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‫المعـلم الـولـيد‬

‫اللغـة اإلنجـلـيزيـة‬



‫للصف الثالث الثانوي‬

‫(علمي ‪ +‬أدبي)‬

‫يحتوي على ‪:‬‬

‫‪ -1‬شرح شامل ومبسط للمقرر على ضوء الكتاب المدرسي واالمتحانات الوزارية‪.‬‬
‫‪ -2‬تعريفات المنهج‪.‬‬
‫‪ -3‬مرادفات تضادات ‪ ،‬اشتقاقات األسماء ‪ ،‬محادثات‪.‬‬
‫‪ -4‬قسم القواعد‬
‫‪ -5‬حلول نموذجية لالمتحانات الوزارية‪.‬‬

‫إعداد ‪:‬‬
‫أ‪ /‬وليد محمد عبد هللا الحداد‬
Unit 1 Describing things

Shapes ,coverings and materials

Shapes ‫االشكال‬ Animal coverings‫اغطٌة جسم الحٌوان‬ Materials ‫المواد‬

rectangular ‫مستطٌل الشكل‬ hair ‫شعر‬ wood‫خشب‬
round ‫دائري‬ feathers ‫رٌش‬ glass‫زجاج‬
curved ً‫منحن‬ skin ‫جلد‬ paper‫ورق‬
square ‫مربع‬ fur ‫فرو‬ plastic‫بالستٌك‬
triangular‫مثلث الشكل‬ scales ‫حراشٌف‬ metal‫معدن‬
straight‫مستقٌم الشكل‬ wool‫صوف‬ cloth‫قماش‬

Q. Complete these sentences. Use the words below.

(rectangular / scales / straight / plastic / fur / round / paper/

curved / metal / feathers / hair / glass)

1)Aisha’s hair is long ,…………and black.

2)A djambia has a ………….blade.

3)Many team sports use a …………… ball.

4)If you look around a room ,you will see many …………………. Objects, for example,
doors, windows, tables, books and shelves.

5)You have to remove the …………… of a fish before you cook it.

6)We can study the …………………. of birds to understand how they fly.

7)Some animals ,such as cats, are covered in …………..,while other animals ,such as
camels ,are covered in ……………..

8)Windows are usually made of wood and ………….,but sometimes …………….or plastic is
used instead of wood.

9)Newspapers, magazines and books are all made of …………….

10)You should be careful when leaving things made of …………. in a hot car. Objects
such as music cassettes can be easily damaged.

Answers: 1)straight 2) curved 3)round 4) rectangular 5) scales

6) feathers 7) fur hair 8)glass metal 9)paper 10)plastic


Q. A: Circle the odd word out:

1- wood / paper / plastic / wool

2- curved / cloth / round / rectangular

B: Put the following words into sets:

( triangular / metal / glass / square )

Shapes Materials

Q. What do you say in these situations?

1)Somebody is upset and is speaking loudly.

2)Somebody thinks something bad is going to happen but you think they are wrong.

3)Somebody tells you some bad news.

Answers: 1)Calm down !There’s no point in getting upset.

2) Don’t worry. 3) Oh, dear!

An unusual animal

Q. Write a short paragraph , describing Rama?

Rama the cama was born in Dubai in January ,1998. It is a cross between a male camel
and a female llama. Unlike its father , it has no hump on its back. Like its father , it has
short ears and a long tail .It has the wool coat of the llama, which is very valuable ,
unlike the hair coat of the camel , which has little value.

Language review 1

1.Comparison (see Grammar Section)

.Comparative and superlative forms of adjectives

The most common way to compare things is to use these forms of the adjective.

Examples: Hassan is older than me.

Yousif is the oldest boy in the class.

. as

We use a positive statement with as to say that things are equal. We use a negative
statement to show that things are not equal.

Examples: My sister is as tall as me.

My friends are as interested in football as I am.

My car is not as fast as yours.

Note: This is the same as saying: My car is slower than yours.


Q. Spot the mistakes , then re-write the sentences correctly:

1) Men are strong than women.

2) Oman is the nearer country to Yemen.

3) It’s the big country in the world.

4) The small city in the world is the Vatican.

5) He is as taller as Huda.

6) My brother is as faster as me.

Q. Choose the best alternatives:

1.Sana’a is …… than Hodeida. ( coldest/ colder/ cold )

2.My car is …… expensive than yours. ( more/ most/ the most )

3.I am as …… as you. (heaviest/ heavier/ heavy )

. same

This word shows that things are equal. It can also be used in a negative statement.

Examples: My brother is the same height as me.

My cousin is not the same age as me.

Note : The word ‘same’ is followed by a noun , not an adjective . The word can also be
used at end of a sentence.

Example: These two colours are / aren’t the same.


Q. Spot the mistakes and re-write the sentences correctly:

1.Ahmed’s car and Saleh’s car are the same wide.

2.Ali is the same old as Sami.

. like / unlike

These two words are not adjectives but they are used to make comparisons.

Examples: Like my father ,I am interested in sports. Unlike my father , I am not

interested in football.

Note: The underlined phrases can be used at the end of a sentence or at the beginning .
In both cases , a comma separates them from the rest of the sentence.


.however/ although

These two words can be used to give the same meaning as ‘but’.

Examples: Although he worked hard, he didn’t pass his exam.

He worked hard . However, he didn’t pass the exam.

Note: They contrast unexpected relationships between two actions or events.

Q. Complete the sentences using however or although.

1. Football is a very popular game,…………….. not everybody enjoy it.

2. …………… I like fishing, I don’t catch a lot of fish.

3. The factory manager gets very angry sometimes. ………….., he is very good at his job.

4. The book wasn’t very interesting. I read it from start to finish, …………….

Answers: 1. however / although 2. Although 3. However 4. however


This word can also be used to give the same meaning as ‘but’.

Example: Whereas Ahmed worked hard, his brother didn’t.

Note: It can only be used to describe opposites.


Contrast Addition Consequence

although as well as so

however together with because

whereas as well as a result

also therefore

furthermore thus (followed by the word

in addition ending –ing)

another reason that’s why


as a consequence



Addition, here ,means giving information. To do this ,we use connecting words, inside a
sentence , at the end of a sentence and at the beginning of a sentence.


1)He wore a hat and a coat as well as woollen gloves.

2)He wore a hat and a coat together with woollen gloves.

3)He wore a hat and a coat. He put on woollen gloves as well.

4)He wore a hat and a coat. He put on woollen gloves also.

5)He wore a hat and a coat .He also put on woollen gloves.

6)She is polite and friendly. Furthermore, she is very conscientious.

7)She is polite and friendly. In addition, she is very conscientious.

8)Another reason for giving her the job is her patience.


1) It was raining so they couldn’t go out.

2) He was not given the job in the Ministry because he was lazy and could not speak a
foreign language.

3) He was lazy therefore he wasn’t given the job.

4) He didn’t work hard . Consequently, he failed in the exam .

5) The doctor told Ali to stay in bed , and accordingly he didn’t go to school .

6) He was inefficient, that is why he wasn’t given the job.

7) As a consequence of your laziness, I am forced to dismiss you.

8) He has been teaching for ten years. As a result , he has had a lot of experience in
teaching .

9) The wind was strong thus staying at home.

Q. Join each pair of the following sentences.

1)He has a big car. He has a beautiful house. ( as well as)

2)The traffic was bad. I arrived on time. ( although)

3)Mahmoud wanted to become a doctor. He always got good marks in Science.



1)He has a big car as well as a beautiful house.

2)Although the traffic was bad ,I arrived on time.

3)Mahmoud wanted to become a doctor because he always got good marks in Science.


Q. Join each pair of the sentences with the suitable conjunction:

1. She didn’t come. She was sick. ( because / although / but )

2. He had a lot of money . He didn’t buy the dress for his wife.(because/ although/ and)

3. She plays tennis. She plays football. ( therefore / but / as well as )

4. My leg is hurt. I can’t run. ( although / whereas / therefore )

Language review 2

1. Description
. adjective order
When using two or more adjectives to describe something , follow this order:
1. Opinion good, beautiful, amazing
2. Size/build big, long, short
3. Age young, old, ten-year-old
4. Shape round, square, rectangular
5. Colour black, dark green
6. Nationality Yemeni, Qatari, Indian
7. Material metal, glass, wool

Examples: a beautiful, old, Yemeni building

a heavy , round, black stone

Q. Make phrases with the adjectives in the correct order.

1)hair / black /long/ beautiful

2) table /long /metal /green

3)house /Yemeni /amazing /300-year-old

4)man /fat /English /heavy

5)boat /dark green/wooden /lovely

6)trousers /old /horrible /wool

7)child /happy /Indian /eight-year-old

8)window /glass /big /rectangular


1)beautiful long black hair.

2)a long green metal table.

3)an amazing 300-year-old Yemeni house.

4)a heavy fat English man.

5)a lovely dark green wooden boat.

6)horrible old wool trousers.

7)a happy eight-year-old Indian child.

8)a big rectangular glass window.

. emphasis

You can make your description stronger by repeating some words , for example,
comparative adjectives and adverbs.

Examples: He drove faster and faster , and I got more and more worried.

Up, up, up went the balloon, until it was a small dot in the sky.

2.Information focus

You can change the focus of a sentence by moving adjectival or adverbial phrases. You
may want to do this for reasons of style or emphasis.

Examples: a) There were lots of goats on top of the hill.

On top of the hill were lots of goats.

b) Some of the hills were to the right of the road.

To the right of the road were some hills.

Note: In the second example the subject and the verb change places. This happens
only when using the verb ‘to be’ .

Q. Re-write these sentences to change the information focus.

1) He felt very happy looking at the wonderful view.

2) There were many boats on the water.
3) After eating his dinner. He went to look at his cows.
4) In the distance were some high mountains.
5) The cold, clear stream ran down the valley.

Answers :

1) Looking at the wonderful view , he felt very happy.

2) On the water were many boats .
3) He went to look at his cows after he had eaten his dinner.
4) There were some high mountains in the distance .
5) Down the valley ran the cold, clear stream .

3.Joining sentences

. with the –ing form

Example: The children ran out of school. They were laughing and shouting happily.

The children ran out of school, laughing and shouting happily.

Q. join these sentences using the –ing form of the verb.

1) The birds followed the plough. They were looking for something to eat.
2) The men felt happy. They were lying in the sun after work.
3) Rashid swam in the sea near his house. He was enjoying the cool water.


1) The birds followed the plough, looking for something to eat.

2) The men felt happy, lying in the sun after work.
3) Rashid swam in the sea near his house, enjoying the cool water .

