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Training Manual

July 2017

Rosemount CT5000 Series

Continuous Gas Analysers
Published by Emerson.

All possible care has been taken in the preparation of this publication, but Emerson and its agents and
distributors accept no liability for any inaccuracies that may be found. This training manual reflects the state
of the product at the issue date below, but further enhancements while in service may mean that the training
manual does not reflect your particular system.

Emerson reserves the right to make changes without notice both to this publication and the products which it

Document Number: ED-SRV-QCL-MAN-CT5000 Revision F, July 2017

© Emerson 2017

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by
any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the express prior written
permission of the copyright holder.

Contact Details:

Emerson Process Management

Cascade Technologies Limited
Glendevon House
Castle Business Park
United Kingdom

General inquiries about this or other Cascade Technologies products should be sent to

If you require technical assistance with this product that is not covered within this training manual, then help
can be requested from or Cascade Technologies distribution partners.

All trademarks used within this document are the property of their respective owners.

Only for EC countries:

Do not dispose of measuring tools into household waste!

According to the European Guideline 2002/96/EC for Waste Electrical and Electronic
Equipment and its implementation into national right, measuring tools that are no longer
usable must be collected separately and disposed of in an environmentally correct manner.
Contents Training Manual
July 2017 ED-SRV-QCL-MAN-CT5000


Section 1: Introduction .................................................................................................................. 5

1.1 Glossary ............................................................................................................................ 5
1.2 CT5000 series Analysers .................................................................................................. 6
1.3 Absorption Spectroscopy .................................................................................................. 7
1.4 Pathlength and Sensitivity ................................................................................................. 9
1.5 Selectivity ........................................................................................................................ 10

Section 2: How It Works.............................................................................................................. 11

Section 3: How to Specify ......................................................................................................... 14
3.1 Sample Handling Systems .............................................................................................. 14
3.1.1 System requirements ................................................................................. 14
3.1.2 Valve configuration ..................................................................................... 14
3.2 Electrical Requirements .................................................................................................. 20
3.3 I/O Requirements ............................................................................................................ 21

Section 4: How to Install ............................................................................................................. 22

4.1 Tools Required ................................................................................................................ 22
4.2 Certified CT5800 Torque Procedure ............................................................................... 22
4.3 Connection through a Laptop .......................................................................................... 24
4.3.1 PuTTY ........................................................................................................ 25
4.3.2 TightVNC Viewer ........................................................................................ 28
4.3.3 WinSCP ...................................................................................................... 31
4.3.4 Data to Record at Installation ..................................................................... 33
4.4 Configuration of Readouts and Outputs .......................................................................... 37
4.4.1 User Interface Screen................................................................................. 37
4.4.2 Digital Inputs and Outputs through Moxa ................................................... 47
4.4.3 NAMUR Status Outputs.............................................................................. 52
4.4.4 Measurement Health Output ...................................................................... 55
4.4.5 “Alarm” Digital output .................................................................................. 56
4.4.6 4-20 mA Measurement Output through Moxa ............................................ 58
4.4.7 4-20 mA Measurement Input through Moxa ............................................... 61
4.4.8 Modbus Via TCP/IP .................................................................................... 65

Section 5: Advanced Configuration ................................................................................... 74

5.1 Measurement Logging .................................................................................................... 74
5.1.1 Logging Data .............................................................................................. 74
5.1.2 Installing DataBase Explorer ...................................................................... 75
5.1.3 Running DataBase Explorer ....................................................................... 77
5.2 Changing an Analyser IP Address .................................................................................. 81
5.2.1 Editing the Motherboard IP Address ........................................................... 82
5.2.2 Editing the Moxa IP Addresses................................................................... 82
5.2.3 Updating Sensor Configuration File ............................................................ 83
5.3 Upgrading or downgrading the software ......................................................................... 86
5.3.1 Stop analyser running ................................................................................. 87
5.3.2 Back up old software .................................................................................. 87
5.3.3 Copy new software ..................................................................................... 87
5.3.4 Reboot ........................................................................................................ 87
5.4 Resetting the System Time............................................................................................. 87

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Section 6: Maintenance ............................................................................................................... 89
6.1 Calibration & Validation ................................................................................................... 89
6.2 Calibration & Verification (Beka Interface) ...................................................................... 89
6.2.1 To Update Span Cylinder Values or Reset to Factory ................................ 89
6.2.2 To Zero Calibrate an Individual Gas ........................................................... 97
6.2.3 To Span Calibrate an Individual Gas ........................................................ 101
6.2.4 To Calibrate All Gases (Zero and Span)................................................... 105
6.2.5 To Change the Automatic Calibration Settings ......................................... 107
6.3 Calibration & Verification (XStream Interface)............................................................... 110
6.3.1 To Update Span Cylinder Values or Reset to Factory .............................. 110
6.3.2 To Zero Calibrate an Individual Gas ......................................................... 115
6.3.3 To Span Calibrate an Individual Gas ........................................................ 118
6.3.4 To Calibrate All Gases (Zero and Span)................................................... 121
6.3.5 To Change the Automatic Calibration Settings ......................................... 123
6.4 Reference Gas – Suggested Gases.............................................................................. 125
6.5 X-shift Adjustment ......................................................................................................... 125
6.5.1 Automatic X-shift calibration ..................................................................... 125
6.5.2 Semi-automatic X-shift calibration ............................................................ 126
6.5.3 Manual X-shift calibration ......................................................................... 127

Section 7: Troubleshooting .................................................................................................... 129

7.1 System Health Checks.................................................................................................. 129
7.1.1 Laser Pulse Check ................................................................................... 129
7.1.2 Span Fits and X-shift Check ..................................................................... 135
7.1.3 Zero fits ..................................................................................................... 142

Section 8: Documenting Changes..................................................................................... 145

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Section 1: Introduction
1.1 Glossary
In order to assist engineers who have not worked with Cascade analysers before, a
glossary of terms used in this guide is included below.

Absorption Line The absorption shape used to measure a gas is usually referred to as an absorption line
or simply a line. This stems from academic spectroscopy where the absorption
would traditionally be so narrow compared to the spectrum that it would appear as
a vertical line. Our analysers look at such a narrow region that the “line” typically
appears as a bell-shaped curve.

Beka A type of display screen fitted on CT5100 and CT5200 analysers. See also “XStream”.

Calibration i. The process of setting a laser to operate such that a certain time interval within the
pulse corresponds to a certain wavelength.
ii. The relevant time to wavelength conversion calculated above.
iii. See “X-shift Calibration”.
iv. See “Gas Calibration”, “Span Calibration” and “Zero Calibration”.

Config Short for “Configuration file”, the config stores all parameters required to operate a
given sensor.

Fit The plot showing the data recorded by the instrument and the calculated match to this
data. Also referred to as a “Gas Fit”.

Fit Data In a fit, the calculated absorption shape generated by the software to determine the gas

Gas Used in this document to mean the specific gas measured by a given laser.

Gas Calibration The process of adjusting the gas measurements to match a known sample using a zero
and span correction. See also “Span Calibration” and “Zero Calibration”.

Gas Fit See “Fit”.

Line See “Absorption Line”.

Long Path See “Path”.

Modbus A method of communicating measurements over Ethernet with measurements allocated

to a specific register which is then read by a Modbus client.

Moxa A Moxa is a configurable device, used in Cascade analysers to generate either digital
contact outputs for status information, or analogue 4-20 mA inputs or outputs
to/from a customer’s system.

Path The path is the length travelled by the laser beam within the measurement cell. On
some systems (referred to as “Dual Path”), there are separate long and short paths
to measure low and high concentrations.

Real Data In a fit, the data from the laser, showing the absorption shape.

Short Path See “Path”.

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Span Calibration Adjusting the gas readings to match a known concentration mixture by calculating a
span factor to multiply all measurements by.

Torr A Torr is a unit of pressure, equivalent to 1/760 of an atmosphere. Most Cascade

analysers are designed to operate around 200-350 Torr (reduced pressure), or else
at 760 Torr (atmospheric pressure).

Validation The process of supplying a known gas concentration and comparing the instrument
response to the value supplied. In event of a significant difference, this can be
corrected by calibration (iv). Also referred to as “verification”.

Verification See “Validation”.

Wavenumber This is the frequency of the laser light, measured in cm-1. Calculated as the inverse of
the wavelength in cm.

X-shift In the process of matching a calculated absorption line to the real data recorded by
the system, the software is permitted to adjust the shape by moving it sideways (in
wavelength) within given limits. This adjustment is called the X-shift.

X-shift Calibration The process of adjusting a laser’s operating parameters to reduce the X-shift back to
nearly zero.

XStream A type of display screen fitted on CT5400 and CT5800 analysers. See also “Beka”.

Zero Calibration Adjusting the gas readings to match a known zero mixture by calculating an offset to
subtract from all measurements.

1.2 CT5000 series Analysers

Cascade Technologies CT5000 series analysers are available in a variety of different
designs, illustrated in Figure 1.1. While the models are rather different in appearance,
the principle of operation and many parts of the hardware are identical.

All analysers run on the same software, GasSensor-3, although software revisions are
frequent and it can sometimes be important to know the exact software version.
Particularly on older analysers, some features described in this manual may not be
available. In general, features are not removed from the software, so updating an older
system to add a new feature is normally straightforward in the unlikely event this is

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Figure 1-1 The CT5100 Process Analyser (top left), the obsolete CT5200 Analyser (bottom left), the
CT5400 rackmount Laboratory Analyser (bottom right) and the CT5800 Ex-d Analyser (top right)

1.3 Absorption Spectroscopy

All Cascade analysers operate using the same basic principles of optical absorption
spectroscopy. The spectral technique relies on the generation of a pulse of current
which, as it passes through the laser cavity, alters the cavity temperature and refractive
index, thus causing a rapid sweep in the emitted wavelength which is repeatable using
Cascade’s proprietary laser control methodology.

After passing through a gas sample cell, IR radiation absorbed by the target species is
measurable as a dip in the received intensity at a specific wavelength. High resolution
laser spectroscopy has a track record of offering very high sensitivities (ppb levels when
combined with long path length cells) as well as high specificity to the target compound
with little or no cross-sensitivity to potential interferents such as water vapour (so long as
the precise wavelength of operation is chosen with care).

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Figure 1-2 The spectroscopic technique used by Cascade to measure gaseous compounds

QCL Multipass absorption cell Detecto

laser r


Time Wavelength Time

The underlying spectroscopy of the sample is usually explored using Cascade’s in-house
high resolution Fourier Transform Spectrometer (FTS). The FTS enables detailed review
of the absorption profiles of the compounds under investigation over the mid IR spectral
region, with much higher detail then is typically available from publicly available
spectroscopic databases. This enables Cascade to select appropriate lasers for highly
selective and sensitive detection of gases, whilst minimizing cross-interference from
other species that may be present in the sample mix. This process is illustrated below in
Figure 1-3 for the selection of a suitable region for measuring methanol.

Figure 1-3 The selection of a suitable measurement window, demonstrated for methanol

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1.4 Pathlength and Sensitivity

Under normal circumstances, absorption is described by the Beer-Lambert Law:
I = I 0 e −σcl where I is the intensity of the laser following absorption; I0 is the initial
intensity of the laser; c is the concentration of the gas being studied; l is the optical path
length and σ is the absorption cross-section. It is therefore apparent that the light
absorption by molecules of the gas being studied is proportional to the concentration of
the gas and the optical pathlength. Consequently, a longer pathlength will give higher
sensitivity to low gas levels.

A method to increase the path length is to use a multipass cell such as the Herriott cell.
The Herriott cell consists of a pair of concave mirrors with the same radii of curvature. One
mirror has a hole in it, to allow the laser beam to enter and exit the cell. When positioned
at the correct separation, the angle of the input beam can be adjusted to allow a multiple-
pass arrangement which can frequently give 40-60 passes through the optical sample. A
small-volume Herriott cell is shown in Figure 1-4, showing the laser beam path in a 25 cm
cell which gives a 10 m optical path. In many designs of analyser, Cascade uses multi-
pass gas cells to obtain a long path (up to 100 m) for optical absorption in a short physical
space (typically up to 50 cm).

Figure 1-4 A Herriott cell with an optical pathlength of 10 m in a physical space only 25 cm long

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1.5 Selectivity
While these analysers will generally be fitted with one laser for each gas, it is possible,
depending on the required concentration ranges, to measure up to three gases per laser.
Figure 1-5 shows the absorption spectrum of two gases and the resultant spectrum
which would be detected in an analyser.

Figure 1-5 Absorption by two separate gases on one laser

In this example, the absorption lines for each gas are far enough apart that they are
clearly recognizable as separate absorptions. In other analysers, the lines may overlap,
as the fitting calculation is sufficiently robust to accurately calculate the contribution from
each of the gases.

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Section 2: How It Works

The CT5000 series of analysers normally use an embedded PC on the main
motherboard to run Cascade’s own software, GasSensor-3, which operates all sensor
hardware and calculate concentrations for each gas. On certain systems where a very
high measurement rate is required, the software may run instead on a dedicated PC.
Such systems may not have all the features described in this manual, but the general
approach is similar.

The software is continually updated, with the addition of new features depending on
customer requirements. While this manual describes the latest software, not all features
will be available on older analysers.

The majority of internal hardware is used regardless of the model of CT5000. The
illustrations below show the internal layout of a typical CT5100, CT5400 and CT5800. On
all models (including the now-obsolete CT5200), the number and type of internal
components will vary depending on the specification of the system in question.

The analysers normally feature no moving parts, giving a very low-maintenance design.
The mean time to failure for a laser module is estimated at >10 years, based on long-
term accelerated lifetime tests performed at Cascade.

Figure 2-1 Components of a typical CT5100 analyser

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Figure 2-2 Components of a CT5400 analyser, fitted with no analogue or digital Moxa modules

Figure 2-3 Components of a typical CT5800 analyser

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The lasers are pulsed, each individual laser module supplying the laser with the correct
voltage and maintaining a precisely controlled temperature to give reproducible

The laser beams are steered through the measurement cell which fits a long optical path
(possibly up to 100 m) into a space typically 50 cm long. The gas present in the cell will
absorb specific wavelengths of light, resulting in the detected signal having a distinct
shape characteristic of the gas in question.

The signals from the detector are then digitized and processed on the main motherboard
to calculate the concentration of the gas present. The result is then shown on the Beka
display and can also be transmitted by Ethernet to a Moxa to allow a 4-20 mA signal to be
generated, or as a Modbus output.

The analyser can also generate status signals to indicate the health of the system and/or
the reliability of the measurement. Typically, these will either be fed to a digital output
Moxa, although they may also be generated directly from the peripheral board.

On systems which must be purged to maintain a safe atmosphere within the enclosure,
the purge control system is completely separate from the gas analyser components of the
system. On start-up, a valve within the valve block will be opened to allow large quantities
of purge air into the enclosure. This will continue until the internal volume of the system
has been flushed out at least four times. This can typically take eight minutes, after which
the valve will shut again, causing air to enter slowly through a narrow orifice. The system
is then maintained at a slight overpressure (typically 0.7 mBar) to prevent gas ingress. In
event of a leak, the main valve will reopen to top up the enclosure air pressure.

The front panel user interface gives access to a “Faults” list, enabling the user to access
some basic diagnostic information (Menu>Faults).

