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Tutor’s Name: Brooke Spear Child’s Name: Kamora Session Number: 5

Tutoring Session Plan Anecdotal Notes

Read Aloud with Comprehension & Tier 2 Word Read Aloud:

Kamora seemed to enjoy looking at the pictures first. She looked very
~10min. intentionally at each picture and made notes of the colors on the pages. She
didn’t make any predictions until I prompted her with some questions.
Tier 2 word: Thoughtful
I reviewed who the author and illustrator of a book is. Kamora knew who the
I will have Kamora flip through the book to look at the pictures author was, but she didn’t know what an illustrator did.
and analyze what the pictures communicate. I pointed out our title and explained what strictly went and then I had
explained what she thought “Strictly No Elephants” meant. She replied saying
We will use the 4W strategy. they don’t like elephants. I confirm and restate they are not invited inside with
I will preface explaining stating these question words: the people. The people don’t want them to be their friends.
What? I read the book and modeled how to read with a reading finger. Kamora was
Where? eager to show the words in the story that she knew. These words were sight
Why? words and CVC words.
We will review the questions at the beginning, recall them during
parts of the story and then answer them together at the end. We also noted the word thoughtful and what it meant. Kamora said it means
to think about other people. I affirmed this! I also pointed out the context of
the word thoughtful in our story. It can also mean you think often.

As we went through the book I asked the W questions. Kamora did well. She
learned what a treehouse was and referred to the treehouse later in the book
when answering where the characters went.
Kamora showed a good understanding of what each of these questions were
asking, but needed assistance articulating what she was saying. Each of her
answers were related to the question, but she would need help pulling details
from the story.
I summarized our story and Kamora affirmed and said she liked the story.

Next week I may have her work on summarizing a story to help her
understand the important details of a story when summarizing. Possibly a
sequencing activity.
Writing Writing:
I asked Kamora “What are things that you and your family do in the
~10min. summer?” I told her when we answer this question, we have to think of an
answer that has the word ‘we’ in it. I recalled the encounters with this word in
Write a sentence about what you and your family do in the the story and we talked about the definition.
summer using the word ‘we’.
She initially said we as in “wheee” on the swings. I gently corrected her by
*Teacher will help structure the sentence with Kamora and have saying that is another way to use ‘we’ but I told her to think of our story. The
her physically write her letters. we, we want means you, me and our friends.

Kamora read well today. She approached the text with confidence. She sat up
Student Reads and got her reading finger ready and started reading!

~10min. The one thing that I noticed she still has difficulty identifying /h/ and /i/.
She didn’t know what the letter I was, but once you said it she verbalized the
Student will read the story “Sam” out of the “Take a New Step” phoneme and say /i/ itchy.
Decodable reader. When she came across ‘h’ she paused. After roughly 10 seconds of thinking
time, I told her this is ‘h’. I then asked her the sound, she said hot. She is good
She will do her best to read this independently with minimal help at thinking of other words, so I try to redirect her to listen to the sound. Once
from the teacher. she recalls the sound, I try to use hand motions and some ASL to help
students remember the sounds.
When Kamora comes across the CVC words, she is expected to
sound them out letter by letter and then blend the sounds together.

We will use our reading fingers for tracking each word and its
letters if we stumble on a word.
Word Study Word Study:

~8min. Kamora did well with finding the letters once I sounded out the words.
I said the word gave her a few minutes and depending on the word. She was
Student will construct the following words with magnetic journal. able to identify most consonants. Vowels were a little harder. She had
difficulty finding h, I, and e.
Hip, hop, pig, bag, jig, jet, pet, let, cut, mut, rut, cat, hat

We will try to do at least five.

We will tap out these sounds on your fingers.

Teacher will say the word, student will repeat the whole word.
We will segment the sounds and then the student will select the
corresponding sounds.
The teacher will check them and we will review the correct
spellings together.

Repeated Reading:
Repeated Reading
I read the story twice as Kamora read.
Kamora read through the story twice. The first time was a little bumpy. There
“Sam” from the decodable reader: where one or two words that she had to stop and sound out. She had to sound
out the word ‘sit’ and identify ‘Sam’.
1) Teacher reads. The second time she read through with almost perfect rate and accuracy.
2) Students read the best she can with minimal teacher
assistance. Kamora will use her reading finger. We read the story one final time together. We both used our reading fingers.
3) Teacher and student choral read.
I will wait and let the student lead the reading, until she
hesitates on a word.

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