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Automatic fault Detection machine –

Mobile charger

Rishit Patel (8877054)

Deep Patel (8870547)
Ishan Soni (8866826)
Purvil Patel (8667334)
Smit Sidhpura (8884408)
Ayush Patel (8867114)
Acknowledgement .............................................................................................................................................................. 3
List of figures ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4
List of tables ....................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Risk Registry .................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Executive summary ........................................................................................................................................................... 11
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Project Work ..................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Project Schedule............................................................................................................................................................ 12
Customer Requirements: ................................................................................................................................................. 0
Project Initiation: ............................................................................................................................................................ 1
Development And Implementation Cost : ........................................................................................................................ 2
System Specifications ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
Financial Analysis : ......................................................................................................................................................... 7
Payback Period : ............................................................................................................................................................. 8
Conclusion .......................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Lessons Learned ................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Project issues and solutions ............................................................................................................................................... 10
Appendices ....................................................................................................................................................................... 11
References ........................................................................................................................................................................ 12
We want to express our gratitude to Prof. Milad Khazraee for your mentorship and continued support of our project. Your
knowledge of fieldwork and the professional environment helped a lot in building our domain. Your insightful feedback has
remarkably enriched our journey. Your motivation pushed us to move forward continuously. How you treat us with patience
and respect has facilitated our learning and fostered a nurturing environment. We are truly grateful for your unwavering
dedication and commitment to our success.
Besides our mentor, we would like to thank all the professors for their guidance and the base they provided us for our future.
It will be easier to build this project with the knowledge they shared.
We also extend our heartfelt thanks to Conestoga College for providing all the necessary resources and equipment. The
facilities of the library, meeting rooms, and lab helped us a lot to prepare this project.
List of figures

1) Draw the manufacturing process flow with the proposed automated system

We have attached separate file for this flowchart as it is too long.
2) Draw the automated system process flow


We have attached separate file for this flowchart.

3) Draw the block diagram for the automated system

Rejected product collect

in Bin and count by the

shape, size
Product load
Start Product sends to the and weight
on the
Conveyor Sensors
send to
Fig 1.3

4) FMEA Diagram

Fig 1.4
5) Current Value Stream Map


6) Future Value Stream Map

List of tables
1) PFMEA (Process Failure Mode Effects Analysis)

Future Performance Metrics

Number of parts Assembled per 200/hr.
The percentage of correctly aligned 90 -93 %
parts without readjustment on the
production line is:

Inspection time of displacement 4.0 seconds/part

sensors 5.0 seconds/part
Time spent inspecting the weight 5.0 seconds/part
Inspection time of photoelectric

percentage of parts discarded 7 -10 %

because of dimension problems
The average amount of time a part 3 Minutes
takes to complete the production
The proportion of correctly detected 90%
Duration of data transmission from 2.0 SECONDS
the vision sensor to the control
The average amount of time needed 15 -20 Minutes
to fix and resolve issues found
during in-person inspections
Percentage of components thrown 8 -10 %
in the scrap bin
Table 1 Rate of Reinspection 10-12 % (Entire
PFMEA is submitted
Efficiency of Packaging 180 Parts/hr.

2) Current Performance Metrics

Current Performance Metrics

Number of parts Assembled per hour 100/hr.

The percentage of correctly aligned parts 90-93%
without readjustment on the production line is:

Workers' time spent visually examining and 40 seconds

verifying each part's quality

The average amount of time a part takes to 6 Minutes

complete the production cycle

Percentage of parts that are discarded due to 2-4%

manufacturing defects

Time taken by workers to package each approved 1.2 Minutes/part

Table 3

 Time Metrics:
Cycle Time Current: 6 Minutes
Target: 3 Minutes
Sensor Inspection Time Displacement Sensor:
4 minutes for each
Weight Sensor: 5 seconds per
Photoelectric Sensor: one
part in 5 seconds

Fault Resolution Current: 20 minutes

Time Target: Reduce to 15 minutes

Time of Reinspection Current: 10 minutes

Target: Reduce to 7 minutes

 Cost Metrics:
Labor Cost Present: $15,000
Goal: Process optimisation to cut
labour costs by 15% (Future)

Sensor Cost Present: No sensors

Goal: Increase expenditure to
$7,000 by purchasing sophisticated
sensors to boost accuracy. (Future)
Maintenance Cost Present: $1,500 per month
Goal: Reduce expenses to $1,200
per month by implementing
preventative maintenance (Future)

Total Project Cost Present: $30,000.

