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Which of the following muscle is

not supplied by hypoglossal

nerve :
Which of the following does not
pass through sinus of Morgagni :

Tensor veli palatini

Ascending palatine artery
Eustachian tube
Which of the following muscle is
supplied by glossopharyngeal
Tensor veli palatini
Levator veli palatini
fibres of :

Which of the following is not
included in Laryngopharynx :

a. Pyriform fossa
b. Posterior pharyngeal wall
c. Anterior pharyngeal wall
d. Postcricoid region
Sensory supply of anterior
2/3 of tongue is : @

a. Hypoglossal
b. Glossopharyngeal
c. Chorda tympani
d. Lingual nerve
Nerves carrying taste
sensation from circumvallate
papillae is :
a. Lingual
b. Chorda tympani
c. Glossopharyngeal
d. Hypoglossal
Which of following is known

c. Sinus of Morgagni
d. Ventricle of Morgagni
Which of the following is not a
feature of adenoids :

a. Failure to thrive
b. Mouth breathing
c. Rhinolalia aperta
d. High arched palate
Management of a 6 yrs old child
recurrent URTI, mouth breathing
and failure to thrive with high
arched palate and impaired
hearing is :
a. Tonsillectomy
b. Grommet insertion
c. Myringotomy and grommet insertion
d. Adenoidectomy with grommet insertion
In symptomatic adenoids
hypertrophy all of the following
are used in treatment except :

a. Nasal decongestants
b. Antibiotics
c. Beta 2 agonists
d. Adenoidectomy
infection of :

Nasopharyngeal bursa
Tubal tonsil
Adenoidectomy is
contraindicated in :

a. Large adenoids
b. Large tonsils
c. Cleft lip
d. Cleft palate
Which of the following is not a
complication of
adenoidectomy : *
a. Hyponasality of speech
b. Retro pharyngeal abscess
c. Velopharyngeal insufficiency
d. Grisel syndrome
The capsule of tonsil is
formed by :

a. Pharyngobasilar fascia
b. Buccopharyngeal fascia
c. Preverteal fascia
d. Superior constrictor muscle
Tonsils reach their maximum
size by :

a. 1 yrs
b. 3 yrs
c. 5 yrs
d. 12 yrs
Most common cause of
acute tonsillitis is :
a. Streptococcus pneumoniae
b. Beta haemolytic strepotococci
c. Hemophilus influenzae
d. Staphylococcus aureus
Commonest organism
causing acute tonsillitis in
children is :
a. Streptococcus
b. Hemophilus
c. Staphylococcus
d. Moraxella catarrhalis
Arterial supply of tonsil is
mainly by :

a. Tonsillar branch of facial artery

b. Maxillary artery
c. Middle meningeal artery
d. Sphenopalatine artery
Palatine tonsil receives its
arterial blood supply from all
of the following except : *
a. Tonsillar branch of facial artery
b. Ascending palatine
c. Sphenopalatine
d. Dorsal lingual
Commonest lymph node to
enlarge in acute tonsillitis is :

a. Jugulo-omohyoid
b. Jugulo-digastric
c. Posterior cervical
d. Submandibular
All of the following cause a
grey white membrane over
tonsil except : *
a. Infectious mononucleosis
c. Streptococcal tonsillitis
d. Diphtheria
Tonsillectomy is indicated in :
a. Acute tonsillitis
b. Aphthous ulcers in pharynx
c. Tonsillitis causing rheumatic fever
d. Physiological enlargement
Contraindication to
tonsillectomy are all except :
a. Sub mucous fibrosis
b. Bleeding disorders
c. Epidemic of polio
d. Acute tonsillitis
In which of the following
condition tonsillectomy is
contraindicated :
a. Peritonsillar abscess
b. Acute tonsillitis
c. For avulsion of Glossopharyngeal
d. Suspected tonsillar malignancy
A 5 yrs old child is scheduled for
tonsillectomy. On day of surgery he
had running nose, fever and cough.
Which of the following is most
appropriate decision for surgery : *
a. Postpone for next day and put the child on I/V
antibiotics and paracetamol
b. Proceed to surgery on same day and give I/V
antibiotics and paracetamol
c. Get Xay-chest done & if it is normal proceed
for surgery
d. Cancel the surgery for 3 wks and put the child
on antibiotic
Position of a patient adopted
during tonsillectomy is also
adopted during :
a. Direct laryngoscopy
b. Bronchoscopy
c. Tracheostomy
d. Oesophagoscopy
Commonest post operative
complication of tonsillectomy
is :
a. Haemorrhage
b. Palatal palsy
c. Injury to uvula
d. Infection
Haemorrhage during
tonsillectomy is usually from :

