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Th e bes t Sat urd ay job I eve r had ..

,, 111 \'1111 I' 1 11111111' \' , 1111 y111111 1-1 p1 ·11pl1 · one of t h • us would have
Sh1:1lr -. t .,c,ktlr, dog- walker , and baby-s ltter - most of
.,,,111, ·111111 " , d 1, 11,11•1 111111 • j,,1 111 we_ were being strictl y accu ~a\e
classlc Saturd ay Jobs at the bottom of our CVs, íf
i111l w ,·v,•11 i11 1-1 ,11 , 11 w ,·,·l, 1·11,111 , For the t eenag e r s of today, howev er, it is far more ar:·.
drfficu lt to fioci part-ti me W
111 wl il l, · il ll' y' 1·,, ,11 1111 iv,· rn l1y ;,
U#iiii,IOGiJitiM IG·ifirm

\ \l l1.1f .,,,.., '" ¡i,11'1 111111· jt1l,1¡ :i· ... .
t he
, 111111111,11 w l1t•l't· 1,,. 11 l iv, ·í-' wan ted t o buy a canoe and n e eded f85 . 1 wa_shed
Wh en I w as 16, 1
nd 7 a.m . during t h e week.
buse s at Mldhu rst bu s station betwe e n 3 a.m . ª
h 1( 1·.1.l I h,· 11,·w s p a p,·r :i rl i, 11· :1h11111 Then I wa sh ed th e dish es a t t h e Angel Hotel from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m . 1 was
·s ·111,11;11·1Y Jtl
· 1Is . Wh,, iu 11111s 1
pald f l.l. p er w e ek in ali , and that's how I got the cash . lt is too long agoto know if
p,1s 111 v1· :il1111111111' ¡,,h lh l'y clid ~ ce.
1 ac tu ally iea rnt anythi ng from the e xp er ien
ll l',ld , , ... .1r1 id,· :11-1:ii 11 . A II SWl'r

wilhA I•'.. •=i;iii tJ.hfü·Mi+i1 trJ·1$J s

ting Saturd ay jobs. The first was_seliing vacu~m cleaner
1 d. id two humilia
was work,n g w 1th rny
Whk h Pl'l',' 1011 ... ( door to door. 1 didn't sella single one. The other JOb
ad for a frozen -food deiiver y se.rvice . 1 doubt that a Saturd ay j ob
f,·11 1h:i1 1111• j11h w as grandd
1 autom atic: at age 11 you get a j ob.
l1:11lly paid really tea ches you anythin g. Where I come from, it's
Jearnin g the value of work.' lt was, 'lf I want money, 1rnust
lt wa sn't, 'Hey man. l'm realiy
2 1i kl' d 1hl' pa r1 s of 1h e joh t money after the age of 11.
work for it.' My dad n ever gave me a penny of pocke
w h1·r1· h l' / s lw n 111ld n· s 1
.\ s 1ar1L·d VL'l' Y e arly a nd liMt\1;t-fi!ji@®Mii,i-tftü®
used to work at the Post Office over
f'i11i s l11·d vc r y lal L' In the fifties, when I was a boy. 1
1 earned enough
l'11j11yc d s p e 11di111-1 rim e w i1h Christm as. Many of us did it, and it was fantas tic fun.
scoote r. My favour ite part was going in the lorry t o
1hl' 111 hl'r w , 1rkl' rs • to buy an old motor
didn't have to walk the streets all
s wa s Vl' r y 1111s11n:l'ss ful in collect the mail bags from the station , beca use you
your own house in it, becaus e t hen
11111· 11f'his / her johs day. The other good thing was doing a round with
the basics of workin g for money like arriving
you could stop for a cup of tea. 1 learnt
(i ll'arnc d 1hc i111p11rtam:c oí" it no matter what. lt was a good introd uction becaus e ve ry few
on time. and enjoyin g
cnjoy i ng 1h e work tha t you do
people work for fun . 1 think l'm probab ly the only one.
7 learnc d rhc impor rancc or
••13Mitil'® fiüID§í6MW . -

