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LECTURER: Mr. Kailas Banerjee

TITLE: Geotechnical Engineering Design

COMPLETED BY: Jeremy Bryan

ID NUMBER: 816014061

DATE COMPLETED: May 06, 2020



• INTRODUCTION .................................................................................... 3

• HIGHWAY SECTION DETAILS ………..……………………………………………………... 7

• SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS ........................................................................ 12

• DISCUSSION ………………………........................................................................ 17

• CONCLUSION .................................................................................... 20

• REFERENCES ................................................................................................ 20

• APPENDIX ………………………………………………………………………………………..…. 21


An Initiative to increase the number of housing proposal was presented for areas to
accommodate this housing project. However, the Northern range of Trinidad lacks proper road
connectivity which results in low accessibility of land classes and villages in the region. Therefore,
the task was to provide a new route of construction that would provide an access to the proposed
housing development and as such a new road was be constructed to connect La Canoa Rd to this
new housing development.
A risk assessment was carried out and Broadband 3 had the lowest risk with a score of 83.
This band connected La Canoa Rd to the study area, from there two Narrowbands were drawn
to connect the existing road to the housing area and a multiple criteria analysis was carried out
and Narrowband 1 scored the better result with 81.2. Therefore, a detailed route alignment
spanning from La Canoa Rd to the development was to be defined within broad band 3, narrow
band 1. Figures 2 ,3 and 4 shows the chosen broadband and narrowband as well as the detailed

Broadband 1 Broadband 2 Broadband 3 Housing Development

Figure 2: Image of a Contour Map of Trinidad showing Broadbands and Narrowbands (Cropped)

Figure 3: Image Showing the orientation of alignment from La Canoa Rd to the housing development

Section D-D
Section B-B
Section A-A

Section E-E
Section F-F

Figure 4: Image of the detailed alignment from La Canoa Rd to the housing development.


Figure 5 indicates the sections of the

alignment where the first cutting
section is located. It is labelled
Section A-A.

Figure 5

Figure 6

Figure 6 shows the cross section of section A-A, the blue line indicates the finished road while
the black diagonal line represents the existing ground. Since the existing ground is higher than
the finished road, this section demonstrates a cut.

Figure 7 indicates the sections of
the alignment where the first Filling
section is located. It is labelled
Section D-D.

Figure 7

Figure 8

Figure 8 shows the cross section of section D-D, the blue line indicates the finished road while
the black diagonal line represents the existing ground. Since the existing ground is below the
finished road, this section demonstrates a fill.

Figure 9 indicates the sections
of the alignment where the
first Cut and Fill combination is
located. It is labelled Section B-

Figure 9

Figure 10

Figure 10 shows the cross section of section B-B, the blue line indicates the finished road while
the black diagonal line represents the existing ground. Since the existing ground cuts through
the finished road, this section demonstrates a cut and fill combination.

Figure 11 indicates the sections of
the alignment where another
Cutting is located. It is labelled
Section F-F.

Figure 11

Figure 12

Figure 12 shows the cross section of section F-F, the blue line indicates the finished road while
the black diagonal line represents the existing ground. Since the existing ground is higher than
the finished road, this section demonstrates a cut.

10 | P a g e
Figure 13 indicates the
sections of the alignment
where the second Filling
section is located. It is labelled
Section E-E.

Figure 13

Figure 14

Figure 14 shows the cross section of section E-E, the blue line indicates the finished road while
the black diagonal line represents the existing ground. Since the existing ground is below the
finished road, this section demonstrates a fill.

11 | P a g e

Slope stability analysis will be using 2 equations to evaluate the factor of safety (F) of
two (2) the worst-case cross-sections. Worst referring to the level of steepness. These
equations are the Fellenious solution (Equation 1) and the Bishop routine solution (Equation 2).