Unit 2

Newspaper headlines

A newspaper headline says in a few words what the report below it is about. They
generally use shortened, simplified sentences. For example, in English- language
headlines, the verb ‘to be,’ ‘there is / are,’ and the articles ‘a,’ ‘an’ and ‘the’ are usually
left out. Also, they are often written in simple present tense even when talking about
the past or the future.

Q. Write these headlines as complete sentences:

1. Victim of Road Accident dies

2. 220 Dead in Air Crash : No Survivors

3. Thick Fog to Clear by Afternoon, Then Sun

4. New Cars Sign of Wealth


1. A victim of a road accident has died.

2. 220 people have been killed in an air crash. There are no survivors.
3. The thick fog will clear by this afternoon, then it will be sunny.
4. New cars are a sign of wealth.

Q. complete these sentences with suitable words from the box:

Commence scruffy diligent artifacts recklessly telescope painkillers

hopeless darken unwell
1) In the market are many jewelers and potters, selling their ……
2) ‘Let the ceremony ………. !’ said the old man , and the music started .
3) If you want to get better marks, you must be more ………
4) The sailor put his ……….to his eye and looked at the ships on the horizon.
5) I have a headache . Can I have some…………, please?
6) Why doesn’t he wear better clothes? He’s quite rich, but he always looks……..

Answers :

1) artifacts
2) commence
3) diligent
4) telescope
5) painkillers
6) scruffy

Q. Work out the meaning of the underlined words. First, write what kind of clue helps

1- ‘Too many crimes go unpunished, ‘ says Police Chief.

Clue: word information.

Meaning : not punished.

2- The firemen were exhausted after fighting the fire. ‘I’m extremely tired, ‘ one said.’I
just want to sleep.’

Clue: synonym

Meaning : very tired .

3- ‘Don’t be silly. Try to behave in a sensible way,’ the teacher said.

Clue: antonym

Meaning : good , clever, responsible , not stupid

4- We have just a microwave to save time cooking .

Clue: purpose

Meaning : a cooker that cooks things very fast.

5- In his book, Hussein wrote about his many exploits, such as sailing around the North
Pole and flying in a balloon.

Clue: examples

Meaning : adventures

6- Many trees and bushes are evergreens, that is to say they have leaves all year round

Clue: explanation

Meaning : a plant that is always green

7- Mona’s writing is very easy to read because she writes very neatly.

Clue: cause and effect

Meaning : tidily

Word formation:

A suffix is a group of letters that is added to the end of the word and usually changes it
into a different part of speech .

Some suffixes:

A. (…ance,….ence……ity,…..tion,…..sion,….ment,…dom,…hood,….or,…,….ness)
B. (….ise, …ize,….ify)
C. (….ant,….ent,…..ful,….less,…ous,…,…..ible)
D. (…

A prefix is a group of letters that goes in front of a word and changes its meaning .

Some prefixes:


Q. Find and underline the prefixes and suffixes in these words.

Reporter /enjoyment /impolite / unusual / retake / unbelievable

Q. Put the prefix and suffix in the correct table:

Impolite / manageable / retake / quickly

Prefix Suffix
im able
re ly


Q. Underline the words with suffixes:

reflection / vegetable / substance / directly / review

Q. Spot the mistake :

The word unhappy has a suffix.

Language review3

The passive voice

You use the passive when you want to make the object more important than the

Tenses Usage Examples

1 Simple present Object+am/is/are+ P.P.(V3) Yemen imports cars from Japan.
Cars are imported from Japan.
2 Simple past Object+was/were+ P.P. Malaria killed many people in the past.
Many people were killed in the past.
3 Simple future Object+shall/will+be+ P.P. He will sell his house tomorrow.
His house will be sold tomorrow.
4 Modal verbs Object+can/may/must..etc+be+ We must respect the public laws.
P.P. The public laws must be respected.
5 Present continuous Object+am/is/are+being+ P.P. They are cutting the trees.
The trees are being cut by them.
6 Past continuous Object+was/were+being + P.P. She was washing the clothes.
The clothes were being washed.
7 Present perfect Object+ have/has+been+ P.P. We have built the dam.
The dam has been built.
8 Past perfect Object+had+been+ P.P. They had given the paper to the students.
The paper had been given to the students.

Example: Subject Object

People grow coffee in Yemen.
Coffee is grown in Yemen.
We can find fruit trees in some wadis.
Fruit trees can be found in some wadis.
Note : We often omit the original subject in the passive sentence , particularly when it
is not important, as in the above examples ‘people’ and ‘we’.

Q. Change into the passive : Answers:
1) He gave his son a present. His son was given a present.
A present was given to his son.
2) I am going to visit him. He is going to be visited by me .
He will be visited by me.
3) The officer has ordered the soldiers strictly. The soldiers have been strictly ordered.


Q. Change into the passive voice:

1. Dr. Pasteur had developed Jenner’s work.

2. The government is going to build a new dam.

3. The boys were doing some exercises.

4. Muslims must obey the rules of Islam.

5. Ibn Sina wrote the ‘Book of Healing’ in Isfahan.

6. I will buy a new laptop next year.

7. The officer is checking the passengers’ passports at the airport.

8. The policeman asks the driver to stop his car.

9. Someone has closed the new supermarket recently.

Use of the Past continuous (see Grammar Section)

You use the past continuous when you want to set the scene for a story.

Example: We were working in the fields ( when something happened).

Note: Use the Past simple to say what happened, e.g. I heard somebody

Sense verbs +object +verb

Some sense verbs are followed by the -ing form. This emphasizes the action as
continuous and is often used for setting the scene. When followed by the infinitive,
this emphasizes that the action is completed.

Example: I saw /heard / watched the goats come down the street.

(And later told the farmer what I saw /heard, etc.)

I saw / heard / watched the goats coming down the street.

(And tried to stop them coming into the garden.)

Sense verbs (see, hear, feel, smell, taste, watch)

Sense verbs +object +v -ing

Sense verbs +object +infinitive

Example 1) I saw Walid walking in the street. ‫الحدث مازال مستمر‬

2) I saw Walid walk in the street yesterday. ‫الحدث قد انتهى‬

Q. Write the verbs in brackets in the correct form:

1)When Ali saw the teacher (come)………….along the corridor, he ran back into the

2)In the mornings, after prayer ,I always watch the sun (rise)………… above the

mountains and then have breakfast.

3)One day last year I saw a plane ( crash )………….. into the ground and even from a
distance of ten kilometres I could hear the petrol ( explode )……………….

4)Eye-witnesses felt the ground ( shake )……………… beneath their feet and saw blocks
of flats ( collapse ) …………….. like packs of cards.

5)In the terrible famine in Africa you could see people ( die ) …………. of hunger in the
streets and hear people ( cry )………………….. in pain.


1) coming 2) rise 3)crash explode

4) shake collapse 5) dying crying

Q. Write the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1)My cousin (to be)………….. to be married next month.

2)When I (to wake up )…………….. yesterday, my mother (to work )…………. In the
kitchen and my little brother (to play )……………… outside.

3)When we saw our father’s new car (to come )…….…along the road ,we all (to run)
………… to meet him .

4)These apples (to buy )were…………… yesterday, so they should be fresh.

5)At the wedding ,the men (to dance )……………… outside, when it (to start )………to rain.

6)A new road (to build )……………………. to the village soon and then it will be easier to
get to town.

7)Quick! Go and check in the kitchen! I can smell something (to burn )………………

8)The new hospital ( to open )…………………………by the Prime Minister last week.


1) is 2)woke up / was working/ was playing 3)coming / ran

4) bought 5) were dancing / started

6) will be built 7) burning 8)was opened

The verb to be+ to + infinitive

You can use this structure to talk about future plans, arrangements and forecasts. You
often see it in newspaper.

Examples: The President is to meet the ambassador tomorrow.

The thick fog is to clear this afternoon.

The Prime Minister is to visit America next month.


In newspaper reports the writer uses a mixture of direct and reported speech for
variety and interest.

‘It’s a miracle they were found,’ a Rescue Service spokesman said. ‘We can’t explain it.’

Q. Rewrite these sentences with the correct punctuation.

1)I heard somebody shouting don said

then I saw two men running towards us

2)who were they jim asked and what were they doing


1)’I heard somebody shouting,’Don said .’Then I saw two men running towards us’.

2)’Who were they?’ Jim asked .’And what were they doing?’

Q. Develop your vocabulary. Explain the underlined words.

1)The radio station was flooded with telephone calls.

2)Recently there has been a crime epidemic in the capital.

3)The news of the Princess’s death spread around the country like a forest fire.

4)In the mornings the head teacher rushes around the school like a hurricane.


1)so many telephone calls that the radio station was overwhelmed.

2)uncontrolled outbreak.

3)extremely quickly.

4)very quickly ,perhaps making a lot of noise.

Language review 4

The Present perfect tense

Form: Subject + have / has + past participle ( P.P.)


You have




She has


The Present perfect tense is used to: describe the present situation.

Example: The worst hurricane in living memory has caused terrible damage.

We use the Present perfect to say how much we have done , how many things we
have done, or how many times we have done something:


1. Abdullah has written ten letters today.

2. How many pages of that book have you read?
3. Jim has played tennis three times this week.

It is used with words or phrases which show that the action happened in the past
and has continued up to the present and may still be going on.These words or
phrases are like ‘since’, ‘for’ ‘just’, ‘already’, ‘recently’, ‘yet’ , etc.
1. I have lived in Taiz since 1999.
2. He has just finished his work.
3. They have already written the lesson.
4. She has not seen him yet.
5. We have lived here for six years.

The Past simple

You make the past simple by using the past simple of the verb.

Subject+ V2

The ways of forming the ‘simple past’ and ‘past participle’ forms of verbs:

(i) The common way of forming the ‘simple past’, and ‘past
participle’form of the verb is to add –‘ed’ at the end.
walk walked walked
play played played
(ii) For verbs ending in –‘e’ , add only –‘d’ at the end of the verb to form
the ‘simple past’ and ‘past participle’ form.
agree agreed agreed
continue continued continued
(iii) For verbs ending in-‘y’ preceded by a consonant , drop the ‘-y’ and
add ‘-ied’
study studied studied
hurry hurried hurried
(iv) For verbs ending in a single consonant preceded by a single vowel
preceded by a consonant and consisting of one or two syllables,
double the final consonant and add’-ed’ .

prefer preferred preferred

stop stopped stopped

(v) Many common verbs have irregular simple past and past participle
buy bought bought
go went gone

The simple past is generally used to talk about the actions that happened and finished
in the past , often with words or phrases such as ‘yesterday’ , ‘ago’ , ‘in the past’ , ‘last


1) He arrived three hours ago.

2) I did my homework last night.
3) She left school last year.

Q. Complete these sentences with the correct tense of the verb in brackets.

1)Over the years there (to be )………………many disastrous volcanic eruptions.

