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Lesson Delivery Plan

Erika Corredor Alvarez April 10th, 2024

Pay attention to the R-words to activate the brain for learning!

1. Objective (Rigor) - SMART and should be visible on your board daily.

* Develop social communication starting with introduction of themself, using common
greetings and expressing emotions.
Lesson Delivery Plan
Erika Corredor Alvarez April 10th, 2024

2. Opening (Retrieval) – How will you "hook" your students into the lesson--at both the think-
ing and emotional level?
· What will you do to open the lesson to motivate and engage the students’ interest in the
Talking in Spanish introducing myself and telling them how HAPPY I am to be with them and
eager to have them in my class, letting them know my expectations and finishing with a com-
plement like they are so smart and fun.
· How will you help students make connections to prior knowledge?
I will ask them a few questions in Spanish so I can figure out what was the previous informa-
tion they had of the language (if any)
· How will you identify and present your essential questions, Central focus, and Learning
Targets (I CAN statements)?
By engaging in a conversation to measure the level each student is currently at, presenting the
moods we will use and the 3 parts of a day, follow by basic questions
· How will you identify / teach / assess language demands?
Identify: do a circle time and ask the student what words do they know in Spanish (if any) this
will guide us to choose the route we need to take base on their previous knowledge.
Teach:begin with some Spanish talking about emotions, using face expressions to contextual-
ize, once master the meanings of those emotions in Spanish we will move on to times of the
day and will use visual graphics to contextualize and finally we will merge them together and
use connectors to work as the “glue” of our phrases, last we will learn the use of symbols like
period, coma and exclamation mark once master the verbal skill and children are ready for
Assess: Children will be put to test each class by the teacher but they won’t know have the
pressure of studying for the test, simply we will engage in a conversation at some point during
the lesson and we will do a circle time, or have a 2 people conversation where they will use the
words learned and put together a phrase, or a question, if its a question other classmate will an-
swer it
· How will you introduce language supports?
Using graphic examples since they are easier to relate with words, Real object/pictures/graph-
ics, word walls
· Is your opening congruent to the objective?
The purpose is for the children to learn different greetings according to the time of the day and
some moods/feelings. Speaking to them in Spanish will give them a glance of what will be
happening. Once I translate them it will give them a better idea and also will help me to know
at what level we currently are with the class and the Spanish background.
Lesson Delivery Plan
Erika Corredor Alvarez April 10th, 2024
Lesson Delivery Plan
Erika Corredor Alvarez April 10th, 2024

3. Teacher Input (Relevance) – What information is needed for the students to gain the knowl-
edge/skill in the objective? (Be sure you have done a task analysis to break the information/skill
into small manageable steps). How will you use strategies, technology, learning styles? What vo-
cabulary and skills do the students need to master the material? Are the strategies you plan to use
congruent to the objective?
Songs are a great way to support learning since the rhythm and catchiness can help the brain re-
member better, also images.

· Model (Routing) – Outline your I DO activities. Be sure to model strategies and

academic language supports needed.
I will provide all the learning tools (videos, images, games, songs, examples) I have in order to
teach the kids words, their meaning and how to put a sentence together with those words.
· Guided Practice – Students demonstrate a grasp of new learning under the
teacher’s direct supervision. The teacher moves around the room to provide individual re-
mediation as needed. “Praise, prompt, and leave” is an excellent strategy to use. Outline
your WE DO activities. Be sure to incorporate strategies and academic language supports
that are needed.
We will use repetition as a method of learning, since its another language they will need to repeat it
several ways to finally get it in their system, however doesn’t need to be boring, we can always
play games and use other visual tools and sounds to learned properly but also to make it fun and ef-
· Independent Practice (Retaining/Rehearsing) – Students demonstrate an inde-
pendent application of new skill. Outline your YOU DO activities. Students demonstrate
an independent application of new skill. Be sure to praise and assess strategies and aca-
demic language supports that are being used.
It can be in groups or just one on one with the help of a mirror or a video camera we can all prac-
tice what we learn, once again the support tools will play a huge rol
· Check for Understanding (Recognizing) – Practice doesn't make perfect; it makes
permanent. So, make sure the students understand how to proceed before moving to the
practice phase of the lesson. You may need to stop and reteach, so students practice cor-
rectly. How do you plan to assess understanding? What HOTQs will you ask? List at
least 3
· Using pictures they will tell me the mood/feeling and time of the day
· Asking a question letting them answer
· Put words and let them organize the question/phrase correctly
· How will you check for understanding or reteach?
Base on the results obtained I will be able to tell what level are we as a class, is each indi-
vidual and where we need to head or if we need to re route. Reaching will be just going a few steps
back, if is a majority I will have to add more visual and sound content, but if its just a few I can al-
ways use heir peers as a support team, since children learn better from example
Lesson Delivery Plan
Erika Corredor Alvarez April 10th, 2024

4. Assessment – How will we know that the students have individually mastered the objec-
tive? What evidence will be collected? What will be an acceptable score? What evidence will
be collected to demonstrate mastery of language demands?
We aren’t looking for a perfect pronunciation, the goal to reach is that the student is capable to under-
stand and execute composing properly a phrase with the right structure in the right order.
The student just don’t repeat but is aware of the meaning of the words he/she are saying.

5. Resources - What materials will you need for a successful lesson?

Pictures of emotions
Pictures of times of the day (moon, sun, meals, etc.)

6. Closure (Re-exposure) – How will you have the students end the lesson/reflect upon what
was learned?
Using graphic tools asking them what time of the day the picture shows and how will be greet
someone at X time of the day, with the same tool we will use different faces showing some
emotions and the class will say what are those emotions, at the end we will conclude each one
with a greeting and a feeling after putting two pictures together.


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