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Society is living beyond its

means. We are about to

dispossess the earth of capital
assets in the space of a few
lifetimes through patterns of
exploitation. These patterns
are devastating the natural
environment upon which we
depend for our long-term

DES 324
Architects for Social
Activity no.1

Submitted by:
Jay Bryson H, Ruiz
Discuss the relationship between architecture and the

Architecture and Environmental Studies are
natural companions. It is impossible to design good
buildings without understanding their relationship to
natural systems. It is also impossible to understand the
natural environment without knowing how human
intervention affects it – both positively and negatively.

Architects need to make buildings that are

friendly to the environment and more green which can
be adaptable to the surroundings, in other words, they
need to create buildings that are energy efficient, like
green buildings or sustainable buildings which are
designed to reduce the overall impact of the built environment on human health and nature.

So they need to take into consideration:

 Efficiently using energy, water, and other resources

 Protecting residents’ health and improving people’s productivity

 Reducing waste, pollution, and environmental degradation

What are the factors to be considered by the architect in

designing environment-friendly and energy-efficient

2 By definition, sustainable design seeks harmony

with its environment. To properly balance human needs
with environmental opportunities and liabilities requires
detailed analysis of the specific site. How facilities relate
to their context should be obvious so as to provide
environmental education for its users. Although the
following information is very general, it does serve as a
checklist of basic considerations to address once
specific site data is obtained.

1. Climate

 Apply natural conditioning techniques to effect appropriate comfort levels for human
activities . . . do not isolate human needs from the environment.
 avoid overdependence on mechanical systems to alter the climate (such dependency
signifies inappropriate design, disassociation from the environment, and nonsustainable
use of resources)
 Analyze whether the climate is comfortable, too cool, or too hot for the anticipated
activities, and then which of the primary climatic components of temperature, sun,
wind, and moisture make the comfort level better (asset) or worse (liability).

 temperature is a liability in climates where it is consistently too hot or too cold

 areas that are very dry or at high elevation typically have the asset of large
temperature swings from daytime heating to night time
 cooling, which can be flattened through heavy/massive construction to yield
relatively constant indoor temperatures
 when climate is predominantly too hot for comfort:
o minimize solid enclosure and thermal mass
o maximize roof ventilation o use elongated or fractured floor plans to minimize
internal heat gain and maximize exposure for ventilation o separate rooms and
functions with covered breezeways to maximize wall shading and induce
o isolate heat-generating functions such as kitchens and laundries from living areas
o provide shaded outdoor living areas such as porches and decks
o capitalize on cool night time temperatures, breezes, or ground temperatures
 when climate is predominantly too cool for comfort
o consolidate functions into most compact configuration o insulate thoroughly to
minimize heat loss
o minimize air infiltration with barrier sheeting, weather-stripping, sealants, and
airlock entries
o minimize openings not oriented toward sun exposure

 sun can be a significant liability in hot climates, but is rarely a liability in cold climates
 sun can be an asset in cool and cold climates to provide passive heating
 design must reflect seasonal variations in solar intensity, incidence angle, cloud
cover, and storm influences
 when solar gain causes conditions too hot for comfort
o use overhangs to shade walls and openings o use site features and vegetation
to provide shading to walls with eastern and western exposure
o use shading devices such as louvers, covered porches, and trellises with
natural vines to block sun without blocking out breezes and natural light
o orient broad building surfaces away from the hot late-day western sun (only
northern and southern exposures are easily shaded)
o use lighter-colored wall and roofing material to reflect solar radiation (be
sensitive to resulting glare and impact on natural/cultural setting) o in tropical
climates, use shutters and screens, avoiding glass and exposures to direct solar
 when solar gain is to be used to offset conditions that are too cool for comfort:
o maximize building exposure and openings facing south (facing north in the
southern hemisphere)
 increase thermal mass and envelope insulation
 use darker-colored building exteriors to absorb solar radiation
and promote heat gain


 wind is a liability in cold climates because it strips heat away quicker than normal;
wind can also be a liability to comfort in hot dry climates when it causes the human
body to dehydrate and then overheat
 wind can be an asset in hot, humid climates to provide natural ventilation
o use natural ventilation wherever feasible; limit air conditioning to areas
requiring special humidity or temperature control such as artifact storage and
computer rooms
o maximize/minimize exposure to wind through plan orientation and
configuration, number and position of wall and roof openings, and relationship
to grade and vegetation
o use wind scoops, thermal chimneys, or wind turbines to induce ventilation on
sites with limited wind

