful gaze of your
father who exhales in what seems to be relief when you finish it.

"Okay, now you're going to listen to me, alright ?" He starts, tone slow and tentative. When you
simply nod, he continues, "You trust me don't you ?"

Your sight wavers a little, like you can't focus it - but you do notice how much he's fidgeting, like
he's anxious.

"I have a plan to get you out of here and make sure we both stay safe, I'll explain it to you." He
looks around him, suspicious of people eavesdropping him, "You'll leave with me won't you ?"

Slightly dazed and a bit dizzy you nod again.

The sides of his mouth curl in a deceptive smile.

II | V
Chapter Summary

Call it wishful thinking, but you're sure that if Nanami was in charge this would've
never happened. He looks like he actually respects humans.

Chapter Notes

A double update... admit you're impressed (the last part was super short so... and
this one is even shorter tbh)

See the end of the chapter for more notes

YOU'RE BACK in the dark corridors of the mansion, alone. The conversation you've had with
your father clouds your mind, so much that you don't notice the person staring at you from afar as
you're so lost in your thoughts.


You let out a surprised squeak, "Oh—hello."

Nanami's leaning on the wall, a few steps away from you. His arms are crossed and there's a ghost
of a smile on his lips. "Where were you ?" He asks, an eyebrow lifted. He starts moving towards
you when you stop in your tracks.

Where have you been ? It takes you some time to even remember that. Your mind feels... unclear.
What were you thinking about mere seconds ago ? What are you doing here ? You swear you have
it on the tip of your tongue.

Nobara woke you up and took you out—then what ?

You try to calm the rapid beating of your heart. He can hear it. You hope he assumes that it's from
the fright of him surprising you and not from lying. "I was simply taking a walk... I couldn't sleep."
His eyes narrow. "Alright. But you should still try to sleep. You'll be very busy tomorrow and it's
already late." Late in vampire world. It is actually around 7am.

"What are you doing here ?" You ask him this time.

He scrunches his noise in thought, "I sensed that you weren't in your room and wondered what you
were doing up so late. Then I thought I smelled an outsider, but it was very faint."

You shiver. "Wow—your sense of smell is, um, developed, very good." You wince at how you
sound. "But I haven't seen anyone, if that's what you're wondering."

Except Nobara. And your father.

Wait. You've seen your father ?

"Not really. Toge has the most developed one. I'm simply attuned to you." He shrugs and shortens
the space between you. He places his hand on your waist, softly, pulling your body into his. "The
scent I've smelled must've been one of the cooks." He hums as he bends down then lifts you up

You let out a squeaky sound. "What—?!"

"We hired them. You eat food but we can't cook. I found a way."

You ignore the way your heart warms at the gesture, "I mean, why are you carrying me ?"

"You were limping. I'll take you back to your room."

Limpin—good god. You remember in very graphic details the reason for your limp. Your entire
body heats up at the thought. You unconsciously burrow your face in the crook of his neck to
somehow escape the embarrassment. He smells nice, like lemon and oranges. It's a clean and neat
scent, it suits him.
He has one arm secured under your thighs and the other around your waist. "Are you alright ? Does
it hurt too much ?" He questions, voice soft.

You shake your head.

"He wasn't too rough with you, was he ?" He rumbles lowly, but his tone is soothing, it puts you at
ease. You could fall asleep in his arms, you're so tired. "I can haze you if it's too much." Then
suddenly you're fully awake and tensed up.

"No!" You exclaim, panicking. "Please don't—I don't want to be hazed anymore."

"No ?"

"It makes me feel good but my brains feels cloudy afterwards. It's—it kind of feels like running
away. I don't want to anymore."

He chuckles softly as he carries you to your bedroom, his steps don't make any sound. "I see. That's
impressive, not a lot of people could do it."

"Really ?"

"Yes. You should give yourself some more credit." He says, his breath tickling your ear. "A lot of
people would take the easy way out. Facing your problems is a lot harder than it seems. Especially
in your situation. I know it's hard."

You melt in his arms. Feeling validated is such a great feeling.

"Oh—well, thank you."

"You shouldn't thank me, I'm still a blood-sucking leech and one of your abductors, right ?" He
teases and lifts you a bit higher in his arms.

You deflate. Call it wishful thinking, but you're sure that if Nanami was in charge this would've
never happened. He looks like he actually respects humans.

"Father didn't listen when I asked him not to haze me the first time though."

Nanami sighs like he's not surprised. "Yeah... about that I'm sorry. He probably felt insecure."

You nearly scoff. "Why ? It doesn't even make any sense."

"The hazing kind of felt like something that only we could do for you. If you don't want it
anymore, it makes us replaceable. That's the way he thinks." He presses a kiss to your forehead,
"He sees people as objects to use, that includes himself. So he wanted to convince you, in his own
weird way, that you still need hazing even when you clearly don't. That doesn't excuse anything,
though. But his view of the world is skewed."

"That's fucked up."

He laughs a little, his chest vibrates against you. "Yes. He's been taught this way by the man that
turned him. He's afraid you'll leave. We all are." He opens the door to your bedroom but doesn't go
in just yet.

"But I can't even leave." You whine.

"Soon you'll have the opportunity to." His face is neutral, hard but his eyes are a weak yellow. He
then frowns, "Also, since when do you curse ?"

You giggle, "Yuuji taught me."

"Of course he did." He says but there's no real bite, only warmth and amusement. "Lets get you to
bed, alright ?" He enter your room and closes the room behind him.

"Okay, Mr.Nanami."

He lets out a noise that sounds very close to a snort, "Call me Kento. We're well past formalities."
His eyes shift to red for a split second. He reaches your bed and softly sets you on it.

Your cheeks warm.

You're going to hell, is what you think over and over again as you Nanami safely tucks you into the
covers. You're a deviant. You're spoiled.

He kisses your cheek.

Perhaps... deep down you've always been like that. The hazing, its said to bring out your inner self.
You are depraved, filthy, stained.

Now you've got to leave with it. It's glaringly obvious that you've got two paths in front of you—
one of debauchery if you stay any longer in the company of Toji and his family, or one of faith if
you keep the words of God close to your heart.

You're now aware of how shallow your belief in God was—is.

Even through all of this, you find yourself hesitating.

The conversation with your father is nothing but lost, forgotten memory in your mind as you
snuggle under the covers.

Chapter End Notes

*laughs in an evil way*

Chapter Summary

You disgust yourself, all of this is entirely immoral—but it feels so right when you're
with him.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

NOBARA IS nowhere to be seen when you wake up. She's usually always by your side from the
moment you start eating breakfast, up until dinner, then you guys call it quits for the day and go
sleep, more often than not Yuuji tags along, followed by a grumpy Megumi. However you don't
find a trace of her today.

Maki and Toge are in the kitchen when you go down to eat breakfast, they're drinking blood,
you're pretty sure it animal blood, it just smells like it.

Wait—what ? Those kind of things, little details that you have no business knowing but somehow
do happen all the time now. You've asked Yuuji and Nobara about it at some point, but they
brushed it off.

By lunch, she still hasn't come to you so you decide to go see her instead. Her room is the closest
to yours and you've been there a few times. Her bedroom is very creepy to say the least she's got a
bunch of weird dolls stacked in there. You don't go there a lot, but desperate times call for
desperate measures.

You knock a few times and try to go in when you hear nothing back. It's locked, she always keeps
it locked when she's not there. You sigh.

"What's got you so blue princess ?" Satoru purrs from your side, a wicked grin plastered on his lips
and his hands in the pockets of his pants. He's got those damn glasses on again.

He startles you. Damn those vampires and their ability to walk without making any sound. "What
are you doing here ?" You ask, unexpectedly loud. You can't help but be surprised, Satoru, Suguru,
Kento and Toji are never on this floor—it's yours, Nobara's and Maki's
His grin widens into an amused smile. "I wanted to check up on you. Kento said you were

He coos when you look away. "Pretty princess, are you embarrassed ?" He cradles your cheeks.

"Shutup." You blurt out, but it comes out nearly inaudible with your face squished between his

He chuckles, then briefly pecks your lips, he then gestures to Nobara's door with a tilt of his head,
"Are you searching for her ?"

"Yes." You rock on your feet, your hands locked behind your back and look away, like you've been
caught doing something you shouldn't, so you add "I haven't seen her all day."

He lets go of your face but his hands don't leave your body yet, he instead places them on your
waist, "She's not in the house."

You guessed as much, "Why ?"

"She was sent away on a mission a few hours ago. That happens." He shrugs.

"What kind of mission ?"

You think he might scold you for prying - or brush it off since it's what they always do, except this
time he only gives you a peculiar look, but answers anyway, "Usually it's spying or but tonight it's
might be manslaughter, or even torture, since she's being punished."

You stopped questioning their inhumane ways a long time ago, instead what surprises you is the
reason she's been sent away. You nearly choke on your own saliva, "And—why would she be
punished ?"

He pouts and leans down so he can tower over you, his lips hover yours, "I'm not sure princess."
His tone is sickly sweet, "You tell me."
Okay. So it's definitely because you've seen your father and she's helped you doing it. You don't
even remember what you talked about with him, isn't their reaction a bit too much ?

You humpf and cross your arms, avoiding his incessant stare.

He laughs again, one hand moving to the back of your neck as he follows your gaze, forcing you to
meet his eyes, and when you reluctantly do, he rewards you with a kiss, on the tip of your nose,
"He's asked for you, by the way." When you give him a confused look, he clarifies, "Father."

Panic is written all over your face, "Am I going to get punished as well ?"

He hums in fake concentration, enjoying the way you anxiously squirm in his hold, purposely
toying with you, "It depends. Have you been bad littlelest ?"


"You've been bad." Father Fushiguro says, as he lifts a judgmental eyebrow, his biceps bulging as
he crosses his arms. You're back in the little library you've been in before. You now know that it is
his study, and that when he isn't in his room, he's probably there.

His eyes go up and down your form.

You suppress a shiver as you immediately reply, "I didn't do anything wrong." It's useless though,
he can read your thoughts.

He looks unfazed, "Darling. You do know why I called you here, don't you ?" Toji says, voice
low, comfortably sat in the seat of his gigantic desk, fingers impatiently drumming on it. He serves
himself a glass of blood from the glass decanter that's also there. His desk is somewhat messy,
books and papers lying here and there.

You're frozen in place, your stomach free-falling. What you were dreading might be true after all.
"Your dad was here." He still says, eyes narrowing into slits, "But you already know that, don't you
sweetheart ?" His tone is slow and soft but there's an underlying rage in it, a hidden edge that
makes you panic.

He's going to kill you. He's going to kill you. He's going to—

"Little bunny." He tuts, amusement briefly replacing the annoyance on his face, "Your should calm
down, your heartbeat is very loud. And I'm not going to kill you. I just want to talk." He gestures
for you to take a seat in front of him. You obey, your arms awkwardly hanging at your sides as you
try to make yourself the smallest possible.

"You two had a very interesting conversation did you not ?" He hums, his finger circling the rim of
the glass.

Your hands are clammy. You nod, not trusting your own voice.

"I guess." You reply, evasive, looking everywhere but at him.

The silent is heavy, you keep on wondering why he took you here - are you going to get punished
as well ? Is he going to keep questioning you ? You're not sure what you could even tell him as you
don't remember anything from your conversation with your father.

"It's not a third-degree, sweetheart, take a breather."

"Kind of feels like it." You pipe back, crossing your legs and your arms.

"I guessed your father would try to come at some point." He shrugs features softening, but his jaw
is still tight, you can see that he's still bothered by it.

"I don't remember anything aside that we met." You're quick to defend yourself - though in your
mind, you haven't done anything worth of punishment.

"I know," his eyes darken, "He drugged you."

"He wouldn't do that." Would he ?

He bites his inner cheek, most likely to prevent himself from saying something he might regret,
"Well, if anything comes to mind, make sure to tell me." He gives you a lingering look, to make
sure you know that he's being serious. "It might be dangerous." He's so upset and you fail to
understand why.

You scoff, suddenly feeling like you've got the upper hand, "My own father wouldn't try to harm

"No, not you." He agrees, "Us." He pauses, "Though I really doubt your father really is someone to
worry about."

"He's not, he's simply trying to help ! And if he did drug me - which I'm not saying he did - you
don't get to be upset about it !"

His features harden - you've hit a spot, once again you don't get why.

"And why is that ?" His tone is mistakenly calm, you can see the storm hiding in his eyes.

"You did the same ! You hazed me." You're aware you're starting to sound maybe a little childish,
but you can't help it. The way he's acting doesn't make sense.

He looks like you've punched him in the guts, his face showing absolute disbelief. "It's absolutely
not." You open your mouth but he cuts you off, "Hazing is a made to calm you down—whatever
your useless father did to you was clearly made you eat to completely inhibit you."

"And you also kidnap people. Me, Toge—"

He snorts, "He wasn't at all forced. In fact he can leave whenever he wants to." He tongues his
cheek, frustrated. "Your father loves making me the villain here, doesn't he ? In order to hide his
own incompetence." His patience is thinning, a small vein bulges on his forehead. "But where is
the man who promised to save you now ? He's a weak, useless, coward."
Is he trying to rub it in that you're all alone ?

He grins simply, sharp teeth showing, making look absolutely animalistic, "The man whose
validation you're craving even now. He's not as dreamy as you might think."

"Nobody's perfect."

"The members of your nuclear little family are indeed far from it." He concedes, "Your useless
father, especially."

You get upset when he talks about your dad like that. You're aware, more than anyone of how
flawed your father is. He was never really present throughout your childhood, although you spent
most of it in the hospital. But he was there in a way, through his writing. You loved your father's
books, not because you particularly enjoyed supernatural stuff but because it was by him. And
when you'd talk to him about his works on the rare occasions he came by to visit he'd look so
proud of you and he'd gently praised you.

You then quickly discovered that there are two ways to get your father's affection. It either is by
showing interest in his work or showing interest in the words of God, so naturally you learned to be
perfect at both. Then you went even beyond that, you started writing to have more in common with
him and you started being more involved in your church community for his approval. You yearned
to become the perfect little girl.

Hopefully that would make him notice you, but he was never more at home. Then you noticed how
broken and strained his relationship with your mother is. Your picture-perfect family in the eyes of
others was nothing but garbage.

Maybe you were always a mess.

"You can't truly think he makes a lot of money from those books of his ?" He makes a humming
sound, "How did you think your family survived all those years ?"

You refuse to listen to the words of this sick vampire. What he's implying can't be true. Your throat
burns with refrained anger and unshed tears. You think he can probably read your thoughts
anyway. "Don't." You warn him lowly.
He doesn't stop, but drops the topic of your father's nonexistent salary.

"Building the entirety of your family on religion wasn't as smart of a move as he thinks, uh ?" He
says to himself, his eyes crinkling in absolute delight, "Tell me, little dove, when was the last time
you prayed to your almighty God ?" He purrs.

Your nails are digging in the flesh of your palm. He knows just where to hit for it to hurt.

"You must be wondering what his plan for you is, or if he has any." He goes on, goading you, "Is
that why you stopped asking God for advice like you usually do, love ?"

You're so angry, you think you're about to cry. There's so much you're feeling at the moment, guilt,
sadness, fright but most importantly an anger so deep, so fierce it even surpasses your fear of the
man for an instant.

You think of hurting him, of plunging your nails deep into his skin, you want to draw blood.

"This situation is also very frustrating to me sweetheart." He answers your unsaid words with a dry,
humorless laugh, "Because now I don't know what your father told you."

You blink—does it have anything to do with what he made you eat ?

"It has everything to do with it, probably. What did he make you eat ?"

You shudder and sigh, "I was a sort of cookie, it taste normal but had a weird texture to it - I
couldn't match the taste to anything I've had before."

He nods, "If you remember anything, tell me, okay ?" He then sighs, "I could force it out of you by
hand, or I could even make you vomit it out but I don't want to." He looks bothered by that
admission, "I also should've guessed Nobara would try something like that." He mutters.

"I don't understand? Aren't you guys in the same family - why would she go against you ?"
"She's always been a bit stubborn. The way she was turned is well, a bit special. She didn't want to
become a vampire, at all. She probably sees herself in you. She's helping herself by helping you."

"Satoru turned her right ?"

He nods, you think he might be less upset now because his jaw isn't as tensed. You're still angry,
though. "He's always been weak to small things."

"You mean children?"

"Same thing."

You give him an odd look, "Is Nobara okay ?"

"She'll be. She's currently being punished."

"... Am I going to get punished as well ?"

He smiles, sharp teeth all out. "Depends on how good you'll be now." He tilts his head to the side,
"Are you going to behave for Daddy ?"

You press your thighs together, but don't answer his question, at least not the way he wants you to,
"... I don't understand... you're not upset I talked to him ?" You murmur.

"No. Not at you."

"Why not ? I decided to see him as well." It's probably not so wise to probe him like this, but you
want to know. Why isn't it this that him so upset ? Is there more you could get away with ? If so,
why have you been acting like the perfect little captive ?

His eyes narrow. "It's your father. I can't prevent you from seeing him."
"But you can kidnap me from my own home."

He laughs, loudly, his eyes darken, and it's not the arousing way. "Do you want to leave ? If so,
darling, be my guest."

You ignore him, ignore how much his words hurt. "I think it's time you tell me, why am I here ?"

He licks his lips, twice in fact, you're momentarily mesmerized by the appearance of his tongue
and are reminded of the places he's kissed and licked.

Sexual intrigue flashes in his eyes at your thoughts, but he quickly snuffs it out. "You're here
because your mother asked for my help."

"... because they are vampires searching for me ? They want to kill me... ?"

"Something like that." He sighs as he leans in his chair, he gestures for you to sit on his lap and you
give him an incredulous look. The audacity of that man. "Come on, little girl, you're not even
comfortable in this chair. Come sit on Daddy's lap."

His words make you squirm, he of course catches it and a smug smirk replaces the scowl on his

He only resumes talking when you finally stand up. "There are people searching for you.
Frantically. Most are aware that you're under my protection and are trying to get to me to kill you.
Which is why we've put more protection in the borders, it's also why I had a leave for a week to
sort out a few issues." His places his arm firmly around your waist when you finally go to sit on his

You only did it so he'd answer your question.

His dick is half hard against your ass. You think he's got serious issues. He pinches your waist.
"Your parents also came to Ushinawareta to seek my protection. Which is kind of ironic, since your
father is—well used to be a vampire hunter." He laughs to himself, "His family used to be a
powerful vampire hunting group. Now, he's the only one left."

Now that you think about it, every single spoon, knife or even fork your family has are silver. All,
except for the one your mother uses, you noticed at one point that they're some cheap metal. Your
mother always disliked expensive stuff anyway.

"The only way his books get published is thanks to another vampire-hunting family that funds
them. That family is also dying, so it's probably the end of your father's career as a writer. Do you
realize how pathetic that little excuse of a man is ? I truly wish you could see him the way that I
do. You deserve so much better." His other hand in on your shoulder, slowly massaging it.

Anger constricts your chest again, but you ignore it and focus on the questions you want answered.
"Does my grandmother and aunt's death have anything to do with this... situation ?"

"Their deaths have everything to do with it."

"Did you kill—"

"No. I wouldn't do that to you." He's serious. "My men are currently investigating which clan is
responsible for it. Their murder probably served as a warning, meaning that they're coming to get
you. Your existence was well known but not where you hid, until recently."

"And then my family moved to Ushinawareta."

"To seek my full protection."

You simply hum. Toji isn't as intimidating as you once thought. He isn't as dangerous as you once
thought—at least not to you. You think... you think he might even appreciate you. Maybe you
could use it to your advantage. One thing is certain, your security is very important to him. He also
wants you to feel comfortable, it's obvious in the way he spoils you rotten.

Consent might not be one of the most important thing to him, you note, as his hand slides down to
your hips.
He noses your neck, peppering kisses on your skin and chuckles when he catches your train of
thoughts. His hands still leave your body.

It's then silent as you digest the information given to you.

"Why do you keep calling my father useless ?" You ask, with a tone of bitterness.

"Because he is." He turns you in his lap, so that you're straddling his thighs. "I could do so much
better than him. Take care of you like he never did." He never breaks eye contact, his eyes are a
warm orange.

You curl up in yourself, "You're a sicko." The side of your mouth curls up is distaste. "Is that what
you've trying to do ? You want to become my dad ?"

He looks at you like you've grown a second head, and then snorts, he laughs for what feels like a
good minute, and by the time he's finished, your skin is already burning with anger. "God no. You
really don't get it, do you ?"

"You made me call you 'Daddy' !" You shriek, and then huff when he chuckles again.

"Because you like it." He gives you that look, the look that's always on his face when he sees
something you don't, "I know every single one of your dark, twisted, fantasies, even the ones you're
not aware of yet."

You try to scoff - but the sound gets stuck in your throat. "I've no such things."

He licks his lips, a cocky grin falling on them. "You've never asked me what my supernatural
abilities were." He points out, "You wanted to, at one point, but never did."

"You wouldn't have told me either way."

He cocks an eyebrow, "You're sure ? Wanna bet ?"

"Okay," you humor him, not without a roll of your eyes, "What are your powers ?"

"Mmh..." he closes his eyes, seemingly lost in his thoughts, "You know at least one of them." He
licks his lips, "Come on little girl, guess."

"You're the one who wanted me to ask you !"

Toji Fushiguro is annoying. Nevertheless, you answer him, not before taking in a deep, calming
breath. "You can read thoughts."

He nods, "I can hear thoughts, and I can read people—their biggest fears, what they want the most,
and what they love the most." The way his smile widens tells you that there's more, "I can also see
the future. I knew you were going to come here before you were even born." He relishes in your
surprise, "I always knew how absolutely filthy you were, littlest, even if you didn't."

"So you always know what's going to happen ?"

He shakes his head, "No. I see snippets of what's to come. I knew your father would come, but I
didn't know he'd drug you. I knew your father was useless, but I didn't know to what extent. The
visions are very rare too, and aren't always clear." He sighs, "I haven't gotten any recently though."

"... so you really let me see my dad ?"

"Yeah. Didn't you say you wanted to see your parents as a reward for being good ?"

You frown, "I never said that."

"Oh right. You only thought it." He draws slow circles on the small of your back. "You want to go
eat, sweetheart ?"

Only then do you realize that you're actually hungry. You nod. He kisses your forehead before
helping you to stand up, and the two of you leave his study to go to the dinning room, he tries to
hold your hand on your way there but you don't let him, you're still upset. However that feeling
soon fades when you notice a nice, hot, meal waiting for you, freshly cooked by the cooks.

After that you go take a nap, that earlier discussion with Toji proving itself to be too emotionally
draining for you.

Back in your room, you catch sight of a Bible that you'd taken, you'd found in Toji's study a while
ago. You figured he wouldn't miss it much, though you ended up not even reading it and it's now
gathering dusk on your desk. You also haven't written in so long.

You've avoided thinking about God in a little while. You're not sure why... thinking about religion
and about your lack of praying makes you feel guilty. Not even guilty to God but to your father.

You're acutely aware that the only reason your parents aren't divorced is religion. Your father has
always been the most religion in the family. And he was always so busy with writing and so called
"business trips" (which you now think was an excuse to go vampire-hunting) that you barely saw
him at all. The reason why you cling so hard to religion was because you wanted him to notice
you, in some way. You wanted to play the part of the perfect daughter.

You're not her anymore... you're sure you couldn't even go back to being her if you tried, it all feels
so foreign now. You can't pray without feeling ashamed of yourself. That's the truth.

But you missed your father. You only just wanted his attention. You wanted him to be proud of
you. You started reading so much only because he did as well. You started writing so you could
steal some time with him when taught you.

You're just noticing now. You've always been so pathetic for his attention.

And now you're calling Toji Fushiguro daddy. Is that what's happening now ? Are you trying to
relive a father/daughter relationship because yours was so shitty ? You disgust yourself, all of this
is entirely immoral—but it feels so right when you're with him. You want him. You... like him,
maybe not romantically but you like how he's so much bigger than you it makes you feel small and
protected. You love how you don't have to be mature and responsible in front of him and in front of
his sons, you love how you can just be coddled, babied and spoiled-rotten with gifts.

Somehow this feels like a step-back. Mere weeks ago, you wanted to become more brave and more
mature. Is it really okay to be completely dependent on him ? If you give him—give them your
heart and they disappoint you afterwards, you don't think you'd be able to live it.

Chapter End Notes


We never really had reader and Toji talking (arguing) like that, did we ?

What did you think of it ?

Also for the 2 people that read Strawberry Shortcake (my Eraserhead fic) the second
and final chapter has been published !! (Finally)
IV | V
Chapter Summary

"Dad is going to kill me for this one." She whispers against the skin of your neck and
it sends goosebumps down your entire frame.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

THE DAYLIGHT is slowly creeping into the sky, coating the room in a faint glow of orange and
pink. The library is eerily silent. You like it like that, it is how it has grown to become your
favorite place in the whole place. There are multiple libraries in the mansion, you now know. The
one Toji has, which he also uses as his study, Nanami's, and this one, which is conveniently at your
floor. It has got a decent collection of books - classics, which you love. You suspect that Toji
recently bought some more, as you've stumbled upon new works you hadn't noticed before but
wished to read. He does that a lot - reading your thoughts and then giving you whatever it is you
want. He never takes credit for it either. Either way he most likely already knows that you know.
And that you are very thankful (just in case he's probing your mind right now).