p1111 c 111aliry
compa ny when I was 16. lt was cold. darnp.
8 _ gor pract ic c in s o mcth i ng 1worked for a sand and gravel*
ant things from that
thar la1 c r h ccam c hi s / h e r jo b and so boring that I cried. l've learned various import
know l'm very lucky to have ajob now that I truly love. 1 also
and arc n 't surc if job. First, 1
paying mínim um wage to people
1h ey lcarne d a ny thin g iearne d that it's crazy to pay banker s million s while
should have to do it. Anyon e who
at gravel compa nies. lt's terrible work and no one
10 _ s t:o ppe d gc t t in g a n y w ee kl y forced to work at that grave! compa ny for ayear.
says differe ntly should be
moncy from h is/ h e r paren ts
afte r s tar t ing his / h e r firs t
par t tim e job
•,;timaam tt 1m ® stackin g shelve s fa r
When I was 16, 1 worked in our local superm arket,
wheth er th is is what
two years. In a job like that you make the decisio n_
doing my A-leve ls, and th e
you want to do for the rest of your life. 1 was
d fór me. as they were living throug h
other guys and girls were really quite please
at talking and teliing stories , and I think I learnt it t here.
my experi ences. 1 am good
or being at the checko ut is t hat
be cause one of the things about stackin g shelve s
I liked best.
you get to pass the time with people . That's what

d Look ar rhe highligh rcd words 6 SPEAKING
and phrases rebred r_o jo~s. and
work our rheir meamng from the In groups of three. discuss the questions about work and srudies. Follow rhe
conrexr. Then march rhem wirh arrows to ask the questions that are most rele,·anr to ~·ou / ~·our parrners.
rhr definirions.

- 110 1111 a regular

roure rhar someone ra kes

when collecring or delivering Have you ever Why did you
Part-time work

What did you

Do youthink
➔ it will help yoo find
something done a part-time ➔ choose it? ➔
-- knocking on people's
doors to try to convince them to
buy something
or holiday job? Did you enjoy it?
learn from
a new or better
job in the future?

1101111 taking things

directly from e.g. a shop or lf you're working now_
lf you're studying now...
business to people's homes
_ 1101111 a job which
involves putting things on What qualification are you Why did you apply for your current job?
shelves, usually in a supermarket studying for?
5 _ _ _ 1101111 the place where
you pay, e.g. in a supermarket What qualifications did you need?
6 _ _ _ 110 1m the smallest What jobs do you think you might
amount of money a job can pay get with your qualificatioh?
you according to the law Why do you thinkyou got the job?
e Which of the jobs mentioned r ,
do you think sounds the best / Do you know anyone who has a job
the worst? you'd like to have? Which job? Why?
In what ways do you thinkworking is
better than studying? Howis it worse?

Whatjobs would you
definitely not like to do? Why?
l lf you could go back in time
and study for a different career.
what would you choose?

► p.116 Writing A Linkedln profile. Creare your own profile for Linkdln
ora similar site.

8 '?}48>)) SONG 5 o'clock world n

~rtm m
4 A LINKEDIN PROFILE d Plan the profile. Uc.,c thc U1;cfuJl·
and Vocabulary Bank St ,;rJy ar,rJ ~'1Y,,,,.
a Linkedln is a website h d 11
f, w ere you can connect with colleagues an tohelp you. ,r, .·
ormer school or ~niversity friends , who might be able to help
vou f nclude a summary ,,f y<,ur prt .
'w h to k.
find a new ¡oh· R ea d t h e b egmmng
· • of Kate Lew1s's
· pro f1'Je. • • \c111 ·.11,
at .· md of company d o you t h mk ' Shoppmg
• Spy 1s?
· What d o 2 G1ve deta, Is about y<,ur td uc· . ,,.
df lr,¡ 1.
you t h mk Kate is studying? previous work cxpcricnct. 1 11

e Write yo ur profile for a '> Ítc li kl: 1.

Account & Settings I Help I Sign Out (o r go to ke .c<,m and en:· l ·..11,h..·
~------ --- - - <I (:" f,n,:

8mi P Useful language: writing a CV cov ..

letter, or Linkedln profile ' enrie
Profile / am curre_ntly wor~í~g ~t / a studE:r,t ;,r
e I am seekmg ª, pos,t,~n m the .., índu~t, ...
VI I .. -. . / have ... years expenence -íng 1


( Kate Lewis Use ~apita[ _

l ~tters for cornpany niJrn~~

countnes, c1ties, languages, and ,ch, ,¡
lntern at Shopping Spy Ud. subjects. J '
it London Retail ~se a full stop(.) after cornpany abbr,,1 , ..
f1 l1ke Ltd. and lnc. ··
A Current Shopping Spy Ud.
y f Check your profile for mic.,takt, (grarr...
'H Previous Zara vocabulary, punctuatio n, and c.,pc:lling¡.
Education University College London ~ p.41

b Now read the rest ofKate's profile and check if you were right.
e Read the profile again. The computer has found eight ~
~ - Can you correct them?

i1 1am ~ studying at University College London and will ~ in June with a degree
in ~ and Marketing. 1am looking for a position in retail or marketing in the
fashion industry. 1am enthusiastic and hard-working, and keen to start in my new ~ -
1already have sorne ~ working in fashion. At present, 1am working part-time as
1 an intern at Shopping Spy Ud., which is a website that helps shoppers find great shops
and sales in London. 1work in the online team, which provides essential information to
customers and ~ - 1have direct contact with customers.
1have also had a part-time sales job at the Zara store in Covent Garden.