2)The worst (to take place )…………… Krakatoa in1883.

3)Over 36,000 people (to lose )……………..their lives.

4)A large passenger plane (to crash )………………….in the mountains.

5)So far rescue teams (to find )………………… survivors.

6)The plane (to take off )……………….from London two days ago.

7)The pilot (to contact ) …….Jeddah airport one hour before the plane (to crash ) ………

8)Several people (to die )…………recently as a result of traffic accidents.

9)Last Thursday two small children (to be )……………killed by a speeding car.

10)Only yesterday morning a lorry (to go )……………out of control and (to drive )………

Into a crowded market place ,killing six people and injuring over 20.


1)have been 2)took place 3)lost 4)has crashed 5)have found

6)took off 7)contacted/crashed 8)have died 9)were 10)went drove

Q. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form:
1. She has ( do ) all her works.
2. The government ……………… ( build ) many hospitals recently.
3. I ( do ) ……………. my homework last night.
4. His father (die ) two years ago.
5. My father………… ( buy ) a new farm yesterday.

Prepositions in relative clauses ‫حروف الجر فً عبارات الربط‬

Relative clauses giving necessary information ‫معلومات ضرورٌه‬

‫إذا كان االسم فً الجمله االولى غٌر معروف نستعمل هذا النوع من الربط وٌكون حرف الجر فً نهاٌه العبارة وقد‬
‫تستعمل اداة الربط او تحذف وتعتبر المعلومات فً الجملة الثانٌة ضرورٌة للتعرٌف باالسم االول‬


-The house is very old. I used to live in it.

The house I used to live in is very old.

Note: The preposition is at the end of the relative clause.

Relative clauses giving additional information ‫معلومات اضافٌه غٌر ضرورٌة‬

‫(اذا كان االسم فً الجملة االولى معروف ٌستعمل هذا النوع من الربط وٌجب ان تستعمل اداة الربط وٌستعمل فٌها‬
) ‫الفاصلة‬


-Sana’a Secondary School is one of the biggest schools in the country. I went to it when
I was younger.

Sana’a Secondary School , to which I went when I was younger, is one of the biggest
schools in the country.

Note: The preposition is at the beginning of the relative clause . The clause is written
between commas.

Q.Look at these sentences .Think about whether the second sentence in each pair gives
additional or necessary information. Then join each pair to make single sentences.

1)The bus has had an accident. I come to school on it.

2)The Great Fire of London happened in 1666.Thousands of buildings were destroyed

in it .

3)The man has mysteriously disappeared. I was talking to him yesterday.

4)The Armenian earthquake killed over 25,000 people .I have to write about it in
the next lesson.

5)The flood of 1953 is still the worst in living memory for the people of The
Netherlands.New dams were built after it.


1)Necessary information The bus I come to school on has had an accident.

2)Additional information The Great Fire of London ,in which thousands of

buildings were destroyed , happened in 1666.

3)Necessary information The man I was talking to yesterday has mysteriously


4)Additional information The Armenian earthquake ,about which I have to

write in the next lesson , killed over 25,000 people.

5)Additional information The flood of 1953,after which new dams were built

,is still the worst in living memory for the people of

The Netherlands.

Unit (3)
Language review 5

The Present perfect continuous ‫زمن المضارع التام المستمر‬

Form: Subject + { have / has } + been + infinitive-ing

We use this tense to: : ‫نستخدم هذا الزمن لـ‬

‫للتعبٌر عن االثر الحالى لحدث كان مستمر الوقوع على مدى فترة من الزمن فً الماضً القرٌب‬-1
1) Talk about the present effects of something that happened over a period of time
in the recent past.
He has been playing football. ( That’s his clothes are dirty. )
It has been raining. ( That’s why the roads are wet. )
‫للتعبٌر عن حدث مستمر بدأ فً الماضً ومازال مستمر الوقوع الى االن‬-2
2) Talk about a continuous action that started in the past , continued up to now and
may be continuing now.
I have been living here since 1994.
Mona has been studying English for six years. ( And she is still studying English. )
‫للتعبٌر عن تغٌر او تطور فً حالة معٌنه على مدى فترة من الزمن وٌحدث هذا التطور بصورة منتظمة‬-3
‫وفً هذه صٌغ المقارنه فً الجملة‬
3) Show that something has been changing or developing over a period of time and
has been happening regularly.
The weather has been getting warmer recently.

Compare the Present perfect simple and the Present perfect continuous tenses.

The Present perfect simple The Present perfect continuous

1) emphasizes the completion of the action 1) emphasizes how long the
action has been going on.
‫ٌؤكد على انتهاء الحدث‬ ‫ٌؤكد على المدة التً استغرقها الحدث‬
e.g. I have done my homework. e.g. I’ve been doing my
homework for hours.
2) can refer to actions that happened 2) usually refers to something
a long time ago.
that has been happening recently
‫ٌشٌر الى حدث حدث منذو زمن طوٌل‬ ‫عادة ٌشٌر الى حدث كان ٌحدث مؤخرا‬
e.g. I’ve read that book. e.g. I’ve been reading that book.
( just now )

Both tenses can be used to describe actions that started in the past and are
still continuing.
(i) I have lived here for six years. ( Perhaps the speaker will not continue
living there.)
(ii) I have been living here since 1994. ( The speaker will probably go on
living there.)

The following verbs are not used with continuous tense:
be, have ( = own) , believe, know, need,like, love ,prefer

Q. Read these sentences and underline the more suitable form of the verb .

1)She has never visited / has never been visiting India in her life.

2)Why haven’t you tidied your room?

I have done/ have been doing my homework.

3)We have known / have been knowing him for a long time.

4)Why haven’t they arrived / haven’t they been arriving?

5)I have gone / have been going out a lot recently. That’s why I am tired.

6)We have walked /have been walking for three hours now .Can we stop for a rest?

Q. Write the verbs in brackets in the more suitable form of the Present perfect.

1)Well done, Fareeda! You (to get )……………………….much better marks in the last two

2)The drought is terrible .It (to rain )……………………….for the last five years.

3)I (to be; never )……………………….to Great Britain. I hope to go one day.

4)In his life my father (to visit )…………………..many different countries .He often tells us
about them.

5)The manager(to listen )……………….to your new song twice and, to be honest, he
doesn’t like it.

6)Tell Faisal to come and help. He (to listen )…………………… his cassettes for long
enough now.

7)I (to know )………………… best friend for almost fourteen years.

8)I (to work )…………………… the computer for ten hours non-stop.It’s no wonder my
eyes hurt.


1)have been getting 2) has not rained 3) have never been 4) has
visited 5) has listened 6) has been listening 7)have known 8)have been


Q: . Put the verb in the correct form:

1. He ( work ) ……. all night. He is very tired.

2. She ………………. ( clean ) the house since morning. She’s tired.

Verb+ infinitive or + -ing form

These verbs may be followed either by the infinitive or the -ing form:

begin, continue, start, like, love, prefer, hate


It began to rain. It began raining.

I don’t like to sail. I don’t like sailing.

I prefer to stay at home. I prefer staying at home.

NOTE : When would is used in front of like, prefer, love, hate, you must use to +


1. I would like to be rich.

2. I would love to come with you, but I have to study.
3. They would prefer to watch the match.

Q. Spot the mistake:

Where would you prefer having your dinner?

Jobs and qualities

Names of jobs

‫بعض اسماء المهن توصف تماما بوضوح ماهو العمل الذي ٌقوم به الشخص فً هذه المهنة‬

A taxi-driver drives taxis

A bookseller sells books
A bank manager manages a bank

Some names of jobs describe what the person does very clearly. For example, taxi-
driver. The two nouns combine to make one word and are called compounds.

Sometimes they are joined: shopkeeper

Sometimes they have a hyphen : life-guard

Sometimes they stay as two words: English teacher

Say what each of these people does in their job:

Example: taxi-driver : A taxi-driver drives taxis.

Note: In American English programme is always spelt ‘program’ .In British English this
spelling is used only in connection with computers. It is both a noun and a verb.

Tourist guide firefighter bookseller taxi-driver computer programmer

dressmaker film director newsreader science teacher

bank manger project manger

In ‘taxi-driver’ there is no ‘s’ at the end of taxi. When nouns are used as adjectives ,
they are always singular.


If you want to be a teacher, you must be patient. In an advertisement the employer

will ask for someone who shows patience.

Q. Complete these sentences about jobs.

Example: Somebody who manages projects is a project manager.

1)Somebody who builds houses is a ……………….

2)Somebody who makes furniture is a ……………….

3)Somebody who drives buses is a ……………………..

4)Somebody who plays football is a …………………….

5)Somebody who has just left or is about to leave school is a …………………….

6)Somebody who grows coffee is a ……………………

7)Somebody who teams lions is a …………………….

8)Somebody who walks along tightropes is a ……………………….

Answers :

1) house builder 2) furniture maker 3) bus driver 4) football player

5) school-leaver 6) coffee grower 7)lion tamer

8)tightrope walker

Q. Underline the compound words:

1. beautiful , armchair , rename , housework , magnificent

2. description , supermarket , opportunities , advertisement , sweetheart

3. farmhouse , hospital , newsreader , handbag

4. blueberry , advertisement , backbone , vaccination


Q. Underline the compound words:

1. armchair , headache , postman , vaccination , sailor , blueberry

2. headline , mystery , housewife , observation

Q.Find other ways of saying the following.

1)somebody who has been to college or university

2)In this job you have to help adults learn how to read and write better.

3)It would be useful if the applicant could drive a car.

4)The applicant should be able to explain things to people clearly.

5)From 21 to 25 years old

6)For the year

Answers :
1)a well-educated individual.
2)The post involves teaching adults with learning difficulties.
3)A driving licence is desirable.
4)The successful applicant will have good communication skills.
5)Age range 21-25
Language review 6

Nouns ,adjectives and verbs +prepositions

Nouns + prep. Adjectives +prep. Verbs +prep.

training in interested in look forward to+ v- ing

experience of grateful for applying for

chance of famous for believe in

applicant for afraid of belong to

good at wait for

bad at look after

willing to look at

look for

depend on

Examples: I would like to apply for the job.

I have experience of working with children.

Note: They are always followed by either a noun or a gerund ( the – ing form).

Q. Fill in the blanks with the suitable prepositions.

1)I would like to apply ……………… the job advertised.

2)I am very interested ………………working abroad.

3)I have had 3 years’ training …………. animal care.

4)Like you,I do not believe …………. shouting at animals.

5)I speak fluent Chinese and Japanese because I have had a lot of experience ………. the
Far East.
6)I am also looking forward …………. getting a higher salary.

7)I would be grateful ………….. a quick reply.