Goal: Stay under $25,000. (Future)
 Quality Metrics:
Risk Registry
Alignment Accuracy Present: 92%
Goal: Continue at 92% (Future)

Reject Rate Present: 3%

Goal: Cut to 2% in the future
Scrap Rate Present: 12%
Goal: Reduce in the future
Rejection Resolution Rate Current: 75%
Target: Increase to 85% (Future)
Customer Satisfaction Right now: 4 out of 5
Goal: Sustain or raise levels of satisfaction
Probabilit Consequenc Recommende
y of Risk e of Risk d Action
Avoid, reduce
Risk Event Low, Low, (mitigate), Description of Action
Moderate Moderate or
Accept Risk,
or High High
Exploit, Share

Incorrect charger alignment Install an automated alignment system or give

Moderate High Reduce
while loading or unloading operators further training.

problems with the charger's Improve the fixture's design to reduce tapping
vibration in spite of the Low Moderate Reduce

To find and fix any issues right away, put

Quality Issues low Moderate Reduce systematic quality inspections and testing
methods into place.

As a precaution, establish emergency plans and

Failure of the pneumatic system Moderate Moderate Reduce make sure that lubricating and pneumatic systems
or insufficient lubrication
are regularly inspected and maintained.

Technical issues with the To handle technical problems, set up an

Low High Accept risk
charger emergency plan and a schedule for maintenance.
Provide operators with comprehensive training,
Lack of knowledgeable
Low High Accept risk and work with the equipment provider to create a
operators to do troubleshooting
support contract.
Provide newly hired operators with a
Poor instruction for newly hired
Low Moderate Enhance comprehensive training program and regularly
unskilled labor
assess their work performance.
Interruptions in the power To avoid disruptions, install backup power
Low Moderate Reduce
supply systems and carry out regular maintenance.
Executive summary
By using an automated inspection system that greatly increases efficiency and reliability, the "Automated Fault Detection
Machine" initiative seeks to transform the wireless charger manufacturing line. This novel method uses a piston cylinder
mechanism, PLC programming, and sophisticated sensors to identify and separate defective products with previously
unheard-of speed and accuracy. Our system does a thorough assessment of every product in just 10 seconds, saving time and
guaranteeing a greater level of quality control than manual inspection techniques that take around a minute per product.

The system works simply but efficiently: goods travel along a conveyor belt while a number of sensors measure different
aspects including weight and size. Goods that pass quality inspection go to the packaging line; goods that don't pass inspection
are quickly taken out by an automatic hydraulic piston cylinder and gathered in a bin, where a counter counts the rejected
goods. This procedure not only increases production efficiency but also yields useful information for enhancing
manufacturing procedures.

Understanding customer requirements, starting the project with a thorough financial analysis, defining the project with precise
system specifications, and implementing the solution with an emphasis on efficiency, dependability, and adherence to safety
regulations are just a few of the phases that make up this project. A substantial upfront expenditure is required, but the financial
analysis shows that there will be a positive return on investment (ROI) because labour costs will be lower, manufacturing
efficiency will be higher, and product faults will be reduced.

As this rapid growing world, we all want to save time in each and every kind of work, and for this purpose our group is
working on project name as "Automated fault detection machine", Our project is more efficient in fault detecting as well
as time saving also. While one human is taking almost around one minute to checking all things in product our machine will
check each and every parameter of product in 10 second and also count the faulty product. In this project, we are using
different types of sensors and PLC programming and piston cylinder to complete our project.

How it works
As we are working on group project name as "Automated fault detection machine", in this project we are making
production line for the wireless charger and automated inspection line for it. On this inspection line, we are checking quality
of charger using different parameters with different type of sensors, such as for the dimension checking we are using
photoelectric sensor and for the weight we are using weight sensor, When this product go through this sensors on conveyor
belt this sensors will check all the parameters and if this product pass all quality testing then it will sending on packing line
and if this product will fail in quality checking then it will be pushed by one automatic hydraulic piston cylinder which is
operated by PLC and collect in one bin, in this bin we put the counter which count the faulty product collected in this bin.
Project Work
Project Schedule

