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Week 4

1. Humid air at 32°C has a dew point of 11°C. using the psychometric chart, determine the
a. Relative humidity
b. Absolute humidity
c. Wet-bulb temperature
d. Dry-bulb temperature
e. Humid volume
f. Specific enthalpy
g. Mass of air that contains 2kg of water
h. Volume occupied by air that contains 2kg of water

(10 marks)

2. Humid air at a temperature of 30°C and 80% relative humidity is to be dehumidified

adiabatically to 40% relative humidity. Water vapour is removed from the system to decrease
the humidity of the air. Draw and label the process flow. With the aid of a suitable diagram,
explain the difference in dew point temperature, Tdp and wet-bulb temperature, Twb. Using a
psychometric chart, identify the final temperature of the air.

(10 marks)

3. Humid air at 35°C had a dew point of 8°C. By using the psychometric chart provided in the
Chemical properties table, determine the relative humidity, wet bulb temperature, humid
volume and specific enthalpy.
(4 marks)

4. Air at 45°C and 20% relative humidity is to be humidified adiabatically to 60% relative
humidity by adding water to the system.
a. Sketch and label the process flow diagram
(2 marks)
b. By using the psychometric chart provided in appendices for the chemical process
principle, estimate the final temperature of the air and the rate at which water
should be added to maintain the humidity ay 20 kg/min.
(11 marks)


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