 moisture can be a liability if it comes in the form of humidity, causing such stickiness
that one cannot evaporatively cool (cooling by perspiring) in summer
 strategies to reduce the discomfort of high humidity include maximizing ventilation,
inducing air flow around facilities, and venting or moving moisture-producing
functions such as kitchens and shower rooms to outside areas \
 nature can be an asset by evaporating in hot, dry climates to cool and humidify the
air (a natural air-conditioning) ƒ techniques for evaporative cooling include placing
facilities where breezes will pass over water features before reaching the facility, and
providing fountains, pools, and plants
Other Climatic Considerations

 rainfall can be a liability if any concentrated runoff from developed

surfaces is not managed to avoid erosion
 rainfall can be an asset if it is collected off roofs for use as drinking water
 storms/hurricanes/monsoons/typhoons
 provide or make arrangements for emergency storm
 avoid development in floodplain and storm surge areas
 consider wind effects on walls and roofs
 provide storm shutters for openings
 use appropriate wind bracing and tie-downs
 design facilities to be light enough and of readily available
and renewable materials to be safely sacrificial to large
storms, or of sufficient mass and detail to prevent loss of life
and material

2. Vegetation

 locate and size facilities to avoid cutting mature vegetation and to minimize disruption
to, or disassociation with, other natural features
 use natural vegetation and adjustments in building plan to diminish the visual impact of
facilities and to minimize imposition on environmental context
 In warmer climates, strengthen interplay of facilities with their site environment through
minimizing solid walls, creating outdoor activity spaces, etc.

3. Topography

 consider building/land interface to minimize disturbance to site character, skyline,

vegetation, hydrology, and soils
 consolidate functions or segment facilities to reduce footprint of individual structures to
allow sensitive placement within existing landforms
 use landforms and the sensitive arrangement of buildings to:
 help diminish the visual impact of facilities
 enhance visual quality by creating a rhythm of open spaces and framed views

3. Water Bodies

 capture views and consider advantages/disadvantages of off water breezes

 safeguard water from pollutants from the development itself and its users
 minimize visual impact of development on waterfront zones (also consider views from
water back to shoreline)
 use building setbacks/buffer zones
 consider building orientation and materials to avoid light pollution

4. Hydrology

• locate and design facilities to minimize erosion and impacts on natural hydrological systems
• safeguard hydrological system from contamination by development/activities
• allow precipitation to naturally recharge groundwater, wherever possible

5. Geology/Soils

 minimize excavation and disturbance to groundcover

 minimize erosion by avoiding large impervious surface areas and building footprints that
collect rain and create concentrate runoff onto site

6. Seismic

 determine soil substrate and potential seismic risk

 use shear walls and appropriate building anchorage and bracing details

7. Pests

 design facilities to minimize intrusion by noxious insects, reptiles, and rodents

 ensure that facility operators use natural means for pest control
Enumerate the benefits of green-building
design and energy-efficient buildings.


With new technologies constantly being developed to

complement current practices in creating greener
structures, the benefits of green building can range
from environmental to economic to social. By adopting
greener practices, we can take maximum advantage
of environmental and economic performance. Green
construction methods when integrated while design
and construction provide most significant benefits. Benefits of green building include:

Environmental Benefits:

 Reduce wastage of water

 Conserve natural resources

 Improve air and water quality

 Protect biodiversity and ecosystems

Economic Benefits:

 Reduce operating costs

 Improve occupant productivity

 Create market for green product and services

Social Benefits:

 Improve quality of life

 Minimize strain on local infrastructure

 Improve occupant health and comfort


One of the most important types of benefit green buildings offer is to our climate and the
natural environment. Green buildings can not only reduce or eliminate negative impacts on
the environment, by using less water, energy or natural resources, but they can - in many
cases - have a positive impact on the environment (at the building or city scales) by
generating their own energy or increasing biodiversity.

At a global level:

 The building sector has the largest potential for significantly reducing greenhouse gas
emissions compared to other major emitting sectors – UNEP, 2009.

 This emissions savings potential is said to be as much as 84 gigatonnes of CO2 (GtCO2)

by 2050, through direct measures in buildings such as energy efficiency, fuel switching
and the use of renewable energy – UNEP, 2016.