Life in the manor has been mostly uneventful recently. You've been recovering from your first
night with Toji. Your limp is finally gone now and it's been three days.

Over the last few weeks, you've developed some sort of routine. You wake up at 6pm, shower and
eat what normal humans would call dinner but really is breakfast to you. Then you hang around
Nobara and Yuuji, on rare occasions, Megumi shows his face. You then try to make the days go by
faster in any way you can, mostly by reading and writing, and at 6am, you go to sleep. You usually
don't run into anyone in the manor after the sun goes up, which is the only time when you truly
allow yourself to feel relaxed. Although you don't see them, you know that they're always keeping
an eye on you, you somehow feel it.

On rare occasions, Nanami drops by, usually while you're eating but doesn't really say anything,
simply looks at you. These days he looks even more tired than usual, so you can't help but worry.
Is the situation really that dangerous outside of the borders ? Is he so exhausted because of you or
is it simply related to their mafia activities ?

Maki is often absent, apparently she's responsible for controlling the transport of weapons in their
little family... business along with Toge. For your own sanity, the less you know about what they
do, the better you are, though you're not so clueless as to not know how mafias function. You guess
there's a lot of killing, of drug dealing, and so on.
When you learned that Nobara was sent away on a mission as a punishment, you felt guilty. You
still do. Nobara came back one day ago and then locked herself in her room, she wouldn't even eat.
The only reason you know she know she came back was because you felt her presence in the

She finally showed her face today at midnight, while you were eating lunch. She looked pretty
gloom and solemn, she also didn't say a word. You tried to spark up a conversation by thanking her
for what she did but she quickly dismissed it. You only learned later from Yuuji that for her
mission this time she had been asked to torture the son of the boss of a rival gang of theirs, and she
absolutely hated it, apparently she usually sticks to spying missions as she—

"I hate human blood." She had told you.

"But you're a vampire."

"Ironic isn't it ?" She had grinned, but it didn't look too joyous, "And torturing is too... messy.
Drool, tears, blood, even sometimes piss. I hate it too."

You realized today that Nobara might be a bit of a clean freak.

After that, you didn't bring up the subject again, and neither did she.

Nobara is a great friend. You felt a bit lukewarm at the idea of trusting her again before, but now
you think that you might have been a bit too pessimistic.

Right now it is dawn. Your copy Einstein of sits in your lap but you stopped reading it a little while
ago, when the lines started to blur as you got progressively more tired. You're staying up
particularly late today, but you can't really bring yourself to leave Nobara's side, not when she so
desperately needs you.

She never explicitly said it, but it's clear as day: she is not okay. Her usually styled hair is a bit
messy and her usual jovial, cheerful face is much somber today. She might also be missing some
sleep, you note as your gaze lingers on her eye bags.
However she stays silent. Should you ask her about it some more ? You already tried before, but
you got nothing more than a little grunt. Perhaps all she needs right now is your presence, and

You comply. As dawn comes up, your eyelids get heavier. You're not sure Nobara is still reading
Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde. She looks so lost in thoughts.

It's only when your eyes are fluttering shut, that she finally opens her mouth.

"I was very sick when I was human." She suddenly blurts out, fingers fidgeting, she tries to meet
your surprised gaze but can't really bring herself to in the end.

"Sometimes, when I was lucky I went to class."

You scoot over to where Nobara is, making yourself comfortable in the love seat you two share.

"That's where I met Yuuji, I was about 17 years old. We immediately clicked and we became
friends." Her eyes gloss over, her voice cracks but she wills herself to continue, you grab her hand.
"I—just, he was the first friend I ever had. He means so much to me, he listened to me, he made
me laugh, I made him laugh—" she stops, "But then my condition got worse. I was dying. I always
knew I would eventually die, young, but it never clicked to me that I would actually die. It
might've been because until then, I didn't really have much to fight for." She shrugs, "My parents
despised me. They wanted a normal child, not someone like me, but Yuuji appreciated me for who
I was."

You draw comforting circles on her hand, mirroring the soothing patterns the eldest vampires
would often give you. "I'm so sorry." You say, voice barely above a whisper. Your story is oddly
similar to hers. You understand her - her pain, what she went through.

That seems to be all it got for the tears to finally fall down from her eyes, through a repressed sob
she still manages to mutter a weak, barely audible "It's okay." She takes in a deep, shaky breath,
"My teacher at the time, Dad—Gojo, was very supportive." She laughs at the mildly shocked face
you make, "Surprising - I know, but, he is a good teacher. I didn't know he was a vampire then. He
was nice to me and to everyone really, but particularly to me. I think he's got a weakness for weak
people." She gives you a lingering look. This weirdly echoes back to something similar Toji told
you about Gojo. About him liking people in need of saving. "When it only came to a matter of days
before I would inevitably die, that's when I told Yuuji."

"How did he react ?"

"He was very calm. Which is never a good thing when it comes to him." She laughs softly, you
join her. "But then I should've known that he wouldn't just sit by idly." She sighs. "Yuuji went to
Gojo, desperate for a way to save me. And Gojo proposed to turn us both so I wouldn't die."

"Why the two of you, why not just you ?"

"The change is very traumatic for the body and the mind, people have greater chances of surviving
if they're turned with others. Moral support and all. I still nearly didn't make it, or so Gojo says."

"You know you can call him 'dad' in front of me right ?" You tease.

She rolls her eyes and wipes away a few stray tears, "Anyway, Dad changed us both. I was
completely clueless as to what was happening. Suddenly, I was taken over by excruciating pain. I
couldn't move, could barely cry from the intensity of it. I thought it was just because of my
sickness, I thought it was simply how the process of dying went but then I looked to my side and I
saw Yuuji in the pain as I." She sobs, "I'll never forget it. It went on for one week. We would try to
soothe each other, but it barely worked. I tried asking him what was happening to us but my voice
wouldn't come out."

"I am so sorry."

"When it was all finally over, Dad came to us and explained what happened to us. How to cope
with the changes and all of that. I hated it. I would've rather died than live like that - kill other
humans. Yuuji didn't like the idea of drinking human blood either." She hides her face with her
hands, unlinking yours, "I felt so guilty but at the same time I was so angry at him. Why did he do
that to himself ? It wasn't worth it. I wasn't worth it." Her eyes gloss over again, "But he never
blamed me, never expressed any kind of regret. He told me he would do it all over again for me."
Her breath hitches, "I was so incredibly grateful—but deep down I hated it, being a vampire.
Living forever. I don't know..." she pauses, "I guess you kind of remind me of myself." She looks
at you, "Then you moved into my old home - the one I shared with my family. This all happened 7
years ago but it felt so fresh when I saw you in it." She whispers. You take her hand again, she
squeezes yours. "The worst part at first was to resist human blood. Maki was already a vegetarian
when we got turned. So she showed us the ropes." She bites on her lip, "But human blood - it's-it's
hard to resist, even more so when you've already tasted it." When she looks back at you, her eyes
are a rich crimson. Yours widen.

"I-I have to go." She stutters, suddenly, "I should've worn my gloves. I'm sorry." She stands up
abruptly, no doubt heading for the door.
You catch her wrist, "Wait !"

"Let me go." She says through gritted teeth, you hear her swallow her own saliva, "I-I haven't fed
today, I could try to attack you."

"I don't mind." It's not that you want it, but she's your friend, you'd willingly give her your blood
any time. "You're my friend, Nobara... I don't mind."

You can tell that she's struggling with herself to not do it but then she takes a tentative step towards
you and you very well fight yourself to not flinch, or show any sign of fright. You can tell though
that in some sick, twisted way, the rapid beating of your heart kinda turns her on. You think it's a
vampire thing, to like the chase, to like their prey to be so afraid of them.

Her breathing is erratic when she slowly grabs your neck, tilting it to the side, exposing an ample
amount of flesh. Your previous bites are all mostly healed by now.

"Dad is going to kill me for this one." She whispers against the skin of your neck and it sends
goosebumps down your entire frame.

"He-he won't."

She chuckles darkly, your knees buckle, "You don't know how possessive they are of you." She
plunges her teeth in your skin, and swallows. Your legs shake, and you involuntary let out a pained
whimper before a wave of pleasure overtakes you.

She doesn't stop sucking, and very soon, it's too much. You both fall back on the loveseat, her on
top of you. One hand holding your head close, the other skittering down your waist and stopping at
your hips.

"Nobara." You call for her weakly.

She finally stops, "Fucking hell." She licks away a droplet of blood, "You're too fucking sweet."

"That was really sweet of you." Satoru says the next day. You ran into him into him in the
hallways while you were going to the library.

"What was?"

"Letting Nobara drink from you." His eyes narrow. You know he's reading you right now, your
body language, searching for any shift in your face.

"I guess," You absently touch the two freshly made puncture points at your neck. "Are you mad ?"

"No." He pursues his lips.

"... are you telling the truth ?"

He groans, cornering you against the wall. He lifts your chin, eyeing the marks. "Just a bit
jealous." He pouts, "But you'll make it up to me, yeah ?"

You nod, your face heating up.

He looks at you with a cocky smile, before letting your chin go, he takes a step back. You were
under the impression that he'd bite you right now, but it seems like it won't be the case. You hate
how disappointment pools at your stomach.

"Don't be sad princess," he purrs, "I'm just a bit busy right now." His eyes darken, "And you know
I love to take my sweet time with you."

You gulp and try to change the subject to something less... risky. "About Nobara... I haven't seen
her all day. Do you know where she is ?"
"She left this morning to go to the Underworld along with Nanami, Maki and Toge. We're also
leaving soon." He smirks, a few strands of hair falls on his forehead, "I actually came to tell you to
get ready. We're leaving in two hours."

"The Underworld—?" You blubber, "What should I take with me ?" You ask, slightly confused.
You remember them telling you that the Underworld is a sort of club. You've never been to one,
you don't particularly want to but it doesn't seem like you've got a say in this either way.

"A few clothes, maybe, we're not supposed to stay there for more than two days." He towers over
you, licking his lips, "Get ready littlelest, we're going to Tokyo." He places a peck on your cheek.

Chapter End Notes

School has been a bitch recently... but I survived...

I physically cannot read earlier chapters without cringing. ☹️ I might really need beta
Chapter Summary

You melt inside, their sweet words leading to decide that what happened wasn't a big
deal and that you enjoyed it very much.

Chapter Notes

7.9k, a bit edited, what more could you ask for ?... ahahah

-uuuuh EXTREMLY dubious consent
-but you guys know the drill at this point lol
-coercion and manipulation,,, like a lot of it
-slight misogyny? Like objectifying!
-sloppy seconds, creampies, yada yada you know how it goes with me, an ungodly
amount of cum

See the end of the chapter for more notes

"KITTEN, HURRY up." Suguru says, his and your bag in hand. You barely had time to gather
your belongings before they were already scurrying you out of the house.

You step outside, taking in a big breath. There are six big black cars waiting in front of you, all of
them with their windows tinted. Suguru gives the bags to a man dressed in black, who opens the
trunk of one of the cars and puts them in. Another man opens the door for Satoru and he enters in
one of the cars. Toge and Yuuji go in another.

"Little one, stop gawking and get in," comes Toji's voice from behind you. He places a hand at
your waist and guides to what you assume will be your car. You look behind and realize that this is
the first time you've ever seen the mansion from outside.

It looks so much bigger than you thought it would. It's 5 stories high, and large enough to fit in
rows of dozens of windows, all covered with dark red curtains. As you suspected it, the mansion is
in the 17th Gothic style with extricate details around the windows and statues to back up your
assumption. You wonder when it was built - and why ? This is Japan, not Europe. You only now
realize that there must be so much you haven't discovered yet there.
"Baby, get in." Toji repeats, his voice a bit more authoritative.

You give him a sheepish smile and enter. The inside of the car is ivory white, and smells like
lemons. It's spacious as well. You cannot see who's driving you as a thick black glass separates you
both. As you soon as you sit, a screen that you previously hadn't noticed lights up in front of you.
Different apps that you've never seen before appear in front of your eyes. What's that red "N" in a
black squared font ?

Toji enters the car as well and takes the seat right next to you. As soon as he enters, the car
suddenly feels much cramped, though there's still plenty of space. He notices you eyeing the screen
and chuckles.

"Satoru got this because Nobara loves watching Netflix during trips," he explains as he places a
hand around your waist, pulling you closer, "There's more as well. Disney+, YouTube, I think.
Don't ask me how to use them though, I've no idea."

Old man. You think and he pinches your waist. You yelp.

"Respect your elders." he growls, his face close to yours.

You bite your lip and concentrate back on the screen. You know about Netflix and the likes,
Nobara showed you how to use them a while back when you'd just arrived in the mansion. She was
also horrified at how little you knew about technology. You've only ever owned a phone that could
only receive and start calls - you were not even aware there existed this many new features. Either
way, you decide not to explore the wonders of technology just yet and succumb to slumber.

The road to the Underworld was mostly uneventful, mostly because you spent the beginning of the
journey sleeping. You all went out in separate cars, and Toji deemed it appropriate that you go with
him. So here you are now, sat comfortably on his lap, sleeping. When did you even get there ?

Slow jazz plays, filling the silence as neither Toji nor the driver say a word.

You only wake up when you hear someone knocking on the window of the car. Toji slides the
window down.

From what you know, they've all taken different roads, so it's harder to trace them. It was in case of
a threat of an ambuscade. It's also why there were six cars waiting but only three were occupied.
You guess the others are being driven around as decoys.

"Boss, there's been movement in the Inu clan." The man informs Toji. His eyes never once stray to
you. He must care dearly for his life.

He clicks his tongue, unamused. "A wolf clan ?"

"Yes, boss. Our source says they're also heading towards the Underworld."

He makes a noncommittal noise. "That's hardly something worth reporting. Everyone goes there."

The man looks embarrassed. "It's just—they haven't gone in decades, Boss and they're a lot."

Toji lifts an unimpressed eyebrow. "Figure out how many are coming and report back to me."

The man nods, bows, and leaves.

You know Toji knows you're awake, and that you've heard everything, so you simply ask:

"Werewolves exist ?"

"Unfortunately, yes."

"You don't like them ?"

He shifts in his seat, his rigged arm protectively snaking around your hips. "No. I've never liked

Your snort.
The rest of the ride went on smoothly - at least, the bit of it you spent with Toji.

When you wake up from your second nap, you're in the city. Giddiness makes you roll the window
all the way down despite Toji's warning grunt.

You're breathless. So many buildings are soaring into the sky. They're so many colors.
Commercial advertising screens that change ever second, so many shops and restaurants names
written in pretty fonts and even prettier hues.

You have to make the conscious effort to breathe.

"Where's Mt. Fuji ?"

"You can't see it from here."

Toji slides the tinted window back up.

"Where are we ?" You ask, still excited, though you've got a good idea of where you might be, you
need to hear it.

"Not there yet." He smirks as you playfully glare at him. "We're at the borders, in Tokyo. After
that we'll be in neutral territory."

"You own all of Tokyo !?" You exclaim as you roll the window back down.

"No, only a part of it. The rest is neutral." He tells you, thoroughly amused at your excitement -
and at how you don't to listen to him. You're glad he's amused by it.

He suddenly opens the door of the car. You frown at him. You're currently stuck in traffic and
there's a similar black car next to yours.
"Go in there." He gestures to the other car, right to yours. It's the same model. You look at him like
he's crazy.

"Baby," he coos, kissing his way from your neck to the back of your ear. "Don't you trust me ?"

Doubtful, no. You teasingly think. He bites your ear, not strong enough to draw any blood, his
sharp canines aren't even out.

"You know that if you're good," He punctuates his word with a little jerk of his hips against your
back. How did you not realize he was this hard before ? You must've been too distracted by Tokyo.
"You can have anything you want in the world."

"Anything ? Truly ?"

"Anything." He reaffirms.

"Even a diamond necklace ?" You ask in a syrupy voice, a pout on your lips. You're not being
serious but you can't help but try to push his buttons.

He chuckles, before gesturing to the black car next to yours with a nod of his head, "Go in there."

You guess another member of the Fushiguro clan is in there. But why change cars ?

"Why ?"

"To cover our tracks."

"Someone might see me."

"Not if you go now."

You've got this gnawing feeling that he's trying to get rid of you for teasing him a little too much.

Reluctantly, you do as he says and stand up, quite literally in the middle of the road and the door of
the second car immediately opens and you're dragged inside.

"Hey kitty." Suguru greets you, a wicked grin on his lips. His hair is down today, it falls on his
shoulders gracefully. He's nicely dressed, a silk shirt with a black silk scarf with slacks of the same
color. Satoru is dressed in similar fashion, a blue shirt with a dark tie and white pants. You didn't
think of analyzing Toji's outfit but you think he was also pretty fancy today. You suddenly feel

They're glasses of human blood on small tables at their sides, as well as a plate of snacks.

Suguru places you between him and his brother. Immediately, their hands are on you.

"How was the beginning of the trip ?" Satoru asks and places a kiss on your forehead.

"T'was fine." You mumble, shrinking under so much attention. You don't trust these two men
together. You trust even less these two men, together and alone with you. They've got a knack for
getting under your skin, teasing you, making so hot and bothered you can't stand it.

Your face immediately burns. Your try to think of something else but it's too late, the smug smile
on Suguru's face tells you all you need to know.

"Already thinking about us under your skirts ?" Suguru muses, an eyebrow lifted in pleasant

"So eager." Satoru adds, taking a sip of blood.

"Unfortunately, we've been instructed to tell you a bit more about the underworld before we can
get to the fun part." Suguru smirks. His hand rests on your left thigh, Satoru's on your right.

"We've got to tell you a little about our backstory before tackling that cursed club." Satoru sighs,
already fed up with the conversation. "Ready ?"
You nod, surprised and eager to learn some more.

"Soon, we'll be in the Inumaki clan, we have a relatively good relationship with them, and then,
only briefly, we'll have to pass by the territory of werewolves." Suguru starts, stroking your cheek,
"They know we're only passing through to get to the underworld, so there should be no problem. If
anything arises we'll protect you."

"First of all, you ought to know about the five major vampire clans of Japan. The Zenin clan, the
Gojo clan, the Inumaki clan, the Okkotsu clan and of course, the Fushiguro clan." Suguru

Gojo and Inumaki... those names feel weirdly familiar.

"Gojo is my original family clan." Satoru says, easily reading the confusion in your face. "It is the
original vampires clan, from the very first vampire. They were the strongest for centuries, well
until I came along." He grins devilishly. "As you already know, I was born a vampire, and an
exceptionally strong one at that." He winks, satisfaction written all over his features. "You're also
well aware that people who are born vampires are stronger than others, well then try imagining
how strong the direct descendants from the very first vampire must be. There were 8 of us back

"It's important to note that having baby vampires is very close to impossible." Suguru says, "Which
is why most clan members are human turned into vampires. That's what all of us are, well except
for Toge and Satoru."

"Wow...," you exhale, "With so many clans, it's surprising there isn't proof of vampires existing
now." You mumble, taking it all in.

"Oh there is," Satoru laughs, "Most people just choose to ignore it or to call it 'editing' these days."

"Yeah. People were a lot more fearful of us back in the 1700s."

"Mmh... the good old days of human hunting." Satoru groans, "Well, back then I hated the way the
vampire world worked for many reasons. So I associated myself with Father Fushiguro and we
killed most of the members of my clan." He shrugs, "With me, doing this much was a walk in the
"Father is an exceptionally strong vampire, but he wasn't as strong as a naturally born one, well
until he drank the blood of the original vampire." Suguru hums, taking a sip of his beverage. He
hands you a plate of crackers, "You want some ? We got them for you."

Nearly automatically, you accept them, "Wait—you killed the original vampire. The very first one
?" If you've understood his whole story properly, the original vampire is supposed to be the
strongest vampire.

Satoru nods, "The original vampire is my venom father. It was difficult to kill him, his abilities
were so much more developed than mines. We very nearly died in the process. That was 200 years
ago. 10 years after Father Fushiguro killed the Zenin leader."

You blink, taking a bite of cracker, "Why would you kill your dad ?"

"I didn't like the way he ruled. There used to be rules that everyone had to follow in the vampire
world. Some kind of etiquette, if you will. I hated them, so I killed him. At first I wanted to take
over his place as the ruler of all vampires, but then I realized that I didn't really desire that. So I just
left. Then Fushiguro created his own clan that I joined."

"As for me," Suguru begins, licking his lips, "I had known Gojo my whole entire life. My family in
the past had ties with multiple mafias, so our path crossed often. I knew at one point, that he was a
vampire, but he never bit me or turned me, I think he was afraid I wouldn't survive his venom since
he was so strong. The night he killed his venom father, Fushiguro turned me, then they both left in
a hurry. Soon I heard that Fushiguro—a vampire famously known vampire for wrecking havroc
everywhere he goes—had formed his own family. I was particularly impressed by the its rules—or
its lack of, and decided to find them and join them."

"How old are you two ?" You frown.

"456 years old. Suguru is 340."

"You and Toge are both descendants of the original vampire right ? Is that why you have white
hair ?" You ask your observation.

"Nope. White hair is something people that are born vampires have. It's not common at all, since it
is nearly impossible for two vampires to have an offspring." Suguru starts playing with the em of
your shirt.

"Which is why most clan members are humans, then turned into vampires." He repeats, "We can
hide the color of our hair if we want, I simply choose not to. What all direct descendants of the
original vampire have in common is their blue eyes." Satoru explains.

You nod slowly... this discussion is working to lessen your nerves, you're distracted enough. "So
the reason why the Fushiguro Family is hated is because Dadd-Father killed a bunch of clan
leaders ?"

"Yes and no. No one, except for some members of the Zenin family, were angry when he killed the
head of that clan. It's actually very common. Vampires never die, so to become the next leader you
naturally have to kill the current one. Coups happen approximately every 300 years in the vampire
world. What made people hate Fushiguro was when we killed the original vampire. That was
considered pure disrespect. It's like he killed God, for vampires, if you will."

You cringe at his comparison. "I see. Has anyone one tried to kill Father since then ?"

"A lot tried." Suguru's answers says enough. They never succeeded, they most likely all died.

"And they're going to keep trying and failing. Which is why I think it was ridiculous that Megumi
suggested at dinner that we cower in front of them when we're much stronger." Suguru sighs,
playing with your hand.

"So... we're just going that club and we'll leave, right ?" You ask hopefully.

"Yup, well, we will do a tiny bit of business there, since we all came all the way from
Ushinawareta." Satoru says, opening the door. You hadn't noticed that you had stopped driving.
Your frown. "But before that, we're going shopping."

"You don't have to be scared." Suguru caresses your thigh, scanning your thoughts, "They are
around ten of our men around us at all times. You can't see them, but they're here."

"Plus we are here too."


"Why are you two still here ?" You huff, eyeing them suspiciously. When you try to close the door
of the fitting room, they hold it open. They selected a few outfits for you to try on, each of them in
expensive materials.

"Kitten, what if someone tries to attack you ?"

"We're simply trying to protect you princess, to ease your worries."

They're not even trying to be believable, you can tell by the sleazy smile that forms on their lips.

"I can't change with you two here." You stand your ground, looking at the pile of clothes they've
picked for you. All gowns, of course. No pink this time, thankfully, but an overwhelming amount
of white, gold, ivory and black.

"Why ?" Satoru smirks, stepping closer, "It's nothing we haven't seen before."

You notice the worker behind them, she's not saying anything and her cheeks are a deep red.
You're certain you're not allowed to be more than one in fitting rooms.

"Satoru." You whine, "Please leave ? You're both not making this any easier."

He's tempted to propose to help you put everything on and off but takes pity on you. You're already
stressed enough.

The first dress you put on is strapless and creamy with lace details and big pearls forming a sort of
belt around your waist. It doesn't have much volume, it sticks to the curves of your hips. It's classy
and cute.
When you slide the curtain to the side, you see Satoru and Suguru waiting for you on the armchairs
that surround the fitting rooms, legs spread, enjoying a nice glass of Prosecco.

Suguru beckons you to his side with a crook of his finger and you trudge towards him, holding onto
your skirts and frills. "Pretty kitty," he whispers, holding onto the em of your dress.

The same worker praises how the dress fits you, then asks you if you desire some Prosecco as well.
You politely decline.

"How do you like it ?" Satoru questions.

"It's nice, but-" you feel like you've got to explain yourself because they seem to like this one.

"Okay, then, try the next one." Satoru dismisses.

"Is it okay if I do that ?"

"What ?"

"Can I take the one I want ? I mean you're the one paying and all."

"Of course." Satoru dismisses you again, finishing his drink.

When you come out with another outfit, you accidentally overhear Satoru and Suguru discuss in
hushed whispers.

"Father said that the werewolves are coming." Suguru informs his brother, his eyes menacing.

"Kento guessed there would be." Satoru shrugs. "Princess, come here." He says, without even
looking at you.
"Father thinks we should bring more men. In case. He's already sent the order."

