ENG2D Learning Log 13-1

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ENG2D Learning Log 13

Ms. Flora

Legal English Name: Date: July 20 2023

Unit 3: Non-Fiction – Analyzing Non-Fiction and Grammar Point: Pronouns

Learning Goals Success Criteria

Into Thin Air – Non-Fiction  I can identify audience, purpose, and voice in
a non-fiction text
 I can use pronouns appropriately


 Audience, Purpose and Voice in Non-Fiction Texts

 Grammar Focus: Pronouns
o Practice


 Complete and submit this learning log by the due time

 Read “Into Thin Air” page 1 – 15
 Unit 3 (Non-Fiction) Test – July 25 2023
ENG2D Learning Log 13
Ms. Flora

Welcome to Unit 3! This unit focuses on studying non-fiction texts and how to analyze non-fiction. The
text we will be studying throughout this unit is “Into Thin Air – Death on Everest” by Jon Krakauer.

TASK #1: Analyzing for Audience, Purpose and Voice in “Into Thin Air”

1. Who is the audience of the text? Why do you think so?

Who interesting in adventure and story about Everest mountain, because this story about Everest
moutain and the str

2. What is the purpose of this text? Why do you think so?

Inform – about Mt.Everest and his experience

3. What tone/voice is this text written in? How do you know?

- First person – Jon

- The tone is very serious, but not formal

- Depressing

TASK #2: Grammar Focus: Pronouns

Instructions: Lesson to the lesson and fill in the blanks below.

Pronouns take the place of noun to name _______of a person____________________

We use pronouns to:

 Refer to a noun (called its ) that usually comes before the pronoun.
 Make our writing clearer, smoother and less awakward


 Roberto feels that he can win the race

he is the pronouns , and Roberto is the _____antecedent________________

 Terry and Jim know that they are best friends

they is the pronouns , and Terry and Jim are ______ antecedents___________

ENG2D Learning Log 13
Ms. Flora


 Refers to people or things

 Personal pronouns can be categorized into possessive or into first, second and third person.


my, mine, your, yours, his, her, hers, its, our, ours, their, theirs

Singular Plural
First Person I, my, mine, me We, our, ours, us
(The person
Second Person You, your, yours You, your, yours
(The person spoken
Third Person He, his, him, she, her, hers, it, its They, them, their, theirs
(Some other person
or other thing)


 Formed by adding _______ -self or -selves _______________

 myself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, themselves, yourself, yourselves
 NOTE: Hisself and theirselves are NOT real words.


 Used to ______ ask a question _______________

 who, whom, what, which, whose


 Used to point out a specific person or thing

 this, that, these, those

ENG2D Learning Log 13
Ms. Flora

 Does not refer to specific person or thing

 Anybody, anyone, each, either, none, someone, somebody, both, everyone, no one, neither,
many, few, several, one.


Identify personal, reflexive, interrogative, demonstrative, and indefinite. Highlight the pronouns that
you identified.

1. He sat beneath the shimmering sky, entranced by the beauty of each star’s pronouncement of
its mission to enlighten a corner of the world.
2. “The mistake is all mine,” she admitted willingly, deeply moved by the consequence of her
3. The men in the room each drew a straw to determine who would take the watch until morning.
4. Anna, is this yours?
5. I need help with everything!

Vague Pronoun References: _____________________________________________________

Example: John told Fred that he has beendfc invited to Lucy’s party.

*END OF LEARNING LOG 13* Next class is a LIVE CLASS (July 24 2023) from 7:00 AM – 9:00 AM ET..
Please be sure you arrive to class on time.

Any questions? Email/Inbox Ms. Flora: floradayle@braemarcollege.com

Ms. Flora’s Office Hours (Zoom): Sunday, 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM ET

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