# Project Work Start Date End Date Day Assigned To: Status Completion %

1 Project Initiation
Create a Group Contract 11/01/24 12/01/24 1 Rishit Completed 100%
Conduct initial research on
08/01/24 11/01/24 3 Team Completed 100%
manufacturing problems
Brainstorm project ideas 08/01/24 11/01/24 3 Team Completed 100%
Selection of project 11/01/24 11/01/24 0 Supervisor Completed 100%
Describe manufacturing
10/01/24 11/01/24 1 Purvil Completed 100%
Draw Current Process Map 11/01/24 12/01/24 1 Rishit Completed 100%
Draw Current Value Stream
11/01/24 12/01/24 1 Purvil Completed 100%
Indicate current performance
15/01/24 16/01/24 1 Ayush Completed 100%
Future State Definition and
11/01/24 12/01/24 1 Smit Completed 100%
Financial Analysis
Brainstorm automated
11/01/24 11/01/24 0 Team Completed 100%
Choose the best solution using Team And
16/01/24 16/01/24 0 Completed 100%
a decision matrix Supervisor
Draw Future Process Map 12/01/24 15/01/24 3 Deep Completed 100%
Draw Future Value Stream
12/01/24 13/01/24 1 Deep Completed 100%
Define new performance
15/01/24 16/01/24 1 Ayush Completed 100%
Perform financial analysis
15/01/24 16/01/24 1 Smit Completed 100%
(Cost/Benefit, Payback period)
Define the project (Name and
10/01/24 11/01/24 1 Ishan Completed 100%
2.1 Project Definition
Project Objective 22/01/24 23/01/24 1 Rishit Completed 100%
Project Scope 22/01/24 23/01/24 1 Purvil Completed 100%
Project Timeline 24/01/24 26/01/24 2 Ayush Completed 100%
Detailed Project Schedule 23/01/24 24/01/24 1 Deep Completed 100%
Project Budget (development Completed
24/01/24 27/01/24 3 Smit 100%
Project progress metrics (time, Completed
24/01/24 27/01/24 3 Ayush 100%
cost, quality)
Project Risk Analysis (using Completed
24/01/24 25/01/24 1 Ishan 100%
risk registry template)
Communication Plan with the
23/01/24 25/01/24 2 Rishit Completed 100%
team, client, and stakeholders
2.2 System Specifications and Economic Analysis
Draw manufacturing process 29/01/24 31/01/24 Purvil Completed 100%
Flow with the automated
Draw the block diagram for 03/02/24 05/02/24 Deep Completed 100%
the automated system
Draw Automated System 29/01/24 31/01/24 Deep Completed 100%
Process Flow
Perform Failure Mode Analysis 31/01/24 05/02/24 Rishit Completed 100%
Identify mechatronics key 31/01/24 03/02/24 Ishan Completed 100%
components and
Determine mechatronics 03/02/24 03/02/24 Ayush Completed 100%
component costs and supplier
Define Simulation Software 03/02/24 06/02/24 Ishan Completed 100%
Calculate Project 03/02/24 06/02/24 Smit Completed 100%
Implementation Costs
Update Project Budget and 03/02/24 06/02/24 Smit Completed 100%
Financial Analysis
Report 1 12/02/24 17/02/24 Team Completed 100%
Oral Presentation 22/02/24 22/02/24 Team Yet To Start
3.1 System Design I
Summarize mechanical,
electric, electronic, and 04/03/24 17/03/24 Yet To Assign Yet To Start
software controller units
Update mechatronics system
04/03/24 17/03/24 Yet To Assign Yet To Start
process flow
Create Mechanical Drawings
04/03/24 17/03/24 Yet To Assign Yet To Start
(2D, 3D, Assembly drawings)
3.2 System Design II
Create the PLC program 18/03/24 24/03/24 Yet To Assign Yet To Start
Create an HMI system 18/03/24 24/03/24 Yet To Assign Yet To Start
Create a Simulation program 18/03/24 24/03/24 Yet To Assign Yet To Start
Perform simulation tests and
18/03/24 24/03/24 Yet To Assign Yet To Start
record findings
Update system specifications
18/03/24 24/03/24 Yet To Assign Yet To Start
as required
4 HR, Safety, Quality, Validation
HR Planning (manpower, job
descriptions, training,
acquisition strategies, 25/03/24 07/04/24 Yet To Assign Yet To Start
performance feedback)
Health and Safety
25/03/24 07/04/24 Yet To Assign Yet To Start
Quality Control considerations 25/03/24 07/04/24 Yet To Assign Yet To Start
Finalize Project Budget 25/03/24 07/04/24 Yet To Assign Yet To Start
Finalize financial analysis 25/03/24 07/04/24 Yet To Assign Yet To Start
Validate the Automated
25/03/24 07/04/24 Yet To Assign Yet To Start
Project progress status 25/03/24 07/04/24 Yet To Assign Yet To Start
Report 2 08/04/24 14/04/24 Yet To Assign Yet To Start
5 Final Review
Final review of the entire
15/04/24 21/04/24 Yet To Assign Yet To Start
Wrap-up and documentation
15/04/24 21/04/24 Yet To Assign Yet To Start
of lessons learned
Submission of final project
15/04/24 21/04/24 Yet To Assign Yet To Start
Capstone Showcase
15/04/24 21/04/24 Yet To Assign Yet To Start

