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Guest Cycle Script

KD: Good afternoon. Thank you for calling Solea Resort. This is Kurt Pielago, your receptionist for today.
How can I be of service?
Atil: Hi, good morning. I would like to make a reservation please.
KD: Great, but before we proceed, may I know how would you like to addressed?
Atil: Sure, you can call me Atil.
KD: Thank you Mr. Atil. May I know your date of arrival please?
Ato;: Yes, ummmm, I will be arriving on the 26th of October until on the 28th of October. Ohh, there are
two of us under this reservation.
KD: Great, please give me a few seconds for I will check the room availability here in our system. ( 5
seconds later ) Good thing, we have available rooms for your chosen dates. Do you have any room
preference in your mind, Mr. Atil?
Atil: Yes, I would like a Double Room.
KD: Great choice, a Double Room will cost $652 each night, is that alright, Ms. Atil?
Atil: Yes, I would like to have that.
KD: Okay, may I ask for your personal details as part of the reservation process?
Atil: Yes, that will be fine.
KD: Alright, may I first ask for your full name and age please?
Atil: My full name is Atil Millanes and I am 21 years old.
KD:For your last name, it is spelled as MIKE, INDIA, LIMA LIMA, November, ECHO, SIERRA,is that correct,
Mr. Atil?
Atil: Yes, it is.
KD: Great, your title would be Mr. Atil
KD: May I also ask for your phone number and email ad please?
Atil: Yes, it is 09452561029 and my email ad is
KD: Thank you, Ms. Atil, do you have any special request?
Atil: I wanted to have a white chocolate and a champagne in my fridge can you do that?
KD: Absolutely, any other request?
Atil: None
KD: How would you like to pay for your reservation, Mr. Atil?
Atil: Credit Card
KD: Amazing, may I know your credit card details? The credit card holder, credit card number please?
Atil: Sure, I am the credit card holder. 4821 9547 5237 7316 is the credit card number.
KD: Great
Atil: Ohh, and I would like my reservation to be guaranteed.
KD: Sure, Mr. Atil . Your reservation have been guaranteed. Your confirmation number will be 96758.
Don't worry your confirmation number will be sent in your email.
KD: Thank you.
Atil: Thank you. Have a nice day.
KD: You're always welcome Mr. Atil. Thank you for calling Solea Resort. We are looking forward for your
stay with us. Have a nice and blessed day!

Shawn: ( Opening the door ) Good morning sir. Welcome to Solea Resort . The front desk is right ahead.
Charles and Atil: Good morning. Thank you.
Myles: Rise and Shine. Good morning sir. Welcome to Sunset Lodge Hotel Bliss. I am Myles Tutor, your
receptionist for today. How may I help you with?
Charles: Hi! We would like to check in.
KD: Great, may I ask for your confirmation number and a valid I.D of yours please?
Atil: My confirmation number is 87321. Here is my valid I.D.
Myles: Is this reservation under the name of Mr. Atil Millanes with a Double Room?
Atil: Yes
Myles: You are successfully checked in. Your room number is 1105 . It is on the 11th floor of the
building. Here is your keycard. Can you please sign this Guest Registration Card?
Charles: Yes, of course! But may I know what is the use of a Guest Registration Card?
Myles: For the guest with confirmed reservation just like you sir, we will hand him/her the Guest
Registration Card and request him/her to fill it with personal database. So that we can create a guest
record and a guest account along with it.
Charles: Now I know thank you for answering my questions.
Myles: No worries sir. It is part of my job to answer all the guest’s questions and clarification. Back to
your reservation.
Myles: Please take that elevator in the side to the 11th floor. Once you arrive in the 11th floor turn right
and the 5th room is your room sir but don’t worry you will be accompany by our hotel porter, David.
Shawn: Good morning sir. Welcome to Solea Resort. I am Shawn, your porter for today. Let me assist
you with your luggage.
You have 1 luggage sir’s, am I correct?
Charles: Yes it is
Shawn: Alright sir. Shall we head to your room sir?
Atil: That would be great thank you!
Shawn: This is our hotel sir. Let us take that elevator. The emergency exits are located in this way and in
that way.
( ding! )
Shawn: This way, sir.
Shawn: This is your room sir.
Atil - Charles: Thank you.
Shawn: Alright sir, in order for you to open your room, you can use your keycard. You just have to swipe
it in the detector and it will open automatically.
( entering first to turn on the lights )
Shawn: Behind your door sir, there is a map of the hotel. The emergency exits are labeled so that you
would know and you can locate them incase an emergency strikes inside the hotel. You can call the front
desk by pressing 0 if you have any concerns. Do you need further assistance sir?
Charles: No, we will be fine. You can go ahead.
Shawn: Yes sir. Have a nice stay.

Kent: Good afternoon, this is Kent your front desk agent. How may I help you?
Charles: Hi, I just want to ask for a Guest Kit? Is that okay?
Kent : Yes sir, that is totally fine. May I know your room number please?
Charles: Yes it's room 1105, but may I know what is include in a Guest Kit?
Kent : The Guest Kit include our Elite Conditioner, World Shampoo, J-Park Island Sanitary Bag, J-Park
Island Dental Kit, and of course an Island Breeze Body Lotion. The bellman would be there in a minute.
Charles: Thank you.
( The bellman knocked on the door with the Guest Kit. The guest opened the door. )
Charles: Hi ,ohh thank you.
Shawn: Your welcome.

Departure Script
Kent: Good afternoon sir. How may I help you?
Charles: Hi, we will checking out.
Kent: Alright sir, may I have your full name and room number please?
Atil: Sure, it is Atil Millanes and we are staying on room 1105
Kent: Do you have any last minute consumption in our hotel facilities?
Guest: None
Kent: Great, may I have your room keycard please?
Charles: Yeah sure, here it is.
Kent: I will just print your bill sir. Kindly wait for a moment please.
Atil: Sure go ahead.
Kent: May I ask about your stay here in our hotel sir?
Charles: Yeees! we really enjoyed our stay here. Guess this is not a 5 star hotel, this a 10 star hotel.
Kent: Glad to hear that sir. Alright sir, your room is paid upon check in. Kindly also check your guest folio
sir before we proceed to any check out procedures.
Charles: I guess they are correct.
Kent: Glad to hear that sir. Alright here is your credit card sir. May I request for your both signature right
Atil - Charles: Sure.
Kent: Thank you so much for choosing Solea Resort for your stay. I hope you will come back in the near
future. Have a blessed day!
(Shawn placed the luggage in the trunk )

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