Values 7 - 8 Character Ethics vs. Personality Ethics

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Values 7/8.

What is Character Ethics vs. Personality

This method starts with examining and adjusting your character, your motives, and how
you see the world; only when you start from the foundation of your character and
your worldview can you make lasting behavioral changes.

This inside-out approach entails

 Making improvements to your character before your personality

 Focusing on principles before practices
 Adjusting your paradigms, or how you see the world, in order to change your
 Improving yourself (achieving so-called “private victories”) before you can build
better relationships with others (“public victories”)

Character Ethics focuses on foundational traits, including integrity, humility,

hard work, loyalty, self-control, courage, justice, patience, modesty, and
morality. These are basic principles that any person — in any culture or time period —
could agree are important.

Personality Ethics emphasizes skills and practices that affect your public image,
attitudes, and behaviors. This approach offers quick-fix solutions — how to be more
charming, have a more positive outlook, make people like you, and influence people to
do what you want. However, these solutions generally only work temporarily, while
the underlying problem remains and ultimately resurfaces.

Character Ethic addresses primary traits, while Personality Ethic encompasses

secondary traits, like communication skills, interpersonal strategies, and positive
thinking. These techniques are often essential for success, but they are flimsy and
ineffective if they’re not based in character that supports them; you must start with the

Working on personality improvements without first establishing the necessary character

traits would be like a farmer trying to fit all her work into one season. You can’t shortcut
the process, and can’t ignore the differences between Character Ethic vs. Personality
Ethic when you need both for self-improvement.
Difference Between Personality and Character
While personality shows what you are outside or what you are to the
world, character reveals what you are inside.

Comparison Chart

Meaning Personality refers to the range of A character refers to a set of morals

distinctive personal qualities and and beliefs that defines how we treat
traits of an individual. or behave with others and ourselves.

Represents Who we seem to be? Who we actually are?

Traits Personal and physical Mental and moral

Appearance Actual

What is it? It is the identity It is a learned behavior

Based on techniques Based on Principles

Nature Subjective Objective

Expression Outer appearance and behavior of Traits of a person that are abstract.
a person.

Change May change over time. Remains same.

Validation of Not required Required

Performance Task:

Draw your personality and character analysis using the iceberg illustration ( see Covey’s
iceberg). Write at least 5 traits each. Be creative and honest.

Submit today not later than 5PM to

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