Customer Requirements:
1. Quality & Reliablity :
 Chargers must meet safety standards, such as CE and UL, to ensure quality and
 Maintain constant performance across all chargers.
 Reduce flaws and rejections.
2. Efficency And Throughput:
 Ensure that cycle times are balanced to satisfy demand.
 Reduce downtime for maintenance or changeovers.
3. Component Handling :
 Component Handling: Describe how components (boards, connectors, and
cables) are handled.
 Define the torque requirements for screws and connectors.
 During assembly, ensure that everything is properly aligned.
4. Assembly Sequence :
 Describe the step-by-step assembling method.
 Consider the operator's ergonomics and safety.
 Specify the workstations and tools required.
5. Testing And Inspection :
 Define quality inspections (visual, electrical, and leak testing).
 Determine acceptable defect rates.
 Implement traceability (data matrix reading).
6. Rejection Conveyor:
 Include a conveyor to handle rejected chargers.
 Criteria for rejection include misalignment and faults.
 Redirect rejected chargers for further inspection.
7. Cleaning And Preparation :
 Ionize components to eliminate static charge.
 Before proceeding with key assembly stages, clean all surfaces.
8. Automation Vs Manual:
 Balance automated and manual processes.
 Consider the cost, consistency, and adaptability.
9. Safety And Comliance:
 Ensure operator safety (guards and emergency stops).
 Comply with laws (electrical safety and pollution).
10. Enviornmental Consideraions :
 Address trash disposal (e.g., batteries and plastics).
 Reduce energy consumption during production.
Project Initiation:
 The cost of setting up a mobile charger assembly line can vary significantly based on several
factors. Let’s break down the components and associated costs:

1. PCB (Printed Circuit Board) Assembly:

 PCB Manufacturing: Fabricating the PCB itself involves costs related to materials,
production, and quality control.
 Component Sourcing: Procuring resistors, capacitors, diodes, and other electronic
 Labor: Assembling the PCB components and conducting testing.
 Packaging: Designing and producing packaging materials.
 Customization: Costs may increase for specialized designs or features.
2. Other Components:
 Housings and Casings: Enclosures made of plastic or metal.
 Wiring and Connectors: Internal wiring and connectors.
 Power Supply Units: Converting AC power to the required voltage.
 Packaging Materials: Boxes, labels, inserts.
3. Labor Costs:
 Skilled labor for assembly, testing, and quality assurance.
 Location-specific labor rates.
4. Quality Standards:
 Meeting safety and performance standards adds to costs.
5. Production Scale:
 Larger volumes reduce per-unit costs due to economies of scale.
6. Component Selection:
 Opting for cost-effective yet reliable components impacts overall expenses.
7. Customization:
 Tailoring The Assembly Line To Specific Requirements May Incur Additional Costs.

Project Initiation Automated System

Feasibility Study $5000

Design And Engineering $10,000
Permits And Approvals $2000


 Component Costs:
Component Price
Sensors Voltage 17.99$, Photoelectric 32$
Displacement Module 205$
Transformer 3$
Rectifier 10$
Actuator 1.66$
Table NO.1.2 Components Price
Development And Implementation Cost :
The updated project budget for the mobile charger assembly line with a rejection conveyor.

1. Development Costs:
 Charger PCB Design and Prototyping:
 Developing the charger PCB involves designing the circuit, selecting
components, and creating prototypes for testing.
 Costs include PCB design software licenses, engineering hours, and prototype
 Software Development:
 If the assembly line includes automation control software, costs may arise for
programming and testing.
 Mechanical Design:
 Designing the conveyor system, housing, and other mechanical components.
 Costs depend on complexity and customization.
 Testing and Validation:
 Ensuring the system meets performance and safety standards.
 Costs include testing equipment and labor.