Satoru nods, his expression losing its edge when he sets his eyes on you. He's bites his lips to fight
off his smile.

"I know how it looks." You tell him with a pout. This ivory gown is voluminous with bows and
frills everywhere you don't know where it ends and where it begins.

It's cute that they're both trying to hide that they find you ridiculous in this dress so that you can
decide by yourself wether you like it or not - but the least they could do is be good at it.

Suguru fights off a smirk as Satoru covers his laughter with a few coughs.

"This is definitely a look." Satoru supplies when you cross your arms and look at them expectantly.

"It's horrible." You correct him, a smile of your own tugging on the corners of your lips.

"At least you've noticed."

You go back in the fitting room.

What you thought would be a short shopping trip ending up lasting more than two hours. You're
not a picky person, but your two male companions are.

And they also can't seem to agree on one outfit.

When you tried on a long, slanted black skirt accompanied with a long-sleeved silk shirt they
immediately started arguing.

"Kitten, do a little twirl for us." Suguru ordered, eyes darkening.

You obeyed, letting them observe how well the outfits hugs your body from every angle.

Satoru tongued his cheek, "I wouldn't take this one."

"I would." Suguru lifted an eyebrow.

Then they to looked at you, silently asking for your opinion. You're not a confrontational person
and it would've felt like you were picking sides if you had voiced out your opinion so you simply
shrugged and proposed to try on another dress.

When you came out with a short bodycon dress with bow straps, it wasn't better. The dress hardly
left enough for the imagination. This time Suguru disagreeing with him, saying "She might as well
go out naked."

"I wouldn't complain." Satoru snorted.

Suguru seemed to think for a few moments, before coming to a conclusion. "Actually, I wouldn't
either. As long as no one except for us sees her."

Then they agreed that they would buy this dress, but to stay at home. You simply looked at them
and shook your head, speechless.

You're now back in the fitting room, trying on your last dress. It falls prettily on your shoulders,
exposing your collarbones. It's black with small Swarovski crystals scattered all over it, making it
shine and sparkles as you move. It stops before knee and poofs slightly after your waist, accenting

Suguru's breath hitch at the sight of your pretty neck, then his expression sours, no doubt seeing the
bite marks his niece left.

"I think it's my favorite." Satoru admits.

You agree, though it's shorter than what you'd normally wear, you feel so pretty in it. Like a fairy.
Still, you hate the idea of going to club filled with vampires.

When they both notice you fidget again out of anxiety, Satoru asks, "You're sure you don't want a
glass ?" Satoru gestures to his own. He'd already asked you that before but you'd said no because
you're not much of a drinker. "It'll help with your nerves, princess, I can feel them from here."

You note that none of them propose to haze you, which satisfies you. Still, you decline.

Then they take another hour or so deciding on which shoes would fit the best.

The choice becomes easier when you all realize that you cannot walk in the high heels the female
worker brought.

You finally decide on open black shoes with a small shiny pearl at a front of it and heels low
enough you can walk in them without too much difficulty.

They add some transparent black gloves with gold dangling earrings, a big black bow in your hair
and black transparent thighs.

Suguru adds a small black lace choker with a shiny black stone dangling from it.

"I thought I said no collars." You remind him.

A teasing smile plays on his lips as he claps it around your neck, "But it's not," his breath tickles
your neck, "It's a choker kitty." He whispers and it sends shivers down your spine.

You feel his hands snake around your waist. "You look so good." He purrs, voice lower.

You sneak a glance at the worker, and she's trying her best not to look in your direction. Poor
woman. You decide to cut her some slacks.

"Suguru, we've got everything right ?" You say, and he easily catches on on what you're trying to
do, most likely having read your thoughts.

"Alright kitty cat, let's go." His hands don't leave you thought, they simply lower down to your
hips and he guides you to the exit. Satoru goes to register to pay, and comes back quickly, followed
by a man holding the many shopping bags. You don't remember asking for so much.

"We bought everything." Suguru tells you with a pinch of your cheeks.

"Everything ?"

"Except that one poofy gown."

"That was uncalled for..." you try but they shrug.

"That was the dress I liked that Satoru didn't. I took it. And that one skirt that I disliked that he
loved, he took it."


"You liked them all, didn't you ?" He says knowingly.

Your cheeks warm and you nod.

"Well that's the most important." He winks and opens the door of the car for you to get in.

As soon as you get in, Satoru places you on his thighs. Before you can say anything, Suguru
unclaps your shoes saying, "We still have about three hours before we get there. I just want you to
be comfortable for the ride." He gives your feet soothing rubs, his other hand moving up your

Admittedly, you should've been more suspicious of how they were slowly trying to undress you.
However, your thoughts were monopolized by the Underworld. You had no wish to go going there.
You wish you could just stay home.
Wait. When did you start thinking of that manor as your home ? While it is true that it bigger,
wider and more comfortable than any home you've ever lived in, home is where your parents are.
Right ?

This train of thoughts leads you to belatedly realize how dire your situation is. You feel Satoru try
to slide down the zipper of your dress. "What are you doing ?" You squeak.

The man in question chuckles, kissing your back, "Trying to make you comfortable princess." His
chest rumbles against your back as he growls.

"Isn't this gown a little too tight for comfort ?" Suguru wonders, sliding the garnement off your

They both coax you into accepting their touches with saccharine words and filthy promises. This
situation feels dangerous, but it's so easy to melt in their soft praises and their teeth-grazing touches.

"Let us take care of you, princess."

"Look how stressed you are Kitty. That can't be good. Use us as a distraction."

You ignore how your panties dampen at their sweet nothings. Soon, you're in nothing but your
underwear, shivering as your gaze meets Suguru's.

A humorless smirk is dancing at the corners of his mouth as he hooks a finger on your panties, not
quite pulling it down yet, but teasing the idea.

"I've got an idea. Suguru, give me your tie."

Suguru knows better than to try to argue with Satoru. He complies with an amused smile.

Satoru then uses the tie to blindfold you. You try to fight back, you really do, but with two strong
men that are so much bigger than you are it's useless.
"Let's play a game, Kitty." They manhandle you so that you are between them, you hear them
shuffle around you, perhaps exchanging places, but you're not sure.

"If you win, you can ask anything of us."

That immediately gets your attention.

"The name of the game is whose cock is it that you're holding ?"

One of them takes your hand and redirects it to something long, thick and hard—your brain
immediately recognizes what it is. It throbs in your hand, and a slimy sticky fluid beads from the

There's no way you're going to win at this game, you immediately think. It's not as if you really
want to play either way, so why are you grabbing the cock in front of you and smoothing your
thumb over the tip all while trying to visualize it in your head. You're not sure you even remember
what their dicks looked like—their touches, sure. If the game was to guess who was touching you,
you'd know for sure how to differentiate them. Toji manhandles you however he likes, but always
rewards you at the end. Nanami is simply sweet. Satoru is mocking, he cannot stop making fun of
you using that sickly sweet voice of his that annoys but at the same time thrills you. Suguru is just
as unhinged, he loves it when you're vocal, he loves to see you cry, perhaps as much as Satoru.

What did Suguru's cock look like ? You know it was ridiculously big but it doesn't really help your
case since they all are. You remember his being slightly longer, and Satoru's thicker. You think.

Fuck. Okay. Maybe you really want to win this. They said they would give you anything. There's
so much you want—first of all, the answer to your question: What are you doing here exactly ?

It's so unfair. You can't win like this.

Suguru chuckles, easily hearing your thoughts.

The cock in your hand is so thick, you can barely hold it with one hand. You bring your second
one, trying to get a better feel of it. It's hard and heavy in your hands. You slowly start to pump him
up and down at a slow pace. The realization of what you're willingly doing dawns on you and
shames washes over your frame.

You're filthy.

"Come on, princess," You're urged, "Less thinking and more jerking."

You huff, not liking being hurried so when so much is at stake, at least on your side.

You squeeze his cock and you hear a grunt. Who was it ? It was too low for you to be able to
recognize the voice, and they're too close for you to differentiate the direction in which it came

Someone grabs your tit and you yelp. He takes off your bra easily.

Blinded like this, every touch of your skin feels so much more electrifying. You can't help the low
whine that leaves your lips when another hand comes to pinch your nipple, feeling it harden under
his ministration.

"Whose cock is it princess ?"

"I-I don't know." You complain. How are you even supposed to know ? You've never seen their...
private parts before.

"That's not true," Suguru corrects you, responding to your thoughts, "Do you not remember sucking
Satoru's dick like a proper little slut in the confessional ?"


"What was his cock like Kitty ?"

"Perhaps we should help her a little bit," Satoru concedes, tone condescending.
"Mmh," Suguru agrees, shuffling a little bit, "Maybe we should give our little Kitty a taste. To see
if it brings back some memories ?"

"Say 'ah' princess." Satoru coos, caressing your cheek.

You open your mouth of your own volition. You feel his cock bumping your teeth a few times,
leaving a salty taste in its wake before it's in your mouth. Hands move to the back of your head to
keep you where they want you and then he thrusts.

You gag, spluttering, "Not so rough," you attempt as clearly as you can with the cock in your
mouth. That was naive of you, by then you should know that Satoru and Suguru won't stop until
you're a crying, desperate mess in their lap.

Someone takes off the last piece of clothing you have on and you squeeze your thighs together,
trying to alleviate some pressure.

"You know what we were thinking?" Suguru says, voice strained.

Your jaw starts to ache. You can feel tears slide down your cheeks as more of his cock is forced
inside your mouth. You dry-heave a few times and he pulls away just enough so that you don't
throw up all over him.

"We were talking about how tight your pussy would feel." Satoru groans, voice hoarse.

"And then we wondered who would be the one to make you cum first, who would make you cry
the hardest."

You rub your thighs together, again, painfully aware of how wet you are. It's unusual that they're
not touching you, at least not how you want to be. Those two always had an issue with keeping
their hands to themselves.

"You should see yourself right now princess. A real treat." Satoru marvels, "Glossy lips, drools
leaking from your mouth, tears dripping from you eyes, just perfect."
"You have one chance. Who are you sucking so eagerly ?"

You have no idea, "Satoru ?" You hesitate. You remember the day he made you suck him off, the
ache and the stretch of your jaw feel similar.

"Ah," said man laughs. He takes off your blindfold. You immediately look up to meet Suguru's
wine eyes, "Wrong."

"Since you lost, what do we get ?" Suguru hums, and lets go of your head. You breathe in, deeply.

You blink a few times, dumbly, "Y-you never said I had to give you anything."

"Wasn't it implied princess ?" Satoru talks down on you, "There's always something at stake,
baby." He moves you back on his lap and cups your pussy, an eyebrow cocked.

"This wet uh ?" He grinds you against his cock, which is red and throbbing against you.

"So Kitty," Suguru makes sure you don't forget about him, trailing kisses at the sides of your neck,
"What do we get ? We won."

The tip of Satoru's cock rests at your entrance, his hands your hips. He nudges your nose with his,
eyes smoldering as he asks, "You want my cock, don't you ?"

You sniff, glaring at him. After what he did does he think he can just look at you like that and
except you to agree with him ?

"P-promise me you won't blindfold me again and I'll let you..." you trail off, your voice softening
as embarrassment takes over you, "... In me." You finish, whispering. Your voice shakes as you try
to sound stern with their hands all over you, teasing your most sensitive parts.

He chuckles amused, that same pout on his face he uses to mock you, "You can 'let' me ?" Suguru
next to him breathes out another laugh, and then Satoru bullies his way inside your cunt, without
doing so much as prepping you—or warning you. His cock bumps sensitive nerves before kissing
your cervix.
"T-too deep." You whimper, voice high.

"So small," he coos, rubbing at your ass, "You can't even fit all of my cock in your tight cunt." He
shakes his head in disapproval but there's a sick smile on his face.

He's right, you've got about two thirds of it snug inside you, creating a dent at your lower stomach.

You're frozen from the shock, he places your hands on his shoulders before he decides to give his
hips a little jerk. Your cunt clenches around him, or more like flutters with the way he already
stretches you impossibly wide.

"And here I thought that Father had stretched you properly." He pulls at your nipple with one hand
and sucks the other. Satoru tongues his cheek, hips jerking up into you at a quicker pace, skillfully
jabbing that one spot.

Your tongue comes out, your vision unfocused. He laughs at your pitiful state and links your
tongues, swirling them as you whine in his lap.

"Little cumslut," Satoru whispers against your lips, "That's it, come on my dick. Get it wet." He
slides his hand to your clit and rubs, and your toes curl.

"Oh - God." You can barely breathe out, it feels like his cock occupies all the space, leaving you
no room for air. "S-satoru," you complain, dragging out his name.

He grins lopsidedly, "I know princess," he caresses your cheek, but doesn't stop thrusting into you,
"But you're doing so good. And I can feel you clenching around me, you're going to come soon
aren't you ?"

And he fucks you through your orgasm and more, until you're crying from oversensitivity and can't
stand still under him. He grabs your ass and continues bartering your heated mount as you sob
under him.

He fucks you furiously, hard, like he doesn't care if you get hurt or end up bruised. It feels so
different from Toji, yet still as good. Satoru grips your hips hard and keeps you snug and tight
around him so that every single drop of his semen goes into your hungry little womb.
When he finally slip his dick out, you're expecting kisses and praises—not Suguru to steal you from
Satoru to place you between his own legs, his own hard cock begging to get inside you.

You voice out a complain and Suguru rolls his eyes.

"What ? So Satoru can get his dick wet but I can't ?"

Then you've got no other choice but to endure it as he sheathes his fat cock in your quivering cunt.

You gasp because he feels so much thicker than Satoru, fills up so much more space.

He merely chuckle, your body nearly going into overdrive. How many orgasm have they taken out
of you already ? You're not sure you can have much more.

"That's it Kitty, don't think of anything but cock." Suguru says when you roll your hips tentatively,
trying to get his dick on apply pressure on that one spot, but you can't seem to be able to do it by

You're nearly where they want you. Cockdrunk, agreeable, easy. Saying yes to any of their
suggestions with little coaxing.

You cry, feeling so impossibly full. You're shaking and quivering on his cock, desperately trying to
make stretch feel better.

"Holy fuck." He groans, "Relax ? Won't you ? I can barely move." He makes a noise of complaint
before he goes to massage your clit, hoping it'll help you relax around him, it has the opposite
effect thought. With your orgasm still fresh, the aftershocks still running through you all you can
do is endure it.

Suguru rolls his hips into yours. Your lips wobble. You were right, Suguru is so much wider than
Satoru, though less long but that hardly changes anything since you can't even manage to fit all of
him either in your pussy. Satoru's cum makes it so much easier for him to piston in and out of you,
it also creates filthy wet noises that warms your cheeks.
They're both so much more intense than you expected. Somehow you thought Toji would be the
roughest but you were so wrong. It seems Toji has grown to be soft for you and is pliant to your
every whims. But not with them, they love making you work for what you want. They love to see
you cry. You let out an unexpectedly loud moan and for a second Suguru feels pity for the driver.

It's hard to think. And you're not even hazed. Your cunt tries to clench around his cock a few times
again before you come, pathetically writhing in his lap, crying. Your eyes roll back when he
doesn't stop.

Just like that, another orgasm is forced out of you, by then you're floating in a heady state of
unconsciousness, body boneless, you let them have their way with you.

He doesn't even let you rest, instead he proceed to push you up so that only his tip rests inside your
snug cunt before quickly thrusting your body back down. He was using you like a cock toy, only
for his needs and you're too sensitive from your orgasms, still trembling and crying on his lap to
really react - but it only seems to spur him on.

"You feel so good kitten," he licks at your lips, "You're going to make me cum."

You squirm in his hold, "Not-not inside," you beg. Satoru already came in you without asking, you
don't want to deal with their cum dripping out of you after. Even worse—you don't want anyone to
smell it on you. You're also a bit concerned you'll end up pregnant, one look at your cycle (yes,
you know your cycle) and you know that you're at no risk of pregnancy yet, but research show that
spermatozoids can live up to three days in the womb, and well, that would be dangerous.

"Why not ?" He asks, head tilted. "You let Satoru come inside but you won't let me ? You're so
unfair." He picks up his pace, jolting you in his lap.

"P-please," you say, voice shaky with the way he's bouncing you up and down.

"Where can I cum then ? If you give me a better place than your cute little cunt, I'll accept." Your
cunt is tight, wet, warm and eager to take whatever he'll give. Is there really a better place than that

"My-my mouth," you're quick to propose.

He laughs, and you've got this prickling feeling that he's laughing at you, "Kitten wants some milk
?" He muses.

You nod, trying to convince him.

"But Kitty, I was in there a few minutes ago," he kisses you, "I can taste myself when I kiss you."

"Then on my body ?" You try, a bit more desperate.

"Already came there. Remember ?after dinner."

You shoulders slump.

This is the cue for Suguru to act like he's taking pity on you. "Well... I've got an idea."

You blink hopefully, "Yeah ?"

You feel his hand touch your ass, then your asshole.

"What about your ass ?"

Your cheeks burn, "M-my ass ?" You didn't even know it was a thing to put... it in there.

He slides his cock out of you, "Yeah, I'll take good care of you. It won't hurt too bad." He doesn't
really wait for an answer. He turns you around so that your ass his face is facing him. He puts one
hand on your waist, to lock in place as he slides a finger in, using your wetness to ease the burn. It
feels weird, foreign, like it shouldn't be there but it's not exactly not pleasurable.

You frown when he adds another, you only really feel the stretch when he puts a third in. You shut
your eyes as an attempt to block out the pain.
Satoru, like the opportunist he is, saw this as a invite for him to stick his hard leaking cock back
into your fluttering cunt, taking you by surprise.

"Satoru !" You exclaim, pushing him by his shoulders, "You-you can't—again. You already had

"Sshh," he whispers, but it doesn't feel like he's trying to soothe you, more like to shut you up. "My
come's already inside you anyway, what's it going to change ?"


He places his hand on your mouth, his face scrunched up by the pleasure of your cunt clenching
around him.

"Such a slut. Fuck." He spits, "You keep tightening up around me like some common whore and
you don't want me to come inside ?"

You can't even say anything for your bruised ego, every sound leaving your lips gets muffled by
his hands. Suguru eventually deems your asshole ready to take his cock and removes his fingers.
He puts his dick against your hole and pushes in.

"You're gonna have to stop clenching around me like that if you don't want more of my seed inside
your womb." Satoru tells you. You're too distracted by the pain in your ass to care about what he's
saying. You plead Suguru to slow down, fortunately, he reluctantly does.

"Does she feel good ?" Satoru asks.

"She's a real wonder, even tighter in here." Suguru rubs your clit and you jolt. Panic and the way
they're both filling you up so much overwhelms you. You're so close.

Being stuffed inside your cute virgin asshole is great - but with Satoru filling up your drooling cunt,
creating so much more pressure and making it even tighter, it's something else. Again, he can
barely move with how well you're gripping him, but when has that stopped him before ? He grabs
your waist and forces you up and down his, and the same time, Satoru's cock.
"I don't doubt it." Satoru muses before he leans down to speak in your hear, "I don't think I can hold
on much longer, princess." Satoru warns you, his eyes deeply looking in yours, loving the panic he
sees in them, "If you cum around my cock and squeeze me even tighter, then I'll have no other
choice but to come inside you."

Suguru ceases his slow, tentative thrusts in your ass to laugh lowly.

You try to push Suguru's hand away from your clit but he doesn't budge, "I-I'm going to come."
You cry out, panicked.

"Poor baby." Is all he says as his teeth graze your neck. You know it before you feel it, he's biting

It's so unfair that he's using this against you when they know you're so weak to it. When they both
know how good it feels to be licked sucked and bitten like a meal. He's also resumed the
movements of his hips inside your ass and massages your clit with renewed vigor.

"Su-suguru," you try, practically begging, "I-I don't want to come. Pl-please. I don't-" You babble,
desperately trying to fight it off, to push it off.

"My little pet can't take it, can she ?" He cooes.

Satoru just laughs at the show, eyes half-lidded, as he continues to fuck you, he feels his own end

You're trying so hard to fight them both off you, to stall your imminent release but it's fruitless. It
takes nothing more than a few more thrusts from both men before you're coming undone, crying,
still weakly trying to push their hands off. Warmth washes over you. You're cumming—so hard
your visions fades a little bit.

"I can't—too much, too much!"

They ignore your cries, as they're near frantic with their respective impending highs. You're
thrashing and tossing yourself around but they're not budging and you're forced to realize that you
have to take this and that they're going to come in you.

"I know you can, Kitty." Suguru purrs.

"And you will." Satoru adds. "Well you can't say I didn't warn you princess." Satoru chuckles,
kissing at your neck, he gives you a bite just to feel you clench around him some more before he
comes inside you, filling you up with molten warmth. Suguru isn't far behind, burrying himself one
last in your ass before coming in their as well, ropes of his cum delving in your guts.

You're still shaking and trembling between the two men, tears dripping from your eyes that are
widened in mild betrayal. It nearly makes them both hard again, that desperate broken look on your
face, but they decide to stop.

At least for today.

You're so full of cum. As soon as they slide out of you, copious amounts of cum come leaking out
of your holes.

Fuck. Okay, Satoru said it was hard for vampires to get people pregnant anyways... so you should
be okay... what would be the odds ?

"You're not going to get pregnant." Suguru eventually reassures you when his cock goes back to
being soft. "That's not how it works for us."

You're immediately relieved.

"You're both so mean." You cry out as they begin cleaning you up with wet wipes.

Their treatment of you is so much gentler compared to before.

"Sorry princess, was it too much ?"

"We thought you'd like it."

They both coo at you, praising you and telling you how much of a good girl you were for them.
You melt inside, their sweet words leading to decide that what happened wasn't a big deal and that
you enjoyed it very much.

Chapter End Notes

Suguru and Satoru are menaces lmao

Tbh this sex scene wasn't supposed to be as intense as this idk what happened I
was just in that kinda headspace ig.

Anyway <3 I really wanted to give you guys a longer chapter to thank you for all the
nice comments, I love reading them.

Hope you enjoyed it.

I | VI
Chapter Summary

Your father felt like a stranger to you. It was the first time you'd ever seen him make
that sort of face. He looked maniac, like he could barely keep himself in check.

Chapter Notes

The Underworld in this story is inspired by the Underworld in Katee Robert's book
called "Desperate Measures" you guys totally should check it out. TW for con-non-con
though but if you've read my fanfic then you should be okay with that lmao

YOU LOOKED at the man in front of you and took in each of his features; the smile lines at the
corner of his lips, the winkles on his forehead, the bags under his eyes. He was so familiar. You
looked so much like him, but you couldn't recognize him.

Your father felt like a stranger to you. It was the first time you'd ever seen him make that sort of
face. He looked maniac, like he could barely keep himself in check.

Though upon noticing the shift in your face, he coughed and hid his smirk behind his fist.

"____, did you swallow the biscuit ?" He asked you, gaze imploring. There was perspiration on his
forehead. Wether it was from excitement or anxiety, you couldn't tell. You shivered and wether it
was from the cold, or a sense of dread, you couldn't tell either.

Your thoughts and your vision were both starting to feel a bit foggy but still you managed to say,
"Yes father."

He nodded, satisfied, "Good. Now tell me, does Fushiguro have any weaknesses ?" He pressed, "I
only have about five minutes, hurry."

You frowned. Why would he ask you that ? He's the vampire hunter. Nevertheless you answered, it
was almost like you couldn't truly stop the words from tumbling out of your lips, your inhibitions
completely turned off, "None, other than silver."
Your father clicked his tongue, visibly displeased. He forced himself to look and sound more
relaxed than he truly he was as he continued. "Well then, is there anything that you can tell me
about the Fushiguro clan, sweetheart ?" His tone started to feel maybe a bit patronizing. "It's very
important for your father, so that I can help you to the best of my abilities." He spoke slowly, and
belittled you, like you were a five year old.

"I-I don't know." You whispered, despite yourself. A part of you wished to help him, but another
part felt too conflicted.

His right eye twitched. "Think !" He tried again, more urgent. "Come on, I know you're better than
that. Are you really going to protect those monsters ? Think, little girl."

Panicked, you tried to wrack your cloudy, cluttered brain to find any crumb of information. "I-uh.
Dadd—Toji has a library with your books in them. He mentioned something about the Underworld
—Nobara hates human blood. Apparently vampires can get drunk on blood but not alcohol and, uh

"Wait !" He stopped you with a lifted brow, "You said something about the Underworld... just

"Uh... the underworld," you repeated dumbly, trying to remember what exactly was said about that
place, "Uh—we're going there soon. I think."

"...All of them ?"

"I-I suppose."

"Did they mention it to anyone else ? Any other clan ?"

"I don't know." You replied, dejected.

He hummed, "Lets assume they didn't... even if they did..." he mumbled something inaudible, "I can
finally get them all in one place outside of their borders..."
Your father's eyes lit up, but he quickly hid his satisfaction with a sad frown on his face. "This must
be so hard on you, my dear daughter." He gave you a look of pity, "You'll remember this
conversation at the right time." Your father promised you. "I'm going to come and save you at the
underworld. Just find a way to be alone and it'll be okay alright ?" and to make you understand the
gravity of his words he shakes your shoulders, violently.


