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uone 8y Mlss Chufran AlCLhalm

Work sheet U: 2L: 8

Future Simple (will/ Be going to)
Choose the correct answer:
1. We... a holiday next week.
a- Will be b- has c- had
2- I ... write the letter tomorrow.
a- Don`t b- won`t c- didn`t
3- Where (do-did-will) you go Ior your holidays next years?
4- I am (go- going- gone) to visit my grandparents.
5- ( will- do- Are) we going Ior a walk tomorrow?
Use: Will:
The programme is going to be about people. ...................
Use: be going to :
They will discuss everything in English. .....................

%o / in order to + verb 1
Choose the correct answer:
1- I will travel abroad to ... more money.
a- Earn b- will earn c- earns
2- They went to the restaurant to .....
a- Eats b- eat c- ate
Complete the Iollowing answer wit To / in order to:
a- Why is he in Makkah? ( perIorm Hajj)
b- Why did he write to his director? ( get permission Ior his plan)
uone 8y Mlss Chufran AlCLhalm

Work sheet U: 3L: 2

Choose the correct answer from the following:
1- Children in Britain cannot choose between subjects at ....
a- the last year b- the first three years c- the last two years
2- %hey have to choose between science and arts subjects from .....
a- 14-16 b- 14-18 c- 11- 14
3- Saudi students have to study ........subjects when they older.
a- same b- more c- fewer
4- Students in Britain have exams every ..........
a- week b- day c- year
5- %he most important exams are at .........
a- seventeen and eighteen b- nineteen c- sixteen d- sixteen and eighteen
6- When they pass the exams they get ..........
a- a certificate b- a card c- a book d- a ticket.

uone 8y Mlss Chufran AlCLhalm

b:3 L:3
Ihe short ond Long odject|ves

odject|ve Comporot|ve Super|ot|ve
1 Ic|| Ic||er Ihcn Ihe Ic||e:I
2 High Higher Ihcn Ihe highe:I
3 Wice Wicer Ihcn Ihe wice:I
4 Smc|| Smc||er Ihcn Ihe :mc||e:I
5 New Newer Ihcn Ihe newe:I
CuieI CuieIer Ihcn Ihe uieIe:I
7 c|c C|cer Ihcn Ihe c|ce:I
8 |cng Lcnger Ihcn Ihe |cnge:I
ShcrI ShcrIer Ihcn Ihe :hcrIe:I
10 LcIe LcIer Ihcn Ihe |cIe:I
11 ycung Ycunger Ihcn Ihe ycunge:I

12 HcI HcIIer Ihcn Ihe hcIIe:I
13 8ig 8igger Ihcn Ihe Ligge:I

14 Nci:y Nci:ier Ihcn Ihe nci:ie:I
15 Ecr|y Ecr|ier Ihcn Ihe ecr|ie:I
uone 8y Mlss Chufran AlCLhalm

1 Hecvy Hecvier Ihcn Ihe hecvie:I

17 gccc 8eIIer Ihcn Ihe Le:I
18 8cc Wcr:e Ihcn Ihe wcr:I

odject|ve Comporot|ve Super|ot|ve
1 Much {ucnIiIy){unccunIcL|e ) mcre Ihcn Ihe mc:I
2 Mcny {numLer) {ccunIcL|e) Mcre Ihcn Ihe mc:I
3 Few {ccunIcL|e) fewer Ihcn Ihe fewe:I
4 LiII|e {unccunIcL|e ) Le:: Ihcn Ihe |ec:I

odject|ve Comporot|ve Super|ot|ve
1 8ecuIifu| Mcre LecuIifu| Ihcn Ihe mc:I LecuIifu|
2 CcmfcrIcL|e Mcre ccmfcrIcL|e Ihcn Ihe mc:I ccmfcrIcL|e
3 Difficu|I Mcre cifficu|I Ihcn Ihe mc:I cifficu|I
4 Ccmmcn Mcre ccmmcn Ihcn Ihe mc:I ccmmcn
5 Fc|iIe Mcre pc|iIe Ihcn Ihe mc:I pc|iIe
uone 8y Mlss Chufran AlCLhalm

Work sheet U: 3L: 3
Simple Present

Choose the correct answer from the following:
1- $he ( study- studies) English at school.
2- ( Do- Does) she study English at school?
3- $ami ( drive- drives- drove) his car every day.
4- ( Do- Does) we drive a bus?
5- Dana and $ara ( make- makes- made) a cake every $aturday.
6- $he sometimes ( come- came- comes) to school late.
7- He ( do- doesn`t) eat sweets.
Use the Iollowing words in sentences.
1- (go)..................( $imple Present)
2- (eat)................. ( $imple Present)
3- (drink)................ ( $imple Present)

uone 8y Mlss Chufran AlCLhalm

Worksheet U: 4 L: 3

Answer the Iollowing questions:

1- When it rains a lot and get cold in Asir?

2- How are the houses built in Asir?

3- Why houses in Asir have thick walls and low ceilings?

4- Why do people build houses with sloping rooIs and thin walls in south-
eastern Asia?

5- Why do houses in south-eastern Asia stand on wooden legs?

uone 8y Mlss Chufran AlCLhalm

Unit Iour - lesson two Past Simple

Do as shown between brackets:
1- Thousands oI years ago, people (live) in caves. (Correct)
2 - Cavemen lived in houses. (Use: didn't)
3- They drew something. (Ask a question)
Choose the right answer:
1. They (clean - cleans - cleaned) their rooms yesterday.
2. $he (write - wrote - writing) a book at 1425H.
3. (Do - Does - Did) Ahmad drive his car last week?
4. Where did they (go - went - goes - going) last day?
5. Did he play Iootball? Yes, (she, did - he didn't - he did ).
6. Was Mr. Al-Ali a doctor? No, (they weren't - he didn't - he wasn't)
7. They (are - were - was - is) teachers beIore three years.
8. I (meet - met meets ) my aunt a week ago.
9. Where (does - do - doing - did) he travel a year ago.
10.The patient .......... all the pain yesterday.
uone 8y Mlss Chufran AlCLhalm

a- Ieel b- Ielt c- Ieels d- Ieeling
11.Ali ............ his homework an hour ago.
a- do b- does c- did d- doing
12.Cavemen didn't ......... pictures oI houses.
a- draw b- drew c- draws d- drawing

uone 8y Mlss Chufran AlCLhalm


Make paragraph from Lhese noLes Lhe paragraph should be 1he
nouse |n Canada

1asL monLh Canada
2Cold ralny cllmaLe
38rlckbullL houses
3Sloplng roof
61wo floors
7Small rooms
8Modern armchalrs and couches
9llowers and grass ln Lhe garden

uone 8y Mlss Chufran AlCLhalm

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