 The building sector has the potential to make energy savings of 50% or more in 2050, in
support of limiting global temperature rises to 2°C (above pre-industrial levels) – UNEP,
At a building level:

 Green buildings achieving the Green Star certification in Australia have been shown
to produce 62% fewer greenhouse gas emissions than average Australian buildings, and
51% less potable water than if they had been built to meet minimum industry

 Green buildings certified by the Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) results in energy
savings of 40 - 50% and water savings of 20 - 30% compared to conventional buildings in

 Green buildings achieving the Green Star certification in South Africa have been shown
to save on average between 30 - 40% energy and carbon emissions every year, and
between 20 - 30% potable water every year, when compared to the industry norm.

 Green buildings achieving the LEED certification in the US and other countries have
been shown to consume 25 per cent less energy and 11 per cent less water, than non-
green buildings.


Green buildings offer a number of economic or financial benefits, which are relevant to a
range of different people or groups of people. These include cost savings on utility bills for
tenants or households (through energy and water efficiency); lower construction costs and
higher property value for building developers; increased occupancy rates or operating costs
for building owners; and job creation. Since the publication of WorldGBC’s groundbreaking
2013 report, The Business Case for Green Building, we have sought to strengthen the link
between green buildings and the economic benefits they can offer.

At a global level:

 Global energy efficiency measures could save an estimated €280 to €410 billion in
savings on energy spending (and the equivalent to almost double the annual electricity
consumption of the United States) – European Commission, 2015.

At a country level:

 Canada’s green building industry generated $23.45 billion in GDP and represented
nearly 300,000 full-time jobs in 2014 – Canada Green Building Council / The Delphi
Group, 2016.

 Green building is projected to account for more than 3.3 million U.S. jobs by 2018 – US
Green Building Council / Booz Allen Hamilton, 2015.

At a building level:

 Building owners report that green buildings - whether new or renovated - command a 7
per cent increase in asset value over traditional buildings – Dodge Data & Analytics,


Green building benefits go beyond economics and the environment, and have been shown
to bring positive social impacts too. Many of these benefits are around the health and
wellbeing of people who work in green offices or live in green homes.
Discuss the effect of human intervention on
the environment.

4 Humans have had a profoundly adverse impact on the

environment. Failure to conduct activities like
manufacturing, transportation, large-scale fishing,
agriculture and waste disposal in moderation impacts
the land, air and water. While the full range of long-term
consequences of human intervention on the
environment is uncertain, some consequences like
climate change are already apparent.

Land Degradation

There are many examples of human failure to use land resources

sustainably. Deforestation occurs when humans clear forests to use
the land either for agriculture or for habitation. Consequently, forest
cover dwindles significantly, leading to soil erosion and extinction of
plant species. Land animals also decline in numbers and even face
extinction due to human expansion that encroaches on their natural
habitat and limits their ability to spread geographically.

Air Pollution

One of the biggest environmental impacts of human activities is air quality. The transportation
sector contributes heavily to air pollution because most forms of
transportation, including cars, planes and ocean vessels, use fossil fuels.
When burned, fossil fuels release carbon dioxide and other
greenhouse gases into the environment.

In addition, the manufacturing industry grows exponentially with the

expansion of the human population. Manufacturing plants emit
carbons and sulfurs that do not occur naturally in the environment,
causing an imbalance in the quality and composition of air. Some
air pollutants deplete the ozone layer and expose the Earth to
dangerous radiation from the sun.

Water Contamination

Human intervention in the environment also jeopardizes the supply

and flow of clean drinking water. Activities like waste disposal from
residential, commercial and industrial areas, oil spills and runoff
from agriculture all contaminate bodies of water. The direct
deposit of pollutants into lakes, rivers, seas and streams and
indirect runoff of hazardous substances during the rainy seasons
both impact water sources. Another environmental issue
impacting water systems is overfishing, which causes a reduction in
diversity of marine life.
Climate Cha Climate Change

Human activities in the environment interfere with the planet's

natural balance, making the Earth’s climate less stable and
predictable. Climate change brings abnormal occurrences
such as unprecedented flooding; increased numbers of storms,
hurricanes and typhoons; fiercer brush fires; and most notably
tsunamis, which are uncommon in the Earth’s recent history.
Phenomena such as rising sea levels, unseasonably high
temperatures and drought hint toward an environment that
cannot take much more negative human impact.
How do buildings affect the environment?

