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Topics for Assignment

S.No. Roll No. Topic

1. 1 to 3 Meaning, scope and subject matter, definitions of Economics
2. 4 to 6 approaches to economic analysis; micro and macro economics
3. 7 to 9 Approaches to economic analysis positive and normative
4. 10 to 12 Concept of equilibrium
5. 13 to 15 Basic concepts: Goods and services desire and want
6. 16 to 18 Basic concepts: demand, utility, cost and price
7. 19 to 21 Basic concepts: wealth, capital, income and welfare
8. 22 to 24 Agricultural economics: meaning, definition and
characteristics of agriculture
9. 25 to 27 Importance of agriculture and its role in economic
10. 28 to 30 Agricultural planning and development in the country
11. 31 to 33 Demand: meaning, law of demand, schedule and demand
12. 34 to 36 Law of diminishing marginal utility
13. 37 to 39 Law of equi-marginal utility
14. 40 to 42 Consumer’s equilibrium and derivation of demand curve.
15. 43 to 45 Concept of consumer surplus
16. 46 to 48 Elasticity of demand: concept and measurement of price
elasticity, income elasticity and cross elasticity.
17. 49 to 51 Production: process, creation of utility, factors of production
18. 52 to 54 Input output relationship
19. 55 to 57 Law of variable proportions and law of returns to scale
20. 58 to 60 Cost: concepts, short run and long run cost curves
21. 61 to 63 Supply: Stock v/s supply, law of supply, schedule, supply
22. 64 to 66 Determinants and elasticity of supply
23. 67 to 69 Market structure: meaning and types of market
24. 70 to 72 Basic features of perfectly competitive and imperfect markets
25. 73 to 75 Price determination under perfect competition
26. 76 to 78 Short run and long run equilibrium of firm and industry
27. 79 to 81 Distribution theory: meaning, factor market and pricing of
factors of production
28. 82 to 84 Concepts of rent, wage, interest and profit
29. 85 to 87 Meaning and importance of national Income
30. 88 to 90 Concepts of national income accounting and approaches to
31. 91 to 93 Malthusian theories of population
32. 94 to 96 Optimum theories of population
33. 97 to 99 Current policies and programmes on population control
34. 100 to 102 Money: Barter system of exchange and its problems
35. 103 to 105 Meaning, classification and functions of money
36. 106 to 108 Inflation and deflation
37. 109 to 111 Functions of commercial and central bank
38. 112 to 114 Credit creation policy
39. 115 to 117 Agricultural and public finance: meaning, micro v/s macro
40. 118 to 120 Public revenue and public expenditure
41. 121 to 123 Tax: meaning, direct and indirect taxes
42. 124 to 126 Agricultural taxation and VAT
43. 127 to 129 Concepts of economy and its functions
44. 130 to 132 Important features of capitalistic, socialistic and mixed
45. 133 to 132 Elements of economic planning

Note: The last date for submission of assignment is May 10, 2024.

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