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REPRESENTATIVE BARNEY FRANK (D-MA) Ranking Minority Member, House Committee on Financial Services Joined committee: 19971 Assumed

leadership: 2003 Elected to Congress: 1980 Formed PAC: None Rep. Frank served as ranking member of the committee from 2003 to 2006 and served as chairman from 2007 to 2010. Rep. Franks contributions from financial services industries drastically increased in his first term in a leadership position on the committee. Over the past seven election cycles, as his seniority on the committee rose, contributions from financial services industries to Rep. Frank increased at a rate far outpacing his total contributions. Rep. Franks recent voting history, however, does not reflect the industries largess. Campaign Contributions from the Financial Services Sector 1998 Election Cycle $41,800 $278,700 2010 Election Cycle $1,132,915 $4,052,944 % Change 2610% 1354%

Industry Contributions Total Contributions

During the 2004 election cycle the first election cycle after Rep. Frank assumed a leadership position on the committee contributions from financial services industries to his campaign committee increased by 537% over the previous cycle, from $70,900 to $451,339. In contrast, total contributions increased by 205% during the same time period, from $432,544 to $1,319,498. During the 2010 election cycle, financial services industries accounted for 28% of the $4,052,944 in total contributions received by Rep. Franks campaign committee. During the 1998 election cycle, financial services industries accounted for 15% of the $278,700 in total contributions received by Rep. Franks campaign committee.

Campaign Contribution highlights from industries regulated by the Committee2 The Securities and Investments industry donated nearly 102 times more money to Rep. Frank during the 2010 election cycle than during the 1998 election cycle, increasing its contributions from $3,500 to $356,316.

CREW reviewed the online editions of the Congressional Directory from the U.S. Government Printing Offices available from the 105th Congress (1997-1998) through the 111th Congress (2009-2010). Therefore, the Congress member has been a member of the committee since at least 1997 and possibly earlier. 2 This section highlights committee industries that significantly increased their donations to the committee leader between the 1998 and 2010 election cycles.

The Insurance industry donated more than 54 times more money to Rep. Frank during the 2010 election cycle than during the 1998 election cycle, increasing its contributions from $5,200 to $282,649. The Accountants industry donated nearly 17 times more money to Rep. Frank during the 2010 election cycle than during the 1998 election cycle, increasing its contributions from $3,250 to $55,000. The Real Estate industry donated nearly 15 times more money to Rep. Frank during the 2010 election cycle than during the 1998 election cycle, increasing its contributions from $17,600 to $257,650.

Votes on Financial Services Issues From 2007-2008, Rep. Frank voted 69% in agreement with the industries regulated by the Financial Services Committee. The average Democrat voted in agreement with the industries 67% of the time. From 2009-2010, Rep. Frank voted 38% in agreement with the industries regulated by the Financial Services Committee. The average Democrat voted in agreement with the industries 39% of the time. Since January 2011, Rep. Frank has voted 32% in agreement with the industries regulated by the Financial Services Committee. The average Democrat has voted in agreement with the industry 34% of the time.

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