Additionally, it is possible to check the system IP address by browsing to

Menu>System>Network info. Note that some older analysers will not have this software

The system software version can also be checked through the front panel by browsing to
Menu>System>Show versions

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Section 3: How To Specify

3.1 Sample Handling Systems
Typically, CT5000 series analysers are designed as an OEM-type module, which will
analyse whatever gas is flowed through it. In practice, this means there is normally a
requirement for some form of sample handling. Often the sample handling system is
designed by another part of Emerson; occasionally it may be designed by the customer.

The sample handling may be as simple as a pump with two needle valves to control the
pressure, or it may be a complex multi-stream switching system incorporating calibration
and validation functions, or anything in-between.

3.1.1 System Requirements

The main requirements of a sample handling system for a CT5000 series analyser will
depend on the nature of the gas to be analysed. Fundamentally, the requirement is to get
the gas from the sampling point into the analyser at a specified temperature and
pressure. Most Cascade analysers run at a reduced pressure. Settings of 100 Torr, 200
Torr, or 350 Torr are common. Even “atmospheric pressure” systems in practice normally
operate slightly below atmospheric pressure, as a result of the suction from the pump
used to draw the sample gas through the system.

The normal requirements of the CT5000 can thus be summarized as:

Pressure: The pressure of the gas in the cell should be within +20 Torr of the specified
pressure for the system, and should be stable.

Temperature: The gas should be close to the temperature at which the heated cell is
operating. If there is a small difference, this will not be an issue, as the heated cell will
heat the gas to the correct temperature anyway. It is also important to ensure that no
condensation can occur, particularly in wet gas applications. The pipework must therefore
have no cold spots between the process and the analyser.

Flow: The flow rate through the analyser has no effect at all on the measurements,
however it will affect the analyser’s speed of response. Ideally, if the analyser is making
measurements at 1 s intervals, the aim should be to change the entire volume of the cell
within 1 s. The cell volume is 0.3 L on the CT5100 and CT5400, hence a flow rate of 18
L/min would be required. On the CT5800, the full cell volume is 1.2 L.

If the sample is to be returned to process or a flare where the pressure could be higher
than 5 psig, a good back pressure regulator should be considered to prevent problems
with overpressurising the sample cell. Alternatively, a pump could be used to return to
process if an eductor was used. Alternately, they can use a dual headed pump to both
pull the sample and return to process. If venting to atmosphere or low pressure, back
pressure should not be an issue.

3.1.2 Valve configuration

The CT5000 range of analysers have the ability to control valves for either stream
switching, or to control the flow of calibration gas for calibration or verification.

The valve outputs are generally open/closed contacts supplied from a digital Moxa
module, which must be set up as described in Section 4.3.2. There are then a number of
steps required to configure a system. Note that the valve configuration is identical
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whether the valves are for stream switching or for gas calibration/verification.

Configuring valves requires editing the analyser config file in a text editor, so firstly stop
the software from running, either by using the “Shutdown” command from the front panel,
or choosing “Quit” from the “File” menu in GasSensor-3 through your laptop.



Adding Valves to the config file

In order to allow for valve switching, it is necessary to define a name and output for each
valve. These settings can be found at the bottom of the config file. To edit the config file,
the simplest method is to double-click it in WinSCP which will open the file in WinSCP’s
built-in text editor. The final section of the config file will be similar to that shown overleaf.

The settings to define the valves are highlighted in red.

In this example, we have defined 5 valves:

Process1, using output channel 0 from Moxa number 0

Process2, using output channel 4 from Moxa number 0
Span1, using output channel 1 from Moxa number 0
Span2, using output channel 2 from Moxa number 0
Zero, using output channel 3 from Moxa number 0

If these are to be altered, ensure there are no conflicts between the Moxa output
channels, bearing in mind that the digital Moxa may also be used to generate status
outputs or alarm outputs.

Setting up Valve configurations

Having defined the valves, it is then necessary to set up flow configurations. This allows
us to define which valves should be open or closed under given circumstances. These
lines are highlighted in blue in the example overleaf.

In this example, we have a simple arrangement where each configuration will open
precisely one valve, while closing all other valves. The configurations thus defined are:

Normal (Process1 valve open) – there always must be a “Normal” configuration.

Stream2 (Process2 valve open)
Span1 (Span1 valve open)
Span2 (Span2 valve open)
Zero (Zero valve open)

It is straightforward to design a configuration where, for example, a second valve has to

open on all calibrations by defining that valve, then adding appropriate lines to each
valve configuration to define when it should be open or closed.

The example below assumes all valves are normally-closed, hence “true” corresponds to
opening the valve. If a normally-open valve is used, “false” would correspond to opening
the valve.

Note that each configuration has a Flow ID (underlined for Normal). This can be used to
force an analyser to select a specific stream through Modbus commands – see Section
4.3.8 for more information.

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configKey=@ByteArray(\xd0\x88@~\x9f\xa1M\xdf%r\xd2 \x3y3\x89g\xda)

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Defining calibration/validation streams

With the valves set up, we now have to set the appropriate configurations as
measurement streams, or calibration streams. This is done in GasSensor-3, so save the
edited config, and run TightVNC Viewer.

For each gas, it is now possible to define the appropriate stream for zero and span
calibrations, and to define whether automatic calibration and/or validation are required.

Figure 3-1 Calibration settings

The relevant settings for calibration are set under the “Gas Compensation” postfit. At the
bottom of the window are two drop-down boxes for “Zero valves configuration” and
“Span valves configuration. In the example here, the Zero calibration has been set to use
configuration “Zero”, while span calibration will be carried out with configuration “Span1”.

The “Automatic calibration” box should be checked if this gas should be calibrated at
timed intervals.

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Similar settings apply to validation, accessed from the “Constraints” tab for each gas.

Figure 3-2 Verification settings

The relevant settings for calibration are set under the “Gas Verification” heading.
The Verification Proxy is not related to the valve switching, but it should be set to the raw
reading for whichever gas you are working on.

At the bottom of the window are two drop-down boxes for “Zero valves configuration” and
“Span valves configuration. In the example here, the Zero calibration has been set to use
configuration “Zero”, while span calibration will be carried out with configuration “Span1”.

The “Automatic verification” box should be checked if this gas should be validated at
timed intervals.

Setting up automatic valve switching

There are essentially four ways in which valve switching can be used
• Automatic calibration – calibrating the analyser at predefined intervals
• Automatic validation – validating the analyser at predefined intervals
• Enforced calibration – if the analyser fails a validation, perform a calibration
• Stream switching – switching between measurement streams at preset intervals

All of these settings are configured through the “Gas Service” tab under “System”.

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Figure 3-3 Gas Service settings

The Gas Calibration and Gas Verification settings have two settings (both of which can
additionally be set through the front panel by the customer if required – see Section 6).

The “Waiting number of fits” controls how long the analyser waits for the
calibration/validation gas to flush the cell. On most analysers, the update rate is
approximately 1Hz so 1 fit corresponds to 1 second.

The “Gas calibration period” or “Gas verification period” controls how frequently a gas
calibration or verification cycle is performed. On such a cycle, only gases with the
“Automatic calibration” box checked will be calibrated, and only gases with the
“Automatic verification” box checked will be validated.

The “Enforce Automatic Calibration” box will, if checked, ensure that on a failed
validation, the analyser will then perform a calibration cycle, regardless of when
calibration is next due.

The “Manual stream switch” box allows you to manually select any of the gas valve
configurations. This can be particularly useful during valve testing.

Finally, to configure stream switching, if the “Enabled” box under “Automatic stream
switching will allow the analyser to switch between the configurations in the box.
Additional steps can be added or removed with the “Add” or “Remove” buttons at the

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The time for which each stream should be analysed can be configured here, or through
the “Gas Service>Stream switch>Stream Config” options through the front panel.

If stream switching and automatic calibration or validation is enabled, when a calibration

or validation is due, the regular stream switching cycle will be interrupted to allow the
calibration gas to flow, returning to the switching streams thereafter.

Different measurements on different streams

Depending upon customer requirements, it is possible to set an analyser to give one
measurement per gas (e.g. CO), regardless of the stream switching, or to set up
separate measurements per gas per stream (e.g. S1 CO, S2 CO).

Figure 3-4 Measurement stream selection

For each gas measurement, there is a “Gas and stream selection” tab. The top section
allows you to select which calculated measurement is generating the output. The bottom
section selects the stream which is appropriate for this measurement. In the example
above, “S1 CO raw” is on stream “Normal”.

The equivalent tab for the other measurements would show that “S2 CO raw” is on
stream “stream2” and “CO2 raw” is set to “All streams”.

3.2 Electrical Requirements

Up to two sources of electrical power are required for the CT5000 series of sensors:

A purge electrical supply that is used to power the overpressure facility in the electrical
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compartment of the CT5100.

An instrumentation electrical supply that is used to power all other functions of the

Both power supplies will operate from 110 V to 240 V AC, 60 Hz +/- 10%. AC to DC
power converters inside the instrument, which automatically adjust in response to the
input voltage level ensure that the correct DC voltage is available inside the instrument.
The instrument is electrically protected by an internal 5 A, 250 VA fast acting fuse on the
instrumentation electrical supply line and an internal 2 A, 250 VA fuse on the purge
electrical supply line.

You must ensure that the mains supply cables used are of a suitable rating for the unit
power requirements. Failure to do so may result in personal injury and/or damage to
persons and/or property.

3.3 I/O Requirements

As there are a wide variety of possible I/O options from the CT5000 series of analysers,
the connections on any specific analyser will vary. In general, there are screw terminals
within the enclosure (CT5100, CT5200, and CT5800) or on the rear of the analyser
(CT5400) for the customer-specified analogue and/or digital inputs and outputs.

An additional Ethernet socket is normally available within the analyser for Modbus output,
and/or connection of a laptop for diagnostics. This may be a slot on an Ethernet hub, or a
vacant space in a daisychain of Moxas. Ethernet connections can also be made to screw
terminals if preferred.

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Section 4: How to Install

4.1 Tools Required
CT5000 series sensors are shipped as a complete unit and should normally require
minimal tools to perform the installation process. Additional tools may be required if
troubleshooting or adjustment is required.

The minimum recommended toolkit is:

2x 14mm spanners or 2x shifting spanners for gas fittings.

Small flat-head screwdriver for wiring electrical contacts.

Large flat- and cross-head screwdrivers for installing/removing a rackmounted CT5400.

Large flat screwdriver to open main enclosure (older CT5100 systems).

8mm Allen key to open main enclosure (newer CT5100 systems)

14mm Allen key to open main enclosure (CT5800 systems)

Cabinet key to open main enclosure (CT5200 systems)

Laptop with suitable software as described in Section 4.2 to connect to the analyser.
Note that for Ex-d or Ex-p systems some sites may require a zone-rated laptop.

Ethernet lead to connect laptop to analyser.

Multimeter for testing digital and analogue outputs.

Set of Allen keys (hex keys): 1.5mm, 2mm, 2.5mm, 3mm, 4mm, and 5mm. These should
not be needed unless the analyser has to be opened for troubleshooting or repair.

Torque wrench with 14mm hex and 5mm hex bits for closing certified CT5800 systems.

Set of feeler gauges including a 0.04mm gauge for checking the seal on certified
CT5800 systems.

4.2 Certified CT5800 Torque Procedure

On Ex-d certified CT5800 analysers, to ensure the system is safe, the cell and enclosure
Must be closed according to the following procedures.

Inspect the gasket and align it on the cell. If the gasket is damaged, it must be replaced.

Fit cell lid to cell base using 12-off M6 x 20 hex cap screws, each with a spring washer.

Apply lube to screw threads and tighten loosely with an Allen key.

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Tighten the screws to 5Nm in the sequence shown below in Figure 4-1.

Figure 4-1: Torque sequence for CT5800 cell

Refit any components removed for access purposes such as the detector, insulation and

The enclosure lid also needs to be closed and torqued as follows:

Carefully lift the housing up and align with the rear housing. Make sure that all holes are

Tighten by hand M16 bolts into rear housing before any torque is applied. Hand tighten
bolts along the top of the enclosure first. If necessary, use alignment holes to lever front
housing into position using metal bar or similar.

Refer to the torque sequence (Figure 4-2) and tighten all bolts using torque spanner.

All bolts must be tightened in sequence to a torque value of 25 Nm (18.44 ft-lb).

Once the system is closed, use a 0.04mm feeler gauge to check the box is properly
sealed. If the feeler gauge can fit between the flanges at any point, the box is not sealed

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Figure 4-2: Torque sequence for CT5800 enclosure

4.3 Connection Through a Laptop

Throughout this section, commands to be entered in a terminal or command window are
shown in Courier bold.

To perform various stages of installation, configuration, maintenance, and debugging, it is

necessary to connect a laptop to the CT5000 series analyser in order to access the full
software. This is not required for normal operations (start-up, gas measurement,
calibration, or shutdown), which can be performed through the front panel interface.

To interact with the analyser through a laptop, the laptop must be set to a suitable IP
address. The default analyser IP address is, and various I/O devices are
usually given IP addresses between and The laptop should be set
to a different address of the form 10.0.0.x. Typically we use The laptop can be
connected to the analyser by connecting an ethernet cable. This might be connected to
an external ethernet port, or to a network switch or Moxa inside the analyser.

Particularly on systems using Modbus communication, the analyser may be set to a different
IP address. The IP address of a given analyser can be found through the front panel menu
by browsing to Menu>System>Network info. Note that some older analysers will not have
this software option.

There are three programs for interacting with the CT5000, all of which are freely available
to download from the Internet. Each of the programs’ installation and use is described in
Sections 4.2.1 to 4.2.3. For some, it is important to know whether your laptop is 32-bit or
64-bit. To check this, right-click on Computer (or My Computer on older versions of
Windows) and select Properties. This brings up a screen similar to Figure 4-3:

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Figure 4-3: Computer properties, in this case indicating a 64-bit operating system

4.3.1 PuTTY
PuTTY allows you to access the on-board computer in the CT5000 and interact with it
through terminal commands.

PuTTY Installation
PuTTY can be downloaded from as shown in
Figure 4-4.

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Figure 4-4: PuTTY download page. The standard link for a windows laptop is circled.

The file can be downloaded to a convenient location, such as the Desktop, and can then
be run. No installation procedure is required.

Use of PuTTY
Under normal circumstances, it should not be necessary to use PuTTY to start the
CT5000. Occasionally, generally following a crash, it is possible for the analyser to be
powered up but not running the software. In this event, use PuTTY to start the software
manually from a terminal command.

To launch PuTTY, double-click the PuTTY icon on your laptop. This opens the dialog box
shown in Figure 4-5.

The standard options to connect to a CT5000 are entered in Figure 4-5. If they are blank
on your laptop, fill in the following details. Note that if the sensor has a nonstandard IP
address, this should be filled in instead:

Host Name (or IP address):

Port: 22

Connection type: SSH

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Then click Open at the bottom of the window. After a few seconds, a terminal window
opens, as shown in Figure 4-6. Type root at the login as prompt.

Figure 4-5 Launch window for PuTTY

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Figure 4-6 PuTTY interface window

After logging in as root, you should see the following prompt, at which you can enter
commands directly to the on-board computer:
root@cascade-zynqX: #

(X will be the number of the board in question) The command to start the software is:

Once this command has been entered and the software is running, you can interact with
the GasSensor-3 GUI through TightVNC viewer. Note that starting the software this way
will result in the analyser hanging when the laptop is disconnected. In this event, power
cycle the analyser to restart it as normal. Alternatively, the onboard PC can be rebooted
by the following command, after which the laptop can be disconnected safely:

4.3.2 TightVNC Viewer

TightVNC Viewer allows you to view the GasSensor-3 GUI which runs on the on-board
computer and operates the analyser. The analyser settings can be adjusted through this
GUI if changes are required.