a. Maxillary artery
b. Paratonsillar vein
c. Lingual artery
d. Middle meningeal artery
Torrential bleed during
tonsillectomy is due to :

a. Lingual artery
b. Tonsillar artery
c. Paratonsillar vein
d. Maxillary artery
Ramu, 15 yrs old presents
with haemorrhage 5 hrs after
tonsillectomy. Best treatment
for this patient is :
a. External gauge packing
b. Irrigation with cold saline
c. Antibiotics and mouth wash
d. Re explore immediately
Laser uvulopalatoplasty is
done for :

a. Snoring
b. Pharyngotonsillitis
c. Cleft palate
d. Rhinolalia aperta
Which of the following can
cause secondary
haemorrhage after
tonsillectomy :
a. Injury to blood vessels
b. Slipping of ligature
c. Patient not taking antibiotics
d. Patient on paracetamol
Which of the following
statement is not correct in
respect to palatine tonsil :
a. Develops from 2nd pharyngeal pouch
b. Tonsillar branch of facial artery is main
arterial supply
c. Lateral surface is covered by capsule
d. Pain radiates to ear via Xth cranial nerve
In which of the following
location there is collection of
pus in quinsy : *@
a. Para pharyngeal abscess
b. Peritonsillar space
c. Retropharyngeal space
d. Within the tonsil
Radiation of pain to ear in
tonsillitis is along :

a. Vagus nerve
b. Spinal accessory nerve
c. Facial nerve
d. Glossopharyngeal nerve
Treatment of peritonsillar
abscess is :

a. Immediate tonsillectomy
b. Incision and drainage
c. Antibiotics alone
d. I & D plus antibiotics
A 7 yrs old child presents
with peritonsillar abscess
with trismus. The best
treatment is : *
a. Immediate I & D of abscess
b. Drainage externally
c. Systemic antibiotics for 48 hrs & then
d. Tracheostomy
Ideal time for tonsillectomy
after an attack of acute
tonsillitis is :
a. 2 wks
b. 4 wks
c. 6 wks
d. 12 wks
Irwin Moorie sign is positive
in :

a. Acute tonsillitis
b. Chronic tonsillitis
c. Adenoid hypertrophy
d. Epiglottis
All of the following are true
about acute retropharyngeal
abscess except : *
a. Confined to one side of midline
b. Can be palpated per orally by pressing the
finger on posterior pharyngeal wall
c. Lies behind prevertebral fascia
d. Presents with dysphagia and difficulty in
A 30 yrs old male underwent tooth
extraction for dental caries. Now he
presents with fever and trismus. On exam
Rt tonsil is pushed medially and there is
swelling in the neck on Rt side at upper
border of sternocleidomastoid muscle.
Most likely diagnosis is : *
a. Retropharyngeal abscess
b. Parapharyngeal abscess
d. Peritonsillar abscess
Which of the following space

space :
a. Parapharyngeal space
b. Retropharyngeal space
c. Peritonsillar space
d. Alar space
Medial bulging of pharynx is
seen in :

a. Parapharyngeal abscess
b. Retropharyngeal abscess
c. Prevertebral abscess
d. Peritonsillar abscess
Trismus in parapharyngeal
abscess is due to spasm of :

a. Masseter muscle
b. Lateral pterygoid
c. Medial pterygoid
d. Temporalis
Which of the following space
extends from base of skull to
the level of bifurcation of
trachea :
a. Parapharyngeal space
b. Danger space
c. Space of Gillete
d. Prevertebral space
Danger space is located
between :
a. Alar fascia & prevertebral fascia
b. Bucopharyngeal & alar fascia
c. Pharyngobasilar fascia and floor of
d. Pharyngobasilar fascia &
buccopharngeal fascia
Retropharyngeal space
extends from : @

a. Base of skull to hyoid bone

b. Base of skull to bifurcation of trachea
c. C1 C7
d. C1 C6
Nodes of Rouvier are :
a. Retropharyngeal nodes
b. Parapharyngeal nodes
c. Adenoids
d. Tubal tonsils
All of the following are true in
respect to parapharyngeal
abscess except :
a. Abscess in pharyngomaxillary space
b. Trismus
c. Midline swelling
d. Torticolis
Trench mouth is :
a. Submucous fibrosis
b. Ulcerative lesion of gingiva
c. Whitish patch on buccal mucosa
d. Retension cyst of tonsil
related to :

a. Carcinoma oesophagus
b. Carcinoma larynx
d. Laryngocele
arise from : *

Mucous glands
Sebaceous glands
Taste buds
Minor salivary glands
Which of the following is not true
about aphthous ulcer

