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New guidelines for coaching centres

1. Need:

The need for new guidelines arose from concerns about unregulated practices within coaching
centres. These included:

 Exploitation of students: Early enrolment pressure, excessive study hours, and unrealistic
promises of success leading to stress and burnout.

 Financial burden: Unfair and opaque fee structures, lack of transparency, and inadequate

 Unethical practices: Misleading advertising, unqualified teachers, and discriminatory policies.

 Safety concerns: Poor infrastructure, inadequate emergency provisions, and lack of security

2. Importance:

 Protecting student welfare: Ensuring their mental and physical well-being by regulating study
hours, age restrictions, and ethical practices.

 Promoting fair competition: Establishing a level playing field for coaching centres based on
merit and quality, not predatory tactics.

 Enhancing quality of education: Setting standards for teacher qualifications, curriculum

development, and teaching methodologies.

 Building trust with parents: Providing transparency and accountability, fostering an

environment of ethical conduct and responsible business practices.

3. Reasons for Implementation:

 Increased public pressure: Concerns raised by parents, students, and educational bodies
about harmful practices within coaching centres.

 Government intervention: Recognition of the need for regulation to protect students and
ensure quality education.

 Growing market: The booming coaching industry required standards to prevent exploitation
and maintain fairness.

4. Effects:

 Pressure Reduction: Limiting enrolment age and study hours to create a healthier learning
 Quality Education: Merit-based competition leading to improved teaching methods and
 Transparency: Empowering parents through clear fee structures, refund policies, and teacher
 Credibility Boost: Ethical practices enhancing public trust in the coaching sector.5.
Advantages and Disadvantages:

 Student Well-being: Regulations create a healthier learning environment.

 Fair Competition: Standardized practices reward quality and merit.

 Improved Education: Focus on quality education and qualified teachers benefits society.


 Implementation Challenges: Ensuring consistent enforcement across regions.

 Potential Cost Increase: Some centers may raise fees, impacting affordability.

 Adaptation Period: Adjustment time required for both centers and students.

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