TightVNC Viewer Installation

TightVNC Viewer can be downloaded from as
shown in Figure 4-7.

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Figure 4-7 TightVNC Viewer download page. The standard links for a Windows laptop are circled.

Download the installation file to a convenient location, such as the Desktop, and then
double-click the Install file to install TightVNC Viewer. A series of dialog boxes open. Click
Run or Next at each screen. You need to check a box to accept the licence agreement.

One screen asks you to choose the setup type. Click Typical and then continue clicking
Next and Install. Towards the end of the installation process, you are prompted to set up
a password to allow later remote access or administrative rights. Select a password
which is easy to remember. Note that for the purposes of interacting with the CT5000,
you will not need either of the password protected options. After entering a password,
click OK and then click Finish on the next screen.

Use of TightVNC Viewer

TightVNC Viewer allows you to access the GasSensor-3 GUI to perform system health
checks and maintenance and customize settings, such as 4-20 mA output ranges,
displayed readings, and so on. For details on how to do these checks, see Section 4.3
(Configuration of readouts and outputs) and Section 7 (Troubleshooting). This
section describes only the required steps to access the GUI.

To launch TightVNC Viewer, double-click on the TightVNC Viewer icon on your desktop
This opens the dialog box shown in Figure 4-8.

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Figure 4-8 TightVNC Viewer dialog box

Ensure the correct IP Address (default is is filled in at the Remote Host box and
then click Connect. After a few seconds, a window containing the GasSensor-3 GUI
opens. Note that GasSensor-3 is running on the on-board PC. Your computer is merely
acting as a viewer. The TightVNC Viewer window is shown in Figure 4-9.

Figure 4-9: TightVNC window containing the GasSensor-3 GUI

You can stop and start the analyser and update configuration settings as described in
Section 4.3 and perform system health checks as described in Section 7.

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To close the TightVNC Viewer window, click the X box in the top right hand corner. The
analyser continues to run as normal.

4.3.3 WinSCP
WinSCP allows you to copy files between the on-board computer and your computer in
either direction.

WinSCP Installation
You can download WinSCP from as shown in
Figure 4-10.

Figure 4-10 WinSCP download page. The standard link for a Windows laptop is circled.

Download the installation file to a convenient location, such as the Desktop, and then
double-click the Install file to install WinSCP. A series of dialog boxes open. Select your
preferred language and then click OK, Next, or Accept at each screen.

One screen asks to choose the setup. Check Typical installation and then click Next.

The next screen asks you to choose the interface style. Check Commander and click
Next and then Install.

At the end of the installation process, click Finish to complete the process.

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Use of WinSCP
WinSCP is a user-friendly interface which allows you to copy files back and forth between
your laptop and the CT5000 on-board computer.

To launch WinSCP, double click the WinSCP icon on your desktop. This opens the dialog
box shown in Figure 4-11.

Figure 4-11 WinSCP dialog box

The standard options to connect to a CT5000 are entered in Figure 4-11. If they are
blank on your computer, fill in the following details. Note that if the sensor has a
nonstandard IP address, this should be filled in instead:
File Protocol: SCP

Host Name:

Port number: 22

User name: root

Password: [leave this blank]

Then click Login at the bottom of the window. After a few seconds, a file transfer window
opens, as shown in Figure 4-12.

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Figure 4-12 WinSCP window with relevant files highlighted

The left-hand pane will show an Explorer-type view of the filesystem on your laptop. The
right-hand pane shows an Explorer-type view of the filesystem on the CT5000 on-board

You can now copy files between the computers by dragging and dropping from one pane
to the other. The most commonly required files are highlighted. See Section 4.2.4 for
more information on these.

The WinSCP window can be closed using the X box in the top right hand corner. The
analyser should continue to run as normal.

4.3.4 Data to Record at Installation

During and on completion of an installation, repair or service, various screenshots should
be recorded to demonstrate the health of the analyser. In the case of repairs and
services, these should be recorded before and after the work on the analyser.

On a Windows laptop, save a screenshot by pressing the “PrtScn” key, then open MS
Paint and paste the screenshot by pushing Ctrl+V.

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Pulses Screenshot
Save a screenshot of the pulses by connecting to the analyser through TightVNC Viewer
as described in Use of TightVNC viewer, then opening the Pulses plot as described in
Section 7.1.1.

Fit Screenshots
Save a screenshot of each gas fit at both zero and span by connecting to the analyser
through TightVNC Viewer as described in Use of TightVNC viewer, then opening each
fit plot in turn as described in Sections 7.1.2 and 7.1.3.

If suitable span or zero gas is unavailable, document the fits as far as possible on
atmospheric air and/or the customer’s process stream.

Sensor Configuration
It is important to keep a copy of the sensor configuration (particularly if any changes
have been made), as this allows us to maintain a backup for use in the event of a sensor
failure, and also for use as the basis for configuring another sensor to the same setup in
the event of repeat orders.

The configuration files can be backed up by connecting to the analyser through WinSCP
as described in Use of WinSCP, then dragging each of the files listed below onto your

Sensor Config File

The config will be in the home directory (displayed as /home/root in WinSCP), and will
usually be named with the serial number (e.g. CT5400-10006.cfg), or else the customer
name. The file extension is always .cfg.

To check the name of the config in use, Open TightVNC viewer as described in Use of
TightVNC Viewer, then click the file menu in GasSensor-3. At the bottom, a list of recent
configs will appear, with the current one at the top, as shown in Figure 4-13.

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Figure 4-13 Finding the current config from the file menu

In the example shown in Figure 4-15, the config file is highlighted green. If multiple config
files are present, simply copy them all.

Sensor Template

The sensor template is stored in a hidden folder in the /home/root directory. If hidden
folders are visible, open /home/root/.GasSensor-3/templates (highlighted red in Figure 4-
13). If hidden files are not visible, click the message at the bottom right of the window
where it states “X hidden” as shown in Figure 4-14. This will instantly make hidden files

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Figure 4-14 To view hidden files in WinSCP

There will normally only be one template in this folder, which may have a descriptive
name (e.g. DualPath.tmpl) or a customer name. If in doubt, copy all template files from
this location. Template files have the extension .tmpl.

Gas Database

The sensor gas database will be stored in the home folder, and will usually be named
after the customer or sensor model. In the example in Figure 4-15, the database is
highlighted blue. Databases will always have the extension .data.

Modbus Registers

If the sensor is configured to load Modbus registers from a file (see Section 4.3.2), the
.xml file containing the Modbus registers should also be backed up. This is highlighted
yellow in the example in Figure 4-15.

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Figure 4-15 WinSCP window with relevant files highlighted

4.4 Configuration of Readouts and Outputs

The CT5000 series has a user interface screen capable of displaying a number of gas
readings as well as physical parameters such as temperatures and pressures. These
readouts can also be communicated to a customer PLC by various methods including
Modbus over TCP/IP or 4-20mA. Additionally, there are various digital status output
options which can be configured either as system health readouts per reading, general
status outputs, alarms or NAMUR status outputs. The relevant outputs can be configured
in the sensor configuration file through the GasSensor-3 GUI, but they must first be
enabled in the sensor template file which can currently only be edited by Cascade
software engineers.

Most output options will be configured by Cascade before an analyser leaves our facility.
It is sometimes possible that a customer might wish a change to what was originally
specified, so instructions in configuring the various output options are included here, as
well as instructions for testing the outputs where possible.

Configuration of these output options are discussed in Sections 4.3.1-4.3.4

4.4.1 User Interface Screen

The CT5000 has a user interface screen capable of displaying a number of gas readings
as well as physical parameters such as temperatures and pressures. The display screen
typically looks similar to the illustrations in Figure 4-16.
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Figure 4-16 Beka display interface (left) and XStream display interface (right)

Note that on analysers configured to measure more than 5 gases, the middle buttons on
either side of the Beka allow the customer to scroll up/down through the measurements.
Only 5 at a time will fit on the screen. On systems configured to measure more than 8
gases, the up and down buttons on the XStream allow the customer to scroll up/down
through the measurements. Only 8 at a time will fit on the screen.

The analyser status (Running in the examples above) is shown in the second line from
the bottom on the Beka interface, or in the bottom left corner of the XStream screen.

On systems with an XStream display, a flashing heart ( ) is displayed in the top right as
a “heartbeat” indicator. If this stops flashing, then the software has either frozen or been
shut down.

The analyser’s NAMUR condition is indicated in the bottom left of the Beka interface, or
as a symbol in the bottom right of the XStream interface. These statuses are explained in
the table below.

Beka XStream Status Meaning Occurs

indication symbol
OK OK Analyser is operating Under normal circumstances

FUN_CHK Check The analyser is not During calibration and validation

Functioning taking normal processes, or if the analyser is
measurements. deliberately stopped.

OFF_SPEC Out of Some measurement is If any concentration or measurement

Specification not in normal is outside the analysers specified
operating range. range, or if any laser is not within its
specified operating temperature.

MNT_REQ Maintenance In the near future, the Only if the self-diagnostics indicate
Required analyser may require that maintenance is required or on
servicing. older analysers when gas
measurement is zero.

FAILURE Failure Some component of In event of a failure, and on start-up if

the analyser has a the analyser has not yet reached
fault which affects normal operating temperature.
measurement of one
or more of the gases.

The gases shown on the display, the names of the gases, and the upper and lower limits
of the bar graph display can all be configured. Whilst they are set up before an analyser
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leaves Cascade, occasionally customers wish something different when the analyser is
installed onsite.

In order to make changes to the display, it is necessary to connect a laptop and use
TightVNC Viewer to access the GasSensor-3 GUI as described in Section 4.2. The
standard GasSensor-3 window is shown in Figure 4-17.

Figure 4-17 Gas sensor-3 GUI

It is advisable to stop the analyser from measuring by unclicking the “Work” button on the
top toolbar before making any changes to the configuration.

Clicking the “Configure” button will then bring up a configuration dialog which gives
access to all settings necessary to operate the CT5000 analyser. This window is
illustrated in Figure 4-18.

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Figure 4-18 Gas sensor-3 configuration window

The left-hand explorer-style pane lists several parts of the system, which are described
below where relevant.

Laser Settings

The configuration window allows you to adjust the laser temperatures and voltages, which
should only be done by experienced personnel. There is normally no requirement to
adjust any of these laser settings. The laser settings are accessed through the icons in
the explorer pane and should normally be left alone.

Gas Readout Names

Each readout has its own configuration settings. The Gas concentration readouts are set
up from the bottom of the explorer pane, normally shown by the chemical formula of the
gas next to blue chevrons. Clicking on one of these will bring up the gas settings as
shown in Figure 4-19.

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Figure 4-19 Gas readout settings

The first tab (Info) shows the raw concentration calculated by the GasSensor-3 software,
which should always be enabled in the first check box.

There are three boxes to control display of the reading on each of the following: Readout
on the laptop screen (Normal screen); graph on the laptop screen (Plot); or readout on
the Beka or XStream screen (Small screen).

Generally, this raw reading will not be displayed as it will be adjusted by calibration
options and possible processing (all referred to as “Postfits” – see below).

The gas name can be set in the box at the top. This is often along the lines of "NO long",
"CO2 LP", "raw CO" etc.

The colour to plot the raw readings in can be chosen by clicking the coloured box. The
"Protocol" box should be checked to allow the readout to be sent via Modbus.
The measurement unit for the raw readings and its postfits is selected here. Most sensors
use ppm, but on high sensitivity analysers, ppb might be used. CO2 and H2O are typically
measured in %.

The "Gas Selection" tab controls which gas the readout is actually displaying. This will
have been configured at Cascade before the analyser ships.

The "Post fits" tab allows various predetermined corrections to be applied to the raw
reading to refine it. This is shown in Figure 4-20, showing a typical selection of postfits.

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Figure 4-20: Postfits configuration tab

There are two types of postfit, “Adjustment postfits” which adjust the gas reading in a
predefined way (Polynomial, Gas Compensation, Wet-Dry, Weighted Average) and
“Output postfits” which generate an output (Moxa Analog, Gas Status Report, Alarm).

Adjustment Postfits include:

Weighted Averager: allows a weighted average over the last n data points to be
performed. If the weighting is set to "Identical", then a rolling average is employed, which
can help to smooth out noisy data.

Wet to Dry conversion: Using the water concentration, other gas concentrations (e.g.
CO2) can be calculated on the basis of the CO2 proportion of the dry gas (subtracting the
proportion corresponding to water).

Polynomial conversion: A polynomial correction can be applied to linearize sensor

response. This can also be used to apply a factory span setting.

Gas compensation: This uses the "gas calibration" function to generate a zero offset and
span factor to correct readings.

Mass concentration: This converts the measurement to one of a selection of mass-per-

unit-volume options, based on the molecular mass, at a standard temperature and

Where there are multiple Adjustment postfits, each will carry out its operation on the result
of the previous postfit. Normally the interface will display the final Adjustment postfit.

Output Postfits include:

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Moxa Analog: This postfit uses a gas concentration to generate a current by using a
4-20mA Moxa. This can then be fed to a customer PLC to use gas readings. This is
discussed in more detail in Section 4.3.9.

Gas Status Report: This postfit uses various parameters to determine the reliability of the
reading, and generates a digital output to indicate the health of the reading. This is
discussed in more detail in Section 4.3.4.

The name of each postfit can be changed in the box if desired, then the change can be
saved by clicking “Apply” and “Save” at the bottom of the dialog.

Output Postfits should be listed after Adjustment Postfits. This means they will use the
final reading to generate their output.

Valid ranges for measurements

The valid range for gas concentrations and measurements can be configured as
described below. The valid range is used as the limits for the bar graphs on the user
interface screen, as well as determining whether a measurement is out of range.

If a reading is out of range, this will trigger the NAMUR status “out of range” as well as
showing a warning on the gas status or measurement status output channel.

The valid range can be adjusted by choosing the gas as described above, then selecting
the “Constraints” tab shown in Figure 4-21. Note that this does not change the operating
range of the analyser, only the range across which it will consider readings to be “valid”.

Figure 4-21 The "Constraints" tab

The "full scale" value is the full scale which that readout is valid over.

The selection range should be set to 0-110% of the full scale. This ensures that a reading
at the maximum is still in the “valid” range.
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If the customer desires a customised scale, this can be set here. As an example, an
analyser with an operating range of 0-200 ppm measuring a process with an expected
130 ppm level could be set up with a valid range 120 ppm-140 ppm, allowing a very close
inspection of the reading. Note however that this would give a gas status warning if the
measurement was outside this range.

Measurement statuses can be similarly configured from the measurement names, next
to the logo.

Additional Readouts: Total NOx

A Total NOX readout is frequently requested by customers who have an NO and NO2
analyser. As the CT5000 analyses each gas separately, it is necessary to add the NO
and NO2 readings together to obtain a Total NOX reading.

This readout comes from a "Combination" readout, which can be added by clicking on the
"System" logo then clicking "Add" and selecting "Combination".

