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Thanks Fergus.

Another reason why Australia should adopt a bill of rights is to ensure parliamentary accountability.
If Australia adopts a bill of rights, a proper framework in regard to decision making can be
constructed. In saying this, it would also promote public trust in the Government. Where clear limits
on the power of the government would be enforced, society as a whole would have a voice in
political processes such as elections. We can see how our rights as of the moment are not necessarily
adequate enough for particular individuals living in Australia. Take asylum seekers for example; the
case of Al-Kate’s v Godwin shows the clear and undeniable mistreatment of these individuals who
reside in our country. Where currently our rights are relied on the principle of Legality, this power is
thoroughly limited by common law. Because of our current system human rights can really only be
recognised when issues come to court. This creates many issues as human rights concerns are not
effectively recognised until individuals have to undergo court proceedings. Finally, a bill of rights will
provide parliamentary accountability as a formal set list of rights will provide a stronger overall
foundation to rights protection. Our current constitution and lack recognition for human rights is not
adequate in todays society. In adopting a bill of rights, Australian’s will feel as ease and confident in
knowing that the Parliament is held accountable for its actions and that their rights are adequately

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