Your shoulder is gently shook as you wake up from your nth nap.

You were pulled into one last car before arriving at the Underworld. You're now in the same car as
Yuuji, Toge and Megumi. Maki only joined you all a little earlier.

"Wake up sleeping beauty. We're nearly there." Maki grins at you, letting go of your shoulders
when she sees your eyes flutter open.

The engine you're all currently in isn't exactly a car, but a small limousine. So you're very
comfortably sat in between Maki and Yuuji.

"Oh ? Already ?" You groan as you stretch your tired limbs.

"We actually arrived one hour ago, but it seems we're stuck at the gates." Yuuji sighs.

That's when you look out the window. The building just ahead of you looks like a palace,
surrounded by beautiful gardens and secured by a high gate and guarded by a lot of men. All of
them in black. They are checking the cars entering one by one, a gun cocked at their hips. You're
nearly at the end of the queue.

"This usually doesn't happen. Why are there so many people coming when we are ?" Megumi
You don't say anything and instead take a bottle of water as your throat currently feels as dry as a
desert. One glass doesn't even seem to be enough and quickly, you've finished the entire bottle.
There are also sweet treats available, such as normal cookies but they immediately remind you of
the one your father gave you.

The vision—no, the memory gets clearer in your head and you think about telling Yuuji, or anyone.
That's what you should do, right ? Dadd—Toji made it clear that you should tell him if anything
comes back to your mind.

However, your lips stay sealed. You find yourself hesitating. Should you really ? Your actual
father told you he'd help you, so perhaps you should go along with his plan. That's the right thing
to do.

Then why do you have that uncomfortable feeling that you might be betraying Toji this way ?
After everything you've been through, could you truly have developed some sort of attachment to
this man ?

In a desperate effort to think about something else, your eyes trail to the exposed skin of Yuuji's
neck. And again those intrusive thoughts resurface and you wonder about how euphoric it would
be to simply bite into the supple skin.

You don't realize you've zoned out - not until Megumi groans in exasperation.

"We can't enter the club with you like that." He decides, looking annoyedly at you.

"L-like what ?" You stutter out, very surprised.

"Wet. Turned on. You're going to attract too many people."

Your eyes widen, and you're about to argue that you're not turned on, because all you were thinking
about was biting and sucking blood. Surely that can't be one of your turn-ons, right ?

"I can help you if you want." Maki purrs, eyes darkened. You have no idea if she's teasing you or
not - but you don't like the way your body warms up at the idea. "We can't read minds but our
sense of smell is pretty good."
"Maki, don't. All of this is simply going to rile her up."

"She needs someone to bite her in order to cum." Toge interjects.

How does he know that ?

"Oh fuck." Maki groans but it doesn't sound like a complaint, she starts to suckle a small bruise on
your sensitive neck. "We—we can't, we're all vegetarian here."

"Then she goes in the club needy and ready for a bite." Megumi concludes.

You're not aware of how Yuuji is as red as a tomato next to you. Toge's unbothered though.

Maki shakes her head, "Dad's instructions were clear."

"Well Kento clearly underestimated how horny and depraved his little darling is." Megumi rolls his

"What a lewd Angel. Uh." She wonders, one eyebrow cocked.

"____." Megumi calls for you, "I'm going to haze you so you're not... excited anymore, alright ? It's
not going to be as potent as my father's so don't worry."

And he hazes you. You barely notice it, but your thoughts are filtered to only keep the pure.

While passing through the gates you're told that the Underworld is a very important place for the
creatures of the night as they can conduct business there. It is also a very selective place. It is ruled
by seven demons, who, according to Megumi are 'all annoying assholes'. They tolerate all kind of
debauchery, compulsive gambling, compulsive drinking, public sex, even prostitution, but they
draw the line at fighting. It's a neutral territory that tolerates no violence that isn't sexual. Vampire
feuds or inter-species fights aren't allowed there.
A guard knocks on your door and Megumi slides the window open. The guard takes one look
inside of the limousine before nodding his head.

You enter the Underworld. This place looks like it could belong to royalty. Fountains and intricate
stone statues decorate the well-kept garden. You guess the view must be amazing right from one
the highest floors of the building with the sky turning orange as the day bleeds into the night.

You're frozen in place when Maki, Megumi, Toge and Yuuji all leave the car. This place looks
amazing but feels too intimidating, and as the sky darkens, it starts to feel like a nightmare.

"Are you okay ?"


"Are you okay ?" Satoru asks, a hand on your lower back as he and Suguru lead you to what they
called 'the Grand Hall', a place where you can drink and socialize with la crème de la crème of the
creatures of the night.

Your answer to that question is still no. You want to go and hide however you know they won't let
you. As soon as you arrived in the Underworld, you were promptly abandoned by Maki and the
rest, and then ushered here by Satoru and Suguru. Not before retouching your makeup and your
outfit though.

There are a lot of people, though the room is too spacious and too grand for it to feel cooped. Slow
jazz is played by a group of professionals musicians, next to the buffet. Everyone is dressed in
expensive materials adorned with precious stones.

You don't know where Toji is, or anyone else for that matter. You can't sense where they are
either, there are too many people here and it overwhelms you, too many different smells.

As soon as you walked in, all the eyes were on you. Though you don't know what everyone is, it's
clear as day they know what you are. You would've been alright to simply deal with the stares as
no one seemed to dare approach you with the two powerful men by your sides. That is, until you
notice two women coming your way through the sea of unmoving bodies.
Satoru and Suguru never leave your side with both of their hands around your waist, and you
wouldn't have it any other way.

You peer up at one of the two men next to you. Suguru stands there, jaw clenched, accepting a
glass of wine from one of the servers.

You ask him wether he's fine or not but he doesn't reply. It only occurs to you afterwards that
you've been asking him that in your head. You're so used to him and Toji reading your thoughts
that it somehow became a habit.

You frown. "Are you alright ?"

"Suguru doesn't like crowds," Satoru informs you.

You glance at him. He seems to be having much more fun than his brother, judging by the
mischievous glint in his eyes, "I see."

"There wasn't that many people here the last times." Suguru grumbles. "And we usually don't go in

"Here ?" You pry, confused by what they mean.

"That's the Grand Hall," Satoru refers to the huge room you're currently all in, "We usually go in
the private casino boots." He then shrugs, "Don't you feel that way too ?" Satoru asks you.

"What ?"

"Overwhelmed. Suguru can't use his abilities properly when there are too many people around."

"... so he can't read my thoughts ?"

"He can't read thoughts. If he tries he'll just get a headache."

And then you think again about that weird flashback you've had in the car... and relief washes over
you at the realization that he won't be able to know about it, as long as you stay in this room, at

You barely had the time to examine the expensive interior decoration that the two strangers you'd
noticed beelining towards you earlier already reached you.

With the proper lighting you finally take them both in. One is taller and fairer skinned, with black
slacks paired with a long black silk shirt, the other more voluptuous and darker skinned with a
short red dress.

"Well, if it isn't the leeches." The lighter skinned woman speaks first, tilting her head to the side,
her short straight hair following her movements. Her eyes are a wary yellow as she eyes the two
men in front of her.

The other woman hangs onto her partner's arm, her sight solely focused on you. "Hello, you." She
says with a note of amusement in her tone that one could perhaps, mistake as warmth.

She tucks one of her long black curls back and you wait for her brown eyes to change color, or do
something else that would inform you that she isn't human, however nothing happens. She doesn't
even smell like the rest of them.

This woman is human. You don't know why this simple fact ignites a spark of hope in your chest.
No—actually you do know why such feeling blossomed in you - you haven't seen anyone, other
than yourself hang around creatures of the night, willingly at that, judging by the grip she's got on
the other woman's arm. Maybe she could help you.

Although, from an outsider's perspective, no one would think that the men you came in with
abducted you, judging by the way you hold onto them as if you might fall...

"And here I was wondering why it smelled like wet dogs in here." Satoru comments with a dry
chuckle. Suguru looks like he's having even less fun than before. "Claude, a pleasure to see you
again. I see you've even brought Jasmine." His tone drips with irony.
"It's Claudia." Claudia growls, her eyes glowing a dangerous orange and the hair on her arms
lifting. "Do not test my patience, you pretentious blood-sucking parasite."

The smaller woman next to her, who you now know as Jasmine places her hand on Claudia's
shoulder in a comforting manner. "Calm down, Claudie." She turns her head in your direction, but
only looks at Satoru, "It's been while. No one actually thought that you would show your faces
here again after what you did to Lucifer, even less when you've now got the whole vampire world
after you."

"All things considered, here would be the perfect place to hide wouldn't it ?"

Jasmine quirks a smile, seemingly amused at his audacity, "In Lucifer's own home ?"

"Lucifer owed us, and Toge came on his own accord."

Claudia leans in your direction, she's too far away to truly invade your personal space but you still
shiver. The men at your sides immediately react by tightening their hold on you. She snickers.
"That's what the men you're with do. They kidnap someone else's child when they're in a little
debt." She looks at you with what seems to be pity. "It must be hard to even be in their presence."

"There's no use in trying to scare her away, Claude darling," Satoru drawls, the cockiest smirk on
his lips as his hand falls to your ass and squeezes it, "She's already well aware of what we're
capable of doing."

"And I'm not sure we could qualify Lucifer's debt to us as 'little'. It was well over 8 billion ¥."
Suguru adds.

Claudia stands back to her full height and looks at your captors with the darkest glare you've ever
seen. She snorts, "This place might be neutral but don't push your luck. They don't do charity. They
would never accept that you hide here." She crosses her arms.

"It's a good thing we're not coward, then. Yeah ?"

She lifts an eyebrow and nods in agreement, "I was actually disappointed to notice you both still
alive. I was hoping that one of you would've died by now."
Jasmine lifts an eyebrow, seemingly finishing Claudia's thoughts, "But instead you brought in a

"Oh." Satoru smirks, "I forgot to do the presentations. ___, this is Claudia, a werewolf and
Jasmine, her mate. Claudia, I followed your exemple and got myself a human girl of my own,

The woman in question laughs, "I see. Then should I follow your ways as well and maul her to near
death ?"

You immediately shiver and whip your head to Satoru in alarm.

Satoru rolls his eyes and squeezes your ass, in a way you assume was meant to be comforting,
"Come on. I thought we had silently agreed to look past all of that, no ?"

When Claudia's eyes switch to a violent red, Jasmine's already there to calm her by stroking her
shoulder with a soft smile.

"We're going to go now." Claudia says with a glare, probably remembering the "no clan fights"

"It was a pleasure to meet you, ___." Jasmine grins in a weird all-knowing way but her smile
doesn't meet her eyes.

Claudia exhales, "Enjoy the party. While you still can." She spits out in an equally omniscient way,
and with that, she walks away with her mate.

As soon as she's out of sights, you ask the question that's been burning your lips, "Who was that ?"

"That was Claudia. Heiress to the Kim family, an influential werewolf clan, mostly based in South
Korea." Satoru sighs out, looking at his surroundings, now bored out of his mind. Admittedly, the
Underworld is much tamer than you'd expected it to be...
"No, I mean... the other girl, she is human."

Satoru looks at you like you're slow, "Well, I introduced her already. She's her mate."

You blink "Humans and creatures can be... together ?"

Satoru lifts an eyebrow, his interest piqued by your strange question. He leans towards you, a
wicked grin on his lips, "Why not ?"

In your peripheral vision you see Suguru roll his eyes, "Doesn't mean it's not frowned upon
though." Suguru shrugs. "Anyway, I'm surprised Claudia came up to us, she usually avoids us like
the plague."

Satoru nods, jaw tightening, "You see, __, werewolves don't usually get along with vampires.
Though the extent of Claudia's feelings towards our family is well past 'not getting along'. She
hates us with a burning passion."

Well that can't be good.

"Yeah. Claudia would do anything to kill us." Suguru agrees, with not much emotion in his voice.

"Why ?"

"Well..." Satoru glances at Suguru, but he's too busy silently scowling at the people around him
for, well, existing. He's really not enjoying the sheer number of people in this place. Satoru sighs,
"We might've nearly sucked her mate dry." He winces, "Once." He tries to mend, "In our defense,
we didn't know Jasmine had ties to the Werewolves. I did think she kinda smelled like dogs, but I
was hungry so I looked past it." He shrugs.

"Of course Claudia, like the princess in shining armor she is, came to the rescue." Satoru reassures,
"So now, everything's fine in the best of worlds."

Unimpressed, you simply nod at them. Honestly if anyone would get themselves into such trouble,
you had a feeling it would be them.
"Okay. Can we leave now ?" You ask hopefully, those stares boring through your back are really
getting old now.

"Princess, we just arrived."

You exhale, loudly, shoulders slacking, "It was worth a try."

"You should enjoy this while you can," Satoru echoes Claudia's parting words with obvious
disgust, "As this place, the Grand Hall, is the least debauched place of the Underworld."

The Underworld is big, bigger than you thought, while you were expecting maybe a big building -
you came to realize it consisted of way more than that. It's a gigantic castle, much bigger than the
manor the Fushiguro live in, and it looks so obnoxious in Tokyo's city, and takes up so much
space. It's also right next to Disney World... or so says the map of the Underworld Satoru just
handed you.

"Why is the center of Japan's crime syndicates next to DisneyWorld ? Are you kidnapping children

"They use Disney as their cover. And no, the Fushiguros don't kidnap children..." Suguru trails off.

You decide to forget that detail to spare yourself a headache, and a heartache. Just what kind of
people are here that condone children trafficking ?

"Princess, you really don't want to know the kind of stuff people do here. This is mostly some sort
of resort space for the undead wealthy, where they can also seal deals and expand their

"Child-trafficking is simply one thing amongst others." Satoru says, "Women-trafficking, arm..."

"Mostly drugs, weapons... all sorts of stuff."

"We also—"

"Satoru ! Suguru ! My old friends !" Someone cuts Satoru off. A very tall, slim, man with short
black hair comes to view. He smiles pleasantly, his eyes crinkling as he does so.

"That's Mammon. He partly owns the underworld. He's one of the main demons of our world.
There are seven in total." Satoru quickly whispers in your ear.

"He's very envious, so you don't show interest in anything, really."

The man reaches you three in an instant, and bows. You all do the same.

"I've been searching for Mr.Fushiguro everywhere." He laughs lightly, his eyes fall on you. "So
that's her."

"As you can see. Pretty isn't she ?"

Mammon narrows his eyes, the beginning of a smirk forming on his lips, "Quite so. Delectable I'd

Interest is written all over his face, and you don't like it, the way he's looking at you like you're

After a heavy silence, Mammon asks, "Is she available for a walk ?" He doesn't ask you, rather, the
men at your sides and it makes your blood boil.

What infuriates you even more is the sheer number of people gathered around this pig-of-a-demon.
They're observing your interactions with poorly concealed interest, hanging onto every word he
says. Men are standing straighter, prouder and women are smiling wider. All of this makes you
think that this man must be some kind of big deal. The kind of man you don't say no to. Didn't
Satoru just say that he was one of the main demons ? Surely that must be something, whatever it is.

Satoru, like the smooth man he is, redirects the conversation skillfully. His hand has long since left
your ass and instead moved to your waist, that he now holds possessively. "Mammon, I heard you
were interested in entering the House of Councillors." He starts.

The man immediately brightens up, "Ah yes ! I wanted to talk to Fushiguro about that, actually. I
was hoping that maybe the current president could be get irremediably sick."

"Well my sources told me that he had an awful fall last Friday... the whole thing has fortunately
been swept under the rugs by the government but he's currently in the hospital." Satoru sighs and
shakes his head, like he's actually sorry for the man.

"Oh ? Does that means that the position is up for grabs then ?"

"I'm not sure..." he pauses, seemingly thinking, "I guess it would depend on how well our
prospective candidate behaves."

Mammon read between the lines and smirks. "Alright. This was the most entertaining." He bows to
you, that same empty smile back on his face, "I hope you have a pleasant stay. I'll arrange for you
the best suite possible. With free massages included." And he leaves, followed by a small crowd of

The air suddenly feels less heavy and less cold as you exhale audibly. One thing is certain, you
don't want to cross path with Mammon ever again... something about him feels dangerous and

"We also dabble in politics." Satoru only says, voice barely above a whisper when Mammon is far

Truly, how corrupt is Japan ? You wonder worriedly.

You sigh, your throat suddenly feels dry. You're so thirsty. You manage to take a glass from one
of the server walking around with plates with various cocktails.

"Does this one have blood in it ?" You took the one that looked orange, maybe you're lucky and it
could simply be soda.
"No but it does have alcohol, and you're forbidden from drinking tonight." Satoru tuts and takes the
glass away from you. He calls a waiter and asks them if they have simple water. The man later
comes back with a big glass cold water.

You couldn't be any more grateful. "Thanks."

Chapter Summary

You're surprised by how much you want to go and melt in his arms after how rough
your day has been. He'll probably welcome you and maybe caress your thighs as you
sink into his chest. The presences next to him, that you've been skillfully visually
avoiding might be to blame for this sudden urge to be by Toji's side

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes


part two

YOU LOOK back at the map of the Undeworld Satoru gave you. You're currently in the Grand
Hall. It is between the Sin Corridors and the River of Illusion

"What are the Sin Corridors ?" You ask.

"It's a place of temptation... that brings out the worst in people. It leads to a casino, a strip-club and
a brothel." He points them out in the map.

Bringing the worst out of them and then leading them to a casino and to a strip club... that's smart.

"I feel this whole 'temptation' thing is bullshit. I went there a couple of times and I didn't feel any
different." Suguru pipes in, with a roll of his eyes.

"That's because you're already the worst version of yourself." Satoru snickers, but he's hardly
joking, "You have no self control."

Suguru doesn't deny his brother's accusations, "Anyway. Close to us is the River of Illusion, pretty
self-explanatory, though you don't have to worry about mirages when you're with one of us as we're
powerful enough to nullify them."
"And then there's the Club of Temptation. It's just a club. Those demons love giving their places
dramatic names. You should see the name on our suite."

"What's the name of our suite ?"

"You'll see."

"Anyway," Suguru interjects, "Haven't you been feeling different, princess ?"

Suguru massages your shoulders, "Well we've got to show our kitten off."

He passes a hand through his hair,

"Perhaps an improved night vision ?" Satoru wonders. When you frown in confusion he concludes,
"Not yet I take it."

"Last I checked it was only her smell and her overall health that's improved." Suguru tells his
brother before looking at you, with mirth dancing in his black eyes, "You won't ever have to go to
the hospital again. How amazing is that Kitty ?"

The implication of their questions is nothing new to you, as you'd taken note of those changes long
ago, though skillfully avoided analyzing what they meant—what you are transforming into. You
simply hold onto what might've been empty words from Nanami when he promised you they
wouldn't turn you into one of them in the past.

"That's cool I guess." You swallow a lump in your throat, bits and pieces of your conversation with
your father suddenly polluting your mind. Soon, you'll be out of here.

"Though for now we'll let everyone gawk at what they can't have." Suguru turns to you, a lopsided
grin stretching his lips, he bends to you with an extended hand, "Care for a dance, my lady ?" His
hooded eyes never leave you as he waits for your answer.

You blink, taken aback. You'd noticed the dance floor when you first arrived with the few couples
gracefully moving to the music but never gave much thought to actually go dance there because
you cannot dance. Just when you're about to deny his request, a woman catches your attention from
a corner of the room. She's alone and you can barely see her face - something about her feels
familiar. You blink and she's gone.

"It's now or never, Kitty. There seems to be less people here now so I can finally breathe again.
Satoru's not an option, he is a horrible dancer."

"I can hear you." His brother grumbles.

"Oh, no I'm fine, I really can't dan—" you're cut off by Suguru forcefully grabbing your hand and
dragging you to the dance floor. You should've expected it really, those two don't really take 'no'
for an answer.

"We simply have to dance, even more when you're so pretty." If he thinks buttering you up is going
to make you more pliable... he might be right. "Such a pretty gown, and an even prettier face."

You narrow your eyes, not wanting to admit how his compliments make you feel flustered.

"If we're here to show you off." Suguru puts your hands around his neck, and places his around
your waist, "We might as well do it right." He grins boyishly, sharp teeth and all.

Soon, you both start swaying to the slow jazz music. You hardly notice the stares anymore,
probably because all your attention is focused on Suguru. He looks so good tonight. You're
struggling to maintain eye contact and he laughs softly when he notices it. He's got comfortable
leather pants on paired with a black shirt along with a lot of sparkling jewelry, chunky rings, a
shiny watch and a silver necklace.

His tongues his cheek, his eyes darkening, "Your eyes changed color just now." He purrs, a self-
satisfied smile on his face, as his eyes switch to a cool orange.

"T-they did ?'' You weren't aware it was something your eyes did... Just how fast are you changing
? Knots form in your stomach, your father is not aware of what kind of creature his daughter has

"What are you thinking about ?'' He wonders, amused as he smoothly spins you around.
A few strands of his long black hair fall on his face when he leans down so your faces are closer.
You're straining your neck. You're practically exchanging breaths. Now that he's towering over you
so easily, you remember how tall this man is. You also forgot how charming he is, and how easily
he wooed you the first time you met him. He swipes his thumb on his your lower lip, teasing the
feel of a kiss before resting his hand on your cheek. You shiver, his hand feels as cold as the metal
around his fingers.

"I-I was thinking about leaving.'' You lie, cheeks warming up, "Don't you want to leave as well ?
You hate the Grand Hall."

Suguru smirks, though he can't read your mind at the moment, he sees right through you, "Are you
sure that's a good idea... to leave alone... with me ?" his tongue darts out to wet his lips, eyes
scanning your body.

You gulp, for a second you forgot that this was Suguru. You also forgot about the heavy secret
you're currently keeping.

In your peripheral vision, you notice a large group of people entering the room, all dressed more
flashy than the others.

"Those are the witches and wizards." Suguru groans. The dance meets an abrupt end as Suguru
goes back to scowling. "No one really likes them. They're known to be cunning and manipulative."
You also feel out-of-sorts, you've never really felt comfortable in unknown places with lots of
strangers, and combined with the mix of all of their different smells, you're starting to feel light-

Suguru leads you back to Satoru, before saying, 'I can't stand being here." He groans. You give
him a sympathetic look. He kisses your hand in goodbye. "I'm going to rest. I'm leaving."


"Are we leaving already ?" You ask with a note of enthusiasm.

Satoru laughs lightly, as he guides you along the garden. He took you there when he finally
noticed that you were about to die from the looks everyone gave you inside the Grand Hall. This
place is amazing the garden is vast and well taken care of, there's even a small, artificial river at
the center of it, surrounded by trimmed bushes and colorful flowers.

However, even outside you can't seem to find any reprieve, as it is bustling with monsters even
there that give you not-so-discreet glances every now and then.

You hoped to find Suguru here, only for Satoru to tell you that his brother surely took rest in one
hotel room upstairs. You so wish to join him.

Your hear splashing and turn towards the river. You see women in there, giggling and smiling your
way. You frown when you think you caught a glimpse of a fish tail—

"Oh my god, they exist !?" You whisper, hushed. Satoru gives you an amused look, but says

Those are mermaids. You think with elation, perhaps the only creatures you were looking forward
to seeing tonight. You can't see properly in the dark, but their scales are grey, maybe blue and they
shine so prettily in the night.

When they notice your interest in them, they immediately start beckoning you towards them with
soft words and sweet melodies. Satoru doesn't do anything, not until he sees you starting to walk
towards them, completely entranced.

He pulls you close to him and covers your ears with a deep, amused laugh.

You stare up at him, confused.

"Pretty princess," he kisses your nose, "You shouldn't listen to the siren's songs." He explains.

"Are they mean ?"

He snorts at your naive question, "To other creatures or the night, no. They're mostly neutral on
every level, and we hardly meet, seeing as they live in the seas." His eyes meets one of them and
she rolls her eyes, before she dives back in the water, "To the ones they want to eat, I guess they
could be a bit mean."

"Mean ?" One of them pipes up, a seductive pout on their lips, "But we were simply trying to have

Satoru's gaze catches yours as he leads the both of you away, "They would sing the most beautiful
of songs to get you to lower your guards before they'd plunge at you. They're not very strong, so
they usually hunt in groups of 7."

Your throat suddenly feels dry. Every second here, you never fail to forget how dangerous
everyone around you is, and how defenseless you'd be without Satoru with you. "And... what kind
of people do they like to eat ?"

"Pretty little things like you."

You come back to your senses. Satoru pecks your lips to reward you. "Good girl." He then makes a
face of worry, "What am I going to do ? It seems like everyone wants my princess tonight."

You barely manage to repress your smile. "That's not true." You mumble, flustered. "It's only
because I'm hum—"

You suddenly take notice of a woman with black long hair and red lips, adorned of a tight dress of
the same color that hugs and flatters her curves in the most perfect way. You've never been one to
openly gawk at strange women like that but everything about her feels so enticing, in a way that
should be wrong.

Satoru turns around to look at who got you so awed. You hear him exhale in exasperation.

Her eyes meet yours and you shiver, perhaps not 100% out of fear. Who is she? Or perhaps, what is
she ?