Shopping Spy Ltd., London
September - present (9 months)
Sales assistant and cashier
Zara, London

June _ September 2013 (4 months)
1greeted c ustomers and ~ them with purchases. ~ out new stock, and
worked at the till.
.....-- --

study and work VOCABULARY BANK


, , id tlll' tl':,;t ahlHll l lniwrsit y t :nllq_\l' l ,nndo n (UCL) ami ORCOURSE
'l 1
,l , . '
· (illlll'ktl' it with wonls lrrnn dw list·.
a Complete thc gaps with a noun or verb from the list.
!iilfilt}HS , 'ka·1np.,s dissertation /11t~.,•1ql'n/ @culties /'l'a:kll i,./
al2Qly attend ex(llirience get look
1.1ª,llii of res idence 1'h.,:l1 ,w 'ro 1d.,11s/ J.gctures /'kk tJ.v./
éjtttttifiefilieAS a referee skills work write
µostgIBdUates Jl,)()S ( 'w :L'd~II,)(s/ promssors /pr;i' k s;v /
s.e_minars 's1·mII1'I:1, thesis /'0i:s1s/ t utor /'lj u:t::i/
undergIBduates ,\111b\1r:nl~11.11 s/ webinars /'wch111u:,/ What you may need to have
• 'qJJ.fJJj_fi catio11s (e.g. a degree, a diploma)
• _ _ _ _ _ (havi ng done sorne work befo re)

• :i_ _ _ _ (e.g. languages, IT)

• _ ____ (a person who would be prepared
to recommend you) and their contact details

- U

niversity College London, also known as UCL, is one of

London's most important universities. Founded in 1826, it
is based in the Bloomsbury area of central London. The main
1 c11 111p11L is located around Gower Street.
RESEARCH AT UCL What you may need to do



_ _ _ __
out for job vacancies or courses
for a job (a work permit, a place
on a course, a grant/ scholarship = money that
an organization gives sb to help pay for education)
7_ _ _ _ _ a CV and a
covering letter
8_ __ _ _ an inter view
UCL currently has around 26,000 students, both
_ _ _ (students studying for their first degree) and • _ ___ a job offer oran offer for a place
3___ (students studying for further degrees). Further on a course
degrees include a master's degree, usually a one-year course • _____ asan intern ora trainee
at the end of which students have to write a 4_ _ _ _, or a
PhD (doctorate), during which students have to write a doctoral b (2)41 )))Listen and check. W h at do the bold
phrases m ean?
UCL has around 4,000 academic and research staff, and
650 6_ _ _ _ (the highest ranked university teacher), p attend or assist
which is more than any other British university. The research attend = to be present at an event
and teaching is divided into ten 7_ _ _ _ , e.g. Arts and Students must attend at least 95% of lectures
to pass the course.
Humanities, Engineering Sciences, Medical Sciences, etc.
assist = t o help sb t o do sth
Many students, particularly first year undergraduates and Jack was happy to assist Peter wit h gathering
overseas students, live in 8_ __ _ • The majority of others information far the report.
find their own accommodation. Students are taught in tutorials apprenticeship or tria/ period
(small groups of students with a 9 _ _ __ , , or through 10_ __ apprenticeship = a period of t ime working for an
(larger classes where students discuss or study with their employer to learn t he particular skills needed for a job
The apprenticeship to be an elect rician lasts
teacher) or 11 _ _ _ _ (where a large group of students listen three years and there is an exam you must pass
to a talk but do not participate). Sorne teaching may also be in at the end.
the form of 12 _ _ _ (seminars conducted over the internet). trial period = a fixed period of time which test the
ability or performance of sb befare they are offered
Famous past students range from Alexander Graham Bell, the the job permanently
inventor of the telephone, and Mahatma Gandhi, to ali the members They agreed to employ me far a trial period of three
01the pop group Coldplay, who met while at university there. months.

~ p.38
b 2 40>)) L isten and check. W h at do t he bold phrases mean?
e With '·1p·1
, rr 11er,say t 11ree t1lllgsw
1· 111c
· 11 aret L1esam ea11d tuee
which ,,ll·e d'ff. . . . ..
I er ent about u111ver s1t1es l1l your country.

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