Answers: 1)for 2) in 3)in 4) in 5) of 6) to 7) for

A business letter

This diagram shows the layout of a good formal letter.It is an application for a job that
was advertised in a newspaper. Note: If you use the greeting Dear Sir , or Dear
Madam, you must use Yours faithfully,to close.

If you use the greeting Dear Mr/ Mrs Jones, for example ,
you must use Yours Sincerely, to close.

1)The sender’s address

5 2)The name and address of the receiver

3)The date

4)The greeting,e.g.Dear Sir

5)A reference to the advertisement

6)Information about the sender

7)Asking for an interview
8 8)The close ,e.g. Yours faithfully

9 9)The sender’s signature

10 Q : Number the following in a logical order.

10)The sender’s name typed or printed 4 Write and tell us about yourself.
2 We are looking for a young man to work as a
5 Write to : The manager , Travel agency PO box
386 , Maala-Aden.
133 Have you ever wanted to work in a big company?
T\ WALID AL-HADDAD 3 No experience is necessary.
Q. Re-order the following to have an application letter:

. Looking forward to hearing from you.

. Yours faithfully, Ali.

. I am writing to apply for the job of secretary as advertised on the Yemen Times.

. I have a lot of experience in this field.

. Dear sir,

Unit 4

Things grown in Yemen

‫تمور‬ ‫تٌن‬ ‫مانجوا‬ ‫عمب‬ ‫ذره‬ ‫مشمش‬ ‫عنب‬ ‫كمثرى‬

dates figs mangoes papayas sorghum apricots grapes pears

Things we do when we prepare and cook food

ً‫ٌغل‬ ‫ٌعصر‬ ‫ٌقشر‬ ‫ٌسحق‬ ‫ٌبشر‬ ‫ٌقطع‬ ‫ٌش وي‬ ‫ٌطحن‬

boil squeeze peel crush grate chop grill grind

Q. Fill in the gaps in these sentences .Choose the right word from the box.

boil /grill / grate / squeeze / peel / knife

1)You have to ……….. a mango before you can eat it .

2)When you ……….. cheese ,you get long, thin pieces.

3)You need a ……….. to chop vegetables.

4)You have to ………….. water before you can make it.

5)To ………… meat, you place it under the heat.

6)When you …………… an orange ,you get orange juice.

Answers: 1)peel 2)grate 3) knife 4)boil 5)grill 6)squeeze

Language review 7

1 Use of sequence words and phrases( first ,then ,next ,after that, finally)

You use these words to introduce each stage of a process.


First you fry the onions and garlic. Then you add the spices. Next you add the
tomatoes. After that you cover the mixture. Finally you simmer for fifteen minutes.

Note some writers put a comma after each of these sequence words / phrases.

How to plant a small tree

First, dig a hole. Next, mix some fertilizer with the soil from the hole. Then, put some
water in the hole. Next, put the tree in the hole. After that, put the soil back. Finally,
push the soil down.

How to cook scrambled eggs

First, heat a pan. Next, melt the butter. Then, add the milk. Next, break the eggs into
the pan. Then, cook for five to six minutes. After that, stir the eggs. Finally, add the salt
and the pepper.

Use of while +Present continuous with Present simple

You use while +Present continuous with Present simple when you want to show that
two actions happen at the same time.

Example : First action Second action

While the mixture is boiling gently, you fry the pieces of fish.

Q. Put each verb in brackets into the correct tense:

1)While you………….( wait ) for the water to boil ,you………..(put ) the coffee in the pot.

2) While the oven …………..(heat) up ,you (prepare) the ingredients.

3)You …………….. (make) the sauce while the food ……………… ( cook ).

4)You ……………… (stir ) the soup while it ……………. (simmer ).

Answers :

1) are waiting put 2) is heating prepare

3) make is cooking 4) stir is simmering

Q. Spot the mistake:

While he is boiling the soup, he added some salt.

Use of while + Past continuous with Past simple

ً‫ علً الزمن وٌكون بعدها فعالن الفعل الذي ٌاتً بعدها مباشرة ٌوضع فً زمن الماض‬As ‫ أو‬while ‫تدل‬
‫المستمر أي انه الحدث الطوٌل الذي قطعه االخر والفعل الثانً وهوالحدث االقصر ٌوضع فً الماضً البسٌط‬

Examples: 1)While I was reading a story ,the phone rang.

2)He lost his money while he was running.

Q. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form:

While I ( read ) newspapers, my father called me.

While the president ………………… ( talk ) , many people took photographs.

Language review 8

A)Use of have /get + infinitive

You use these verbs to replace other instruction words such as ‘ask’, ‘tell,’ or ‘order.’

Using ‘have’ or ‘get’ focuses on the instruction itself rather than the way it is given.

Examples: Ask the boy to put away his bag.

Have the boy put away his bag.

Get the boy to put away his bag.

Note: With ‘have,’ the infinitive is without to.

Q .Write sentences using have or get .Use the correct tense.

1)You need somebody to help you with your homework . ( have )

2)You need the garage to fix your car. ( get )

3)You need your daughter to do your shopping for you. ( have )

4)You need advice about your career. ( get )


1) Have somebody help you with your homework .

2)Get the garage to fix your car.

3)Have your daughter do your shopping for you.

4)Get advice about your career.

Q. Spot the mistakes and re-write the sentences correctly:

1. Get the children play outside the room.

2. Have your children to sleep early.

B)Use of ‘get’ to show change of state

‘Get’ is common used to replace the more formal ‘become.’

Example: He got wet when he went out in the boat.

C)Use of two comparatives

‫تستعمل صٌغتً المقارنة فً شطري الجملة لتوضٌح ان احد الحدٌثٌن ٌسبب االخر او مرتبط به‬

You use a comparative in each half of a sentence to show how one action causes the
other or is related to the other.

Examples: The deeper the water, the greater the pressure.

The further you go down, the more your ears hurt.

Note: These kinds of sentences are often different from simple comparative sentences
. For example, words omitted and word order change .In the first example, words are
omitted in fact, there is no active verb.

The deeper ( that ) the water ( becomes ), the greater ( that ) the pressure ( becomes ).

In the second example there are omitted words and a change in word order. Notice
also that the comparative words ‘further,’ ‘more’ have become nouns ‘the further,’
‘the more’: ( As ) you go down further, your ears hurt more.

Q. Write these sentences in another way.

1)If a fish gets hunger, it will be easier to catch.

2)If food gets cheaper, you can buy more.

3)If you read well, you will enjoy reading more.

4)If it gets colder , you will need warmer clothes.

Answers :

1) The hungrier a fish gets , the easier it is to catch.

2)The cheaper food gets , the more you can buy.

3)The better you can read , the more you will enjoy reading.

4)The colder it gets, the warmer the clothes you’ll need.

Q. Spot the mistakes and re-write the sentences correctly.

1. The more carbohydrates you eat , the fat you will become.

2. The colder it gets , the warm the clothes you’ll need.

D)Parts of speech ( nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs,prepositions)

It is important to identify what part of speech a word is in a sentence. This helps you
guess the meaning of the word if it is new.

Many words can be different parts of speech . Sometimes the meaning is related ,
sometimes it is completely different.

Examples: water noun = liquid

verb = give water to

up preposition = movement upwards

verb = raise

well noun = a hole which you can get water from

adjective = not ill

adverb = in a good way

Q. What part of speech are the underlined words? ( noun, verb, adjective, adverb ,

1. Sharp knives can cut you.

2. The cut on his arm was bleeding badly.
3. Ali decided to go for a ride on his bicycle.
4. The horse was too wild to ride.
5. You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink.
6. I’d like a soft drink, please.
7. I like chocolate and so does my brother.
He is like me in many ways.
8. Since he’s late , let’s start without him.
9. We have been waiting for him since 10 o’clock.
10.My sister is well and I am as well .
11.I left the town and turned left at the first junction.

Answers :

1. Verb
2. Noun
3. Noun
4. Verb
5. Verb
6. Noun
7. Verb adjective
8. Conjunction
9. Adverb
10.Adjective adverb
11.Verb adjective

Q. What part of speech are the underlined words?

( noun , verb , adjective , adverb )
1. We have a well in the garden.
2. Fatima writes well.
3. He wishes he could fly.
4. She had a wish to see him.

Unit 5
Word sets

A word set is a group of connected words. Table,sofa, chair , and armchair are all
pieces of furniture .Words connected with travelling by sea.

‫سارٌه‬ ‫ٌرفع الشراع‬ ‫تجذٌف‬ ‫سطح السفٌنه‬ ‫حجره مقصوره‬ ‫االفق‬

mast pulling up the sail rowing deck cabin horizon

‫ ٌصعد‬/ ‫ٌتسلق‬ ‫مقدمه السفٌنه‬ ‫مجذاف‬ ‫منظار‬ ‫قارب صٌد‬

climbing abroad bow oar telescope fishing boat

‫ناقلة بترول‬ ‫مؤخرة السفٌنة‬ ‫شبكه‬

tanker stern net

Language review 9

Modal verbs -1

Modal verbs are not used on their own . They are used with other verbs to express
different meanings.

 Degrees of possibility

You are not certain.

Example: it may (not )/might (not )/could be a toothbrush.

You are certain.

Examples : (Positive) it must be a toothbrush.

(Negative)it can’t be a toothbrush.

Note : Must not (mustn’t)can only be used when you want to tell somebody that
they are not allowed to do something .

Examples : You must not look at your books during an exam.

 Ability

Can/cannot refers to the present

Could (not) is used

- To refer to the past

- After wish
We use the past for a present situation after ‘wish’. We use ‘wish ‘ to say that
we regret something , that something is not as we would like it to be:
I wish I knew Sue’s telephone number. ( I don’t know it . )
Do you ever wish you could fly? ( You can’t fly. )
I wish it didn’t rain so much in England. ( It rains a lot. )

It’s crowded here . I wish there weren’t so many people. (There are a lot of
people .)
I wish I didn’t have to work. ( I have to work. )
- In conditional sentences

Example :I can/cannot swim.

I could (not)swim when I was six.

I wish I could swim.

If I lived near the sea, I could learn to swim.

Note : you can use be able to instead of can.

Examples: I am able to swim.

I wish I was able to swim.

Q. Re-write the underlined sentences using suitable modal verbs :

1)I am absolutely certain that you are Khaled’s brother.He has told us so much about

2)If I lived in the town, I would be able to visit my friends more often.

3)It is possible that I am wrong. I’m not sure.

4)It is impossible that it is so late.We ‘ve only just started.

5)I do not have the ability to see without glasses.

6)You are not allowed to speak in a public library.

7)Yesterday was Monday , so I’m sure that today is Tuesday.