Satoru blocks your sight this time, and you feel him leading you away from that woman with a
hand on your lower back. "That's a succubus, princess. Perhaps the most dangerous beast of all...
except maybe for werewolves and vampires. She was using her powers on you, that's why you felt
this way." He turns to the succubus, "Akame, go play elsewhere." His tone isn't particularly
threatening but rather firm

Akame unfazed, shrugs and winks at you. "Hey cutie, is he bothering you ?"

"Perhaps I should whisk you away as it seems everyone has got their sights on you tonight." Satoru
looks at you up and down, a satisfied smile on his lips, "Understandably." He drags you back
inside with a tight hold on your wrist.

You both immediately leave the garden, under the attentive gaze of the guests that you feel prickle
at your skin like small needles. It is only when you're hidden in the darkness of the corridors that
you let yourself relax, slightly, in Satoru's hold.

Satoru was right when he qualified the Grand Hall as the tamest place of the Underworld. In the
hallway are couples—sometimes even trios, grinding onto each other, kissing licking, biting any
place they can access to over their expensive pieces clothings. It makes you uncomfortable and you
don't understand why they just do it out in the open for everyone to see.

"We're in the Sin Corridors." Satoru whispers in your ear. All of a sudden his protective hold of
your waist doesn't feel so innocent anymore.

You vaguely remember what he told you about that specific place. It leads to a brothel. Everything
makes sense now.

"I can sense your unease, so don't worry, we'll cut our stay in these halls short," he winks at you,
and with that, he lets your waist go and proceeds to push to the side a gigantic painting of a naked
woman to the side, to reveal a secret passage.

"Where are we going ?" You whisper, following his steps. It's pitch black, you vaguely discern
Satoru's form in front of you.

"Our goal are the Quiet Rooms."

You frown, he didn't tell you about those.

"Toji wanted me to show you off in the Death Rings, as well as in the Club of Temptation but
you're too tired."

And here you thought he'd never take pity on you. You sign in relief. You remember reading that
the Death Rings is a place in which illegal fights take place, people make bets. Oh and the fights
aren't against other people—sometimes animals, lions, bears, wolves. The leaflet Satoru gave you
clearly advertised their upcoming fight: A witch against a leopard.

"Don't look so happy." He tells you. Right, you forgot vampires can see perfectly in the night.
"Unfortunately we'll still have to go tomorrow."

"Tomorrow ?" You whisper-yell as you both exit the narrow corridor to find yourselves in a much
bigger one. And with no couples getting it on each other, fortunately. "How long exactly are we
staying ?"

"About three days."

You huff in exasperation. This place feels like literal hell—about hell, do they ever go there ?

"Why is there an 'underworld' on earth... ?"you question, confused, "Is there no hell ?"

He looks at you like you're asking him the dumbest of questions, like wether it'd hurt if he stabbed
you to death. "Maybe hell is earth, princess." He says in a cryptic way that makes it impossible for
you to decipher wether he's joking or not.

You want to ask what he means by that, but don't gather the courage. Instead you ask him
something else that you also want to know. "Where are we going ?" You let out, breathless.

"To see Father. I figured you missed him."

"It's only been a few hours since I've last seen him though."

Satoru shrugs, sending you a mischievous look, "Well, he misses you. He asked for you."
"When ?"

"When we were in the garden."

"How do you know ?"

"We can communicate telepathically."

"I don't believe it."

Satoru is surprised enough to stop in his tracks, "Really ? After everything you've experienced?"

You cross your arms in defiance, "Well then send him a message. Right now. And I'll ask him if he
got it."

He scoffs, and after a few seconds, says, "It doesn't work right now."

"How convenient." You tease, looking at him incredulously.

Satoru barely looks amused, and grumbles, "He must be wearing a fucking germanium ring or
something right now. They block telepathy and mind reading."

Just as you're about to call him out on what you believe is bullshit, a familiar scent trickles your

"Nanami's here ?"

Instead of answering you, Satoru gestures for you to turn around.

You see Nanami coming towards you, hands in pockets, steps silent as always. He looks tired. He's
dressed in full black, except for his bow tie which is a dark grey. His sandy blond hair is pushed
back, and his shirt rolled up to expose his forearms.

"Hello Angel." The deep baritone of his voice immediately comforts you and lulls you to his side.
A faint smirk quirks on his lips before he looks at his big brother. "Did people stare a lot ?"


Nanami nods, as if to say he figured, "Did she meet every monster race there are ?"

"Yes. Claudia came up to us as soon as we arrived. She looked positively feral, as stray dogs do, I
suppose. It was delightful to see her in such a state."

"The mermaids also tried to pull something, yeah ?"

"As always. Akame also tried something."

"Akame ? Of the minor succubus clan ? The one that Lucifer took under his wing ?" Nanami
frowns as he passes a hand through his hair. "That can't be good."

Satoru shrugs, "I don't think you should read much more into it as everyone is interested in our

Nanami clicks his tongue, "You can never be too careful."

"But you had fun, didn't you ?" Satoru asks you and you're convinced you both don't have the same
definition of fun.

"Anyway." Nanami turns to you, asking for your hand, "I'll take you to Father, alright ?"

You nod.
"Bye Princess, see you tomorrow." And with that, you both leave Satoru here as you take another
route. After a few minutes, you find yourself in yet another corridor.

"We're in the Quiet Rooms now." Nanami whispers. You wonder if whispering is a must when
you're in a 'Quiet Room'.

"Okay." You reply, voice low. You stop in front of one of the multiple doors. Nanami knocks, four
times, exactly.

A bodyguard opens the door. He checks the card Nanami gives him before nodding curtly. The
man takes out of his pocket a ring and hands it you. You blink, confused.

"No powers allowed in this room." He tells you.

"Powers ? I don't—"

"Wear the ring." Nanami advices, voice soft but not leaving any room for argument.

You guess you must be heading to some top secret space as they're being so careful in who they're
letting in. You sigh and comply.

Nanami kisses your cheek, "Father's in the room, yeah ? Just go to him."

You stomach drops, you hold onto Nanami's sleeve, "You're not coming ?"

"No." He caresses your cheek, "They're a few things I need to check." His expression looks serious
and stern—although this look is not particularly directed at you, your body reacts all the same with
goosebumps skittering down your arms.

You take a deep breath in and nod at Nanami, signaling him that you'll be okay—maybe, you hope
and he leaves.
The room is dimly lit and the smell of tobacco is pungent in the air. You smell Toji before you see
him and your heart skips a beat. He's there, sitting on a big armchair, man spreading with a cigar in
hand. His hair is messily scattered on his forehead and you just manage to meet his gaze, partly
hidden by strands of hair. His eyes are low and lidded as he looks at you awkwardly shuffling in
place. He signals for you to come to his side and not knowing what else to do, you obey.

You're surprised by how much you want to go and melt in his arms after how rough your day has
been. He'll probably welcome you and maybe caress your thighs as you sink into his chest. The
presences next to him, that you've been skillfully visually avoiding might be to blame for this
sudden urge to be by Toji's side.

Of course you smelled the other people before you even saw them even with the smoke of the
cigar still thick in the air. One of them is familiar, similar to Mammon's. Could there be another
demon in here ? You turn around to see man, with a scantily dressed woman perched on his lap.
You can barely distinguish their facial features, though it hardly matters; you simply don't feel at
ease. You tense up as you hurry to Toji's side, who immediately secures a protective hand around
your hips.

The man barks out a laugh, "So that's your girl ?" The woman on his lap hides her face in his torso
—you notice that he's wearing a white yukata. "She's pretty, just how I imaged." The sides of his
mouth stretch in a grin that twists your inside, "If I didn't already have my hands full," he tightens
his hold on the woman so comfortable on his thighs, "I'd ask to take her on a ride."

Toji merely lifts an eyebrow and takes a puff of his cigar, "Asmodeus. Not in a million years, she's
too good for you." He turns to you, "Wanna sit ?" He gestures to his own lap, and despite yourself,
you nod.

You immediately curl yourself onto him and he chuckles, caressing your back. You never expected
to find so much comfort in his arms.

There's a ring similar to yours on Toji's index. You guess those must be germanium rings.

The man hums, you now notice sandy peach hair falling on his face, as well as tattoos, a lot of
them, on his forehead and his cheeks. "I never thought I'd ever see you this soft."

There are probably other people in the room as well, judging by the different smells, perhaps one
or two, you don't know for sure though as you can't see them and the scent of tobacco isn't helping.
There's so much smoke covering your vision, covering the strangers in front of you, that you start
When Toji notices your discomfort he immediately orders for someone to open the windows. As
expected, a vampire comes out of the dark to do the task asked of him.

There's so many questions you want to ask Toji, but the words just don't seem to come out. The
man in front of you just sets you off-kilter, perhaps even more than Toji did when you first met
him. You never thought that would be possible. If that makes sense, he smells dangerous.

Who is he ?

"That's Asmodeus, sweetheart." Toji coos, placing a kiss on your forehead, "He's a long-time
business associate of mine and one of the main patrons of the underworld."

"Asmodeus' only an allias," the man precises with a lick of his lips as his eyes trail down your
exposed legs. "You can call me Sukuna." His eyes shine red, but you don't discern any sharp
canines in his dangerous grin.

Toji caresses your thigh and redirects your attention on him with a hand on your chin, "He's one of
the seven demons of hell, littlest. All of them, together, rules over the Underworld."

"I'm guessing you already encountered Succubuses, Werewolves, Witches and Mermaids. Well
there are plain demons as well. They're physically the strongest race but have been neutral for
centuries. I guess it's because they're only seven of them." He sighs, most likely not interested in
getting into it right now, "However you don't have to worry about any of them." He nudges your
nose with his, "Because Daddy will kill them if they ever do so much as speak at you the wrong
way, yeah ?" It's a not-so-indirect threat. It chills you through your bones, yet the man-Sukuna,
barely reacts, another laugh spilling from his lips.

"You tell funny jokes when you've drank and smoked, old friend." His smile always looks
threatening and vicious, even as his eyes crinkle from the laughter, "However, you should know
that your threats don't faze me. I'm only here for a good time, not a long time." He puts his cigar

"Well I'm glad we're on the same page." Toji nods, "Regarding our current... issue in the vampire
world, recently. Is anyone picking sides ?"

You've got that gnawing feeling that the 'issue' is you and you burrow your fact in Toji's chest at
the realization.

"Well, you've just said demons are supposed to be neutral." Sukuna smirks, "So we'll do just that -
as long as no rule is violated."

A second person comes out of the dark to whisper something in Sukuna's ear.

"I've got to go." Sukuna grins, "The fight at the Death Rings is about to start after all and I would
hate to miss it. Seeing all that blood and action really does something to me."

The woman on his lap stands up, and Sukuna does the same. You hear chains clink and see the
collar that's around her neck. "___, if Toji ever lets you go, come to me, yeah ? I'll treat you real
good. Come find me in the Sin Corridors."

That's when you notice the bruise and marks on the woman's body. It looks like she's been leashed
and hurt - but she looks happy, she's literally looking at Sukuna with adoration.

Sukuna yanks on the leash and the woman follows him out of the room.

"I hope you never have to meet him again... he's... unpredictable, and dangerous."

Coming from Toji, that must mean something.

"He invited us to dinner. His six brothers will all probably be there as well. We don't have to go if
you don't want to." He continues, voice deep but soft.

"I really don't want to go." You mumble, quiet and shy.

He gently holds your hand. "Alright." He sighs, "I should've known this would be too much for
you. I'm sorry, you don't have to do anything you don't want from now on."

Toji has been getting softer and gentler recently - but only to you. It would be a lie to say it doesn't
make you feel anything.
"Thank you." You say, graceful.

"Thank you what ?"

Your cheeks feel hot, "Thank you Daddy."

His eyes switch to a warm orange.

You notice how you fit perfectly in his hold, like two matching pieces of puzzle.

He trails kisses all the way from the back of your ear to your collarbones, "Are you alright ?" He
whispers, and goosebumps erupt on your skin.

You whine as an answer and he chuckles.

"This feels so foreign," Toji whispers, you feel his breath tickling your ear. "I could always know
what you were thinking, and now I don't. I hate it." His voice is clipped, cold. He's truly bothered
by it. He starts toying with your index wearing the germanium ring. "I could know wether I was
touching you right or not—what buttons to push to have you right where I wanted you. I also knew
you loved being touched even if you'd tell me otherwise."

He has got some serious issues. You huff, "Are you aware of how you sound right now ?" You
sound breathless, "Like a manipulative sociopath."

"I never claimed to be good. I thought you knew by now that I don't care about human morals."
His hand on your thigh trails higher, "But now... it nearly feels like I have to ask to touch you." He
sounds as if he's shocked by the notion, but also intrigued by it.

"That's called consent. It's been invented centuries ago. You'd think that for someone so old you'd

"Brat." He lifts an eyebrow. "Have I been too lenient on you ? Should Daddy teach you some
manners ?"

Your eyes widen.

"But you'd like that wouldn't you ? If I turned you over and spanked you, you dirty little girl." Toji
tuts, before pressing a kiss on your lips. "Though that unfortunately won't be right now as you've
got to eat. Your brothers told me you barely ate on our way there, and in the Grand Hall as well."

Now that he mentions it, you do feel a bit hungry, and very thirsty.

"Are you coming to eat with me ?" You ask.

"No. Kento is. He hasn't been spending much time with you. I think that's why he's been so grumpy
lately." He snorts, "Will you be good for Nanami, love ?"

You nod. You're always good for Nanami.

"That's my girl."

Chapter End Notes

I'm off to study for my exams now <3 so no more updates in a little while

This chapter was like 70% fillers but I had so much fun writing it !!!
I also finally introduced other creatures (ig that’s important for world building, yeah ?)
Chapter Summary

And what he does after is so Nanami, so him, though it feels foreign after the way in
which he fucked you into a limp puddle of tears. He drew you a bath, of course helped
you clean yourself. He took care of you, babied you, helped you into your pyjamas and
kissed your forehead and wished you a good night of sleep.

Chapter Notes

Pseudo incest warning guys hhhhh

Nanami calls her little sister once and he calls himself her big brother once too

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Hi guys ! Hope you're all doing fine ! I am. This is a bonus scene I forgot to add in the last chapter
(because I'm a very very messy planner) so here it is.

THE QUIET Rooms have a fitting name, for only the sound of your soft breathing, and your slow
heart beat can be heard. Snug in Toji's embrace, you let your mind wander, then after a few
seconds, upon remembering the germanium ring on your finger, you decide to speak.

"Daddy..." you start, hesitant and worried about wether you're going to offend him or not, "Could
you beat him ? Sukuna, I mean."

That man left a mark on you, your encounter with him shook you to your very core. Reassurance is
what you need.

And it's what you get.

Toji simply chuckles, "Of course I can sweetheart." He brings one hand to your lower back,
hugging you closer to him.

"I am the strongest!" You hear Satoru exclaim proudly. "So naturally, I could too." Satoru came in
a little bit after Sukuna left though you pay him no heed.
Toji lifts an eyebrow at him. "Aren't you the one with 1295 losses against me ?"

Satoru doesn't look offended, "That's because you play dirty. All the time." He grumbles. "I also
happen to have 1284 wins against you."

"Well, I'm still ahead. A loss is a loss."

Later on, Satoru led you to Nanami's suite, and on the way there, you passed by yours, which
you're told is to share with the other kids.

Turns out the name of your suite is 'The Room for Really Really Evil but Amiable People'.

It isn't as dramatic as it is lame, and unnecessary long, and underwhelming, though the interior
vastly compensates for it. Silk sheets, four poster bed. Expensive is written all over this room.

"I told you the name was dramatic, didn't I ?"

"No, it just sucks."

Satoru laughs, loudly. "Nobara and Yuuji said the same thing."

Now the actual chapter !

I read a 2-3 comments that said it was hard to visualize the position of the couples during the sex
scenes - so I took extra care to make it clearer here, hope it's better :))

'LIFE IS unpredictable' - a popular saying that couldn't be more true in your case. Not once did
you ever entertain the thought of what you assumed to be imaginative creatures such as vampires to
take you in and protect you as their own. You used to think you'd live a rather simple life: either
become a writer or a pastor—or even both if you ever developed a spine. Then you'd get married—
to a man, and if your husband wouldn't gently coarse you into becoming a housewife you'd gladly
go on with your work, while taking care of the housework and of the child—ren, maybe.

However, everything feels meaningless now that you've lived enough traumatizing events to be
scarred for life—going back to a mundane life, while pretending your world hasn't been shifted
from its axis feels impossible. You can't unsee what you've seen, or undo everything you've done.

"What do you want to eat ?" Nanami asks you with a soft smile, taking you out of your reverie. He
shows you the menu.

You're both comfortable in his personal suite, sat at the dinner table. Nanami's next to you, a
proper distance between the two of you.

You don't really care what you're eating, as long as you take something. Honestly, you can't
recognize most of the names on the menu.

When he notices the frown creasing your forehead, he chuckles. "You want me to choose for you
?" He guesses and you shyly nod, scooting your chair a little bit closer to him. "Alright Angel."

His hand sits on your shoulder, rubbing comforting circles as he dials room service and gives them
your order.

His big, veiny hand manages to take up the entirety of your shoulder blade and more, and this does
a little something to you. You'd have to be extremely naive not to guess what might transpire
between the two of you soon. Isn't it only natural ? First Toji, then Satoru & Suguru, leaving only
Nanami for the end.

His dark grey bow tie is loosened, the first few buttons of his shirt undone. He passes a hand
through his hair, and your attention is caught by his bulging forearms. He looks so strong. You've
already experienced what it's like being with strong men. The way they manhandle you, shape you
and move you however they want... will it be different with Nanami ? Somehow you can't help but
want to figure it out. Has your short trip to the Sun Corridor turned you into some kind of nympho
? Or were you simply always like this—but never truly took notice ?

"Littlest," he catches your attention. And like you've been caught red-handed doing something you
shouldn't, you flinch. "Did you bring your pajamas ?" His voice is calm, and still and as always,
manages to comfort you in an inexplicable manner.

"I did." You respond, biting your lip and peeking up at him, hesitant. His eyes are soft and
understanding, so why can't you meet them ?

"Your toothbrush ?"

You make a mental list of the all your stuff - and it dawns on you that your toothbrush is missing.
You gasp when you realize you've forgotten it.

He makes a noise of disappointment, but the glint in his eyes tells you it's light-hearted, "Little
one." The hand on your shoulder moves higher, to the base of your neck. "I knew you'd forget
something, Angel. If I hadn't left early I would've helped you pack."

You can already visualise it; you sprawled on the four-poster bed and Nanami sitting next to you,
listing off everything you'd need and then helping you pack them like the dotting man he is.

You don't have the time to linger on that fantasy though - as a soft knock on the door brings you
back to reality.

Nanami, in smooth, absent tone, with his eyes on you, probably trying to figure out what got you so
distracted, says "Enter."

A man comes in, and places your dish on the table, then promptly leaves.

What Nanami got for you turned out to be some pasta with truffle. You immediately dig in, and
although the food is absolutely delicious, it's nothing like what you had for your first 'family'
dinner with all the Fushiguros.

What the heck was in it ?

Once again, you're taken away from your thoughts as Nanami brushes your cheek, "How is it ?"
Comes his deep but mellow voice as he strokes your thigh, and slides your chair even closer to him
with ease.

"It's good."

He smiles, no pointy canines in sight - and for a second he looks human. His gaze on you is
nothing short of warm - and though it makes your heart flutter, you can't help but wonder if you're
not here for another, more promiscuous reason.

Disappointed begins to settle in your stomach like stones when dessert comes—lemon sorbet on a
cone—and Nanami makes no move to show that he desires you in that way.

He sometimes gives your leg a squeeze or two, but his eyes never stray on you for too long... and
you've got to admit it leaves you feeling a bit perplexed.

You guess that it's easier with the others - since they're all over you as soon as they see you, be it
pulling you onto their lap, or lacing a hand around your waist. However, Nanami's a bit different.

You bite your lip, seeds a of insecurity growing in your mind, "Are you bored ?" You ask him
eventually, tone soft.

He lifts his eyebrows, surprise changing his features, "No. Of course not. Why ?"

"I just—" you deflate, and try again, this time much quieter, "You look as if you're bored."

Understanding crosses his features, then his mouth mold into a smirk—something you rarely see
his do. "I see what's going on." He licks his lips, and leans closer to you, "Angel wants attention ?
Isn't that right ?"

Your eyes widen. Do you ? Is that what this is about ? You do admit that his lack of interest
towards you make you feel as if—oh god, this is exactly what this is about. You want his
undivided attention. On you.

Your face warms, and you look down, unfortunately still unable to hold his gaze.
"I'm not bored." Nanami tells you, tone reassuring. He gently holds your chin to make you to look
at him, and your heart skips a beat. "Maybe just a bit tired, and I didn't want to bother you while
you were still eating."

You completely turn around in your seat to face him, and say, "No, no. It's okay. We haven't really
had the chance to talk recently, so..."

"I know. It's been hectic."

"Can I ask you a question ?"


"Why did you join the Fushiguro clan ?" You ask carefully. You don't want to overstep his
boundaries but you feel as if you're now close enough to ask. You know nearly everyone's
backstory, except for his.

He sighs, and leans back in his seat, thinking, "There was no particular reason. I met Father
through connections, and we got along, I guess." He frowns, "His clan was—still is, the most
accepting one."

"Father turned you ?"

"Yes. I had known he was vampire for some time. I asked him to turn me because I wanted to be
stronger - invincible."

You never got that feeling from Nanami, was he always that power-hungry ? He isn't though, you
just know it.

You feel like shouldn't push him further, so instead you put on a soft smile and ask, "Do you want
some of my sorbet ?" Hoping to distract him from whatever thoughts has him looking so somber.
Nanami grunts, and gives you a sardonic smile, "No, thank you."

You're starting to think that you're the only one feeling the tension in the air, so thick you could cut
it with a knife. His facial expression give you no clue as to what he's thinking about. It's completely
neutral, that is, until his lips morphs into a smile that's too gentle compared to the racy nature of
your current thoughts.

You pursue your lips and say nothing, simply resuming eating your sweet treat. With the way
you're licking at it, with fluttered eyelashes, all while maintaining eye contact with Nanami, he
thinks you're a minx. Though he also thinks you don't do it on purpose—you can't.

"Do you really not want some ?" You nearly coughed and choked on your dessert under his gaze, it
feels different now, heavier.

With lidded eyes, Nanami grins, "Aww... you sweet, sweet, girl." He spreads his hand on the
entirety of your thigh. "That's cute. Not hungry for ice cream right now though."

The double-entendre does not register in your mind, instead you pout.

"You wanted my attention didn't you Angel ?" His voice is soulful, and the way he says the words
tell you that it's not a question, he knows the answer already. "Well now you've got it—" he leans
in close to give your cheek a chaste kiss, "My undivided attention, all for you little girl."

You squirm in your seat.

His face leans closer, a few strands of hair tickling your nose as he does so. His smell of lemon is
probably your favorite thing about him, so clean so proper, all in direct contrast to your thoughts.
You weren't like that before - you weren't this depraved.

It's undeniable, your stay with the Fushiguro clan thoroughly changed you, you're starting to think
that maybe it's okay if you're not perfect, with the way they're always reassuring you. Their laid-
back attitude is what felt the oddest to get used to at first.

"Angel, what is it ?", soft amber eyes look deeply into your own.
You swallow your saliva, "W-what ?"

"You look like you've got something to say, say it." His gaze gets more intense as you and you
squirm in your seat, yet again.

The ache between your legs only spreads the more he looks at you like that, and you don't think
you can endure it. With the others it's easy, they manhandle and treat you however they like, while
still prioritizing your pleasure but with Nanami it feels different.

The others most of the time save you from the embarrassment of asking for what you want, giving
you the possibility to deny ever wanting anything they did but with Nanami it's so painfully
different. You're practically buzzing next to him and he barely bats an eye, his eyes don't linger on
you for too long. It forces you to admit to yourself that you do want his attention so badly.

"You've been squirming an awful lot." Nanami notes, "If you need to relieve yourself..." he teases
—and Nanami never teases, he's sweet and caring and gentlemanly—who's this man ?

Your face positively heats up, "I-I don't need to pee."

Once again, a single brow is lifted, this time along with the side of his mouth, impercible but you
notice it. "Oh ?"

Goddamn it you want to kiss him so badly.

Maybe the Sin Corridor did thoroughly affect you.

He notices you staring at his lips and you bite your own. He leans in closer, and tilts his head
slightly, teasing you. He lets out a breathy chuckle at your awed expression, before leaning back,
though his hand stays on your thigh.

You lips jut out unconsciously.

"Pretty baby," Nanami coos, caressing your cheek, "Don't pout."

You cross your arms, frustrated, "So you were doing it on purpose ?"

"Doing what on purpose ?"

"Teasing me !" You exclaim, rather childishly, "I've been—I've wanted your attention for so long
but you keep ignoring me."

Amusement colors his features, "Such a little brat." He purrs, an eyebrow arched, "Spoiled rotten
already it seems ?"

You don't bother to answer.

"Little girl," he straightens his posture, "If you want something, you should ask for it."

Feeling only a tiny bit bratty, you retort, "I could say the same thing."

