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School Days with Pedro Pascal


Estudiante A: Famous Actor (Jhonel)

Estudiante B: Interviewer 1 (Grace)

Estudiante C: Interviewer 2 (Estrella)


Grace: Good evening miss!! Today we will be presenting week five, with my classmates
Estrellita and Jhonel.


Estrella: Welcome back to "Behind the Spotlight"! Today, we have a very special guest, the
legendary, Pedro Pascal!


Grace: Thank you for joining us, Pedro Pascal! How popular and funny you are will be the keys
to making this interview a success.

Student A: Thank you for having me! I'm excited to be here.

Estrella: Now, let's take a trip down memory lane. Can you tell us a bit about your academic
life? What subjects captured your interest the most?

Student A: Well, I was absolutely enthralled by English. The way stories unfolded and the
power of language to create entire worlds always fascinated me. It fueled my imagination for
sure. But I also thrived in science. There was a certain magic in those lab experiments,
unraveling the mysteries of the natural world.

Grace: Interesting! Did you participate in any sports teams back in the day?

Student A: Actually, athletics weren't really my forte. I wasn't the most coordinated kid! But
the stage definitely called to me. I found myself drawn to the drama club, where I could explore
my creativity and lose myself in different characters.

Estrella: The drama club! That makes perfect sense considering your career path and how
outgoing you are. Did you have any favorite pastimes outside of school?

Student A: Absolutely! I devoured books. Reading was my escape; it transported me to

different places and times. And I also loved drawing. I'd spend hours sketching anything that
inspired me, from landscapes to faces. Sometimes, I still try to capture those fleeting moments
with a quick sketch.

Grace: That's wonderful! Can you tell us about any teachers who made a lasting impression?

Student A: There was this one kind and supportive English teacher, Ms. Jones. She recognized
my passion for storytelling and encouraged me to explore acting further. She truly believed in
my potential, and I'm so grateful for her guidance.
Estrella: And what about your classmates? Were you the life of the party or more reserved?

Student A: (Risas) I wouldn't say the life of the party, but I wasn't exactly shy either. I had a
fantastic group of friends, and we always found ways to have fun together. We'd share stories,
jokes, and sometimes even get into a bit of mischief!

Grace: Sounds like you had an amused and fulfilling school experience. But was there anything
you weren't particularly fond of?

Student A: Oh, definitely! Homework was my nemesis. It always felt like a mountain of tasks
after a long day of classes. I'd much rather have been lost in a good book or working on a
creative project.

Estrella: (Risas) I think many of us can relate to that! Well, thank you so much for sharing these
memories with us, Pedro Pascal!

Student A: Thank you for having me! It was a pleasure reminiscing about my school days.


Despedida del programa:

Estrella: That would be all with us, don't forget to keep an eye on our content, more surprises
will come soon, see you later!!

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