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A. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the definition of diversity?

 When we hear the word "diversity," we immediately think of ethnicity and
possibly culture. Of course, when discussing diversity, ethnicity, color, and
culture are all important considerations. Race, ethnicity, gender, gender
identity, sexual orientation, age, socioeconomic status, physical ability or
traits, religion or ethical value system, national origin, and political convictions
are all examples of diversity. It can be used to distinguish between groups and
people. It entails respecting and appreciating differences. But there's more to
it. We all bring different viewpoints, work experiences, life styles, and cultures
with us. Diversity is present in many aspects of our lives and plays a crucial
part in our survival.
2. Why is diversity important in the present times?
A diverse environment has multiple benefits for personal development. Aside of
becoming accepting and more aware of other cultures, it can help smash previously
held stereotypes.
Promoting diversity is the first step toward actual inclusion and acceptance, not just
"tolerance." We can learn how to relate to difference in a way that does not have to be
a problem, a barrier, or a threat by increasing our contact with, exposure to, and
dialogue with individuals who are not like us. And, by chance, we may discover that
the people we thought were so dissimilar to us actually have a lot more in common
than they anticipated. Increasing our awareness with these differences (and
similarities) can shape and modify our perceptions, foster acceptance that enables
belonging, and reduce the misconceptions and prejudices that fuel discrimination.
3. What are the two dimensions in Loden's Wheel of Diversity? How can this model be
 Dimensions of diversity can be broken down into two categories – primary
dimensions, which can’t be changed, and secondary dimensions, which we
have some control over.
 First, some states of diversity we cannot control. We don’t choose our physical
abilities. (We’re either born able-bodied or not.) We don’t choose our sexual
orientation. We cannot choose the day we’re born, where we’re born and to
whom (so we cannot control how old we are, our ethnicity or who our parents
However, there are dimensions of diversity we might (given the right
circumstances) be able to control: education, religion, geographic location,
appearance, trade, marital status etc.
 The categories suggest how much influence these differences exert on a
person's beliefs, expectations and life experience.
 The Diversity wheel is useful in explaining how group-based differences
contribute to individual identities.
4. Why are ability and disability considered as another dimension of diversity?
 Everyone has strengths and challenges. Ability is the resources to perform
well at something, while disability is the limits or challenges a person faces.
Having a variety of talents and limits in a workforce is called ability and
disability diversity.
Ability and disability are considered to be dimension of diversity because the
abilities/disabilities to deal with diversity makes the process of working
together at the society. Everyone has their own set of habits and preferences.
Similarly, each person's beliefs, behaviors, and features differ from one
another. This is referred to as diversity. There are people who enjoy singing,
but there are also some who prefer to read literature. Color, form, size,
number, appearance, texture, and other distinctions in living things can result
in diversity. Similarly, humans differ in skin color, eye color, length of hair,
height, and so on. Age, gender, religion, experience, physical appearance,
and other factors all contribute to diversity.
5. How does diversity encourage innovation and problem-solving?
Diversity fosters innovation. It promotes the pursuit of new information and
viewpoints, which leads to better decision making and problem solving.
Companies' bottom lines can benefit from diversity, which can lead to
unrestricted discoveries and breakthrough ideas.
Diversity in nature and character teaches us more about diversity in society.
Working together is made easier by the range of abilities.
Because it recognizes existing distinctions, diversity can foster unity.

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