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Final exam 2080

1:Read the following passage and do the activities.5
19th Sep, 2021
The Editor
The Rising Nepal
Kathmandu, Nepal
Subject: Air pollution – a concern.
Dear Sir/Madam
Through your esteemed daily newspaper, I’d like to highlight the problem
of air pollution in our city.
Among other environmental problems, we have a problem with air pollution
which is on the rise. Factories are the major source of air and water pollution.
Air pollution leads to suffocation, breathing problems and lung diseases
when our lungs are choked with polluted air. Factory owners should be
aware of this. They should take responsibility for the environment around
them. The thick smoke emitted by the factory chimneys is full of poisonous
gases. This mixes with pure air and causes pollution. There should be a
strict law to punish the owners of such factories if they do not take the
moral responsibility to keep the air clean.
Yours faithfully,
Nitin Rai
A:Write the correct word below.
Sender's address…………..
Name of the newspaper………………
Subject of the letter…………………
Sender's name……………………..
2: Read the following passage and write( T )for true sentence and( f) for false.5

The next day, Mithu took some of his father’s carpentry tools and a piece of
wood. He worked with the tools to make a wooden plate. His father saw him working.
“What are you making, Mithu?" he asked.“I am making a wooden plate!" replied Mithu.“A
wooden plate? What for?" asked his father.“I am making it for you, father. When you grow old,
like my grandfather, you will need a plate for food. A plate made from earth may break very
easily. Then I may scold you severely. So, I want to give you a wooden plate. It may not break so
easily.The carpenter was shocked to hear this. Only then, he realised his mistake.
When Velan was a small kid, Kuppan had reared him with much care and attention. With time,
he grew old. Velan remembered his joyous past and was now very sad about his own behaviour.
He, then became a different person. From that day, Velan treated his father with great respect.
He gave up drinking too. Velan learnt a lesson from his own son.
A:write( T )for true sentence and( f) for false

1:Mithu used his grandfather,s tools to make wodden plate.

II:Mithu was making the wooden plate for his grandfather.
III:Velan realized his mistake at first.
IV:Kuppan was Velan,s father.
V:Velan treated his father with respect.
3:Read the following passage and do the activities.10
Once, a fox was very hungry. He was roaming in search of food. He came to the fine yard. It was
full of grapes. These were hanging from the vines. Seeing the grapes the fox said to himself,
“how lucky I am. There are so many sweet grapes. I must have some of them to satisfy my
hunger.” Saying this he jumped again and again, but the grapes were hanging very high up. So
he could not reach them by any means. He was much disappointed at his failure to get grapes.
At last, he consoled himself saying, “The grapes are sour, I don’t like them.” Then, he went
A. Match the following words in column A with their meanings in column B.
Ripe – fortunate
Lucky – upset
Hunger – ready to be eaten
Disappointed – appetite
Answer the following questions. 6
I:Where were the Grapes hanging from?
II:Was the fox hungry?
III: Why he jumped again and again.?
IV:Why he thought himself lucky?
V:Why he went away?
4:Read the passage and do the activities.5
food supplies us with the energy and materials our body needs for growing, repairing wounds,
and staying healthy. Energy is needed for everything that goes on in our bodies. Energy keeps
our body warm, our heart beating, and our lungs working. The smallest amount of energy that
we need to keep us alive is called our basal metabolic rate (MBR). A baby uses much less energy
than an adult. The substances that the body can use for energy and growth are called nutrients.
There are five types of nutrients; carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Shortage
of food is particularly dangerous for children because without a well-balanced diet their bodies
cannot grow properly.

A. State true or false. 5

I:Food is very important for our body.
II::Food gives us energy.
III:Energy helps our bodywork.
IV:A baby uses much more energy than an adult.
V:The body can grow without a balanced diet.
B. Answer the following questions. 5
I:What does food supply us with?
II:How does energy help our body?
III:What is BMR?
IV:Write the names of nutrients our body needs.
V:Why do children need a balanced diet?
5:Punctuate the following sentences.5
one of the villagers had given an idea for abraham the next day, while ali was milking the cow, abraham
beat the cow the cow started kicking. ali shouted at abraham. “You fool Why do you beat the cow Don't
you see me milking the cow" the front portion of the cow is mine i can do anything. that is our

6: Write a short letter to your friend describing about your exam preparation.10

7: A:Choose the correct answer from the brackets.2.5

I: Sita looks as stupid as……….owl.(a,an,the)

II:Ranju is found of………….dancing(of,for,with)

III:I work hard in the field………….I can grow more crops.(in order to, so that,therefore)

IV:Kishor bathes his small brother………………. (himself,herself,themselves)

V::Karisma’s singing a beautiful folk song……………? Isn’t she, hasn’t she,is she)

B:Change the following sentences as indicated in the brackets.2.5

I: Ram killed the Ravan.(into passive)