This adds another readout, this time with a + symbol in place of the usual >> logo. The
options on the 4 tabs are the same as described above for a gas, but in place of "Gas
Selection" comes "Components selection"

There are two types of combination: "Best" and “Total”.

Best is only relevant on dual-range systems. It will display the best reading from the two
ranges for the concentration present. The choice is based on the selection range in the
"constraints" tab.

"Total" combination type:

Where multiple readouts are selected (these can be either gases, combinations, or both),
this will add them together. If they need added in different proportions, the "Coefficient"
column gives a scale factor to each readout.

The "Total" combination is most commonly used to provide a "Total NOX" reading by
adding together NO and NO2, as shown in Figure 4-22.

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Figure 4-22 "Total" combination generating a Total NOX reading

The resultant Total readout can then be modified by postfits if required, and the bar graph
on the user interface screen can be modified in a similar fashion to a single gas readout.

Additional Readouts: Mass concentration

While GasSensor-3 generally uses ppm, other “proportional” units such as ppb, ppt or %
can be selected as described earlier. Additionally, it is possible to give measurements in
mass per unit volume terms, in g/m3, mg/m3 or lb/mmscf.

To display measurements in any of these units, a Mass concentration postfit has to be


There are multiple parameters available as shown in Figure 4-23, most of which are
similar to other postfit parameters as discussed previously, such as the ability to display
on a laptop screen, front panel, plotting and logging.

The options which are specific to the Mass concentration are:

Unit: This drop-down box gives the option to display in g/m3 or mg/m3, although other
units will be added as required in the future.

Relative Atomic Mass: to calculate the conversion, the molecular mass is required. This
is filled in here. This should be factory set and will not normally need to be changed. If
you are setting up a new mass concentration readout, the molecular mass can be
calculated from the chemical formula. For example, H2O consistes of 2 H atoms and one
O atom so the molecular mass is 2xH + O = 2x1 + 16 = 18. The atomic masses of
common atoms are shown in the table on the next page.

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The temperature and pressure are important as these units are all based on mass per
normalized unit volume. It is therefore important to know the correct pressure and
temperature for the normalization. In the example below, this is set for atmospheric
pressure (760 Torr), and room temperature (20°C).

Figure 4-23 Setting up a Mass Concentration postfit

Molecule Name Atomic

symbol Mass
H Hydrogen 1
C Carbon 12
N Nitrogen 14
O Oxygen 16
F Fluorine 19
S Sulphur 32
Cl Chlorine 35.5
Ni Nickel 59

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4.4.2 Digital Inputs and Outputs through Moxa

In most cases, the system uses modules called Moxas to generate digital health signals
for each gas reading, and optionally for measurement alarms, and to read digital input

The Moxa is a separate device, which can be configured through its own homepage in
Firefox. Relevant settings also have to be configured in GasSensor-3 to communicate
with each Moxa, and each required output must also be configured. Most of this
configuration is done before the analyser ships from Cascade, and it is unlikely that
further changes will be required, except possibly switching the output channels. Each
Moxa has a maximum of 6 digital outputs and an additional 6 digital inputs, so where
more than 6 statuses are required, multiple Moxas must be fitted.

These outputs will normally be configured as closed contacts which will open in event of
one or both of the following conditions:
1) The measurement is outside its specified validity range (see “Bar graphs on Beka
and XStream, page 35).
2) There is some fault which affects the measurement, meaning it may not be accurate.

When used for digital inputs, the expected input is a closed contact which will open in
event of a fault, although if necessary this can be reversed.

Configuration of Moxa Device

The configuration page of a digital output Moxa can be accessed through a web browser.
Moxas will have IP addresses from upwards, depending on the number of
Moxas fitted. A digital Moxa configuration page is shown in Figure 4-24.
Figure 4-24 Digital Moxa setup page in Firefox

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The configuration of each Moxa will be done at Cascade before an analyser ships, and it
should not be necessary to access this during an installation.

Occasionally older analysers will intermittently give errors as a result of disconnecting

from the Moxa. This is frequently caused by the Moxa watchdog being accidentally
enabled. To fix this, click “Network Settings” and choose “General Settings” in the left-
hand pane. Check the watchdog and timeout boxes are unchecked. If necessary,
uncheck them and click “Submit” to disable the watchdog.

Setup of Moxa(s)
The Moxa IP address is set in the “Health/Status Lines” tab in the “system” pane of the
GasSensor-3 configuration window, as shown in Figure 4-25. On systems with multiple
digital Moxas, clicking the “Moxa Digital 1” name will show a drop-down list from which
each Moxa can be selected.

Again, this will normally be set up before a system leaves Cascade and should not need
to be edited during an installation.

Figure 4-25 Digital Moxa setup page

Setup of Digital Inputs

Where the Moxa is used to read a digital input, this is then used as one method to trigger
an “Alarm” digital output. The alarm line setup is then discussed in Section 4.3.5.

Setup of Gas Status Outputs

Each gas reading which is required to generate a digital health output has to have a
“Gas Status Report” postfit set up, as shown in Figure 4-26.
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Figure 4-26 Gas Status Report Postfit

The “Use Moxa digital” box should be checked to use this digital output option.

Depending on customer requirements, the gases can be changed to different channels,

by changing the Channel box, possibly in conjunction with switching between Moxas. In
practice, it may be easier to reconnect their readings to different terminals.

If changing the channel settings in the software, stop the analyser running by “unclicking”
the “Work” button on the top toolbar, making the desired changes, then clicking “Apply”
and “Save” at the bottom of the configuration dialog box before clicking “Work” to restart
the sensor. Take care to ensure that only one reading is allocated to each Moxa channel.

By default, the “Low/High” box should be checked. This means that an error or out-of-
range reading will create an open contact at the status output. This behaviour will also
mean that in event of a fault such as a broken wire, the contacts will be open, indicating
an error.

If this box is unchecked, the contacts will normally be open and will only close in event of
an error or out-of-range reading. In this case, a broken wire could result in a false OK

Testing of Fault Status – Error Generation

In order to test the error outputs, it is possible to trick the GasSensor-3 software into
thinking the reading is invalid.

First, open the GasSensor-3 software through TightVNC Viewer and confirm that all
measurements are shown in black as shown in Figure 4-27.

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Figure 4-27: GasSensor-3 screen showing all gas readings in black

To test each gas status output, the simplest test is to put an ohm-meter across the
relevant pins for the output under test. The value displayed will either be almost zero or
open-circuit depending on the configuration. Alternatively, the status from the outputs
can be read from the customer’s system.

To create a “fault”, check the current measurement for the reading you wish to test. In the
example in Figure 4-27, the CO2 concentration is 32.68 ppm. Click “configure” to bring up
the system configuration window and browse to the gas fitting settings, as shown for CO2
in Figure 4-28. Under “Concentration constraint”, note the minimum value, then change it
to a number above the current reading as shown. Click “Apply” and the gas reading
should turn red, accompanied by a change on the Gas Status Output.

To return to normal operation, set the minimum level back to its original setting and click
“Apply” again. The reading should change back to black and the gas Status Output
should return to normal.

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Figure 4-28: Fault creation

Setup of Measurement Status Outputs

Each measurement which is required to generate a digital health output has to have a
Status Report set up, as shown in Figure 4-29.

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Figure 4-29 Status Report

The relevant settings are shown under “Valid range” and “Status report”.

The range in which the measurement is acceptable can be set. A reading outside that
range will give an error status.

The “Use Moxa digital” box should be checked to use this digital output option, and the
Moxa and channel can be customised. Normally this would be configured before a
system ships from Cascade. If this is to be changed, ensure the channel does not
conflict with other channels which may be in use for valve switching, or
gas/measurement status outputs.

By default, the “Low/High” box should be checked. This means that an error or out-of-
range reading will create an open contact at the status output. This behaviour will also
mean that in event of a fault such as a broken wire, the contacts will be open, indicating
an error.

If this box is unchecked, the contacts will normally be open and will only close in event of
an error or out-of-range reading. In this case, a broken wire could result in a false OK

4.4.3 NAMUR Status Outputs

CT5000 series systems can be configured to send status signals according to NAMUR
through a set of open/closed relay contacts. The statuses which can thus be
communicated are described in the table overleaf:
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Beka XStream Status Meaning Occurs

indication symbol
OK OK Analyser is operating Under normal circumstances

FUN_CHK Check The analyser is not During calibration and validation

Functioning taking normal processes, or if the analyser is
measurements. deliberately stopped.

OFF_SPEC Out of Some measurement is If any concentration or measurement

Specification not in normal is outside the analysers specified
operating range. range, or if any laser is not within its
specified operating temperature.

MNT_REQ Maintenance In the near future, the Only if the self-diagnostics indicate
Required analyser may require that maintenance is required or on
servicing. older analysers when gas
measurement is zero.

FAILURE Failure Some component of In event of a failure, and on start-up if

the analyser has a the analyser has not yet reached
fault which affects normal operating temperature.
measurement of one
or more of the gases.

These statuses are normally configured before the analyser leaves Cascade. The only
adjustment which should be required may be the selection of relay open/closed to
indicate a fault.

Configuration of NAMUR Outputs

The only configuration of these outputs which is likely to be required is the operation of
the contacts to select whether a fault is indicated by open contacts (normal) or closed
contacts (unusual, but some customers do prefer this).

To change the operation of the relays, open the sensor configuration page and go to the
Health/Status lines tab as shown in Figure 4-30. The relevant outputs are shown under
the “Namur signals I/O lines” heading.

The drop-down boxes specify which output from the internal I/O board is used, and
should not be changed.

By default, the “Low/High” box should be checked. This means that an error will create an
open contact at the status output. This behaviour will also mean that in event of a fault
such as a broken wire, the contacts will be open, indicating an error.

If this box is unchecked, the contacts will normally be open and will only close in event of
an error. In this case, a broken wire could result in a false OK reading.

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Figure 4-30 NAMUR relay settings

Testing – Fault Condition Creation

The NAMUR relays can be tested by creating a fault of various types.

Check Functioning should be triggered if for some reason the analyser is not performing
gas measurements. This will normally be triggered if the software is loaded, but not
running. In order to create this fault, click “Work” on the top toolbar to stop the analyser

Out of Specification is most easily tested by rebooting the analyser and ensuring it is
briefly seen during the start-up process as the laser temperature stabilises.

Maintenance Required does not indicate a fault, but rather a possibility that the analyser
might need serviced in the future. It is only possible to generate this fault by changing the
laser settings which is not recommended. On older analysers, if there is a zero
measurement on one of the gases, the software will be trying to match a flat line to the
data, which can generate X-shift warnings (See Section 7.1.2), which should trigger this

Failure can be tested by creating a fault which prevents measurements. The easiest way
to do this is to block the optical beam path which will generate a series of error messages
until it is unblocked. Note that on CT5800 analysers, the beam path is fully enclosed and
this is not possible, so it is easiest instead to unplug the Ethernet connection to one of
the Moxa modules. This also works on other CT5000 models.

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4.4.4 Measurement Health Output

CT5000 systems can be configured to give a Measurement Health output through an
open/closed relay contact. Usually this is configured to use the NAMUR failure output as
in Section 4.3.3, but older systems may use a separate output as described here.

This status output is normally configured before the analyser leaves Cascade. The only
adjustment which should be required may be the selection of relay open/closed to
indicate a fault.

Configuration of Health Output

To change the operation of the relay, open the sensor configuration page and go to the
Health/Status lines tab as shown in Figure 4-31. The relevant output is shown under the
“Health I/O line” heading.

The drop-down box specifies which output from the internal I/O board is used, and should
not be changed.

By default, the “Low/High” box should be checked. This means that an error will create an
open contact at the status output. This behaviour will also mean that in event of a fault
such as a broken wire, the contacts will be open, indicating an error.

If this box is unchecked, the contacts will normally be open and will only close in event of
an error. In this case, a broken wire could result in a false OK reading.

Figure 4-31: System Health line settings

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Testing – Fault Condition Creation
The Health line can be tested by creating a fault which prevents measurements. The
easiest way to do this is to block the optical beam path which will generate a series of
error messages until it is unblocked. Note that on CT5800 analysers, the beam path is
fully enclosed and this is not possible.

4.4.5 “Alarm” Digital output

The analyser includes a digital output which can be programmed to act as a
customisable combination of NAMUR failure, gas measurement above or below a
threshold, physical measurement above or below a threshold, or digital input signal

The alarm line settings are accessed through the Health/Status Lines tab of the System
settings, as shown below.

Figure 4-32: System Health line settings

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The setup here will vary depending on what the customer’s requirements. For the line to
function, the “Enable” box must be checked. The update rate is customisable (default is
1s), and the Moxa and channel can be customised. Normally this would be configured
before a system ships from Cascade. If this is to be changed, ensure the channel does
not conflict with other channels which may be in use for valve switching, or measurement
status outputs.

By default, the “Low/High” box should be checked. This means that an error will create an
open contact at the status output. This behaviour will also mean that in event of a fault
such as a broken wire, the contacts will be open, indicating an error.

If this box is unchecked, the contacts will normally be open and will only close in event of
an error. In this case, a broken wire could result in a false OK reading.

The options to trigger an Alarm output are:

NAMUR Failure: If this is checked, any system errors which create a “”Failure” status on
NAMUR will additionally trigger the alarm output.

Activate by measurements Alarms: If this is checked, it is possible to build up a list of

measurement alarms to trigger the alarm. These also have to be configured under the
individual measurements required. By default, the “Invert” box should be unchecked.

For this option to work, it is necessary to first configure the individual alarms for the
readings required.

The alarm settings for a physical measurement are shown for “Pressure” below, with the
relevant settings highlighted blue.

The “Threshold” value is the level to begin alarming at. The “Alarm” box must be
checked to enable this feature.

If the alarm should trigger above the threshold, “High” should be checked, while if it
should trigger below the threshold, “Low” should be checked.

Similar settings can be configured for gas measurements, and can be found on each
postfit. In general, the final postfit should be used for alarm generation as this is the
calibrated value.

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Figure 4-33: System Health line settings

Activate by digital inputs: If this is checked, a suitably configured digital input (See
Section 4.3.2) will trigger the alarm status.

Note that a digital Moxa has 12 channels: 6 inputs and 6 outputs. In the example above,
Moxa 1, input channel 0 is used as an alarm input. Moxa 1, output channel 0 is still
available for other uses.

4.4.6 4-20 mA Measurement Output through Moxa

Where a customer has a requirement for a 4-20 mA output, the system uses one or more
modules called Moxas to generate these outputs. The Moxa is a separate device, which
can be configured through its own homepage in Firefox. Relevant settings also have to
be configured in GasSensor-3 to communicate with each Moxa, and each required
output must also be configured. Most of this configuration is done before the analyser
ships from Cascade, and it is unlikely that further changes will be required, except
possibly adjusting the range. Normally 4 mA-20 mA will correspond to 0%-110% of full
scale for each gas, although this can be easily adjusted if required. Each Moxa has a
maximum of 4 outputs, so where more than 4 channels are required, multiple Moxas must
be fitted.

Configuration of Moxa Device

The configuration page of an analogue output Moxa can be accessed through a web
browser. Moxas will have IP addresses from upwards, depending on the
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number of Moxas fitted. This configuration page is shown in Figure 4-34.

Figure 4-34: Analogue Moxa setup page in Firefox

The configuration of each Moxa will be done at Cascade before an analyser ships, and it
should not normally be necessary to access this during an installation.