Equation 1: Fellenious Solution Equation 2: Bishop Solution

Where C’ = is cohesion intercept L = length of Base

α = the inclination of the base W = Total Weight

b = Width of slice Φ = Angle of internal friction

La = arc length Ru = Pore water pressure ratio (Ub)

U = Pore Water Pressure

12 | P a g e
• Section E-E



Figure 15

Figure 15 shows the cross section of the slope, the blue line indicates the slope or finished road.
The height of the slope is 6.6 and the length was measured to be 19.81. Using these values, the
radius R was calculated.
The soil group for this section is Deep alluvial soil with free internal drainage. The lithology
was determined to be Mica. Phyllite sand and the soil itself was 223 river estate sandy clay loam.
These were taken from the soil map of Trinidad (see appendix, page 21). The cohesion based
on these parameters was a minimum of 50 kPa and a maximum of 75 kPa because the soil is

H 𝐻𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 6.6
𝑅𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑢𝑠, 𝑅 = H + 2 (𝑠𝑙𝑜𝑝𝑒) 𝑆𝑙𝑜𝑝𝑒 = 𝐿𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ = 19.81 = 0.33

= 6.6 + (0.33)

= 7.6 ≅ 8

When using the radius at 8 the arc wasn’t sufficient, so an arc was drawn manually where the
new radius was measured as 20.34.

13 | P a g e
Figure 16 shows the slope sliced
with 10 individual slices. The width,
b of each slice is 2.

Addition Information:
unit weight, γ = 21 kN/m3
Angle of internal friction, φ´= 37°

Figure 16

Using the Fellenious solution below (Equation 1), the Factor of safety (F) was calculated
to be 5.591. While the factor of safety was 5.729 using the Bishop Solution (Equation 2). An excel
sheet was completed showing the detailed calculations.

14 | P a g e
• Section F-F



Figure 17

Figure 17 shows the cross section of the slope, the blue line indicates the slope or finished road.
The height of the slope is 4.15 and the length was measured to be 13.78. Using these values, the
radius R was calculated.
The soil group for this section is Deep alluvial soil with free internal drainage. The lithology
was determined to be Mica. Phyllite sand and the soil itself was 223 river estate sandy clay loam.
These were taken from the soil map of Trinidad (see appendix, page 21). The cohesion based on
these parameters was a minimum of 50 kPa and a maximum of 75 kPa because the soil is

H 𝐻𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 4.15
𝑅𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑢𝑠, 𝑅 = H + 2 (𝑠𝑙𝑜𝑝𝑒) 𝑆𝑙𝑜𝑝𝑒 = 𝐿𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ = 13.78 = 0.3

= 4.15 + (0.3)

= 4.77 ≅ 5

When using the radius at 5 the arc wasn’t sufficient, so an arc was drawn manually where the
new radius was measured as 20.

15 | P a g e
Figure 18 shows the slope sliced with 7
individual slices. The width, b of each slice
is 2.

Addition Information:
unit weight, γ = 21 kN/m3
Angle of internal friction, φ´= 37°

Figure 18

Using the Fellenious solution below (Equation 1), the Factor of safety (F) was calculated
to be 9.88. While the factor of safety was 9.941 using the Bishop Solution (Equation 2). An excel
sheet was completed showing the detailed calculations.

16 | P a g e

➢ With example briefly describe why geotechnical investigation is important in civil


A Geotechnical Investigation studies the physical properties of the soil and rock to identify
and evaluate potential construction problems and where possible from the collected data,
recommend geotechnical conditions for foundations and any other features needed that may
arise during construction. The Investigation reviews all available data such as literature, on-site
exploration and lab testing of samples taken from the site area. On Completion of the
Geotechnical investigation a report is brought forth summarizing the predicted effects of the
surrounding earth on construction at the site as well as the impacts the development might cause
to the land.
The neglection of such an investigation can negatively affect a project and that’s why it is
so important. The most obvious is the cost, the costs of not performing an investigation can be
astronomical compared to doing one at the beginning of the project. Time and resources can also
be affected where sometimes after or during construction something goes wrong and those
materials are wasted, and time must be taken to correct the issue but that could have been
avoided if the geotechnical investigation was done before hand.
The Dyck Memorial Bridge located in the RM of Clayton; Saskatoon Canada highlights a
worst-case scenario where the bridge collapsed six hours after opening. In this case a
geotechnical investigation was done for the landing supports on shore, however, the riverbed
was ignored because it was assumed that it was impossible to retrieve samples from beneath the
water. This poor evaluation resulted in the collapse of the bridge because the central span was
unable to cover the new longer distance the piles created after settling a considerable amount

17 | P a g e
➢ Which two variables are most likely to change over time and under what circumstances,
and to what degree, would you expect these variables to change?

