Grace and Nora Lesson Plan Template

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Lesson Plan Template

Date: Teacher’s Name: Camaj and Coutu

Subject: Social Studies Grade level: 3rd Grade
Learning Segment Title: Visual, Literary, and Performing Arts of World Communities
Length of each lesson: 30 Minutes

Central Focus:
The purpose of this lesson segment is to build upon the student’s previous knowledge of world
community histories, important figures/events, and symbols. This elaboration will create a
deeper understanding of the importance and uniqueness of these communities, and how they
differ from our own in the US. The students will investigate the arts, literature, and music of
chosen world communities and display their understanding through a graphic organizer adjusted
for the appropriate day of the lesson segment. This lesson segment will act as a foundation for
respect towards other world communities and cultures. By educating students on differences in
cultures, these differences will be more readily accepted and integrated into their own lives and
understandings. Respect and tolerance is especially important to NY students given the rich
history of immigrants to the state, and the wide variety of communities in the five boroughs and
entire state.

Essential Question(s):
How do the visual, literary, and performing arts reflect the values and beliefs of a world

Learning Standards:
3.4: Each community or culture has a unique history, including heroic figures, traditions, and
3.4a: People in world communities use legends, folktales, oral histories, biographies, and
historical narratives to transmit cultural histories from one generation to the next.
● Students will examine legends, folktales, oral histories, biographies, and historical
narratives to learn about the important individuals and events of each selected world
● Students will examine symbols of each selected world community.
3.4b: Arts, music, dance, and literature develop through a community’s history.
● Students will explore the arts, music, dance, and literature of each selected world

Concepts/knowledge Skills & strategies

World communities being studied Geography/Maps

Visual art of chosen communities Research/Select Evidence
Literature of chosen communities Infer
Music and dance of chosen communities
Importance of the arts to chosen communities

Academic Language
Language Function

Special Needs of Students
Pre-assessment & Student
Content Differentiation
Process Differentiation
Product Differentiation

Day 1 Lesson Topic: Arts of Different World Communities

Outcomes Assessments
Students will examine the visual art, music, Students will complete a worksheet in which
and literature of the United States. they will give the name and brief (bullet
points) description of the piece along with its
importance to the culture of the United States

Lesson Plan Assesment

Day 1
Introduction: Sponge Activity, Anticipatory Set, Activating Prior Knowledge
Time Teacher Actions Student Learning Activities Form of Assessment
5 1. Pass out small pieces Brainstorming how people,
min of paper (3x4 maybe) places, and things—
beginning that connection to
2. Ask students to draw 2. Draw simple images they the arts— may represent
things they associate with associate with their and connect to communities
their community community (local or state) of all shapes and sizes.

3. Walk around to ask 3. Explain the community

about/consider icons that connection to
appear person/place/thing drawn

Initial Phase Direct Instruction (number the steps of your instruction)

Time Teacher Actions Student Learning Form of Assessment
10 1. Ask students about art, 1. Turn and talk about 1. Share US art examples
min music, or stories that remind examples of “American” and why they think about the
them of the United States. art. US with these arts.

2. Hand out worksheet and 2. Write name, date, and

tell students today will focus country name (US).
on the US.
3. Explain expectations for 3. Take note of
“description” section (name, assignment description
creator, what you notice) and for worksheet
“importance” section (what
the piece means to the
country) 4. Students share elements
of the art that stands out to
4. Pass out image of 4. Students take note of them.
American flag. what stands out to them
about the American flag.
5. Students give a fist to five
on their understanding.

5. Bring students attention to 5. Students take note of

specific elements of our flag the distinct elements of
that are very distinct. (The our flag.
colors, the stars, and the 6. Students share their
thoughts. Teacher highlights
the idea that the flag
represents our country.
6. Ask students to think of the 6. Students discuss with
importance the flag has to a partner.
our country.