Occasionally older analysers will intermittently give errors as a result of disconnecting

from the Moxa. This is frequently caused by the Moxa watchdog being accidentally
enabled. To fix this, click “Network Settings” and choose “General Settings” in the left-
hand pane. Check the watchdog and timeout boxes are unchecked. If necessary,
uncheck them and click “Submit” to disable the watchdog.

Setup of Moxa(s)
The Moxa IP address is set in the “4-20 mA” tab in the “system” pane of the GasSensor-3
configuration window, as shown in Figure 4-35. On systems with multiple analogue
Moxas, clicking the “Moxa Analog Out 1” name will show a drop-down list from which
each Moxa can be selected.

Again, this will normally be set up before a system leaves Cascade and should not need
to be edited during an installation.

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Figure 4-35 Analogue Moxa setup page

Setup of Analogue Moxa Outputs

Each measurement which is required to generate an analogue output has to have a
“Moxa Analog” postfit set up, as shown in Figure 4-36.

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Figure 4-36 Moxa Analogue postfit

The relevant device and channel are set up before a system leaves Cascade.

The “Minimum” box allows you to specify the value corresponding to 4 mA while the
“Maximum” box allows you to specify the value corresponding to 20 mA. These must be
filled in ppm, regardless of the unit of measurement which the reading is displayed in.

If a concentration below the minimum is measured, the output will read 4 mA, and
similarly if a concentration above the maximum is measured, the output will read 20 mA.

Testing of 4-20mA Outputs

In order to test the analogue outputs, a multimeter can be used. The output reading in
milliamps can be converted to concentration with the following simple formula:

(Max − Min )( A − 4mA) + Min
where C is the concentration, Max and Min the maximum and minimum values as
described above and A is the ammeter reading in mA.

4.4.7 4-20 mA Measurement Input through Moxa

Where a customer has a requirement for a 4-20 mA input, in most cases, the system
uses one or more modules called Moxas to read the input. The Moxa is a separate
device, which can be configured through its own homepage in Firefox. Relevant settings
also have to be configured in GasSensor-3 to communicate with each Moxa, and each
required input must also be configured. Most of this configuration is done before the
analyser ships from Cascade, and it is unlikely that further changes will be required,
except possibly adjusting the range. Each analogue input Moxa has a maximum of 6
inputs, so where more than 6 channels are required, multiple input Moxas must be fitted.
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Configuration of Moxa Device

The configuration page of an analogue input Moxa can be accessed through a web
browser. Moxas will have IP addresses from upwards, depending on the
number of Moxas fitted. An analogue input Moxa configuration page is shown in Figure 4-

Figure 4-37: Analogue input Moxa setup page in Firefox

The configuration of each Moxa will be done at Cascade before an analyser ships, and it
should not normally be necessary to access this during an installation.

Occasionally older analysers will intermittently give errors as a result of disconnecting

from the Moxa. This is frequently caused by the Moxa watchdog being accidentally
enabled. To fix this, click “Network Settings” and choose “General Settings” in the left-
hand pane. Check the watchdog and timeout boxes are unchecked. If necessary,
uncheck them and click “Submit” to disable the watchdog.

Setup of Moxa(s)
The Moxa IP address is set in the “4-20 mA” tab in the “system” pane of the GasSensor-3
configuration window, as shown in Figure 4-38. On systems with multiple Moxas,
clicking the “Moxa Analog In 1” name will show a drop-down list from which each Moxa
can be selected.

Again, this will normally be set up before a system leaves Cascade and should not need
to be edited during an installation.

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Figure 4-38 Analogue Moxa setup page

Setup of Analogue Inputs

Each input to be read must have a measurement set up, as shown in Figure 4-39.

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Figure 4-39 Moxa Analogue ADC Input

The name and display settings can be configured from the screen above. Alarms can be
configured in the same fashion as for any other physical measurement. The unit which
should be displayed can be selected from the drop down box, which allows readings to be
displayed in V, A, °C, Torr or L/min. The settings to control the reading of the input
channel are on the second tab (“Config”), as shown below.

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Figure 4-40 Moxa Analogue ADC Input

To read a 4-20mA input through a Moxa, the source of the reading should be “Moxa
analog input”. The Moxa device and channel can then be selected. To read in mA, the
“Read scaled” box should be checked.

The Period is usually set to 1s by default, and normally the input reading will not be able
to use any of the preset polynomials, so this should be set to zero. A custom polynomial
can be set up to convert from 4-20mA to any range of readings, in the example above 0-
200 °C (10*mA – 40).

4.4.8 Modbus Via TCP/IP

All measurements (gas readings and ADCs) can be accessed through Modbus by
reading an appropriate register. This requires a standard Cat 5 ethernet connection to
the analyser with some suitable reader at the other end. The connection can either be by
an RJ-45 socket, or a screw-terminal connection.

It is also possible to control calibration and validation by sending commands to the

analyser through Modbus. For this to be effective, the analyser must be configured to
control the switching of calibration gas valves as described in Section 6.

Modbus Configuration Options

There are two ways to set up the Modbus register configuration, described in Setting up
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the Modbus configuration. These are:

• Automatic configuration based on the existing set up of the system

• Load an external file containing a saved Modbus configuration

The Modbus configuration can be exported to an external file at any time, following the
procedure specified in Saving a Modbus configuration.

Setting Up the Modbus Configuration

To change the Modbus configuration settings in the GasSensor-3 configuration file:

1. With the GasSensor-3 software open and the configuration file of the analyser
loaded to the software, select Tools>Configure.
2. Select the System entry on the left-hand pane, and the Interface tab in the right-
hand pane, as shown in Figure 4-41.

Figure 4-41: The interface tab in the System set up of the configuration file

3. Unselect the “Enabled” check box. Press the “Apply” button for this change to
take effect and to stop Modbus.

4. In the Modbus Registers Configuration section select either ‘Auto-generated’ to

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generate an automatic configuration, or ‘Load from file’ to load a previously saved
configuration, as shown in Figure 4-42.

Figure 4-42: Selecting the Register mapping configuration type

5. If “Load from file” is selected, a “Select…” button will appear in the Interface tab.
Press the Select button to navigate to a register mapping file.

6. Select the “Enable” check box, and press “Apply” to effect the changes and start

7. Press the “Save” button to save the current configuration.

Saving a Modbus Configuration

To export a Modbus configuration in the GasSensor-3 software:

1. With the GasSensor-3 software open and the configuration file of the analyser
loaded to the software, select Tools > Configure.

2. Select the System entry on the left-hand pane, and the Interface tab in the right-
hand pane.

3. Ensure that Modbus is active (the Enable check box is selected). If Modbus is not
active, select the Enable check box and press Apply.

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4. Select the Export Register Configuration button. A pop-up window will appear to
allow the user to navigate to a suitable location, as shown in Figure 4-43. The filename
should have a .xml extension.

Figure 4-43 Exporting a register mapping file

Customising the Modbus Registers

The Modbus registers may be customised by editing the .xml file used to store the
configuration by following these steps:

1. Select Automatic configuration, as described in Setting up the Modbus


2. Export the configuration, as described in Saving a Modbus configuration.

3. Copy the exported .xml file to your laptop using WinSCP, as described in
Section 4.2.3.

4. Open the exported .xml file in a text editor such as WordPad. The file may be
opened by right clicking on the file and selecting “Open with”. Select the option “Open with
WordPad”. The .xml file is separated into sections for the different types of measurements
(ADC readings, concentration outputs etc.), as shown in Figure 4-44.

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5. Each register is described by a <data/> entry, containing the following


• reg – the register number

• label – the measurement name

• type – the data type and size

• mode – whether it is a read or write register

Figure 4-44 Editing the Modbus Registers file using WordPad

6. The Modbus register may be modified by changing the reg number in the <data/>
section for a particular measurement.

Ensure there are no conflicts in the register numbers when modifying the .xml file.

Do not change any information other than the register numbers. Editing other information
in the file may lead to incorrect operation of the Modbus outputs.

7. Copy the modified .xml file back to the on-board PC using WinSCP as described in
Section 4.2.3.
8. Follow the steps described in Setting up the Modbus configuration to load the
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modified .xml file to the GasSensor-3 software.

Modbus Addressing
When the GasSensor-3 software is running from the terminal and Modbus is enabled, the
current register configuration is printed to the terminal, as shown in Figure 4-45. The
GasSensor-3 software can be started from the terminal through PuTTY as described in
Section 4.2.1.

The register numbers shown in the terminal are protocol data unit (PDU, zero-based)

Figure 4-45 Modbus register mapping displayed in the terminal

The register configuration in the .xml file (the reg attribute) should contain 1-based
addresses which are exactly 1 greater than the corresponding PDU address.

For example, if the concentration measurement for NO2 has a PDU address of 1210, then
the reg attribute in the exported .xml file for this measurement will be 1211.

For most readouts, the data is a 32-bit integer, which is spread across two registers, with
the high byte high and the low byte low. Continuing the example above, the NO2
measurement will be on PDU-based registers 1210/1211 or xml registers 1211/1212.
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The Automatic registers do not correspond to the conventional Modbus data model
(comprising of 4 address blocks etc.), however they can be customised depending on the
user requirements.

Modbus Protocol Definition

For more information on the Modbus Protocol Definition, please refer to the following

Reading Modbus Data over TCP/IP

To read data using the Modbus output on an external Modbus reader, connect the
external reader with an Ethernet cable to the LAN socket on the analyser. This may be
an external socket, or may be a connection to an internal Ethernet hub or Moxa.

Testing Using Modpoll

The Modbus output data can be read on a connected laptop using a basic program called
Modpoll. To install it, download
This contains the Modpoll utility archive. Open this .zip archive and open the “win32”
subfolder. From here, copy modpoll.exe to C:\

From the Windows Start menu, click “Run”. This will bring up a dialog box. Enter the
following command to launch a Command window:


In the command window, enter the following command to read registers:

C:\modpoll.exe -m tcp -t3:float -l 1000 -r [first register] -c

[no. of registers]

The first register and number of registers depend on which data you wish to read. The
simplest approach is to work through each relevant register in turn based on the register
mapping displayed in the terminal window on starting GasSensor-3. The relevant registers
should also be listed in the analyser test report Appendix.

It is also possible to use Modpoll to send instructions to the analyser for the purposes of
calibration/validation, or for stream switching.

The following steps assume default registers are used – check the analyser test report
Appendix to find the specific registers and IDs for the analyser you are working on.

In the example in Figure 4-45, the first gas reading is “NH3 value” (PDU register 1202).
The command to read this would be:

C:\modpoll.exe -m tcp -t3:float -l 1000 -r 1203 -c 1

Be cautious about the difference between the number 1 and the lower case l !

On entering this command, the output will be similar to the following:

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modpoll 3.1 - FieldTalk(tm) Modbus(R) Master

Copyright (c) 2002-2011 proconX Pty Ltd Visit for Modbus libraries and tools.

Protocol configuration: MODBUS/TCP

Slave configuration...: address = 1, start reference = 1209, count
= 2
Communication.........:, port 1034, t/o 1.00 s, poll
rate 1000 ms
Data type.............: 32-bit float, input register table
-- Polling slave... (Ctrl-C to stop) [1203]: 1180.000000
-- Polling slave... (Ctrl-C to stop) [1203]: 1181.000000
-- Polling slave... (Ctrl-C to stop) [1203]: 1179.000000
-- Polling slave... (Ctrl-C to stop)

The values will continue to update until you press Ctrl-C to stop them. You can then read
the next register or registers.

The most commonly read registers are measurement outputs as above, which are
usually 32-bit floating point integers in the 3xxxx block. Other registers you might need to
test are:

Floating point registers in the 4xxxx block (specified by some customers):

C:\modpoll.exe -m tcp -t4:float -l 1000 -r [first register] -c
[no. of registers]

Boolean registers in the 1xxxx block (statuses or NAMUR):

C:\modpoll.exe -m tcp -t1 -l 1000 -r [first register] -c [no. of

It is also possible to send commands to the analyser through Modbus. This is usually for
the purposes of performing gas services as listed below:

To perform a validation or calibration:

1) Write the GasID (see the test report for your specific analyser) to register 40003 by
entering the following command:
C:\modpoll.exe -m tcp -t4 -r 3 [GasID]

2) For span, write the cylinder concentration in ppm to register 40004.

C:\modpoll.exe -m tcp -t4:float -r 4 [Concentration]

3) Send the Function ID (see Table below) to register 40001.

C:\modpoll.exe -m tcp -t4 -r 1 [FunctionID]

4) Poll register 30002 until the status stops displaying -1.

C:\modpoll.exe -m tcp -t3 -r 2

Operation FunctionID
Perform Zero Calibration 1
Reset Zero Offset 2
Perform Span Calibration 3
Reset Span Factor 4
Perform Zero Validation 14
Perform Span Validation 15

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To manually switch the valves by Modbus command, write the FlowID (see the test
report for your specific analyser) to register 40301.
C:\modpoll.exe -m tcp -t4 -r 301 [FlowID]

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Section 5: Advanced Configuration

5.1 Measurement Logging
GasSensor-3 has the capability of logging gas concentration, temperature and pressure
data to HDF5 files, which can later be processed using DataBase Explorer. DataBase
Explorer is a program written specifically for viewing and exporting data from Cascade
Technologies’ GasSensor-3 .h5 files. This ability can be useful for applications where
results are to be stored, or where “on the fly” readouts of concentrations are inadequate
for the task required.

5.1.1 Logging Data

The logging settings are configured through the “Logging” tab under the “System”
heading. On CT5000 series analysers, as there is normally no customer access to the
configuration screen, the system should be set to log constantly, periodically changing log
file. Log files can then be copied off the analyser through WinSCP.

The Logging configuration page is shown in Figure 5-1.

Figure 5-1 The "Configure" dialog. Choose the System icon and the "Logging" tab.

By default, the logging should be enabled, and the logging type should be “multiple files”.
The name of the log directory may vary. In the example above, the log files will be in

The Logging Period is set in days, and dictates how often a new log file will be formed.
This is normally set to 1 Day. Note that the log period considers a day to last for 24 hours
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from the analyser starting up, so log files will rarely change at midnight.

The Max Logging Duration controls the length of time which log files will be kept on the
SD card (or hard drive in the case of older analysers). If set to seven days, once the
eighth log file is complete, the first one will be deleted, then subsequent logs will be
deleted at daily intervals thereafter.

You can now copy the log files onto a USB stick for analysis using DataBase Explorer.
This can be done through an attached laptop with WinSCP.

5.1.2 Installing DataBase Explorer

DataBase Explorer is normally supplied on a CD or USB stick if required, but in the case
of older analysers which require a PC, it can be supplied preinstalled on that PC.

Installing on a Windows PC
The Windows version of DataBase Explorer requires the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008
Redistributable Package to run. If this is not installed on your PC, then install
vcredist_x86.exe as described in steps 1-3. If you already have this package installed,
skip to step 4.

1. Double click the "vcredist_x86.exe" icon.

2. Check the box to say you have read the license terms and click "Install"

3. The package will install as shown in Figure 5-2. On the final screen, click

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Figure 5-2 Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Installation window

4. Double click the DataBase Explorer installation file.

5. Follow the on-screen dialog box through the installation process.

6. DataBase Explorer is now installed on your PC ready for use. See Section 5.1.4
for instructions on retrieving data from HDF5 files using DataBase Explorer.