II: The science teacher said”Water freezes at zero degree Celsius”

III:There is some news today.(into interrogative)


1:“My parents’ kindness was so great. They stayed and risked their lives but still they
were helpless to save me. Since they could not carry me, they were forced to fly away
alone. Wherever they are, I thank them for loving me so much. I hope with all my
heart, they will be safe, well and happy.”“Now, I am all alone. There is no one I can ask for help.
I have wings, but I can not fly away. I have feet, but I can not run away. But I can still think. All I
have left to use is my mind. The only beings I have known in my short life were my
parents.”Then, the bird felt an amazing miracle within his little body. The Enlightened Being
within the bird became active and the bird felt powerful. It got the godly power of wish. So, the
little bird wished, “May this land exist with the power of truth. May all birds and other beings,
who are still trapped by the fire, be saved. And may this spot be safe from fire for a million
years!”And so happened what the bird wished.
A. Re-write the following sentence in correct order.5
I. All the trees were burning and crackling with a loud sound.
II. The fire got so nearer that the parent birds had to
fly away too.
III. The quail felt surprising change in his body.
IV. The tiny quail wished for the spot to be out of danger)
from fire for a million years.
V. The quail's parents risked their lives to save him, but they
were powerless
2:Read the following text and do the task.5
There was a gang of thieves sitting round a table. They were eating a big meal, and laughing
and talking. “How can we get a meal like that?” said the animals. They made a plan. Silently,
they climbed on each other’s back. Then, they all began to make noises. The donkey brayed, the
dog barked, the cat miaowed and the cock crowed. And they jumped through the window. The
thieves were terrified. They ran away into the forest.The four friends sat down at the table and
ate the wonderful meal. Then, they put out the light and went to sleep. The cock sat on the
beam over the door. The cat lay near the fire. The dog lay behind the door. The donkey lay on
straw in the front yard.
A:Write T for true and F for false sentence.5
I:The four friends found the thieves on the way.
II: Animals made a plan to eat the thieves meal.
III:The thieves didn’t afraid with the voice of animals.
IV:The thieves ran into the town.
V:The cock sat on the yard.
3:Once upon a time, there were two siblings, Hansel and Gretel, who lived with their father and
wicked stepmother. The stepmother suggested that they leave Hansel and Gretel in the woods,
as they could not afford to feed them. The siblings overheard the plan and decided to leave a
trail of breadcrumbs to find their way back home. However, the birds ate the breadcrumbs, and
the siblings were lost in the woods. They found a house made of candy and began to eat it, but
it belonged to an evil witch who tried to eat them. The siblings outsmarted the witch and
returned home with treasures they found in her house.
Moral of the story? Be brave and clever in difficult situations, and always trust your instincts.
A: choose the correct words from the passage.5
I: Hansel and Gretel leave a trail of…………….
II:Hansel and Gretel were……………….
III:They lived with their…………….
IV:Hansel and Gratel ate…………..
V:The house belonged to …………

4:Read the following text and do the activities that follow: [10]
Every year thousands of visitors come to Muktinath Pilgrims from Nepal and India and
trekkers from all over the world climb up from the valley to Kaligandaki going to
eastwards on the path which goes over the high Thorung La Pass to Manang. The
country is like the moon because it is so dry. Nothing grows here. There are only bare
brown rocky hillsides. No trees, no grass, just rock. And then they reach Muktinath with
its tree-lined streets and apple, plum, and peach orchards. In a peaceful park, there are
old twisted trees covered with prayer flags and a temple surrounded by a hundred and
eighty water spouts. Many people come to see the flame which never goes out. This
natural gas from underground burns continuously. In the village, the houses are brown
and flat-roofed, but here are bright lodges were seen everywhere. The streets are full of
people and horses, mule trains, sheep and goats and you can hear many languages

A.Match the column A with column B (5×1=5)

I:Houses a: Flages

II: Pilgrims from Nepal and India b: Water spouts

III: old twisted trees covered with prayer c: Flat-roofed

IV:Natural gas d: Come to Muktinath

V:Hundred eighty e: Never goes out

B. Answer the following questions.5

a. What is the source of flame that burns continuously?

b. How many water spouts are found in Muktinath?

c. Why do thousands of visitors come to Muktinath?

5:Punctuate the following sentences.5

“what is the use of the rules i want only money,” said chulong. he was irritated. “but these rules can
profit you greatly,” added the bird. “Profit me! really then i shall set you free. but how can I trust you?
you may fly away,” said chulong.

6:Write an essay about “Tihar” festival in about 100 words.