Middle Phase
Guided Practice
Time Teacher Actions Student Learning Activities Form of Assessment
10 1. Play “Party in the 1. Students listen to the song 1. Students share words they
min U.S.A.” by Miley Cyrus the first time. Students need clarification on to show
and hand out lyric highlight words they do not their understanding of the
understand. song. Teacher lists and
sheet for students to
defines them on the board.
follow along. Ask
students to highlight
words they do not
2. Students work along with 2. Students give a fist to five
2. Replay the first teacher. They raise their on their understanding of
hand to bring light to anything elements in the song specific
portion of the song for
that reminds them specifically to America and their
students. Look over
the lyrics with students of America, they try to explain significance.
and underline things significance of these
that are specific to elements, and they underline
America. (LAX, cab,
and the Hollywood
sign). Explain why
these elements are
specific to America. 3. Students look over and 3. Students share their
underline anything that answers.
3. Replay the chorus of reminds them of America in
the chorus.
the song. Ask students
to underline anything in
the song that
specifically reminds
them of America. Bring
their attention to lyrics
about the taxi and Jay-
Z and describe how
these are two things 4. Students underline lyrics 4. Students share out the
specific to America. that remind them of America. lyrics that remind them of
Students discuss with a America and the significance
4. Replay the rest of partner the lyrics they of them.
the song for students. underlined and the
Tell them to underline significance of 2 lyrics they
anything that reminds
them of America in the
rest of the song. Ask
students to discuss
with a partner the 5. Students give a fist to five. If
significance of 2 lyrics students are not at a ⅘
they underlined. address questions or
5. Ask students to do a
fist to five on their
understanding of
finding traits specific to

Independent Practice
Time Teacher Actions Student Learning Activities Form of Assessment
10 1. Pass out short 1. Students read the story 1.Students share sections they
min summary of George and make note of sections need clarification on to show
Washington and the they need clarification on. their understanding of the
Cherry Tree legend. story.
Ask students to read
the story. After they
are done reading,
students can ask for
clarification on words
or parts of the story.

2. Ask students to now 2. Students read the story a 2. Students hand in their
glance over the story second time. They underline completed worksheets when
and write down “American” characteristics they are done.
“American” and note their significance.
characteristics in the
story and their

Concluding Phase
Time Teacher Actions Student Learning Activities Form of Assessment
5 1.Pass out papers and 1.Students write one Students share their answers
min tell students to write “American characteristic” to demonstrate their
one “American seen in the art, song, or story understanding of “American
characteristic” seen in examined.
characteristics” in visual arts.
either the art, song, or 2. Students share out an
story examined today. “American characteristic” and
2. Ask students to whether it was from the song,
share art, or story examined in

Follow up: What comes next to reinforce the lesson (HW or supplemental instruction)

Materials: (items, technology, etc.)


Day 2 Lesson Topic: Literature of Different World Communities

Outcomes Assessments
Students will examine the visual art, music, Students will complete a worksheet in which
and literature of Russia. they will give the name and brief (bullet
points) description of the piece along with its
importance to the culture of Russia.

Lesson Plan Assesment

Day 2
Introduction: Sponge Activity, Anticipatory Set, Activating Prior Knowledge
Time Teacher Actions Student Learning Activities Form of Assessment
3 1. Hand out “Do Now” Get students thinking about
min paper. the layout of the world map
and the location of countries in
2. Ask students if they 2. Brainstorm possible relation to our own.
could go anywhere in locations around the world
the world on vacation, and reasons to go, record on
where would they go? Do Now

Initial Phase Direct Instruction (number the steps of your instruction)

Time Teacher Actions Student Learning Activities Form of Assessment
10 1.Ask students what 1. Students discuss with a 1.Students share their ideas.
min they know about partner what they know
Russia. about Russia.

2. Ask questions if confused 2. Give a thumbs up/thumbs

2. Tell students we will about worksheet from down of their understanding
be focusing on Russia yesterday so confusion on the worksheet.
today. Give reminder of avoided today
expectations for
worksheet if necessary
3. Students read along and 3. Students give a fist to five
ask questions if confused. on their understanding of the
3. Display and pass out
story. Summarize the story for
The Frog Prince students if needed.
summary. Read the
summary to students.
4. Students write them down. 4. Students give a fist to five
on their understanding.
4. Identify “Russian”
characteristics in the
5. Students write them down. 5. Students give a fist to five
story. on their understanding.

5. Explain the
significance of these

Middle Phase
Guided Practice
Time Teacher Actions Student Learning Activities Form of Assessment
10 1.Display matryoshka 1. Students observe the dolls. 1.Students share their
min dolls for students. Ask They make mental note of observations and times they
students what they their observations. They think may have seen the doll.
about times they may have
observe about the doll.
seen the doll.
Ask students if they
have ever seen these
dolls before.
2. Students share their 2. Students share their
2. Ask students to thoughts with a partner. thoughts with the class.
think about possible
“Russian” elements of
the dolls.
3. Students make note of this. 3. Students give a thumbs up/
thumbs down on their
3. Bring students
understanding of the Russian
attention to the characteristics in the dolls.
traditional wear of the
dolls. Explain that this
is an example of
traditional wear of
Russia. This is one
characteristic of
4. Students think of what the 4. Students share their
Russia. significance of these dolls thoughts.
can be.
4. Ask students to
think about why these
dolls are important to 5. Students make note of 5. Students give a fist to five
Russia. significance. on their understanding.