With the construction sector experiencing a

resurgence in growth, it’s bound to have a detrimental
impact on the environment. 5

According to the U.K. Green Building Council, the
construction sector uses more than 400 million tons of
material a year, many of which has an adverse impact on
the environment.

According to new research by construction blog Bimhow, the construction sector
contributes to 23% of air pollution, 50% of the climatic change, 40% of drinking water
pollution, and 50% of landfill wastes. In separate research by the U.S. Green Building
Council (USGBC), the construction industry accounts for 40% of worldwide energy
usage, with estimations that by 2030 emissions from commercial buildings will grow
by 1.8%.

Additional research by Construction Products says that the products used during a
particular construction job can also have an impact on the surrounding environment, due to
the “extraction of raw materials”. Similarly, in the U.S., a number of tools and resources regularly
used by contract workers and construction firms, such as chemicals on site and even the Diesel
used by diggers and trucks, can significantly “harm public health and the environment,”
according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Furthermore, the U.S. construction
industry accounts for 160 million tons, or 25 percent, of non-industrial waste generation a year,
according to the agency. With this in mind, let’s take a look at the impact in more detail, and
investigate the possible solutions.

Furthermore, according to the EPA, construction activity can “significantly change the
surface of a land” due in large part to “clearing of vegetation and excavating” which is
common on many construction projects. According to the agency, the result means
surrounding environments can be heavily polluted, particularly surrounding water pools, which
have experienced an increase in pollution as a result of various construction projects in recent

Additionally, research by Kleiwerks says that building material, such as concrete,

aluminum, and steel, are directly responsible for “large quantities of CO2 emissions” due to high
contents of “embodied energy content”, with 9.8 million tons of CO2 generated from the
production of “76 million tons of finished concrete in the US.” The research also says that the
construction sector’s current practices at reducing pollutants, or omissions, are massively
ineffective and may even “generate high levels of greenhouse gas pollution.” Worryingly
enough, construction activities consume “half of all the resources” extracted from nature, and
account for one-sixth of global freshwater consumption, one-quarter of wood consumption,
and one-quarter of global waste,” according to the research.
How construction can protect the

6 At the end of the day, construction generates a lot of

waste. It’s a fact that’s hard to get around. While it may be
impossible to completely eliminate the environmental
impact of your construction projects, you can significantly
reduce it. Here’s how:

Energy efficiency

During the construction process, it’s important to increase your energy efficiency as much as
possible. Using old, outdated tools and equipment decreases your productivity and requires
more energy consumption to complete the job. One great way to keep your operations as
energy efficient as possible is keeping your machines, equipment, and tools repaired and
updated. The more productive you are and the faster your projects are completed, the less
energy you’ll use.

Green materials

There are a number of green materials in research and production that can be used in
place of traditional materials. Often, they are reclaimed or recycled from other construction
projects which reduce or eliminate a portion of your initial construction costs. Many of these
materials are becoming more and cost-effective while the cost of traditional materials is
going up. What’s more, they typically make it much easier for you to conform to ever-more
stringent and numerous building codes and regulations.

Reduced waste

Reducing the waste produced in construction projects begins with your project planning.
Establish, track, and document your waste reduction goals. Research and identify materials
that can be reused or recycled. Maximize use of your materials and avoid excess materials
as much as possible. Choose reusable products as much as you can such as inflatable
bladder dams in place of traditional cofferdams or sandbags.

Better tools and


When choosing your tools and equipment, look for tools designed to increase productivity,
lower energy use, and reduce man-hours. Newer products are typically designed for better
productivity and reduced environmental impact. You may pay more upfront for these tools,
but they’ll save you money in the long run.

In addition to environmental concerns during construction, builders also need to include a

plan for long-term sustainability. In other words, how will the facility continue to be
environmentally friendly over the long haul? This includes maximizing overall efficiency with
an integrated design, water management, energy efficiency, and building location.

Building the Future

We, as a society, are working hard to create a better future with a lower overall impact on
the environment. With each new construction project, builders are becoming more and more
environmentally conscious. The good news is, while it used to be more expensive to go green,
advancements in technology and product availability have now made it more cost-effective
in many cases. Help create a better tomorrow. Use this guide to environmental considerations
in construction to get started going green in your company.
Discuss sustainable design.


The concept of sustainable design has come to

the forefront in the last 20 years. It is a concept that
recognizes that human civilization is an integral part of
the natural world and that nature must be preserved
and perpetuated if the human community itself is to
survive. Sustainable design articulates this idea through
developments that exemplify the principles of
conservation and encourage the application of those
principles in our daily lives.

