Globalization Learning Journal 1

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1. How did globalization change some people’s lives? How did the changes lead to a


Globalization changes some people's lives because of the significant impact of the advancement

of technology, communication, the cost of labor, finance, and the impact of globalization on the

environment. Through this fast-paced development, some factors could arise, such as global

competition, job losses or opportunities, healthcare facilities, the sharing of information, access

to education, and others. These factors directly affect our daily lives, which results in

improvements in our standards of living. We know that globalization has positive and negative

sides; however, we cannot impede the advancement of technology or the demands of other


The advancement of technology and the cost of labor lead to changes in this particular case

study, which result in offshoring call centers. They eliminate local workers and hire some

qualified and English-speaking individuals in India to perform the jobs of the locals because their

compensation is much higher than the equivalent compensation of the Indians. Therefore, the

companies choose offshoring because the level of work between the locals and the Indian

nationals is the same, but the compensation of the locals is much higher than that of the Indian

nationals. This change leads to conflict because the US and British workers believe that

offshoring is taking vital jobs away from all citizens in their country, which leads them to

become upset, rude, and racist. Some others don't want to talk to Indians, and others say they

don't want to talk to terrorists because of their Indian accent.


2. What was the proposed solution(s) to the conflict? How satisfactory was the solution for

each party?

The proposed solution to the conflict is that the companies began sending their Indian operators

to accent neutralization schools and western pop-culture classes so that their Indian operators

would learn to speak American accents.

I think the proposed solution for each party is not equally addressed because the other parties

benefited and the others did not. It's like a one-sided show in this scenario. The true issue here is

the job opportunities, but because of the cost of labor, the companies found that offshoring would

be a good idea. However, they did not find a solution for other parties; they only focused on

other sides that could benefit the company's interests.

3. Explain ways to avoid or resolve similar conflicts about globalization in the future, even

if rapid globalization continues.

To avoid or resolve similar conflicts about globalization in the future, even if rapid globalization

continues, they must consider the things that would benefit both sides or parties to ensure the

balance of job opportunities. Here are the ways that I think would resolve the issue.

1. Balanced sharing of job opportunities. Even if globalization rapidly continues, it is an

obligation for companies to provide balanced job opportunities in all countries so that there will

be no conflict in any form of situation.

2. Fair trade. Companies must ensure that their employees receive their compensation in a fair

manner. This means that regardless of who and where you are, there should be equality in terms

of salary rates in order to provide a balance of fair trade in all countries when it comes to job


3. Promotes cultural respect. It is the obligation of the companies to ensure that there will be no

cultural conflict within their jurisdiction. They should implement rules and policies that promote

cultural respect in order to avoid conflict between any other parties.

4. Over the years, in what ways has your region become more globalized?

In my region, there are several indicators that indicate that we are globalized. First, we received a

variety of goods and imported products from foreign countries at a lower price. Second, we also

have foreign investors, which offer job opportunities. Third, we also have migrants who help us

with our economic growth through their remittances.

5. Do you see the results of this today? Explain why you cannot see the results of this today.

Definitely yes! We see that there is a big improvement in our region, like infrastructure,

modernization of equipment in all government departments, and even the private sector, like

businesses and companies, adopting these modernizations of equipment because of globalization.

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