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feelings around.

Luckily for us, women aren’t programmed the same


It’s very possible for a man who ISN’T tall, good

looking, or rich to make a woman feel the same powerful

feelings we do when we see a drop-dead gorgeous



9 Communicate That You Are The SELECTOR And


There is nothing you can do to stand out in a woman’s

mind faster than to let her know that you are SELECTIVE

when it comes to women.

Double Your Dating by David DeAngelo ©2001-2005, All

Rights Reserved

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Most guys will ‘settle’ for anything they can get. When

you let a woman know that you are actually sizing HER

up, SHE’LL be the one trying to impress you.

9 Don’t Settle For Second-Class Behavior From


Women are accustomed to having a guy kiss their ass

and do anything and everything to attempt to please

them… but all it does is drive them nuts.

When a woman meets a man she thinks she might be

interested in, she wants to know RIGHT AWAY if he is one

of “those guys” that she should stay away from.

How does she do this?

By TESTING him to see just how far she can go.

Letting her get away with things like being rude,

whining, or complaining, tells her INSTANTLY that you

aren’t the strong man she wants and needs.

So stand up for yourself and don’t ever except

second-class behavior from a woman.

She’ll thank you for it.

9 Don’t Try To ‘Buy’ Her Affection With Presents,

Gifts, And Favors.

When a man takes a woman out to nice dinners and

buys her gifts too early in the relationship, the woman will
begin to think the man is trying to ‘buy’ HER.

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