He bites back a snort, "Yeah ? What is it do you think I want ?"

He's got that small, imperceptible and teasing smile again. That smile that frustrates you so much,
that smile that tells you he doesn't take you seriously, like you couldn't possibly handle him.

You've handled his father, and his brothers, of course you can handle him.

Nanami can now see you smirking slightly, as if you're proud of yourself as you prepare yourself to

"You want to feed from me." You say, voice sounding more confident than you're feeling,
admittedly. You've only felt his eyes on your neck a couple of times. "But you have yet to ask me."

"You're cute." He replies dismissively, his eyes are a vibrant orange now, and his discreet smile
doesn't reach his eyes anymore. "And you want me to kiss you, to ravish you, isn't that right ?"
His words send shivers skittering down your frame and heat your body up, "I—..." you deflate.

He nods, slowly, "You ?" when you stay silent, he adds, "You don't know what you're asking for."

"I do," you mutter, petulant, like a child who has been denied her favorite treat. "I can handle it."

"Mmmh..." he's not convinced, or maybe he's purposely toying with you.

You cross your arms.

Nanami takes it as you agreeing with him, "See ? You can't even ask for it properly."

You're about to deny his claims, but stop yourself, and instead, in a pure moment of impulsivity
grab Nanami by the collar and press your lips together. It's not some sweet, chaste kiss like the
other ones you've had with him before. It's an exchange that's rough, uncontrolled and definitely
clumsy from your part only, considering that's he's not even kissing you back. He stays sat straight,
letting you do whatever you want offhandedly, like he's merely entertaining a child.

Your hands are in his hair, and force him closer, deepening the kiss. You think you feel him smile
against your lips—before he finally kisses you back, molding his lips with yours. He has one hand
on your hip and the other angling your neck properly to deepen the kiss. It's messy, there's tongue,
there's drool, there's clashing teeth but he doesn't stop as if to teach you that this is what a real kiss
is like.

His teeth graze your lip before putting an end to this exchange. He places you on his lap, just to
knot your legs around his waist before he stands up and leads you to the bedroom.

You take him in - hair messy, eyes bottomless, lips red. He's got this air of nonchalance around
him. He looks wholly unaffected, and yet, you still lean up to make your mouths meet again before
he stops you, with a little laugh and a hand on your neck. You look at him, confused, fighting off a

"I recall telling you to ask properly if you want something." He taps lightly at the side of your head
—like he's asking you to actually remember.
You stabilize your ragged breathing - hiding your frustration. "No."

"No ?" He parrots, eyes narrowing briefly, like he's actively plotting your demise, "You don't want
to ask ?"

You could ask—in fact, every cells of your body is asking, begging you to cave in, but you
stubbornly decide you won't. You cross your arms. You didn't even know you had this in you.

He opens the door to the bedroom, and lets you fall on the bed, then looms over you, his legs on
either sides of your body. The room is spacious, the bed big enough for four, and there's a mirror
on the ceiling.

When it becomes apparent that he's not going to do anything other than stare down at you
ominously, you lean back up and observe him closer.

You still feel so sore from what happened in the car with Satoru and Suguru (even though they at
least had the decency to give you some medecine afterwards to soothe the pain). You're not sure
how ready your body is for what’s to come, but you also find that you don't care much right now.
Your mind is completely shrouded with need because there’s Nanami's on top of you, eyes heavy
and lidded, breathing ragged, his bottom lip caught between his teeth slightly. His shirt is about
halfway undone—enough so that you can discern some black ink—


Black ink ? Nanami has got a tattoo ?

Well it turns out it's tattoos, in plural, and in your awe you proceed to undo the last few buttons of
his shirt, and then help him out of it. He lets you, of course, because it's you and also because he
finds it adorable the way surprise rounds your eyes and pouts your lips. You're a vision.

You wouldn't have pegged him for someone to want tattoos... how wrong were you about him ?
Adrenaline soars under your skin.

The tension draws out as you focus on the drawings on his torso. Three black dragon. You can feel
a dull throbbing in your underwear. It makes you crave him,

As you squirm on the bed, the skirt of your dress bunches up at your waist, exposing your pink,
soaked panties with the crease of your cunt visible.

His breath hitches, his jaw clenches and his eyes darken as his imagination runs wild. His cock
twitches at the thought of stretching you open, of the sounds you'd make as he thrusts deeply into
you. He bites on his inner cheek.

All in due time.

You have a clear view of Nanami like this, tall and demanding and — hard, you happily notice.
The air feels heavier, charged up, electric as you obviously eye at the bulge in his pants. Your
cheeks warm bashfully, not quite expecting that.

He tuts and holds your cheeks, forcing you to crane your neck to meet his eyes. "You're not getting
it until you beg, little girl."

Your eyes are alight with lust. With all your fidgeting, his knee is now deliciously pressing against
your pussy. Driven by pure desire and the mild ache between your legs, you grind your hips against
him. However this provides little relief to the fire burning in your loins.

You whine, still not stopping the slow moves of your hips.

"Need a little help?" He asks, an amused smirk tugging on the corner of his lips. He leans down,
and speaks in your ear. "You know what you have to do, Angel."

You let out a frustrated sigh. You burrow yourself further into the man's chest, basking in his scent
of citrus.You're nearly drooling. He can clearly hear your heart skipping beats against your ribcage.

"Wanna start begging me the way I know you're craving to so we can get a move on ?" The
neutrality on his face is gone, he's full on sneering now—like he can read your body perfectly, like
he knows you're close to caving in.
"This isn't fair !" You whine, "You're hard too !"

Nanami tongues his cheek, "I am," he says, face close, "However, as opposed to you, I can control

"I-I can too !" You do your best to real in your desire.

His smile is sharp, and doesn't reach his eyes, akin to a predator baring its sharp teeth. The thought
gives you a lick of thrill and lights something within you, something primal, something hungry and
desperate. "Aren't you the one grinding on my thigh right now ?" To punctuate his point, he presses
his knee against your sopping cunt and your body betrays you, a quiet moan slipping past your lips.
"You've been making eyes at me for the entirety of dinner, and now you're playing coy ?"

His slacks are wet where they meet with your pussy. "It must ache so bad, love." His voice is sinful
as he pretends to be concerned.

His goading words, pared with the delicious way in which his leg presses against your clit, breaks
the dam and you blabber incoherent pleads—too frustrated, too horny for you to really filter

"Please Nanami—I-I want you."

You concede that this is the last time you ask him anything.

He tilts his head to the side, he doesn't look convinced and your pride is bleeding.

"Please! I'm sorry. I'll be good, okay ? Please." The dull throb in your underwear is enough for you
to loose all reason.

"You sweet little brat." Voice as soft and gentle as it is condescending and demeaning, you've upset
him. "You will be." He promises, ominously.

He ravages your lips. He kisses you until you feel breathless. You're disoriented, your dress is off,
at one point, yet you hardly notice. You can only focus on Nanami, on you, pressing his knee onto
you, with his tongue into you. You feel like your soul is laid bare in front of him, so vulnerable.

He groans as his teeth pull and tug on your lip in a moment of frustration, the only clue that all of
this has been affecting him as well, greatly.

He slides your sticky panties off of you and his hand immediately goes to your clit, massaging it

Nanami is so gentle in his way of handling you, like you're a doll made of porcelain that can break
at the slightest move. He's watching you so tenderly, carefully. You unknowingly pout. You want
him to stop babying you though - and voice out exactly that, in a slight more impolite manner, just
to get a rise out of him.

You didn't really think of Nanami as intimidating until now. "You shouldn't piss me off too much
Angel," he says, as a forewarning but you find you don't care, once again. This sends shivers
skittering down your frame.

His fingers apply pressure on your aching clit, drawing tight circles as he slides two other fingers
into your cunt and you start to feel lightheaded from his ministrations.

Nanami lifts an eyebrow when he sees come seeping out of your pussy as he thrusts his fingers in.
"I see my little Angel has already been bred full of cum today." His cock stirs in his pants.

You preen, embarrassment heating up your face. As if this wasn't already enough, you feel some
more cum trickle from your asshole.

"You little vixen." he says with an amusement to it, and a certain bite, he might as well have called
you a slut. "I guess I don't need to stretch you out, after all, yeah ? My brothers already did the
work for me."

You stare dumbly at him for a moment, all comeback dying on your tongue. During which time he
freed his aching dick from its confines. His cock is thick, perfectly curved, and the tip pink and
drooly. He grabs your thighs, effectively spreading them while locking you in his embrace.

He's got the strength of a centaur—you can't move at all, and it sucks the breath out of you. The
slow grind of his thick cock against your sweet cunt, his tip jamming against your clit.You're
completely at his mercy, and you think that maybe, with the way his eyes glint grimly, he likes it.

But that's Nanami. Nice, gentle Nanami that carried you back to bed and kissed your forehead.
Who's this man ?

"You want it baby ?" He coos, as the tip of his hard cock is pushing through your fluttering hole.
His cockhead rutting against your slippery folds.

In the brief moment it took him to free his dick, you regained a semblance of contenance. You
refuse to answer him now—or even remotely show how affected you are, to the best of your

He only chuckles darkly when he notices your unwillingness to answer, and then his swollen cock
is stuffed deep inside your permissive cunt, with your walls pulsing on him.

It's so thick and stiff that when he plunges into you again, you nearly feel your entire lower
abdomen being moved and rearranged to adjust itself around his dick. The only way to describe
what you're feeling is: full. You're filled to the brim, and more. He's so huge, everything about him
is, his veiny cock, his hands that eat up most part of your thighs as he forces you close to him to
feel his thrusts.

You choke out on a sob, entirely taken aback. Nanami fucks like a monster, unrestrained and raw
—what made you think you could take it ?

But your ego, your pride overtakes and you refuse to admit defeat, not when you said you could
take it, and more.

He looks so different from the Nanami you know now, with his tattoos, all of them clearly visible,
while fucking you like a beast.

"Does it hurt ?" He asks, his voice calm, deep and controlled in your hear as he pistons into you.
You think you can actually discern concern on his features.

He observes you attentively, taking in the sight of your face knit into an expression of pleasure and
pain, your skin shining with sweat, your lip caught between your teeth in a pathetic attempt to stop
the soft mewls from tumbling from your lips.
Nanami applies slight pressure on the imprint his cock shapes in your belly, mesmerised, then
places a kiss on your shoulder and you shiver.

You'd rather choke than admit that it does... not after you showed so much confidence you could
take it. "Nope, doesn't hurt." You reply through gritted teeth.

You think he knows. You think he knows that you're full of shit. That you're fronting.

"I see, then..."

Then what ?

What happens then is that he proceeds to grab a handful of your ass for leverage and plow into you,
right where it hurts, a bit harder, a bit stronger than before. You only now notice that he had been
keeping the movement of his hips minimal when he starts thrusting into you seriously.

You don't feel this uncomfortable, uncontrollable need to get bitten for your unraveling to come,
you're not sure what's to blame for this change, but you accept it with open legs as Nanami ravishes
you from inside out. Then you're falling, figuratively, as you clench around him.

"Well that was fast Angel." He says sounding way too smug way too arrogant.

The heat in your body spikes at the realisation and your cheeks flush but you refuse to give him
any more satisfaction and instead concentrate on keeping your facial expression neutral. You can
do this. You bite your lip so no sound make it past.

Your ego refuses to give up.

You can't ground yourself—and you tried, you gripped the sheets, used the headboard but none of
that seemed to work as Nanami continues to work his cock in and out of you, effectively making
any stable anchoring impossible.
You can't do anything, except sit there and take it, and that’s probably what’s the most frustrating,
but it’s also what makes your chest feel so heavy and your cunt so hot. He could anything he wants
to to you. You're absolutely at his mercy.

As you keep sucking him in, Nanami ruts into your tight little cunt harder, deeper, bullying your
inside some more as you buck your hips up into him. You're burning up, its so good you think
might go crazy.

It feels as if every nerve in your body is vibrating with pleasure. You're so alive. He folds your legs
up, holding you as close as can be.

"Too much, little dove ?" He wonders, his fingers teasing your nipples, "Should I stop ?"

The words tumble out of your lips before you can really think this through- "No."

At which point he spins you around, hips slowing briefly as he fits your back to his chest. He holds
your waist with one hand, and your wrist with the other as he continues to plow into you. Your
back arches, your thighs trembles, you feel so weak you can't even keep yourself up, your cheek is
pressed against the mattress, drooling.

He pounds you like a machine, all the while hitting you right where it makes you squirm. And it's
fine, at first, because he's slowed down compared to before, and with the experience you have now,
you can take this.

However you can't act as if you don't feel a thing, he's so big, so hard inside of you it's impossible
to pretend otherwise. A tighter knot builds within your lower abdomen until it explodes and your
cunt flutters around his cock. Waves of pleasure are washing over you, blooming in your pussy as
you quake. You fail to stop the few moans and whimpers that spill from your lips.

Only then, after making you come twice do you realize that he's not coming—and that's when it
dawns on you that this is your punishment.

He wants to show you that you can't possibly take him. And, maybe because you've still not
learned your lesson, or because you kind of like danger you accept the challenge.

However, you soon realize that this isn't a game you can win—without playing dirty, of course,
something you're not above doing at this point in time. You clench around him, in the hopes of
causing his unraveling to come faster. However this does not have the desired effect, he plunges
himself into your pussy with renewed vigor, jostling you in the bed.

"You were made for me," Nanami growls, "You're taking me so well."

You decide on another tactic, one that might just trigger your own demise as well - however, if
there's something you've learned these past few weeks is that vampire love good blood, almost
indecently so and you know yours is exquisite.

You bite down on your lip, enough for a few drops of blood to drip and you see the change in
Nanami as he realizes it. His eyes are blood red on you like he's ready to eat you up, like he could
see past all your pretense and give you what you truly want.

"You little slut."

It's been a long time since Nanami has ever felt so... feral. He's half afraid he's might lose control
and accidentally kill you but he won't let it happen.

Father and his brothers won't let it happen either.

You let out a breath you didn't even know you were holding as he kisses you and licks at the blood
on your lip. He indulges himself in you and then he cums, a copious amount of come deep into
your fertile womb, you can feel it.

Before you know it, before you can even stop it you're coming, with a long, high moan as his cock
reaches and stimulates every single sensitive nerve of your cunt. Every single tactic backfired, and
now you're about to get what you asked for.

"I thought you were my little Angel." His hand goes to your neck, "I thought you were a good girl."
He spits, eyes so impossibly dark, "You want to do it this way ? Fine, love. Now cry for me."

Nanami struggles to leave the warmth and snug feeling of your cunt, and then you realize that he's
still hard, that he hasn't softened at all. And so the merciless drive of his hips continues.
He inhales deeply, his face buried in your collarbones, this causes goosebumps to break out over
your skin.

When you close your eyes you can feel him even better, teeth grazing over your skin, teasing, his
fangs sharp and ready to sink. It sends shivers down your spine.

"You wanted me didn't you ?" He laughs dangerously, "Then you'll have me, sweetheart."

He pulls you up into his lap. The new angle in which he's fucking you permits him to sink even
deeper into you. The head of his cock kisses your womb everytime he pounds into you. Your head
rests back into his shoulder, as he splits you in two.

He tries to calm you when you whine and cry as he fucks into you at a brutal pace and you can
hardly keep up. He's clearly doing all the work, his fingers digging into your hips in vice-like grip
as he keeps you at an angle high enough for him to keep drilling into you.

"Na-nami—" you let out a sniffle because it feels—too much, and he bends down to press open
mouthed kisses on your shoulders.

His large hands pull you by your ass up and down on his swollen, aching cock at breakneck speed.

"Is that too much for you baby ?" He says, but doesn't stop, really. "You want me to stop ?"

And you whimper in mild indignation and discontentment because you can take it. You're a good
girl and also because you can feel another orgasm creeping up as stars burst behind your eyelids.

"N-no—" you can hardly get the words out.

He laughs and grabs your arm to use it as leverage to reach even deeper and you're amazed at how
well your body can keep up. He is too, the suck of your cunt is euphoric, all pulsing and hot around
his thick cock.

Nanami kisses your shoulder and grazes his sharp teeth gently across the skin and the action feels
too soft, too loving and too tender compared to how hard he's fucking you.
He matches the rhythm of the movements of his hips with massages on your clit. Pain and pleasure
are mixing into your lower abdomen. Your hips push back into his as you come, like a nympho,
loud and unrestrained as he still doesn't stop, and its starting to become too much, its starting to
hurt too much. He's right against your ripe cervix. It nearly feels like he could go beyond - like he
wants to rip you apart and you panic as you blabber incoherent begs to slow him down.

"Okay! Okay! It hurts—it hurts so much, please, I'm sorry." You sniffle, tearing up. You're
actually crying. You're overwhelmed, a mess of tears and drool. The drive of his hips is
meticulous, sharp and relentless.

You think he swells harder inside of you.

"See, Angel, was it so hard ?" He tuts and looks at you like a disappointed parent would, as if he
hasn't been fucking the life out of you for the past twenty minutes. "How did you think you were
going to take me if you're already like this ?"

You bite back a snarky reply.

"Angels, you've been a spoiled little brat. I should punish you now." He says as an afterthought.

That wasn't punishment ? You tense up in his hold, "I'm—sure there's no need to go that far." You
plead, desperation clear in your voice. "I'll be good."

Nanami presses a gentle kiss to your neck, "Isn't this what you said to father ? That you'll be good.
But all you've done is lie and talk back to me." He caresses your cheek and frowns. "I should teach
you not to take more than you can handle, Angel." He admonishes.

And he does. Orgasm and orgasm. You can't take it. Nanami merely lets out a chuckle.

"So you're all talk, uh ?" A self-satisfied smile on his lips.

You're past all pretense now and your ego coils as you tell him that, yeah, you're all talk.
He fucks every last thoughts out of your mind. Your walls are clamping tight around his cock, so
hard that Nanami can't help but letting out a low, throaty groan, dwelling deeper.

"That's my girl, all this time, you just wanted to be my good little girl, hmm, love ?"

You preen.

"I knew you'd come around."

Nanami's thumb brushes your lip, swiping one last drop of blood. "That's right Angel - I'm never
going to let you down."

"It-it hurts."

His wine eyes seem to glow in the dark "I know," is all he says, mouth quirked up.

There's a familiar tremor coiling tight inside of you as his cock drives you apart. You're beyond
overstimulated. You come silently—shaking and clenching around him for the nth time, your knees
shake, your toes curl, your body twitches.

"Hmmm... certainly doesn't look like it hurts," he pipes, "I thought you could handle me." His
starved rakes over your naked body.

Your mind stutters trying to think of a reply.

He sees you unravel before him, and simply smiles that self-satisfied smirk of his. His thrusts have
lost their precision, his breathing is labored, but you're too far gone to notice that he's becoming a
mess as well.

"Look up, baby, watch how much you like it when someone puts you in your place." He purrs in
your ear and your body thrums with a mix of excitement and shame. You should be angry that he's
demeaning you so but you can't bring yourself to, not when his cock keeps jabbing that spot inside
you while he slowly rubs on your clit. The knot in your lower stomach gets so tight you feel your
entire body tensing against his before hot pleasure washes over you in strong, earth-shattering

You look up to the mirror on the ceiling and the girl looking back at you is so alien, shining eyes
brimming with tears, pupils dilated with desire, your face twisting with pleasure

You're pretty sure you actually lost consciousness for a few seconds as he stole another release
from you, your vision was suddenly blank and it was like you were floating in sweet bliss.

"Now, don't go fainting on me Angel. You were doing so good." He chastises. Your mind doesn't
seem to register much of the pulls (and pushes) of his body. You feel your consciousness ebb away
slowly, before you sink into darkness as you fall limp onto his hard chest.

"My pretty little Angel." He rasps and his laugh is breathless as he admires you, fainted on his
chest with his cock still rock hard inside of you. He swipes his tongue on his lips, your lack of
consciousness only adding to his arousal as he swells harder and bigger inside of you. He
maneuvers your body until your face is gently resting on the mattress again, and your legs are
parted on his shoulders, his hard-on still snugly fit inside of you. His hand slide around your waist
in a vice grip that will definitely leave marks, and even then you don't wake up.

"My sweet, sweet girl," he places a kiss on your shoulders, you shiver, still unconscious.

And then he starts thrusting again, mercilessly, pulling your body up and down his cock with ease,
impaling you as deep as your tight channel will allow him to go. He uses your body like an object
—a cock sleeve for him to enjoy. Even unconscious, you're still responsive, the mess tricking down
your thighs a proof of if.

He shouldn't feel so much satisfaction from having you at his mercy like this. He shouldn't be this
fucking hard because it would make him a fucking psycho and he knows it, but it's so sweet, so
delicious to have you like this.

He licks his lips.

He's thought about fucking you for an indecently long time. He could've taken you any time he
wanted but it feels so much more gratifying like this because you chose him. Consent is something
so undeniably hot, you want him inside your tight little cunt. You allowed him. You chose him. He
can feel the other practically bristling with jealousy and poorly concealed anger a few hotel suites
away, but he hardly cares, now all he can think about is you, under him, looking every bit the
sinful vision he imagined you'd be.

He feels you get tighter around him, and a twisted smile make its way onto his lips as he moves his
hand to your clit, rubbing it as he continues to fuck so deep into you. You suddenly wake up with a
strangled cry, absolutely confused at the sinful pleasure rocking through your body as you cum
around his cock, making a mess of his lap like he knew you would.

Your eyes are round and adorable as you blink up at him—through your high—and blood goes
straight to his dick

He pouts at you, "Confused aren't you ?" He chuckles, "Waking up cumming on a dick like a good
slut feels amazing doesn't it ?"

"Wh-what ?" You say, voice airy, light and a bit hoarse. He never stopped moving your body as he
pleases and the feeling of over-sensitivity is making you squirm and whine as you try to pull him

"It's your big brother, sweetheart." And you're a mess, you already let go of the sheets and instead
you rest your head on the bed, letting him drag you like a rag doll.

He suddenly sinks his teeth in your shoulder as he cums inside of you, right against your ripe
cervix, painting your walls with so much of his cum. You feel so full, so fulfilled as he drinks from
you that another orgasm is quite literally taken from you as you shake and cry as pleasure seems to
be blossoming in about every part of your body he touches.

"That's it, little girl," he praises as you shudder, over sensitive and overwhelmed.

Your head is spinning, you're too far gone, too delirious to really process your orgasm. You see
white behind your eyes. You're high off of all of this, the way he's looking at you, the tight hold
he's got on your hips and the harsh movements of his hips.

Your head is empty, you can't think, your eyes are open but you don't see, it's like you can't process
anything as he pistons you on his cock.

"You're a vixen, you know that ?" He fucks you inside out. He breaks you into pieces. Your body
is limp. You can't do anything except lay on the bed, legs spread underneath him and take it.
He's turned on, watching you flutter in and out of consciousness, your body crumbling to take his
cock. You can't fight it anymore. You're too delirious, you think you really can't take it anymore,
but of course, Nanami's got some other plans.

"Yes you can," Nanami assures in response to your pleads.

The lewd noises of his cock stretching you open, the bed squeaking with the force of his thrusts,
your weak and whiny moans—it's all white noise in your empty mind.

This orgasm feels a bit different, it builds up, slowly at first, imperceptible, but then it's too much,
too fast. You're too weak to do anything about it, too dumb on his cock.

"Here you go," he encourages as pleasure overtakes you, "That's my perfect little girl right here."
He fucks you through it, with sweet praises and soft caresses on your cheek, "Come on, little girl,
clench around me. I know you can do it."

You search for an anchor across the sheets as your vision spots. The movement of his hips falters a
little bit and grows messier, uncaring of your whine of oversensitivity as he chases his own high.

"I've got you, love." He whispers against your lips, "I'm not going anywhere."

His hips stutter before he impales you once onto his cock and stills, cumming, painting your walls
in white, emptying himself inside of your small pussy and you feel even fuller than you were

He's so proud of his little girl.

You immediately loose consciousness, as soon as his limp cock leaves your open, gaping channel.

And what he does after is so Nanami, so him, though it feels foreign after the way in which he
fucked you into a limp puddle of tears. He drew you a bath, of course helped you clean yourself.
He took care of you, babied you, helped you into your pyjamas and kissed your forehead and
wished you a good night of sleep.
"Sleep tight, little sister."

Chapter End Notes

Gentleman is the streets, freak in the sheets. Ig this is what happens when you
underestimate Nanami

Hi guys... how yall doing

Half the reason why I delayed writing this scene for so long was because I didn't know
how I wanted to portray Nanami. At first he was supposed to be gentle and loving but I
didn't want to write that (nothing wrong with gentle and loving but I just RLY wasnt in
that headspace, like at all).

However Nanami couldn't be a rough and mean a$$ cus thats already Satoru and
Suguru (Toji, too??ig) and it would be WAY too out of character for Nanami here so I
had to think of something else.

Then I realized that most (all) of the other smut scenes consisted of reader getting
absolutely violated by the others ?????????????? So I thought, why not change that !!!