2. Implementation Costs:
 Conveyor System Installation:
 Installing the conveyor system, including mechanical assembly and electrical
 Costs vary based on system complexity and site conditions.
 Electrical Infrastructure:
 Upgrading electrical panels, adding dedicated circuits, and ensuring power
supply for the assembly line.
 Costs depend on existing infrastructure and local regulations.
 Rejection Conveyor:
 Installing the rejection conveyor for faulty or rejected units.
 Costs include conveyor hardware, sensors, and integration.
 Labor and Commissioning:
 Labor for system setup, calibration, and commissioning.
 Ensuring the entire assembly line functions as intended.
 Quality Control and Testing Equipment:
 Purchasing testing tools (leak testing, electrical testing) and quality control
 Training and Documentation:
 Training operators and creating user manuals.
 Costs vary based on the complexity of the system.
3. Overall Budget Update:
 The total budget will depend on specific project details, such as the scale of production,
customization, and location.
 For a rough estimate, consider the following ranges:
 Development Costs: $50,000 to $100,000 (varies widely based on
 Implementation Costs: $100,000 to $300,000 (including conveyor system,
electrical upgrades, and commissioning).
Equipments & Other Expense Develpoment Cost
Conveyor System $5000
Fault Detection System $2000
Rejection Conveyor $1000
Assembly Tools And Station $3000
Testing Equipment $1000
Software Develpoment $5000
Labor Engineering Team (2 Engineers) $48,000 For 3 Months
Prototype Develpoment Team (4 $32,000 For 2 Months
Contingency $5000
Installation And Integration $10,000
Training $5000
Machine Downtime 100units/Week $5/Unit
Total Upfront Cost Excluding 174,000

Table 1.3 Development Cost & Implementation Cos

System Specifications

Identify the mechatronics key components (mechanical, electrical, electronic and interface components)

 Actuators:
 12V LED Indicator Light: Shows the charging status and any errors that have been found

 Specifications: Features include low power consumption, a voltage rating that works with the
power supply, and an appropriate brightness for visibility.

 Rectifier:

 A 1000V diode rectifier bridge is used to convert AC input voltage to DC so that a mobile
device can be charged.

 Specifications: Low forward voltage drop for efficiency, appropriate for high voltage
applications, and voltage and current ratings in line with the charger's power needs.

 Transformer:

 E-Type TDK Electrical Transformer: This part of the charger's power supply circuitry is used
for isolation and voltage conversion.

 Specifications: The specifications include a voltage transformation ratio that satisfies the input
and output requirements of the charger, an appropriate insulation rating, and a compact size that
facilitates integration.
 Displacement Module:

 The Universal Charging Tester monitors the charging parameters and looks for process errors.

 Specifications: Features include accuracy in measuring voltage, current, and other parameters,
compatibility with multiple charger types, and an easy-to-use diagnostic interface.

 Photoelectric Sensor:

 Although they aren't specifically mentioned in your list, photoelectric sensors can be used for
a number of things, like figuring out whether a mobile device is on the charging pad or keeping
an eye on the alignment of wireless charging systems.

 Specifications: Details include the type of photoelectric sensor (such as retro-reflective, diffuse
reflective, or through-beam), response time, sensing range, and compatibility with the charger's
control system.

 Voltage Sensor:

 Zener Diode Sensor: Provides feedback for fault detection and measures the charger's output

 Specifications: Low-temperature coefficient for stability, compatibility with the charger's

voltage range, and Zener diode properties appropriate for precise voltage measurement.

6) Determine the specifications, preferred supplier and cost of each component

Voltage sensor: Zener diode sensor
Price: 17.99
Model Number: 1N5408 IN5408.
Brand Name: RCD
Max. Forward Voltage: 1.1V
Max. Reverse Voltage: 50-1000V Fig. 1.3
Max. Forward Current: 2A
Max. Reverse Current: 5.0uA

Photoelectric sensor:
Price: 32 $
Brand Name: transparent transducer
Model Number: EST-200N
Sensing type: Diffuse reflective
Usage: Distance detection
Mounting Type: Flushed
Description: transparent transducer Fig. 2
Type: Photoelectric Sensor
Detection distance: 30-300mm/50-500mm
Working voltage: 10-30V DC
Leakage current: <0.01mA
Connection method: 2m PVC cable

