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Activation method of international student

freshmen student account
/Méthode d'activation du compte étudiant de
première année pour les étudiants internationaux
(注意!!!ATTENTION!!!:你只能在 24-221 办公室完成新生

注册后的 24 小时后才能进入这个系统激活学生账户。/You can only

enter the system to activate the student account 24 hours after office

24-221 registration./Vous ne pouvez accéder à ce système pour activer

le compte étudiant que 24 heures après avoir complété l'inscription des

étudiants de première année au bureau 24-221)

Step 1:


Enter the official website of Zhejiang Normal University

Step2:Click the VPN:

WebVPN 访问地址:


Step4:Click the Activation

Step5: Finish the following steps

Detailed operation steps are as follows:

Students ID&Passport name:在你去办公室报到的时候,老师会告知


请 联 系 你 的 志 愿 者 帮 忙 询 问 。 When you report to the office, the

teacher will inform you and copy your student number and passport

name in the form of WeChat message. If you do not receive it, please

contact your volunteer for help.

2. Bind phone:Your new phone number in China

输入手机号之后需要发送验证码,然后把验证码输好 After entering

the mobile phone number, you need to send the verification code, and

then input the verification code.

3. Bind email:Your usual email address


prepare an email account that you often use, enter the email address,
and complete the operation.

4. Set password:Complete the password reset on the phone


置密码就可以。Once you've done this, you receive an email, click the

link in the email and reset the password.


生签证办理。(Visa Application PowerPoint)

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