Installing on an Ubuntu PC
To install DataBase Explorer on an Ubuntu machine, first check the version of Ubuntu on
your computer (Ubuntu 8.04 "Hardy Heron", Ubuntu 10.04 "Lucid Lynx", Ubuntu 12.04
"Precise Pangolin" or Ubuntu 14.04 “Trusty Tahr”) and ensure you have the correct install

1. Copy the .deb package to the desktop. Open a terminal window and work
through the following steps. Commands to be entered in the terminal window are shown
in Courier bold:

2. Set admin32 as sudo-

su admin32

3. Enter password-

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4. Change directory to the Desktop-

cd Desktop/

5. Install DataBase Explorer (the name of the package will depend on the Ubuntu
sudo dpkg –i DataExplorer-1.2.0-Precise.i386.deb

6. Exit the desktop-


7. Exit the terminal-


8. DataBase Explorer is now installed on your PC ready for use. See Section 5.1.4
for instructions on retrieving data from HDF5 files using DataBase Explorer.

5.1.3 Running DataBase Explorer

Launching DataBase Explorer
To launch on an Ubuntu computer, either double click the Desktop shortcut, or if no
shortcut is present, open a Terminal window and enter the following command:

DataBase Explorer will then open in a new window. Note that if you close the Terminal
window, this will also close DataBase Explorer.

To launch DataBase Explorer on a Windows computer, browse to the appropriate folder

in the Start Menu, then select "DataBase Explorer".

Opening Files
On opening DataBase Explorer, a blank screen with only a "File" menu will be seen.
Selecting "Load" from the file menu will bring up a dialog box from which you can browse
to the .h5 file which you wish to open.

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Figure 5-3 Database Explorer

After opening the file, the different readings stored in the file can be plotted, and then
exported. On certain versions of GasSensor-3, the log file will be in an old format and
you will see a dialog box. You must choose "continue" to create a log file in the newer
format. This will not overwrite the original file, but will simply create a new file with the
addition of “v2” in the same file directory. This dialog box is shown in Figure 5-4.

Figure 5-4: File conversion dialog box

The DataBase Explorer GUI is shown in Figure 5-5 as it appears after loading a log file.

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Figure 5-5 Data Base Explorer

Plotting Data
To plot a measurement, you can either choose one batch of data by selecting the
timestamp corresponding to the start of the data, or all readings for one specific gas by
selecting "ALL" at the bottom of the timestamps list (red arrow).

Next, choose the measurement you wish to view (purple arrow), then click "Add" (blue
arrow). Note that in some log files you must first choose between “Concentrations” and
“Measurements” before the gas readings will be visible in the drop-down box.

The data will appear on the plot. Note that the time axis on the plot is in UTC. For very
large datasets, the plot will show a subset of the data to reduce the time taken to draw the

You can plot multiple measurements on the plot before exporting the data.

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Exporting Data
To save the data as a .csv, click on the gas name in the graph key, and click "Save
selected plot" or "Save all plots" as required for single or multiple data sets (green

This will bring up a dialog box asking where you wish to save the data.

Opening the .csv file in Excel should give a spreadsheet, the first column being the
timestamp in the same time zone as the PC is set to and subsequent columns being the

It is also possible to export all data from the .h5 file as a large .csv. To do this, click
"Measurement Data" (black arrow) and a dialogue box will ask where you want to save
the file. This will give a .csv with multiple columns, but there will be gaps in each column,
as not all measurements are simultaneous.

Reducing the Data Volume

Some models of Cascade analyser update at high rates (up to 10 Hz). This generates log
files containing very high quantities of data. DataBase Explorer can be used to reduce the
data volume in two ways.

You can choose to use only every nth data point, or to calculate the average of n data
points. Either option reduces the data volume by a factor of n.

Before plotting or exporting data, choose one of the above options in the "Reduce Points"
section (see Figure 5-6). The default is "Plot all points". Choose the number of points to
reduce the data, then plot and/or export as described above.

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Figure 5-6: Data volume reduction options (red arrow)

The data reduction options apply to both plotting, or to exporting the data.

5.2 Changing an Analyser IP Address

It may be necessary to change the IP address of an analyser on installation, particularly
on systems which use TCP/IP Modbus to transmit measurements to the customer.
Unless specified during the order process, analysers will normally have default IP
address Internal components for analogue and digital output generation will
have IP addresses starting from

In order to change the IP address of the system, connect a laptop to the analyser as
described in Section 4.2. Note that throughout this section, commands to be entered in
the terminal window are shown in Courier bold.

If necessary, install WinSCP and TightVNC Viewer as described in Section 4.2.

It is necessary to separately change the IP address of the motherboard and each of the
I/O modules.

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5.2.1 Editing the Motherboard IP Address

Newer analysers have the ability to edit the IP address through the front panel.

Browse to Menu>System>Change IP address, then enter the required new IP address

following the on-screen instructions.

Note that any leading zeroes need to be entered, so an address of would
need to be entered as

On older analysers, it is necessary to manually edit the network configuration file:

Before editing the motherboard IP address, the analyser should be stopped, either by
choosing the “shutdown” command from the XStream or Beka interface, or by quitting
GasSensor-3 within a TightVNC window on a laptop.
Launch WinSCP as described in Section 4.2.3. In the right-hand pane, browse to the
following file:


Open this file in WinSCP’s built-in text editor by double clicking.

Find the lines in this file which read as follows:

iface eth0 inet static

Edit the IP address to the required address, taking care not to type or delete any invisible
characters (spaces, new lines etc).
Save and close the file.
Close WinSCP and reboot the analyser. Note that this will likely give errors until the IP
addresses of any Moxa modules in the system have also been updated (See Section

5.2.2 Editing the Moxa IP Addresses

A CT5000 system can contain up to 5 Moxa modules for analogue and digital output
generation, although this will vary depending on system specification. The output
modules will have default IP addresses from up to The laptop
should be set to a different address of the form 10.0.0.x. Typically we recommend

Each Moxa module must have a unique IP address, not shared by the motherboard,
laptop or any other Moxa.

Open a browser and enter in the address bar. The configuration page for the
first module should open. Once the first module has been updated, enter in
the address bar and repeat until all modules have been updated.

A digital Moxa configuration page is shown in Figure 5-7. An analogue 4-20mA output
Moxa has a similar page.

To reset the IP address, click on “Network settings” at the left-hand side, then select
“Ethernet Configuration”. Enter the desired IP address in the box, then click “submit”. A
confirmation message will be displayed. Click “Save/Restart”, then click “Home” to
complete the process.

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Figure 5-7: Digital Moxa setup page in Firefox.

Repeat this for other Moxa modules in the system until all IP addresses have been

5.2.3 Updating Sensor Configuration File

It is necessary to update the GasSensor-3 configuration file with the new addresses for
the Moxas. This requires accessing the GasSensor-3 GUI through TightVNC Viewer as
described in Section 4.2.2.

The TightVNC Viewer window is shown in Figure 5-8.

Clicking the “Configure” button on the top toolbar will then bring up a configuration dialog
which gives access to all settings necessary to operate the CT5000 analyser. This
window is illustrated in Figure 5-9.

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Figure 5-8: TightVNC window containing the GasSensor-3 GUI.

Figure 5-9: GasSensor-3 configuration window.

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The digital Moxa IP addresses are set in the “Health/Status Lines” tab in the “system”
pane of the GasSensor-3 configuration window, as shown in Figure 5-10. On systems
with multiple digital Moxas, clicking the “Moxa Digital 1” name will show a drop-down list
from which each Moxa can be selected.

For each digital Moxa, set the IP address here to the correct IP address for the Moxa (as
set earlier), then click “Apply” and “Save” at the bottom of the configuration window.

Figure 5-10: Digital Moxa setup page.

The Analogue (4-20mA) Moxa IP address is set in the “4-20 mA” tab in the “system”
pane of the GasSensor-3 configuration window, as shown in Figure 5-11. On systems
with multiple analogue Moxas, clicking the “Moxa Analog 1” name will show a drop-down
list from which each Moxa can be selected.

For each 4-20mA Moxa, set the IP address here to the correct IP address for the Moxa
(as set earlier), then click “Apply” and “Save” at the bottom of the configuration window.

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Figure 5-11: Analogue Moxa setup page.

For each 4-20mA Moxa, set the IP address here to the correct IP address for the
analogue Moxa (as set earlier), then click “Apply” and “Save” at the bottom of the
configuration window.

Once the motherboard IP address, all analogue and digital Moxas have had their new IP
addresses set and the config file has been updated with the new IP addresses for the
analogue and digital Moxas, the process is complete.

Click “Close” on the “Configure” window, close TightVNC Viewer and reboot the analyser
to complete the changes.

5.3 Upgrading or downgrading the software

In general, analysers ship with the latest version of software (GasSensor-3) at the time of
their construction, and will not need software upgrades. It may, however, occasionally be
necessary to upgrade the software in order to add an additional feature, or to fix a
software bug. In this case, the procedure is detailed below.

Before starting the upgrade process, ensure you have been given the necessary version
of GasSensor-3. Consult Cascade Technologies to determine what version is

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5.3.1 Stop analyser running

Stop the analyser from running, either by selecting “Quit” from the file menu, or else
choosing “Shutdown” through the Beka or XStream interface.

5.3.2 Back up old software

To backup the old software, run Win SCP. The main software file is stored in the /usr/bin
directory, as shown below. In order to back up the current software version, rename it. In
the example below, it has been renamed GasSensor-3old.

Figure 5-12: GasSensor-3 software directory

5.3.3 Copy new software

Your new version of GasSensor-3 can now be copied into this folder. Note that the exact
same procedure applies to a software downgrade as for an upgrade. In either case, the
new file will still be called GasSensor-3 and should be copied into /usr/bin

5.3.4 Reboot
After copying the new software, close WinSCP and reboot the analyser. It should start
running on the new version. You can either check the software version through the
“system” menu on the Beka or XStream, or in the bottom right hand corner in

5.4 Resetting the System Time

In order to change the system time, quit GasSensor-3, either through “shutdown” from
the front panel, or with File>Quit in the GUI.
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Run PuTTY to access the analyser command line. To set the time, enter the following
command, with the date and time which you wish to set:
RtcTimeTool -w ‘YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss’

You can check that the change has been effective by using the following command:
RtcTimeTool -q -v1

Note that the last character is a number 1, not a lowercase l.

Power cycle to reboot the analyser

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Section 6: Maintenance
6.1 Calibration & Validation
The gas concentrations measured by CT5000 series analysers can be validated against a
known sample gas or calibrated to match it by using the following Gas Calibration
procedures. The calibration of the analyser requires the following items:

• Nitrogen gas of “instrument gas” purity for use as a zero calibration gas;
• Suitable span calibration gases for each gas measured in a suitable balance gas
(usually nitrogen or zero air);
• Gas bottle pressure regulators;
• Interconnecting hoses to connect the gas bottles to the analyser.
• A T-piece and excess flow line.
On systems which automatically control the calibration gas with solenoid valves, it is not
necessary to change the gas flow manually.
Calibration procedures through both the Beka and XStream interfaces are described
below in Sections 6.2 and 6.3 respectively. Note that some older analysers may use
earlier versions of the software with slight differences in the procedure. If in any doubt,
refer to the user’s manual which would have shipped with the analyser in question.
The validation procedure is essentially the same as the calibration procedure, except that
it does not adjust the analyser measurements to match the calibration standard.

6.2 Calibration & Validation (Beka Interface)

6.2.1 To Update Span Cylinder Values or Reset to Factory
Calibration is performed under the control of the analyser software, using calibration
routines built in to the software. The calibration functions are accessed through the Main
menu (Figure 6-1).

To get the Main menu, press the MENU button on the gas sensor main screen , as
described in Section 4.3.1.


Pressing the BACK button will cancel the procedure and return the user to the previous

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Figure 6-1: Main Menu

1 Calibration and maintenance options

2 SEL text
3 SEL button
4 Scroll Up button
5 Scroll up arrow
6 Scroll down arrow
7 Scroll down button

The Main menu (Figure 6-1) is used to access the software routines and screens that
are used throughout the process.

Use the middle buttons ( and ) to scroll up or down to select ‘GAS SERVICE’
Press the SEL button

Figure 6-2: Gas Service (PER GAS)

Use the middle buttons ( and ) to scroll up or down to select ‘PER GAS’
Press the SEL button.

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Figure 6-3: Select Gas (CO)

Use the middle buttons ( and ) to scroll up or down to select the desired gas (e.g.
Press the SEL button.

Figure 6-4: Input type

To check the current offset or span values, select ZERO OFFSET or SPAN FACTOR
and press SHOW to view.

Use the middle buttons ( and ) to scroll up or down to select RUN SPAN
Press the CAL button.

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Figure 6-5: Calibration

Press the MAN button.

Figure 6-6: Gas Service (PER GAS)

Using the LEFT, RIGHT, INCR (increase) and DECR (decrease) buttons enter the
cylinder concentration (e.g. 000020.000 ppm)
Press OK to confirm.

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Figure 6-7: Calibration

Press RES to reset to the factory calibration.

Press CANCEL to cancel the calibration process.

Figure 6-8: Calibration

Press DONE to finish

This completes the cylinder value entry process and the display will return to the Main

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To reset the zero calibration, browse to the Main Menu, then use the middle buttons (
and ) to scroll up or down to select ‘GAS SERVICE’
Press the SEL button

Figure 6-9: Gas Service (PER GAS)

Use the middle buttons ( and ) to scroll up or down to select ‘PER GAS’
Press the SEL button.

Figure 6-10: Select Gas (CO)

Use the middle buttons ( and ) to scroll up or down to select the desired gas (e.g.
Press the SEL button.

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Figure 6-11: Input type

Use the middle buttons ( and ) to scroll up or down to select RUN ZERO
Press the CAL button.

Figure 6-12: Calibration

Press the MAN button.

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Figure 6-13: Calibration

Press RES to reset to the factory calibration.

Press CANCEL to cancel the calibration process.

Figure 6-14: Calibration

Press DONE to finish

This completes the zero reset process and the display will return to the Main menu.

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6.2.2 To Zero Calibrate an Individual Gas

To get the Main menu, press the MENU button on either the gas sensor main screen or
the Pressure and Temperature screen, as described in Section 4.3.1.


Pressing the BACK button will cancel the procedure and return the user to the previous

Figure 6-15: Main Menu (GAS SERVICE)

Use the middle buttons ( and ) to scroll up or down to select ‘GAS SERVICE’
Press the SEL button

Figure 6-16: Gas Service

Use the middle buttons ( and ) to scroll up or down to select ‘PER GAS’
Press the SEL button.
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Figure 6-17: Select Gas (CO)

Use the middle buttons ( and ) to scroll up or down to select the desired gas (e.g.
Press the SEL button.

Figure 6-18: Input type

Use the middle buttons ( and ) to scroll up or down to select RUN ZERO
Press the CAL button to calibrate, or the VER button to verify.

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Figure 6-19: Main Menu (GAS SERVICE)

Press the AUTO button. On systems with valve control, this will close the process flow
and open the zero valve to permit calibration gas to flow.

Figure 6-20: Calibration

Figure 6-20 will be displayed as the calibration progresses.

Once complete the program will automatically open Figure 6-21.

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Figure 6-21: Result

Press OK.

Figure 6-22: Span input

Press DONE to finish

This completes the process and the display will return to the Main menu.