8)I wish that I had the ability to fly like a bird.

9)It is possible that it will rain tomorrow. I’m not sure.

10)It is absolutely impossible that you are Khaled’s brother.You’ re nothing like him.

1)You must be Khalid's brother.

2)I could visit my friends more often.

3)I might / may / could be wrong.

4)It can’t be so late.

5)I cannot see without glasses.

6)You must not speak in a public library.

7)Yesterday was Monday , so today must be Tuesday.

8)I wish I could fly like a bird.

9)It might / may / could rain tomorrow. I can’t be sure.

10)You can’t be Khalid's brother.


Q. Spot the mistakes and re-write the sentences correctly :

1. He can be a fire fighter . I ‘m absolutely sure.

2. It might be a book . It’s obvious.

3.She wishes she is able to drive a car.

4. I wish I can speak English.

5. I wish I can cook like my mother.

Q. Choose the correct answer:

It has feathers . It …….. be a bird. ( must / can’t / might )

Language review 10

1.Modal verbs – 2

There are different ways of talking about how something happened in the past .

. Suggesting a possible explanation – may/ might/ could + have + past participle

. Deciding on an explanation – must + have + past participle

. Not accepting the suggestion or decision – cannot/ could not + have + past participle

. Giving reasons for ( not ) accepting a suggestion or decision – because

Examples: The sailors may/ might/ could have mutinied.

The sailors must have mutinied.

The sailors cannot/ could not have mutinied.

The sailors of the Mary Celeste may ( not ) have mutinied


Captain Morehouse found a sword stained with blood.

Q. Use a modal verb to complete these sentences:

1)It …………......rained last night .The roads are wet.

2)I ………………..passed the exam.I don’t know yet.

3)I …………………put enough salt in this soup .It’s tasteless.

4)The crew ………………been eaten by a monster because there is no sign of panic.

5)The earthquake …………………...been very strong because nearly all the buildings

6)Pirates ………………..attacked the ship. It’s difficult to say.

Answers :

1) must have 2) might have 3) can’t have

4) Can’t have 5) must have 6) might have

2.Verb + object + infinitive with to

This is a very common sentence pattern, used with many verbs.

order, ask, want, tell, request, beg, would like + to + infinitive

Examples: He ordered his crew to put up signal flags.

The teacher wants us to work harder.
I would like you to come home early.
My mother asked me to help her.

Q. Report what these people say using the verb in brackets :

Example: ‘Left turn’ the officer said to his men. (order)

The officer ordered his men to turn left.

1)’Help me with the washing up’, my mother asked. (ask)

2)’Learn ten new words for a test,’ said our teacher. (want)

3)’Row faster,’ Captain Morehouse ordered his crew. (order)

4)’Please bring a glass of water,’ I said to the waiter. (ask)


1)My mother asked me to help her with the washing up.

2)Our teacher wanted us to learn ten new words for a test.

3)Captain Morehouse ordered his crew to row faster.

4)I asked the waiter to bring me a glass of water.

3.Reflexive pronouns

The reflexive pronouns is used when the subject of a verb is also the object (i.e. the
subject and object are the same).

Singular Plural

myself ourselves

yourself yourselves

himself themselves



Example: The passengers decided to drown themselves.

Q. Use the correct reflexive pronouns:

1)There is no need to help .We can take care of ……………………

2)Come in , please, and sit down . You are both most welcome . Make …………………… at

3)My sister hurt ……………….. playing volleyball yesterday.

4)You never listen to me . I may as well talk to ………………………

5)All the passengers on the ship decided to throw ……………………….. into the sea.

6)Ahmed! What have you been doing ? Go and wash………………………

Answers :

1)ourselves 2) yourselves 3) herself 4) myself

5) themselves 6) yourself

Q. Put the following words into sets:

(wheel-driver/ accelerator /airport/ democracy/ desertification/ erosion/ forestation/

helicopter/hill/ignition key/monarchy /parliament /petrol /plain / plane /president
/republic /steering-wheel / to land / to take off)

Cars Politics Flying Environment

wheel driver democracy airport desertification
accelerator monarchy helicopter erosion
ignition key parliament plane forestation
petrol president to land hill
steering-wheel republic to take off plain

Conditional sentences

Type 1 If+present tense will/ shall + infinitive

Type 2 If + past tense would/ should + infinitive


1) If he comes late , he will be punished.

2) If she worked hard, she would pass the exam.

Q. Complete these sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets:

1) If there ( be ) …………………. no more rain in Yemen , many people(die)……………. of

thirst .

2)If all the planes ( stop )……………… flying , hotels ( have )…………………. fewer

3)If all the plants ( stop ) ……………… growing , birds ( make ) ……………… their nests on
the ground.
4)If there ( be ) ………………….. no more electricity , we ( have to ) …………………. to use oil


1) was would die 2) stopped would have

3) stopped would make 4) was would have


Q. Put the verb in brackets in the correct form:

1. If all people ………………. (respect ) the law, our life would be better.
2. If I had much money , I (buy ) a new car.
3. If I paid the bill, I………….. ( not get ) in a trouble.

Q. Spot the mistake:

If I had time, I will watch the film.

Unit 6
A)Q.Match words from the two boxes to form names of public service jobs.You can
use some words more than once.

general heart immigration officer practitioner surgeon

planning police safety social teacher worker


‫طبٌب ممارس‬ ‫جراح قلب‬ ‫موظف الهجرة‬

1)general practitioner 2)heart surgeon 3)immigration officer

‫موظف تخطٌط‬ ‫ضابط شرطه‬ ‫موظف االمن‬

4)planning officer 5)police officer 6)safety officer

ً‫موظف اجتماع‬ ‫مدرس رٌاضه‬

7)social worker 8)sports teacher

B)There are many other pairs of words that often go together. Match these words .

business car casualty city centre crash details education

emergency examination fire engine rider room services
health motorbike newspaper stories unit
personal public

‫مركز تجاري‬ ‫اصطدام سٌاره‬ ‫قسم الطوارئ‬

1)business centre 2)car crash 3)casualty unit

‫مركز المدٌنه‬ ‫خدمات الطورئ‬ ‫غرفة الفحص‬

4)city centre 5)emergency services 6)examination room

‫سٌارة اطفاء‬ ‫خدمات صحٌه‬ ‫راكب دراجه‬

7)fire engine 8)health services 9)motorbike rider

‫قصص الجرائد‬ ‫تفاصٌل شخصٌة‬ ‫خدمات عامة‬

10)newspaper stories 11)personal details 12)public services

Q. Read the definitions .Add words from activities A and B.

1)A person who makes sure that factories and other places of work are not dangerous.

2)Information about a person such as name, age and address.

3)A private place where a doctor can check a patient.

4)A person who helps other people learn to play games such as football.

Answers: 1)safety officer 2)personal details 3)examination room

4)sport teacher

-An ambulance is a car used in hospitals to carry people with bad injuries.

-A casualty unit is a place where bad injuries are treated.


A) Animals:
1. A liger is an animal which is a cross between a lion and a tiger.

2.Rama (the cama) is an animal which is a cross between a male camel and a
female IIama.

3. A mule is an animal which is a cross between a male donkey and a female horse.

B) Some parts of the countryside:

4. A coastline is a line which is between the beach and the sea.

5. A valley is a flat land where many trees and plants are grown.You will find a valley
between two hills.

6. A farmland is a land where many vegetables and plants are grown.

7. A desert is a dry land where there are no trees and there is no water.

8. A peak is the top part of a mountain.

9. A mountain is bigger than a hill.

10. A stream is smaller than a river.

C) Clues of working out the meaning of new words:

11. Synonyms are words with the same meaning .

12.Antonyms are words with the opposite meaning.

13. A prefix is a group of letters that comes before the stem.

14.A suffix is a group of letters that is added to the end of a word and changes it to
different parts of speech.

D) Natural disasters:

15. A disaster is an event that causes great damage.

16. A forest is a very large wood.

17. A forest fire is very difficult to control because it spreads so quickly.

18.A drought is a water shortage after a long period with no rain .

19. A flood is deep water over normally dry land.

2o. A flash flood is very quick deep water in a wadi in the mountains.

21. An epidemic is an illness that spreads quickly and affects many people.

22. A volcano is a mountain with a hole in the top.

23. A volcanic eruption is a process when the molten rock bursts out suddenly through
the top of the volcano.

24. A famine is a shortage of food which leads to death because of hunger.

25.A hurricane is a powerful storm with strong winds.

26. The earth’s crust is the hard rock surface of the earth.

27. A fault line is a place where two plates meet.

28. An earthquake is a natural disaster that causes the earth to move and shake.

29. Plates are sectors into which the earth’s crust is divided.

30. Richter Scale is an instrument which is used for measuring the strength of an
earthquake . It is invented by Richter , an American scientist.

31. A word set is a group of connected words.

Kayak is a kind of boat . Igloo is a house made of snow.

Science reader ً‫خاص بالقسم العلم‬

1.An acid comes from a Latin word that means sour.

2.A base is a substance that reacts with acids to produce salts.

3.Alkalis are bases that dissolve in water.

4. Litmus is a green vegetable dye that is used to test the acidity of solutions. It
turns red when put in an acid solution. It turns blue when put in alkaline solution.

5. The pH scale( indicator/metre) is an instrument that measures the strength of alkali

or an acid and the concentration of hydrogen ions on a scale of 0 to 14.

6. Acid rain is a reaction between the released gases of burning oil , coal and car
engines and water in the atmosphere to produce rain that contains acid.

7. A matter is any material in the universe and used to describe what things are made
of .Matter is made up of particles. It comes in three states: solid, liquid and gas.
Solids have a fixed shape that cannot easily be changed. Liquids have no fixed shape
and can only be picked up in a container. Gases are even less easy to hold .They have
to be kept in closed containers or they will escape into the air and spread very quickly.

8.Light is a form of energy. It is a combination of a stream particles and waves.

9. A refraction is a bending of light waves when they pass from one transparent
medium to another

10. A reflection is an activity of seeing something when an object emits light , and
reflects it or changes light passing through it like a mirror.

11. Lenses are specially-shaped pieces of glasses that refract light exactly.

12. A convex lens is thicker in the middle than at the edges and can make objects look

13. A concave lens is thinner in the middle than at the edges and makes objects look

14. Sound is created by something vibrating .

15. Hertz ( Hz) is the number of waves per second. Frequencies are measured in hertz.

16. Ultrasonic sound ( beyond sound) means the frequencies higher than those that
can be heard by people. In industry , it can be used to find invisible flaws in solid

17. Decibel ( dB ) is a unit used for measuring the volume of sound. Sounds of more
than 120 dB cause pain and lead to deafness.