Displacement Module: Universal charging tester

price: 205 $
Model Number: HS022410
Voltage: 6-86V
Discharge Current: 0.1-10A. Fig. 3
Power Supply: Voltage:100V AC~256V AC
Accuracy: 0.1%

Transformer: E type TDK electrical transformer

Price: 3$
Brand Name: HUAYANG
Model Number: EE transformer.
Frequency: 1KHz -200KHz
Usage: High Frequency Fig.4
Phase: Single

Rectifier: 1000V Diode Rectifier Bridge

Price: 10 $
Model Number: GBJ2510
Brand Name: Junxinda
Residual Noise: 10 uV RMS
Insulation Resistance: >100MΩ Fig. 5
Electrical Detail: Manufacturers Standard

Actuators: 12v led indicator light

Price: 1.66 $
Model Number: ADP16-6
Led voltage: 2v,3v,5v,6v,12v,24v, etc.
Working time: 100000h Fig. 6
Mounting hole diameter: 16mm
Pin type: terminal pin.
Protection level: IP65
Working Temperature: -25-85℃

7) Define the Simulation Software requirements and any other technology as required
Programming Languages: PLC Ladder Logic: in the software we do sequential control, input
monitoring, output activation, and real-time operation.
Designing Software: AutoCAD and SolidWorks: these software use for line assembly and make
mechanical parts which we use in this project.
Simulation Platforms: MATLAB/Simulink, AnyLogic: to simulate dynamic systems with a graphical
block diagram interface, commonly used in engineering for simulations at the system level and control
algorithm prototyping.

Financial Analysis :
● Cost Benefit Analysis:
● Costs:
 Initial Investment:
■ Machine Vision System: Installing a robust machine vision system involves
upfront costs. This includes purchasing cameras, lighting, software licenses,
and any necessary hardware modifications to integrate the system into the
existing assembly line.
■ Training and Implementation: Training staff to operate and maintain the
system is essential. Additionally, integrating the system seamlessly into the
assembly line requires time and effort.
■ Robotics Integration: If robots are involved in the process, there will be costs
associated with acquiring and programming them.
 Operational Costs:
■ Maintenance: Regular maintenance of the machine vision system, cameras,
and robots is necessary to ensure optimal performance.
■ Energy Consumption: The system’s energy usage (lighting, cameras, and
computing) contributes to operational costs.
■ False Positives/Negatives: Addressing false alarms or missed detections may
require additional labor and resources.
 Downtime and Transition Costs:
■ Implementing the system may cause temporary disruptions in production as
workers adapt to the new processes.
● Benefits:
 Quality Improvement:
■ Early Fault Detection: The system can identify defects (e.g., missing parts,
misalignments, or faulty connections) in real-time, preventing defective
chargers from reaching customers.
■ Reduced Scrap and Rework: By catching faults early, the need for rework or
scrapping defective units decreases.
 Increased Efficiency:
■ Reduced Manual Inspection: Automated fault detection eliminates the need
for manual inspection, saving time and labor costs.
■ Higher Throughput: The system operates continuously, maintaining high
production rates.
■ Optimized Reject Conveyor: The rejection conveyor ensures that faulty
chargers are promptly removed, preventing downstream disruptions.
 Cost Savings:
■ Labor: Fewer manual inspections mean reduced labor costs.
■ Warranty Claims: Detecting faults before shipping reduces warranty claims
and associated costs.
■ Customer Satisfaction: Improved product quality leads to higher customer
satisfaction and repeat business.
 Safety and Compliance:
■ Safety: Detecting faults early prevents potential hazards (e.g., short circuits)
that could harm users.
■ Regulatory Compliance: Meeting quality standards ensures compliance with
industry regulations.
● Quantitative Metrics:
 Calculate the Return on Investment (ROI) by comparing the total benefits (cost
savings, improved quality, etc.) to the total costs (initial investment, operational costs,
 Consider the payback period: How long it takes for the system to pay for itself through
cost savings.

In summary, while there are initial costs associated with implementing automatic fault detection, the
long-term benefits in terms of quality improvement, efficiency, and cost savings make it a worthwhile
investment for mobile charger assembly line.