A corollary concept, and one that supports sustainable design, is that of bioregionalism -
the idea that all life is established and maintained on a functional community basis and that all
of these distinctive communities (bioregions) have mutually supporting life systems that are
generally self-sustaining. The concept of sustainable design holds that future technologies must
function primarily within bioregional patterns and scales. They must maintain biological diversity
and environmental integrity, contribute to the health of air, water, and soils, incorporate design
and construction that reflect bioregional conditions, and reduce the impacts of human use.

Sustainable design, sustainable development, design with nature, environmentally

sensitive design, holistic resource management - regardless of what it's called, "sustainability,"
the capability of natural and cultural systems being continued over time, is key.

Different Types of Sustainable Architecture Design

Sustainable architecture design uses types of design techniques to achieve greater

sustainability in energy, land, and water usage, as well as in building materials. Sustainable
energy design takes climate and natural geographical features into consideration, in an effort
to use those attributes to reduce impact on the environment. Energy conservation can be
achieved to a greater degree in new construction, as choices are many at the pre-construction

For example, in planning to build a home on a lot, sustainable architecture design would
factor in geographical features, such as a lot's orientation to the angle of sunlight throughout
the day and seasons. This sunlight factor may be considered as both a potential negative and
positive on the overall energy usage of the structure. If there is abundant sunlight from one
direction, then solar panels may be installed on the roof. At the same time, window coverings
may be designed to respond to more or less light through manual or automatic means, with an
aim toward reducing the amount of heating or cooling that is required.

Another type of eco-friendly architecture addresses energy needed to maintain a

certain comfort level. Many possibilities for reducing energy consumption are available and
include technology that regulates energy output, stores energy, produces energy, and
conserves energy through active or passive means. For example, for a home situated in a windy
place, a small wind turbine could offer a homeowner cheap, renewable energy generation.

The choice of building materials is another type of sustainable architecture design. The
choice in traditional building materials arose in various cultures over time, with people generally
using locally abundant materials to erect buildings. These included plants, stones and rocks,
wood, and animal hair, fur, or hides.

In modern societies, building codes were developed that conformed to specifications

for load-bearing, zoning, and other methods used both to make safer buildings, and to limit
development in certain areas. The challenge in sustainable architecture design is that these
materials are not necessarily the most scientific choice, but since they are traditional and have
been included building codes, they are easier to use. Alternative building materials may
incorporate natural fibers and materials, as well as mixtures of fibers and resin called composites.
What are the Principles of Sustainable


Sustainability does not require a loss in the quality of

life, but does require a change in mind-set, a change
in values toward less consumptive lifestyles. These
changes must embrace global interdependence,
environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and
economic viability.

Sustainable design must use an alternative approach

to traditional design that incorporates these changes in mind-set. The new design approach
must recognize the impacts of every design choice on the natural and cultural resources of
the local, regional, and global environments.

A model of the new design principles necessary for sustainability is exemplified by the
"Hannover Principles" or "Bill of Rights for the Planet," developed by William McDonough
Architects for EXPO 2000 to be held in Hannover, Germany.

1. Insist on the right of humanity and nature to co-exist in a healthy, supportive, diverse, and
sustainable condition.

2. Recognize Interdependence. The elements of human design interact with and depend on
the natural world, with broad and diverse implications at every scale. Expand design
considerations to recognizing even distant effects.

3. Respect relationships between spirit and matter. Consider all aspects of human settlement
including community, dwelling, industry, and trade in terms of existing and evolving
connections between spiritual and material consciousness.

4. Accept responsibility for the consequences of design decisions upon human well-being,
the viability of natural systems, and their right to co-exist.

5. Create safe objects to long-term value. Do not burden future generations with
requirements for maintenance or vigilant administration of potential danger due to the
careless creations of products, processes, or standards.

6. Eliminate the concept of waste. Evaluate and optimize the full life-cycle of products and
processes, to approach the state of natural systems in which there is no waste.

7. Rely on natural energy flows. Human designs should, like the living world, derive their
creative forces from perpetual solar income. Incorporate this energy efficiently and safely for
responsible use.

8. Understand the limitations of design. No human creation lasts forever and design does not
solve all problems. Those who create and plan should practice humility in the face of nature.
Treat nature as a model and mentor, not an inconvenience to be evaded or controlled.