Because y/n doesn't have much personality I didnt rly care wether I made her act out of
character or not, since she's blank like that. And then I also remembered the Sin
Corridors lmao, so i decided to put all the blame on them . Ig world building does
come in handy sometimes

Im very happy with how this chapter came out (something thst rarely happens)

So yeah ^^

(In my head this is how I see the men, im very curious to see how you see them!)

Satoru: an asshole opportunist with a sadistic streak, loves seeing you cry, loves seeing
you in despair
Suguru: an asshole with no self-control who priorities his own enjoyment and
entertainment (but sometimes puts reader first)
Toji: a super strong guy with control issues, usually very sadistic but it very soft to
reader for some reasons
Nanami: usually rational, gentle, has a lot of self-control but if you piss him off!!! RIP
that pussy!!!

And my exams went better than I expected ! Thanks for all the kind words ^^
III (more) | VI
Chapter Summary

a bit more

Chapter Notes

This small chapter (1K) was actually supposed to be part of the LAST chapter but I
was too tired to write this last scene so here it is now, four days later .

See the end of the chapter for more notes

YOU'RE OUT like a light, and your usual nightmares plague your mind.

What wakes you from slumber is thirst, an immense, un ignorable thirst.

Your throat is dry like a desert.

When you weakly open your eyes, they're met with others, deeply staring into your own. You let
out a squeak of surprise. "You scared me, I thought I was still dreaming for a second."

Nanami only smiles in the dark, is eyes creasing and he moves to caresse your cheek gently, "You
dream about me Angel ? Not to worry, I'm real." And, as if to prove his point, grabs your hand to
place it on his chest.

You're snug in his arms, your legs tangled with his and you chuckle, "Do you often watch me sleep

He simply pecks your forehead, and you feel him lips smile into the kiss.

No answer, that says a lot.

You let out a sigh of disbelief, half endeared at the way your brother—Nanami seems to show his
affection and half disturbed by it.

"Why do you all do this for me ?" You ask, after a few beats of silence.

Nanami lifts an eyebrow, "Do what ?"

"Take care of me, protect me. I don't see what you could gain from it all."

"It's not about gaining something," He licks his lips, "We do it because we want to, because we
think you deserve it."

You sigh and roll your eyes, turning away in the bed. Nanami laugh quietly playing with the strap
of your pyjama tee.

"What is it Angel ?" He kisses your shoulder, gently coaxing you into telling him and you melt in
his touches, a pout unknowingly forming on your lips.

"I don't believe you." You start, voice meek, "You guys aren't exactly known for being either
generous nor kind, so I'm not sure why you're all like this with me."

Nanami hums, snaking his hands around your waist, "Maybe you do know," he wonders with a
hum, his chest rumbling against your back, "Maybe you don't want to face it yet, and that's okay."

His words lie heavy in your stomach, like stones. You eventually fall asleep, not a mindless,
peaceful sleep but a light and shallow one, a dreamless slumber.

So when Nanami rustles next to you, you immediately feel it. You're woken up by him standing up
from the bed. As you blearily blink, you see him putting back on the clothes he had discarded. You
scrub your eye, "Is it time to leave yet ?" You whisper, tone quiet yet hopeful.

"No." He says probably in a harsher tone than he'd intended as he winces and apologizes,
"Something came up. Father called, he needs me."
Your stomach drops.

Nanami leans down to kiss you twice on the forehead, "You don't have to worry, Angel. I'll be
back in no time." He smiles, but you see it's forced and it doesn't reassure you in the slightest.

"What's happened ?" You dare ask, voice wavering.

You see him hesitate on wether he should tell you or not, but you don't waver in your stance.

"A rival vampire family came. And a rival werewolf clan as well." He massages his temples,
"Currently, it seems like all of our main enemies have gathered in one place.

"Isn't that normal ?" You ask. "The Underworld is neutral ground after all... ?"

"For them to be here when we are, in an overwhelming number, it's suspicious. We were the most
discreet. No one, except for the few neutral clans we passed through on our way here should be
aware of our presence in the Underworld." His eyes darken, his face takes an edge. You're nearly
frightened by him. "That means that we've got a mole." He interprets the horror in your face as
fear, "We're going to find this person and deal with them accordingly, so don't fret."

"A traitor ? In the Fushiguro clan ?" You gulp, "A-and would be the plan for that person ?"

He looks at you, eyes gleaming a dangerous red, "Death, obviously. A little bit or torture as well,
depends who they're working for."

You might as well be dead. You're the one who told your father that they'd be in the Underworld.
You're the traitor, it's all your fault.

Traitor ? To be a traitor you'd have to have been part of the Fushiguro clan beforehand, something
you're not, something you don't consider yourself to be.

You never actually excepted the secret to last so long anyway. You half-thought that Toji or
Suguru would figure you out as soon as they saw you. However now... now it nearly feels like you
could manage to leave with your father.

And that's what you want, that's what you should want.

Nanami looks conflicted, "I have to go, but I can't leave you alone."

You want to tell him that you can manage on your own but you know this won't reassure him in the

"Everyone is on standby, keeping an eye on the enemy while waiting to see what they're going to
do. Father wants me with him. As long as they don't show hostility, they're not breaking any rules
of the Underworld so the demons won't do anything."

Nanami takes out his phone and dials a number, a few minutes later, a man, who you assume to be
a vampire part of the Fushiguro clan comes in. He's tall, and buff, overwhelmingly so, his skin is
tanned, his hair is styled in dreads that he tied up in a high ponytail and on his face is a big scar.

"Aoi, this is ___. ____, this is Aoi. He's been surveilling the borders for a while, which is why you
hadn't yet met him." As soon as the introduction is said and done, Nanami leaves.

Aoi tentatively walks inside the bedroom, watching you eye him wearily. "I might look scary, but
I'm here to protect 'ya."

You sigh in exasperation, "Why do I need protecting here ? Isn't this place supposed to be safe ?"

"Not for you, not since the full Inu clan is here."

"The Inu clan hates the Fushiguros, I'm not a Fushiguro." You deadpan.

Aoi shrugs, "No. You're not. Which is why I'm not too scared about that other vampire clan, they
shouldn't be too hostile towards you."
You frown, confused. "What's the other vampire clan ?"

"You don't know ?" He lifts an eyebrow, "The Ketsueki clan."

Ketsueki's your family name.

Chapter End Notes

At first I was just going to put something like "Y/N's last name" clan, but then I
thought it sounded... lame.
So I put an actual name Ketsueki. When I'll edit the entire story I'll introduce Y/N with
her family name in the first few chapters, so it doesn't come out of the blue like that.
Chapter Summary

What you've wanted, what you've always wished for you is right in your grasp

Chapter Notes

I couldn't post this sooner cus I don't have much wifi atm, I also couldn’t manage to
put italics throughout this entire chapter :/ I’ll try to edit it later but for now have this

See the end of the chapter for more notes


Nothing makes sense to you anymore. Ketsueki is the surname that your mother and you both
share, since she made the decision to keep her maiden name upon marriage.

You thought you were only missing small bits and pieces of the story, not a gigantic gaping hole
such as this. You're past trying to convince yourself that this is all merely a coincidence.

It would... mean that your mother is a vampire... except it doesn't add up.

You tried to pry Aoi into divulging information about the Ketsueki. It turned out he didn't know
much about them, except that they're a lot in number, way more than most vampire families, but
that they're not that strong. They're a pretty minor clan.

You stayed silent after that, trying to make sense of your thoughts.

Your mother is obviously affiliated with the Ketsueki. You don't think she's a vampire, but they
must know her, and she must know them. The biggest mystery is why your mother married a
vampire hunter ? They don't love each other. You thought for a long time that they might've, before
you were even born, and that their love dwindled away as time passed by with the only thing
linking them being God and you.

Maybe they never actually loved each other...

So why did they get married ? Why did they have you ?

Why are you special ?

Aoi makes a noise of surprise from across the bedroom, startling you, "Nanami texted me. There's
not much update, the Inu and Ketsueki haven't done anything, yet. However he said that since most
of the Inu clan is here, he's going to message Nobara to send some men to their home base front, in
order to pressure them a little."

You'd think that maybe they're just being paranoid. Both clans don't even seem to care about the
Fushiguros. So why is Nanami playing with fire now ? Something else catches your attention,
though, "Nobara's not here with us ?"

"Toji didn't think it was a good idea to bring her." He shrugs, as if to say that he doesn't understand
this decision any more than you do, but decided to not question it.

"How many people of both clans do we think are here ?"

"In total ? About 130–"—then a loud bang is heard from outside your suite. Aoi promptly stands
up, his face looking deadly and serious—that is—until he sees the beautiful woman standing in
front of your suite. She's tall and you immediately recognize her as Akame. She's changed her outfit
and is now wearing a tight-fitting black dress that accentuates her backside rather nicely.

"Oh, hello." she purrs, blinking slowly.

Aoi stands straighter and clears his throat, his eyes falling, and staying, on her figure. "Well... hello

"My friend and I were wondering if you wanted to help us finish this bottle of vodka we'd just
started," she hiccups and flutters her lashes, "I'm afraid we've drunk a bit too much." She smiles,
slow and dangerous, as her hand goes up his arm, her manicured fingers grazing his skin, and
sending electric jolts all the way to his toes.

Watching Akame seduce Aoi is different than being the one seduced. You see it clearly and
immediately when Aoi has been won over, all too easily, by the woman. The dilated pupils, the
rosy cheeks, that can't be good, you think quickly, then rush over to the man and try to block his
view of her.

Your efforts are proven to be futile, however.

" 'We?' I'm afraid I only see one of you—" Aoi says, voice low and uneven—and then a glass
bottle of vodka comes flying from behind Akame to land straight on Aoi's head. He stumbles a bit,
now wet and dizzy, but manages to stays conscious, of course, because Aoi is 90% made of
muscle. However then a petite woman appears on the doorframe, as quick as light and smashed his
head with a baseball bat.

A baseball bat.

"Homerun ?" The newcomer proposes grimly, a dark glint in her eyes.

Aoi falls down on the floor with a loud thud, lays limp there, as still as the dead.

You can't move, frozen in place before such horror and violence. It's only when you start fearing
that they will give you the same treatment they gave poor Aoi that you find the control of your legs

"What a gentleman." Akame grins as she helps herself inside, along with her accomplice, then
close the door, and immediately corner you to the bedroom.

"___, relax. We simply want to talk." The smaller woman, dark-skinned with a smell that's so
distinctly human says—you stop in your tracks. That's Jasmine. The Jasmine. Claudia's mate.

"Talk ?" You sputter, horrified, "If you simply wanted to talk—why did you knock that man out !"

Akame winces, then shrugs, "Meh. He was going to get in the way."
"We don't have a lot of time," Jasmine gestures to Aoi that's lying on the floor, "He's a big, strong
guy, he'll wake up soon. We have ten minutes, tops, even with all my magic."

"Magic ?" You frown. Is she a—

"Witch. Jas is a witch." Akame winks at you, flipping her hair.

You thought so, Aoi didn't seem like the type of guy to be defeated so easily, even if one of his
aggressor is tall, with a rather developed behind while the other is small, with an otherwise
similarly developed physique.

"Don't call me Jas." She says pointedly to Akame before turning to you, "I am not a witch per se,
since I'm human, but I know a few tricks."

You're quick to catch on, "Is this your vengeance against the Fushiguros ? Do you have some sort
of vendatta against them ?"

"Those assholes nearly killed me." She scoffs, then shakes her head. You are both human but it's
clear as day she doesn't consider you one of her own. You're with the vampires, and she's with the
werewolves. What are you even saying ? You're not with anyone. "So yes, you could say I hold a

Jasmine sits on the bed, and gestures for you to do the same.

"I think I'll just stay here." You stay close to the door, keeping an eye on Aoi.

Akame stands next to Jasmine, leaning on one of the posts of the bed.

"Suit yourself." Jasmine shrugs then crosses her legs, if possible, she looks even more serious than
before, "Now, I have to ask; did you remember everything ?"

What are they talking about ?

"Your conversation with your Daddy," Akame supplies, voice syrupy sweet, "Your biological one,
might I add."

Your face warms in your attempt to ignore her comment. "I did." You reply, fast, not wanting to
give them too much information before they answer your questions. "Was it that weird cookie he
gave me that made me forget everything ?"

Jasmine nods, "Made by yours truly."

"So you're... with him ?"

"He's with us, yes. We're in the same team."

"... and your goal is ?"

"Ultimately? The destruction of the Fushiguros, but for now, we'll simply take you."

"What are the Ketsuekis doing here ?" You try, afraid of pushing your luck.

"Well," Jasmine smiles, and it's chilling. "They're here to help of course. They missed you too.
Your mother, your sister and your grandmother might have left their clan, but family is an
unbreakable bound, you're still theirs."
Akame snorts, but it sounds hollow and empty, "There's really only the Fushiguros to bring a pack
of wolves and a clan of vampires together."

The death of your aunt and grandmother... was it the Ketsueki ? If so, it can't possibly be a good
idea to go with them... but she said they were here to help...

"My mother... is she alive ?"

Akame hums, "Not exactly."

"Undead would be the appropriate term." Jasmine pipes in, as your face falls, her smile is one of

Your tongue feels like sand, "A vampire—?"

The next question would be, what does that make you ? Are you even related to her by blood ? You
know vampires can have offsprings, though the chances of it happening are consideredly low, but
can vampires even have children with humans ?

What are you ?

You think about biting a lot. It's impossible not to, not when everytime you look at yourself all you
see are scars from being bitten. However... it may truly be a possibility that this obsession with
sinking your teeth down soft, supple skin stems from something else.

There's no fellowship between humans here... so why is she informing you ? What does she gain
from all of this ? What's her goal ? The destruction of the Fushiguro, and if the Ketsueki are in on
it, does it means that they want the same thing ?

Do you want the destruction of the Fushiguro ? A better question would be if you want to be an
active participant in its demise, as this is precisely what you're becoming. Everyone seems
convinced that you're going to help.

Jasmine claps her hands, gaining your attention back, "Enough with the questions." She stands up,
and walks over to you, "Your father asked me to help you accelerate the process."

You start to back away, "Uh, what process ?"

"Question Time is over." she decides, taking a small dial out of her pocket. It's filled with some
weird dark red liquid. "Here, drink this."

You're about to ask her what this is, but realize she won't answer anymore of your inquiries. "No
thank you."

"It's for your own good, really. If I tell you what's in it, you won't want to drink it. Remember that
I'm on your side, your father wants you to take this."

That does it really. You yearn for your father's approval.

Akame backs Jasmine up. "I think you should remember what you are to them; takeout, a walking
blood bag. You're convenient."

That can't be all that you are to them, right ? It wouldn't explain all the time they spend making
sure you're comfortable and all the attention they give you.

What Jasmine gave you is sweet and weirdly tastes good. You're perplexed... the taste feels
weirdly familiar.

"You want this too ?" Jasmine asks holding seemingly a regular cookie when you finish your
drink. "If you don't think you can keep the secret."

You gulp and narrow your eyes, "What does this one do ?"

"Same thing as the first one. It makes you forget what happened 10 minutes prior to eating it,
though only for a limited period of time, side effects may vary. I advice you take it as I doubt you'll
be able to hide your thoughts well enough so that the Fushiguros don't notice." Jasmine shrugs, "Or
you can take this germanium ring, though less discreet."

The choice is easy. The ring.

Jasmine then opens the window, and a gush of wind rushes in, making you shiver. "Let's go." It
sounds an awful lot like an order.

You blink, once, thrice, and cross your arms, "Why can't we leave through the door, like civilized
people ?"

"Because we're not civilized." Akame replies, as she stretches her arms in preparation for the

Jasmine rolls her eyes. "Because we might run into Toji's men, and we can't have that now."

You make a noncommittal noise in your throat, "So ? Are we going to take a magical broom and
fly into the sky ?" You ask, snappy, partly because you're tired and you tend to get cranky when
you haven't slept well, and partly because this kidnapping feels a lot like deja-vu. What's with
people and taking you without your consent ?

"We are going to fly into the sky." Akame confirms, looking all too amused at your bewilderment.

"Just not by broom."

And then what happens is that wings—black, bat-like wings, erupt right from Akame's back,
accidentally ripping her dress—though she hardly seems to care. Apparently, succubuses have
wings. Alright. Cool. You make the conscious effort to breathe. She bats them once, twice, like
she's trying to get the hang of them after a long time of not using them before she nods to herself
and asks for your hand.

"This is not happening." You plead, blankly. You're half certain they're not going to kill you. Yet.
But do you really want to risk it ?Akame looks like the type to accidentally (and purposely) drop
you and then try to charm you into forgiving her whilst you're in your hospital bed.

"Don't be a baby, come on." Akame goads in a smooth voice, "Don't you want answers ? Aren't you
tired of being left in the dark ?" She doesn't even wait for your answer, absolutely certain that
you're going to say 'yes'. "So go with me."


So you went with her.

It turns out Jasmine didn't though, maybe because Akame was already at maximum capacity with
you in her arms. Either way, you have direr things to worry about, like the fact that Akame keeps
going higher higher, with seemingly no intention to stop.

"Do we have to go that high ?!" You scream, because her wings make lot of noise. You try to
remember the way you're going but it's futile, you're too high up and it's too dark outside.

"Can't risk your daddy dearest seeing me." She says, mockingly, with a hint of disdain.

What you learn from this is that Akame doesn't like Toji, for unknown reasons. There are a lot of
reason to dislike Toji, you're sure, and you can even easily come up with a few. You remember
Nanami saying that Akame is part of a minor succubus clan that's currently under the wings
(figuratively) of no less than Lucifer.

You've yet to meet Lucifer—but you've heard of him. Toge's his son, he owed the Fushiguros, he
gave them his offspring in exchange. It would make sense for him to be upset, to hate Toji, to even
want to hurt him.

When Akame starts to descent slowly, you finally start to enjoy the ride. Everything looks so small
from up there. You're both flying into the night sky, the light summer breeze on your skin, and
your eyes threaten to flutter close. The moon is nearly full and impressive, it makes you feel some
kind of way.

You both eventually land in a garden. The thick fog makes it hard for you to discern much, but it is
similar to a maze with a river following along the paths and you latch onto Akame, fearing that
she'll leave you alone in this worrying place.

"Why are we here ?"

"Because if they notice that you're missing, it's the last place they'll search you at." She merely
explains, "It was that or the Hunting Grounds, where they hunt humans."

You put two and twos together, "Is this the River of Illusion ?"

Akame ignores your question. "Don't miss me too much," she purrs, detangling your arm and
sending you a flying kiss. "It won't be a long time until we see each other again."

You fail to stop her from leaving. Tired and frustrated, you can feel your eyes prickling with
unshed tears. You're all alone, you don't know what to do.

You should've stayed in the hotel room.

And then, all of a sudden—

"It's been a long time."

You immediately freeze. You'd recognize that voice anywhere.

"Mother ?" You try, hesitantly. You look around, desperately searching for the source of the
sound. You think you discern a shadow, so you run to it.

But there's no one. You're alone. That is, until the shadow multiples and you're surrounded.

"W-who are you ?" You whisper, you can nearly hear your heartbeat. You don't dare to move a
muscle, not before the people around you do.
The first shadow starts walking, more like gliding towards you, until you can discern its features.
Your mother.

"My darling. How have you been ?" Her lips widen in the same warm smile she's always given
you, but this time it all feels so wrong. Like there's something you're not seeing.

"... mother ?"

"Of course that's me, you can't even recognize your own mother when you see her ?" She opens her
arms, silently asking for an embrace.

You don't comply. Instead you simply stare at her, trying to take in every single detail of the
person in front of you. You stay on high alert for a few minutes, before a thought crosses your

This is the River of Illusions.

You're hallucinating.

"Ah," another voice says, coming from the shadows. It's deep and baritone and makes you a little
weak in the knees. "It seems she figured out we're illusions." Toji sighs, shaking his head.

Your mother shrugs, "Oh well. It's alright." She walks towards you. "Have you been praying well
?" She asks you, eyes narrowed, omniscient.

Your throat feels dry. You haven't. You simply couldn't. You can't even properly express with
words how guilty you feel for questioning your faith, while knowing that good believers' faith
usually becomes stronger when challenged.

You're a failure, and you find comfort in the idea that your true nature might be the one to blame.
You're fairly certain you aren't human anymore and faith—religion is for humans, the children of
God. Maybe you were never enough to begin with. Maybe it was never for you.

Your father is going to be so disappointed in you. You aren't his perfect little girl. You're deceiving

"Of course you haven't." She rolls her eyes, and crosses her arms, "You've been scared, terrified
even, of loosing your faith, so much so that you refuse to think about it at all. After all, if you
ignore it, it might resolve itself. Isn't that right ?"

Your mother continues, except this time her voice comes from behind you. You think you might
see double. "You've always been like that ? Haven't you ?
You always run away and ignore things. When are you going to grow up ? You avoid thinking
about the changes you feel in your body, your improved health, your improved sense of smell. You
avoid thinking about what you feel for those filthy monsters—and what they might feel for you."

"That's—" you want to tell her that it's not true, but you can't. You make fists with your hands. All
of this is rich coming from her. All your family has been doing is play-pretend. Pretend we're in
love, pretend we're happy, pretend our daughter isn't on a fucking wanted list for vampires. Maybe
the reason you're like this is their fault. Maybe you should stop feeling so bad for them.

"This is all because of you !"

"If you want to blame me for all your misfortunes go ahead. Do you feel better now ?" Her voice is
next to you as she wonders, tone insincere.
There's more of her, everywhere. And they all talk at the same time, and it's too much, you want to
run away, to scream.

"Is that how you see me ?" Your mother scoffs, "Overbearing ? When have I ever been overbearing
?" They all say at the same time.

"Illusions are made from your subconscious." Another voice whispers. It's Nobara, "Deep down,
you think your mother is a bit too much ? Don't you ? Always controlling everything. That's why
they're multiple clones of her right now."

"If you want them to leave," Toji starts, you had forgotten he was even there, "You should focus on
us, and ignore her."

"What are you two doing ?!" Your mother screams, high and shrill and you take a few steps back.

"Deep down, you're grateful for all of us." you feel someone's arms snake around your waist. "You
think we're helpful. That's why we're letting you know how to make her disappear." Satoru kisses
your neck.

"Pretty kitty. Ignore her words. All you'd seen growing up was two adults acting like people they
aren't, two adults ignoring the undeniable truth. Isn't it normal that their daughter turned out to be
the same ?" Suguru locks his arm around your waist, alongside his brother. You shut your eyes,
trying to focus on their voice.

"Always sweeping her issues under the rug." Nanami pipes in, right behind Toji.

"You're a good girl. Our perfect girl." Toji says, "You don't need your mother, or your father.
You've got your daddy and your brothers, don't you ?"

Don't you ?

The questions echoes in your mind, and you block everything out. You don't feel your mother
anymore. In fact, when you open your eyes again, you don't see anyone.

All of this was an hallucination. You have to remind yourself. It felt all too real, it reopened
wounds that were struggling to heal. It left you feeling naked. You think you might be crying. You
want to leave, somewhere, anywhere.

In a corner of your mind, you remember that hazing exists. It would be so easy, you know the
vampires would easily comply.

Is that really what you want for yourself, though ?

It's time you think about what you want to do. Everyone's seemingly already made one for you.

Then you hear steps, then see a shadow. You brace yourself for another horrid illusion to torment
you. It's your father.

Of fucking course.

You don't move. "I know you're not real."

Your father exhales, loudly. "I am real." He looks exhausted. "Illusions only know what you know.
So they wouldn't be able to tell you that Aoi woke up, and that we don't have much time. They
went insane when they learned you disappeared."
The feeling of guilt is heavy in your stomach. Father !" You still cry out, a mix of relief and grief
washing over you, "We have to run away—the vampires are busy right now it would be perfect to

He comes to you, and grabs your shoulders forcefully. "Leave ? No. No, no, no, no, darling." He
massages his temple, "You don't know what I had to endure to find myself here today."

"Oh—I'm so sorry," you cower, "But I—"

"Take this." He hands you the silver knife. The one he gave to you a few weeks ago. You don't
take it. "You're going to kill Toji Fushiguro."

You blink, waiting for him to tell you that he's joking, but your father has never been one to joke

"Toji Fushiguro seems to consider you as one of his own, for whatever reason. So it'll be easy for
you to access to him." He explains. "We'll leave right after you kill him alright ? I have a job to
finish, darling, and you'll help me. You're my daughter. You don't know how long I've been
waiting for this moment. You don't know how saddened I was when you were born such a frail
baby. But now you're nearly awakened. You'll be the perfect creature for me. My perfect little girl."

Your throat burns. Does he know you're a vampire? Is he going to kill you too, now that you're one

"I'm so sorry." You start sobbing, "I-I'm a vampire."

Your father looks at you silently for a second before he bursts out laughing. You blink, confused.
"You're not a vampire, ___. You're perfect. You're made to rid the world of them." There's a sick,
twisted smile on his lips, "You're half vampire, half human. You can eat and digest food but you
can also drink and digest venom. When you'll be awakened you'll develop supernatural abilities.
your senses will sharpen and you will start to feel the presence of vampires."

