CEP PSA and D Spring 2024

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Power System Analysis and design EE-451

Complex Engineering Problem

CLOs Description Domains and PLOs, CEP

Levels Levels Attributes
CLO2 Theory Solve load flow Cognitive 2 WP1,
problem of an (Apply) WP2,
electrical power
system using

1. Last date for the submission of the assignment report is 8th of May 2024, Noon time.
2. Registration number must be written on each page.
3. In case of copy paste both/all students will get F grade.

➢ To estimate MVA capacity of transmission lines
➢ To estimate Load flow analysis
➢ To estimate Power system losses
➢ To perform contingency analysis

Problem Statement
Figure 1(below) shows the one-line diagram of a simple three-bus power system with generation at
buses 1 and 2. The voltage at bus 1 is per unit. Voltage magnitude at bus 2 is fixed at 1.05
p.u with a real power generation of 400 MW. A load consisting of 500 MW and 400 Mvar is taken
from bus 3. Line admittances are marked in per unit on a 100 MVA base. For the purpose of
calculations, line resistances and line charging susceptance’s are neglected.
Based on transmission line parameters given in diagram build a verified MATLAB/Simulink/PWS
model of transmission line.

The goal is to deliver 500MW power through transmission lines continuously

a) What capacity (MVA rating) of transmission lines would be required to avoid blackout
b) Another area is supplied by the load bus having variable load which ranges from 500-700 MW
with a step change of 20MW. Now estimate line Flows and line losses for each step change and
suggest which transmission line is to be replaced and with what rating to avoid transmission
line damaging and partial OR complete black out.
c) Make a comparison table between load increase the losses of transmission lines. Suggest any
remedy to decrease the losses.
d) If for maintenance purposes transmission line between bus 1 and 2 is separated what will be
new stresses on each transmission line with above (part a) calculated capacity

CEP Attributes Milestones Marks

WP1: Depth of Knowledge Profiles: WK2, WK3, (1)
knowledge WK4 and WK6
Knowledge of power transmission and (a)
distribution, Numerical methods, load
flow analysis are required
WP2: Range of Adjustment of conflicting (2+2)
conflicting requirements specifications of lines capacity and (b)+ (c)
increased load , as required in step b
WP3: Depth of analysis Knowledge of Transmission lines (1)
capacity calculation in PWS and losses
estimation is required. Knowledge of (d)
contingency analysis must be known.

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