9. Seek constant improvements by sharing knowledge. Encourage direct and open

communication between colleagues, patrons, manufacturers, and users to link long-term
sustainable considerations with ethical responsibility, and re-establish the integral relationship
between natural processes and human activity.
These principles were adopted by the World Congress of the International Union of Architects
(UIA) in June 1993 at the American Institute of Architect's (AIA) Expo 93 in Chicago. Further, the
AIA and UIA signed a "Declaration of Interdependence for a Sustainable Future." In summary,
the declaration states that today's society is degrading its environment and that the AIA, UIA,
and their members are committed to:

• Placing environmental and social sustainability at the core of practices and professional

• Developing and continually improving practices, procedures, procedures, products,

services, and standards for sustainable design

• Educating the building industry, clients, and the general public about the importance of
sustainable design

• Working to change policies, regulations, and standards in government and business so

that sustainable design will become the fully supported standard practice

• Bringing the existing built environment up to sustainable design standards

What are the benefits of Landscaping?

Environmental Benefits of Managed Landscapes

 Natural Coolants – Grass is much cooler than

asphalt or cement. It acts as an “air
conditioner” for the surrounding area. In fact,
lawns can be 31 degrees cooler than asphalt
and 20 degrees cooler than bare soil. But wait,
there’s more. Trees shading homes can
reduce attic temperatures by as much as 40

 Environmental Cleaners - Grass plays a vital

role in capturing dust, smoke particles and other pollutants, and it produces oxygen.

 Water Protectors – Healthy lawns absorb unhealthy runoff that might otherwise filter into
bodies of water.

 Air Cleaners – Grasses absorb carbon dioxide and break it down into oxygen and
carbon. In fact, a 50’x50’ lawn produces enough oxygen for a family of four.

 Noise Minimizers – Lawns and plants dramatically reduce noise pollution; they can
reduce noise levels by 20 percent to 30 percent over hard surfaces like concrete and
pavement. Turfgrass slows down and absorbs runoff into bodies of water.

Even in areas that have water restrictions and are experiencing drought, it is important that
lawns and landscapes remain a viable component of healthy communities. There are a
number of sustainable practices that will allow managed lawns and landscapes to reduce
water usage but still provide important environmental benefits.

Benefits of Urban Landscapes

A growing body of research is demonstrating how important it is to incorporate tree canopies

and parks into cities and towns. They provide a wide range of lifestyle benefits that improve
the quality of life for residents.

Parks and tree canopies help reduce noise.

Studies show that just looking at plants and trees, even through a window, can
reduce stress and lower blood pressure (Housley and Wolf).

Walking in a natural environment with plants and trees, even when located in
the middle of a city, has been shown to improve attention and memory,
according to a study by Marc Berman of the University of Michigan.
Benefits of Commercial Landscapes

Businesses are more successful when they provide clients with landscaped areas around
buildings and plants inside buildings.

A study found seven percent higher rental rates for commercial offices having high-quality

Shoppers claim they will spend nine to 12 percent more for goods and services in central
business districts that have high quality tree canopies.*

Shoppers indicate they will travel a greater distance and a longer time to visit a district with a
high-quality tree canopy, and spend more time there once they arrive.*

Companies that provide their employees with interactions with nature also benefit. Research
conducted by Rachael Kaplan, Ph.D., showed that workers who could view nature from their
desks had much better job and life satisfaction and better health.

*The University of Washington’s Urban Forestry/Urban Greening Research

Physical and Psychological Benefits

The benefits of human interaction with plants, trees, and grass are also well studied and
documented. Research has found that people find stress relief and healing when interacting
with nature or even viewing it through a window. Children with ADHD seem to focus better
after being outdoors (Harvard Health Publications). Workers are more productive as well when
working in environments with plants, and cognitive function is improved.

But, perhaps more important than what science tells us, is what people instinctively feel about
the plants and green spaces in their lives–that the connection makes their lives better, and
they want to make an effort to incorporate it into their lives.

Research from the Husqvarna Global Garden Report 2012 showed that “63% of respondents
reported being willing to pay more for an apartment or house if it was located in an area with
good green spaces, compared with, for instance, 34% willing to pay more for an area with
good shopping and 33% for good cultural venues.