5. Explain the
significance of the

Independent Practice
Time Teacher Actions Student Learning Activities Form of Assessment
10 1.Play Russian Folk 1.Students watch the video Students hand in the
min Dance for students. and write down Russian worksheet.
Ask students to think characteristics in the video.
of Russian
characteristics that
stand out as they
watch the video. (They
can comment on both
the dance and music).
2. Ask students to 2. Students write down the
write the significance significance of the video to
of the video to Russia. Russia.
Concluding Phase
Time Teacher Actions Student Learning Activities Form of Assessment
5 1.Explain beach ball 1.Students answer the Students demonstrate their
min activity to students. question/finish the statement understanding of the lesson
(Pass around two they land on when they catch today through the beach ball
beach balls and the beach ball. (Ex: one thing activity.
students have to I learned today was…)
respond to the
question/finish the
sentence their thumbs
land on when they
catch the beach ball.)

Follow up: What comes next to reinforce the lesson (HW or supplemental instruction)

Materials: (items, technology, etc.)

Day 3 Lesson Topic: Music and Dance of Different World Communities
Outcomes Assessments
Students will examine the visual art, music, Students will complete a worksheet in which
and literature of Brazil. they will give the name and brief (bullet
points) description of the piece along with its
importance to the culture of Brazil.

Lesson Plan Assesment

Day 3
Introduction: Sponge Activity, Anticipatory Set, Activating Prior Knowledge
Time Teacher Actions Student Learning Activities Form of Assessment
3 1. Hand out “Do Now” Allow students to make
min paper connections to yesterday’s
class and find contrast and
2. Ask students if they 2. Fill out Do Now with similarities between the two
prefer somewhere answer new countries.
warm or somewhere

3. Explain how Russia

is often associated with
cold, while today’s
country, Brazil, is often
associated with

Initial Phase Direct Instruction (number the steps of your instruction)

Time Teacher Actions Student Learning Activities Form of Assessment
10 1.Ask students to 1. Students will discuss 1.Students will share what
min discuss what they know what they know about Brazil they know about Brazil.
about Brazil. with a partner.

2. Hand out worksheet 2. Ask questions if confused

and tell students today about worksheet from
will focus on Brazil. Give yesterday so confusion
reminder of avoided today.
expectations for
worksheet if necessary.

3. Play “Vou Festejar” 3. Students will listen to the

for students. song.

4. Ask students to think 4. Students discuss the 4. Students share their

about traits from this traits of a song that can help thoughts.
song that can help someone know it is
someone know it is Brazilian with a partner.
5. Students give a thumbs up/
5. Bring the students 5. Students make note of thumbs down of their
attention to this. understanding so far.
characteristics like the
instruments and how
these are distinct to

6. Explain significance 6. Students make note of 6. Students give a fist to five

songs like these have in the significance. on their understanding.

Middle Phase
Guided Practice
Time Teacher Actions Student Learning Activities Form of Assessment
10 1. Pass out “Brazilian” 1.Students observe the
min by Lobo. Ask students picture.
to observe picture.

2. Ask students what 2. Students discuss with a 2. Students share their

they notice about the partner what they notice thoughts with the class. (Bring
colors of the picture. about the colors in the students attention to how the
picture. colors are very vibrant and
that this is a common
characteristic in Brazilian art).

3. Ask students to list 3. Students list things in/or 3. Students share their
things in/or about about Brazil they see in the findings. (Bring students
Brazil see in the picture. attention to the tropical theme,
picture. Christ the redeemer statue,
the houses, etc).

4. Students share their

4. Ask students what 4. Students think of the thoughts.
they think the possible significance of the
significance of this picture.
picture to Brazil.
5. Students give a fist to five
5. Use students' 5. Students make note of on their understanding.
thoughts to piece significance.
together significance of
the picture.

Independent Practice
Time Teacher Actions Student Learning Activities Form of Assessment
10 1.Pass out “How the 1. Students read over the Students hand in the
min Rabbit Lost His Tail.” story and ask about things worksheet.
they need clarification on.

2. Ask students to 2. Students fill out the “story”

identify values section of the worksheet.
important to Brazil
based on the story for
the significance of the

Concluding Phase
Time Teacher Actions Student Learning Activities Form of Assessment
5 1. Explain Dj summary 1.Students work in groups to A fun way for students to
min to students. (Students draft a song going over what demonstrate their
have 2 minutes to draft they learned today. understanding from today's
a song going over lesson.
what they learned

Follow up: What comes next to reinforce the lesson (HW or supplemental instruction)

Materials: (items, technology, etc.)


Resources: (reference any “borrowed” materials for any part of the Learning Segment)

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