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Do you want to play with a snail or a whale?

Okay, so let me explain that question. Today at school,

my teacher Mr Gray asked us to pick a partner and
choose a snail or a whale for a fake pet. I prayed and
prayed to get Jane as my partner (she is mega brainy).
But Jane suddenly got really pale and threw up all over
James. She had to go to sick bay and James had to clean
up a lot of vomit (he’s so brave).

It was such a shame that I got Shane as my partner.

Shane says mean stuff like “Your ideas are so lame”,
“Your face looks like it’s made out of clay.” If I complain
to Mr Gray, Shane blames ME! He wails “she started it”.

I chose a snail, and Shane chose a…whale. A whale? Are

you kidding me? How do you keep a whale as a pet? I said
“no.” Shane said “yes”. So, I said, “no way” and Shane
said “yes, way”. So, I lost my cool and I yelled “NO WAY
JOSE” (which is Spanish). Mr Gray lost his cool and made
us stay in at lunch.
Erghhh! Worst day ever…
I’m so sorry James.

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