Research from the Husqvarna Global Garden Report 2012 showed that “63% of
respondents reported being willing to pay more for an apartment or house if it
was located in an area with good green spaces, compared with, for instance,
34% willing to pay more for an area with good shopping and 33% for good
cultural venues.
Discuss the following:
Climate Change Act 2008

Life Cycle Analysis
Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)
United States Environmental Protection
Agency (USEP)

Climate Change Act 2008

The Act sets up a framework for the UK to achieve its long-term goals of reducing greenhouse
gas emissions and to ensure steps are taken towards adapting to the impact of climate
change. Its main elements are as follows:

 Setting emissions reduction targets in statute and carbon budgeting.

The Act establishes an economically credible emissions reduction pathway to 2050 and
beyond by putting into statute medium and long-term targets. In addition, the Act
introduces a system of carbon budgeting which constrains the total amount of emissions
in a given time period. Carbon budget periods will last five years, beginning with the period
2008–2012, and must be set three periods ahead. The Secretary of State is required to give
indicative ranges for the net UK carbon account in each year of a budgetary period, to
set a limit on use that can be made of international carbon credits in each budgetary
period and to develop and report on his proposals and policies for meeting carbon

 A new reporting framework.

The Act provides for a system of annual reporting by the Government on the UK’s
greenhouse gas emissions. The new Committee on Climate Change will have a specific
role in reporting annually on progress, with the Government required to lay before
Parliament a response to this progress report.

 The creation of an independent advisory body.

The Act creates a new independent body, “the Committee on Climate Change”, to
advise the Government and devolved administrations on how to reduce emissions over
time and across the economy and, on request, on any other matter relating to climate
change, including adaptation to climate change. This expert body will advise on the
optimum trajectory to 2050, the level of carbon budgets, and on how much effort should
be made by the part of the economy covered by trading schemes and by the rest of the
economy, as well as reporting on progress.

 Trading scheme powers.

The Act includes powers to enable the Government and the devolved administrations to
introduce new domestic trading schemes to reduce emissions through secondary
legislation. This increases the policy options which the Government could use to meet the
medium and long-term targets in the Act.
 Adaptation.

The Act sets out a procedure for assessing the risks of the impact of climate change for the
UK, and a requirement on the Government to develop an adaptation programme on
matters for which it is responsible. The programme must contribute to sustainable
development. The Act also gives powers to direct other bodies to prepare risk analyses
and programmes of action, and advisory and progress-reporting functions to the
Committee on Climate Change.

 Policy measures which reduce emissions.

The Act will be used to support emissions reductions through several specific policy
measures: amendments to improve the operation of the Renewable Transport Fuel
Obligations; a power to introduce charges for single use carrier bags; a power to pilot local
authority incentive schemes to encourage household waste minimisation and recycling;
amendments relating to the Certified Emissions Reductions Scheme; powers and duties
relating to the reporting of emissions by companies and other persons; a duty to make
annual reports on the efficiency and contribution to sustainability of buildings on the civil

Life Cycle Analysis

Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) is a general term that has many names such as life cycle
assessment and cradle-to-grave analysis. The Life Cycle Analysis methodology evaluates the
energy requirements, environmental impacts, and life-cycle costs of a process or product by
quantifying all the material inputs and outputs and their respective energy and environmental
effects. The analysis begins at the “cradle” stage with the raw materials, continues through all
of the manufacturing/processing steps (including pre- and post-processing), and follows the
product through its useful lifespan up to its final disposal and/or recycling (“grave” stage). LCA
applies to the full life cycle of a product and is illustrated below..

Performing a Life Cycle Analysis on a process pathway helps to quantify its sustainability in a
cradle-to-grave horizon. In particular, it can quantify the benefits from one pathway compared
to another pathway and/or identify major sustainability obstacles facing a particular pathway
or specific process. These outcomes can aid in decision making.
LCA has been used in most industries, either for process improvements or determining how
certain processes compare to others. The assessment is not limited to any one industry but can
be applied to manufacturing, business growth decisions, research and development, as well as
benchmarking and a number of other areas to determine future pathways for growth.
One example of where LCA has been applied to compare processes is in waste energy
recovery. In this specific case, municipal solid waste (MSW) had two potential pathways,
incineration with energy recovery or landfilling, in order to dispose of the discarded material [8].
This study aimed to examine two primary factors including energy consumption and greenhouse
gas emissions. Using both direct activity considerations and a LCA, the results showed that
incineration with energy recovery proved to be the best option, with the results of incineration
LCA being better than when comparing the direct activity alone. Overall, it could be
determined by using LCA from a multipathway potential that one option was superior to
another, which could provide valuable information for decision making, system improvements,
and overall efficiency.
Research agencies utilize LCA methodology to find the energy requirements, environmental
impacts, and life-cycle costs of newly developed renewable energy pathways and make direct
comparisons to current state of the art processes for each pathway. This allows scientists to steer
ongoing research towards improving the sustainability of the processes employed from an
economic, energy, and environmental perspective. Industry also implements LCA to determine
sustainability shortcomings to focus their product/process improvement teams. Often, improving
sustainability yields reduced energy requirements, which produces cost savings that promote
productivity improvements. Additional advantages include documenting the positive change
in sustainability, which can yield an advertising or publicity advantage.

Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)

An Environmental Product
Declaration (EPD) is an independently
verified and registered document that
communicates transparent and
comparable information about the life-
cycle environmental impact of products in
a credible way.

Where the EPD is the final report, the

foundation of any EPD is a lifecycle
assessment (LCA). This LCA allows you to
evaluate your product’s environmental
performance over its entire life-cycle. It
typically takes into consideration your full
value chain, from material extraction
through to manufactured product, its usage
stage and end of life.

An EPD is a so-called type III environmental declaration that is compliant with the ISO
14025 standard. A type III environmental declaration is created and registered in the framework
of a programme, such as the International EPD® System

In physical terms, an EPD consists of two key documents:

 EPD background project report, a systematic and comprehensive summary of the LCA
project to support the third-party verifier when verifying the EPD.
This report is not part of the public communication.

 Public EPD document that provides the results.

As a voluntary declaration of the life-cycle environmental impact, having an EPD for a product
does however not imply that the declared product is environmentally superior to alternatives.

Continue reading to find out more about the EPD - what is it, and what not? And why they will
be beneficial to your business.

Type III Environmental Declaration (ISO 14025)

An EPD is a declaration. As that, the EPD differs in many aspects from type I third-party and type
II self-declared eco-labels.

EPDs are based on International Standards.

The concept of EPDs is based on the standard ISO 14025, which is internationally recognized
and developed with in the International Organization for Standardization.

EPDs consider the full LifeCycle Assessment of goods and services

Compared to alternative reporting formats such as eco-labels and self-declared labels that only
cover aspects of a lifecycle perspective, EPDs cover the full LCA of goods and services.

EPDs can be used for all types of goods and services

There are no restrictions regarding what products that can have EPDs as there are no criteria on
environmental performance that must be met. EPDs works for both goods and services and
companies all sizes have registered EPDs.

EPDs contains verified environmental information

The EPD is a third-party verified document which gives the information credibility and therefore
is very suitable for procurement.

EPDs are based on a transparent and open framework

ISO 14025 requires the programme operator to publish the programme instructions, product
category rules and registered EPDs. The transparent framework makes it possible to understand
the calculations and methods behind the results in the EPD.

EPDs gives comparable information within the same product group

EPDs that are based on the same product category rules (PCR) are comparable as the PCR set
the rules for the life cycle assessment that the EPD must meet, for example allocation rules, data
quality requirements and system boundaries.
United States Environmental Protection Agency

The Environmental Protection Agency is an independent executive agency of the United States
federal government tasked with environmental protection matters. President Richard Nixon
proposed the establishment of EPA on July 9, 1970; it began operation on December 2, 1970,
after Nixon signed an executive order. The order establishing the EPA was ratified by committee
hearings in the House and Senate. The agency is led by its administrator, who is appointed by
the president and approved by the Senate.

The mission of EPA is to protect human health and the environment.

EPA works to ensure that:

 Americans have clean air, land and water;

 National efforts to reduce environmental risks are based on the best available scientific

 Federal laws protecting human health and the environment are administered and
enforced fairly, effectively and as Congress intended;

 Environmental stewardship is integral to U.S. policies concerning natural resources, human

health, economic growth, energy, transportation, agriculture, industry, and international
trade, and these factors are similarly considered in establishing environmental policy;

 All parts of society--communities, individuals, businesses, and state, local and tribal
governments--have access to accurate information sufficient to effectively participate in
managing human health and environmental risks;

 Contaminated lands and toxic sites are cleaned up by potentially responsible parties and
revitalized; and

 Chemicals in the marketplace are reviewed for safety.



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