7A:Choose the best answer from the brackets.5

I. Look! There is …… owl on the window pane. (a/an/the)

II. I come from Darchula. Where are you ………….. ? (in/at/from)
III. My father always …….. early in the morning. (wakes up/woke up/is
weaking up)
IV. Nitu likes dancing ………… she doesn't like singing.
V. My sister is 15 years old and I am 12. I am ……… than her.
(young/younger/ youngest)
B:Change the following sentences as indicated as in the brackets.2.5
I:Students bring the book.(into yes/no question)
II:He killed the snake.(into passive)
III: The rabbit is running.(into past continuous)
1: Read the following passage and the activity.
The seacoast has a variety of animals life whales ,seals,penguins,and fish are among the
animals that live in the coastal water.All of these animals depend on the sea for food and
shelter.At the opposite end of the Earth is the North pole.It is called the Arctic. This is also a
very cold region.But it has warmer areas than Antarctica has. So,the Arctic is a permanent
home for many people.Parts of Europe,Asia,and North America are also in this region.Most of
the Arctic lands have no snow and ice in the summer. In many parts, there is no sunshine during
the winter.However, there is at least a little sunshine for some of each day from March to
A:Match the following words.5
I:whales,seals,penguins a little sunshine
II:North pole the coldest place
III:Antarctic animals life
IV:It is also permanent home arctic
V:March to september for people
2:Read the following passage and do the activity.
The international Mountain Museum(IMM) is a must-see attraction in Pokhara for mountain
lovers and climbers, the museum displays a collection of artifacts and information related to life
and mountain climbing above 12,000 feet. The museum was established to record and
document the past and present development of mountaineering activities.More than 70,000
people visit the museum each year.
Location: The museum is located at the foot of machhapuchhre peak, two miles south east of
Lakeside.It was officially opened on February 5,2004.The museum is about 10 minute drive or
about 30 minute walk from lakeside. Walking is the better option because there are a lot of
scenic pathways that lead to the museum.
Entrance Fees:
Foreigner:Rs 500.00 SAARC Nation:Rs250.00 Nepali:Rs 100.00 Nepali
A: Complete the following sentences.
I: The international Mountain Museum(IMM) is in……………
II:Each year………… people visit the museum.
III: The museum is located at the…………….
IV: The museum is about 30 minute walk from …………
V: Entrance Fees for Nepali students…………….

3:Read the following passage and do the activity.5

Reena enjoys monsoon. In monsoon, she forgets about school. She doesn’t have to get up early.
She can see her friends any time she wants. She usually spends her holidays with her parents.
They go to different places in Nepal. She likes going to Pokhara, Kathmandu and Bhaktapur. Her
parents are farmers. They can go on holiday for a week only. She helps her parents in the field.
She likes her mother planting rice in the field. She also plants rice with her mother.
A:write T for true and F for false sentence.5
I:Rina doesn,t forget her school in monsoon.
II:Rina can see her friends anytime in monsoon.
III: She usually spends her holidays with her parents.
IV:Rina likes to go Mumbai in monsoon holiday.
V:Rina and her parents go only one place in Nepal.

4:Read the following passage and do the activities.10

There was a king who had beautiful daughters. The youngest daughter used to play near a deep
pond. One day, her golden ball fell into the pond. It was deep, and a frog told her that her tears
could melt stones. He asked the princess to keep him if he returned the ball. She promised. The
frog found the ball and gave it to the princess, but she didn’t keep her promise.
The frog showed up at her door and asked her to keep the promise. When the king came to
know about it, he ordered her daughter to keep the promise. She forcefully agreed and kept
him. The next day, the frog said to the princesses that he would leave forever if she kissed him.
To get rid of him, she kissed him, and soon he turned into a handsome prince. Unfortunately, he
had been suffering a curse that could only be broken with a princess’s kiss.
A:Put the sentence in correct order.5
I:A One day, the king’s daughtr’s golden ball fell into the pond.
II: But she didn’t keep her promise.
III:The king ordered the princess to keep the promise.
IV: . He asked the princess to keep him if he returned the ball.
V: There was a king who had beautiful daughters.
B:Answer the following questions.7.5
I:Who had a beautiful daughter?
II:What was fallen into the pound?
III:How was the gold?
IV:Why did the king ordered the princess to keep the promise?
V:How did the frog turned into the prince?
5:Punctuate the following sentences.5
6:Write a paragraph explaining your shopping experience.Include the following points.
I: where you went?II:Who you went with?III:What things you bought?IV:What quantities you
7: Tick the best answer only.2.5
I:I am a pilot,(am I,aren’t I,amn’t I)
II:Did they ……… the land?(solid,sell,selling)
III:He called the assembly…… Tuesday.(in,on,at)
IV:I didn,t come yesterday…………high fever.(because of.beacuse,and)
V:The radio is ………..than cellphone.(cheap,cheaper,cheapest)
B: change the following sentences as indicated as in the brackets.2.5
I:They are students.(into positive)
II:I play volleyball.(in to past tense)
III:They come in concert.(into simple future)

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