Your heart shatters. It feels like your entier being—your entire identity that you had built around
religion is broken. Your hands shake, your voice is thick with tears, "B-but I—"

"I know it's a lot to take in, but I believe in you." He takes your hand and places the knife on it.
"Now, you'll do it, won't you ? That will be start of something new, just the two of us. Father and
daughter hunting vampires together. I know you won't let me down."

What you've wanted, what you've always wished for you is right in your grasp: your father's
undivided attention. You just have to kill a vampire. It's nothing, you're made for that, apparently.
Vampires are monsters anyway.

But what does that make you ?

You vaguely remember a conversation you had with Nanami—about him telling you that if they're
monsters then that you must of he some kind of demon.

You think he might be right.

"How does it feel to go from the prey to the hunter ?" He asks, wishfully, before continuing, "My
plan came to fruition sooner than anticipated. I thought I'd have to wait longer for a vampire clan
fight to break out." He says to himself, "Vampire are strong and heal fast but even fights like this
one takes a toll on them. Fushiguro is currently fighting. He's going to be absolutely exhausted
when it's over. That's when you have to strike."
You nod numbly, the weapon heavy in your hand. "Father. How—how did you manage to come
here ?"

"I made a pact with the werewolves. The Inu clan hates Fushiguro. I told them I needed a way to
go here unnoticed and promised them I'll have Fushiguro killed. The Ketsueki... were a small
surprise. I-I'm not sure why the Inu called upon them for help, bu-but I trust the werewolves. We
made a deal."

Your breath hitches, "Is mother alright ?"

He doesn't seem to appreciate you mentioning her, but makes an effort to sounds as relieved as you
are when he says, "Yes, she's fine."

You nod, worry creasing your forehead "What happens if Toji doesn't die ?"

Hopefully everyone will go on their way, and everything can stay the way it was, yeah ?

Your father's face turns somber. "I die instead."

Chapter End Notes

TBH this reveal shouldn't come off as a surprise to anyone it was wayyy overdue
too. I'm talking about reader being half vamp.

The next update is also nearly finished !!

I really want to finish this fic before the end of summer, so buckle up!!!
Chapter Summary

You're the mix of one of his children and one of the creatures he must hate the most.
Human and vampire. He must loathe you—and yet, the thought doesn't pain you as
much as it would've mere weeks earlier. A sense of peace surrounds you, a sense of
alignment with yourself and your emotions. For once in your life, in this hotel room
that has become both your perdition and—you dare say—your nirvana, you know
what you want and your feelings do not contradict your reason. Perhaps the physical
pain has made you a bit numb, or you finally start to see clearly.

Chapter Notes

Hi I recommend rereading the last chapter because it's been 2 decades since I
updated. No, I didn't forget about this story. Yes, med school is a bitch.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

THE FIRST thing you realize is that your head hurts.

It's not a normal headache either, it's a violent ponding that makes you feel incredibly dizzy as you
confusedly manage to stand on your two feet.

You first take notice of your surroundings—you're in a bathroom. The interior is beige and nearly
made entirely out of marble.

It feels cool to the touch.

Every step you take is a challenge. Every single movement of your neck, every slight change of
balance, you feel all of it resonate in your head in the most excruciating way.

Then you realize you're thirsty. Fortunately, there's a glass of water on the ground, right next to
where you regained consciousness.

The person who put you there must've known you would be incredibly thirsty upon waking up.
Nanami maybe ? Sounds like something he'd do.

Thirst quenched, you leave the bathroom in quest of someone—hopefully Nanami, or any of the
Fushiguros, really, nearly automatically before the recent events come back to you.

Akame, Jasmine, your father.

Then you realize that this entire place is foreign, too. It only consists of a bedroom and a bathroom.

You blink blearily, once, twice. You try the main door, it's locked—you know you're not in the
Underworld, because you're sure that if you were, then the Fushiguros would've found you by now.
The windows are locked, too and tinted but you can still see. No one can see you from outside,
though, you're also reasonably high up. It's the night, and from the looks of your surroundings,
you're still in Tokyo.

You bang on the door and try to break it open while screaming for help, to the best of your ability
considering your massive headache but it's to no avail. You're stuck in there.

Did your father leave you there ? Didn't he want you to go kill Toji or something ? What's
happening ?

With too much time on your hands and nothing to do, you start to pace in the room. It must not
have been that long, and yet you can already feel yourself going crazy. You have too much time
with your thoughts, too much time rethinking about what's happened.

You haven't given any information to your father about anyone's whereabouts ever since you met
with him at the Fushiguros. And yet, their ennemies seem to know so much about them, too much.
How could the Inu clan have known in which room you'd be ? Even if they'd somehow managed to
get their hands on the reservation list (which you're sure is not easily accessible considering how
thorough with security the Underworld is), they would've seen that you're supposed to be rooming
with Maki and Nobara - not Nanami. The Inu clan had no way to know that you were with Nanami,
unless someone told them.

You know you didn't.

Then what does this mean ?

Simply that you're not the only traitor in the Fushiguro clan.

You dwell on this for what feels like ages. Logically, it should be Toge, right ? His father
obviously hates the Fushiguros...

Your head feels like it's throbbing, your vision blurs. You close your eyes.

You hope the Fushiguros are fine. You hope they realized that Toge's the traitor.

You hope they don't know that you're a traitor too.

You're exhausted. Your slumber does not feel rejuvenating.

Once you wake up, the pity party resumes.

You try to tell yourself that you don't owe the Fushiguros any loyalty but it feels wrong. Your
stomach is heavy with guilt as you sit down on one of the chairs in the bedroom and mull over your
feelings for what may be like the hundredth time. There's no other way to call it. You're guilty.

You appreciate the Fushiguros... maybe even more than that. What does that mean ? Is this some
sort of Stockholm syndrome ? You miss Maki, you miss Yuuji, you miss Nobara. You miss
hanging out with them, laughing, talking. You're so thankful for them, you're thankful for the
precious time Nobara used to get you up to speed, technologically wise, you're thankful for all the
meaningful and deep conversations you've shared.

Heck... you even find it in yourself to miss Megumi, and you've hardly talked to the boy, though
he's always been there, lurking, making sure everyone's okay.

You miss Satoru, you miss Suguru, you miss Nanami and you miss Toji. Your heart aches more
than you can bear just thinking about the four of them and it feels as if you suddenly can't breathe.

Do they miss you too ?

Your eyes well up with tears as you look at the window, at the sky warming into a soft orange as
the night ends.

You're already perfectly used to the vampire's way of living, so like triggered, you yawn, and head
to the bed though you slept mere hours ago. The sheets are surprisingly soft and comfortable. You
decide to close your eyes, impatiently waiting for sleep to take you in its arms.

You don't dream.

You wake up a few hours later with a shaky gasp as you convulse on the bed. Suddenly
overwhelmed and sensitive, you thrash around in the bed as the fabric of the sheets scratches over
your sore skin, akin to shards. You're burning up, it feels like you're simmering, boiling at
unparalleled temperatures.

Your body has always ran a bit hotter than most people, but this is nothing compared to the
scorching heat prickling at you skin.

Your other senses are diluted faced with such torment. You can barely see your surroundings, hear
or smell anything. All you know is that you're feeling more pain that you can handle and that you
don't know how to stop it.

It goes on for hours that feel like days and there's nothing you can do about it, no one comes for
you either though you're sure at least one person must've heard the inhuman screams that rip
themselves out from your throat.

You've never felt such torture.

But then it finally subsides, and you find the strength to stand up on wobbly legs and lead yourself
to the bathroom, where you draw yourself a cold bath. To your dismay the water does little to calm
the fire burning inside of you, but it feels better than the rough material of your bed against your
tender skin.

At one point, you loose consciousness, you aren't sure wether it's because you ended up fainting
from the pain or if your mental exhaustion finally caught up to you.
When you regain consciousness, you're no longer sat in the bathtub, but instead completely lying
down in it, your face is submerged in the water that has been warmed up by your body, and is then
considerably less cold than it was before. What surprises you, however, is that you're not drowning
—in fact, you're not breathing at all. Though even that fact does not shock you as much as it

Scared, tired and undoubtedly lonely, you gather your legs in yours arms in a self-soothing position
and cry.

You've never missed the Fushiguros more.


You keep thinking about the Fushiguros, especially Nanami, Toji, Getou and Satoru. They're a
constant in your mind, the memory of them gives you pleasure and reassurance, something you
desperately need in order to not go completely crazy.

The next few days go like this; you wake up shouting and crying in the truest and rawest form of
pain before the torture subsides for a few hours, then it all comes back in a sort of cycle. In the few
breaks you're given, you imagine Toji hugging and comforting you, while you're scantily dressed
in his lap. You remember the way Nanami carried you to your bedroom and put you to bed, the
way he cradles you. You see Gojo and Getou teasing you and playing with you like they always do,
for their own entertainment like a cat toying with a mouse. You think about the manor, about how
you'd never felt more at home anywhere else before.

They must hate you now. You betrayed their trust. You didn't willingly give information to your
father, but you also didn't warn them about what happened. You weren't completely truthful.

God hasn't occupied much of your thoughts. The religion your father and mother introduced you to
—or their version of it at least, is not something you wish to associate yourself with anymore. Your
parents taught you to hide behind pretenses and to lie yourself and it never brought you any good.
Perhaps it is unjust of you to completely discard religion because of your traumatic family life, but
you cannot imagine yourself ever, faithfully and honestly continue to partake in it. Not when it
brought you so much misery, not when the wounds are still gaping open.
You're the mix of one of his children and one of the creatures he must hate the most. Human and
vampire. He must loathe you—and yet, the thought doesn't pain you as much as it would've mere
weeks earlier. A sense of peace surrounds you, a sense of alignment with yourself and your
emotions. For once in your life, in this hotel room that has become both your perdition and—you
dare say—your nirvana, you know what you want and your feelings do not contradict your reason.
Perhaps the physical pain has made you a bit numb, or you finally start to see clearly.

On that topic - your eyesight is much better, your sense of smell too and ever so often, when the
pain is gone, you can hear someone's footsteps echoing through the hall, never lingering for too
long, but frequently there.

You guess that this must be a guard of some sort.

As your body slowly learns to shut out the excruciating pain, you start to feel thirsty. So you drink
water from the tap, sometimes it helps, sometimes it really doesn't. You're not sure how you can go
for so long without eating — you're not even sure how long you've been in there.

Then you become lethargic, you spend most of your days in and and out of slumber. You wonder
briefly if you're going to die, and sometimes you're scared that if you close your eyes again, you
might never open them up. You've got no energy to scream and bang on the door again. You're so
sluggish that when someone finally does come to get you, it takes you a while to notice it, to
process it and then to react.

After what probably was 14 days but felt like years, your father finally comes to get you, like a
saving beacon.

He sits next to you on the floor, his expression one of worry—and fear. Fear of what, you've got no

He stays silent next to you. If you didn't feel so numb, you would've been angry, you're sure of it,
and perhaps then you wouldn't be focusing on his unappealing, but exposed, neck - you don't know.

"The enemy of my enemy is a friend." Your father finally says, and then hands you a knife, a silver
knife. The silver knife.

You now notice how ready your father has always been. Silver cutlery, silver razors, there's silver
everywhere in your house. Your mother hated it, she said it gave her allergies and avoided the
material like the plague. You always thought it was normal. He was always ready for a vampire

"Oh." You choke out, and your father pursues his lips, as if to stop himself from saying something.
He doesn't need to anyway, you think you've got the message.

It's funny how quickly your feeling of inner peace disappears.

You're about to throw up, and you haven't eaten anything in days. Is this when they take you to
Fushiguros so you can kill him ? You're fully expecting to be led into some kind of battlefield,
where the werewolves and the vampires are at each other's throats, that is, until your father says,
"She wants to see you."

Akame ? Jasmine ? Or her werewolf mate Claudia ? Who's she ?


'She' turns out to be a woman. An old woman who's sitting at a small table, drinking tea, wearing a
kimono, looking perfectly calm and in control. You hate how your quickly you notice that her neck
is covered. Have you seen her before ? She feels familiar.

"Take a seat," her voice is stable, too. Clearly authoritative, but calm. "I'm sure you're asking
yourself a lot of questions, and I'm here to answer some of them." She serves you a cup of green tea
as you take a seat. "The Fushiguros are going through a lot of trouble to find you, asking their
connections for favors, it's entertaining." She phrases the words like it's least entertaining thing
she's seen. "They're so distracted searching elsewhere, that they haven't checked right under their

You're still Tokyo, that much became apparent when you looked out the windows as you walked
through the halls to get to this room. You think Toji said something about Tokyo—a part of it, at
least—being his, and the other neutral... ?
You gather from her words that you must be in his side of Tokyo. How did they pull this off ?
You've briefly witnessed how thorough the Fushiguros are with keeping checks of other rival clan.
Something like that could've only happened with the help of someone inside. Someone, other than
you, had also been feeding other clans information about your upcoming arrival. Your mind
immediately goes to Toge. Could it be that you're right ? He wasn't in the mansion most of the time
you were there but he was kept in the loop, he must've known more than enough. Nobara also went
on a lot of missions, a bit more than Maki but she always came back quickly.

The woman quirks her lips watching you thinking so deeply.

Then, suddenly, you know where you've seen her—in the Grand hall, you had felt her staring at
you but then she was gone in the blink of an eye. This doesn't really explain the sense familiarity
that gnaws at you when you look at her features, though.

"We sent them a ransom, which they already paid, but that was a front really. We were going to
keep you, even if your father begged us to let you go," she continues with her drink, and you don't
say anything. Clearly, she can keep this conversation going on her own. "But I don't really need
you anymore."

This piques your interest.

"Have you ever asked yourself about the unfortunate death of your grandmother and aunt ?" She
inquires, mouth in a straight line. She doesn't wait for your answer, "You see... the Ketsueki don't
take kindly to traitors—even if they're your own blood."

You jerk in your seat, "So you're a Ketsueki ?"

"That I am." She confirms, "I also am—was your grandmother's sister."

"Then... you're my great aunt ?" Your mother had told you that she didn't have any family other
than her mother and sister. It's not that surprising that she lied about this, considering all the other
things she kept from you but it still hurts.

"Mmh," she sighs, "All of us were turned at the same time, about 200 years ago. This was a new
beginning for us. We were poor, we had nothing, but thanks to our master, we became something.
A Ketsueki." There's a barely-there, distracted smile on her face, like she's reminiscing something

"But then... my mother, along with her sister and mother betrayed you all ?"

Her jaw tightens, her eyes darken. "When she had you, " she agrees, "With a mere vampire hunter
at that—and then they, your aunt and your grandmother, helped her keep the success of your birth
secret." She moistens her lips, "At the very beginning, no one was truly concerned when we had
learned of the details of her pregnancy—I sure as hell wasn't. Having kids as a vampire with a
vampire is nearly an impossible feat, so you can probably guess that having one with a human as a
vampire should be unimaginable."

"And yet... here I am."

"You're the second one in five thousand years. You must be a miracle." She says, and it's clear as
day she doesn't think of you as a miracle, you're nothing like that, "Dhampirs are... taboo,
forbidden, unspoken of. Even attempting to create one is punishable enough but she succeeded,
then I couldn't help her anymore. She knew what the consequences would be."

She holds your gaze, as if to stress how serious what she's about to say is, "The dhampir before you
was strong. He posed a great treat to the vampires, especially since he had teamed up with - shall I
say - the only competent family of vampire-hunters there ever was, your father's." She snorts and
waves her hand in the air, "Well, that was centuries ago... now this family is gone, their glory days
are over too. It's too sad really."

Your great-aunt narrows her eyes, "So as I said, I don't need you anymore, my only goal is catch
my disobeying niece. I don't particularly blame you for all of this, since you didn't choose to be
born." She sips her tea, "And you're clearly unlike your predecessor... you're weak. Even if you're
not properly awakened yet."

You understand what your great-aunt's plan is. If your mother hears you've been freed, she'll show
herself. She loves you. You know that, and yet...

You sigh.

The Ketsueki are most likely going to follow you outside until you meet your mother—-and then
they'll end her. That's the price of betrayal.
Your tongue feels like sand. Something doesn't feel right. They went through all of that trouble to
take you and now they're going to let you go ? Just like that ? Aren't you a wanted person... wasn't
their goal to kill you, the dhampir ?

"Because of our... connection, you are technically be a Ketsueki and not a Fushiguro—but I don't
especially want you. That's the only favor I'll ever do for you as your great-aunt; I won't kill you if
you leave." This would've warmed your heart a little, if only she hadn't added, "I don't need to,
some others will."

You figured it wouldn't be so easy. You mull over your thoughts for a few seconds. Your great
aunt patiently waits.

"Mother doesn't love father, never has. So why did they have me ?" You ask after a beat of silence.

Your great-aunt smiles ominously, like she knows something you won't be privy to just yet. " Who

She knows. She's lying.

Is she really going to let you go ? How do you know that the Inus and your father aren't in on it ?

"You should go back to your... room. I'll have your door unlocked by tomorrow. Wether you
decide to leave or stay and die... it's none of my business anymore."

A man comes to grip you by the arm and leads you out of the room.


Soon enough, you're back in your room, pacing, thinking. You're on your own - clearly, your great-
aunt doesn't see you as family, and so do you. The first thing you'll do when your door gets
unlocked is searching for a member of the Fushiguro, surely they'll help. You hope you won't have
to go too far alone, because you seriously doubt there's any Fushiguro in this hotel, otherwise they
would've detected your great aunt by her vampire smell alone, and you as well probably. You may
be in a building owned by the Fushiguros however hotels are clearly not their main focus,
especially not in a time of crisis like now and the building is most likely not guarded by vampires if
the Ketsueki could get there undetected.

You decide to go to sleep in order to calm yourself.

At some point you wake up feeling the hungriest you've ever been. Your throat is as dry as a desert
too and no amount of water can seem to quench your thirst.

You're not naive enough anymore to not have an inkling as to what this implies... are you going to
have to drink blood ?

The very thought makes your stomach lurch and contract in what you want to believe is pure

You pick up your silver knife for protection and try to open to door—it's still locked. Hangry, you
try to force it open and it breaks, startling yourself and the guards in the hallway. You won't use
your knife, but you're scared.

"What the fuck?!—you're not supposed to awaken n—"

You tear down a piece of wood from the door and hit the guard with it. It's surprisingly easy to
knock him out.

You see your faint reflection on the windows in the hallway. Your eyes are bloodshot red. Your
hair is messy, your skin slightly paler. You look sick, crazy, sleep-deprived and you feel hungry, so
hungry. Something in you just snaps. You can barely process anything another than your hunger.
The guard will not do. He's human. In fact, all of the other guards, as well the hotel workers, hotel
residents that you can smell are human.

You're only capable of focusing on one thing at the moment; your need for food. Faintly, you smell
something. Something good, something familiar, something you've smelled before. You take off in
the direction like a beast, a monster, skillfully avoiding the nearing humans for fear that they'll
stop you. You completely forget of your initial plan, which was to get out of here and find
members of the Fushiguros.

You're like a machine that's been set into gear, you will stop at nothing to reach its goal. At some
point you meet some more guards—who look absolutely terrified of you, and it sends you a little
thrill, make you feel a little higher. You stop in front of the door where the smell is the most
pungent, and then you break it open with newfound ease.

Your breathing's erratic. you can't recognize or discern anything of your surroundings. The room is
dark. You blink, once, twice and your eyes are already accustomed to the darkness perfectly.

You see something move and you pounce, triggered.

You're going haywire, your nose is overwhelmed, it's too good. Your sharp canines are out and
you're about to take a big bite when—

When you recognize your mother.

You regain a bit of lucidity, enough to understand, in a split second, that your great-aunt had lied,
and that she didn't need you to get your mother because she already had her. From the looks of it -
she's been tortured and starved, so much so that her wounds are not healing - but she can't die from

You pull yourself off of her immediately and let the silver knife fall down and clatter on the floor.
You stand up, she does the same but takes considerably longer than you. She picks your weapon
up by the handle, not touching the silver.

She is standing in front of you, her body shaking and her teeth clattering. She's smiling, except it
looks dark and twisted. The corners of her mouth are curled in what looks like grin, but is in fact a
sneer, as she eyes you down. You aren't able to feel anything, except for the thick and warm liquid
covering your chest and the entirety of your arms.

This scene is entirely too familiar, like you've already experienced it and you're starting to hate it.
It as if like little hints have been scattered all over your memory and you're utterly unable to make
anything of them.
Your mother's shirt is entirely soaked, and it is clutching at her skin as she's staggers to you, her
body quivering some more as she lets out a pitiful laugh.

"Good, good, my child." She looks pathetic and suffering, but her tone is soft and validating, "I
knew you'd do it, you've always been good." She gives you a look absolutely full of pride,
something you've never seen on her face before and you can't help the feeling of happiness
bubbling inside of you. For what ? You have no idea.

It's when your mother's body suddenly jerks forward and that she coughs up venom violently that
you realize that she's coated in it. You only now notice it dripping down her shirt and now on the
shining metal in her hand.

You realize that you are too coated in it. You shiver in cold sweat. The venom feels nice and cold
on your skin, and you're scared and pathetic. You mother is shaking and convulsing, but there is
nothing but contentment and satisfaction on her features.

"Now, kill me." She demands and you shake your head. You let out a wet sob as she clutches her
stomach, you see the first evidence of her suffering on her face as she winces.

You refuse to do it. You keep on shaking your head.

Your mother does her best to calm you down, but it hardly does anything. You're ready to let
yourself wallow in your sadness.

Why is your mother always so put together when you're a mess ?

You're shaking, unstoppable.

It's then that your mother gives you your knife. Reluctantly, you take it, gripping it so hard your
fingernails imprint on the skin of your palms.

"I've endured it for this long because I knew you'd come and kill me." Her voice wavers, she
coughs, "I've been turned against my will, centuries ago... I've had to leave so many friends... I had
to leave someone I love." She takes a step towards you, "I was so angry. I'm sorry I had to put you
through all of this it's just—" she holds your wrist, the wrist of your hand that hold the silver knife,
"I needed revenge. I need to make them suffer."
Like they made her suffer.

"So you had me..." your own voice is faint, barely there and feeble. That's how you feel right now,
weak. How did you manage to bust open that door ?

She wheezes a bit, her entire body trembles and she smiles, her bloody (venom-y?) teeth in full
display. You hate that your stomach growls at the sight—and at the smell, in a way that tells you it
might not entirely be because of disgust.

You inhale sharply, she moves your hand closer to her stomach. You see the knife pointing, poking
at her already open and gaping wound.

You perfectly understand what she wants. You have no idea what you want.

She wants you to finish her, not her aunt. She had you because she was turned against her will,
you're her revenge. She also wanted death, mostly her own. Those were her two goals. She
probably expects you—no she wants you to go on a rampage and kill as many vampires as
possible, the way the first of your kind had.

"My darling, my baby." You hear her voice, a slow murmur in your ear. When did she get so close
? You jolt, startled and meet her eyes. Her faces looks serene. She's beautiful, you always thought
she was. She can clearly how starved you look, how hungry you are, and it seems to only make her

A sob rips itself out of your throat. An overwhelming wave of emotions threatens to drown you.
Sadness, regret, guilt, even grief. You're devastated. She's pushed the knife all the way to the
handle. You hand is wet with cold venom, your mother's.

You're crying, you're falling apart. She is too, now. With one last gargled noise, she falls down on
the floor.

It's now that you notice the camera in a corner. You look at it dead on, for a few seconds, look
back at your mother, then flee, silver knife in hand.
The Ketsueki already had your mom, this is why your great aunt is letting you go she really doesn't
need you anymore. Or was that also a lie ? Either way, you're outside. It's crowded. People are
staring at you in shock, but you're way too fast for them to be able to do any more than that.

You can't precisely smell people apart because there are too many and you're worried an enemy
might use your confusion to their advantage and strike you.

You run until you reach a forest. Your stomach cramps, you're so thirsty, you're so hungry.

You realize by using your sense of smell that there are a few werewolves, and that they're heading
closer to where you are - meaning they've spotted you. You don't know for how long.

You speed up. With your acute nose, you can feel that no vampires are chasing you - and you
guess that this means that your grandmother didn't lie about letting you go at least. If most of what
she's said is true, then a lot of people would have good reasons to not want to alive (can you even
use 'alive' anymore?). Your very existence is taboo, forbidden, and most importantly, a threat.

You just lost your mother, but you swallow down your grief and focus on not loosing yourself as
well — but then,

you're surrounded by angry werewolves.

Chapter End Notes

Hello <3 I am so sorry I kinda went on a small (read: BIG) hiatus. And also sorry for
this small chapter.

I am so thankful for all of you who read my work, it always makes my day and I am
even more thankful to all of you who read my work and interact. Thank you for 300k
And TYSM for 1k followers ?!?!??? Yay !!!!! Honestly I've been on wp for a
few years, on and off, mostly off, and it had always been a great, personal goal of
mine to reach 1k... and I'm there ??? Thank you !!

I am currently in med school, and yes, it is as bad as you think, so updates will be
sporadic from now on !! I literally am not doing well this thing is so damn hard but life
goes on !

End Notes
End Notes

Ushinawareta is a made up town ! I have very little knowledge about Japan, so I thought it'd
be better to just invent a place.

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