Arab scientists ‫العلماء العرب‬

18. Ibn Al-Nafis was a physician famous for discovering the blood’s circulation system.
He was born in Damascus in 607 and educated at the Medical College, Damascus. He
made many important contributions to medical knowledge at that time. For example,
he was the first person to explain how the lungs work.

19. Al-Khawarizmi was a great mathematician, geographer and astronomer. He died
in 850 . He invented the zero , negative numbers , the decimal system and algebra. The
term algorithm ( used in computer programs and software ) is named after a variation
of his name , Al-Gorithmi.

20. Jabir Ibn Hayyan ( 721 – 776 ) was a pharmacist and a chemist who spent most of
his life in Damascus. He is known as the father of molecular chemistry. He invented
the a scale capable of weighing objects as light as 0.1587 of a gram. He also developed
anti-rust coating and fluorescent ink.

21. Ibn Sinna was born in 980 near Bukhara ( Iran ) . He taught himself logic ,
mathematics , science, philosophy and medicine. He wrote the ‘Book of Healing’ and
the ‘Canon of Medicine’.

22. Ibn Al-Haytham ( died 1039 ). He greatly influenced later scientists like Sir Isaac
Newton. He proved that when we look at an object , the image occurs in the brain ,
not in eyes .He showed that the brain is able to compare the new image with those
stored in its memory. He realized this was the key to understanding vision.


Q. Choose the suitable words to complete this paragraph:

( things / proved / stored / brain / able )

Ibn Al-Haytham …1… that when we look at an object , the image occurs in the ….2…

not in the eyes . His research led him to think about how we recognize ….3….. Al-
Haytham showed that the brain is ….4….. to compare the new image with those
…..5….. in its memory. He realized this was the key to understanding vision.

Q. Use these information to write a short paragraph:

Name: Ibn Al-Haytham.

Birth: We don’t know.

Date of birth : 1039.

Area of study : Physics.

Achievement : How vision works.


23. Vaccination is giving a very weak form of a disease to prevent a disease.

24. Dr. Edward Jenner used the first vaccine against smallpox to immunize a patient on
May 14th,1796. His work with a cowpox vaccine was the first scientific attempt to
control a disease by immunization.

25. Dr Louis Pasteur is a French chemist . He developed Jenner’s work and showed that
diseases are spread by germs. He also proved that vaccination using a very weak form
of the disease could lead to immunity.Pasteur’s breakthrough came in 1885 when he
treated a boy who had been bitten by a rabid dog.

26. AIDS is one of the most feared diseases in history.

27.Smallpox is a disease that is found in humans.

28.Cowpox is a disease that is found in cattle.

29. The Moon is the only natural satellite of the Earth.

30. Eclipse is disappearing of the sun during daylight.

31. A solar eclipse is an event happens when the Moon passes between the Earth and
the Sun, casting a shadow on the Earth and hiding all or part of the Sun from view.

32. A lunar eclipse is an event happens when the Earth moves between the Sun and
the Moon, casting its shadow on the Moon.

33. Radioactivity a word that describes the changes that take place in the nucleus , or
centre,of certain materials.

34.A nuclear reactor is a machine that is used to generate electricity.

35.Nuclear fission is a radioactive process by which electricity is generated.

Q. Read ‘Definitions’ .Complete these statements.

1) Acids taste ………………… 2)Acids corrode ……………………………. 3)Acid + base=

……………….. 4)Alkalis are bases that …………………………………. 5)Alkali means
………………………………… 6) Acids neutralize ……………7)Alkalis neutralize …………………


1) sharp or sour 2) metals and rocks. 3) salt.

4) dissolve in water. 5)’the ashes of a plant’ . 6)alkalis 7) acids


Q. Complete the paragraph , using the given words:

( corrode , red , sharp , alkalis , ashes , litmus )

Acids have …………. or sour taste . They ……….. or eat away at metals and rocks. Acids
turn the ……………. paper into ……………… and they can be neutralized by…………………

Q. Name each state of matter from the definition:

1) The particles are moving about quickly . ………………….

2)The particles are hardly moving. …………………….

3)The particles have room to change places. …………………..

4)The particles are close together. ……………………

5)The particles can fill any space. …………………..


1)gas 2) solid 3)liquid 4) solid 5) gas

Q. Complete the table of subjects and professions:

Subject Profession
1)mathematics …………………
2)…………………. geographer
3)astronomy ……………….
4)chemistry ………………
5)science ………………..
6)……………… philosopher
7)…………….. physician


1) mathematician 2)geography 3) astronomer 4)chemist

5)scientist 6)philosophy 7) medicine

Arts reader ً‫خاص بالقسم االدب‬

1. An idiom is a general meaning of such words which is different from the

meanings of the word used.
2. A proverb is a sentence that expresses a truth or a moral lesson.
3. Shakespeare is an English poet and a dramatist.
4. Calligraphy a word comes from Greek language and means ‘beautiful writing’
5. The Bermuda Triangle is a name given to an area of the Atlantic Ocean
between the islands of Bermuda and Puerto Rico and the coast of the state of
Florida in theU.S.A.

6.Tutakhamum was the king , or pharaoh, of Egypt over 3,500 years ago.

Q. Complete the conversation:

A: Officer can you ……..1………. me, please? I’ve ………2………. my car.

B: What colour is ……….3…………. car?

A: It ……..4……… dark blue.

B: Don’t ………..5……… We’ll find it.


1) help 2) lost 3) your 4) is 5) worry

Q. Complete the following dialogue :

A): ...1… you drive?

B): …2… , I can.

A): …3… taught you?

B):My father.

A): …4… long have you been driving?

B): Two years.

A): What kind is your …5…?

B): It’s a Toyota.


1) Can 2) Yes 3) Who 4) How 5) car

Q. Complete the dialogue:

A: …1… you ever …2… in Dubai?

B: Yes, I …3…

A: When …4… you go there?

B: I …5… there last year.

Answers: 1) Have 2) been 3) have 4) did 5) went

Exercise :
Q. Complete the dialogue:

A: How can I …1… you?

B: I don’t …2… what to do after I leave school.

A: What does your …3… do?

B: My father is a doctor.

A: …4… about your mother?

B: She is a teacher.

A: Why not …5… to be a teacher.

B: That’s a good idea.


Unit( 1 )
1) Not being at work --------------------------------------------------- holiday

2) A road near the sea ----------------------------------------------- coast road

3) Eating grass ------------------------------------------------------ grazing

4) A machine used by a farmer ----------------------------------------- tractor

5) Turning over the soil -------------------------------------------- ploughing

6) Most important or biggest -------------------------------------- main

7) The highest part of a mountain ------------------------------------ peak

8) See with difficulty -------------------------------------------------------- make out

9) What do you have at a window to stop people looking in? - curtains

10)What is a wall of mist? ------------- A thick sheet of mist that looks like a wall.

11) Chewing the cud ----------------- chewing food that was eaten before.

12)Suckle ---------------------------------- feed from the mother.

13) Cackling -------------------------------- making a noise.

14) A chicken’s claw is on its -------------- feet.

15) A chicken’s beak is its -------------- mouth.

Unit ( 2 )
16) Fall down collapse.

17)Start working come into operation/start operation.

18) The early part of a person’s life childhood.

19) Commence start.

2o) Get back to normal health recover.

21) Uncommon rare.

22) Watch carefully observe.

23) Nightmare a frightening dream.

24) Awful very bad.

25) Calm down stop being excited.

26) Brilliant very good.

27) Lost my hold on could no longer hold.

28) Since anybody can remember in living memory.

29) Having nowhere to live homeless.

30) Tore pulled.

31) Plantations land planted with trees or

a crop.

32) Flattened blown down to the ground.

33) Landslide earth slipping down a mountain.

34) Swept moved quickly.

35) ‘People could at least see how much had been destroyed’ ? the full extent of

the damage became clear.

36) Finding the size of something measuring.

37) System of units for describing the size of something scale.

38) Take responsibility for take charge of.

39) Trying to do something effort.

40) Doing something without tools or equipment with (their) bare hands

41) Every fifth one in five.

Unit ( 3 )
42) Unfilled jobs vacancies.

43) Managed run.

44) Amount of money as pay salary.

45) Saying you can have offering.

46) Ready, prepared willing.

47) Something that puts you ahead of other people advantage.

48) Things that show you have had the right training qualifications.

49) What you have to do duties.

50) Doing and finding out about something experience.

51) Organization and office work administration.

52) The world around us environment.

53) Knowing about knowledge.

54) Disabled people handicapped.

55) Written permission to drive driving licence.

56) Help given to an injured person before the doctor comes first-aid.

57) The science of selling marketing.

58) To be liked by other people get on well with/ popular.

59) Works well, without wasting time or energy efficient.

60) Very, very good excellent.

61) Spare-time interests hobbies.

62) To organize and perform a play to put on.

63) To be successful in a test to pass.

64) Somebody in their last year at school school-leaver.

65) Somebody who gives advice advisor.

66) I don’t know I’ve no idea.

67) Very bad hopeless.

68) In the time just before now recently.

69) That’s all that I can think of that’s it.

70) In your position ( two phrases ) If I were you…/ If I were in your shoes

71) To refuse turn down.

72) Design ( of a text ) layout.

73) Business- like , not friendly formal.

74) The name of the first words used when meeting or writing to someone greeting.

75) A way of talking politely to a man sir.

76) A way of talking politely to a woman madam.

77) One phrase to end a letter yours faithfully

Unit( 4)
78) A letter in which a person asks for a job application letter.

79) Simmer boil gently.

80) Harvest take from the trees.

81)Soak put in liquid for a long period of time

82) Place put.

83) Belt long thin strip of rubber.

84) Remove take out.

85) Pack put in tightly.

86) Jars small glass bottles.

Unit ( 5)
87) Look very carefully at have a good look at.

88) Stay remain.

89) Hit with your foot kick.

90) Puzzle riddle.

91) Walk with slow, regular steps pace.

92) Talk in a friendly way about non- important things chat.

93) Journey at the sea voyage.

94) Something impossible to explain mystery.

95) How clearly things can be seen visibility.

96) Away from each other apart.

97) Saw sighted.

98) See something make out.

99) Without people deserted.

100) He felt very frightened his blood ran cold.

101) Sudden fear panic.

102) Coloured stained.

103) Sailors refused to obey their captain’s orders mutinied.

104) Sailing uncontrolled drifting.

Unit ( 6)
105) Moving very quickly up and down, or from side to side bouncing.

106) Not thinking or moving , often after an injury unconscious.

107) Hurt by bees stung.

108) Part of the body just above the hand wrist.

109) Beating of blood pulse.

110) Making a deep sound because of pain groan.

111) Drove very fast raced.

112) Journey trip.