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6.2.3 To Span Calibrate an Individual Gas

If necessary, set the cylinder concentration as described in (6.2.1) above. If the cylinder
has already been set, there is no need to repeat it.

To get the Main menu, press the MENU button on either the gas sensor main screen or
the Pressure and Temperature screen, as described in Section 4.3.1.


Pressing the BACK button will cancel the procedure and return the user to the previous

Figure 6-23: Main Menu (GAS SERVICE)

Use the middle buttons ( and ) to scroll up or down to select ‘GAS SERVICE’
Press the SEL button.

Figure 6-24: Gas Service (PER GAS)

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Use the middle buttons ( and ) to scroll up or down to select ‘PER GAS’
Press the SEL button.

Figure 6-25: Select Gas (CO)

Use the middle buttons ( and ) to scroll up or down to select the desired gas (e.g.
Press the SEL button.

Figure 6-26: Input type (SPAN)

Use the middle buttons ( and ) to scroll up or down.

Select RUN SPAN.
Press the CAL button to calibrate, or the VER button to verify.

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Figure 6-27: Select Gas (CO)

Press the AUTO button. On systems with valve control, this will close the process flow
and open the appropriate span valve to permit calibration gas to flow.

Figure 6-28: Calibration

Figure 6-28 will be displayed as the calibration progresses.

Once complete the program will automatically open Figure 6-29.

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Figure 6-29: Result

Press OK.

Figure 6-30: Calibration Complete

Press DONE to finish

This completes the process and the display will return to the Main menu.

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6.2.4 To Calibrate All Gases (Zero and Span)

On systems with valve control, it is possible to run a calibration on all gases. The valves
will sequentially switch through each of the span and zero gases. This option is not
practical to use on systems which require manual valve switching.

To get the Main menu, press the MENU button on either the gas sensor main screen or
the Pressure and Temperature screen, as described in Section 4.3.1.


Pressing the BACK button will cancel the procedure and return the user to the previous

Figure 6-31 Main Menu (GAS SERVICE)

Use the middle buttons ( and ) to scroll up or down to select ‘GAS SERVICE’
Press the SEL button.

Figure 6-32 Gas Service (CALIBR ALL)

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Use the middle buttons ( and ) to scroll up or down to select ‘CALIBR ALL’
Press the SEL button

Figure 6-33 Calibration

The system will work through the ZERO and SPAN calibration process for all readings.
The ‘Please wait’ screen will be displayed. This takes approximately one minute per
On completion, the ‘finished’ screen (Figure 6-28) will display.

Figure 6-34 Calibration (finished)

Press BACK
This completes the process and the display will return to the Main menu.

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6.2.5 To Change the Automatic Calibration Settings

This section applies to systems configured to perform automatic calibration at timed
intervals only.

To get the Main menu, press the MENU button on either the gas sensor main screen or
the Pressure and Temperature screen, as described in Section 4.3.1.

Pressing the BACK button will cancel the procedure and return the user to the previous

Figure 6-35 Main menu (GAS SERVICE)

Use the middle buttons ( and ) to scroll up or down to select ‘GAS SERVICE’
Press the SEL button

Figure 6-36 Gas service (CALIBR PARAMS)

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Use the middle buttons ( and ) to scroll up or down to select ‘CALIBR PARAMS’ or
‘VERIFY PARAMS’ for validation settings)
Press the SEL button

Figure 6-37 Calibr params (AUTO PERIOD)

To adjust the frequency of automatic calibration:

Use the middle buttons ( and ) to scroll up or down
Press the SEL button.

Figure 6-38 Period

To change the number of days between calibrations:

Use the LEFT, RIGHT, INCR (increase) DECR (decrease) buttons to set the number and
time interval.
Press the OK button

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Figure 6-39 Calibr params (WAITING FITS)

To adjust the length of time for the span gas to flush the cell:
Use the middle buttons ( and ) to scroll up or down select ‘WAITING FITS’
Press the SEL button.

Figure 6-40 Calibr waiting

To change the number of fits to wait:

Use the LEFT, RIGHT, INCR (increase) DECR (decrease) buttons to set the number of
Press the OK button.

A fit typically takes approximately one second. This will vary dependent on system

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6.3 Calibration & Validation (XStream Interface)

6.3.1 To Update Span Cylinder Values or reset to Factory

From the home screen, press ►for the Main Menu.

Figure 6-41: Main menu

Main menu


Use ▲and ▼ to select “GAS SERVICE”. Press ►

Figure 6-42: Gas service (PER GAS)

Gas service


From the Gas Service menu, use ▲and ▼ to select “PER GAS”. Press ►

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Figure 6-43: Select gas

Select gas


Use ▲and ▼ to select the desired gas (e.g. CO). Press ►

Figure 6-44: Select gas (Span) screen

Select gas


The current zero offset or span factor can be checked by selecting “ZERO OFFSET, or
“SPAN FACTOR”, and pressing ENTER.

Use ▲and ▼ to select “RUN SPAN”, then press

Figure 6-45: Calibration screen


Select mode:
RIGHT for manual or
ENTER for automatic
with cylinder
39.490 ppm

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A screen will ask you to select Manual or Automatic.

Press ► for manual

Figure 6-46: Cylinder entry screen

For CO
enter cylinder
000039.490 ppm

Please use arrow buttons to

edit number. ENTER to commit
value or HOME to cancel

Enter the cylinder concentration using the ◄, ►, ▼ and ▲ buttons.

Press to confirm.
Figure 6-47: Manual calibration screen

Calibration span

For CO
Manual calibration
Cyl: 39.490 ppm
Read: 40.013 ppm
Diff: 1.32%

Press ▲ to reset the span factor to factory default.

Press ▼ to cancel the manual calibration process.

Press to finish updating the span settings.

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To reset the zero calibration to factory default, from the home screen, press ►for the
Main Menu.

Figure 6-48: Main menu

Main menu


Use ▲and ▼ to select “GAS SERVICE”. Press ►

Figure 6-49: Gas service (PER GAS)

Gas service


From the Gas Service menu, use ▲and ▼ to select “PER GAS”. Press ►

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Figure 6-50: Select gas

Select gas


Use ▲and ▼ to select the desired gas (e.g. CO). Press ►

Figure 6-51: Select gas (Span) screen

Select gas


Use ▲and ▼ to select “ZERO”, then press

Figure 6-52: Calibration screen


Select mode:
RIGHT for manual or
ENTER for automatic

A screen will ask you to select Manual or Automatic.

Press ► for manual
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Figure 6-53: Manual calibration screen

Calibration zero

For CO
Manual calibration
Cyl: 0.0000 ppm
Read: 0.012 ppm
Diff: 1.01%

Press ▲ to reset the span factor to factory default.

Press ▼ to cancel the manual calibration process.

Press to finish.

6.3.2 To Zero Calibrate an Individual Gas

From the home screen, press ► for the Main Menu

Figure 6-54: Main menu screen

Main menu


Use ▲and ▼ to select “GAS SERVICE”, then press ►

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Figure 6-55: Gas service screen

Gas service


From the Gas Service menu, use ▲and ▼ to select “PER GAS”, then press ►

Figure 6-56: Select gas screen

Select gas


Use ▲and ▼ to select the desired gas, then press ►

Figure 6-57: Select gas (Zero) screen

Select gas


Use ▲and ▼ to select “RUN ZERO”, then press to calibrate or ► to verify.

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Figure 6-58: Calibration select mode screen


Select mode:

ENTER for automatic

Press to begin Automatic calibration. On systems with valve control, this will close the
process flow and open the zero valve to permit calibration gas to flow.

Figure 6-59: Calibrate Zero screen

Calibrate zero

For CO zero
automatic calibration

Read: 1.40 ppm

A screen will show the readings as the calibration is in progress.

Figure 6-60: Result (ZERO) screen


For CO
Zero calibration

Read: 1.494 ppm

Offset -5.694 ppm

Once complete, the updated offset will be shown. Press to complete the process.
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6.3.3 To Span Calibrate an Individual Gas

If necessary, set the cylinder concentration as described in (6.3.1) above. If the cylinder
has already been set, there is no need to repeat it.

From the home screen, press ► for the Main Menu

Figure 6-61: Main menu screen

Main menu


Use ▲and ▼ to select “GAS SERVICE”, then press ►

Figure 6-62: Gas service screen

Gas service


From the Gas Service menu, use ▲and ▼ to select “PER GAS”, then press ►

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Figure 6-63: Gas Selection screen

Select gas


Use ▲and ▼ to select the desired gas, then press ►

Figure 6-64: Selection of Span

Select gas


Use ▲and ▼ to select “Run Span”, then press to calibrate or ► to verify.

Figure 6-65: Calibration screen


Select mode:

ENTER for automatic

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Press to begin Automatic calibration. On systems with valve control, this will close the
process flow and open the appropriate span valve to permit calibration gas to flow.

A screen will show the readings as the calibration is in progress.

Figure 6-66: Result (SPAN) screen


For CO
SPAN calibration

Cyl 39.490ppm
Read: 0.316ppm
Factor 1.149

Once complete, the updated span factor will be shown.

Figure 6-67: Result screen


For CO
SPAN calibration

Cyl 39.490ppm
Read: 0.316ppm
Factor 1.149

Press to complete the process.

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6.3.4 To Calibrate All Gases (Zero and Span)

On systems with valve control, it is possible to run a calibration on all gases. The valves
will sequentially switch through each of the span and zero gases. This option is not
practical to use on systems which require manual valve switching.

From the home screen, press ► for the Main Menu.

Figure 6-68: Main menu screen

Main menu


Use ▲and ▼ to select “Gas Service”, then press ►

Figure 6-69: Gas Service screen

Gas service


From the Gas Service menu, use ▲and ▼ to select “Calibr all”, then press ►

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Figure 6-70: Calibration (Started) screen


Gas calibration

Please wait
for finish

The system will work through the zero and span calibration process for all readings,
during which time the “please wait” screen will be displayed. This takes around 1 minute
per gas.
On a ten-measurement system, it will take ten minutes.

When it is finished, the “finished” screen will be displayed.

Figure 6-71: Calibration finished screen


Gas calibration


Press ◄ to return to the menu.

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6.3.5 To Change the Automatic Calibration Settings

From the home screen, press ► for the Main Menu

Figure 6-72: Main menu screen

Main menu


Use ▲and ▼ to select “Gas Service”, then press ►

Figure 6-73: Gas Service Screen

Gas service


From the Gas Service menu, use ▲and ▼ to select “Calibr params” (or “Verify
Params” for validation settings), then press ►

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Figure 6-74: Calibration parameters (Auto Period) screen

Calibr param


To adjust the frequency of automatic calibrations, use ▲and ▼ to select “AUTO

PERIOD” then press ►.

Figure 6-75: Period setting

Enter period for

03 days

Please use arrow buttons to

edit, ENTER to commit
value or HOME to cancel

Change the number and time interval between calibrations using the ◄, ►, ▲, ▼
buttons then press .

Figure 6-76: Calibration parameters screen

Calibr param


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To adjust the length of time for the span gas to flush the cell, use ▲and ▼ to select

Figure 6-77: Calibration waiting screen

Calibr waiting

Enter waiting time

for calibration
10 fits
Please use arrow buttons to
Edit number, ENTER to commit
Value or HOME to cancel

Change the number of fits to wait using the ◄, ►, ▲, ▼ buttons then press

A fit typically takes about 1 second, but this will vary depending on system specifications.

6.4 Reference Gas – Suggested Gases

For zero calibration, in laboratory analysers, the reference gas should be either Nitrogen
or Synthetic Air; while in Process analysers, the reference gas should be appropriate to
the gas stream being measured. This may be Nitrogen, Synthetic Air, Ethylene, Methane
or Hydrogen depending on application. It may be a mix of gases, such as an ethane/ethylene
blend. Consult Cascade Technologies if you are unsure what zero reference gas is
appropriate for your analyser.

For span calibration, the gas should be an appropriate concentration of the analyte, with
the balance gas being appropriate to the gas stream being measured. This may be
Nitrogen, Synthetic Air, Ethylene, Methane or Hydrogen depending on application.

The concentration to be used for span calibration should be one of the following:

EITHER a value close to the analyser upper measurement limit (e.g. 190 ppm or 201 ppm
on a 0-200 ppm analyser).

OR a concentration close to that which is expected to be measured, provided this is

above 10% of the instrument scale (e.g. 57 ppm on a 0-400 ppm analyser where the
customer subsequently expects to measure approximately 60 ppm in their process).

6.5 X-shift Adjustment

In order to maintain the laser wavelengths during long term operation, a periodic
wavelength optimisation is required, as described below.

6.5.1 Automatic X-shift calibration

Many analysers are now configured to perform this wavelength correction automatically,
requiring no intervention. On these systems, with a laptop connected, the Log window will
continually display updates on the X-shift calibration process, as shown in Figure 6-79.
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6.5.2 Semi-automatic X-shift calibration

Some older systems might be configured for X-shift calibration to be performed by a
service engineer. In this case, the Log window will not be displaying X-shift calibration
messages. To perform an X-shift calibration on these analysers, follow these steps:

1. Ensure the sensor is taking measurements of each gas. This can either be
process gas, or a calibration cylinder. Allow the gas concentration readings to
come to a steady value.

2. Click the Tools menu and select xShift calibration. This will bring up the X-shift
dialog box as shown in Figure 6-78.
3. Ensure the Automatic option is selected.
4. Click Apply, then close the dialog box using the X box in the top right corner.
Figure 6-78 X-shift adjustment

5. If the log window is not visible, go to the View menu and select Log.
6. Note that the position of the log window may vary depending on your system. If
any of the laser wavelengths require optimisation, a series of notices X-Shift: TEC
temperature offset for Laser # adjusted to xxxxx will appear at 10 s intervals in the log
window. When the optimisation is complete, X-Shift has come back into target range
will be shown. In the example in Figure 6-79, Laser 2 is back in the target range, while
Laser 4 is still undergoing optimisation.

Figure 6-79 The Log window

7. Note that it is possible for all, none or some of the lasers to require adjustment.

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8. Once the X-shift adjustment has been completed, a zero calibration and a span
gas calibration should be performed as described in Sections 6.2 and 6.3.

6.5.3 Manual X-shift calibration

If the X-shift calibration does not work, it is possible to manually adjust the wavelength
calibration of a laser to re-zero the X-shift. This should only be attempted if the laser X-
shift is seriously out of range, as it requires making changes to parameters stored in the
laser module’s flash memory, which cannot be simply reversed by returning to a
previously backed-up config file.

The laser pulse and calibration settings are found from the “configure” window by clicking
the relevant laser name, next to the orange square “laser” logo as shown in Figure 6-80.

Figure 6-80 Laser wavelength calibration settings

Note the value of the laser X-shift (this can be found as described in Section 7.1.2). It is
only necessary to note this to one significant figure.
The X-shift value should then be subtracted from the first term of the calibration
polynomial (1902.245 in the example shown above). For example, if the X-shift was 0.03,
the first term should be changed to 1902.215. If the X-shift was -0.007, the first term
should change to 1902.252.
After changing the polynomial, save the changes to the config file by clicking “Apply” and
“Save” at the bottom of the screen. It might be necessary to click in the blank space of
the window to finish editing before the “Apply” button will be available.
To then save to the laser flash memory, click the “Device” tab and select “Save” under
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the “Save configuration in PulseModule Memory” heading, as shown below:

Figure 6-81 Saving to the Flash memory

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Section 7: Troubleshooting
7.1 System Health Checks
As part of the installation, once the analyser is installed and any necessary adjustments
have been made, a number of checks on the basic health of the analyser should be
performed and documented. All these checks will require a laptop to be connected as
described in Section 4.2, using the TightVNC Viewer software to see the GasSensor-3
GUI, as described in Use of TightVNC viewer.