The Factor of Safety (FS) is given by the equation above. The value of FS can vary and that
occurs because the thickness of water (Ground water) and the cohesion (the strength that holds
like particles together within a soil) changes over time. These variables change with the event of
rainfall, this is because the water will seep between the grains. The minerals will incorporate the
water molecules into their structure and this interference causes the lost in cohesion. Water is
heavier than air so when there is rainfall, water replaces the air pores in the soil resulting in the
soil becoming heavier than the cohesion can handle.
When there is rainfall the water table rises, this results in the water filling the pore spaces
between the grains. This water can dissolve the adhesive holding the minerals together resulting
in the reduction of cohesion. Adhesives made from calcite or halite are very susceptible because
these are very soluble in water. With the raise in water table the surrounding soil becomes
oversaturated and all the grain to grain interaction is eliminated and this raises the risk of
Liquefaction occurring.

18 | P a g e
➢ what can be done to improve its stability of the slope

Slope stability is concerned with the condition of inclined soil slopes to withstand movement.
The method chosen for improving slope stability depends on category of slope failure, soil
characteristics and other factors.

Typical slope improvement techniques include:

• Drainage Improvements

Water is usually the reason for the collapse of slopes; therefore, to improve the slope
methods are put in place. Collecting or diverting surface water is one such was of improving the
stability and this may include treating tension cracks that causes infiltration.

• Earthwork

The slope steepness is directly proportional to the stability of that same slope, where the
steeper it is the more unstable and inclined it is to fail. Removing the upper soils of the slope to
create a flatter slope if there is enough space at the embankment toe is seen as a technique for
improving the slope stability. Another technique is filling the slope toe with gravel, rock or soil,
this is called buttressing.

• Structural Improvements

Soil nailing is an example of improvement the stability of the slope. It is a process undertaken
to strengthen the soil with reinforcing bars, referred to as nails where these nails are fitted into
pre-dug holes, then filled at angle of 10 to 20 degrees with the vertical. Another structural
member is a retaining wall. These walls can either be vertical or inclined structures constructed
to provide support to the landscape where the soil’s angle of repose is exceeded, preventing it
from collapsing or slipping. Tie backs along with piles/ drilled shafts and reticulated micropiles
are other examples of structural members that can improve the stability of the slope.
19 | P a g e

After the calculations the Factor of safety for section E-E located at 0+788 was determined
to be 5.591 (Fellenious solution) and 5.729 (Bishop Solution) showing a difference of only 0.138.
For section F-F located at 0+859 the factor of safety was 9.88 (Fellenious solution) and
9.941(Bishop Solution) with a difference of 0.061. The results indicate that this slope is also safe.
With regards to factor of safety, the worse sections were adequate since the factor of safety were
above 1. In a case that a section failed, retaining structures such as sheet piles and retaining walls
could be used to improve the soil’s stability.


Civil engineering bible. Cohesion Intercept of Soils + Typical Values

Geoff Leo, published September 20, 2018, Bridge that collapsed six hours after opening was
built without geotech investigation of riverbed: Reeve, Accessed May 4th 2020,

Engineering Design Consultants, The Importance of a Suitable Geotechnical Investigation.,

Accessed May 2nd 2020

The Constructor, Soil Nailing Technique, Its Types, applications, and installation considerations,
Accessed May 4th 2020,

Craig’s Soil Mechanics by J.A. Knappett & R.F. Craig, 8th ed, Spon Press, 2012

20 | P a g e

Soil Map of Trinidad (Figure 19)

21 | P a g e

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