Payback Period :
Payback Period Calculation:


 Current production: 100 units/week

 Unit cost: $5/unit
 Labor cost saving: $1/unit (example)
 Additional units produced per week with automation: 100 units

Machine Downtime Cost: 100 units/week * $5/unit = $500

Yearly Savings:

 Increased production: (100 units/week * 52 weeks/year) * $5/unit = $26,000

 Labor cost reduction: (100 units/week * 52 weeks/year) * $1/unit = $5,200
 Total Yearly Savings: $31,200

Payback Period: $174,000 (Upfront Cost) / $31,200 (Yearly Savings) ≈ 5.6 years

The "Automated Fault Detection Machine" project showcases a noteworthy development in
manufacturing technology by providing a solution that improves product quality and operational
reliability while being time-efficient. The accomplishment of the project can be ascribed to careful
planning, productive team dynamics, and well-timed resource distribution. Important lessons learnt
include the requirement of proactive budget management and risk assessment, the significance of a
collaborative team atmosphere, and the importance of clear communication.

Nevertheless, the project also had to deal with issues including schedule delays and budget overruns,
which were resolved by thorough planning, job prioritisation, ongoing monitoring, and project
parameter adjustments. Overcoming these challenges required the introduction of cost control
mechanisms and a realistic project timetable.
Lessons Learned

Effective Communication:
Understanding the value of precise and reliable communication was, by far, the project's most
significant lesson. Facilitating an easy flow of information and lowering the likelihood of
misunderstandings and project delays required clear communication amongst team members.

Team Dynamics:
Effectively managing team relationships and cultivating a collaborative environment are essential for
project success. A team that was more driven and successful was created by identifying and utilising
individual talents, settling disputes quickly, and creating a positive team atmosphere.

Resource Allocation:
The successful completion of the project or task depended heavily on the effective allocation of
resources, including team and time. It was necessary to regularly assess how resources were being used
and make the necessary adjustments in order to keep the project moving forward and avoid bottlenecks.


Feasibility Study and Design: One month is allotted for the initial phase.
Development and Implementation: Two months is allotted for this phase.
Duration of the Project in Total: Three months is the estimated total project duration.


Tight standards for choosing mechatronics components guarantee their correctness,

dependability, and fit for the needs of the assembly line.
Testing and Validation: Extensive testing methods guarantee that the automated system
satisfies strict quality standards. These methods include performance validation and quality
control checks.
Error Detection and Rectification: By integrating sensors and diagnostic interfaces, errors can
be detected in real-time and corrected quickly, reducing the possibility of errors and
guaranteeing high-quality output.


Project Initiation: $17,000 is the first project initiation expense.

Cost of Components: The initial outlay for essential parts is roughly $268.65.
Equipment, development, and implementation costs totalled $174,000 in this phase.
Financial study: A thorough financial study shows the automated system's viability and
possible return on investment.
Next Actions:

ongoing development and implementation work with an emphasis on testing, validation, and
system integration.
continuous tracking of the project's development, with frequent evaluations and modifications
to guarantee compliance with deadlines, quality requirements, and financial limitations.
working together with stakeholders to resolve issues and improve the automated assembly
line's performance.

Project issues and solutions

 Overspending on the Budget:

Problem: Project expenses surpass the budgeted, resulting in monetary pressure and
possible project collapse.

Solution: we create a thorough project budget that takes into consideration all expenses,
including those for supplies, labour, and unforeseen events. To prevent overspending,
keep a close eye on project expenses and put cost control measures in place. Set
priorities for our projects' tasks and use your resources wisely to reduce budget

 Timeline Restrictions:

Problem: Unexpected delays in task completion cause project deadlines to be missed.

Solution: we create a project schedule that is realistic and includes deadlines and
realistic milestones. Divide the work into smaller, more manageable parts and give each
one enough time. Keep a close eye on progress in relation to the timeline and modify it
as necessary. To guarantee on-time completion, list the critical path tasks and order
them of importance.

 Risk Control:

Problem: Unexpected setbacks or project failure result from a failure to identify and
mitigate project risks.

Solution: To identify potential risks and create strategies for mitigating them, conduct
a thorough risk assessment at the start of the project. Keep an eye on and periodically
reevaluate risks during the project. Put backup plans in place to deal with unforeseen
risks and lessen their effect on project results.

PCB - Printed Circuit Board

ROI- Return on Investment
PLC – programmable logic controller
FMEA - Failure mode and effects Analysis
VSM – Value Stream Map
HMI – Human Machine Interface
SOP- Standard Operating Procedure
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