113) Discovered found out.

114) Caring kind.

115) Stop prevent.

Science readerً‫خاص بالقسم العلم‬

1) Corrode eat away.
2) The different shapes of the Moon phases.
3) The area where planets are space.
4) Of the Moon lunar.
5) Of the Sun solar.
6) Can be seen visible.
7) First, at the beginning original.
8) Not complete partial.
9) Complete total.
10) Cannot be seen hidden.

Arts readerً‫خاص بالقسم االدب‬

1) Fit and good at sport athletic.
2) Changing one organ in the body for another transplant.
3) Danger risk.
4) However, despite this nevertheless.
5) Stop doing something, resist hold back.
6) Killing another person for money or anger murder.
7) Hurting someone because they have hurt you revenge.
8) Dies from water drowns.
9) Thinks / says that someone else did something wrong blames.

10) Something for people to see exhibition.
11) Does with difficulty manages.
12) Takes the other person’s and gives his own exchanges.
13) Pushes a knife or sword into someone stabs.
14) Small pieces of coal and coal dust slag.
15) A pile heap.
16) First primary.
17) Moved across the top of slid.


Word Opposite
1 left right
2 town countryside.
3 well dressed scruffy.
4 sell buy.
5 taken from sent to.
6 a few many.
7 more and more less and less.
8 slowly quickly.
9 departure from arrival at.
10 freezing boiling.
11 fresh water salt water / brine.
12 past future.
13 rude polite.
14 worse better.

15 modern traditional
16 hidden visible.


Q. Choose the best meaning :

1. Without people. ( deserted , enjoyed , interested )

2. Small glass bottles . ( dishes , jars , cups )

3. Hit with foot . ( jump , run , kick )

4. Stop . ( continue , begin , prevent )

5. To turn down . ( to refuse , to agree , to permit )

Derived Nouns


add addition decorate decoration
prepare preparation connect connection
complete completion realize realization
define definition discuss discussion
explore exploration vaccinate Vaccination / vaccine
ignite ignition express expression
collect collection compress compression
generate generation transmit transmission
classify classification explode explosion
organize organization decide decision
rotate rotation discover discovery
apply application facilitate facility
introduce introduction electrify electricity
explain explanation save safety
describe description immunize Immunization / immunity
reflect reflection greet greeting
observe observation meet meeting
react reaction write writing
infect infection offer offering
investigate investigation mean meaning
operate operation wed wedding
suggest suggestion analyse analysis
educate education diagnose diagnosis
direct direction invite invitation
invent invention combine combination
imagine imagination
govern government amaze amazement
entertain entertainment judge judgement
advertise advertisement improve improvement
require requirement pay payment
measure measurement develop development
treat treatment enjoy enjoyment
move movement agree agreement
weigh weight die death
advise advice serve service
appear appearance arrive arrival
marry marriage know knowledge
drive driver plant plant
build builder respect respect
write writer water water

paint painter poison poison

experiment experiment search search

survive survival

happiness happy thirst thirsty
sadness sad hunger hungry
kindness kind hill hilly
blindness blind sun sunny
business busy wind windy
politeness polite rain rainy
friendliness friendly mist misty
sickness sick rock rocky
usefulness useful mud muddy
darkness dark youth young
conscientiousness conscientious sorrow sorry
consciousness conscious health healthy
carelessness careless luck lucky
hopelessness hopeless shade shady
necessity necessary dirt dirty
responsibility responsible value valuable
possibility possible desire desirable
radioactivity radioactive ability able
safety safe Greece Greek
difficulty difficult Rome Roman
society social Lebanon Lebanese
efficiency efficient point pointed
silence silent angle angular
patience patient north northern
confidence confident east eastern
diligence diligent south southern
difference different west western

consequence consequent height high
independence independent length long
importance important width wide
centre central depth deep
origin original strength strong
electricity electrical age old
addition additional truth true
personality personal energy energic
education educational gold golden
tradition traditional wool woollen
nature natural wood wooden
culture cultural crowd crowded
care careful Islam Islamic
success successful spices spicy
power powerful adventure adventurous
beauty beautiful variety various
fame famous religion religious
mountain mountainous combustion combustible
computer literacy computer literate pepper peppery

Q. Complete the tables below:

Verb Noun Noun Adjective

add ………. care …………….
experiment ………… ……… necessary
……………. greeting width ………..

Grammar Section ‫قسم القواعد‬

Comparison of adjectives

An adjective can exist in three forms: positive, comparative and superlative.

The positive form is the base form of the adjective. It denotes existence of a quality.

The comparative form expresses a higher degree of some quality.

The superlative form expresses the highest degree.

Positive Comparative Superlative

tall taller than the tallest
short shorter than the shortest
cold colder than the coldest
thin thinner than the thinnest
hot hotter than the hottest
big bigger than the biggest
happy happier than the happiest
lazy lazier than the laziest
easy easier than the easiest
large larger than the largest
nice nicer than the nicest
white whiter than the whitest
beautiful more beautiful than the most beautiful
dangerous more dangerous than the most dangerous
expensive more expensive than the most expensive

Rules for adding ‘er / est’ or ‘more / most’

1) Add ‘er / est’ to these:

One-syllable adjectives e.g. cold, colder, coldest

Two –syllable adjectives ( a) that end in ‘y’ change the ‘y’ to an ‘I’ and add ‘er /
est’e.g. ugly, uglier, ugliest

( b) with stress on the first syllable e.g. clever, cleverer, cleverest

If a one-syllable adjective ends with one vowel letter followed by one consonant,
you double the consonant letter when adding ‘er’ or ‘est’ e.g. hot, hotter, hottest
Single syllabic words ending with an ‘e’- only add ‘r / st’ e.g. fine, finer, finest

2) Add ‘more / most’ to these:

Two-syllable adjectives that end in
full e.g. careful, more careful, most careful
less e.g. careless
ing e.g. boring
ous e.g. famous

adjectives with more than two syllables e.g. dangerous

Irregular adjectives

Positive Comparative Superlative

good better than the best
bad worse than the worst
far farther } than the farthest
further } the furthest
much } more } than the most
many }
little less than the least


1) Ali is a tall man.

2) Aden is hotter than Taiz.
3) Everest is the highest mountain in the world.


We use a positive statement with as to say that things are equal . We use a negative
statement to show that things are not equal.


not as…………as


1) I am as heavy as you.
2) My car is not as fast as yours.

a)When we want to describe how something or someone changes, we can use two
comparatives with ‘and’ .


1) Everything is getting ‘more and more’ expensive.

2) The ulcer got ‘bigger and bigger’ .

b) We often use ‘the’ with comparative adjectives to show that one thing
depends on another.
1) When you work hard it is more rewarding ( The harder you work, the more
rewarding it is.)
2) When they climbed higher it got colder ( The higher they climbed , the
colder it got.)

When we compare one thing with itself , we do not use ‘the’ .

1) England is coldest in winter. ( Not the coldest because here , England is
being compared to itself)
2) Aisha is happiest when she has a holiday.
The simple present
You make the simple present by using the verb in its basic form.You add –‘s’ to the
verb in the third person singular ( i.e., he, she, it ).

If the verb ends in – ‘s’ , - ‘z’ , - ‘ch’ , - ‘sh’ ,- ‘x’ or if it ends in – ‘o’ preceded by a
consonant, add –‘es’ to the verb in the third person singular.

guess guesses
watch watches
push pushes
go goes
mix mixes

If the verb ends in –‘y’ preceded by a consonant , drop the –‘y’ and add ‘ies’ to the verb
in the third person singular.

study studies

carry carries

The simple present tense is generally used: To express about general facts and habits.

e.g., The earth revolves around the sun.

Wood floats on water.

We sometimes play chess.

To express actions which happen repeatedly or regularly at a particular time, often

with adverbs of frequency such as , ‘often’ , ‘always’ , ‘sometimes,’ ‘usually,’ ‘never’
and time expressions such as, ‘every day’, ‘on Tuesday’ , etc.

1) He sometimes eats outside the house.

2) They go to Sana’a every week.

The Present continuous :

You make the Present continuous ( progressive ) by using a form of the verb ‘be’ in the
present tense , followed by the ‘present participle ‘ of the main verb.

Subject Verb to ‘be’ The present participle

I am ( verb + ing )
He, she, it is watching TV.
We, you, they are

The ways of forming the ‘present participle’.

(i) The regular way of forming the present participle of the verb is to add ‘ing’ to
the verb.
work working read reading
(ii) For verbs ending in a single –‘e’ , drop the –‘e’ and add –‘ing’ to the verb.
write writing move moving
(iii) For verbs ending in a single consonant preceded by a single vowel preceded
by a consonant and consisting of one or two syllables, double the final
consonant and add –‘ing’.
plan planning stop stopping
(iv) If the final syllable is not stressed , we do not double the final consonant:
visit visiting develop developing
listen listening remember remembering

Exceptions: In British English verbs ending in –l have –ll- before -ing (

whether the final syllable is stressed or not ).

travel travelling cancel cancelling

(v) We do not double the final consonant if the word ends in two consonant( -rt,
-rn, etc.): start starting turn turning
(vi) We do not double the final consonant if there are two vowel letters before it.

boil boiling explain explaining

Note: we do not double y or w at the end of words. (At the end of words y
and w are not consonants; they are part of the vowel sound.):

stay staying grow growing

The present continuous tense is generally used to express things which are happening
at the time of speaking or writing , often with words and phrases such as,’now,’ ‘at
this moment,’ ‘look !’, ‘listen !’ etc.

1) He is doing his homework now.
2) Look! the children are playing in the street.

Verbs that cannot be used in the continuous :

1) Verbs of perception: see, hear, smell, notice, recognize.

2) Verbs of appearing: appear, look, seem.
3) Verbs of emotion: want, wish, desire, feel, like, hope, love, hate, refuse,
4) Verbs of thinking: think, suppose, believe, consider, trust, remember, forget,
agree, know, understand, imagine, mean, mind.
5) Have ( means to possess), own, possess, belong to , contain, consist of, be(
except when used in the passive).
Look at these sentences:
a) I know the answer. NOT I am knowing the answer.
b) She understands me. NOT She is understanding me.
c) I agree with you . NOT I am agreeing with you.

The Past continuous

You make the past continuous ( progressive) by using ‘was’ or ‘were’ followed by the
‘present participle ‘ of the main verb .

He was


It verb + ing


You were



1) She was drawing a picture.

2) They were playing tennis.

The past continuous is used to talk about something which continued to happen when
another thing happened in the past, often with the words ‘as’ , ‘while’ and ‘when’.


While ( past continuous ), (simple past)

When (simple past ) , ( past continuous )


- While
- As I was watching TV the bell rang.