In the case of analysers with heated cells, ensure the analyser has been powered on and
running until the cell has stabilised at operating temperature. On some designs this may
take up to 2 hours.

Once the system is stable, the following checks listed in the following section should be
performed. Note that some of them require the use of calibration gas. If this is not
available, it may be possible to perform the checks using either the customer’s process
gas, or atmospheric air. Section 6.1 discusses the calibration procedure and lists the
gases which may be required. On installation, screenshots of these checks should be
taken to prove the analyser was operating correctly at the time of install (see
Section 4.2.4).

A new analyser should pass all health checks. Nonetheless, some samples of failure
modes are included in this section, although if any of these problems occur the only
possible approach is to contact Cascade for assistance as most of these failure modes
indicate faults which are not field-repairable.

7.1.1 Laser Pulse Check

Pulses during Normal Operation
With the sensor running normally, the laser pulses can be viewed by selecting "Show
pulses plot" from the "View" menu.

The laser pulses should look similar to those illustrated in Figure 7-1.

The pulses are displayed in digitiser bits, on a scale from 0 to -256. The flat line at the
end of the pulses should be on the zero line and the lowest point of each pulse should be
between -20 and -220. The beginning of the pulse should be at time zero, at the left of the

The pulse shape should normally be a smooth curve when nitrogen is flowing through the
analyser. On atmosphere, some absorption features may be visible. When the analyser is
actively measuring, various absorption features will appear in the pulses, corresponding
to the presence of various gases. Figure 7-2 illustrates this for one laser.

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Figure 7-1: Laser pulse plot

Figure 7-2 Laser pulses showing absorption features (dark blue pulse, NO2)

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Troubleshooting from the Pulses
Some common pulse failures are illustrated below. If the pulses appear similar to any of
these failure modes, assistance should be sought from Cascade.

Figure 7-3 shows an example of a laser pulse which is offset to the right on the X-axis. If
the pulse is otherwise healthy, this can be caused by the delay setting in the software
being too low. This setting is unable to change in transit, so in practice this is a very
unlikely failure to encounter in isolation.

Figure 7-3 Pulse offset to the right on the X-axis

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Figure 7-4 shows an example of a laser pulse which is offset to the left on the X-axis.
This can either be caused by the delay setting in the software being too high, or the
physical optical pathlength within the cell being too low. The delay setting is unable to
change in transit, so this would normally be caused by misalignment.

If only one laser shows this behaviour, it will require realignment of the beamsplitter in
front of the laser in question. If all lasers show this behaviour, it suggests a misalignment
of the cell itself, or one of the steering mirrors. In either case, contact Cascade
Technologies for assistance.

Figure 7-4 Pulse offset to the left on the X-axis

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Figure 7-5 shows an example of a pulse where the baseline is offset from zero on the Y-
axis. In practice, this will only happen if the software is unable to detect the pulse
accurately, and will be combined with an offset on the X-axis as well. If the pulse is
otherwise healthy, this could be caused by a fault in the delay settings or pathlength as
discussed above, otherwise it may be caused by an excessively low signal.

Figure 7-5 Pulse baseline offset from zero on Y-axis

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Figure 7-6 shows an example of a pulse with an excessively low amplitude. Low
amplitude will frequently prevent the pulses being detected, so a low amplitude pulse will
often be combined with offsets on either the X-axis and/or the Y-axis. The pulse will also
have a considerably lower signal to noise ratio, resulting in a fuzzy-looking pulse.

If all lasers show this behaviour, it suggests a misalignment of the analysis cell, or one of
the steering mirrors. If only one laser shows this behaviour, it suggests either
misalignment of that laser, or else a failure of the laser. In either case, contact Cascade
Technologies for assistance.

Figure 7-6 Excessively low amplitude pulse

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Figure 7-7 shows an example of a pulse with an excessively high amplitude. This can be
identified by the “flattening off” of the strongest part of the pulse, usually at an amplitude
approaching -256. Excessively high pulses can only be caused by a change in
alignment; and for the pulse strength to increase, it is likely the beam is following the
wrong optical path through the cell. Contact Cascade for assistance.

Figure 7-7 Excessively high (saturated) laser pulse

7.1.2 Span Fits and X-shift Check

Provided the pulses appear correct, further information on the system health can be
obtained by inspecting each gas fit. This is a display of the real data being obtained from
the laser, with a synthetic absorption feature superimposed. The synthetic absorption is
calculated based upon the known physical parameters of the system, and the behaviour
of the molecules of the gas in question. The most useful indications can be obtained
when flowing a gas through the analyser. This may be a calibration gas cylinder, or
process gas from the customer’s measurement stream. For certain gases on certain
analysers, atmospheric air may contain sufficiently high gas levels to be used.

Each spectral fit can be viewed by selecting Windows>Fittings>Path>Laser XX as shown

in Figure 7-8 . Note that the path name will depend on the system, and the laser name
will depend which gas it is measuring.

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Figure 7-8 Selecting the NH3 laser fit

Span Fits during Normal Operation

A sample fit to span NH3 is shown in Figure 7-9. This absorption feature is relatively
simple, consisting of one absorption “line” which gives a distinct bell-shaped curve. Other
gases may have similarly simple absorption spectra, or more complex spectra consisting
of multiple overlapping “lines” as illustrated for CO2 in Figure 7-10.
In either case, the traces on a fitting plot are described below:

Blue (Pulse): This is the raw signal detected at the detector.

Purple (BG): This is the calculated shape which the pulse would have if no gas
absorption was occurring.

Turquoise (Pulse/Trans): This is the data from which the BG trace is calculated.

Red (Pulse/BG): This is the gas absorption shape, corrected to remove the shape of the
laser pulse. This is frequently referred to as the “real data”.

Green (Trans): This is the calculated gas absorption shape, from which we derive the
concentration. This is frequently referred to as the “fit data”.

Olive (Res): These are the point-by point differences between the Trans and Pulse/BG

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Figure 7-9: Sample span fit for NH3

Figure 7-10: Sample span fit for CO2

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If the sensor is running well, with span gas present there should be a very close fit
between the purple and turquoise traces (indicating successful pulse shape calculation)
as well as between the green and red traces (indicating a good match between the real
data and the fit data).

In some cases, the spectrum being fitted may look decidedly unusual, as in the example
in Figure 7-11. Again, the match between the red and green lines, and between the
purple and turquoise lines demonstrate a healthy fit.

Figure 7-11: Sample span fit for SO2

The example fits shown above are typical of a well-functioning analyser.

While the sensor is fitting gas, two of the variables used in the fit are displayed in the
system monitoring display, shown in Figure 7-12. If the monitoring pane is not visible,
choose Monitoring from the View menu.

The Explorer-type display allows you to see specific parameters by clicking the + sign.
Expand Cell to see the lasers. Each gas can be expanded to show the X-shift and
GammaAir values.

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Figure 7-12 The monitoring pane with the CO2 laser diagnostics expanded

X-shift for CO2

Gamma Air for CO2

The X-shift should be close to zero, although the exact value will fluctuate between
measurements and over time. The value may be positive or negative depending on the
direction of the shift.

In theory, the value of the X-shift should be less than 0.001. The maximum permitted
value in the software is normally 0.02, so if the X-shift is at, or near this value, the laser
may need an adjustment to the calibration. In the case of oxygen lasers, there is a greater
tolerance. The X-shift for oxygen should be less then 0.01, with the limits normally set at 0.2.
See Section 6 for details of how to perform an X-shift adjustment.

Gamma Air should normally be close to 1 (normally 0.8 to 1.2), however some gases will
give a higher value (up to 1.4) in the presence of certain gas mixtures.

Troubleshooting from Span Fits

The most common use of the fits for troubleshooting is to identify whether a strange gas
reading is a result of a faulty fit or, as is more common, a gas calibration error.

If the fits look good, as described in Span fits during normal operation, any errors in
gas reading should be fixed by performing a gas calibration, as described in
Section 6.1.

The most common problems which can be identified from the span gas fits are discussed
over the next few pages.

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Figure 7-13 shows an example where despite the presence of an obvious absorption
feature in the raw data (blue trace), and real data (red trace), the software has not
calculated a fit to the feature and is instead stuck at zero (green trace).

Under certain circumstances, this can occasionally occur if changes have been made to
the analyser configuration without restarting the software. Try shutting the analyser down
and restarting it. If the problem persists, contact Cascade for assistance.

Figure 7-13 Failure to fit gas

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Figure 7-14 shows an example where the real data (red trace) and the fit data (green
trace) are offset in the X-axis. This can occur if the wavelength behaviour of the laser no
longer matches its wavelength calibration polynomial, which is factory-set before an
analyser leaves Cascade. Either the laser calibration has been accidentally changed, or
the laser wavelength behaviour has changed. Note that for a small offset, the X-shift
(described in Section will adjust the data to compensate, up to a certain limit
(usually 0.05), making the fit appear normal.

If this behaviour occurs, it may be possible to recalibrate the laser, but if the laser is
failing, it is likely that the problem will recur. It is advisable to contact Cascade for

Figure 7-14 Fit and real data offset (excessive X-shift)

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Figure 7-15 shows an example of a total mismatch between the real data (red) and the fit
data (green). In this case, there is no obvious correlation between the shapes of the red
and green traces, even allowing for offsets or scale factors in either axis.

This can only occur if the gas which is present in the cell is different from the gas(es)
which the analyser is configured to fit on the laser in question. Note that all lasers can be
configured to fit several gases, even though a measurement is normally only provided for
one or two. This might occur as a result of some fitting error, or if the spectrum of the gas
in the cell genuinely does not match a calculable spectrum.

If a fitting error is suspected, try rebooting the analyser. If the problem persists, either
there is a gas present which the analyser is not configured to deal with, or there is a
serious failure of the laser resulting in a significant wavelength change. In either case,
contact Cascade for assistance.

Figure 7-15 Total mismatch between the real and fit data

7.1.3 Zero Fits

Section 7.1.2 discusses the appearance of the gas fits when the measured gas is present
in the system. This may be a calibration gas cylinder, or process gas from the customer’s
measurement stream. For certain gases on certain analysers, atmospheric air may
contain sufficiently high gas levels to be used.

A final check can be performed on the gas fits with none of the required gas in the cell.
This generally should be performed with a cylinder of either nitrogen or synthetic air. For
certain gases on certain analysers, atmospheric air may contain sufficiently low gas
levels to be used.

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Zero Fits during Normal Operation

A sample fit to zero NH3 is shown in Figure 7-16. This is a very typical zero fit, similar to
what will be observed on all lasers in the system. The traces shown on the fit plot are
listed below:

Blue (Pulse): This is the raw signal detected at the detector.

Purple (BG): This is the calculated shape which the pulse would have if no gas
absorption was occurring.

Turquoise (Pulse/Trans): This is the data from which the BG trace is calculated.

Red (Pulse/BG): This is the gas absorption shape, corrected to remove the shape of the
laser pulse. This is frequently referred to as the “real data”.

Green (Trans): This is the calculated gas absorption shape, from which we derive the
concentration. This is frequently referred to as the “fit data”.
Olive (Res): These are the point-by point differences between the Trans and Pulse/BG

Figure 7-16 Zero fit on an NH3 laser

If the sensor is running well, with zero gas present there should be a very close fit
between the blue, purple and turquoise traces, indicating successful pulse shape

The red and olive traces will generally appear as opposites. With zero gas in the cell, the
fit window automatically zooms in so the noise in the laser pulse is visible on the real data
(red). The software will still calculate a perfect absorption feature for the fit data (green)
so the residuals from the fit (olive) will always be the inverse of the noise in the red trace.

Note that when zero gas is present in the cell, the X-shift value for that particular laser is
meaningless, and will often display a value at the upper or lower limit.
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Troubleshooting from Zero Fits

The only troubleshooting which can reasonably be performed from the zero fits is a check
on the noise within the pulse. All points on the real data (red trace) should be within a
0.006 window on the Y-axis. This will usually be between the values of +0.003 and -
0.003. The example shown in Figure 7-16 shows this.

If the noise is outside this range (excessively noisy), the most likely cause is a low laser
pulse (see Section 7.1.1, Laser pulse check).

Low Concentration Fits

Normally, when measuring either process gas or atmospheric air, it is likely that the
concentration measured by the analyser will be somewhere between zero and maximum.

In this case, the absorption shape may be visible, but low. The resulting fit plot will be
somewhere between the zero and span fits illustrated in previous sections.

Figure 7-17 shows an example of this for a low concentration of CO2. While the overall
shape of the real and fit data are good matches, the noise is also visible when the gas
level is this low.

Figure 7-17 Low concentration CO2 fit

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Section 8: Documenting Changes

With the CT5000 series of analysers still being relatively new, there is not yet any central
repository of information on the original specifications of an analyser, its maintenance
history and any changes made.

At Cascade, we are using a spreadsheet to track any repairs or updates made to

sensors in the field, allowing us to watch for recurring problems (either with an analyser
type, or with a specific analyser). We also try to keep up-to-date copies of the
configuration files for each analyser.

To assist us in this aim, it would be appreciated if you could fill in the “CT5000 service
report” on the next few pages and send it in to Cascade, along with screenshots
documenting the health of the analyser and backed up configuration settings files (see
Section 4.2.4).

There is an additional section on the form for you to record any processes where you
found additional training and/or documentation would have made the onsite tasks easier.
Please take a moment to fill this in, in order that this course can be improved in the

Documenting Changes 145

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ED-SRV-QCL-MAN-CT5000 July 2017

Document No. Rev Description A CT5000 Site Visit Report

Service Report (fill out by hand or type up after the trip)

Service Engineer 1
Service Engineer 2
Service Engineer 3

Customer details

Customer name
Contact name

Product details


Serial number(s)

(e.g. lab, line etc)

Type of visit (please tick all that apply)

Type Tick Comments

Site Survey
Warranty Repair
Other (specify)

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Document No. Rev Description A Service Report Sign Off Sheet

Fault details (if applicable)

Reported by
Fault details

Service Engineer Report

(please number)

(please number)

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Document No. Rev Description A Service Report Sign Off Sheet

Service Engineer Report (continued)

Tests carried out

(please number)

Have you saved Before After

the following Pulses screenshot
before and after Zero and span fits of each gas
service work? Config file
Other comments

Any issues? Please note here any issues where you feel additional training and/or documentation would have
made the service or repair process more straightforward.

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Document No. Rev Description A Service Report Sign Off Sheet

Parts Information

Part no. (if known) Description Quantity Comments, e.g. part damaged, part replaced etc

Time On-site

Name Hours onsite Travel time

Sign Off
Y/N Comments
Job complete?
Follow-up action required or

This report is, to the best of my knowledge, The work described above has been carried out to my satisfaction. The
complete and accurate in all respects. description, time taken and parts used are accurate to my knowledge.

Signed: Signed:
(Service Engineer) (Customer)

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Date: Date:

Documenting Changes 149

Revision F

Emerson Process Management

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