Recurrent ulcer
Exact aetiology is not known
Involves the mucosa of hard palate
Steroids is used as treatment
Regarding ranula which of the
following is not true :

Retension cyst
Arises from submandibular gland
Plunging may be a feature
Which of the following is not a
premalignant condition :

Melanosis and mucosal hyper pigmentation
Which of the following is a
premalignant condition:

Chronic glossitis
Hypertrophic glossitis
Oral submucous fibrosis
Aphthous stomatitis
Most common premalignant
condition of oral cavity is :

Oral submucous fibrosis

Lichen planus
in oral cavity is a
manifestation of:
a. HIV infection
b. Lichen Planus
c. Leukoplakia
d. Oral candidiasis
Which of the following has
maximum chance of malignant
Oral submucous fibrosis
Mucosal hyperpigmentation
Most common site for oral
cancer is :
Buccal mucosa
Floor of mouth
Oral tongue
Most common site for oral
cancer in India is :
Buccal mucosa
Floor of mouth
Oral tongue
Most common histological
variety of oral cancer is :

Adenoid cystic carcinoma
Squamous cell carcinoma
Mucoepidermoid carcinoma
Which of the following site
carcinoma has worst prognosis :

Buccal mucosa
Floor of mouth
Which of the following site
carcinoma has best prognosis :
Buccal mucosa
Floor of mouth
Carcinoma tongue most
commonly develops from :

Lateral border
All portions equally
A pt has carcinoma of Rt lateral
border of oral tongue with 4 cms
lymph node in level 3 on left side
of neck. Stage of disease is : *

a. N0
b. N1
c. N2
d. N3
A pt presented with a 1x1.5
cms growth on the lateral
border of tongue. The
treatment indicated would be,
a. Laser ablation
b. Interstitial brachytherapy
c. External beam radiotherapy
d. Chemotherapy
Area of carcinoma of oral
mucosa can be identified by
staining with :
a. 1% zinc chloride
b. 2% silver nitrate
c. Gention voilet
d. 2% toluidine blue
A patient of carcinoma tongue is
found to have lymph nodes in
lower neck. Treatment of choice
for the lymph node is : *
a. Lower cervical neck dissection
b. Suprahyoid neck dissection
c. Teleraditherapy
d. Radical neck dissection
Calculus is most commonly seen
in which salivary gland : *

Minor salivary gland
Most common tumour of
salivary gland is : *

Mucoepidermoid tumour

Pleomorphic adenoma
Acinic cell tumour
Most common salivary gland
tumor in children is:

Pleomorphic adenoma
Adenoid cystic carcinoma
Mumps is caused by :
Respiratory cyncitial virus
Which of the following is not a
complication of mumps :

Sensorineural hearing loss
Treatment of choice for
pleomorphic adenoma of
superficial lobe of parotid is :
Superficial parotidectomy
Radical parotidectomy
A 40 yrs old female pt presented with a
gradually increasing lump in Rt parotid
region. Throat exam shows Rt tonsil
pushed medially. FNAC shows
pleomorphic adenoma. Appropriate
treatment is,
Superficial parotidectomy
Conservative total parotidectomy
Mixed tumours of salivary gland
are most common in :

Sublingual gland
Parotid gland
Submandibular gland
Minor salivary gland
In which of the following
perineural invasion is most
Adenoid cystic carcinoma
Mucoepidermoid carcinoma
Basal cell carcinoma
A pleomorphic adenoma of parotid
A carcinoma of parotid
An adenolymphoma of parotid
A carcinoma of submandibular salivary
All of the following are true

Commonly involves the parotid
Most common in females
Arise from epithelial & lymphoid cells
10% are bilateral
In which of the following
sialography is contraindicated :

Ductal calculus
Chronic parotitis
Parotid obstruction
Acute sialadenitis
Rhinolalia clausa is caused by:
Cleft palate
Velopharyngeal incompetence
Attack of common cold
Palatal palsy
Rhinolalia aperta is caused by :

Enlarged adenoids
Antrochoanal polyp
Palatal palsy
Nasopharyngeal growth

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