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1. It is the process of collecting information about an object or event.

a. mass b. observing c. measuring
2. It is the measure of how hot or cold an object is.
a. mass b. matter c. temperature
3. Matter is made up of tiny particles called ________?
a. atoms b. molecule c. rain
4. What states of matter have definite shape and size?
a. gas b. liquid c. solid
5. It is anything that occupies space and has mass?
a. mass b. matter c. temperature
6. What do you call the answer of subtraction?
a. sum b. difference c. product
7. The numbers that we add together is what we called?
a. addends b. factors c. addition
8. What do you call the answer of multiplication?
a. sum b. difference c. product
9. The numbers to be multiplied are called ___________?
a. addends b. factors c. addition
10. How many vowel letters in the word MATHEMATICS?
a. 4 b. 5 c. 6
11. What are the three primary colors?
a. red, yellow and blue b. red, orange and green c. yellow, blue and white
12. Where do black, white, brown and gray colors belong?
a. primary colors b. secondary colors c. neutral colors
13. What color can you form by mixing red and blue?
a. orange b. purple c. pink
14. It is the arrangement of colors that shows the relationship with each other.
a. colors b. color wheel c. coloring
15. It is the combination of primary and secondary colors.
a. coloring b. third colors c. tertiary colors
16. What type of color that gives a feeling of warmth, anger and excitement?
a. warm color b. cool color c. neutral color
17. What type of color that gives a refreshing and calm effect?
a. warm color b. cool color c. neutral color

18. How many secondary colors?

a. 3 b. 4 c. 5
19. What color can you form by mixing yellow and red?
a. purple b. green c. orange
20. What color can you form by mixing yellow and blue?
a. purple b. green c. orange
II. Identify the Kinds of sentence. Write D if is it a Declarative sentence, IN for
Interrogative sentence, EX for Exclamatory sentence and IM for Imperative sentence.
________________1. Oh my gosh! You look so beautiful with your dress.
________________2. Can you please get my shoes.
________________3. My Teacher is beautiful.
________________4. What is your name?
________________5. Wow! This gift is so nice.
________________6. I am 8 years old.
________________7. Can you open the door?
________________8. Sheila is wearing a red dress.
________________9. Who is your father?
________________10. Please get one whole sheet of paper.
III. Tukuyin ang mga sumusunod na salita . Isulat ang AL kung ito ay halimbawa ng
Anyong Lupa at AT naman kung ito ay Anyong Tubig.
_____________1. Lambak _______________6. Talon
_____________2. Dagat _______________7. Bundok
_____________3. Talampas _______________8. Lawa
_____________4. Ilog _______________9. Bulkan
_____________5. Bulubundukin _______________10. Burol
IV. Put a / if the action is a nutritional guideline X if is it not.
__________1. Drink from rain water.
__________2. Choose fruit to eat for snacks.
__________3. Eat junk foods every day.
__________4. Play gadgets instead of playing outside.
__________5. Drink warm milk before sleeping.
__________6. Eat less fried foods such as French fries.
__________7. Drink 8 glasses of water every day.
__________8. Sleep late every evening.
__________9. Wash your hands before and after eating.
__________10. Drink a lot of soft drinks instead of water.

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