Section - 9/C: Tutorial & Laboratory

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PDS Tut. & Lab.: II (CS 11001/19001): Section 9 Dept. of CS&Engg., IIT Kharagpur 1

Tutorial & Laboratory

Programming & Data Structure: CS11001/19001

Section - 9/C 


Department of Computer Science and Engineering

I.I.T. Kharagpur
Autumn Semester: 2007 - 2006 (03.08.2007)

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PDS Tut. & Lab.: II (CS 11001/19001): Section 9 Dept. of CS&Engg., IIT Kharagpur 2


Download the file from

Programming & Data Structures ... of∼goutam

View the file using the command kghostview & or

ggv &

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PDS Tut. & Lab.: II (CS 11001/19001): Section 9 Dept. of CS&Engg., IIT Kharagpur 3

Submission of an Assignment

• There will be no hard copy printout

for the sessional work.
• You will submit the C program by ftp.

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Sessional Evaluation

• Correctness of program!
• Regularity of work.
• Programming style.
• Program debugging and testing (by
the student).

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If program plagiarism is detected, both

the source of the copy and the
destination of the copy will be awarded
zero (0) in that experiment.

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Program Header

• Each program should have a header

containing Section (9/C), Machine
No., Roll No., Name, Assignment No.
and a short description of the

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File Name Convention

• The file name will be CmmAA.c, where ‘C’ is

for the section 9, ‘mm’ is the machine number
and ‘AA’ is the assignment number e.g.
C0604.c is the C program file from section 9,
machine number ‘06’, for the 4th assignment.

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How to Prepare the Submission File

• Every input data is also to be printed in the

• Test your program to satisfy yourself before
submission; then do the following: [Let the
program file be C0604.c]

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Submission File (cont.)

• Copy C0604.c to C0604.prn :

$ cp C0604.c C0604.prn
• Let there be five (5) sets of test input. Collect
five sets of output in a file by executing ./a.out
five times in the following way.
$ ./a.out >> C0604.out

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Submission File (cont.)

• Append the output file to the print file:

$ cat C0604.out >> C0604.prn

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Submission File

• You may see the content of C0604.prn by:

$ cat C0604.prn | less
• If you are satisfied, submit C0604.prn by ftp.
• If you are not satisfied, remove both
C0604.out and C0604.prn,
$ rm C0604.out C0604.prn
Fix the error and repeat the process.

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Submission by ftp

$ ftp
Connected to (
220 pclabII102 FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2-5)
Name ( pds09
Password: *******
230 User pds07 logged in.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
> cd assignment04
250 CWD command successful.
ftp> put C0604.prn

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Submission by ftp

ftp> put C0604.prn

local: C0604.prn remote: C0604.prn
227 Entering Passive Mode (...............)
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for
226 Transfer complete.
26 bytes sent in ......... secs (....... Kbytes/sec)
ftp> bye

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C Program, Output & Print Files

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C program for the following function


 x +9 if x < 0,

f (x) =  x4 + 3x2 + 7 if 0 ≤ x < 20,

 12x + 7 otherwise

Test the program with the following set of data.

{−1.0, 0.0, 20.0, −0.99, +0.99, 19.99, 20.001}

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C Program: Header : C0604.c

* Section : C/9 *
* M/c No. : 06, Roll No. : 20MB3007, *
* Name : Arya Bhatta, *
* Assignment No. : 04, *
* Description : Program to calculate a *
* given function. *

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int main() {
float x, fx, temp ;

printf("Enter the value of x : ") ;

scanf("%f", &x) ;

if (x < 0.0) fx = x * x + 9.0 ;

else if (x < 20.0) {
temp = x * x ;
fx = temp * (temp + 3.0) + 7.0 ;
else fx = 12.0 * x + 7.0 ;
printf("\nf(%f) = %f\n", x, fx) ;
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Creation of Output File

$ ./a.out >> C0604.out

$ ./a.out >> C0604.out
$ ./a.out >> C0604.out

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Output file: C0604.out

$ cat C0604.out | less

Enter the value of x :

f(-1.000000) = 10.000000
Enter the value of x :
f(0.000000) = 7.000000
Enter the value of x :
f(20.000000) = 247.000000
Enter the value of x :
f(-0.990000) = 9.980100

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Enter the value of x :

f(0.990000) = 10.900896
Enter the value of x :
f(19.990000) = 160886.031250
Enter the value of x :
f(20.000699) = 247.011993

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Creation of Print File

$ cp C0604.c C0604.prn
$ cat C0604.out >> C0604.prn
$ cat C0604.prn | less

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Print File: C0604.prn

* Section : D/2 *
int main() {
float x, fx, temp ;
printf("\nf(%f) = %f\n", x, fx) ;
Enter the value of x :
f(-1.000000) = 10.000000

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Assignment Programs

• Create a subdirectory assignment07 under

your home directory:
$ mkdir assignment07
• Change your current directory to
$ cd assignment07
• Execute emacs and create files of assignment
programs under the subdirectory
$ emacs &
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