- When the bell rang I was watching TV.

The simple future

You make the simple future by using ‘will’ or ‘shall’ ,followed by a verb in its basic

We shall / will + infinitive



He will + infinitive



The simple future is generally used to talk about actions which will happen in the
future, often with words or phrases such as ‘tomorrow’ , ‘next week’ etc.

1. She will come here tomorrow.
2. He will have a party next month.

The Past perfect

You make the past perfect by using ‘had’ followed by the past participle of the main



You + had + V3




The Past perfect expresses about past time that precedes another time .It is used to
talk about a past action which took a place before another past action , often with
words ‘after’ and ‘before’.

After + Past perfect, simple past.

Before + simple past, Past perfect.


1. After he had sold his house, he bought a car.

2. Before he bought a car , he had sold his house.
3. After she completed her shopping, she went home.
4. Before he arrived, I had left the house.
5. Noha went to work after she had fed the cat.

Q. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form:

1. After she ……( complete ) her shopping, she went home.

2. I slept after I ( watch )……… the film.

Interrogative statements
Interrogative sentences or questions are of two types:

( I ) ‘Yes -/ No – questions’:

Questions that give the answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. These questions begin with the verb to
be, an auxiliary verb or a modal .

( a ) With verbs ‘be’, ‘can,’ ‘have’ got, put the correct part of ‘be,’ ‘have,’ ‘has,’ or ‘can’
at the beginning before the subject.


Statement Question

-Anwar is a teacher. –Is Anwar a teacher?

-I have got a pen. –Have you got a pen?

-She has cooked food. –Has she cooked food?

-They can swim. –Can they swim?

-He will study English. –Will he study English?

( b ) If the statement has no auxiliary verb or a modal verb ( i.e. a statement in simple
present or simple past tense ) you use the correct form of ‘do’ at the beginning and
change the main verb to its basic form.
Statement Question

-He works hard. –Does he work hard?

-I like swimming. –Do you like swimming?

-Mariam visited her parents. –Did Mariam visit her parents?

( II ) ‘Wh- questions’: Questions that give information.

These questions begin with a question word such as ‘what’, ‘where,’ ‘when,’ ‘why,’
‘who,’ ‘how,’ etc. These questions are made in two ways:

a)If the statement has an auxiliary verb or a modal verb, you use the correct question
word at the beginning and change the order of the subject and the auxiliary verb or the
modal verb .

Statement Question

-He is studying English. –What is he studying?

-She was born in1997. –When was she born?

-I am going to Aden. –Where are you going?

-They have worked hard to pass the exam. –Why have they worked hard?

-Amal is reading Arabic correctly. –How is Amal reading Arabic?

But be careful with ‘who’ / ‘what’ / ‘which’ questions. If ‘who’ / ‘what’ /’which’ is the
subject of the sentence, do not use do / does / did. Compare:

‘who’ is the object ‘who’ is the subject

Ali telephoned someone. Someone telephoned Ali.

object subject

Who did Ali telephone ? Who telephoned Ali ?

In these examples ‘who’/ ‘what’/ ‘which’ is the subject:

-Who wants something to eat? (not ‘who does want’)

-Who invented the steam engine? ( not ‘who did invent’ )

-What happened to you last night? (not ‘what did happen’ )

-Which switch operates this machine? ( not ‘which switch does operate’ )

b) If the statement has no auxiliary verb or a modal verb ( i.e., a statement in present
simple or past simple tense ), you use the question word at the beginning and the
correct form of ‘do’ before the subject and change the main verb to its basic form .

Statement Question

-I live in Taiz. –Where do you live?

-She visits her mother on Friday. –When does she visit her mother?

Q. Read these answers and write the questions:

1. ………………………………………

I live in a house behind the supermarket.


It’s got six rooms .

From my school? It’s about 200 metres.


After school yesterday? I went home and watched TV.


At seven o’clock yesterday evening? I was eating dinner.


At eleven o’clock tonight I will be in bed.


1. Where do you live?

2. How many rooms has it got?
3. How far is it from your school ?
4. What did you do after school yesterday ?
5. What were you doing at seven o’clock yesterday evening ?
6. Where will you be at eleven o’clock tonight ?

Q. Make questions for these sentences . Ask about the underlined words:

1) I get up at 7 o’clock .

2)Columbus discovered America.

3) No, liquids don’t have fixed shapes.

4)Ibn Hayyan is known as the father of molecular chemistry.

Prepositions At / on / in ( time )

a) At We use ‘at’ with times , at five o’clock , at midnight, at breakfast time

Examples: He gets up at six o’clock.

We also use ‘at’ in theses expressions:

at night I don’t like going out at night.

at the week-end / at week-ends - Will you be here at the week-end?

at Christmas / at Easter -We give each other presents at Christmas.

( public holiday periods )

at the moment / at present -He is busy at the moment / at present.

at the age of … -Fatima left school at the age of 17 / at 17.

at the same time - Ali and I arrived at the same time.

b) On We use on with dates and days: on 14 October , on Friday(s) , on

Christmas Day ( but ‘at Christmas’)

Examples: We don’t go to school on Fridays.

They got married on 12 March.

We also say: on Friday morning(s) , on Sunday afternoon(s) , on Wednesday

evening(s) , on Tuesday night(s) etc.

Ex. I usually go out on Wednesday evenings.

c) In We use in for longer periods of time (for example: months / years /


in May in 1979 in ( the) winter in the Middle Ages in the 20th



I was born in 1979.

My brother is coming in November.

We also say:

in the morning(s) / in the afternoon(s) / in the evening(s)

- I’ll see you in the morning.

In + a period of time = a time in the future:

- The train will be leaving in a few minutes. (= a few minutes from now)
- Tom’s gone away. He ‘ll be back in a week. (= a week from now)
- They are getting married in six months. (= six months from now)

You can also say ‘in six months’ time,’ ‘in a week ‘s time’ etc. :
-They are getting married in six months’ time.

We also use in to say how long it takes to do something:

- He learnt to drive in four weeks. ( = it took me four weeks to learn)

Note: We don’t use at / on / in before ‘this,’ every,’ ‘next,’and ‘last’.

-I’ll call you this evening. ( Not in this evening)

-He went to Cairo last May.

-She is coming back next Tuesday.

_I go home every Eid-Fitr.

Q. Put in the correct prepositions: at , on or in.

1. The shop closes ……… midnight.

2. We wear thick clothes …………. winter.

3. We drink a lot of water ………….. summer.

4. He always goes to the mosque……… Fridays.

5. She meets me ……….. lunchtime every day.


Subject Object Possessive adjectives Possessive pronouns Reflexive pronouns

I me my mine myself
We us our ours ourselves
You you your yours {yourself }
They them their theirs themselves
He him his his himself
She her her hers herself
It it its its itself

Subject pronouns

Examples: I write the lesson.

They play football.

He and I are twins. That’s why we look so similar.

The person who performed the best was she.

Object pronouns


- He gave me a pen.
- She told us a story.

Possessive adjectives Possessive pronouns
This is my pen . This pen is mine.
This is her book. This book is hers.

Reflexive pronouns
We use a reflexive pronoun when the subject and object are the same.
Tom cut himself while he was shaving. ( not ‘Tom cut him’)
The party was great. We enjoyed ourselves very much.

But you do not use ‘myself’ etc. after bring/ take something with….:
-I went out and I took an umbrella with me. (not ‘with myself’)
.We do not use ‘myself’ etc. after feel/ relax / concentrate:
-I feel great after having a swim. ( not ‘I feel myself great’)
- You must try and concentrate.
-It’s good to relax.

We do not normally use ‘myself’ etc. after wash/ dress/ shave:

-I got up , shaved, washed and dressed. ( not ‘shaved myself’ etc.)

But we say : I dried myself.

Note how we use meet:
- What time shall we meet? ( not ‘meet ourselves / meet us’)


Q. Choose the best alternatives:

1. Children are advised to take care of ………………..( himself, herself, myself,
2. This pen is …………..( me , mine, my , her )
3. These books are mine, please put ……..on the table.(they, it, them, their)
4. My bicycle is broken. Can I use …………? (your / yours / my / their )
5. Fuad cut ……….. last night. (herself / ourselves / himself)

6. This is …………… book. ( hers / her / yours )
7. I bought this pen last week and now ………doesn’t work.(they/ she/ he/ it)
8. The money will be divided between you and ………… ( I / me)

Relative clauses with who/ that /whom/ which / where/ whose

A clause is a part of a sentence. A relative clause tells us which person or

thing( or what kind of person or thing) the speaker means:
The man who lives next door……( who lives next door tells us which man)
People who live in London…( who live in London tells us what kind of people)
We use ‘who’ in a relative clause when we are talking about people. We use
‘who’ instead of he / she / they:
we know a lot of people-they live in Egypt
We know a lot of people who live in Egypt.

When we are talking about things, we use ‘that’ ( not who) in a relative clause.

We use ‘that’ instead of it / they:

where are the eggs?-they were in the fridge

Where are the eggs that were in the fridge?

You can also use ‘which’ for things ( but not for people ):

Where were the eggs which were in the fridge?

‘Whom’ is possible instead of ‘who’ ( for people ) when it is the object of the verb in
the relative clause.

the man is my friend-you met him

The man whom you met is my friend.
You can also use ‘whom’ with a preposition ( to / from /with whom etc.)

The girl with whom he fell in love left him after a few weeks.( he fell in love with her)

But we do not often use ‘whom’. In spoken English we normally prefer ‘who’ or ‘that’(
or you leave them out):

The girl ( who / that ) he fell in love with……


You can use ‘where’ in a relative clause to take about places.

the hotel –we stayed there-wasn’t very clean

The hotel where we stayed wasn’t very clean.
-I recently went back to the town where I was born.(or ‘the town ( that ) I was born in’)

We use ‘that’ ( or leave it out) when we say the day /the year / the time ( etc.)that
something happened:

-Do you still remember the day ( that ) we first met?

-The last time ( that )I saw her, she looked very well.

-I haven’t seen them since the year ( that ) they got married.


We use ‘whose’ in relative clauses instead of his / her / their

we saw some people-their car had broken down

We saw some people whose car had broken down.

We use ‘whose’ mostly for people:

A widow is a woman whose husband is dead. ( her husband is dead )


Q. Choose the best alternative:

1. This is the teacher ………… teaches us English.( which/ where/ who )

2. I don’t like stories ……… have unhappy endings. (where / that / who )

2. Baking powder,… used in baking, is a common alkali.(which/ who/ whom )

3.An architect is someone ……….. designs buildings. (whose / who / which )

4. I would like to live in a country …..there is plenty of sunshine.(whom/ where/ who)

5. He bought a car………… colour is blue. (who / where / whose )


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